With little over a month before Shining Resonance Refrain hits western shores, Sega has released the very first trailer showing the game running on Nintendo Switch.
For anyone who needs a quick catch up, Shining Resonance Refrain is an expanded, remastered version of Shining Resonance, a JRPG that was released exclusively in Japan on PlayStation 3 back in 2014. Acting as a traditional JRPG with action-based battles, this game also focuses on interactions between your playable characters, with the potential to trigger story scenes which can lead to them dating the next day.

The Switch remaster is set to feature various new additions, including a Refrain Mode which tells an alternate story to the main game. This mode doesn't need to be unlocked - it is a large selling point of the remaster, after all - but it is recommended that players tackle the main game first so that everything makes sense. There will also be two additional party members, and DLC that was available from the PS3 version will be included with your purchase.
If you want to see some English-language footage of the game, take a look at this separate trailer. We challenge you to not chuckle at the "get a load of these beats" line.
The game is expected to launch in the west on 10th July. Will you be playing this one?
Comments 32
I’d give anything for Shining Force II on Switch.
There's just one problem with this game. It comes out on the same week as Octopath Traveler.
YUmmy looking game.
I already preordered this game, so excited!
Why does every JRPG game have almost nudity these days. Am I just getting old
I'm waiting on Y's 8 next month. If it's still coming and hasn't been delayed, been a long while since I've read anything about it. Amazon says June 26, Walmart says June 30, but the official Ntinedo page still only says "summer 2018".
If it as good jrpg I am in (but will need to check the gameplay as I prefer the classic ATB format)
@kbshadow Yesterday I said I´d pay 100€ for Shining Force 1,2, 3 + CD, today I raise myself to 200€! I have hopes...
Hmm, count me in. After Ys8, of course.
Ys8 and later this... Have my pre order back to back. Good times!
@Balta666 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1L-Owc2SMI
Here's a whole hour of gameplay footage
To me personally it's not a real Shining game...and therefore not a purchase...unless it has "Force" in the title and is a proper tactical SRPG.
And to those who keep reminiscing about the Genesis installments of Shining Force, yes they're great games, but it's an absolute travesty that English-speaking gamers never got to experience all three Scenarios of Shining Force III for the Saturn. It's easily one of the greatest overlooked gems on the most underrated console ever made, and believe it or not its story (yes, it had an actual STORY that was more than a few paragraphs of connecting material to bridge the gap between battles!) is Sega's best outside of Valkyria Chronicles. In fact for sheer value I might place it as the greatest game (if you include all 190-plus hours' worth of all three interlocked Scenarios) Sega EVER produced.
So is this actually in the Shining series or is the name a coincidence? Does it have ANY connection to the actual series or are they just borrowing the name hoping to sell something? Cuz this doesn't look anything like even the Shining games from the PS2 era... and seems to cash in just on having cute girls fighting monsters in, sigh, bikinis.
Looks like it plays like Xenoblade - control one character in real time with AI-controlled support characters, yes?
@AtlanteanMan Well you prob. know about the Translation Project?! If you have the original games, there is a patch to modify them.
So yes for me you are def. right, Shining Force III Scenarios 1-3 is the best game I ever played. Combined with Shining the holy Ark and the Premium Disc you have an rpg-adventure of a lifetime (and also the playtime of it ).
Still I grew up with SF 1+2 so I need them desperately for nostalgic reasons.
Yes, I've played through all three Scenarios via the Translation Project patch; those guys have done some seriously amazing work. Although I consider myself extremely fortunate in that regard, it's just too bad we never got an official localization so that more folks could get to experience some of the best turn-based fantasy gameplay ever made.
Mid-to-late 2018 is going to be insanely crowded on Switch. Why couldn't we have gotten some of these games earlier in the year?
@AtlanteanMan Fortunate is a nice expression I agree (although my wife says its just the age). I hope there will be enough impact for Sega to see.
But dont get me started on the other gem Panzer Dragon Saga which sadly will be lost forever with no hopes of a Re-Release whatsoever...
Oh yes day one for me, so many Jrpgs coming out on switch this summer. 😃
Played through Panzer Dragoon Saga (twice) as well; incredible atmosphere despite the Saturn's technical limitations (primarily referring to first-gen polygonal visuals). It nailed the bleak, hopeless feeling which seemed to permeate the ruined landscape for the scattered human habitations.
By the time Panzer Dragoon Saga released for the Saturn, Sega was already officially "mailing it in"; they'd already left gamers with an eternally unresolved cliffhanger by only making Scenario 1 of SFIII. As an employee at GameStop at the time, I managed to secure one of only 3,000 copies of PDZ that were made for the North American market (which I regretfully sold years later along with the rest of my Saturn collection, though I've since mostly rebuilt it). Sega didn't even have the dignity to give the game's four discs proper casing; they came in paper sleeves inside the jewel case.
Sega ran themselves out of the console marketplace by simply awful management, and sadly they still haven't learned a lot of lessons even after all this time regarding what their fans want (some of their beloved IPs NOT named Sonic). I think the reason they treat the Saturn like a black sheep is because they know that's the era when they completely screwed up; it has nothing to do with the quality of the Saturn itself or especially its awesome games catalog.
Too many RPGs coming out at the same time. I have this one pre-ordered along with Octopath which between the 2 of them could tide me over until September.
This game looks great. Already preordered.
Looks like it has everything I could want in a JRPG.
I am still recovering from March of last year...can I get a game drought up in here please? No? Ok, more OT for Ryu....
EDIT: didn't know about the shining force III thing...now I need to track down a JPN copy
@darkfenrir cool thanks. Am I correct in assuming you recommend the game?
@Balta666 Yeah I am xD
Personally I find it looks really great, and the little snippets of gameplay I see already interest me a lot- and there's a ton of dragons! Feel it'll be a blast to play
jeez... now i'dont know what to buy between this and YS 8... someone who played this game,can tell me how it is?
I just preordered this, Ys VIII, and Octopath Traveler so it's going to be an interesting summer.
I'm definitely getting this game right after I get Octopath Travelers. Ys 8, Dark Souls Remastered, and Disgaea Remastered I still plan to get as well.
This, Octopath Traveller and Y's 8 all hitting around the same time. It's going to be JRPG overload.
@Nomad the level of jrpg.... IT'S OVER 9000! XD
@Mspin991 LOL
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