Miitomo, brainchild of mobile game producer DeNA, has passed away. It was just over two years old.
The cause of death is currently unknown; however, it is believed that the de-emphasizing of Miis on the Nintendo Switch – as well as Nintendo’s increasing focus on adapting traditional games such as Mario and Animal Crossing for mobile – played a role in Miitomo's untimely and tragic demise.
As of May 9th, the servers for the mobile app have been taken down, and users have had their access to the game revoked.
Nintendo paid tribute to its fallen offspring with the following eulogy:
We want to thank you for enjoying Miitomo so much.
Miitomo’s service has come to an end as of Wednesday 9th May 2018, 16:00 (JST).
We’ve come a long way since the app was launched, and once again we want to thank everyone who’s been involved.
We hope to go on to even bigger and better things in the future with Nintendo, and we hope you’re there to share the fun.
We hope to see you again soon!
In its lifetime, Miitomo had many accomplishments. Within a month of launching, the app claimed over 10 million users, and 300 million conversations between friends. It also contributed to an 8% increase in Nintendo’s shares within a week of its launch.
Miitomo was beloved by its fans, and will surely be missed in the world of mobile gaming.
However, for those looking to fill the Mii-shaped holes in their hearts, Nintendo announced on April 30th that a browser-based Mii Maker tool will launch by the end of this month. Users will even be able to use the same Miis they played Miitomo with.
All good things must come to an end – hopefully this shift of focus will mean more exciting things are on the horizon for Nintendo in the months to come. In the meantime, let's pour one out for Miitomo.
Do you think Miis will become a relic of the past for Nintendo, or has the company not quite given up on them yet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below...
[source japanesenintendo.com]
Comments 87
I gotta say, this whole partnership with DeNA has been rather underwhelming up to this point.
Miitomo and Switch's online situation aren't exactly two ringing endorsements.
I never approve of flip flopping with support for things like this - Nintendo is far to quick to dump support to things (Hello Wii U)...
I hope recent continued support of 3ds shows a change in this trend...
on that note anyone know why you cant buy new 3ds on nintendo own shop in UK? is there a reason?
@Stocksy They were discontinued.
Too soon.
@Stocksy "I never approve of flip flopping with support for things like this - Nintendo is far to quick to dump support to things"
I suspect labo is next.
Really never been a fan of Miis, I'd be glad to be rid of them. They felt kind of at home on the Wii, especially with Wii Sports and such, but they've aged horribly.
I don't mind the idea of a custom avatar, but would much prefer something in the vein of a proper Mario or Splatoon character level of design. I never minded the Xbox Live Avatars, and quite enjoyed all the different costumes and props based on various games.
But generally, I don't see the need for these kind of console-based avatars. I'm much happier sticking to usernames and in-game avatars when it comes to their own lobbies and universes (i.e. Splatoon).
I had a blast with it for awhile. I’m the only person out of my friends that play Nintendo games so it did get old quick. Rip
@Stocksy Nintendo UK store are not stocking any New 3DS units and only have 1 New 3DS XL unit for sale (Happy Home Academy bundle). But you can't find it using their drop-downs instead you need to search 3DS and then choose the 3DS XL unit. or go to Nintendo UK Store and end with "/new-nintendo-3ds-xl/consoles.list"
My Mii and Bodybuilder skin...
What kind of support does LABO require as you see it?
Never downloaded it. It was boring, sorry
They should have renamed it like Shiitomo
I actually enjoyed Miitomo... for about a month or two. Thing is, when your friends stopped playing that game, there's very little life or reason for you to continue as well.
That said, I've always found a great connection to my Mii as an avatar. I use it as my user icon on Switch, and I do hope that this isn't the end of getting to use them in games and the like. (Tomodachi Life/Collection sequel, anyone?)
Hope lessons have been learnt from what was actually a decent product and that Switch's online social features improve greatly.
Now let's make a whiny petition to bring it back.
Mootimo was boring. It wasn’t a game. It was a bad social app. It’s was bad like mynintendo at the time.
I loved Miitomo, used it every day to answer questions, chat, design cool Mii-photos. Yes it wasn't a game in the traditional sense of the meaning but it was, to those who liked it, fun and creative. I for one am gonna miss it.
Miitomo was not beloved by fans. It was a failure. Try something better next time
Wha? I just went in there yesterday...geez that sucks.
@Anti-Matter Xbox has nothing to do with miitomo.
@YummyHappyPills - did they say why? we expecting a new type? thinking of upgrading my old style 3ds to a new one but dunno what to do.
@GauBan Cheers for that!
Actually if you think Miitomo was a failure and not loved or used, just search #Miitomo on Twitter and see how wrong you were.
@Stocksy It was discontinued last year. The reason is simple, the New 3DS models never sold particularly well, plus they can offer the same tech excluding 3D for less with the ultimate budget New 2DS XL, and standard 2DS for little Timmy.
I still think it’s unfair and unnecessary to brick the app like they have. People have spent time and money collecting outfits and things over the years and now it’s all totally gone. Why couldn’t they allow it to function offline and let users take Miifotos and play around with their clothes and room decorations?
It had its charm but I lost interest fairly quickly. Probably cos I never got the appeal in going through the hassle to acquire cosmetic items that then can’t be used in a traditional game of some sort.
I played Miitomo for a couple months or so, mainly to accumulate My Nintendo coins (which at the time I thought may have value at some point). It was a good first step into mobile gaming for Nintendo, so in that regard I appreciate it. But it was time to bring it to an end so the effort needed to support it can be allocated to better things (like Mario Kart Tour!).
@Anti-Matter why do you even bother replying to me
@Pod I'd say nintendo producing more types of kits than what they've produced up to this point?
@SethNintendo "Users can attempt to create and program on their own infinitely."
Sure, they "can". But I argue they "won't". I guess in that sense, it's the userbase dropping the support, kind of like what happened with Miitomo.
I just don’t like mobile games in general so I’ve deleted all of Nintendo’s after playing a few minutes just to see what it’s like.
And once again, we're taught that the world of Nintendo Online is a bitterly depressing place.
I LOVE Nintendo, but.. sigh
I'm still ticked off about WarioWare DIY. That had a FANTASTIC programming tutorial, and when people asked me "How do I learn to make games" that was a WONDERFUL piece of software to send them to. But then Nintendo broke the online component, like they do with everything else, and it became just another thing that I could no longer recommend.
Bah, humbug!
This app was so pointless. If you were using it, sorry you can't play it anymore, but I'm glad Nintendo won't be wasting it's resources on this.
I'm not sure I'd consider the release of new boxed goods support for someone who bought a different boxed product.
The app was exactly Nintendo's brand of creative kookiness, and if you "got" what it was about, then maybe you loved it like me. 600+ questions answered, learned a lot about some online friends and a bit about myself. So I'll miss it.
Never even knew what it was...
A non worldwide release app which failed to capture the aspect of what made the (now admittedly old) Mii characters crashes and burns and has now been ended? What a shocker!
Seriously. Nintendo's bullish nature towards worldwide releases is not just one of the biggest reasons Miitomo died (and Fire Emblem Heroes not getting even higher sales) is because of selective regions. The first and simplest business rule for increased success is to make your products available EVERYWHERE. Then after Nintendo doesn't follow this they raise their hands up and say "oh we're ending the service". This is the same thing I said a few days back when Nintendo Mobile were complaining about low profits. Oh how hypocritical.
Rant over. Speaking from an objective sense, Miis are tbh dead. Very few recognise them now and though I have a huge fondness for them I don't think at all that using the Miis as your first step into the Mobile Industry is a smart one. Nevertheless, even though I love Miis, unfortunately the owner of the IP is the one I am furious against and can only say "Nintendo deserved it". Can't wait till they close down the next app less than 2 years in.
Describing an app/service as “passing away” is so odd to me.
All the money i spent to customize my rooms etc is in the toilet
@thesilverbrick agreed. I still used the miifoto aspect on the regular. ah well. at least i changed outfits before it went the way of the dodo.
Might have had some legs if I’d ever found anyone else who had it. Extremely pointless if you had no in-game Friends, and the methods for adding people were archaic and useless.
"Miitomo was not beloved by fans. It was a failure. Try something better next time"
I don't think so...
Sorry to be blunt, but it's hard to miss something that I wasn't ever interested in to begin with. I don't even know anyone who used it.
I think it was just something to do to get their foot in the door for mobile. Test things out. But I think they could have done more with it pretty easily, like add mini games. Like, a Mii runner or Mii Flick Golf would have been cool. Might have even paid for those.
Battery dying while doing... nothing on Miitomo...
One of the worst, most pointless things Nintendo have ever done. Again, glad to see Nintendo leaving that era behind and thinking clearly.
@MisterKorman thats true...is that the case with Miitomo though?
Miitomo was a gimmicky waste.
And honestly, the more distance Nintendo puts between itself and these remnants of the Wii era, the better.
Nintendo never support their online ventures long. As soon as they lose interest, it's abandoned. See also: Miiverse and Devil's Third's online.
I'm going to miss it. It was not particularly engaging, but it was kind of fun to try and get some of the unique clothing items and create custom Miis like my Paper Peach, Dark Samus and Mini Link.
I really wish Nintendo upgrade the Switch's Mii Avatar system with Miitomo features (clothing, more poses, more expressions, backgrounds, etc).
So whoever use Mii as their Switch avatar, it will looked gorgeous.
@Anti-Matter I want themes, personally. I don't know why we never got them on Wii U, and still don't have them on Switch.
That app kept me pretty well occupado throughout 2017 and was hard not to use, it’s a good thing that I accomplished my goals in it, and that I had good moments. I loved seeing Miis talk, getting to know others better and vice versa, and not to mention it’s other great aspects that no other Mobile Game has. Luckily I have stuff from the game stored at somewhere, examples include my Sidekick Miis on my 3DS who I’ve not yet had a chance to send to here: http://www.miicharacters.com/
My Miitomo Friends I’m able to remain in touch with at other places like my 3DS, Discord and Amino, not to mention becoming my Team Members in Miitopia, and my Miifoto Log Images are all safely stored in an Amino, don’t think they’d hold on Twitter and Pinterest sadly. Overall I gave my impressions from my time using the app in an Amino: http://aminoapps.com/p/gmpil0
The Sad thing about Mobile Games is that they’ll come to a Halt one of these days, that’s something we’d probably be in for with Super Mario Run in less than a year. But luckily Successors to Mobile Games are possible, hopefully Miitomo will indeed have a Successor at some point in the future where we can continue doing what we loved doing in the app, though improvements would also be very much appreciated, I don’t expect Miitomo to be the only Mobile Game that makes use of Miis. Later this year as we know we’ll be in for a New Zelda Game and Mario Kart Tour as Nintendo’s next mobile game.
@CuriousUserX90 Pretty Good videos have been done here of goodbyes to Miitomo, showcasing how much making such pics has been, something we hope to be able to do again one of these days: *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmUk3S83xWY&autoplay=1
I just wonder, who's idea behind the Switch machine ?
Is that from Satoru Iwata then continued by Tatsumi Kimishima ?
Because i felt only 3DS & Wii U that have interesting Home Menu presentation (Both of them have relaxed ambient music) , also both 3DS & Wii U has Apps icon displayed on the side their game case, but the Switch Home Menu was like plain Vanilla NDSi.
I agree Nintendo Labo is a failure, Nintendo will most likely drop support for it some time in 2019.
@Ralizah I agree with this. And this coming from someone who was completely obsessed with the Wii era and totally bought in.
Miitomo was the first sign that Nintendo was leaving the Wii era, given that it was the first "game" they ever created on a non-Nintendo device.
Of course, being a "game" rather than a game didn't help Miitomo sustain its popularity. I feel like Miitomo was created out of necessity to satisfy shareholders who were deeply concerned with Nintendo's future after the Wii U's failure. Now that the Switch is a massive hit (and with FE Heroes and AC Pocket Camp performing admirably well), Miitomo really isn't needed anymore.
Miitomo sports coming soon
Eh ?
Miitomo Sports ?
If there is a Boxing + Muscular skin, sign me in !
I really wish that game will come true.
@gatorboi352 Nah, I think the Wii U's online servers are next. Possibly even the Wii U eshop as well given it seems Wii U will always have a better retro selection than Switch.
News feeds everywhere just got lighter. No more regular updates on a re-occurring hat.
Farewell to Nintendo's first ever mobile game, Miitomo was not the greatest game but it was still fairly enjoyable to play. I am sure it will be missed by some fans.
Real Media Now Ltd
Oddly enough, I enjoyed Miitomo (and played it more) than any of Nintendo’s other mobile offerings. And it wasn’t even close...
Two years already? I downloaded it when it was first released (being the Nintendo fan that I always have been) but it did not really interest me. I stopped playing it after about two minutes.
As for the Miis, I actually would miss them if they were to go away. I have been playing Mario Kart 8 (with my Mii) on the Switch a lot recently. I have been using this Mii for quite a number of years (with various different Nintendo titles).
@Grumblevolcano i could see that
So outside of the Mii editor and pachinko, what was the purpose of Miitomo?
I was playing it up until the end. Honestly I really loved it
And if you ever spent real money on the game for anything like poster slots or tokens...
Well to heck with you. Nintendo is done with the game.
This is why I'm reluctant to invest micropayments in an F2P game.
It is a very sad day. Most of my friends stopped playing within the first couple of weeks and ultimately, I started harvesting friends of friends of friends who I thought gave funny responses. These were people I had never met. People all over the planet. Over the past two years some incredibly strong relationships were made. The majority of these people were great writers or designers and were therefore, able to expertly utilize everything that Miitomo had to offer via its nutty thread starters or its Miifoto function.
Over the past two years, a lot of strangers became very good friends. I followed one guy & his wife through the pregnancy & birth of their first son. Or the guy who got a cancer diagnosis last September and a clean bill of health this last April. Awesome.
More passive than typical social media & more personal than following someone’s blog, it was such an odd & spectacular little app for those who stuck with it. And you did have to in order to really unearth its value.
Unique, absurd and singular in it’s approach that lacked any immediacy, it was less about Miis and more about pen pals. Because everyone was donning some nut-ball outfit & was already in a good mood, communication was a positive experience unlike the trolling and negativity so prevalent elsewhere on the Internet. It was an out-on-a-limb, one-of-a-kind weirdo-app, it was very much beloved by its fans and I, as one of them, am sorry to see it go.
Just Nintendo not supporting their own things.
@Hokanchu That is really cool. I was not so fortunate but I'm very happy to hear you had such a great experience. Here is hoping that Nintendo tries again in the future.
This is very sad. Miitomo was actually my favorite Nintendo Smartphone game (yes, I played Fire Emblem Heroes, Pocket Camp, Super Mario Run, Pokémon Go, etc.). It had the best Mii customization I've ever seen, which is something that Mario Tennis Open, Mario Golf: World Tour, Tomodachi Life, Miitopia, and even Super Smash Bros 4 couldn't grasp. I actually had fun making my very own characters in Miitomo. I'm hoping Miitomo's customization feature makes a return in another game. I'd just hate to see an amazing feature die with that game.
I'll probably jump back into Pocket Camp, but I'm not expecting any amazing things out of it.
Miitomo was a major missed opportunity. Nintendo could have evolved it and integrated it across its platforms as a kind of universal home app. It could have been the Switch app done right. It could have taken over for Miiverse and become a genuine Nintendo Social Network. Shared on mobile, Switch, 3DS and even Wii U alike.
I understand Nintendo's concerns about allowing any direct communications across their platforms - but they are overblown in the extreme. The nightmare stories we used to hear from time to time about some kid talking to someone online and then meeting them and getting abused have most been debunked as myths or extremely isolated and rare events.
Nintendo needs to get over their fear of proper online integration. Anytime they are on the right track, they seem to backtrack. So long as they provide parental controls - there should be no reason to skip out on the services.
I logged in daily just to unlock new outfits for my profile Mii. Too bad outfits don't show up on Switch icon. Maybe the incoming web app will add this feature.
You really need to stop being so sensitive with any comment mentioning LABO my friend.
Tap screen to pay respects.
Yeah I agree. I i know they decided back in 2004 that online gaming wasn't going to be big but its amazing they still don't really understand the Internet. You'd think there would have been enough management changes to allow a change of course but nope, still baffled and scared by it.
Labo isn't going anywhere. I personally think it looks rubbish but having things that can be marketed as educational or at least having as something that families can do together besides playing games is a tremendous marketing tool. Also handy for kids trying to persuade their parents to buy a games system.
I'm not saying LABO is bad. Nintendo LABO is just not selling well at the moment, so if this sales trend continue LABO could be discontinued in the near future.
I actually thought this app was pretty neat but eh what can you do
Gotta weigh in just to offset those negative comments!
So sad to see the Miis go away. Maybe those of you with "true gamer" friends can just play SSB to their heart's content, but for people like me, there was nothing better to introduce video games at a party than Wii Sports, Wii Party or Mario&Sonic at the Olympics, all games with great Mii support. Heck, even creating a Mii was both a great introduction to controls and helluva lot of fun!
I still hope Nintendo releases something like Wii Party on the Switch. Or at least give us Mario Party, please, Nintendo!
I was sad about it, even if no one else cared. I gave my Mii a permanent outfit the day before it was shut down so she has something nice on for the rest of her life in limbo.
@gatorboi352 Would you like to make a bet with me on that? I bet Labo will last longer than Miitomo.
Loser buys winner a game of up to sixty dollars. Deal?
@Meaty-cheeky Would you like to make a bet with me on that? I bet Labo will last longer than Miitomo.
Loser buys winner a game of up to sixty dollars. Deal?
@Dog lol wut
@gatorboi352 You read it; care to take me on?
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