With E3 just around the corner, the biggest game publishers will no doubt be sitting on some juicy, as of yet unrevealed, games ready for public consumption - assuming they haven't all been leaked already - and this leak hints at a particularly strong showing for Nintendo.
The following image, shared by a store employee, shows the result of a system update at GameStop, where product SKUs are added to the database to prepare for official announcements. Amazingly, ten brand new Switch listings have appeared in this update, all currently set up to cost $59.99 - the full retail price for major-release titles.

Interestingly, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One only appear to have received three new product listings. These games are listed at $59.99, $79.99 and $99.99, suggesting that we might actually be looking at three differently-tiered purchase options for the same game. While it's possible that more updates will be added to the system in the coming days, this could suggest that Nintendo may well have a whole lot more tricks up its sleeve than its competitors this year. We'll have to wait and see.
Do you think these could be brand new titles? Do you expect to see any more ports for Switch be shown at E3? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
[source gameranx.com]
Comments 138
Just a week to go. I expect a few ports from Nintendo, but also some surprise new games as well.
Hope Nintendo has a strong E3. This year has been fine, don't get me wrong, and I'm not short of games to play, but it would be cool to see some of the "shock and awe" of last year's releases return (a tall order I know...).
I want to be wowed again!
Share price goes back up!
Well the last time a leak like this happened there was a mini Direct not long after with a lot of new games announced.
Starfox Grand Prix
Pilot Wings
Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Odyssey
Wario's Odyssey with Waluigi DLC
Eternal Darkness 2
Disaster Day of Crisis 2
Donkey Kong 94 HD
That's my guesses to what they are.
Please let one of them be Animal Crossing for Switch
Nice. I would guess Fire Emblem, Star Fox Grand Prix, Yoshi, and, er, there's probably a lot of surprises in there. A port of Mario 3D World is almost definitely going to happen, although I'd love to see that SMT xFE game come as well as I never got around to playing it.
If those 10 games really are all unannounced, then it could be huge indeed. Even if, like, 1 or 2 of them can be of Odyssey-proportions and 5 of them are ports it'd still be enough to put shareholders at ease.
Yeah, these are just placeholders for their system, so they can punch in the E3 announcements as soon as they happen. The prices aren't final, unless you also want to believe that the release dates are final, all ten arriving on December 31st.
My E3 wishlist for Nintendo Switch:
— A NEW 2D ZELDA: either a remaster of Link’s Awakening or The Minish Cap, or something new entirely. Perhaps in the mould of A Link Between Worlds
— LUIGI’S MANSION 3: announced for 2019, but HD versions of LM1 and LM2 coming this year
— SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY DLC: four new worlds, with two coming this year and two next. Worlds based on Mario Sunshine’s Isle Delfino and Luigi’s Mansion’s ghost erm, mansions would be great!
— OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS: new Animal Crossing and Kid Icarus. Plus third-party ports of Nier Automata, Ni no Kuni II: The Revenant Kingdom and What Remains of Edith Finch
Placeholders do not automatically mean that this many games will actually be announced.
I'd be careful with expectations just because of that.
I'd love to see some Breath of the Wild DLC. I can't help but think there's a massive open world sitting there that I'd happily explor further if they'd just give me a reason to do it. 900 korok seeds and 200 hours later and I'd go back to it in a heartbeat!
I'd also like Metroid for early 2019 with a full fledged Halo-esque multiplayer. Is that asking too much...?
I am expecting that most of those will be ports and I am betting in GTA V, a Fallout and a COD on top of Fortnite as the heavy hitters
I'm most excited for Available SKU. It's gonna be awesome!
As much as people like to complain about ports, I wouldn't mind some older Zelda titles ported to Switch. I'm slowly turning into a franchise fan and I have missed everything that was not on a Gameboy or NES/SNES, aside from BotW...
@frabbit There already is BotW DLC: The Master Trials and the Champions' Ballad. Both are filled with useless costumes, but aside from that the trials can be quite fun and the ballad adds quite a bit of story.
Hopefully one of them is the Spyro trilogy.
I can smell the Fallout ... mmm it smells nuclear!
i believe that most of these won't be at E3 next week.
but, i'll eat my words, if they are true.
Well if that leaked document is to be believed and I think at this stage it has to be, we already know what 4 of them will be
Dragonball Fighter Z
Monster Hunter Generations
Overcooked 2
Killer Queen Black
Does FIFA 19 have a placeholder yet? If not then that's another. Same goes for NBA2K19.
I'd a few adjustments:
prime 4 (Metroid, not Amazon).
Mario's Mansion
I am dreaming of a new F-Zero but something new, not a remaster of the awesome GX
Jet Force Gemini 2, 3, 4, etc... to infinity (please let me dream)
Meteos Switch (best tetris like I've ever played)
@SmaggTheSmug Yeah, I'm not a fan of the additional costumes either. Especially since I usually have Link running around in the classic green. The reward for finishing all shrines was the only one worthwhile. I've completed the existing DLC of course but I want... like... more...
It’s clearly Fire Emblem: Destinies split in 10 versions.
@NewAdvent A man can dream...
Disaster Day of Crisis 2
Eternal Darkness 2
Endless Ocean 3
(oh, and 2 Zen Studios' pinball tables with Metroid and Super Mario)
@OorWullie You forgot Zangeki no Reginleiv 2 - English Edition (includes Reginleiv 1 as a first print bonus).
Well, my dreams are:
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Party
1080 Snowboard
Cruis'n (Blast)
Metroid Prime Remastered Trilogy
Perheps RCMADIAX is making a comeback on Switch!
"It's going to be a huge E3 for me. Watch out for Potato Rescue - can you save the potatoes and get the high score?"
"..assuming they haven't already been announced."
Couldn't most of these games be those from that other leak? They are still technically unannounced.
Looks like someone pressed enter ten times because the system wasn't refreshing!
How unrealistic is it to hope for a new kid Icarus?
They better have something because right now there's no new games past July...
I think this speaks to the way that Nintendo manages their announcements. Sony tends to announce early, whereas Nintendo usually focus on the upcoming months only.
Meanwhile, Microsoft go for the approach of not announcing anything.
Some people say that Nintendo have already won e3 thanks to pokemon/smash. One thing is for certain the port or not port of smash will be revealed at e3. A few people are writing of pokemon saying its going to be like pokemon snap 2 but with a few battles added into the mix. And yes i hope they do more with it but we will see. Onto my predictions of e3 line up nintendo not including the obvious ones. Fire emblem, one of the big 2 metroid or bayo 3. Pikmin 4, Star fox gp.
And yoshi is a going to be a no show as it had a trailer at e3 last year and hardly anybody seemed bothered so i think they will go back to the drawing board on that one. I want a yoshi game that is as good if not better than mario like yoshi island was better in some people's thoughts than mario world.
@Miles_Edgeworth Only if they retain those horrible controls.
Switch Sports Club
Switch Play
Switch Music
Switch Fit
Switch Chess
Switch Party
Switch Panorama View
Star Fox Zero Switch
Devil's Third Special Edition
Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival HD
Place holder names, dates and prices. I'm sure we'll get 10 new AAA Switch games in 2018 based on this.
It's probably 10 new Labo sets.
Labo Bird
Labo Gun
Labo Flower
Labo Lollipop
Labo Rolling Pin
Labo Hair Dryer
Labo Hamster Wheel
Labo Fish Tank
Labo Pinball Cabinet
Labo Pokeball
@Darknyht ninja'd me with the lame list, half of yours may actually happen though My other lame list was all Complete games - Pokken DX Complete, MK8DC, BotWC, MvRC, KSAC, XC2C, SMOC but I ran out of games.
I have 16 unannounced full priced Switch games listed in my wishlist, does that count too?
@meppi64 I knew I was forgetting one. Hopefully that doesn't mean no Donkey Kong 94 HD.
@rjejr Well at least one of then will be a new Labo set anyway. Nintendo already said there will be another.
@rjejr I was going to go with Endless Ocean HD, but I figure there will be a release of that on switch when they finally release the headset Labo kit. Just attach the screen and one joycon to the rig to simulate the joys looking around the Blue Ocean, hoping you don't get neck strain before running out of oxygen.
@OorWullie "new Labo set"
I'm hoping Nitneod realizes - after the variety kid sold ok but the robot kit crashed and burned - that they would probably be better off making $20-$30 smaller single kits that parents may buy more of now that they have the variety pack. About half of my list could happen, the rest just popped into my head.
@Darknyht "Endless Ocean HD"
You kid, but I've been wanting that since I played EO2 on Wii. When Wii U launched w/ Fit U there is a scuba diving game where you use the Gamepad as a camera or motor or something, but they never built a full underwater game, huge missed opportunity, like almost everything on the Wii U. Don't make the obvious use game, make SFZ instead. Bonus - EO2 had 2 player online w/ voice chat w/ the Wii Speak peripheral. And it was free. Wii was the good old days, who knew?
@Octane "16 unannounced full priced Switch games"
Are they all PS4 ports? (I'm waiting for YS VIII to release later this month on Switch so Sony can put it on sale on the PSN for $30. It's a trend.)
Oh boy, unannounced titles. That surely couldn't be the case, could it? Better listen to all those pessimistic analysts. At least, they know what they're talking about...
@OorWullie What? No 1080 Snowboarding on that list?
@rjejr You forgot to mention the Labo Glass Half Empty kit. It comes with a pessimism simulator...
E3 Predictions:
Fiire Emblem
Metroid Prime 4
E3 Wishlist:
Luigi's Mansion 3
Skyward Sword HD
Kid Icarus Uprising 2
Nintendo has me playing World of Warcraft inside even though it’s super sunny outside and I could be playing outside on the balcony with Wi-Fi. I finally gave in and bought an iPad because my 3DS and Switch feels dead and I wanted to draw on a screen. I just stopped playing Wii Fit U in favor of the Daily Yoga app. Do I need to say anything else!?
Make me hyped Nintendo, for something that’s coming this summer! And please give us background themes for the Switch! I can’t live without happy backgrounds!
My mind and wallet are ready.
@The_Pixel_King I would love a new 2D Zelda! I loved a link between worlds and can’t wait to see what they do next with the 2D Zelda’s 😁
Also animal crossing Switch needs to happen so I can have no life again!
Personally, I'm hoping that's a big list of third party games. We know FIFA 19 will be one of them. But I'm hoping E3 will give us more third party announcements from Bethesda (Fallout), EA (Madden), Activision (Spyro), and Ubisoft (Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, or Splinter Cell), or 2k Games (GTA V).
@The_Pixel_King a new 2d Zelda would be an amazing announcement. I suspect there will some Zelda announcement, like a Twilight Princess or Wind Waker HD port.
@admwllms ive only been playing 2017 games on switch this year, theres been nothing to appeal to me so far so i hope they come out swinging at E3. I especially like to see some big third party stuff, even ports of old far cry or assassins creed games, or some announcements of new shooters like doom 2 for switch.
@ThanosReXXX I thought I would get accused of being unrealistic if I added 1080. . I have to confess it was a game I never really got into. My mate had it and I borrowed it off him a couple of times but it never really clicked with me. I'd definitely be up for a new one though .
The Xbox and PS4 placeholders will be for RDR 2. That has threee editions at those respective price points.
@8itmap_k1d That made me laugh. lol
@The_Pixel_King you had me at animal crossing and ni no kuni
@ThanosReXXX "Labo Glass Half Empty"
How about
Labo Pitcher
so when Ntineod gives us lemons we can make lemonade.
I'm really hoping that Animal Crossing for the switch is announced. I've been waiting months for this. Also would think that a Luigis Mansion 3 would be nice, but I'm more hoping for Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing
@rjejr labo lollipop... hmmmmm ::squinting suspiciously::
@erv Me too. If it is anything like the original Available SKU not the 2nd and 3rd ones.
Serious prediction time:
Since Pokémon, Smash and Yoshi already have SKUs, and it's too early for Metroid, the First/Second Party listing might be:
> Animal Crossing (it's time)
>Pikmin 4 (finally, they might as well release it if it's been nearly completed all this time)
>Star Fox GP (what else would Retro have been doing, besides DKC:TF port?)
>A 3DS title (some well known franchise)
>Bayonetta 3 (curiously it doesn't have an SKU yet)
And less likely:
>HD Zelda Collection w/ Wind Waker, Twilight & Skyward
The Third Party games might include:
> Fortnite Deluxe Edition
> Spyro trilogy (although the Crash trilogy is only $39.99 in GS)
> Fallout 3 + New Vegas compilation
> Some actually new high profile 3rd Party game
And as a bonus, this is a bit of a stretch, but:
>GTA V (or more likely, the first Red Dead Redemption)
EDIT: I forgot Fire Emblem!! (Weird that we haven't heard much about it...)
@norwichred But the RDD 2 versions are already listed by their own names.
@OorWullie Pretty sure Donkey Kong 94 HD is a lock.
I mean, what else could Retro Studios have been working on for the past 5 years?
Not buying any AA tittle till E3 materializes. Will put money upfront for Yoshi. Let’s see what surprises are coming.
I'm pretty sure the tiered games are sports games.
@Alto Well Switch is a touchscreen. They can make a game called "The Owl and the Tootsie Pop".
I am just excited for the Mario Maker Switch Announcement. It would be stupid of them not to bring it over at this point. I know people who will buy a switch for that game alone.
@ThanosReXXX Ironically 1080 would probably only render at 900p
I would really love to see more Bethesda ports. Fallout 4 maybe?
@rjejr Nintendo Switch Specs:
Multi-tongue capacitive lick screen / 6.2-inch LCD Screen / 1280 x 720
...speaking of which I love that commercial. Every time I count from 1 to 3 I feel guilty not counting with the voice of the owl. Lol
@Moshugan "HD Zelda Collection w/ Wind Waker, Twilight & Skyward"
Curios why you would say "Collection" rather than simply "SS:HD"? SS is pretty much the only main Zelda game to release on only 1 system at this point, not counting a few of the 3DS games, the DS games you could play on 3DS, and Gameboy games on DS.
I can't imagine Nintneod making a bundle when it could sell SS:HD alone for $50.
I've been waiting for a SSHD announcement for about a year now, seems like a lock for this holiday now that BotW is getting old. Unless they release BotW Complete Edition for $60 w/ the DLC included instead.
I do like the rest of your list, Pikmin 4 has been nearly complete since July 2015, THREE years now.
@Alto I was 50-50 on you knowing it, it's 48 years old, so 95% of the people on here weren't even born yet. It's probably a meme, kids today are all about the memes.
And Ninty did flavor the carts, maybe they can make flavored screen protectors that come in the box w/ the Labo Lollipop.
OK, so you are knowledgeable enough for a tootsie pop ad, how about Winky Dink? Kids put a plastic sheet on their tv screen to draw on while they watched the TV show? It's like the original Max and the Magic Marker Wiiware game as a screen protector.
"this could suggest that Nintendo may well have a whole lot more tricks up its sleeve than its competitors this year"
Or that the competition have been releasing and announcing full price games for the past 5 months already - not have people wait half a year for new games 😏
@Mince-Pie If it's not, I'm going to throw my Switch in a lake. And I live in Minnesota, so there are a lot of lakes to choose from.
Yet another indicator that I need to jump on the Switch wagon sooner or later. XD
@The_Pixel_King I don't think they'll announce anything Lugi's Mansion for awhile. That would kill sales of the 3DS "Remake" of the first game.
Pilotwings (WITHOUT time limits) and Animal Crossing. That's all I really need..
Always a good idea not to get your hopes too high. I think at least one or two of those are 2019 releases. A handful may be ports too, but if the rest are new games we don't know about, it's gonna be a good E3.
I am still amazed Animal Crossing is not here. The last game came out in 2012 in Japan. It's a monster seller, and a perfect fit for Switch.
@Angelic_Lapras_King I think announcing Luigi’s Mansion 3 could increase sales of the first game. Whether on 3DS or Switch, people will want to play the first two games ahead of LM.
Ani-mal Cross-ing, Ani-mal Cross-ing, Ani-mal Cross-ing.
@The_Pixel_King possibily, but if one was in development they could of announced it WITH the 3DS remake. Prime 4 wasnt coming for awhile so it made sense to reveal a 3DS game to bind the time. Captain Toad and Fire Emblem Warriors both had 3DS versions released the same day. As good as the LM games are, I don't think they take as long (From announcement to release) to make as say, a new Prime game.
Could happen, but with those factors I think a LM 3 is not happening till at least next year. Ports of the first 2 games on the Switch won't happen yet as those WOULD kill the 3DS Remake's sales.
@Angelic_Lapras_King ( @The_Pixel_King )
No I gotta agree with Pixel King here (ha! you're both kings). An announcement of Luigi's Mansion 3 would probably help sales of the first one. Especially if the 3DS game comes out first, which I think is exactly what the play is. Sort of like an appetizer to the main course.
@MoonKnight7 As mentioned, if one was coming it would have been announced with the remake when that was announced. Even if it was in the vain of "The original LM is coming to 3DS! We also have a new game in development for the Switch, more details soon!"
Some of these could be extreme placeholders or duplicates we already know about (or placeholders for digital keys for games we already knew about.) Things like Wolfenstein.
Fire Emblem? Yoshi? Smash? Something HAS to be coming from Ubi....they're not likely to abandon Nintendo, especially with a successful platform. Fifa? NBA? Maybe it's that MGS4 zombies game nobody wants on the other platforms.
@rjejr Oh, I'm sorry, did I hear you say the $80 cardboard kit crashed and burned? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you can you say that a little louder? It's almost......almost as if it rhymes with "you told me so"....just wanted to be sure
@OorWullie Donkey Kong 94 HD needs to be a thing.
I could fainted in happily from a trailer of proper Animal Crossing for Switch.
@NEStalgia That robot was doomed for failure from the start.
Nintneod Logic - make 1 set w/ 5 construction kits cost $70 and make 1 set w/ 1 construction set cost $80. Brilliant plan. Robot should literally have been half that price, $39.99. And if they couldn't make that work just forget it.
Labo will outlast Virtual Boy, so it has that going for it.
@agramonte, how many first party games that the competition released in the first five months vs third party.? Nintendo has released first party games in the first five months whether port or new and has tons of indie and retro and third party produced in five months.
@rjejr You just figured it out. Labo Virtual Boy Classics for Nintendo Switch System. It even uses the Nintendo naming convention so it much be true.
Oh, so no titles then just placeholder spaces? Disappointing.
I rarely play this card here, but I found the article's title vs. the content to be a tad misleading.
Well, at least I haven't been totally spoiled yet! Hopefully the leaks don't become too crazy before next week.
"As mentioned, if one was coming it would have been announced with the remake when that was announced."
Sorry didn't see your reply when I posted.
Not necessarily, it may have been kept a secret for E3 since the remake wasn't announced very long ago, but I accept your opinion on the matter. Of course, it's always good not to get your hopes up, but I would still wager Luigi's Mansion 3 as "reasonably possible."
@rjejr LOL, it doesn't take much to outlast Virtual Boy. It was on sale for, what, 6 months? Even PSP Go outlasted Virtual Boy.
@Darknyht So we build a cardboard Virtual Boy and play classic VB games on it?
You sir are a genius.
@NEStalgia But 300 years from now people will still be talking about VB and Labo, PSP Go will be comptlely forgotten. As will that 3D monitor and Vita TV. Wonderbook will be fondly recalled as the 2nd worst E3 demonstration ever, after Wii Music of course.
Oooh, Labo SwitchBook. Its' a cardboard book you keep your Switch in and use the Joycom motion to virtually change the pages in a virtual book. Basically a Kindle case but w/ Ntineod magic.
Give us Luigi's Castle!
@ekwcll Nintendo has released 2 ports and a mediocre Kirby. And who cares if 1st or not. Indies are budget $15 games you play when there is nothing else. You think people go and play some retro nonsense instead of Zelda, Splatoon or Mario. Even the article is about "full price" games.
@rjejr I forgot about the 3D monitor thing. Oh that one was awfully short....
OMG the Wonderbook. Why did you have to bring the memory of that monstrosity back into being after it had been chained in the depths of the abyss after so long a time. WHYY? And people thought the WiiU was a bad idea......
You know you almost had me with Labo SwitchBook but then I remembered the death of the reader service on DS. Nah, they did that once before, and they don't like to repeat gimmicks.
So we're all just going to ignore Smash bros with E3? I don't think they will drop a reveal trailer at E3 but maybe a teaser or just mention it, although I do think they'll drop a reveal trailer at a Nintendo direct.
@OorWullie Which one? The N64 version, or the GameCube one?
And I don't think mentioning it would matter a lot, seeing as Wave Race is equally unlikely, and the two games are often mentioned together.
@rjejr You say lemonade, but you probably mean beer...
Better make that kit from special milk carton, then. Wouldn't be of much use if it could only be used once.
I do wonder what the interactive/JoyCon part of such a kit would be, though...
@Jokerwolf Good one. Worthy of your name...
But in all seriousness, if it is ever going to be released (I think not, but a man can dream) I'm not going to be too worried about any potential resolution, though: depending on a new version or a remake/reboot of the GameCube version, 900p would already be almost double the original resolution, and we all know how good HD versions of GameCube games can look...
@ThanosReXXX "special milk carton"
Joycon will get a lot out use when they release - Labo Churner - milk the Joycon to make butter. It will be a spiritual successor to 1 2 Switch milking minigame. Unless that already exists in 1 2 Switch, still dont' have that one.
Slow news day, Nintendo Life? Zzzzzzzzzz.
@rjejr Churning? That's gonna create WAY too much buttermilk because more than half of the population will mess that up, and we've already got more than enough sour pusses on here...
And no, that isn't in 1-2 Switch, only milking. Which in the future might be implemented in the sequel to that Senran Kagura game...
@NEStalgia "and they don't like to repeat gimmicks."
Which is why they put Wii motion back into the Mario tennis game. FYI Mario Wii U did not have a motion option, hence we didn't buy it.
We own Wonderbook, my kids bought a magic edition for my wife, she played it once for 90 minutes. It was on clearance at Gamestop for about $4.98, book and game. My PS3 theme is Digg's Nightcrawler, some gumshoe Wonderbook game that only released in the UK/EU. I think ti had more support over there. Even I never bought the monitor though, but I watched it drop from $500 to $400 to $300 to $250 to $200 over the span of about a month before it entirely disappeared.
It's why I'm still hesitant on PSVR b/c of how fast they dropped that monitor and PSPgo and Wonderbook. But when the $400 PSVR headset went on sale w/ the $50 camera for $200, well I had to. Still haven't gotten our money out of that yet but I think this summer w/ the kids we will, we dont' have central air conditioning but it stays very cool in the basement were we keep all of our stuff. I spent all last summer down there playing Zelda BotW.
-Mario Party 11
-Metroid Prime 4
-Metroid Prime Trilogy remastered
-Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC 3
-Golden Sun Switch
-Advance Wars Switch
-Pokemon Switch
-Donkey Kong World
-Star Fox Switch
-Super Mario World 3
-Eternal Darkness 2
That's enough for me
@rjejr Yeah I didn't even know they put motion back in Tennis. Well with the Joycon pair it makes sense. With the Gamepad, not so much. It's kind of an "undocumented feature". I don't intend to use it mind you....
A PS CC and a Wonderbook. You never cease to surprise. Soon you'll be telling me how the Cell processor was ahead of its time, and the PS5 will be a quantum computing powerhouse.
PSVR isn't what I think of when I think "un-airconditioned summer". More of a fall/winter thing to me. I really do want to tackle Moss and Skyrim when I get a chance. And whatever else they're announcing this week possibly.
@Jjop14 "-Eternal Darkness 2" Oh no, please not another 6 months of Dennis Dyack related news stories. We lived that nightmare during WiiU year 1 already.
@ThanosReXXX "Senran Kagura game.."
Senran Kagura: Happy Endings
That would be pretty difficult to implement in a Labo game though, one and done.
Did I ever tell you that I decided Senran Kagura translates to "Doggy style in the rain" from the literal translation - "In the rain, doggy style". It doesn't, but it worked so well that's what my brain always sees why I read those words.
Maybe one of the unannounced games will be SK:PBS? (keeping it on topic donchaknow)
@OorWullie Donkey 94 HD I'd pay 120 dollars for...even if digital only.
Mario Maker is all the Switch needs, it is the only reason I still use my Wii U as of now, there are still literally millions of people who play it daily so we will hear something about it I am sure, and there is ALWAYS a Mario game at E3 and sports titles don't count.
@rjejr Thanks, I tried to keep my list as realistic as possible, with maybe the exception of that collection...
@tchjsa11 You guys are right the Skyward Sword HD could be sold alone for a full price. But I'm sure Nintendo will want to offer as many Zelda's as possible on Switch eventually.
place holder prices and we know most of them already dont we?
Pokemon Brown
Pokemon Yellow
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Fifa 19
Monster Hunter Generations
Would love to hear that Madden is coming to the Switch. ...
@OorWullie list is amazing
How about they pull something similar to what they did last year and revamp zelda 2 the same way they revamped metroid 2? That game probably deserves a remake more than any game in the series, just like metroid 2. It would be more appreciated with a more tame difficulty curve in a 3d environment like ocarina. More than the brutal 2d original for sure. I would even take this on the 3ds if they want to skip switch for some reason, like Samus Returns.
Quick question: is E3 too early for Monster Hunter to be listed at Gamestop? Game's not coming out until August.
@Moshugan Zelda every year, either 3D ports of 3DS ports. If they were to make a collection it would probably be older stuff like "Seasons" or 1 & 2. I've never played a portable Zelda game but I'd play an HD port of A Link Between Worlds, or a sequel with Switch graphics, it looked fun.
So between old games and new games a Zelda every year. Collections will probably come eventually but I think SS:HD will come first.
My kids really want a "Zelda Maker". I'm not sure if that could work in 3D but a 2D fighting game like Zelda 2 should, but more of a platformer like Subspace Emissary. Maybe even Zelda 1.
@NEStalgia "Well with the Joycon pair it makes sense. With the Gamepad, not so much."
It's funny, b/c you could use the Wiimotes in Maris Tennis on Wii U but only held sideways, no motion. Why bother supporting them if you arne't going to support motion in a tennis game?
At some point today we were discussing backlogs. I should probably mention I'm currently enjoying a free week of Starz, 6 free months of Amazon Prime, and a free month of Netflix, so I'm watching a lot of playing very little. After my free month of Netflix expires I'm signing up for a month of HBO to watch season 1 & 2 of Westworld. I've seen 1 once but I need to watch it again before watching 2. So that's 20 hours in July.
And none of that is on my Switch.
My Main expectations and hopes for E3:
Smash Bros Switch (Hopefully a whole new game and not a port)
Star Fox Grand Prix (Which I hope will be like Wipeout). port of Star Fox Zero with better controls
Metroid Prime 4 (even though its prob not coming until next year) but we get Prime Trilogy to tide us over.
Fire Emblem Switch (even though its prob not coming until next year)
Yoshi for this Fall
Switch Animal Crossing (hopefully doesnt link to mobile game)
Lets Go Pikachu & Evee
Mario Maker Switch.
Software Classic collections (think a Switch Cart version of NES mini)
N64 Classic Collection (Cart rather than a physical machine) with online multiplayer on certain titles.
Some new indie ports: Cuphead, Into the Breach, FTL, The Witness,
Crazy Mario Sports title... (Mario Wrestling)
Some sort of LABO arcade machine
Maybe a new IP?
Pokémon Let’s Go Bulbasaur
Pokémon Let’s Go Squirtle
Pokémon Let’s Go Charmander
Pokémon Let’s Go Clefairy
Pokémon Let’s Go Mew
Pokémon Let’s Go Jynx
Pokémon Let’s Go Magikarp
Pokémon Let’s Go Poliwhirl
Pokémon Let’s Go Dunsparce
Pokémon Let’s Go Agumon
My guesses
1. Untitled Yoshi
2. Untitled Fire Emblem
3. Untitled Animal Crossing
4. Windwaker HD
5. Prey
6. Resident Evil 7
7. Spyro Remastered
8. GTA V
9. Diablo 3
10. Starfox Grand prix
Hmmm... My ten game prediction for E3
1-2- Switch 2
NES Remix Vol. 2
Virtual Boy Collection
Switch Fit
Switch Music
Breath of the Wild: Crossbow Training.
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival 2
Paper Mario Sticker Star DX
Metroid Prime 4: Federation Force Blast Ball Heroes
Pokémon Rumble Go
Yeah it's going to be a stellar E3 from Nintendo this year.
I'm looking at E3 to set the tone of Switch year 2 as a worthy successor to the fantastic year one. I thought that would mean Smash and Pokemon as this year's Mario and Zelda. But the Pokemon core game is now announced to come late 2019, with Let's Go filling different shoes this year. So I'm looking for that one flagship game to tag-team with Smash this year. A reveal that Metroid Prime 4 has received the same level of development and revamping as Zelda and Mario, with a 2018 release, would be the best bet for this.
@rjejr "That would be pretty difficult to implement in a Labo game though, one and done."
I didn't mean implementing it in a Labo game, I simply meant adding the 1-2 Switch milking mini game to the next Senran Kagura game.
And SK:PBS? What the heck does that mean? Senran Kagura: Peanut Butter Sandwich?
@NEStalgia Well, I'd sign up for another Eternal Darkness game. Regardless of Dyack himself (who really did get the short end of the stick in some ways, even though he's not entirely innocent himself, but that's a story for another day), the stuff that he and his new team had made so far really looked good and solid enough to be made into a full-blown game, so to me personally, it's kinda sad that it is now stuck in Limbo.
But even if Nintendo itself would simply make a HD re-imagining of the original, that would already be great, and would also give an entire group of new gamers a chance to get acquainted with this hidden and all too often forgotten GameCube gem.
@rjejr That translation of "Senran Kagura" is....unique Appropriate, but unique. IIRC it's more accurately it would be closer to "wars of music" or "wars of dance/festival" or just "war of Kagura" as it can be a proper girl's name. Which is probably the hinted meaning...on several levels.... It can also be a "war of flutes"....."one time, at band camp....."
I love the language. It's one of the only languages where two words made of 3 words put together can mean 40 different things depending on the intent of the speaker. It's so human and almost impossible to computerize. I love it.
Of course the real translation intended by the speaker, given that he's an infamous perv is probably some reading 60 layers down in the Kanji and not used for 300 years that means something far more graphic than we can guess.
@ThanosReXXX I appreciate being tagged in a post that starts with "1-2-Switch milking game" and "Senran Kagura" in the same paragraph. That's a great way to start a day!
Dyack sits in the same gearbox as Pitchford in my book. But yeah the project could have gone somewhere from what we saw.
I wouldn't doubt we'd see a proper remake or sequel on Switch...not now, but later on. Switch seems like the right time and place for such experiements to me.
@NEStalgia Thanks for the lesson, but I'm sticking w/ my translation, it's too late now. The following traile ris ni Japanese just for you though.
PS - Played the Octopath demo last night for 5 minutes. Well I actually turned it off before I started really playing, between the art and voices it was all too much to bare. I'll stick to modern looking games. And by modern looking anything since the PS1.
It means when I first wrote a reply to you I actually replied to myself, not to you, so I deleted it and copied and pasted it in a reply to you but the Youtube vid didn't carry over.
Now aren't you sorry you asked.
Here's the vid. Well not the same one, I can't recall which one I used.
Maybe NL can write an article "Guide to SK:PBS coming to Switch" since we know about as much as this one, which as far as I know isn't coming, as Fortnite.
@rjejr That trailer needs no translation. We can tell what's on sale from the moving, bouncing, jiggling pictures just fine.
I was going to send you a like to that "dating chat" game that makes this look tame....but I oddly can't find it on the NoA website anywhere....it's on the coming soon of the on-console eShop though. You need to find it. You'll know what one it is. I have no idea why it's on there. It could be because I have a Japanese account (most of my news tab is Japanese news), but the eShop is account specific...so I don't think so. I picture it being presented with Iwata's trademark "Please, take a look at this...." I want to see NL review it! That would be a good time and a clickworthy comment section!
@NEStalgia "" I want to see NL review it! That would be a good time and a clickworthy comment section!"
I want to see NL do something I'm not embarrassed about. Between the typos and the clickbait it's really gone downhill of late. Not that I should talk, I type like a quadriplegic and have no sense of decorum but it isn't my job, not my website, nor my business, it's just fun for me. It's like amiibo shortages went away so they have nothing else to report on.
@rjejr Yeah, there's been very little of exclusive interviews and such as well, and mostly just copy and pasting from other websites news. It's a good community overall, but the news was always bad and has become much worse. The clickbait has been going on for years, but it's becoming just so blatant now. This headline is one of the worst...."gamestop leaked 10 unannounced games" and the proof is a gamestop sheet showing....10 unnamed unknown games on the list. The other one posting news about an online game requiring the online service as though that wasn't already the stated point of the service just to fan the flames is another. Meanwhile tons of ACTUAL news never actually shows up here. The Bloodstained NES style spinoff did really well on Nintendo. I didn't even know there WAS a Bloodstained NES style spinoff. It wasn't really focused on here at all. One article may have mentioned it as a "by the way." Meanwhile we get 3 stories on Fallout 76.
I suppose running a Nintendo site is hard when 90% of the Western industry ignores its existence and most of the industry news doesn't involve it. So? What about the Japanese devs? This is a site that ranked high enough to Nintendo to host Miyamoto physically for a visit. How can they not get exclusive access?
@NEStalgia I'm not sure what it is, could just be time, time changes everything. I do think a few years back their Xbox site, whatever it was called, getting canned spooked them. I think thats' when the clickbait articles and titles started in earnest. TW leaving, and being replaced by a guy who types like I taught him how, fueled a sense of deterioration. And despite all the Switch rah rah (hurrah?) people still seem confused by what it all means. Switch still has barely outsold Wii U and it's barely more powerful than Wii U, so all those 3rd party games Wii U didn't get, Switch either isn't or can't get them. Hence three 76 articles for a game Swtich likely isn't getting. And the last 3 articles were about eShop games, none of which I'd heard of before.
A lot of the blame goes to Ntinedo too. Despite the many many games listed in the "Games of summer" article there are no games w/ dates after that besides Pokemon. Nintneod is gearing up SSB for E3 but a date for that and Yoshi would be nice to fill in some of the holiday dates. I guess Lego DC Villains is dated, but that's not getting a lot of articles. An actual Switch game with a release date, why cover that?
So it's a lot of little things, no amiibo and Classic console shortages to cover, no proof readers, still not a lot of AAA 3rd party support, Nintnedo back up silently in it's cave on a hill. And maybe some behind the scenes money stuff, like an increase in office rent or lower ad revenue. Add it all up and it just feels inferior here.
@NEStalgia You're welcome. We aim to please, as long as you don't mess with my plans to take over the universe...
@rjejr Why be sorry? We can never have enough
Beach Peach SplashPeach Beach Splash, after all. And I love anime, almost any kind, so I'm not the least bit offended...EDIT:
Apparently, my mind is even more perverted than the one from that Senran Kagura guy. Apparently I seemed to think that a "Beach Peach" would be a more appropriate name for a beach babe or for what lies beneath what little cloth she wears...
As for that video not carrying over: what sometimes helps for me, is if at first post it isn't visible, but the code IS correct, then just go to edit your comment, but change nothing, and save it again, and then the video will be up. Happens to me quite frequently.
And unless you always erase all of your browser's history, you should easily be able to find the original video that you posted earlier.
@ThanosReXXX I was sorry b/c I used an abbreviation again and you had already asked me not to do that since I keep using them all the time and you never have any idea what I'm talking about. I was not apologizing for the game content, not by a long shot. We're all adults here. Well at least you, NES and I am, some of the others maybe not so much.
"then just go to edit your comment, but change nothing, and save it again"
I do that all the time, ti only works half the time first post. Since I hate editing and not doing anything I usually change the case of the Y in YouTube, either from lower to upper or upper to lower, just to do something.
@rjejr In this case, Nintendo is its own ecosystem. It's silly to expect it to be related to the other goings on of the industry since that has 3 platforms worth of information to cover, and Nintendo does its own thing. It has less total games, but them's the breaks being a Nintendo site. That's why Thomas spent so much time covering retro stuff, human interest stories relating to Nintendo, etc. Saying there's need to cover things like Fallout would be like a site that covers only Apple computing saying they're going to cover Cortana and Surface and the Win10 Spring Update because there's just not enough Apple stuff going on.
Nintendo's platform is unrelated to the other three except in a few cases whee it shares content. It's up to the writers to find content worth writing about. If you're just running on press releases for your content feed, that gets harder.
I don't even blame the proof reading. Have you seen all the typos in real newspapers these days? I think voice-to-text dictation software has become the standard in post-journalism school across the board.
@ThanosReXXX Well you can go with your form in Japanese if conjugated with a particle....wait....conjugation isn't a phrase I should add to this conversation.
sigh can you tell NL has sucky articles today?
@rjejr Aha, that. Yeah... we do hate abbreviations... I mean, I do... ahem..
As old dogs/silver foxes amongst each other, I don't mind having to look up or ask about an abbreviation, but in general, it kinda irks me that it has become somewhat of a default thing to do, as if people are all too lazy to type the actual name of a game, movie or book, and that's pretty damn annoying.
Just imagine if we'd all be calling each other by our initials. If this internet habit is any indication, we might just be headed that way.
Nice talking to you, R...
@NEStalgia No worries, man. It's simply the calm before the E3 storm...
Or perhaps I should say hysteria and/or outrage, depending on what is shown or not shown, which will subsequently either match, surpass or fail to match expectations.
Oh, boy. I'm already telling myself to rue the day, excuse me: days, since it's gonna be almost an entire week. Perhaps we'll actually be wishing for a situation like the current one, once we're right in the middle of it and we'll once again have to wade through hundreds of negative comments to hopefully still see some positive ones among them...
@ThanosReXXX "calling each other by our initials"
But rjejr is just my initials, and you're Thanos and NES is NES so...
@rjejr True for you, not for us. We hide behind our avatars...
And I'm an R as well. That's all you're gonna get.
@rjejr You've never played a portable Zelda?!
I like every Zelda, but especially the older Game Boy Zelda's are awesome! Link's Awakening is almost my favorite 2D Zelda (A Link to the Past still has that special spot in my child's heart). It's pretty simple, but it's also perfectly portable. Its design is amazing in every aspect, graphics, controls, gameplay flow etc. They understood the limits of the GB and used it's strengths very well.
Honestly, it doesn't feel dated too much, just bite-sized.
@Moshugan I owned a GBA for about a month, played Golden Sun and that was about it. I'm not a big Zelda fan, my 2 favorites are BotW and HW, probably b/c neither is really a Zelda game. Before that I played TP and thought it was ok, then played SS and thought TP was good but SS just put me to sleep. WWHD was ok but I'd read they'd improved that since the original. My son tried playing OoT 3D but got stuck early on and told me it wasn't that good anyway.
@rjejr @Moshugan
Haha, my whole prediction was completely wrong.
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