Ubisoft has announced that Starlink: Battle for Atlas - the intriguing space dogfighter announced at E3 many moons ago - is headed to Nintendo Switch on 16th October. Oh, and the Nintendo Switch version will include none other than Fox McCloud and his trusty Arwing. Somebody hold us.
Developed by Ubisoft Toronto, you'll explore new words in the Atlas system, head into intense dogfights and do it all in a starship you can customise with the game's real-life toys. Personalising your toy will see the same additions appear on-screen. And that includes the Arwing, available only with Nintendo Switch. Here's the official blurb on Fox's arrival:
"Ace pilot and leader of the Star Fox Team, Fox McCloud is the legendary defender of the Lylat star system. Fox came to Atlas in pursuit of Wolf O'Donnell and his crew, and he has teamed up with the Starlink initiative in their fight against Grax and the Forgotten Legion. Exclusively on Nintendo Switch."
So what do you make of Starlink: Battle for Atlas? Will the addition of Arwings be enough to sell you on its toys-to-life premise? Share your thoughts below...
Comments 110
Nobody predicted (or leaked) this!
I originally thought Mario + Rabbids would be stupid and I was wrong about that so this time around I'm choosing to be optimistic.
That was a great surprise and use of the Star Fox IP. Hope it is some substantial content.
This game looked really cool already.... now its a must buy.
Star Fox: Grand Prix looking great
I love arcadey shooters, but I was timid of this game because of buying the toys. But now there are Star Fox toys with little pilots to put in the ships....
Day one.
I'm wondering if Fox's appearance is gonna be canon to the series at all though LOL.
Sounds like a better Star Fox game than the actual recent Star Fox games. I'm intrigued.
Doesn't look too bad, but I'm still going to be cautious.
Greatest birthday present ever for the greatest birthday of all time.
It might be great but honestly, I would rather have that StarFox racing game.
Looks like StarFox is stuck in a mediocre game again.
Starlink = amiibo in spaceships.
I hope I am proven wrong.
I still don't know how I feel about this game...Especially with the star fox thing
@I_am_Done I believe the toys can be purchased digitally.
I can't wait, I really wanted another huge open world game on switch now that I completed botw, and this looks awesome, star fox us just icing on the cake then!
I also love toys to life (I have spent over 1500 on skylanders, Disney infinity, and dimensions) so I'm good with all that
@KillerTan98 You took the words right out of my mouth! Can’t wait for this!
If Starfox Grandprix is a real thing, starfox might become relevant again. Even though the last game flopped, haha.
Ubisoft seem to have a great relationship with Nintendo at the moment and Mario and Rabbids is one of the very best games on Switch so here's hoping that this is even half as good as that
@Nintendoforlife @I_am_Done They said last year all the toys can be bought digitally, yes.
@Nintendoforlife That sounds great. I just want to play as Slippy and become the hero he deserves to be.
Was not interested in this game literally until now.
It's a Starfox game! Kinda.
Explore new "words", eh? Where are the planets Dictionary and Thesaurus located in that system?
I've had my eye on this one since its announcement. Now I have two eyes on it! It looks like a lot of fun, although I hope the peripherals aren't mandatory.
So is this the Star fox racing game?.....
Is it just me that expected so much more support for the switch !! C’mon even the Wii U had assassin’s creed
I'd consider trying the game... if it didn't have anything to do with toys-to-life.
Star Fox's cameo here will likely wind up being better than the entirety of the train wreck that was Star Fox Zero. Many draw that same comparison using the Arwing sequence from Bayonetta 2.
I really hope there's at least some truth to the Star Fox rumors. Star Fox needs a new game that'll completely wipe away the colossal disappointment Star Fox Zero left. The franchise deserves so much better.
Interesting choice of IP. It does make sense, in hindsight. It's nice to see Nintendo open to letting Ubisoft breathe new life in the series.
The base set is $75 though... Ouch!
Welp, this just became a day one purchase.
Looks immediately better than Star Fox Zero
Starfox content sold me.
I thought they said something about showing us their expansive open world and the factions you could join, but they showed this instead. Maybe they'll show more this week?
Star Fox is a really cool addition though. Very interested.
And suddenly, a third party developer is making what will probably be the best Star Fox game in decades...
To be fair was not excited at first, but then Fox showed up and now I can't wait to see more
Is Nintendo just going to lend all their IP to Ubisoft now? Maybe they think it's the only way Nintendo gamers will buy third-party games?
Are the toys required? The toys are a big turnoff for me.
Interesting, no doubt!
From the Ubisoft info posted over on GoNintendo:
The open-world, customizable combat action of Starlink: Battle for Atlas blasts off for the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PS4 on October 16, and the Nintendo Switch version comes with some famous cargo. Nintendo's Fox McCloud of Star Fox fame, complete with his Arwing, will join The Starlink Initiative as a playable character for the entirety of the game's open-world campaign, including missions exclusive to Fox as add on content.
So...it looks like Fox will play a major part in the game...being there from beginning to end. So...yes...this could end up being a great StarFox game! Also...I like how it expands the StarFox world...in that Corneria and surrounding territories are just a smaller part of a more vast universe.
That looks amazing!!!
We need more Ubi + Ninty now. Can't wait for the inevitable Super Mario Odyssey x Assassin's Creed Odyssey crossover.
Not gonna lie. Probably buying the arwing and game. Wasn’t going to buy the toys originally but now I will be.
@ThanosReXXX As opposed to last time, where a third party developer made the worst?
@Hobbesyall: The new AC not coming to Switch was kinda a kick to the gut, but unfortunately not an unexpected revelation.
@Knuckles-Fajita Yes, Star Fox Adventures.
@Haywired Nintendo said years ago they were open to 3rd parties licensing there IP's. Nothing wrong with that at all
@Knuckles-Fajita Haha, yeah, possibly...
@JasonLee99 No, toys are NOT required to play the game. Only optional.
@Tyranexx it’s so sad to see presentation followed by presentation and nobody shows love for the big N
This game went from 'it looks ok' to 'I must get this' in under a minute.
This is so awesome!!! The only thing I'm wondering is how we'll get the stuff from the other starter packs?
First Mario and Rabbids and now this. Ubisoft is piggybacking on Nintendo’s IPs to sell its own games. Hilarious and genius.
Now this is how you use a Nintendo character. Clap clap, Ubisoft, clap clap. What's ironic, though, this will probably be the best Starfox game ever made, unofficial or not. Color me impressed, since I was never into Starfox, except for Smash Bros.
Ok so I found out the normal starter pack ship is digital only on Switch, which really annoys me. I'll probably just buy it off of ebay or something.
It's not a proper Starfox game, but it looks neat and includes a version of the Arwing for the Switch. I'll probably end up preordering it, when it pops up on the US amazon site.
Still desperately awaiting even just a teaser for a Starfox game.
Whoa! Even more excited now!
@Tyranexx I think it would do a great deal of good for certain editors on this website to take a visit to those planets...
idk how I feel about exploring new words.
@Octane "The base set is $75 though... Ouch!"
I thought you were going to take a nap to rest up for tonight?
You know, it's funny how $75 looks like so much money but a normal game with tax costs me $65 so it really isn't that much of a difference. If there is a Starfox starter set w/ Starfox and the Airwing it will sell. Not to us, but somebody. I'm waiting for the Labo ARwing.
Catch ya later.
@thesilverbrick Let's be real, Nintendo doesn't have the manpower to release a game for all of its ips as often as the fans want. So this is a decent compromise, as long as Nintendo is maintaining quality control.
On the upside, it lets Nintendo focus on a few heavy hitters, and they're definitely trying new things now.
@rjejr Yeah that was my plan. You're all keeping me awake
@DaLoneSheep I'm guessing they'll eventually sell all the ships alone anyway. They need to sell the additional ships this way anyhow.
@Regpuppy Actually they said that on Switch you'll get the ship digitally. I'm still hopeful they'll release it separately as well but if not it's ok.
@Octane That's what you get for dual chatting.
As long as you can get by with just the Star Fox figure
EDIT: Scratch that, apparently I won't even need that, just download it instead.
The way they did this was so clever. Made me care about a game I was meh about.
Nintendo should just reassemble the Treasure team that made Sin & Punishment 1&2 and let them make a new Star Fox.
Ah ok, so the Starfox characters must be reskins of existing characters that will appear on non-Nintendo consoles. That's a bit cheap.
Ubisoft: "Yet again Nintendo, none of our AAA ports will play properly on your underpowered console. Can we do something else to fulfill our contract instead?"
Nintendo: "Hmm...."
@Knuckles-Fajita You mean Adventures? That would've been a second party game, ala Rare.
Assault was handled by Namco Bandai, a third party developer. And at least from what I've heard, that game isn't terrible.
i realy like the look of the game, not only that, the music was magical too.
all this together with fox and his arwing, it can become the best starfox game ever.
im not realy a starfox fan, but this game i must own.
@DaLoneSheep If they don't, they're leaving money on the table. Nintendo has some obsessive collectors among its fan base.
@Phin68 Im talking about Zero.
By Platinum.
I wasn't much taken with it - the design looked quite generic to me and it seems like the starfox elements are just an added bonus to what looks to be an average game I wouldn't want to play. I may well be wrong of course. The real question for me is the rumoured starfox racer from Retro - that's something I can get on board with!
@Shiryu Are you a Gemini as well?
I need to see more but it seems like Starlink is the Starfox I may have never gotten.
everybody is so focused on the games, that nobody noticed something magical.
molyneaux handing over a apreciation gift to miyamoto.
these two guys go along way in the history of gaming, since the eighties. two respectfull men.
for me as older gamer that was something memorable.
also healthy for nintendo, although molyneaux is getting old, he is much respected as visionair within ubisoft.
he would do everything to suport the switch, if he believes in it.
@ThanosReXXX Makes sense, the last great Star Fox games were made by 3rd party devs on the Gamecube.
next year i hope for a new rayman game.
that was my only dissapointment this evening.
@MeloMan Libra.
Gameplay on IGN Live right now!
I won't be getting this, sorry
I'm pleased with the direction Ubisoft is taking with the Switch. I think many people thought 3rd party ports would be the way to support the system. With nearly 2 million units sold, Mario + Rabbids is showing that new IP's with recognizable characters is a successful "strategy" - pun intended . Ubisoft has clearly demonstrated they will take good care of Nintendo's beloved mascots with quality games made by developers who loved Nintendo as kids. I panned Mario + Rabbids, played it, loved it, and ate some crow. I am going to pre-order the Starlink Arwing pack to show my support for Ubisoft. A high quality new 3rd party game from them each year would be something great to look forward to.
Might be cool but NOT FOR 75 $ !!!
A space combat game jumping on board the toys-to-life bandwagon 2 years late? I'm going to buy the heck out of this for cheap after it bombs.
@Hobbesyall: To be fair, Ubi's presentation did show a little Nintendo love, but more never hurts! Besides AC, I was hoping there would be a release date/revealed platforms for BG&E 2, but obviously it still isn't far enough in development for that info.
@Not_Soos: Agreed!
Yeah, I couldn't believe it when he said the gameplay was still from pre-Alpha. Sounds like the game is moving forward at a real crawl, unfortunately.
Already preordered
A new twist to a classic game genre. It would a be above to have de sure.
@Highlar: Yeah....I did think their approach of further development on BG&E 2 was interesting, but I AT LEAST was hoping for a rough release window. Still, as long as the final product is awesome, I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Particularly since I already have plenty of stuff to play. XD
And I got the surprise I wanted. Yay
Ubisoft should have chosen more recognizable characters like Rayman or re-use Rabbids cast for this game. The only selling point at this moment would be Fox Mccloud.
Ubisoft Starlink ones have an ugly design meant to be forgotten
I was psyched for this game last year, but now it's off the charts. And for everyone complaining about the toy aspect; you can buy the different ships digitally if you like.
I feel like this game is either going to be great, or terrible. No in between
Just preordered the Arwing edition starter kit. I envision having the arwing at my desk at work and the game safely at home ready for me to play. I can’t imagine getting into the whole mounting toys to my controller thing but having that arwing on display at work is something I can and will get behind for sure!
No Starfox game from Retro, just this. Lol!
It looks fantastic, now why can't Nintendo just make a full StarFox game with normal controls that looks like this. The toys side of this i have no interest in, it just looks messy.
Considering the recent popularity of a certain other space-faring furball, Ubi was probably more than happy to snatch up Starfox for their space game.
I think Ubsoft are going in the right direction here,making games that will appeal to switch owners with the added bonus of Nintendo IP's included.
Totally agree with you here...although the forums would always prefer scaled down ports of triple AAA games that will not sell.
Ubisoft have figured out how to sell more games on Nintendo consoles... put a ninty character in
@Dom I thought I had heard you don't need the toys to play just buy ingame equivalents.....is this true?
As I don't want to fill my home with plastic toot!
Starlink sounds pretty close to Starwing, which was the title the original StarFox for SNES bore in France.
Sneaky frenchies.
What an awesome surprise, hope we'll find our more about this during the Direct!
Also, this is quickly becoming more Wing Commander than Star Citizen ever went for!
If nothing else, at least they've just guaranteed higher review scores from Nintendo sites...
@StarmanSSP Thanks! I'm actually gonna be 60...
As long as it can be played without buying the toys, I'm in.
The guy presenting the Ubisoft reveal was really sweet. Seems like there are a lot of Nintendo fanboys at the company.
@#$$%&$*%!@$%#$$................. DAY 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I admit the reveal-trailer was nice and the game looks pretty sweet. But its just a cameo, and the game is sadly with toys-to-life.
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