We already know that Switch is getting Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate this year, with an August 28th launch date giving Nintendo's console another AAA release for the holiday season.
However, it would seem that Capcom may have plans to release another entry in the Monster Hunter series on Switch alongside this updated edition. The company has just shared part of the Q&A session which took place during the 39th shareholders meeting earlier this month, and in it, Capcom was quizzed about the chances of Monster Hunter World getting a Nintendo Switch version.
While the answer was no - Capcom feels World simply wouldn't be possible on Switch - the company did say that Switch might see another Monster Hunter game post-Generations Ultimate.
What would you hope to see from a Monster Hunter entry built from the ground-up for Switch? Let us know with a comment.
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 70
“What would you hope to see from a Monster Hunter entry built from the ground-up for Switch?”
I’d like to just, ya know.....see it.
It would make sense, Generations (X) is meant to replace the Freedom (Portable) series after it became redundant with the core writes being on an handheld.
I would say that it's likely what ever comes to switch follows freedom/portables framework. Take content from the core game and add to a new (more classic) MonHun style game
Amazed Monster Hunter Stories hasn't been given a port yet.
Just hand over monster hunter world tp panic button as capcom are obviously completely inept to do anything right for switch
Yes let it be Monster Hunter 5.
I can live with the switch getting its own versions. I need MH portability
Monster Hunter World just not possible... unless you stream it.

Whatever they do, I hope they manage to bring some of World's QoL improvements over (moving while consuming items, unlimited whetstones and pickaxes, seamless environments, etc.) while keeping the things to do count--and the challenge--as high as it is in Generations. I wouldn't get World for Switch at this point anyway as I'm largely just going through the motions with that game, but another evolution of the series would be great.
Ah, gotta love that word..might. it's an escape hatch for capcom.
@Shiryu don’t give them any ideas!
I hope it's little more like 4 than world.
I liked world, I liked it's presentation, the art, the feel but boy it's too soft (sure fast travel where ever you want, he have more food boosts, didn't prep? Don't worry here's every item you own, don't worry I won't take you map, drop you randomly or suprise you with different monsters) . I don't think you should streamline content delivery (the story missions feeding straight In to the next one) whilst also delivering the smallest amount of content since the first game.
I stopped playing it when the tempered monsters was getting hard and I realised I couldn't go get new weapons or armour to fight them, I never felt MonHun was cheap before (hipcheck hitbox aside) I always had an option to explore. World did something no other MonHun had done before: it lost me.
@retro_player_22 Monster Hunter World is MH5. The devs said so themselves eons ago.
@Djgoa in that sense, hand over Resident Evil 2 + 7 and have them port them too
@abe_hikura agreed, I loved some of the changes, but in other ways it was definitely too soft on hunters. You fly from home base to camp and yet have access to all of your equipment so you can change your whole loadout during a hunt? Prep used to be a big deal, now it's unnecessary. But there are some old school MonHun things I don't miss, like stopping and flexing after taking a potion and having to buy and maintain pickaxes.
Maybe the next MH game for Switch will get everything right.
@MegaVel91 Yeah and Shinji Mikami say Resident Evil Code Veronica is the true RE3 but PS1 still got a number RE. I don't care what they say about MH World, just add a number to the next game so the series doesn't feel out of place.
As long as we get a new Monster Hunter on the Switch I'm perfectly fine with skipping World. Though I will say that I was kinda hoping the next game would be cross platform with Switch/PC/Xbox multiplayer for maximum player potential. I won't turn my nose up at a Switch exclusive though!
@MegaVel91 Monster Hunter World technically is MH5, but I almost feel like they decided to drop the number for it on the off chance that it didn't do well so they could have the option of following it up with a "real" MH5 later to save face if need be.
Always up for more monster hunter. They did a great job with MHW, and got rewarded - hopefully they keep it up. I could care less for XX after playing MHW, Just seems archaic at this point. Make something NEW!
I honestly don’t care what systems MH ends up on. I’ll get these games regardless.
People argued with me, but they are keeping the more hardcore series on handheld it is looking, Generations is way better than World could want to be. It hand holds too much and it kind of makes it not feel as fun. I do like how some of the new systems work but it falls short in a lot of other ways.
@abe_hikura If they make a fresh iteration the graphic fidelity is going to go way up on the Switch too, the only reason GU looks the way it does is because it is a 3DS port.
If they never put anything on the Switch other than the Generations port, it would be criminal, especially after the 3DS was so good to them only a few years ago.
@Dualmask I haven't played world yet but from what many long time fans have said, I feel like I'm not missing out on much.
I agree with you about the pickaxes and gathering but I disagree on the flex after drinking potions. To me it was an essential part of the mechanics of the game. It meant you couldn't just drink potions whenever you want. You had to time it right and make sure you were safe.
Read about this elsewhere. I'm happy that Capcom is considering doing more MH for Nintendo. I hope it continues beyond that!
@NewAdvent NO.
Bring a new monster hunter to switch and I'll bring my switch to work on the daily. Just leave the old mechanics to die. With all of the improvements found in mhw I just can't go back to the clunky stiff style found in past titles. MHW is an accessable title due to it's improvements. While games like generations are still meant for the hardcore fans who resist change. Good for those fans but bad for business.
MHW brought in a whole new batch of players. LOTS of them. They loved world so much that many of them went back to play the older titles only to be completely jarred by their lack of finesse. I can't wait to see what Capcom brings to the switch.
@tedko gotta agree with you regarding the flex. It forced me to time my healing, and it even forced me not to heal and just fight safer and smarter. The flex made me a better hunter.
While many of the QoL changes in MHW are nice, I feel they breed bad habits.
@SomeWriter13 @tedko you guys are right that the flex forced the player to think before they healed, and I agree with the philosophy, but the mechanics of it were illogical. Flexing every single time? Standing in place? It's just not what a person would do especially during a dangerous hunt. I felt that making the healing effect take longer to heal in World (and could be interrupted) was a nice way to balance it. A player would still have to at least make sure the monster wasn't targeting them before taking a potion. MHW was easier for many reasons, moving while healing wasn't necessarily one of them. Heck, I made an armor set and health-augmented weapon that makes it virtually impossible for me to cart and I almost never need to heal at all anymore...that's a much bigger problem because armor skills are basically all bonus with no tradeoff.
I would love some sort of middleground. Truth is I'm eager to play MHGU on Switch but I know I'm going to find myself wishing it felt more like World in some respects; I agree with another person who said a lot of its mechanics are archaic.
@Dualmask I agree that standing in place and flexing in the middle of a battle with some enormous beast is certainly not logical, but I saw it as part of the quirky charm of MH and after initial frustration with it I sort of grew fond of it
The one thing I can say about world is it was the right game to get me into Monster Hunter Series. The other games in the series have been a bit intimidating, so while they did simplify some of the aspects of the game I think it made it a good jumping on point. I'm going to be getting XX when it comes out in August and feel more like I'll be able to hop into the game a lot easier now.
I no into MH ... World can be ported same with ALL crapcoms games, just they to lazy and all to do so
@MegaVel91 This, sincerely. It also amuses me that people would think a Switch Monster Hunter would be a "classic" game. Because even if it's a possibility... chances are the side team in charge of the Portable and Generation series would simply do what they always do:
Making not a "different" series, but rather a "companion" title to the traditionally console-based main titles. That is: following roughly the same rules and mechanics, borrowing some of the same monsters and even creating new ones that the core title could later borrow back for it's "G/Ultimate" edition(or DLC, as some predict will be the case this time around).
After all, why make a "port" that could quickly be deemed the "inferior" version of a game, when you can simply make a new game with exclusive content of it's own to attract players?
That's what they did with their two development teams since 2004, allowing them a new release every single years almost and I don't see World stopping that tradition when they can decide to build on the -momentum- World created to just give more fuel to that duo releases formula.
has there ever been a bad guy in these games? like someone that was able to control certain monsters or is it always just dragons doing dragon things.
I hope they stick to the classic MH style on the Switch. World is okay but I prefer the rougher edges and aesthetics of the 3DS entries.
I really hope its a Monster Hunter Stories sequel that will adapt the anime exclusive "Ebon Riders" story arc.
The game doesn't even run at a locked 30 fps on PS4 and Xbox One, of course it isn't coming to Switch. It would be a miracle if it did. Now a whole new game? That is the best case scenario.
"Might" be another MH after MHGU, eh? Given Capcom's way of doing things, I'm going to say that I doubt that's going to happen UNLESS MHGU does well. Considering the growing install base of Switch owners, the Switch's home-portable nature, and the multiplayer local/online versatility, MHGU "ought" to do good. One thing at a time, no need to get hopes too high. Though I didn't really want to return to the Generations world of MH, I'll go ahead and dive in until further notice. I'm just glad I can bring over my character from MHG that I put so many hours into.
Of course it is. They are not going to cut out a whole demographic to bank on their "made for the west" version of MonHun. Capcom can be silly sometimes but they aren't crazy.
It's another one of those dev responses. If the sales don't show we will not make another one....It's a gosh-damn port of a 3DS game. Now if it was a brand new game with new assets built from the ground up I would give it a chance. Thank you Capcom for another port. Just maybe if I'm bored enough I might get this port.
Will likely be World Portable.
@Dualmask I'm with @tedko on the charm of the flex. It's the silliness of MonHun that separates it from the bleak darkness feel that pervades similar man-vs-huge-beast games like Dark Souls. It's the same as the way they eat meals, and how it's been cats cooking those meals.
Maybe it's because I didn't put a lot of time into MHW (I let my younger brother play that, because I had work and I could only carry my Switch) so MHGU won't feel archaic to me at all.
That said, if the next MonHun on Switch changes to something more in line with the mechanics of MHW, I won't mind. It's still MonHun on a portable, which is exactly what I crave. Plus, having the monsters actually fight each other instead of ignoring one another and just ganging up on you was a very refreshing change in MHW that I would more than welcome to future MH on Switch.
it is all up to everyone that wanted mh in the west for the switch. now that it is coming in August, they should all buy it. Then it will let Capcom know that they made the right decision in bringing it to the west.
I'd prefer Switch get it's own version over a port of world. Easier to
play to the strengths of the system that way.
@damo the actual quote would be nice...
Add voice chat!
Let me guess! It will only happen if switch owners support MHGU release.....
I've never been a big MH enthusiast, but I have MHGU and Mega Man 11 preordered in the hope that Capcom continues to develop for the Switch, and to release those games physically. Say what you will about Capcom as a company, but there's no denying that they have a great stable of games that they could bring to the Switch.
Slow news day, huh fells?
I would be fine with a Stories 2!
Well they waited too long for GU, I'm not buying since I have the Japanese version.
@Spectra -and I personally think you're nuts. There are craploads of features I want to return from World in a Switch MonHun Titles (Namely the Slinger, seamlessness and verticality, slide attacks)
I want most of the quality of life improvements that they made to things to return cause they were sorely needed. The Tackle on the Great Sword makes it a much more usable in general for example.
Not surprised by this at all.
The "Monster Hunter will abandon the Switch becuz World was a huge success elsewhere" mantra was always dumb.
Ohhh yea, whatever it is, if its a straight-up monster hunter game, im in.
Make it with the QOL improvements from World and I'm sold, though I would likely get it even if it doesn't because I'm a hopeless MH fan.
@SomeWriter13 MonHun on portable is exactly what I've been missing too. The game is at its best in local multiplayer mode.
Still don't see why World isn't possible on Switch, mind you it's not visually amazing on Xbox One X which leads me to believe they are a lousy developer. So when they say it's impossible, what they mean is they aren't talented enough to make it happen.
A Monster Hunter game has been in development for the Switch for a while. Like, before the Switch launched.
Before any more posts about the Switch being too weak for World, be aware that if that were the reason, they would have said so directly. What they said was that it was not possible, which can mean any number of others reasons besides power. Maybe they can't allocate a team to do it. Maybe they don't have the time for a port. Maybe they made a deal that prevents it from coming to Switch. No one knows because they are being very vague about it. The assumption is because the Switch is too weak, yet we've seen numerous other games available on PS4/XB1 that one thought would not be possible on Switch. There's even Iron Galaxy Studios that wants to try their hand at porting World to Switch. I'd think that if A.R.K. can be done, then MHW could certainly be tried.
@tedko agree with you 100%!!!
I don't buy that World isn't possible. I do buy that Capcom is not willing to put the time and money into rebuilding the game from the ground up to run properly on Switch. Because that would take real effort, rather than just bundling 20 year old NES and PS1 games and releasing those.
I mean, I am glad someone is releasing retro content on Switch, when Nintendo refuses too, but still... Capcom is not some small indie company with thin resources. They are one of the biggest companies in the industry.
As expected. Any game can run on any system, but the amount of work required to get World in a playable state would be insane, and no 60fps to cut in half either, since the game was only 30fps.
And the brutal truth of the matter is by the time it released people wouldn't really care as much anyways. They'd be ready for a new one by that time anyways.
Forget World. That game is old news now. Almost everyone has played it including myself. It's time to look forward to the future now- MH Generations Ultimate, and then an exclusive MH built ground up for Switch.
Just make a huge open world like BotW or Xenoblade and I think everyone would be impressed and hyped enough.
capcom better not stoop to cloud streaming or their be angry mobs.
Indeed if the Monster Hunter game is a legitimate one and not some mobile port or half hearted attempt, this is exactly what I want. Why shoehorn a game that runs ok on home consoles when you can tailor make one for the system it is for.
Frankly world was okay at best and only became somewhat interesting with the new arch tempered monsters. Solo clears of 2 min for you average high rank monsters was far too easy.
Keep in mind, they didn't say it would be a Switch exclusive
So long as it's as different from the stable Monster Hunter games like World is, I will be happy...I also wouldn't mind a Monster Hunter Stories type of game on the Switch.
Didn't see any mention of exclusive in the actual reference quotes, anywhere
Maybe I won't sell my switch after all. I hope it's nothing like world.
This would be great, but we shall see.
dammit, it finally got off nintedo products, i get GU since it needed to be ported worldwide but i hope the new game is still on ps, xbox and pc rather then switch
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