Last year, EA Sports reignited its relationship with Nintendo by bringing a FIFA game to one of its home consoles for the first time in half a decade. FIFA 18 delivered a solid football experience on Switch, causing us to confidently declare it “the best Nintendo FIFA ever”. This wasn’t exactly difficult to achieve, though (given that FIFA 13 on Wii U was the previous champ), and there was still plenty of room for improvement when it came to missing modes, features and the like. As the first entry on the Switch, FIFA 18 was given the benefit of the doubt in some respects as EA offered up a game on a new format with a new bespoke engine. This year, that courtesy is no longer extended.
With another 12 months available to improve on the groundwork laid in last year’s game, FIFA 19 could be considered the first ‘real’ offering from EA. The results are a mixed bag: while the action on the pitch is as entertaining as ever, the feature list is still oddly inconsistent with other versions of the game. Some of the new modes introduced in FIFA 19 on Xbox One and PS4 are present here too, all singing and dancing and helping to make the game feel fresher. And yet, at the same time, there are just as many additions on the other formats that haven’t made the jump over to the Switch, often for no apparent reason.
Granted, the most notable omission has been explained by EA before. The Journey – a story mode following a young player called Alex Hunter as he makes his way from rags to riches – wasn’t in last year’s Switch entry, with EA bizarrely claiming that a story mode with in-game cutscenes was only possible with the power of its Xbox One and PS4 Frostbite engine (even though the NBA 2K games seem to manage it perfectly well, thanks very much). As such, with the Switch version using a customised and enhanced version of the last-gen Ignite engine, it’s a no-show this year again. We're sure EA could have worked something out if it really wanted to, but no. Other absences are even less understandable. The career mode is identical to last year’s already out-of-date offering, continuing to give players the Xbox 360 and PS3 experience instead of attempting to carry across at least some of the features from the other current-gen systems, like improved transfer negotiations.
Far more frustrating, though, is the lack of progress made in FIFA’s most popular mode, Ultimate Team. Last year we were just delighted that Ultimate Team had made it across at all, but it was missing some major options and modes present in other versions of the game. At the time, EA gave a half-hearted excuse as to why that was, with a producer essentially telling our pals over at Eurogamer that throwing every feature in there at once would intimidate new players experiencing Ultimate Team for the first time. Well, it’s been a year, and we’re sure our delicate little Nintendo brains can handle it now. Unfortunately, EA doesn’t seem to agree, meaning Ultimate Team is more or less unchanged. The other formats’ shiny new Division Rivals mode – where you’re placed in a division of similarly skilled players and get to play as many games as you can within a week to try and build your rank and earn special prizes – is nowhere to be seen here.
More galling, though, is that other modes included in last year’s FIFA on Xbox One and PS4 still aren’t here either. Squad Battles – where you take on offline versions of real players’ teams for rewards – was introduced on other systems in FIFA 18, but still isn’t available on Switch (which is annoying because it would be particularly useful on Nintendo's console given there are fewer players online). Same goes with the weekly FUT Champions event, where the best players get to compete for much bigger rewards: but not if they've picked the Switch, sadly. As for the daily and weekly challenges which give rewards for performing certain tasks, they’re completely AWOL too. In fact, literally the only new addition we could see to Ultimate Team this year is online Friendly Seasons, where you can play a five-match series against someone from your friends list.
As we explained last year, there’s no valid excuse for these features not being on the Switch version, beyond a sheer unwillingness on EA’s part to be bothered to add them. The whole “it might be too much for you” argument was pretty thin before: one year later it’s basically Flat Stanley. We’re paying full price for this, EA, just like people who own a PS4 and Xbox One: don’t worry, we can manage the sheer mental strain of a couple of extra options on the menu screen.
As only became clear after a couple of months playing FIFA 18, all these omissions combine to make for a far more difficult and time-consuming Ultimate Team than on other systems. All the modes that aren’t here were notable because they regularly gave you rewards; you could play Squad Battles to get good player packs for free, cash in points in the EA Sports Football Club menu to get coin bonuses, and take on the daily and weekly challenges to get both player packs and coins. None of that’s here, making building your squad a far longer slog. Unless you’re willing to buy FIFA Points with your real money, of course (pro tip: don’t).
What’s particularly frustrating is that FIFA 19 on Switch isn’t like the bad old days when EA was caught slapping a fresh title screen on Wii FIFA games and presenting exactly the same game as a new product. Elsewhere in the game, it’s clear that numerous improvements have indeed been made, many of which have been introduced at the same time on the Sony and Microsoft versions. The shiny new Champions League and Europa League licences, recently plucked out of Pro Evolution Soccer’s waif-like hands, make their debut here with snazzy presentation and new commentary by Derek Rae and Lee Dixon (which can be quite repetitive, but give them time: FIFA stalwarts Martin Tyler and Alan Smith have been building up their database of lines for years now).
The brilliant new Kick Off mode is fully featured here too, giving you the option to try a little something different from standard friendlies when playing against friends locally. There are now five different ‘house rules’ match types to choose from, each mixing things up a bit. Survival mode has you losing a random player every time you score, while in Long Range mode goals scored from outside the box count double. And if you just fancy some carnage there’s a No Rules setting where fouls and offsides are turned off, essentially turning the game into Shaolin Soccer.
On the pitch, there are no major graphical improvements of note, but some of the other versions’ gameplay tweaks carry over here too (for better or worse). The new optional timed finishing – where you can press the shoot button a second time as your player hits the ball for a more accurate shot – is here, but so is the weird new goal kick system which we struggled to aim properly. And yes, we’re definitely blaming that on the game, not on us being rubbish. Thankfully, you don’t need to worry about the strange phenomenon Xbox One and PS4 owners are experiencing in which overhead kicks are oddly easy to score: the older engine isn’t affected by that here.
Almost as satisfying is that some of the other things missing from last year’s game have finally been added to this one, bringing the whole experience a bit more up to date. The bespoke presentation packages for Premier League, MLS and La Liga weren’t in the Switch version of FIFA 18, but they’re finally here now, which is lovely. And yes, you can finally play online against people from your friends list: a bewildering omission from last year’s game that EA said wasn’t possible but not is, because reasons.
It’s difficult to decide whether to be impressed or frustrated with the Switch version of FIFA 19. The new additions to certain modes like Kick Off and Online are welcome, and along with the league-specific presentation packages and control tweaks show that there’s at least some effort on EA’s part to ensure Switch owners aren’t just getting a copy-and-paste job from last year’s game. And yet, in other areas of the game it feels like exactly that. The fact that Ultimate Team is more or less unchanged is immensely frustrating, especially given the poor excuse for it already being feature-light last year. Couple that with the similarly untouched Career mode and we found ourselves tempted to take our FIFA 18 review, shuffle a few words around and present it as an original piece of work.
FIFA 19’s numerous improvements on and off the pitch mean it overtakes its predecessor as the best football game released on a Nintendo system, and it’s still a technical marvel when played in handheld mode. That said, EA’s decision not to improve Ultimate Team and Career – arguably the two most popular modes – feel like a missed opportunity. It’s better than last year’s game, then, but not as much as it could have been. If you're new to FIFA, then add one point to the score below; this is the best soccer game on Switch by a mile. However, if you're a grizzled veteran - as pretty much anyone who is contemplating a purchase is likely to be, given the advanced age of EA's premier sports franchise, then the score stands.
Comments 103
Good review. I read it all, but my tiny Nintendo brain couldn't take it all in.
Exactly how I felt about it Chris. You nailed it saying its hard to know how to feel - impressed or disappointed. Its still a great game IMO and in isolation, is very impressive for the Switch, but the fact so much of it is untouched from a year ago is disappointing and as you said, surely SOME of the features could have made it over.
I totally get why the Journey hasn't. It was built in one engine and would be ridiculous to expect them to rebuild it for this engine - plus what are they going to do, start from Part 3, or redo a new story etc? So thats awkward and I'm fine with it being left out, but so much other stuff should have been added from the PS4/XBO versions. I'd probably give it an 8 (last year got a 9).
BTW, nice Muicin poke
Very fair review! The graphics seem improved a lot compared to 18 though. 19 finally has proper daytime graphical lighting!
As a Barça supporter, when they take that guy from the cover (I expect them to do it soon, normally they don't last), no matter what shirt he wears, I'll consider buying a new FIFA.
Looks great 9/10
If they had ronaldo wearing a mario hat it would be 10/10
Is that a sly dig at a certain ex-IGN staff member I see there in the 2nd last paragraph?
I can deal with the journey not being there but the rest means I’m still playing fifa 16. I’m not buying another fifa game until they have full parity for non frostbyte modes.
That seems like a fair review.
Better than last year (which I thought was pretty good being the best handheld soccer game I'd ever seen or played).
But they should have included the story mode this time.
Even so, if you're a more casual person like me who just likes the arcadey soccer experience once in a while, maybe a match on the go, it's perfect.
This game is definitely held to a higher standard though, due to other versions. If you looked at it independently as a separate game made by Nintendo or something, it'd easily be a 9. It's just the in comparison argument. That said, NBA 2K was the whole thing so, the bar has been set.
Love it that they kept the adverts for the PS4 Pro in the game
As long as it has been updated to reflect Rangers being above Celtic in the league, I'll buy it.
Well again EA's half hearted effort should be met with a full hearted 🖕. Not that I'm too bothered what they do as they've been saving me money since 2012/13. The last game I bought from them was Mass Effect 3 on ps3 so yes i saw the writing on the wall with them a while ago. But then the casuals don't know any different and will just blindly buy the yearly crap they dish out, so why should they care?
As I said, the game looks better than 2018 but it still missing some features so, I'm going to skip it or at least wait for a price drop.
Not paying full price again for something that is not like the other platforms.
I did buy the Switch version last year and thoroughly enjoyed it but I have recently invested in a PS4 Pro so I decided to be a graphics whore this year.
Started reading the 'review'.
Saw how many paragraphs were devoted to whinging about what's not in the game.
Stopped reading.
I wonder if we could ever convince codemasters to port the 360 version of SWOS over to the Switch?
Then we’d never need another football game on the Switch, ever again.
Great review. I will pass on fifa 19 because FUT is unchanged.
Nice review, thank you.
Still too much stuff for a "easily overwhelmed" Nintendo fan's little brain like mine.
Totally agree with this review. The lazyness they show with FUT this year is very dissappointing. Hope they read this review and can change it to make it more suitable to the much lesser playerbase.
Don't touch FUT so that doesn't really bother me. Career mode on all versions needs a revamp though.
Not sure we will ever see it as FUT is EA's main priority. I will pick up FIFA once it drops like last year.
Not a big enough fan of FIFA to pay full price. Game on all versions still has deep rooted problems which need to be fixed.
"Alex Hunter", rly?
In other news: "Guy Incognito" confirmed for next Splinter Cell game.
EA can kma
This is EA. Still don't understand why people choose to support said company.
"we found ourselves tempted to take our FIFA 18 review, shuffle a few words around and present it as an original piece of work."
Meow lol (and deserved!)
I have Fifa 19 waiting for me when I get home. I dont care about the Journey or the evil that is FUT, I just enjoy playing online seasons against randoms. I put over 280 hours into Fifa 18 so i will get my moneys worth with Fifa 19 too.
If only Konami would bring PES to the Switch...
EA actually needs to put in effort with the Switch. Not something they are used to, pumping out almost the exact same games on Sony and Microsoft's systems year aftet year.
Put about 60 hours into last year's game. Loved it. Picking up this today for €20 against a trade in and will probably sell it off again for about €20 in a few months.
FUT i never played on other versions anyways. So no biggy there. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
What would EA be without their licences.
Does this game sells anything beyond the UK?
I find so weird that they keep releasing the same game over and over again each year with just negligible changes and call it a "new" game. Same with CoD and several other yearly franchises.
Never cared for "realistic" sport sims. If I get the pull to play some football in a video game, I prefer games like Inazuma Eleven.
But, well, this game obviously is not targeted at people like me.
@gcunit Sorry to hear that. If you'd rather read something that ignores all the game's shortcomings and only focuses on its positives, I recommend the official EA Sports FIFA 19 website rather than a review.
it has nothing to do with EA(well sort of)
nintendo just don't release those 64gb cardridges.
ea could release a complete version in the nintendo estore for those that have big sd carts.
still hoping, the game itself is just 17gb
Let's hope for PES then.
@Moroboshi876 That's a rational reason not to buy a game you obviously want to buy.
It's EA. instant boycott. Back in the days when bullfrog were alive before ea destroyed them they were great. Now it's all about buying unfinished games at rediculous prices and then charging the consumer even more money to finish the game. You only need to look at the fiasco when Star Wars battlefront was released. Premium is the new freemium and I for one regardless of how good the game plays refuse to support these guys on any platform.
Edit... except maybe starwars battlefront 2 ( the older style one). man that was awsome.
Ow, snap....
EA can put their Effort on FIFA 19, But still HAVEN'T Yet considering The Sims 4 for Nintendo Switch. Used to be Nintendo Always got The Sims games long time ago and don't forget My Sims on Wii & NDS, Collaboration between EA & Nintendo.
Come On, EA !
is it the same money grab as its bigger cousins
As an Italian dude I did not expect that Higuain pun.
Then again, things could have been Messi.
I’m just glad my Switch can handle updated squads (even though my brain can’t).
Really conflicted about this. I love football games, but last year's was a letdown compared to other versions. I am not too bothered about stuff like Ultimate Team (as long as I can play seasons, or career mode, I'm happy). But bloody hell, the game felt so much different than the other console versions.
Traded it in for Splatoon 2. Best decision ever. Seems this year I'll be picking up Pokémon Let's Go instead of this steaming tur...key.
@OldMcGroin Not really. I never buy FIFA games two years in a row anyway LOL
Now I know why there weren't a deme for FIFA 19. All you had to do was play 18! Just a squad update. Can't believe I paid full price for this crap. SMH
@maruse good point - who the heck would buy this game? I mean, it made sense with PS2/Wii to re-skin the same version of FIFA and PES over and over because they could sell it in Central/South America where there was a good market for it (and the latest PES on Wii are still phenomenal games), but this has literally no commercial appeal beside the occasional british middle class white guy who buys it as an amusement...
PES on Switch please. I have no time for FIFA.
I'll tell you why they didnt put many new features or modes in, they didnt want a mandatory dl or buy a bigger cart.
"Here we go Higuain".
Good work, but I think I prefer IGN's "A bit Messi".
@spizzamarozzi wait do you think FIFA only sells in the UK? You are crazy if so.
FIFA sells all over Europe, does good enough numbers in the states and Japan also.
@Captain_Gonru That's because, by and large, it plays exactly like it did last year. Instead of repeating myself and dedicating a chunk of the review to something I'd already said in the FIFA 18 review, I instead focused on the elements of the gameplay that have changed (the new shooting method, goal kicks etc).
So EA's usual copy and paste job, treating fans like crap. Why do people still buy their games?
@kobashi100 I'm talking about this Switch version. Nobody in their right mind would go with this version over the PS4/XB1 version.
@spizzamarozzi except for people who want to play on the go. Crazy, I know
@Captain_Gonru I am serious, but please don't 'quote' me with things I didn't actually say. There are plenty of people who own FIFA 18 on Switch and want to know how different FIFA 19 is, so that's what I chose to focus on. For those who didn't own FIFA 18, I make it clear in the review that it plays similarly, so they're more than welcome to do more research and find out about that too in the FIFA 18 review.
I dunno what people were expecting. This game costs the same as other versions, but cartridges are much more expensive than blu ray discs, so obviously you won't get the same value in content as the other versions. And they cannot set the eshop price lower than the msrp.
Well, I guess i`ll stick with my digital copy of FIFA 18. I might buy it again on 2020.
Thanks for the review!
I love seeing a screenshot of the Sounders! Of a Dempsey goal celebration, no less!
@gortsi That excuse didn't work last year - will not work this year.
They will play something else on the GO.
Lol who cares? If it's made by EA then it's a 1/10 no matter what it is.
Botcott EA till they die and sell their locked IPS off... Hopefully to companies that will use them...
Ahh i miss Bioware... Damn EA...
@Agramonte not an excuse dog, we're not all couch potatoes, some of us have jobs to go to
I have it and I think it's great much better in terms of graphics and game play.
@Moroboshi876 Sigh.....U rnt a Barca fan, and u r just a Missi fan. Whoever read ur post realizes it.
@gortsi Yeah man. But I am playing DQXI at home and Torna on my way to work and trips. On the weekends I stick with DQXI
It is the same as when I had a WiiU and 3DS. I never always played the same game at home and on the GO.
That is all I am saying. I'll get this on PC because my cousins moved to PC - and who I play most with online. I'll just play something else on the GO.
That's a nice review and it seems easy to understand the writer's frustration and, well, rage. Those dev(il)s deserve it.
Last time I bought a soccer game was on Wii and it was PES. I had stopped buying EA Fifa some time before that and honestly don't feel like getting the habit again.
@RainbowGazelle because they can be fun. I really enjoyed last year's FIFA on Switch and am loving the latest one so far too. If people are enjoying them isn't that the main thing?
@kokjopan You know nothing about me. But I'll tell you that I don't really like Messi. I don't like people or characters who do it all well, overpowered people. I'm more of a supporting character guy.
If I don't like the guy in the cover is because he's an extremely cocky man.
But yeah, of course, if I hate Cristiano must be for the reason you think.
@Agramonte some people play Pokémon GO on the GO. Too much? Anyway, different strokes for different folks, can't play Jrpgs on the go, prefer bitesized games where I can have quick ten minutes sessions
"different strokes for different folks"
True enough.
I’ve played just one match and I’m in love with FIFA 19. For me personally it’s worth the upgrade just for the improvements to presentation and addition of video capture functionality.
@blockfight didn't you know dude that people would rather see others not buy games and have fun so they can continue their boycott campaign.
Man this unprecedented partnership continues to shine like a beacon in the industry. I mean, with Diablo III on the way, even Activision has gotten them memo. EA still releasing incomplete versions seems behind even themselves, like they thought they finally got what they wanted with the WiiU and are now the last holdout with their fingers in their ears pretending Nintendo is irrelevant.
The folks who have brought it seem quite impressed. The graphics have been given quite an overhaul and gameplay has been improved. I got over 100 hours out of Fifa 18 so will be buying this.
why complain.
we got fifa people:)
This does seem to highlight the biggest issue with a lot of AAA Switch ports: in isolation, being considered on their own merits, they're fantastic. But when compared to the editions on other consoles, the cracks start to show. Yes the game is still good on Switch, but it's lacking many of the appreciated features that other platforms have. It certainly nullifies the appeal of the Switch versions. It forces a fairly tough decision: portability or the most full-featured experience?
I could easily see this being the last game - barring any "Legacy" releases - EA puts out for Switch unless something changes. They barely even mention the Switch version on their EA FIFA page whatsever.
Overly-monetized AAA garbage. I really hate that the game industry is turning these big games into a free to play mobile game when it comes to micro transactions, but still have the nerve to charge you full price. Pass. If this is the kind of third party content people want on Switch, whether it be Ubisoft/Activision/2k/EA garbage, I'll gladly stick to Indies and Nintendo exclusives.
@kobashi100 Apologies. I forgot. 😆
Excellent review, I enjoyed the Shaolin Soccer reference. Great movie, I’ve always thought it and Kung Fu Hustle would make great games. Glad to read another review by Your Man Scullion on this site.
Appreciate this review. I love FIFA 18, but it the first FIFA I’d played since PS2 days. I’m disappointed by the lack of features in the new one, and so paying full price for little more than a roster update is crazy - but then that’s the FIFA model in a nutshell.
Desperately waiting for Sociable Soccer (successor to Sensible Soccer), but it’s been over a year since it was mentioned about being on Switch, and it’s getting mixed reviews on Steam early access. Fingers crossed it materialises soon, and that they stick to what made Sensible so great (still my favourite game of all time)
I might pick this one up when there is a sale, as I still play 18. I am glad that they finally allowed us to play with our switch friends in this version, so I might want to get it sooner.
Never understood why these games were so popular. They just struck me as the same game with minor changes. I'd rather take the money and spend it on a better game.
Great review, especially liked the two-part conclusion! 👍
Ya I can see where you're coming from too.
Personally, I think it's tough when a version of a game is released missing a mode or two, because if the other versions didn't exist the game would be praised to high heaven, and the only reason it's not is because something else exists that has 5% more content. So it's being judged based not on what it has, but what it doesn't have.
And that fundamentally goes against what I believe a review is supposed to be. A review is supposed to be about what the game in question has to offer, how well it offers it and how entertaining the experience as a whole is. You could have an amazing game on your hands but because a duplicate version exists somewhere else that has one extra mode, that amazing game is now viewed as inferior and mediocre.
It's an extremely flawed system.
But on the other hand, if someone is deciding which version of the game to get, those kinds of things must be considered. I think maybe the best solution is to judge the game based on what it is and what it does offer rather than what it doesn't, with the caveat of an editor's note about any discrepancies with other versions, and let the reader decide if those discrepancies hamper the value enough to them to bring down the (independently) assessed game score.
Every review of every sports game every year reads the same. Always a roster upgrade with minimal improvements. What I don’t understand is the lack of madden on switch. The install base continues to grow. Feels like ea is leaving money on the table. Looking forward to mutant league football to fill the void.
Eh, I'm really enjoying the game so far. I mainly play kickoff, online friendlies and seasons. Lack of the new MUT submodes and 'The Journey' don't really bother me but it sucks for those wanting them.
Reviewing yearly sports games is tricky. Like, I completely understand the cynicism towards yearly sports games. But for me, this is my first FIFA game on a Nintendo console since FIFA '02 on GameCube (I do have '17 on PS4). I'm not jaded because I don't buy sports games every year. I only get 1-2 versions max, of each sport in a single generation cycle.
FIFA 19 seems to be only a modest upgrade from 18 and lacks some of the new modes of the current PS4/XBOX versions, but on its own, it's still a great game. Gameplay is smooth and I haven't experienced any glitches. Portability and tapletop multiplayer are a game-changer for me. Just my two cents.
@Moroboshi876 if I recall Rooney was on the cover for many years.
So if we get 70% of the real game, then shouldnt we only be paying 70% of the total price?
@PlayedNSlayed most casuals are actually starting to become aware. That's how bad EA reputation has become.
Have they fixed the crap AI and sloppy response to button actions that has plagued the series since the 90s?
@maruse @spizzamarozzi It sells everywhere. Usually in the top 10 best sellers of the year in the US, and always top 5 worldwide.
Not really sure how you can judge it's the same game every year if you admit you don't play it? If they were just doing that, then credible reviewers like Eurogamer would be calling them out on it, but anyone that plays the game can see the changes each year.
Hi. Old guy here.
Been playing since it was called FIFA International Soccer (in 1994 AD).
I'm sure I'm in the minority here, and I hope EA folks aren't scanning for comments like mine to justify their development decisions, but I just want a footy game with decent graphics, good controls, updated rosters, real world tourneys and leagues, real stadiums, and some fun celebrations.
I just want to pick up the game and play an exhibition or get immersed in a season.
Play a game online against a stranger or a mate? Sure.
But all of this other stuff every one is so adamant about and has gotten so accustomed to over the years?
Couldn't care less.
@JaxonH I wonder if the whole game is on the physical. If yes it's ahead of NBA2K19 O on that front at least. From the looks of the review I'll be waiting for a sale.
Does anyone know if world Cup mode is here this time around?
@kobashi100 same here i think master league in pes is amazing, feels like more game than career mode in fifa.
I too will reevaluate when it goes on sale..
@Tstar amen to that
@ICISAZEL FUT has destroyed FIFA career mode. It makes so much money that's where EA put all their focus.
@HalBailman I don't think EA will ever really get to grasps with AI in FIFA. That and individuality has plagued the series for decades.
Great review, thanks!
So this is basically the first FIFA from 1993 that has been polished over the years
If your brain needs more memory, you should have an SD slot under your left leg
To me, this seems poorly scored. If it's 'better than last year's game' it should be scored higher, not punished because of what is available on other systems.
@Dalarrun You actually don't need to pay a single cent for FIFA other than the initial $60 if you wanted to.
You don't HAVE to, but this is a tired excuse publishers use to try and bleed you dry. Publishers would NOT put extra ways to make money into their games if they didn't WANT you to pay up. FIFA, NBA and some other games with loot boxes as the major form of progression are built around them. Needlessly grindy so that you're more tempted to pony up for loot boxes and a better chance at getting rare players/etc. You know what games used to have before loot boxes? Non-monetized, goal-based progression systems.
Don't excuse shoddy practices, because EA sure as heck doesn't care about you.
@Medic_alert have you played it ?
i haven't played it on other consoles /pc, but after playing 19 on switch, there is no going back to 18.
i managed to get it for £30 though so reasonable pricing for me, for the changes on offer.
Looks far better on big screen than 18 did.
I just got hold of a copy on sale for about £25. I've been considering giving it a go for a while, and it's good enough at that price.
I haven't touched an EA game in years, hate their expensive shovel ware model, but they have cleverly ripped a lot of good stuff from PES over the years, and this plays a good game, amazing when you consider it can go handheld.
It's important to note that only a cheap copy is worth it as it's not up to scratch (apparently) with other versions, but I have no interest in Ultimate Team or other staple FIFA modes. Taken at face value as a good handheld kickabout, this is a good buy on sale in my opinion.
@ICISAZEL Just did exactly that, it's actually quite nice when you only play one of these games every 5/6 years, the career mode isn't stale yet and the animations and commentary are "all new". Inexcusable EA money grabbing at £50 though...
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