Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle was something of a smash hit when it launched last year; after initially being disappointed at the sight of early leaks of the game, fans soon realised that a near-masterpiece was being introduced, bringing Mario and those pesky Rabbids together to create a fun turn-based strategy experience. Now a large chunk of DLC is just around the corner, and it looks set to please fans all over again.
Speaking with Eurogamer at E3 this year, creative director (and E3 2017 hero) Davide Soliani has gone into detail about the new Donkey Kong DLC, as well as what the future may hold for the series. Originally, this DLC was going to be a much smaller experience, but the overwhelming positivity from fans drove the studio to create something much bigger and bolder.
"We reprioritised ourselves. It was going to be a small experience, two to three hours, one world. But in the end, it is almost half of the main game. In the main game you have 27 minutes of cinematics. DK has 20. In the main game you have four worlds, this is one but it is as big as two. It's 10 hours of gameplay. We've put everything in - all our passion."
When asked about Ubisoft's plans for Mario + Rabbids in the future, Soliani confirmed that plenty of ideas are still circling around the studio, yet to be used. As you might expect, he wouldn't confirm whether or not we'll see more from the franchise for certain, but we're certainly remaining hopeful.
"We still have loads of ideas. We used one tenth of the ideas. But now the DLC is done... what I can say is we are working out, for the future... [pauses] who knows!... We need time to work on something which makes sense. We are taking that time to see how it goes. You need time to think what you can do to bring something new for players."
The Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Donkey Kong Adventure DLC arrives on 26th June (or 25th June for season pass owners). Make sure to let us know if you'll be joining DK in his latest adventure with a comment below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 66
I still haven't continued my progress of Mario + Rabbids.
Still at the Beginning chapter.
Love this game and still dip in and out - some of the battles have massive spikes in difficulty but it’s one of the best games on any platform in the last few years and certainly a surprise hit.
I’ll grab the season pass for sure
Personally I'm looking forward to the DLC, but I think any new game could do with a rest. Maybe Hyrule Rabbids in 2020?
I normally don't bother with DLC as once I finished a game I'm done with it for a good long time. However this looks even better then the main game and the price is right. Not to mention it's been nearly a year since I played and beat the game so the timing is right as well.
@NewAdvent It's really fun. At sometimes, the game is available as a golden pack in the Eshop. 60 euro for the game and all the dlc (Worth 32 euro) If that deal would reappear in any areas eshop, Id say its more than worthcit to consider.
I really enjoyed this game last year and will definitely be purchasing the DLC. Reading that it's almost half the length of the base game makes it worth it even more!
I recently picked this up again in an attempt to finish the main story in preparation for this DLC. I forgot what a fun, engaging and ultimately hilarious game it is. I’m at the world three boss at the moment and I’ve still got a few days left to finish it. Looking forward to the Donkey Kong chapter and hearing Grant Kirkhope reprise some of his pieces from DK64.
I bought the season pass within days of the game releasing. This was my biggest gaming surprise ever... I wasn't too sure I'd like the game, but it ended up rapidly shooting high up on my list of favorite games ever. Certainly my favorite Switch game, even above Zelda.
Does anybody know in what eShop is the DLC cheapest? I have retail european version.
I'm still on the fence for the season pass, knowing that I'll buy the DLC anyway eventually as the game itself was (and continues to be) amazing.
Despite not being completely perfect, the love and care that went into this project can be heard, seen, felt,... I sometimes even think I can SMELL it.
Still didn't try the taste of a Switch cartridge though.
Now I want to dust it off and buy the DLC
Does anyone have a time stopping machine? I can't get up to date with my games.
@NewAdvent Yeah haha
I saw that in The American Eshop. I purchased it there and am now playing it with my European account. I actually paid 60usd (like 52 euro) for what otherwise costs 92 euro hehe A nice price cut if you ask me!
A grest tip I have, is to buy games in the Japanese Eshop. You will be saving 10-35% on your purchases! Just be sure the game supports English. You can scan the language section with your phone using Google Translate haha its so useful! You might find it cheaper there. Just check out all 3 eshops now and then.
I'm up to the 5th banner, so really early, but it's been great so far. We wont' finish before the DLC comes out but we'll be able to play straight through this summer. I have too hard of a time going back to DLC. I'll never go back to Zelda after starting the DLC - finished the 1 hit kill section. I need to finish the final chapter and DCL for Horizon Zero Dawn, having a hard time going back to that as well after stopping for 40 hours of God of War. So this is the game of summer 2018, main game and DLC. DLC looks even more fun than the main game, looking forward to it.
And today is the last day of school, so tomorrow we break out the Labo. I could have told you that would happen w/ Project Giant Robot, it just looks too convoluted. But I can't talk, my basement is buried in barely used toys. Kids. (My office is buried in old PCs, HDD, video cards, keyboards and mice. Men.)
@Moroboshi876 How many Eshops are there? I have accounts for the EU, JP and USA Eshops. Are there any others that have very different stuff? Oceania prices? Guess thats the most expensive eshop. Or am I wrong?
Other can confirm but don't you need to buy DLC from the region the game is from?
Nintendo franchises somehow make Ubisoft's games interesting...
Excited to revisit this.
@mr12calvin @electrolite77
DLCs usually have to be from the same region, but sometimes ones from other regions work too. It's a shame compatibility can't be checked anywhere. Prices too. We can only check prices of games, but no DLCs.
Aside from this, there is what we know as regions (Americas, Europe -including South Africa-, and Asia), but each country has its prices, especially when the money isn't the same. For instance, in region Europe the cheapest eShop is the Norwegian, although sometimes -now, actually- South Africa trumps it and gets the first place as cheapest shop concerns.
Soliani is the hero we realy didn't deserve and certainly didn't know we wanted.
Looking forward to this thing being absolutely bonkers.
I hope they release this dlc as a standalone retail copy.
Can't wait, this is how you do DLC the right way.
I need to come back and finish the main game. It’s fun and I enjoyed it, but other games just pulled me away from it.
I normally don't buy any DLC but this game is good and the DLC seems worth it so, yeah, I'm going to get it.
Can't wait to play it again!
I urge everyone to tweet at Davide Solani and tell him you would like to see a Zelda+Rabbids. I think it would be such a fun idea. Link, Zelda, Impa, a Goron and many more characters fighting against Rabbidized versions of Zelda enemies and a Rabbid Ganon. We could use swords, bows, hookshots, bombs and magic wands. It would be such an amazing love letter to old school Zelda with art that riffs on Zelda Link to the Past concept art.
I’ve tweeted him a few times and he’s always liked my tweet. I even tweeted at Grant Kirkhope, telling him I’d love to hear his rendition of tr Zelda theme and he liked it too!
@Moroboshi876 Oh yes, I know that hehe
But sometimes theres like a deluxe pack which includes the dlc already. Like the Mario + Rabbits game including a season pass.
@mr12calvin Not for me, though. I already have the vanilla version
looking forward to this, 98% of original game complete, so happy this is large dlc
Another unexpectedly large expansion.
Sounds fully worth the $20, then.
I ignored the season pass for a long time as I assumed that it would ultimately just be a few bonus missions with a couple of new playable characters, but this sounds like a proper expansion that is well worth the asking price. Looking forward to checking it out.
Wow, I am definitely glad I splurged to get the expansion pass now. All I have to do is finally beat the final boss before the DLC arrives...
how about a versus mode!
@NewAdvent yeah i got stung with fifa 2018, bought it january only for it to go on sale in feb. Contacted nintendo customer services who literally said "unlucky".
Might look into this after completing the main game, which I've only played one hour of, plan on playing it more while waiting for smash bros
Noice! very excited to play this.
I'm on 4-3 been meaning to go back to this game for quite some time as it is fab.
Can't wait, the DLC looks superb.
So much passion, I will buy this just for Davide.
I picked the game up super cheap on a sale and was excited for a turn based strategy game. Sadly I was disappointed by the camera angles and lack of ability to zoom out further for an entire view of the board which would have added to the stargety. I only played for about 3 hours
@Grant007 I like stargety games too.
With Ubisoft using another Nintendo IP this year (Starfox), it's becoming clear that their relationship with Nintendo on the Switch isn't just a flash in the pan. Perhaps the next game in this series could expand upon the concept Super Mario RPG-style, even including characters and "worlds" from other Nintendo franchises like Zelda, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Kirby, etc.. That just might sell a few copies...
@mr12calvin South African eshop is the cheapest
Wario and Waluigi campaign? What better way to profit from the No Waluigi in Smash hurt then be like "Hey, he's in this game!"
Great. Wasn't a fan of the Rabbids but warmed to them after after this game came out. Even watched the Keaton-esque TV series - they knowingly steal and reference whole scenes of Buster's films. And Donkey Kong is increasingly looking to overtake MegaMan Zero as my favourite games character ( though that may change if a new Klonoa game was released). I even adore the Konga games.
Awesome, can't wait for this DLC. I also can't wait for the inevitable sequel(s). To me, this was one of the most fun and unique Ubisoft titles in a while.
Oh! That is awesome
Nice, been waiting for this.
@Anti-Matter same. But the little bit i have played i loved. I have so many switch games ive bought but barely played!
I've 100%ed the main game and I'll do that again. This DLC looks gorgeous. Great job, Ubisoft!
I only hoped this came in a physical retail form just like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Torna: The Golden Country.
It's this or Crash Bandicoot. Can't play both so one is OK for now. Never played a Crash game.
Or Mario+Rabbids DK download is less than 50% of the main game.
I'm very much looking forward to jumping into DK+Rabbids. Maybe a sequel can be Mario+Rayman Kingdom Battle? Legend of Rabbids Hyrule Battle? Rabbids+Ridley Lower Norfair Kingdom Battle? Inklings+Rabbids Inkopolis Kingdom Battle? I hope this turns into a regular series.
Definitely Im gonna buy it! One of the greatest game of Switch <3
I haven't restarted yet after nintendo lost my saves in a repair. Need to get back to this game and actually clear main game b4 I touch the dlc.
Bwaluigi makes it into Smash before Waluigi does.
@MrGawain I don't think I could handle Rabbid Zelda or Impa...and Rabbid Link would still be mute right?
Looking forward to the DLC and would love a sequel in the future!
I got about 13hrs from HZD: Frozen Wilds - still a few things I didn't get (what I use as a benchmark now). I think 10hrs in 2 new worlds (with new story) is pretty good for a 19.99 DLC.
They did a great job on the AC: Origin story DLC also. Ubisoft is on a roll.
Wow I didn't expect it to be that much of an expansion, I haven't even touched my copy of the game yet but if I enjoy it enough I will gladly pay for the extra content.
Hmm, sounds better already. Though I first need to continue the original game (I am only in world 2).
@Chrismakem there is a vs. mode that was released as a free update. It's fun although a bit limited. An expansion of that would also be most welcome
This is my favorite Switch exclusive, and I don't normally care for turn based games so that is saying a lot! It's also one of the few games I've 100% finished.
I don't usually bother with dlc but it looks pretty extensive in this case and seems well worth the price. I am really looking forward to jumping back into M+R!
Ahh cool I completed it pretty quick and haven't gone back so didn't know about the vs mode! Is it over the net or just local play?
I desperately hope it does continue. I'll be playing the DLC after I've got my grind in with Ys VIII.
I’d buy anything Mario + Rabbids related in the future. Fantastic game.
@MrGawain Except I think when you bought the Season Pass it mentions two DLCs. This will only be one.
glad they made some real quality content worth the money, the rest of the season pass content was not enough to justify the price tag.
Waiting for a review of the dlc... personally, I didn’t love the challenges much, so I just bought the donkey Kong dlc for $15 instead of all of it for $20.
@NewAdvent In the US, I’ve seen the base game for $24-30 regularly, and the dlc for $20. Idk where you’re from, so maybe this helps... ?
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