The news dropped recently that Monster Hunter XX is dropping on Nintendo Switch in the West in the form of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate; a borderline direct port of the 3DS version to guarantee compatibility. It's lovely news and no mistake, but why did it take Capcom so long to make the decision?
We reached out to Monster Hunter aficionado and all-round charming man Arekkz of Arekkz Gaming to further discuss this mysterious process in the video above. All we can say is the end of August can't come soon enough.
Comments 30
i just care about knowing that were getting it. instead of waiting months on Monster Hunter: World. or a "shush shush, thing"
Long story short, Capcom didn't want this game to any way overshadow World so they didn't speak of it till now.
No need to watch the video anymore. Go on with your lives.....the end!
At the end of the day, World was a massive risk for Capcom and NEEDED to succeed. Generations Ultimate... it's a port of a 3DS game on a single platform, so not nearly as risky a venture.
So, they decided to hold back MHGU to give World its best possible start, and the gambit paid off. World has been spectacularly successful.
Sony paid for it not to be released worldwide.
This did nothing to overshadow MHW in Japan, it would have done nothing globally.
Basically other way around. Nobody would have cared during the MHW craze. Now they will hope to ride the wave of MHW.
Doubt it will outside a niche group. This is nothing like MHW and the formula that sold it in the west.
I thought it was timed to coincide with the release of Nintendo Online.
While the Switch is powerful enough to run World if it was optimized properly I like that their are keeping the old style around. I feel like the Numbered series will continue on the Switch so expect MH5 at some point.
@Xaessya Sources to back this up? I hear this a lot but I never find any factual information proving this.
Dont want to come out like I am trying to defend Sony since im personally not fond of them nowadays.
Nah, just been a running joke on this site.
Honestly, I think they delayed it so MHW doesn't compete with its own franchise since this would be a brave dive into something new and alot of people might keep with XX since they know its the formula they like and won't try the new one.
@Xaessya I see what you did there.
@Jokerwolf No it isn't, and MHW is the 5th mainline MH game.
I think they had no plans to release, and Nintendo localised it. Due to the outcry for a monster hunter game in the west on switch.
If Arekkz gaming is reading this please can you tell me if the touch screen works to use items during play?
And if in the absence of voice chat it will have text chat?
@Menchi187 No, it is more of mashup between all the past games in the numbered series, not a true 5th installment. Yes the switch is powerful enough to run World, they could simply reduce the draw distance a bit and the ground clutter and effects etc. It could easily run if they put the effort in to optimize it.
@Jokerwolf Except it still can't run on it.
MHW is the 5th game in the main series, or are you telling the devs they're wrong?
"Long story short, Capcom didn't want this game to any way overshadow World so they didn't speak of it till now." - @Spoony_Tech
To be honest, I personally feel Arekkz hit the nail on the head in his previous video, calling out that Monster Hunter World was built from the ground up to basically be MH aimed for the masses. MH was never mainstream because as fun as it is, it never had a tutorial, and it kinda just threw you into the world expecting you to figure out everything navigating countless menus.
MH World fixed this by adding a much simpler tutorial, adding a story driven narrative to keep newer players engaged, and several Quality of Life improvements to make hunting easier for new players.
It made sense for Capcom to wait until MH World got MH mainstream appeal, so that one Generations Ultimate releases there's a far bigger user base that could potentially buy it.
And also, just like this video illustrates, being an older game doesn't necessarily mean it being a worse game, it's like comparing Mario Odyssey to Mario Galaxy 2. They are both amazing games in their own unique way.
I understand that they needed world to succeed in the west but now they fragmented their install base. you have the hardcore against the casuals. still funny the hardcore only get HD 30fps 3ds game. I'm still going to get it...maybe.
Wait, people think it took "so long"? It took around the same time it usually takes for an Ultimate title to be localized, maybe an extra couple of months. I guess with the announcement and release of World earlier, there was a bit of doubt. Nonetheless, it's great were finally getting it!
Capcom: "Yo dawg, I heard you like ports...."
Does it truely matter? The game if good, is still good a year later. Aug will be here in no time.
I thought I read that the dev team that worked on 4 and 4U shifted over to build MHW? It was clearly the main focus for the last few years, since X/XX/Gen are basically a "greatest hits" of the classic games.
I'd wait to see what comes next before we start to write off a MH5 in the classic style. Most series that make a rebranding effort as big as World's end up treating it as a complete reboot, not as a natural progression. There is still room to refine and balance the classic games, and I for one hope that both types of games continue to get produced. And as fun as World is, it was a much larger production than the previous portable entries, which means more cost and less risk taken. There's a high, high probability that World's success will ensure that future MH games are sort of vanilla, watered down versions of what MH has been in the past.
Isn’t the reasoning obvious? That Nintendo didn’t wanna risk eating into MHW sales for people who have multiple platforms? They wanted the news to focus on MHW.
I feel it’s bittersweet. I wanted XX but now it’ll be hard to go back to this game without MHW’s QOL improvements.
@ShadJV it'll be easy to go back to XX because we get Guild Ma'am and not that whiney Guide Lady nosing through your chest back at camp.. 😊
@cfgk24 I mean yeah, I hate the Handler as much as the next player but lack of her won’t make the gameplay any easier, once I’m on the hunt it doesn’t matter how annoying she was, having to be stationary to heal and dividing the maps into areas and requiring paintballs and no slingers and auto combining and being able to change equipment and get more food at camp, etc... it’s gonna be a lot to readjust from and most of the changes simply increased the fun and let you spend more time hunting.
@Menchi187 Devs have said things and changed their minds later on, so I take it with a grain of salt. Also no where in the game itself is it ever referenced as 5 regardless of what they say, and even if it was they could make the next one 6 so it is not a big deal.
I honestly hope they continue the more hardcore style MH on Handheld and keep World away from it anyways.
Complete Conspiracy Theory.
Capcom originally didn't intend to localize MHXX due to it's lackluster sales in Japan, but Nintendo wanted to bolster their multiplayer library worldwide before the launch of the Nintendo Online Subscription Service, so they incentivised Capcom to release MHGU before Nintendo Online Service launched (perhaps by lowering the risk by lowering the amount of money Capcom gives Nintendo for each sale of MHGU for example).
For anyone who games multiplatform, I can't imagine many people who have already played MHW decided to go back to MHGU.
Im excited to put my saves from 3ds onto this game. Its a hunters life, we live to hunt another day !
Didn't think it would come but... looks like I'll be getting it. There goes what little gaming free time I had...
There is nothing anyone can say to make me believe this upscaled port was somehow a threat to Monster Hunter World sales. I don't think the people saying that even believe it. If that was the case then just release it digitally at first then do a physical release once world was out. The die hards would have gotten it digitally and those who got World and liked it would get it physically. The base game was already localized with generations so don't try to tell me it took them this long just to localize the XX parts of it. Also they have been saying for months that there were no plans despite you all saying it takes almost a year to do localization. They would have had to been doing it while still marketing world.
It's too little too late. Sorry Capcom, but I'm not buying this. I'll stick with World. I doubt I can even go back to the old cumbersome formula...
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