To start the third and final day of live Treehouse coverage, Nintendo announced HAMSTER would be expanding the Arcade Archives line on the Switch eShop, with the reveal of two additional titles. Both released in 1981, the first is the original Donkey Kong arcade game, and the second is the lesser known Sky Skipper.
Arcade Archives: Donkey Kong is available on the eShop right now in North America and Japan, and will arrive in Europe tomorrow. For $7.99, this particular release offers plenty of bang for your buck, featuring three playable versions of the game.

According to the Nintendo Treehouse team, the early version is based on the original game released in Japanese arcades, the later version fixes a few bugs and the primary difference in the international version is the stage order. The Switch release, as mentioned during the announcement, also includes a Hi Score and Caravan mode (with a five-minute time limit), along with online leaderboards.
The rarer of the two releases – Arcade Archives: Sky Skipper – will arrive later on in July. The interesting tale behind this retro revival was explained by Nintendo executive, Don James:
One day, ten of these Sky Skipper cabinets showed up and we put them out at various arcades...for whatever reason, we never released the game, but we kept one original Sky Skipper cabinet in our archives at Nintendo of America...then we got the call to go out, dig up the game, pull the ROMs out, copy them, and send them to Japan so they could make it available to the consumers.
Adding to this, Don revealed the artwork on the Sky Skipper cabinet - including the side stickers, header and the designs on the control panel were all done by Shigeru Miyamoto, solving a long-time mystery.

Nintendo's Treehouse team went on to reiterate the arcade cabinet (displayed during the discussion) was the only known original North American one, housing an unmodified Sky Skipper board - with the ROMs from the specific board enabling the go-ahead of the Arcade Archives edition. It's Nintendo history at its finest.
In Sky Skipper, you take control of a pilot who must save the royal family - represented as playing cards, from gorillas. Each play session requires you to collect these cards, drop bombs and avoid any incoming projectiles.

Have you bought any of the Arcade Archives titles released so far? Do either of these games interest you? Tell us below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 104
Definitely a better novelty than Vs. Super Mario Bros. I can't promise that I'd pick it up, but it sure has an appeal.
8 bucks...Im out.
When I was a very, very young lad, my parents would meet up with friends at a pub on a Saturday night. I'd play with their kids in the woods nearby, riding my Raleigh Grifter till it was dark then we'd go inside.
In the reception area, under the stairs outside the bar, was a tabletop arcade machine. The games would change occasionally - Space Invaders, Asteroids and then, one amazing night - Donkey Kong. (It wasn't a retro pub - I really am that old.) I can still remember our excitement and the fun we had trying to beat each screen.
Then one night Donkey Kong Jr. appeared! It was such a step forward!
I'm not sure whether to buy this or let the memories be...
Put ‘em in a big collection and I’d be very interested. But with all these retro titles, they’re way over-priced for mere nostalgia
This is awesome! This should have been the first Arcade Archives release, but better late than never.
Wow. I thought Donkey Kong was in legal limbo. A must own
I played on the only Sky Skipper arcade unit in the UK a few weeks back at Revival Generation X event. A nice little game. Hard though
@Mii_duck grifter more of a striker lad myself and Moon Cresta....
I'm having the DK Caravan top score.
@Kiro - I don't think that new-fangled BMX will ever catch on though!
@Mii_duck - You just took me right back.. except it was a Raleigh Commando for me
That Sky Skipper story is pretty cool. Just goes to show how important ROMs and emulators are for preservation purposes.
Exciting but expensive for it's offerings. If they had a combination of all the arcade games in a $10-$25 package I'd be on board...
Pretty weak.
@Shiryu And you sir win the Internet today.
This should put to rest all the discussions about Nintendo not having the rights to the arcade version. This is the best version of the game. Way better than "original edition". Some may prefer Game Boy remake and new levels but these four levels are as classic as pacman. This is golden.
And people complains about the price.
This is History, guys. First time Nintendo (although through Hamster) puts the original arcade DK in one of their systems, because a lawsuit prevented them from doing it!
Mario Bros. and VS Super Mario Bros. were available for everyone for the first time since the arcades, but yeah, let's despise those old games.
Do the Donkey Kong!
@Angelic_Lapras_King Only if Id had dared to say something like this. (and I admire Billy)
Oh wow, an official Sky Skipper release is really cool.
$8? I could get two Wendy’s 4 for 4 meals for that price and it’d take longer to eat then than to play through this. Nah, I’ll pass.
Half that price maybe I would’ve gotten DK. But not for $8. I get it has multiple versions and leaderboards, still not enough value for me... but hope it is to someone?
I bought Punchout Arcade because that's a VERY different game from th3 console. Already own the NES version of Donkey Kong on NES classic, 3DS, and Xbox/rom. The extra level will remain unplayed to me. Unless there's a sale one day. If you don't have DK though, pick it up.
Soo.. We're getting these, but still no info on what's included in the Nintendo Switch Online subscription..? These types of games would be perfect for the games collection, but I suppose they think people would still buy them separately..
people, stop whining about the price. stop talking about food. this is a games site. all arcade archives and neo geo cost 7.99. that is still cheap.
How on earth have half of the people in this comment section forgotten that Arcade Archives are ALWAYS 7.99 (US)? Also, as a few have noted, this version has been ever elusive with only the DK64 mini-game coming close to offering the same experience (but the levels still didn't follow the original arcade progression). Though some of Hamster's releases have not been worth the $8, Donkey Kong absolutely is!
Donkey Kong!
Sky Skippers is a must. A piece of Nintendo history right there. Donkey Kong is always fun.
@Moroboshi876 agreed!! This IS the true arcade game people!! NOT THE NES ONE! First time ever!!! Therefore well worth the $8!! Support the decision so more classics will come!!!
After actually watching this be played and discussed in the Treehouse today, I think $8 is a steal. Essentially 5 ways to play it, too! I’d expect some of these ACA games to be $12 minimum. Remember that arcade games on 360 were $5-$10 and often had nothing but the original modes.
I’m also interested in Sky Skipper after seeing it played.
@GrailUK yes. We know haha. Maybe this could mean some Game & watch in the future?
Totally worth it for DK, I know I've spent at least that much in credits over the years at retro arcades.
The fact that so many people think that $7.99 for one of the most important video games of all time, is too much, makes me sad for the future
@dimi: Golden indeed, my absolute favorite game of all time!
@Yasaal: Are you kidding me? The cabinet would cost you well over $500.
@adh56: Same here.
Now bring on Donkey Jr., Donkey Kong 3, and Donkey 2 (if possible).
IF you get a WR it doesnt count in Twin Galaxies books ...just an FYI
@joey302: Actually, NOT the first time ever. This game is unlockable in DK64, and the only reason I kept my N64.
@KnightRider666 well yes but I was referring to the opportunity to be able to buy the game outright as a direct isolated release. But now come to think of it, Nintendo had a promotion for the original arcade game as a free download on 3DS if you purchased a particular game(don’t remember which one) but when that promo ended the game never appeared in the eshop again!! So yes N64 and 3DS! That said, this is still a great opportunity for those who didn’t have the chance to unlock it like we did on the 64.
Awesome. Both are worth consideration.
But I’m waiting for super punch out. Announce it!
@joey302 Yep you are right if you bought Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask digital during certain time they give you donkey Kong arcade I know because I still have it on my 3DS Best version it even has save states like any other game
Btw it's a nice game but not for 8 it only has 4 levels after a couple hours gets too hard and boring Nintendo likes to overpriced this games because it knows that hardcore Nintendo fans will buy it no matter the price
Ffs, even 16-bit titles are over 20 year old now, let's see them instead. How many people are really going to play these ancient arcade games for a decent amount of time? "Wow, I played this when I was young! (5min later) Ok it's getting boring now..."
So far I have been grabbing the ones originally made by Nintendo, but eventually I will start picking up some from other publishers. I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere so I never had the chance to play most arcade games as a kid. The only ones I remember playing was Ice Climber and SF2 in the pool hall in town.
A great game and a must buy when released later. When these Arcade Archives were announed this was the game that I was waiting for and it's nice not to have to play the NES version for once
@GKO900 wow was it Professor Layton?? Now I know why i missed out on the offer lol
Anyone know what time it releases here in the UK?
I believe it was Wreck it Ralph the movie game at GameStop had dk as a preorder bonus.
@adh56 totally with you- utter idiots. It’s one of the best days in my gaming life and I’ve been doing this for three decades. Sorry four decades 😱
The DK with Layton 3ds for a limited time was a hacked NES rom to add the pie level. It still differs from the arcade version.
Excited for sky skipper coming to arcade archives. I'm interested in the story behind the Atari 2600 version. Very odd how a game with a limited release got a 2600 conversion.
@Prizm me
@GKO900 Nintendo dontbprice these games. It doesn’t get hard if you learn the algorithms. I got utterly obsessed with DK after watching the film and got as far as getting my high score published in Nintendo magazine. Oh glorious days. 😂 Looking forward to trying all over again.
The thumbnail should have said "Europe" somewhere, in my opinion. It made me think the game was exclusive to North America and Japan.
@brianvgplayer @GKO900 @joey302 as @KnightRider666 says, the 3DS version was essentially a NES romhack, adding the pie level, not the Arcade one. But also was tied to a promo so not exactly a standalone purchase. Also I think it was released on the Wii VC in some similarly restrictive manner. But it was definitely a step up from the original NES version.
The DK64 version was the Arcade one (not sure which of the 3 versions included here, I’m guessing “international”), and was rereleased on the Wii U as well.
So this is the first time that the original Arcade version has been released as a single standalone purchase since the original cabinet release. Which is awesome, but even with “3 versions” at this price I think I’ll stick with my Wii U DK64, which was only $2 more and not portable or featuring online leaderboards, but included all of DK64 and Jetpac. Bargain.
@KnightRider666 Haven't seen you post in like, forever. Welcome back!
@joey302 It wasn't Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask because I own it and never bought a Layton game. I got it from buying the 3DS version of CrossworDS digitally. It was definitely for a temporary special offer.
Maybe it was one or the other.
I don't know if it's my imagination, or just me being used to old arcade sticks and the NES port...but this feels so much more accurate and responsive than I've felt before. Been leaning the Switch up in portrait mode and using split joycon with button input dpad and I DO NOT have problems with ladders anymore. It's so incredibly worth the 8 bucks...colors are so beautiful too. It feels incredible.
Also, is there still not a vertical/portrait view stand for the Switch?
Edit: Ordered a 5 dollar 3D printed stand, if anyone wants to know if it's good (after I get it) I'll message them back. https://www.etsy.com/listing/599253140/switch-stand-vertical-or-horizontal?ref=shop_home_active_1
@KnightRider666 Yeah...aways wondered how they got away with that...also, didn't a version of Animal Crossing also sneak it in?
@Moroboshi876 Problem is people are cheapskates
"We actually got pay for things? this should be free"
Just think how much it would cost to get actual Donkey Kong Arcade machine?
and again NES games were about the same price since the Wii days (but without any the extra emulation/leader boards )
This is the first time since 1981 they ever re-release this, don't wanna pay? get Mame or something.
@Dang69 yeah the NES version, which is missing the pie level
So glad these arcade games are getting re-released after so many years. I hope they all get released eventually. Plenty of thanks to Hamster for making available to all of us the arcade games that are very important in Nintendo history.
@Magrane @joey302 Ok I did my research apparently it was a club Nintendo offer in which if you bought any of 5 available games digital during a certain time you get like others said an enhanced version of the Donkey Kong from nes which was missing the pie level to me that's good enough even if it's not the arcade port and one of those five games was Professor Layton, Paper Mario sticker star, Cross Words plus, Art Academy and Style Savvy
@darthstuey Well to me this games are more pick up and play for like 15 minutes after all it only has 4 levels so I don't really feel any progression if I keep going it just get faster and harder but good luck in your score
Still not out in UK! Come on Nintendo why the wait?
@darthstuey 4 decades? your an old fart like me 🤣
@gaga64 that’s essentially what I was saying: “single standalone purchase” for the first time ever...the rest were unlockables and promos to get the game. 👍
@GKO900 BINGO!! There you go! That was it!! Lol
@KnightRider666 And that's exactly my reaction to this. I don't think I and a lot of other people could pay $8 for an extremely old game just touched up a bit and repackaged to be sold. This also goes to Nintendo as well since their Virtual Console was at many times overpriced (not always, but usually) back with the Wii and the Wii U as well. Either the games should be cheaper or they should be bundled together for a little more price, then only will it be worth the price tag...
Very, Very Nice! Awesome, and a half! I love the arcade DK.
"The DK64 version was the Arcade one (not sure which of the 3 versions included here, I’m guessing “international”), and was rereleased on the Wii U as well."
I had seen some video of the "Later Version" in a live video stream attributed to Nintendo and thought it appeared very similar to the version made for Donkey Kong 64 due to the order of its stages, the appearance of its title in the menu with the words "Arcade Archives", and one of the speakers of the video mentioning an option to skip a certain "stage" in the "Early Version" ("the barrels stage").
@joey302: Yeah,they did; but it was the NES version with the pie level added. I bought Crosswords 3DS just to get it. DK64 was too tough for me.I had a buddy play through the game just to unlock the arcade.
@brianvgplayer: I loved the 2600 version. It's the version I first played and grew up with. Still have it to this day!
@GameOtaku: I was hoping that Wreck-it-Ralph had the Wreck-it-Ralph arcade game as an unlockable bonus on it, but sadly it didn't.
@gaga64: True, this is first time it is available as a stand alone purchase. I believe the N64 version was the international version? I never unlocked Jetpac:( I think the Wii version only came with the red systems when purchased new.
@Magrane: Thanks, I rarely log in anymore. I usually just read the reviews and news from my smart phone.
@Dang69: Interesting stand. I've never ordered anything on Etsy before. How safe is it compared to Ebay or Amazon? Let us know if the stand is worth it.
@Yasaal: Again, I disagree. However, I do agree and hope that at some point after Nintendo's entire back catalog of Arcade games are released individually; they put all of them for sale on a cartridge for collector's.
@KnightRider666 Totally agree about the hopefulness I had with Fix-It Felix being a bonus on the Wreck-it Ralph video game. Is it for 100% sure it's not in the 3DS or DS versions? 😕
@Magrane: Nope, just googled for it and nothing came up:( It's too bad because the game itself wasn't anything special.
@KnightRider666 you are correct yup! Which makes this release more significant I feel! Played it last night for a bit. I still suck at it lol but everything is Arcade perfect how I remember it back in the day at my local arcade!! Perfect. Again to me worth the 8 bucks!!
@joey302: It's so much tougher than the NES version. I think my top score on the N64 version was around 160,000.
"@gaga64: True, this is first time it is available as a stand alone purchase. I believe the N64 version was the international version? I never unlocked Jetpac:( I think the Wii version only came with the red systems when purchased new."
I had seen some video of the "Later Version" in a live video stream attributed to Nintendo and thought it appeared very similar to the version made for Donkey Kong 64 due to the order of its stages, the appearance of its title in the menu with the words "Arcade Archives", and one of the speakers of the video mentioning an option to skip a certain "stage" in the "Early Version" ("the barrels stage").
Now that’s the kind of release news I like: “Guess what? This exists. Guess what else, it’s already available.” This is certainly not something we needed to hear about three months ahead of release.
I guess I can see balking at the eight bucks, but if you’re going to play it more than 32 times it’s free play from there on. By classic standards.
But really, I don’t remember how the DK64 version looked or played, but this really feels like the arcade. Plus not having to seek it out within a larger game, and having the portability as well, seems worth it for any classic Nintendo fan.
What’s up with the “wallpaper” though? No choices? Just a weird ray of light from the upper right corner? Seems like a wasted opportunity to include a cabinet graphics border.
I wondered if they’d finally do it. Now for the real long shot, could they do “Popeye”?
@Jimsbo: As far as I know, the N64 version was "arcade perfect". I'd love to have Popeye, but I think that one is tied up with licensing issues though:/
I posted my score on the online leaderboards but for some reason it was erased and I had to redo my score! I also noticed some guy got over a million points this morning but that is gone too
Why are so many people acting like $8 is too much? Are you really that broke? I don't even have anything close to a good job and I'd wipe my butt with 8 bucks...
@KnightRider666 I had a girlfriend a long time ago that I'd buy cool homemade yoga stuff for and never had any problems. Since this is 3D printed, I doubt it's scammy and the cost is low risk. I'll message ya when I get it and also post somewhere. I cannot believe how addicted to Donkey Kong I've been all day.
Because some of us that have 3ds or wiiu own the NES port of donkey kong on our system and is under $5 and unless the loss of one level and are a stickler for details there's no big difference.
I had believed a recording of the video I had mentioned in some other messages of mine in this section was uploaded at the address below this paragraph (note: the recording appeared to had been named "Arcade Archives Gameplay - Nintendo Treehouse: Live | E3 2018").
I had seen a video of what appeared to had been recording of the "Early Version" and had noticed that it had text of "HOW HOW CAN YOU TRY ?" between its stages rather than "HOW HIGH CAN YOU GET ?" like the "Later Version" and the version made for Donkey Kong 64 (you might be able to access this video of this World Wide Web address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVyRNoRgOL8).
@GameOtaku: You are VERY wrong. As I've stated before, the graphics are nicer, the game is much more difficult, and it saves your high score(s)!
@Dang69: Good to know, I've been interested in a lot of NES reproduction & hack games on Etsy. I look forward to your 3d stand review!
@ManBearPi9: I feel the same as you, but there are other games that other people may sadly enjoy for the same price.
@KnightRider666 I sent them a message asking if they could make sure I get it by the 24th for my friend's birthday (giving him one of the two stands and an eshop card for Ikaruga), and I got it already today. It slides in perfectly with no fuss at all - and angle is even great on it for reg landscape tabletop. It's super perfect, kind of in shock.
No you are wrong if you had read the review the nes port is harder than the arcade. You still get the same experience either way minus one level. It's like saying the Donkey Kong Land gameboy games are not very good when they are just as good of games as their snes counterparts.
@GameOtaku That's incorrect. The NES port is different from the AC version and even added the pie level isn't arcade exact. Donkey Kong Original Edition is nothing more than a hack of the NES game with the pie level added and added DK ladder climbing animations at the end of the level. It doesn't even have the "How High Can You Get?" screens. I don't get this "if you read the review" business. Just because a review incorrectly states that the NES DK is harder than the arcade doesn't make it right.
Also, what you said about DK Land doesn't make much sense to me. They have shortcomings compared to the SNES games and there's nothing wrong with not liking them as much as the SNES games.
The review gave a reason as to why the nes port was harder! Your argument is it's the arcade version so duh it's harder and it didn't have one level and it didn't say how high can you go!
I didn't make any arguments about why the AC version is harder, but I read posts elsewhere like the AtariAge forums that mention the AC version is more random than the NES version and has more enemies on screen. Where is the review anyway? The Nintendolife review didn't say anything about DK original edition being harder.
You misread my post, as well. The mention of how high can you get and other stuff was becuase you claimed that the NES version is the same as the arcade, despite how many sites that come up on google show just the opposite.
TCRF mentions that DK original edition is just a hacked nes ROM. https://tcrf.net/Donkey_Kong_(NES)
The Nintendolife review of Arcade Archives Donkey Kong says that "The difficulty is also greater than on the NES with flames appearing faster and you becoming overwhelmed with barrels sooner", not that the NES difficulty is greater.
@Dang69: Sounds great, thanks for your information.
@GameOtaku: Not true. We can agree to disagree here. I prefer the arcade version over the nes hacked port any day of the week.
@brianvgplayer: Thanks for defending me.
@KnightRider666 lol, yo dude check this out too, hand held grip - guy doing it is super legit too (Retronauts' Jeremy Parish): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fangamer/flip-grip
@Dang69: This looks awesome, I'm not going to lie. I've never backed a kickstarter campaign, but I think I'm going to jump on this one;) Thanks for the link.
@Dang69: You seem pretty cool. What's you friend code for switch and 3DS (if you have one)?
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