With the recent confirmation that FIFA 19 will be available on Switch, as well as the support FIFA 18 has received with its free World Cup update, many fans were realistically hoping for a Switch version of this year's Madden. It has sadly been confirmed that Madden 19 will not be launching on Nintendo's console, and EA's reasoning is a little on the confusing side.
Speaking with Gamespot, Madden producer Ben Haumiller discussed EA Sports' thought process when thinking about platforms for its top games. When asked about Madden coming to Switch, he said the following:
"We always think about every platform out there. It's really a decision of what's best for Madden and us as EA and where we're going. You never rule out getting your game in front of players. You want to go where everyone is. We'd never rule it out. We just don't have any current plans right now."
As upsetting as it is, having "no plans right now" is kind of understandable. As we mentioned earlier the support for FIFA has been impressive, and if that franchise sees consistently decent sales figures we could start to see other EA big-hitters come across, too.
As it stands, though, it seems that EA Sports still doesn't consider the Switch to be worth the time and investment for any of its other franchises. If it's "a decision of what's best for Madden", and the result of that decision is no Switch version, the company clearly believes it's better off staying on other consoles only for now.
Will we see Madden come over eventually? Maybe. It looks like the Switch still has some convincing to do in EA's eyes before that can happen, though. Let us know if you'd want to play some American football on the go in the comments.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 93
Classic EA.
Wait, what? But what they said makes zero sense. People complain about Nintendo's logic, but this is far more bizarre.
On portable machines its always been sketchy from EA.
Madden will take 8 steps forward and 8 other steps back... this would be and has been the same - when they do psp/vita/ds versions.... nothing changes.
No excuse not to have a switch version.
Crap outdated versions of FIFA 18/19, yeah the support from EA has been top notch...
I don't even like Madden or EA but this annoys me. It's glaringly rude to Switch owners. Screw EA and their elitist, greedy nonsense!
Unbelievable that Nintendo Life think this decision is understandable. FIFA and Madden have always sold, and their reasoning, that this decision is what's best for the game, isn't one NLife or anyone else should give them a free pass over.
At this point EA has discriminated against Switch players to the point of no return. Getting that worst corporation award again this year....
I don't really care for Madden games in the same way Most (not all) American's probably don't really care about Fifa Football games so this doesn't really bother me.
It does however seem a really strange decision from EA though, almost as if they don't want to make any Money.
The Switch is selling extremely well and there would almost certainly be an audience for this game
Does Madden run on their Frostbite engine?
If it does, then, you have your answer.
But I also can see that they won't release it because of its appeal worldwide as this game would (maybe) sell well only in America.
The "rest" of the world doesn't care about American Football.
At least EA are consistent!!!
EA isn't going to bother supporting Nintendo. Doesn't matter if the console is selling or not. This is something personal and has been for a long time.
"Unprecedented Relationship" levels of personal.
Who cares? Unless it was actual game like the Sims or Dead Space then it might matter.
Another American football game WOW what a big lost...
I haven't bought madden since either 13 or 14 (can't remember which) and won't buy another until it's on switch!! I don't have alone time to play madden on my ps4. Day one when it comes to switch, otherwise, kick rocks EA!!!
I only bought FIFA 18 in the hopes that EA would give the Switch real support. No Madden or NHL means no FIFA 19 for me.
I only care for American football if it has orcs.
Why would you base American football release probability on Football sales? To me it would just be obvious to release your games on all thriving platforms.
Everyones reaction: “What?”
Maybe something to do with not having an American development studio available or willing? FIFA for Switch was developed by a European studio right? Madden only really has major appeal in the United States so outsourcing to a non-US studio probably wouldn’t work.
At least FIFA has worldwide appeal.
Still not a good reason, but would explain why they’re doing this. Alongside: “we can’t be arsed / we won’t get all the money / we found somewhere else we’d get all the money from”.
They were right, no one play sports game on a Nintendo system.
Mario Sports games are the only exception, so EA should either incorporate Nintendo characters in their games or get lost. Other companies were doing it: Ubisoft with rabbids, Koei with the Warrior games... it's not difficult to add Mario, Yoshi, DK or Toad to Fifa, NBA or Madden.
That's just.... What?
One from the Don Mattrick school of PR there.
Dear Wallet-carrying-humans,
We suck at making and optimising games. We are only food at copy and paste.
PS: We hate players but love their money
More of a rugby man myself so not fussed
Last Madden game I played was John Madden 92 on the Megadrive. I’m not too fussed but it’s a bummer for those that want it, and it wouldn’t hurt Switch sales in general to have it. I just wish EA would lose the Star Wars licence.
...Wait, so it's best to not release a football/NFL game on the fastest selling console in the U.S.??...Yeah, there's gotta be a better answer than that, EA. FIFA did well, and while soccer has a more global appeal, football would still do well I'm sure.
It amazes me how EA manages to be so consistantly bad with the messages they deliver to the people who buy their games. Messaging in either the way they handle their products or by the things that are actually said - one way or another they do not seem to deserve the market share they hold.
Good, I don't want to buy from their slimey company anyway. Nintendollars getting sent their way are a mistake.
Good. I'd prefer if we didn't get any more bland football games on the Switch, especially from EA.
@MrGawain for a long time members of the NDF have slated EA and many comments have always been that EA are crap and we don't want their games.
Chickens coming home to roost.
Microsoft to buy EA confirmed.
FIFA is popular everywhere.
Madden is popular in the USA.
Switch is popular everywhere.
XBOX is popular in the USA.
Yeah, Xbox does have international presence and is still ahead of Switch in terms of total #s, but the core audience for Microsoft's device are in the US – where the core audience of Madden is, because nobody else in the world plays American Football.
Playstation is indeed even more popular in Japan than it is here, but let's not kid ourselves – nobody in Japan is buying Madden.
Switch is huge everywhere, and growing exponentially everywhere. But Madden's audience are largely confined to the USA, where most of their fans/players already have a PS4 or XB1, and the potential for growth is just not really there.
Switch is creating new gaming fans the world over – and Soccer/International Football is a worldwide fandom. So FIFA is a natural fit for a port, but Madden is not.
Ex-f******-scuse me?
Yeah I know Madden is US centric. But Switch is the fastest selling system in the US EVER! How is avoiding that GOOD for your game?
What kind of bassackwards logic is that? Yeah extra sales in the primary market on the hot new system are BAD? WHAT?
Who cares with the games that is out.games that we know are coming and games we don't know till tommrow from e3.ea knows is won't sale
I don't play football anyway unless its NFL blitz
Eh. After the stunt with the loot boxes, I chose to boycott the company anyway. They’ll never see a dime from me.
Here hoping someone else does it first. Ea is being ea again ,and that's all that needs to be said about this decision
I always think about every developer out there. It's really a decision of what's best for the Switch and me, and where I’m going. I never rule out any developer that is in front of players. I want to play what everyone is. I'd never rule EA out. I just don't have any current plans right now...
Goodbye EA
Understandable for games designed for a true console experience, but they could at least try to squeeze on the Switch their mobile games like everyone else is doing.
The headline is misguiding. What they said is that they have other priorities.
I haven't had the itch to play a simulation sports game in YEARS. Maybe it's me and my friends all adulting and too busy, or the fact I'd rather play or watch sports... I dunno. Not much a loss for me, but I still don't care for EA's stances these days.
For those people looking for Madden on Switch here's some groaning from 2 years ago, 2016, the last year Madden was on PS3 and Xbox 360.
To summarize, the PS360 version was half the PS4X1 version. Which is probably why no last gen Madden in 2017 or 2018.
For those who don't know, FIFA is still on PS360, even this year for the 2019 version. That's probably why Switch is getting a version, EA is used to making multiple versions of that game.
Those are the games Switch gets. Skyrim and Doom were both last gen games. Lots of Wii U Games on switch too. Lots of versions of new games that 3rd party companies refer to as the portable version. Games that are strictly PS4 and X1 are far fewer on Switch.
And now that companies probably already have dev kits for PS5 and Xbox 2, meaning they'll have to make versions for this gen and next gen, expect fewer next gen only games on Switch. Unless it gets the dumbed down portable version that would have been on Vita or 3DS. That's just the way it is and is going to be. Maybe when New Switch launches it can catch up a bit.
Why are Switch owners still surprised/upset with EA not supporting Nintendo consoles? It's not exactly new.
@Yorumi "EA game in years. Still I wonder how they stay in business."
Micro transactions.
"According to the company’s latest financial reports, so-called “live services” account for most of its income. With total revenue of $1.23 billion in the last quarter, a whopping $787 million of that comes from live services. Only $260 million came from full game sales. EA might not mind so much that sales of Battlefront II have been slow when it knows most of the revenue will come from heavy players once microtransactions are back."
See also "live services"
Basically EA is going the free-to-start model, getting all of it's money from whales, except instead of its' games being free to start they are $60 to start, plus usually season passes or deluxe editions, before all of the paid DCL starts.
It amazes me how gamers are so quick to condemn mobile games for being free-to-start, and complain incessantly every time one comes to Switch, yet are so happy to buy games for $60 then lay out a ton more money after that for season passes and microtransactions. Such hypocrisy.
@rjej Doom was not a last gen game, there was no PS3 or Xbox 360 versions.
lol damn even wii u got one madden.
FIFA 18 did quite well. And the Switch is a hot product. Fastest selling system ever in the US. EA can’t ignore that and such non specific tepid nonsensical self contradicting reasoning is not gonna fly. I dare say more than a few shareholders are going to be going “Why is madden not on Switch? Why are you doing almost nothing for Switch? It’s a hot and rapidly growing market. You cannot Ignore that kind of potential revenue!”
This is such a poor attitude in the industry. For decades, console programming was all about making underpowered hardware sing. EA in particular has a proud hacker history of getting around hardware limitations.
What a shame.
The only game i wanted EA to bring to Switch and it's not happening. That just means (/does math in head).....it will now be 17 years since EA got my money. They don't want me as a customer lol
We all wanted NFL 2k anyway.
C’mon, I just want to deflate balls and force my players to stand on the go.
We get nothing besides Fifa from them right? I don't really care but I wouldn't mind some sort of battlefield game on my switch. It doesn't have to be the most cutting edge one but I'd like to get my "rush" on in my switch. What happened with the added support?
Meh I stopped playing Madden after the Wii generation long ago and I only got one game so this not coming to Switch isn't really a big deal. No one in the roster interest me anyways.
I totally understand.
I don't buy EA games on any platform because it's what's best for the company.
Its really baffling cause they have a custom switch engine which you think would work well for a Switch version of Madden
@PtM I'll stick to NBA 2K19
Skipping a console that most probably will surpass Xbox One global sales by next year is what’s best for Madden, isn’t it EA?
OK... not I care anyway.
Part of my sympathizes with EA and friends. They have 3 roughly identical platforms to make one target and then fine tune for the 3 PC based platforms. Switch presents them the option of doing a completely unrelated architecture port for a platform that often doesn't favor western AAA published games. In the same position, how many of us would fund the Switch port?
OTOH, there's so much "ha ha, Nintendo" to what they and other publishers do, it feels less like business decisions, and more like personal biases among the industry talent and leadership that shoehorns Nintendo related business decisions into their perception rather than real estimations.
@maruse Global, sure. But does Madden sell much outside NA where XBox will still be ahead of it? Of ANY franchise, Madden is the one I'd least expect on Switch. Despite the Super Bowl launch ad. Battlefront is really a better fit than Madden, if we're honest.
"You want to go where everyone is..."
This is a chicken or the egg kind of problem. The best way to grow a certain audience on a console is to bring games to said audience. But how can that be accomplished if companies refuse to bring such games in the first place?
Also, i think there are waaaay more hardcore players on Nintendo consoles than companies tend to believe. It's only a matter of giving us a better chance.
Release a game, break even.
Release another game, profit a little bit.
Release yet another game, profit higher than before.
I know im simplifying things and generalizing a bit much, but I believe this is probably the best way in the long run.
EA has never really been fully supportive of Nintendo, and thus I've never been supportive of EA. Maybe that's the reason I'm not into football. Can't bring myself to care on a personal level, but I know a lot of Nintendo fans want decent sports sims on their consoles too. It's a slap in the face.
Mmm pues
I would have bought the next Madden game but...EA sucks and their press conference is an example of that. Really nothing to show outside of a Destiny Clone and remember you have to always connected to play that game. I feel like I'm not missing out on anything.
EA has lost their way.
I never really expected much from EA, and I wouldn't buy Madden if it was coming.
Like other commenters, I agree the reality is that not all games are coming to Switch. I think they could have used FIFA's engine and made it happen, though.
After Bethesda's conference I'm starting to think more mobile ports will come. That definitely seems to be their theory on it unless they surprise me with Doom Eternal.
@Nincompoop Thats BS. MVP Baseball '05 and Madden '03-'08 were in regular rotation on my GameCube. There's a market for it. Just not for half assed efforts
I think this decision has a lot to do with the Switch install base being global and with the typical US Switch gamer probably not having Madden as a priority game.
And If they did, they’d clearly already have another console to play it on already.
Perhaps it's just an indication that nobody cares about American Football anymore?
lol, just kidding friends. I'm sure some Americans still like it!
I think Nintendo probably 'footed' the bill for FIFA (which I also don't care for btw) on Switch. I hope they didn't waste too much money on it.
EA don't want Nintendo around.
@Namelessd I was going to say the exact same thing. I haven't bought a PS4 game since getting the Switch because I never get to play them.
After the Battlefront loot box "scandal" I promised I wouldn't buy anymore EA games but I'd make an exception for Madden (as long as it's not pay to play or anything like that of course).
It's best our game doesn't make more money.
Couldn't care less about EA, they are pretty much at the bottom of the pile of which developers I buy games from
Hopefully I still have card version of Madden NFL 13 for PSVita
Yeah I won't be buying Fifa because its what's best for my pocket.
Looks like EA is still salty about Nintendo not wanting to use their online stuff for the Wii. Hahaha. I remember the days when Nintendo got the Madden games and other EA games. Good times.
I think it does? Can't remember. However, they have a working sports engine with Fifa, they could easily use that for a Madden game on Switch, at least I think they could
Not that I care about Madden, but I'm still annoyed for others sake
Well, this stinks. This is the one game from EA that I really want. I do not understand this decision at all given the install base. Guess I'll have to wait another year.
@CdrJameson it would honestly sell switches too. All the "dude bro only" gamers I work with would FLIP OUT over portable madden
at least we have nba 2k19 coming for the switch. I thought 2k series football was better than madden anyway. that's why ea has the nfl license all by itself.
@Nincompoop that's not true at all. Fifa 18 outsold the PS4 version in Japan so clearly there's a desire of some kind for sports titles on the switch. EA just doesn't like Nintendo plain and simple.
@tourjeff So what's so hard about only releasing it in North America? I wouldn't expect them to release the game in Latin America, Europe, Austailia, or Asia even on the other platforms.
This is the same EA who stopped porting Madden to PC for a decade until this year, so...
I'm trying to work out of you're agreeing with my comment or pulling me up on it lol
@Marios-love-child Oh, whoops, that comment was meant to reply to @tourjeff rather than you. I fixed it.
@Namelessd I hear that there are players who only play sports games. Apparently this is why EA can release yearly updates. If that's true then there maybe a whole new market for the Switch in the US with NFL, NBA & MLB games.
Im officially done supporting EA. I have a PS4 but would have preferred to play Madden on the Switch. We all know Madden isn't that good of a game, they are just the only one on the market. They are a nice to have not need to have and they wont get a dollar out of me. The arrogance of them is amusing.
@CdrJameson yep for sure. "dude bro gamers" only play sports, racing, and call of duty... Must be an American thing
This is unfortunate news. I can understand how they think they will do better in sales on PC/Xbox/PS, but I think they are being a little shortsighted in considering their audience. Frankly speaking, I think they not only believe sports games are not only more appealing to older players (and theyre making the assumption older players are not buying the Switch), but also, more discriminately, they believe sports games sell better to certain races over others and have decided that demographic is more likely to not have a Switch.
I obviously ended up here because I have a Switch and absolutely love it. I think it is and will continue to be a hit for Nintendo. And obviously I learned there was a new Madden and was curious if it would be available for my beloved Switch. FWIW I am 32 and the last Nintendo console I had was the Nintendo 64 and the last time I played Madden was on the N64 and I think it was Madden '97. I say this only to point out that they are missing out on customers that may want to return to playing Madden after having not played it in two decades. And that audience would be so much more excited and hyped about their product than the folks who have access to the new release every year. So, while it seems to make sense they would go where the numbers are, theyre not considering the rejuvenation of Nintendo and older, jaded fans becoming interested in these titles once again. I do hope they reconsider.
Created an account to say that EA sucks. Got the exclusive rights to the NFL and are now limiting what systems they put it on. There should be a clause that says any company can make a football game on a console that EA ignores. I know that's not how business works, but it's ridiculous.
Definitely want to play madden on switch
Please bring Madden 19 to the switch. Don’t be stupid...expand your business!
Madden and UFC for The Switch pronto.... please! 😳
Desperately want madden on the switch. I’ve boughten madden every year since 2002. It used to be on GameCube, why not now. I understand probable graphics and online issues. But franchise mode on the go would drastically improve my life. I’d download it %100 and it would be my most played game
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