Despite the Switch gaining sales momentum over the past year, it appears the 3DS and 2DS are still turning a profit for Nintendo in America. According to Reggie Fils-Aimé, sales for these systems had an increase of 27 percent at the end of last year when compared to the previous December.
In the current calendar year, sales for the 3DS and 2DS have increased by 10 percent. During the same interview with Forbes, Reggie was also quick to dismiss the idea that the 3DS was beginning to clash with the Switch - explaining how the dedicated handheld device still served a purpose.
We see our dedicated handheld business with the Nintendo 2DS and 3DS as a key overall business driver here in the Americas. A couple statistics to put this in perspective. Last December, our 2DS and 3DS hardware business grew 27% versus the December the prior year. So far this calendar year, our 2DS and 3DS business is up 10% versus last year. We believe those are a result of our focus on younger consumers and their parents; essentially for 2DS and 3DS to be the first gaming device for 5, 6, 7-year-olds.
The Nintendo of America president reinforced his point about the company's focus on younger consumers, noting how the 3DS had a large library of games and was a great way to engage audiences from an early age.
From a parental perspective, our devices offer great value. There are over a 1,000 games, so you’re certainly going to find something that your child will be excited about and from a Nintendo business philosophy, the 5-, 6-, 7-year-olds of today are going to be the 14-, 15-, 16-year-olds of tomorrow, and having them get a great experience with a Super Mario game or a Donkey Kong game or a Smash Bros. game on our dedicated handheld business is great for our future.
Of course, this is not the first time we've heard about Nintendo promoting the 3DS as an entry-level video game system. An investor Q & A last month revealed as long as there was demand for the device, it would continue to be sold. Based on the above-mentioned numbers, along with the recent game announcements for the 3DS, it doesn't seem like it will be phased out anytime soon.
Tell us in the comments how you feel about Nintendo's continued support of the 3DS hardware and software lines.
[source forbes.com]
Comments 90
Embraces for angry comments
Can't wait to see people saying they need to kill off the 3DS, cancel all planned games for it, and then move them all over to Switch. The butt hurt is going to be real.
I wonder if Capcom will release MonHun Gen Ultimate on 3DS.
Yep won't be long until we hear more people saying that they want the 3DS to die. For me I love the 3DS and yes I own a Switch as well. I don't see the problem of prolonging the lifespan of the 3DS.
This is PR spin, it's his job. It doesn't change the fact that the 3DS is slowing down. Note that he's specifically talking about 3DS hardware sales in NA. From Nintendo's own financial report here's the change in sales year on year for 3DS:
NA: +12%
Japan: -30%
Other: -21%
Total: -12%
2018/19 projected: -38%
NA: -36%
Japan: -37%
Other: -32%
Total: -35%
2018/19 projected: -55%
This is why the 3DS didn't feature at E3
Looking at the way the big games are coming on Switch I don't mind that the 3DS continues to co-exist tbh
I think it's a great strategy.
He's right. The 5, 6 and 7 year olds of today will indeed be the older gamers of tomorrow.
It's not like they're really announcing any new games for it anymore anyways. It's basically surviving on third party games, a few low budget remasters and the existing library. And even the remasters are likely to be coming to an end soon (not a single game announced at e3- that's the true farewell signal).
A handheld doesn’t have to be the most powerful, pixel pushing beast out there, but at this point the 3DS is just painful to use. On such a small screen, the low resolution, dim backlight, and cheap LCD makes whatever fun you might have a chore. That, along with the cramped controls, makes playing a short affair. Plus, many desired games are $40 plus.
Really, in a world with free HD games like Fortnite and always improving smartphone hardware, the 3DS literally has no place in today’s gaming world
If the switch was the same clam shell design with the two screens I would forget the 3ds in a heart beat. But for now it still offers more then the switch so I'll hold on to it for longer
@FatAlbert1 such a horrible system. I wonder how they managed to sell so many with people being forced to rinse their eyes with bleach from the awful screen or the constant carpal tunnel appointments across the world. Truly, gaming was a nigh on impossible task up until March 3rd 2017. <ultra sarcasm>
Considering the system wasn't present at E3 at all, I'd reckon there's not a whole lot left for the system.
I don't see any problem on the 3DS and Switch coexisting. The 3DS/2DS are now the budget hardware for those little kids that are getting their first console, and the 3DS is just perfect for that role.
I don't think we will see many more new games on it, but as long as the hardware and backlog catalog keeps selling, keeping it alive as long as possible is the smartest move to make.
The law of supply and demand, ladies and gents. It doesn't get simpler than that.The system is still selling, so why not still manufacture it? The 3DS at this point deserves a slow retirement (which is basically what's happening), not being left for dead at the drop of a certain plumber's cap.
I still play my 3DS almost daily, and I've had it since 2011. The library is already enormous and good games are STILL releasing for it.
It's the best handheld system ever.
@skywake Yeah that install base on 3DS - I'd assume - is inflated too, with all the iterations and [admittedly cool] collectors editions, I'd imagine a HUGE chunk of that userbase owns 2-3, 3ds or 2, 2ds. Like I only play 3ds for Fire Emblem games, but man I STILL want that Pickachu 2ds for no reason.
Plus sales on profit margins aren't automatically the same thing. So much of that hardware is super cheap now (cheaper to produce too), that a 10 percent increase doesn't mean as much (I'm assuming) financially. They sold out of 3ds and new 3ds everywhere during black friday when they were dirt cheap too.
@Superzone13 And hey, a 3ds is worth owning because it actually has VC on it.
3DS is no more, here in Europe. You cant buy ANY model - even New 3DS XL/LL
No system is forced to die because of people somehow being mad more games are coming.
It's just a matter of time and resources gradually moving over to the Switch. Obviously, Nintendo isn't giving it the big hitters anymore; this alone should say something. They just want to at least provide something for it.
"...the 5-, 6-, 7-year-olds of today are going to be the 14-, 15-, 16-year-olds of tomorrow..."
I mean...yeah. Duh. Is that supposed to be some new business revelation?
3DS is the Most BEAUTIFUL Nintendo handheld that i have ever played.
I Love the color variety of 3DS Models.
I Love the Retail cover design (White box, Apps icon on the side box, Square size box).
I Love the Backward compatibility with NDS so i will have Double amount of DS Family games.
But, in my opinion, NDS cover box design is look better than 3DS.
@Alikan Sarcasm isn’t necessary. Everyone knows software is what moved the 3DS. With no more headline software coming, why string people along? Wouldn’t you rather sell someone a Switch than a 3DS, especially with the Nintendo Online subscription dropping this year?
I never said it was a bad console. But with only Smash, Pokémon, and Mario Tennis in the next 8 months, dedicating resources to the 3DS seems baffling to me
im losing interested on 3DS day by Day and using my Switch more often. the only thing that used for my 3ds (Japaneses and America) is to play some that i still need to play., catch up on Animal Crossing, getting games that are still coming or never try that i cared about. and well.. that's about it.
and it's not a bad system, i just don't use it that often, and when i do it's to try hames that i have never try.
@SomeWriter13 I was waiting for that too happen and when they announced, it was coming to the west I was super excited only to realize that it was only the switch version but I guess they want people to jump to switch instead of release the 3DS version
@FatAlbert1 Online will still be free for the 3DS when the Switch Online Subscription comes out, so that's one thing going for it. And as long as there's still the casual consumer market willing to save a buck on an older system, parents who don't feel comfortable or can't afford giving their younger children a $300+ system to play with outside, and folks who are resisting moving onto the Switch and/or flat out refusing to buy the subscription just because it's there, then there will be a demand to fill for supporting older Nintendo hardware until it falls under the threshold. Don't underestimate the casuals. Having worked the retail side of my job up until recently, believe me when I say that the casuals are largely responsible for that increase in hardware sales in NA.
The only reason why I am opposed to continued support for the 3DS is the lack of support for the one key feature that differentiates it from its successor: stereoscopic 3D.
I'm fine with 3DS support continuing so long as the game supports 3D, but without it, why aren't they porting it to the Switch? It makes no sense given that they are both handhelds. Plus, Nintendo could be covering a broader range of IP and gameplay styles by porting the 2D-only Hey! Pikmin, New Style Boutique 3, Kirby Battle Royale and the like to the Switch (and to their advantage, charge an extra $10-$20 for being a home console release).
I recently got a used crystal blue 2DS and I love it. Kinda brings back the feel of the old Game Boy's. I also have had a New 3DS XL for a while now which is great as well, but I hardly paid anything for the 2DS. The 3DS has a neat gimmick going for it and the 2DS just feels like a good old fashioned handheld.
I'm fine with the 3DS coexisting alongside the Switch as long as there aren't any major development resources allocated to the 3DS over the Switch. I wanna see all the good stuff on my shiny little hybrid beauty.
The mathematics are off.
Kids don't age 9 years overnight.
They’re saying this, but there was zero point zilch 3DS software on E3, pretty telling, isn’t it?
I love my 2DSXL, and still have a small backlog of titles to finish on there, but I don't remember any new titles for it being shown at E3. The last direct only had ports. If the Switch had the same outlook in terms of software that the 3DS families does, people would rightly be saying it's pretty grim. Reggie's right to point to the existing library of titles, which has some all-time classics in it. Luigi's Mansion aside, I can't think of any upcoming release I want to buy.
@mobor what are you even talking about? The regular n3DS is not produced anymore but all other versions are. Plenty here in the UK and many other European countries
I love the 3ds and am looking forward to it's true successor as the switch is not the answer.
The switch is fine as a first attempt but to be a dedicated handheld it needs to have a clamshell design for protection and an improved battery.
Hopefully the switch mini is not too far away.
Pokemon is moving to Switch. No new Pokemon on 3DS this year. I would be SHOCKED if sales even met last years numbers this year. Even in Japan I get almost no streetpasses anymore. People simply aren't using them like the used to.
I’m still holding out for a Super 3DS with a lot better resolution, more powerful, at least XL size screens as standard, backwards compatible and a more comprehensive collection of VC titles.
I love the 3ds. Currently use it more than the switch. Would love more games to come
Might just be my area but I tried trading in my 3DS at Gamestop when buying my PS4 in April and they wouldn't take it as they said sales were down and virtually nobody was looking to buy one anymore.
3ds has some great games. With the lack of rpgs on switch so far i have recently gone back and bought up a bunch of DS rpgs and have been playing these on my 3ds. Been pretty snuggly with it over winter so far.
"Hey son, it's your 14th birthday tomorrow. Excited?"
"But Dad I'm 5"
"Yes, today you're 5. But tomorrow you'll be 14. That's just how birthdays work in the Fils-Aime household"
Not sure why so many people are raging against the 3DS, or are troll-baiting those people who rage against the 3DS.
I personally no longer care if it continues or not, as I haven't opened mine in a year and a half. It's also clear the Switch is now the focus of developers so there isn't a split of resources between two consoles now.
I've bought a 3DS only last month and oh boy is being a late adopter great. A huge library of great games at your disposal for very affordable prices. Between Nintendo Selects, rewards and sales, I have spent the equivalent of two new Switch retail games to get 9 or 10 great award-winning titles for the handheld. Fun times!
3DS will always be my favorite handheld console of all time I don't think switch will change my mind it basically has two generations of library DS with dsiware and 3DS with eShop with true Virtual Console and it's portable unlike switch that it's too big has mediocre battery and as a console it's not powerful enough I feel like switch doesn't work like neither that's why I haven't bought one and I'm waiting for the true handheld version that's where Nintendo shines trying to compete with the others as a console it's only gonna hurt them in the long run, i know it can run games like doom but why would you get the inferior version of a game that looks better somewhere else only for portability that drains your console in less than 3 hours and needs to recharge again it's not worthy to me
So as an adult does this mean going forward I'll no longer have any new releases to look forward to?
What happened to Reggie saying the 2/3DS would also be aimed at the cost conscious market as well?
I think it would be nice to drop the prices of the XL systems by quite a bit at this point to really differentiate the cheaper entry option of the 2DS/3DS systems from the premium Switch choice. I mean, the 3DS XL being $200 isn't really anywhere near impulse buy for parents/gamers. $100 and below would really be that magical number imo.
@mobor Are you seriously stating flat-out that you can't buy any model of 3DS in Europe? That has to be the stupidest, most incorrect comment i've seen in a long time.
@N64SNESU I totally agree with you, hopefully they take the handheld route that can be enjoyed as console and make the switch smaller even without the joy cons those only create more accessories and are expensive
I personally don't see why Nintendo couldn't have two (or even three) different systems at a time. A 2DS XL isn't even that expensive and there's plenty of games to play if we include the DS library too. I still have a huge backlog to play from both systems. And I do own a switch too.
I also don't get the hate about those 3DS screens. Sure they are lower resolution but I think they are just good quality, the games look nice and the brightness sure ain't a problem.
But I would like to see handheld gaming coming back to it's roots with less huge, large scale, hundreds of hours worth, HD-resolution games. Also I'd like the system to be small enough to actually get on my backpack whenever I travel or go hang out somewhere.
My new 3DS XL is on the verge of being portable enough if I don't have too much other stuff to take with me. A PSP is small enough and STURDY (also cheap) to take with me. My vita is just too shiny and precious so I'll just leave it home. And the switch. Oh boy. Way too large to be a travel-console for me.
So my suggestion would be to make console the size of the OG GBA and fill it with simpler 8-32 bit style retro-looking games that don't require 60+ hours to complete. Let that system co-exist with the switch (maybe with the 3DS too) and market it more towards casual gamers and kids.
@gortsi No. New 3DS XL (for EU region) production has finished before December 2017. You can even check at wikipedia for details. Now Nintendo sells last units. In stores (and offer) is only 2DS and 2DS XL
@Folkloner You can get last units. Any new shipments for EU (last one was in December 2017). You can even look at UK Nintendo STore - there is no option to buy any New 3DS model
One look at the 3DS’s upcoming retail games makes it pretty clear that it totally isn’t a priority for Nintendo. Everything coming to the system is a remake that uses existing assets. Minimal effort is being put into the 3DS just to keep it on store shelves. It’ll work for a while but ultimately the seven-year-old handheld is circling the drain. The fact that the 3DS received zero attention at E3 only reinforces this.
@mobor I didn't say they're still produced, just that you can still find them out in the wild. I also didn't realize you didn't include the 2DS under the same category as they're part of the same family of systems
The 3DS is the first handheld I actually enjoyed, I love the 3d, clamshell design and most of it's games. I can't believe how much hate I'm seeing for such a great little console, there's actually a guy in here saying it has a low backlight, what?! People will complain about anything to fit their narritive I guess, I love my Switch but my 3DS still gets plenty of action, currently waiting patiently for Luigis Mansion
@Alikan You made me laugh more than I should have with this comment. Let me see if I can do one.
Truly we were unwashed masses having being exposed to the horror and shame of the 3ds. True gaming was but a distant hope until we were bathed in the light that is the Nintendo Switch. Truly our eyes were opened on March 3rd 2017. No longer will our eyes melt and our hands be mangled after we move on from that literally unplayable system that is known as the 3ds.
<ultra sarcasm>
If it’s still turning a profit who cares if it still has some store presence. It’s not going to last much longer anyway, maybe another year, so let those few people who don’t have one yet, get one. Sure, it has really aged since 2011, but the library of games it offers is incredible. It has one of the best gaming libraries we’ve seen in a long time, let others enjoy that too.
I love my 3DS, but the number of 3DS games displayed at E3, tells me how much Nintendo cares about the 3DS right now.
@thesilverbrick @MoonKnight7 @JaxonH
I predict they will try to keep 2/3DS relevant for 1 more year for one last game to release in Nov 2019.
If that date doesn't ring any bells here's a hint - F2.
For Nintendo to support the 3ds they need to produce 3d games.
They don't seem to be releasing enough games to satisfy each genre on the Switch let alone have a good selection of 3ds games. The Switch is becoming the new hand held rather that the new home console.
I have stuck with Nintendo since N64 days; never owned a PS or xbox, but maybe its time to get a PS for the Skyrim and Dooms etc type of games and play the latest versions rather than 5 year old versions on the Switch. And use the Switch as the new handheld console.
According to Wikipedia, dedicated game systems now mean systems full of built in games with no official way to externally add more.
Nintendo should expand their internal studios. They don't want to release a ton of games and prefer 3rd parties fill the schedule, but they don't take time to work with those third parties to actually fill the schedule. Having said that, cutting 3DS games isn't a magic bullet. Switch games take alot more effort to develop/produce. They'd probably have to kill 4-5 3DS games to have the development power to have 1 Switch game. Their current 3DS production is relatively minimal in the grand scheme of things.
@Oat love it! 😆
Good i still enjoy playing my 3ds!
Just Switch already. Do I get a hug now, @TheTetrisGuy ? You did say "Embraces for angry comments".
I'm not actually angry, though. For my own selfish reasons I'd hoped there would be no more 3DS exclusive games from Nintendo. Yes, for me, the 3DS is a chore to play compared to other experiences. For others it is great and that's fine, but, for instance, Samus Returns landing on 3DS made no sense to new Switch owners that want Metroid. It's typical and expected, but to the uninitiated, it was also weird to have the exciting new Pokemon game not on the exciting new Nintendo system.
Most importantly, I just want to see a focused Nintendo without their resources spread as thinly and Switch was a tantalizing possibility for that to occur quickly. But, no. (too bad about the mobile gaming stopgap, too).
The transition is happening now, though. It has only been 16 months since the Switch launch. It might mean an explosion of new interesting games from 3DS developers on the Switch. So, plenty to look forward to. I do hope that Nintendo offers a Switch configuration or form factor that excites the 3DS crowd. In the meantime, the 3DS has plenty of games and a big library for people to enjoy for years to come.
My 3DS is still my go to system for when I travel. The Switch just takes up too much space when traveling and I'm getting a ton of enjoyment clearing out my 3DS back catalog. I imagine I will be playing and buying games for it for quite some time.
I just purchased a 3DS game. Dragon Ball Z Fusion. It is amazing. The next Switch game that I'm getting comes at the end of the month. So, I love the 3DS and the Vita to provide me with quality games I can play while I Wait.
Can't find a 3DS in Europe. ROFL.
Amazon, Nintendo and many other retailers beg to differ
The 3ds isnt just for kids. I got one after getting a switch to play chrono trigger and XC1. Plus that new SMT is rated M...
The 3DS, in my opinion, with its incredible backlog of VC, 3D stereoscopic versions, and amazing backlog of DS games, truly is the best handheld you can get for your buck....possibly ever. If you're thinking of getting one, now is the time as the Virtual Console is still available with classic games and DSi-ware that may not see the Switch.
I know that Nintendo is obviously phasing it out, but I'm so happy at least we will get to see some digital releases this year and a 3D Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker as a nice little alternative to HD gaming versions.
That earlier comment about the audience being the casual gamer is true. I've been telling my casual gamer friends on the fence to head out and get a New 3DS model and they have been. Sure, they may not make no more new games for it soon, but the library associated with this system will last for YEARS!
I wish Nintendo will reissue the NES and Super NES consoles. Getting them used complete on eBay costs an arm and a leg.
Priced appropriately (like where we see the 2DS priced at) this is the perfect "gateway" drug, I mean, system for a child, that will lead them to the cult of Nintendo for their entire lives.
And the parents won't mind when the kid trashes their 2DS, instead of the parent's phone.
@FatAlbert1 I disagree it has a place it’s just not for adult gamers. My 7 and 5 year old have a 2DS each and they love it. They’ve been playing Pokemon Sun and Mario maker and there’s a lot of cheap games now that I’ve bought for them. I don’t care if the break the 2DS’, I got them for £60 or so each and they’ve more than gotten their money’s worth out of it. I’m not buying extra switches for them and don’t need to when there are so many 3DS games for them to play and enjoy. I hope Nintendo keep making games and indies keep releasing games because it’s a good device for kids to game on that’s solid and less easy to break with a great library
@Enigk IMO, this would be pretty awesome. And come out with some other exclusives. Keep backward compatibility.
Pretty crazy to see 3DS hardware sales increase year-over-year during its 8th year on the market, even if just in America.
This year-over-year growth will end during the 2nd half of the year, as the 2nd half of 2017 saw the release of Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon while no 3DS game of that caliber is launching during the 2nd half of 2018.
@Hyrule https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Nintendo_3DS, even Official Nintendo UK STORE didnt sell 3ds anymore. On the market 3ds can be buy but only from last year's supply's
I hope it goes for several more years. I just dipped into 3ds starting last year. And it's my 2nd most played console.
@skywake There's even more to the story as well. Compare Q4, 2016 to Q4, 2017, and it actually SLOWS DOWN in America too! It did 350,000 (shipped) in Q4, 2016 versus 300,000 (shipped) for Q4, 2017. That's an INCREASE? Nope! It's been DECREASING this calendar year, not increasing!
@westman98 it didn't, it decreased in its 8th year going from 350,000 shipped Jan 1, 2017-March 31, 2017 to 300,000 shipped Jan 1, 2018-March 31, 2018. That's a DECREASE this calendar year. The guy flat out lied! His own company report says so!
Shipments != Sales
You guys are forgetting that the next Mario and Luigi remake is planned for...2019! So the 3DS is still around by that time.
As long as they don't expend any resource in it that's fine. Haven't touched mine since, ooh, about Match 3rd last year. Did something happen that day I wonder....
Deja Vu
It’s a shame that I can’t bring myself to play matroid since I bought, played once, then went back to my switch.
I can see why they are selling, it’s a great portable console for everyone with prob 2000 games on ds/3ds/eshop. Mine was my main console for over 10 years since ds launch. I played PS3/4/pc/wiiu games, but portability is more important then console. Switch is just a better console and I have 52 games now that e3 has ended.
The key statement remains. 3ds is now positioned as baby's first console. They're being very clear still.
Well, we have to keep in ming that companies like Nintendo mostly make money with software, not hardware.
So, a console with a still much bigger install will without a doubt still make a lot of money compared to the newer system.
Exactly those software sales will go down fast, because more and more people just don't want to play on their 3DS anymore and might switch (pun not intended).
That and fewer releases of new 3DS software will seal its fate soon.
But right now, yeah, 3DS is probably still part of the key business, just like Reggie says.
On a side note: It is kinda funny how every single time anyone from Nintendo says anything, some people here say that it is either a pr spin or a straight up lie...
Is it so hard to believe that something like that might just be the truth?
The bigger question is if Nintendo will release another dedicated handheld console. My guess is that they won't.
Lol where be megaman 11 and the 3d games? So much phased out
@Kirgo yes, compare switch to 2ds new releases, I am gonna stop calling it The 3ds until the 3d comes back.
@TheTetrisGuy embraces? We all need a good hug after reading comments sometimes
@IceClimbers the specifically stated that they’d focus on Smash. I foresee a Zelda for it soon.
i hate all this dissing of the 3ds. its a great handheld console and i love it. i play it more than anything else. i know it will be replaced by the switch or something else in time but as its still selling well then that shows its still a relevent console.
i dont beleive that nintendo is properly supporting the 3ds/2ds and is happy to to take peoples money. i.e. the upturn of wiiu sales a few months before the release of the switch.
the proof lies in the fact that the 3ds et al were not mentioned at all at E3.
I love my 3ds. Such a great library of games!
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