Ubisoft unveiled the release date for Starlink: Battle for Atlas at its recent keynote at E3 2018 - and broke half the internet with the announcement that it will feature an exclusive Star Fox crossover on Nintendo Switch - but how does its customisable toys-to-life concept actually work?
Well, Ubi has clearly predicted such a head-scratching response as it's put together a new insight into its new modular toys and how they feed directly into the space exploration and dogfighting you'll be experiencing on your Switch. According to the video below, first you slot your Joy-Cons into a special mount, attach a pilot (each with their own unique abilities), plug in a ship of your choice on top then add all manner of extra weapons and gadgets. It's a cool little idea, but one that could easily become quite expensive...
So there's a little insight into Starlink: Battle for Atlus' toys-to-life setup? Is it enough to revive the genre in the absence of Skylanders et al? We want to hear your thoughts below...
Comments 47
What platforms is this coming to again?
Shortly after my birthday. Getting it
@Shard1 PS4, Xbox One, Switch
You better change that subtitle to “No Man’s Skylanders” now, please.
....No Wii version?
Can you play it without the toys? I’ve been burned by T2L games in the past. I only keep my Lego Dimensions pieces because they display so well.
Do you really have to keep the joycon on a plastic ship? Surely it’s playable in portable mode?
Looks like a great concept for a 12 year old, but as an adult it sort of ruins any possibility of me wanting to buy it.
@RadioHedgeFund @JayJ The toys are optional. Everything can be unlocked digitally.
Don't know if they'll sell the game on it's own though.
As long as I can buy just the game and unlock everything without the need to buy the toys, I’ll give this a chance but if the toys are mandatory (even if it’s just a starter pack) I won’t bother.
You had me until “meets No Man’s Sky”. Not sure I want anything similar to that, to be honest...
Rule #1 - you lose the right to describe the process as "easy" when it requires more than 3 steps. "4 easy steps" is 1 step too many.
This game looks better than NMS but we're done w/ toys.
Funny, I’m more drawn in due to the toys! And I’m 41! Hopefully it’s playable without them for those who’d prefer to pass on them.
Don't say that, there are many adults that collects cars, trains, figures and all kind of these stuff. I'm 37 and thinking about to start a small collection of these toys, would look better in my shelf then the retail packages of games.
Best part about this game is:
The accessories are optional. The entire game and all additional content is able to be purchased digitally
And that's what sold me on the game right there. Because let's be honest- it looks pretty freakin rad.
@Pestilence Okay well a lot of adults don't like to be forced into buying and playing with toy space ships in order to play a video game. It might work for some people, but that is a pretty niche crowd when it comes to people older than a teenager.
Looking at the pages for the starter packs for all 3 consoles. Switch, by far, seems like the most definitive version of this game. The PS4 controller grip thing is wired, as apposed to the other two.
The T2L concept really put me off to the game, so thank god everything can be unlocked digitally (33 year old adult here with 15 amiibo, btw). But now the question is: are they locked behind a paywall?
@Dom "So there's a little insight into Starlink: Battle for Atlus' toys-to-life setup?"
Battle for Atlus!? Is there some Shin Megami Tensei or Persona content that we don't know about?
Wait is this game just an elaborate way of showing how SEGA bought Atlus? Now I'm interested...
All we need now is the LABO ships kit.
Kidding aside - I wish my Macross Plus Airplane toy collection would come to life on my TV.
Does that mean Fox and the gang's Arwings are getting toys?
you can just get everything digitally? Alright, this game has a chance to stand on its own merits. I was worried that even if it was an amazing game, the figures would stunt it's ability to succeed financially as early adoption would be hard. As we see with amiibo too, in many games you literally can't access certain content because the amiibo you want is like $50 on ebay(they really need to make amiibo cards for everything like they said they would).
As with most things, I still will wait to see how the game is before sinking money into it, but I like space battles and hope this does it well.
@JayJ But then again, this time they are optional.
Man, this seems so fun, but I really don't want to buy more toys.
I'd get the Starter Pack as long as the toys don't actually have to be mounted to my controller to be used in-game. Would love the Arwing + Fox McCloud as a collector's piece.
Broke half the internet? Did it though?
I want the toy too.
$tarlink: Battle for Wallets. Unrelated but does anyone want to buy $700 worth of used Skylanders?
I'd buy a Slippy one.
@RadioHedgeFund yup seem a longer video with the devs the game and everything the additional toys add can be purchased digitally
the ship and characters(toys) are optional
No Man’s Sky was pretty bad unfortunately so I hope it’s better than that. That’s 65$ and several hours of my life I’ll never get back
This brings out the kid in me...the trailer felt like it could have come out of a Saturday morning from the 80's...yeah, I'm old.
@Kilroy You betcha they are 😉, so yeah, have fun with that
@DrJiggle I have over $1500 in t2l, but would never sell them
@BraveBiT No they don't, every physical toy unlocks it's digital counterpart, so you can take it on the go
I'm sure they are! Price for the base game + content on day one should not exceed $60. If it does, bye, Felicia!
I may still buy the Arwing as a display piece, though.
@maruse ditto
@Kilroy Skylanders was the same price, as was Infinity, and Dimensions was 100, 75 seems reasonable as most switch games are 60 and this comes with multiple ships and pilots, the Switch version even has more than Xbox and PlayStations
No Mans Skylanders.
I want to play the game but without those toys (which are probably going to cost an arm and a leg). And playing the game with those toys attached doesn't look comfortable at all. It's gimmicky I say.
...could easily get expensive... Understatement much? This sounds like a major money hog!
If I was 10 I would love it. But at my current age if I wanted to play with plastic space ships I would have bought an X-Wing or Armada starter
Still it looks cute.
@NinjaWaddleDee @Vriess @SmaggTheSmug They aren't needed, you can play without the customizable ships and you also have the option to buy them digitally.
@MasterJay Nice! Thanks for the info, pre-ordering this one after the Nintendo showing.
@BraveBiT I know, I really want this, as I only have enough money to preorder 2 games, and smash bros is a must have, but I want to see when metroid prime 4 comes out and if Nintendo surprises us with anything else
Oh! I was expecting the technical details of how the ships etc appear on screen.
A quick calculation of how much all of the toys cost, including starter pack, equals about £185 (oops! no, £220). I need confirmation of the digital pack cost(s) and more info overall. How much do the alternative ships, weapons and pilots improve the experience? Seems too expensive at the moment.
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