Another weekend is upon us, and that means making time - be it five precious minutes or a whole 48 hours - of quality 'you' time on your Nintendo platform of choice. This week we've got plenty of love for Nintendo Switch with some slices of retro goodness, some newly released indies and the usual devotion to all things Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and ARMS. We're nothing if not predictable with out collective tastes here at Nintendo Life!
Dom Reseigh-Lincoln
This weekend I'll no doubt be taking to the skies and dogfighting with my fellow WW1 aces in the brilliant Skies of Fury DX (check out my review here). Even without any sort of online multiplayer option (something I hope the developer is working on now that so many people have asked for), grinding up my levels to unlock new plane skins and crosshairs is quite the addiction.
Apart from a couple of little indies I'm playing for review (look out for them next week on Nintendo Life), I've also been playing a fair bit of NBA 2K18 and DOOM, so no huge shock there. Let's hope that E3 tease for DOOM II comes to pass (and onto Nintendo Switch).
Conor McMahon, contributing writer
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an incredible game, but it wasn't until I completed the Ballad of the Champions DLC that the story and the characters truly felt complete. There isn't a massive amount of plot, but what's there does such a good job at fleshing out the Champions as actual personalities that I found myself getting genuinely emotional as the utterly lovely final cutscene played out. This weekend I'll be trying to offset that heartfelt finale by burning through Hyrule on my newly-unlocked motorbike! They can't see the tears in your eyes while you're going 100 miles an hour!!
Dave Frear, retro reviewer
This weekend I’ll be playing something from HAMSTER’s seemingly never ending range of retro releases and although I should probably balance this with something modern, I will, instead, be playing Tetris. I could stick with current gen hardware and play Puyo Puyo Tetris I suppose, but instead I’ll be on my AGS-101 with Tetris DX, no doubt getting addicted (again) due to the simple, fun gameplay as I try to improve my line-getting/point-scoring. I will, of course, be playing with the Korobeiniki patch applied (yay, EverDrives), as Tetris without that music is just plain wrong.
Glen Fox, guides editor
I’ve just completed Revelations 2 and am holding off from starting something new cos it’s my birthday on Sunday, and I’m relying on my good friends and loved ones to get me new Switch games! I’m hoping for Lost Sphear. Please be Lost Sphear...
In the meantime, I’ve been playing Lichtspeer, a completely silly arcade score chaser that’s crazy addictive. I also think it’s time I dipped back into Splatoon 2. I completed the single player at launch then completely neglected multiplayer, and that’s total madness. If all of the above doesn’t satisfy me, I’ll crack on with a bit of Skyrim. That’s my back burner game now!
Jon Cousins, Japan correspondent
Apart from waking up early (l still a bit late) to take part in the Nintendo Life April Mario Kart 8 Deluxe tournament, I thought I'd go back and pick up two old gems on sale on the eShop this week. The first is Tumblestone. I'd never even heard of it, but someone on my friends list plays it constantly and I consider myself pretty decent at Tetris-style games (but doesn't everyone?!). At almost the complete opposite end of the scale is Oxenfree. It looks cool, I've heard a lot about it and have always been intrigued, now there is no excuse.
Liam Doolan, Australia correspondent
This weekend it’s less about the game I’ll be playing, and more about how I got the game in the first place. Long story short, I was watching the annual professional cycling event – the Paris–Roubaix – last Sunday evening with my partner, when I made a silly bet with her that the Slovakian rider, Peter Sagan, would take out the one-day race. At this point in time, the peloton was about 65km out from the finishing line. In the end he won! In all honesty though, he’s normally the only guy I back due to his likable personality and bike handling skills - so please don’t think I'm some sort of expert on the sport.
Anyway, the agreement was that my partner would buy me Stardew Valley on the Switch. I’m not even sure what the consequences would have been had I lost (we never discussed that). I never doubted Sagan though as he is the world champion of the cycling. Now that I am the proud owner of Stardew Valley on the Switch, I guess we can both look forward to that upcoming multiplayer update.
Alan Lopez, contributing writer
Has anyone actually beaten the final moon in Super Mario Odyssey? Okay, so first you have to beat this Goomba tower thingy, got it. Then some poles over lava, not too bad, okay. Now some … spinning platforms in lava? Argh, let me start over, hold on. Alright, back to the spinning lava things, figured that out. Oh my gosh, now I have to be the slow fire sludge guy? Ugh. Oh my gosh, this uproot again. Ice water?! NOT FUZZIES AGAIN! Wow, let me start this WHOLE thing over… was I even half way through this? There’s a tower? I’m supposed to fly past 100 shooting cannons? Tiny lava platforms? Lasers shrouded in FOG?! AGH.
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
This weekend will be spent mostly airborne, shooting things and trying not to get myself shoot while at it. In a strange coincident release, two of my favourite Commodore Amiga games (Wings of Fury and Wings) just got themselves impromptu ‘spiritual sequel’ on the Switch eShop: Rogue Aces and Skies of Fury are both doing their finest to take me back to the simpler days of my youth and a reminder that war is only good for video games. When not soaring high in the virtual sky, my feet will be planted ion the ground except when I am kicking back attacks in the latest ARMS party crash since I do want those new, shiny Min Min badges.
Tony Stephenson, social media manager
Well, this weekend I am running a gaming event in Nottingham so the question is what are we NOT playing. On the list are a Smash Royal Rumble, Super Bomberman R, F Zero GX, Twilight Princess HD balloon mini-game challenge, some Salmon Run on Splatoon 2 and also going to get everyone to play Super Rocket Shootout. Will I play any games myself? Probably not, as I'll be organising the chaos!
Which games are you playing this weekend? (317 votes)
- Skies of Fury DX
- NBA 2K18
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Tetris0%
- Puyo Puyo Tetris
- Resident Evil Revelations 21%
- Lost Sphear
- Splatoon 2
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe0%
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- Oxenfree
- Stardew Valley
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Rogue Aces
- Super Bomberman R1%
- Super Rocket Shootout0%
- Something else!
Please login to vote in this poll.
So that's our picks for the weekend, but what are yours? Be sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a lovely comment or two in the comments section below. And have a great weekend from Nintendo Life...
Comments 102
Finished Fe this morning.
Bit of rabbits DLC next, maybe some Kirby and LA Noire later.
Just waiting for God of War next week
I'll be playing Knock,Knock, Ginger and Chrono Cross.
The same thing I do every weekend: get a little bit further in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Not sure this game is ever going to end; and I'm not sure I want it to.
Bit of a random one but been playing grand slam tennis on the Wii via Wii U emulation.
Fantastic game. Looking a little jagged around the edges by today's standard of games but the game play is still top notch.
Hoping the 2 new upcoming tennis games are as good
NBA 2k18 !!! All the way !!
1. Portal Knights Switch
Still Terraforming my Vacant Crystal island into a Huge Palace. Needs more Blocks and patience.
Party Crasher Event.
3. The Sims 4 PS4
Well, still trying to create another neighbors. To create at least 1 Dreamy Sims, it could take 20 minutes. I had created my Alter Ego, he's so Handsome & Muscular, i named him with my name too. Take a look at his looking.
I called my Alter Ego a Handsome Nerd.
Well the header image looked like the cutscene in FF7 where the Tiny Bronco gets shot down at first glance, so now I kinda want to play that, but I don't know. I'm chilling on the sofa listening to music and drinking tea at the moment. Like @Spectra I'm also on the last chapter of Ni No Kuni 2 so would like to finish that up, and then come back to mop up the aspects I'm interested in once I've seen the credits roll. On the Switch front I will hopefully play some more Owlboy. Some guys probably coming round tomorrow so it'll be Everybody's Tennis and maybe some Mario Kart. Really looking forward to Mario Tennis!
So just treading water until God of War really, I got caught up in the review hype and put a preorder in.
Happy weekend chaps!
My friend and I are planning on playing hooky to play Pokémon Go at the park for community day.
Atelier: Lydie and Suelle for the most part. Might alternate with some Floor Kids.
Final fantasy 6 on my snes mini
Skies of Fury, Gal Gun 2 and Lego Marvel Superheroes 2.
Skies of Fury, Rogue Aces, and Adventure Pals for me. Loving all 3 a lot.
I bought Shovel Knight during the Sale this week. So Shovel Knight it is
Picked up Oxenfree during a PSN sale (came with a dynamic theme which I absolutely love). However, might double dip and get it on sale for my Switch. Still playing Lost Sphear. Jumped back into Xenoblade Chronicles on my N3DSXL (gonna wait on a holiday sale for XC2). But... Been putting the most hours into TERA on PS4. Just came out over a week ago and the community is packed with active players. It's been fun.
Rocket league. I’m a addict
I really want to pick The Adventure Pals up. Would any of my fellow Switch fans recommend me doing so?
Got Zelda last weekend so Zelda it is!
Maybe a few games of Rocket League as well
ARMS, Splatoon 2, yadda yadda yadda...
I plan to buy Kirby Star Allies tonight. We'll see how everything goes!
Everyone have a blessed weekend! Stay safe and stay awesome! 😊
Its Party Crash time in the Arms Universe
Never missed one yet
So, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is dropping 2 weeks from this coming Friday. Now, I know when I recommend games you tend to push back. Particularly when you've already set your mind that you don't like something. But I'd like to make a genuine appeal, one last time, to advocate for Tropical Freeze.
The reason I believe you would likely enjoy the game... truly enjoy it, is the new Funky mode. We all agreed the game is amazing, it's just the difficulty (particularly minecarts) that turned you off. And I get it, because the game pulls no punches with regard to difficulty. But Funky mode is more than meets the eye. It's a real gamechanger for players like you, and let me explain why.
For one, Funky Kong gets 5 hearts. Five of them. Compare that to the typical 2 hearts of other Kongs. So right out the gate, you're getting a lot of hearts. There's also the fact Funky is impervious to spikes. He also can roll and spin underwater indefinitely. In the original game, you had to have a buddy to do that. That really helps prevent getting hit when you roll through one enemy, but come out of your roll just before the next one and hit them.
He also gets a double jump, and, he can slowly float down from a jump as well (you'll see the surfboard spinning and he kinda floats down slowly). That's absolutely huge. Being able to double jump ,and, slowly flutter down from any jump, that will make the game exponentially less difficult. That will help so much with tricky platforming.
But that's not all.
In Funky Mode, you can also take 5 (count em, five) items with you into a stage. Stuff like invincibility potions, extra hearts and barrels, green balloons which protect you from falling into pits, crash guard which protects you in minecart sections, etc. I really think about that. If you were on my minecart stage, you could take five crash guards with you. If you were on a normal stage you could take five green balloons to protect from 5 falls.
And here's the kicker: you can add those items into your inventory mid stage at any time! So if you jump off the ledge and fall into a pit, you can pause the game as you're falling, add a green balloon to your inventory, unpause the game, and float back up from the pit on the ballon.
It is my belief that with all of these changes and additions, the game will be more than accessible for someone like you. And I wouldn't say that if I didn't really believe it. I think Nintendo has taken the necessary steps to open this game up and make it accessible for anyone.
Adventure Pals for me and the little one . And some Doom later on.
Trying to 100% Rayman Legends, and going on with LA Noire.
Playing Persona 5 on PS4 mostly. Might throw in Mario Kart 8 on Switch.
I have too many games to play on Switch!
But maybe some DOOM, Sine Mora Ex, Zelda: BotW, Skyrim, Fire Emblem Warriors, The Binding of Isaac, etc.
I got LEGO City Undercover for $5 using some Amazon credit so I’m playing through that now. I never did finish it on Wii U, so here’s hoping. And besides that, I’ll finally get a chance to get a sparkly Helix badge in ARMS.
April has been great for the backlog. Only 2 left. Steam world heist and oxenfree ( which was just added for to the sale). Otherwise, adding in Splatoon 2 online.
Just saw Ready Player One last night so I might break out my homemade mini nintendo switch arcade cabinet shell and the 8bitdo arcade stick and play some shmups and neo geo fighters. Also skies of fury dx and i really need to beat the champions ballad but after i finish my masters degree and graduate this semester.
Windows Phone:
Make It Rain: The Love of Money
Jetpack Joyride
Nintendo 3DS:
New Super Mario Bros. 2 - Still need to finish World 6 in co-op.
Just picked up Celeste, so I'll be playing that this weekend. Can't wait to see what all the 10's were about!
Very simple- my modded Snes mini with 7,000 games on it!!😃😃😃😃
4 elements
Pokémon Ultra Moon
New Leaf
Pokémon Picross
Project Mirai DX
Finally finished fire emblem warriors! All badges and s ranked all missions! Now back to splatoon...
Working toward 100% on Kirby Star Allies and maybe some Boost Beast.
I’m finally going to play Celeste. I could’ve played it on my PC or PS4, but I wanted to wait until I had a Switch.
Most of my (slightly limited) gaming time this weekend will be devoted to Chrono Trigger (DS). This is my first time playing the game, and I'm playing blind for my first run. There has been a part that slightly rankled so far and caused me to look up something there, but as it ultimately has no bearing on the plot continuation....shrug Let's just say Guardia's judicial system needs some work.
When it's not storming or I need a break from the above, it'll be back to Super Mario 64 on my Wii U. I'm currently sitting at 78 stars and plan to grab a few more before going after Bowser.
Skies of Fury DX, Bayonetta 1+2, maybe Kirby Star Allies. Good weekend.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Stardew Valley for me.
Stardew and Splatoon 2 are still pretty constant titles for me. But also the new Hearthstone Expansion is out this weekend. So playing that too.
My goal this weekend is to finally beat doom. I will probably also jump back into some Zelda botw since I just beat the last divine beast last weekend I can finally jump into the dlc.
Ikaruga on hell of a hard game
@Gonçalo - damn I loved Wings on the Amiga! (Also it came from the desert and rocket ranger from Cinemaware!)
Im currently playing The Adventure Pals. I've been itching for a good 2D platformer since beating Celeste and this definitely doesn't disappoint. Imagine Adventure Time crossed a 2D Banjo Kazooie and you've got a winner. Highly recommend it.
@The_Pixel_King Yes. Get it played! 😉🖒
Trying to complete all shrines in Breath of the Wild... I'm at 103/120 shrines.
Also, I'll be playing Twilight Princess HD, making my way to the third dungeon.
For Nintendo Life staff, you guys don’t seem to play an awful lot of ‘real’ games.
Lots of mobile puzzlers and casual stuff.
Come on guys- up your ante
It’s kind of embarrassing.
Moon Patrol and a 3DS revival with Ever Oasis.
Battlerite Pro League happened with a creepy Friday 13th event. So sticking to that.
Until I get tilted, then I will probably play Penny Punching Princess on Switch.
Still NinoKuni2 at home and Aliance Alive on my commute. Amazing games - amazing bang for the buck!!!
Next week hard pick between GOW (95 metacritic is insane) and Yakuza 🤔... Selection on Switch just can't compete in April - again.
Still loving DOOM on Switch. Had another couple of attempts at getting THAT Power Moon in the Metro Kingdom but I... just can't do it. It's the only thing I haven't done and it's driving me insane.
Anyone played shelter 2? If so do know if its any good or worth picking up?
Switch Eshop sales for me this weekend. Oxenfree was only $5 & I'm already an hour in. Good story so far. Noticed Robonauts is only $3 so will download that later today & will also get Graceful Explosion Machine for $6-something. 3 games for less than $15, a steal!
Breath of the Wild
Yoshi’s Universal Gravitation
(And to answer Alan’s question, yes. I’ve beaten that final moon, it’s extremely satisfying).
@gaga64 have you got the jump rope Moon...?
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Told myself I have to complete this one more time before taking on Breath of the Wild. Am enjoying Skyward Sword a lot more the second time around, it's a great game.
@gaga64 Wow, had totally forgotten about Yoshi’s Universal Gravitation. Might go check it out.
Breath of the Wild, killing the monsters to get Kilton's medals and collecting korok seeds.
Picked up Don't Starve for the third time. I am glad that the menu-system is readable compared to the Wii U version. Love to have this on the go. It is so addicting.
Though I recognised that this version is a little glitchy. Rabbid holes and Beefalos usually are invisible or appear as shadows until you stand right in front of them.
Did anyone else experience this?
You must be joking.
Just some Overwatch 4 the event....
Switch - Bayonetta 1+2
PS4 - MLB The Show 18
Don't starve. I triple dipped this time lol but I love the game too much to skip out on it. It's a good port but I've encountered a few bugs.
Ni No Kuni 2 🐱
I'm going to be playing some of my last minute Wii VC purchases. I've dipped into Sin & Punishment, CastleVania Rebirth and Gate of Thunder and they're all great! Also just got my SNES Classic in the mail so maybe a little Earthbound as I already own all the other carts from that collection (sans Starfox 2 obviously.) On Switch Splatoon 2 ranked matches and Strikers 1945 for the high score challenge.
Super Mario Galaxy
Yuu Yuu Hakusho Dai-San-Tama On Gameboy and probably will dive into Skyrim. Maybe go back to some Nights of Azure 2 and complete some of the optional challenges and max out everything.
Splatoon 2 and just started Dragon Quest Builders
Football manager on the switch. Loved fm on the vita. So hoping the switch version take the game to another level.
Chaos;child on the ps vita. Great game.
I finished Dragon Quest IX and I'm still very much addicted to Pocket Jockey. Gotta get that Royal Derby!
Rocket here n there like everyday + i’ll pick up a couple moons in Odyssey!!! I’m about at 600 moons! Freaking love these games they’re both so addictive!
I'm just getting started with Aces of the Leftwaffe (picked up yesterday on sale for $10) and I must say, I am loving it so far (just started the 3rd world). I also picked up "vvvvv" on sale this week and will give that a shot next. These sales are making my backlog insanely long....I have 8 games I have never even started yet!
Quest for Dungeons
Graceful Explosion Machine
Thimbleweed Park
Oxen Free
Seems I like indie games...especially when they're on sale.
"Doesn’t any of you play current-gen AAA games? Are you all trying to be hip by playing esoteric small-budget games/old games, or is it a European thing?"
AAA games are NOT guarantee can make people want to buy and play them.
Should we have to play Newest AAA games all the time ??
I found myself enjoyed some Indies and Old games that still impressive in my heart.
And i'm Indonesian people.
I wonder if Nintendolife staffs & Moderators here has ever at least played some Girlie games like Cooking Mama, Style Savvy, Imagine series, Aikatsu, etc for Once.
I've been busy recording For my Collab YT Channel but I have been Play Sonic Mania and Generations on Xbox One and (Mania Only) Switch. Mario Kart 8 DX, I Played a Little bit of battle mode with my friend. Street Fighter 5 on PS4 with the Arcade mode and It's a Blast.
Edit: Oh, And Style Savvy: Styling Star on 3DS!
Just got Shovel knight treasure trove and I've been enjoying every bit of it!
Probably won’t play my switch or 3DS this weekend. Gonna unwind with Batman enemy within and the new event on Overwatch.
It took me all day, quite literally, but I finally did it-- I downloaded Kirby Star Allies (as well as Flinthook and Puzzle Puppers)!!! I know what I'm doing tomorrow!
I've picked up Celeste, so that. I think I'm about 70% through the regular story (picking up about 70% of the strawberries, too).
And really loving the crap out of Use Your Words, which IMO is better than any of the Jackbox games. Highly recommended if you like party games.
That last bit Alan mentioned in Super Mario Odyssey was amazing. It made me want to throw my switch across the room but I kept coming back. I wish the whole game was like that. When is some indie dev going to make the Super Meat Boy of 3D platformers?
I picked up FAST RMX. They're not kidding. It is fast. And looks great. Now if only I can stop slamming into everything.
Finally started BOTW. Just arrived on Kakariko Village and so far the game seems every bit as amazing as everybody says it is.
Other than that and if Zelda lets me : wrapping up things on AC Origins and continuing with The Fall Part 2(great game also!).
@Rontanamo_Bay You do realize that you contradicted yourself in just two sentences, right?
At chapter 5 in XC2. That game sure takes it time but it's quite enjoyable all the time And I'll try progress further in the online divisions of Ultimate team in FIFA18. Finally won Division 1 in single player this weekend!
@MartyFlanMJFan Yep. That was a lot more painful than the end game Moons, though the volleyball one was probably a little bit worse.
@wazlon eh, it’s not great. The concept’s cool, it’s got some nice ideas, but collision detection is sometimes ropey and there’s very little “Yoshi”-ness to it. I’m kinda just doing it out of completion sake, being the last Yoshi platformer I’ve not 100%d yet. After 1 week, I’m two-thirds through and safe to say it’s probably my least favourite Yoshi game. But still glad to have given it a spin (literally).
More Strikers 1945 II and I'll most likely add Dragon Blaze to my collection.
@gaga64 wow. I have the volleyball one, the thing about it was I was getting better each attempt, I knew I could do that one. The jump rope one though... I just don't have the rhythm or sense of timing, I can get to about fifty no problem then I just lose it lol. My highest is 70 something. Very frustrating.
This weekend I played some more South Park and some Arms party crashing last night. Today I visited my friend and we started playing Suikoden which is her favourite game series ever and I’m really enjoying it so far! I might have to find a copy myself 😁
Bloodborne. Finally finished the brutal DLC
@MartyFlanMJFan the thing with the jump rope is that it stops speeding up at 50. So in theory the 100th jump is no harder than the 51st one, it’s just a matter of not breaking your rhythm for 3 minutes (or however long it takes). If you can get to 70, you should be able to get to 90 or 110 without too much effort.
Same is true for the volleyball, except the direction and strength of the incoming shots stay random so you do have to keep paying attention and you can still be caught out by something seemingly out of your control.
Or at least so it seemed to me. They’re both doable with enough persistence.
Girlfriend and I have been working our way through Kirby Star Allies, so that's been fun. I'm also getting impatient waiting for a new Animal Crossing game, so I got a hold of the GameCube original just to see how far the series has come.
Finished the hall of Diamonds in King Oddball yesterday, but most of my gaming time this weekend has been dedicated to "saving private Lissa". My Fire Emblem MO is usually to restart the battle if someone dies, but I heard about the ability to resurrect fallen comrades even in Classic mode and I sorely underestimated how fast it would become available. As someone who likes to stick to female characters (wink and nudge if you will, but I've been extra fascinated with female protagonists in fiction, especially adventure stories, since I was in elementary school), I don't want to spend most of the story without this perky axe wielder, so now I'm going through the thankfully unlocked History mode and slowly farming mementos. XD And no, I haven't properly played Awakening yet, but I've already been exposed to the relationship thing in the main plot (seems like it's akin to Aerith's fate by now - everyone's believed to know it even if they have no experience of the franchise), and history mode itself... seems more like a collection of battles without much cutscene context. For better or for worse. XD
PS4: Call of Duty: WWII
Switch: Skyrim
I just picked up don't starve for the Nintendo switch so I'll be playing that today
Streets of Red DDD and its bloody fantastic!
The series never added anything that I care about that isn't in the first game.
@Rontanamo_Bay bruh. You're playing some ancient classics, a couple of year+ old games, and Owlboy, an indie. Grab a seat. Games are games. If they are good, why classify em? Enjoy what you enjoy, and let others do the same. Also, those who throw stones...
I'm playing Drone Fight on Switch.
It's by far the worst game I have ever played in my life, and if this somehow gets higher than a 1/10 Abysmal, I would be shocked.
It's like Vroom In The Night Sky, but much, much worse.
At least Vroom had decent controls, this is near-unplayable.
It's Superman 64 3, the trilogy nobody asked for.
Taking a self-imposed break from botw for a few weeks. I only get a few hours a week so I've been playing since january and only done 3 divine beasts. Awesome game but fancied a change. So a bit of splatoon 2 - finally looking into farming/choosing abilities and trying some different weapon types. Also a bit of aqua kitty udx, and decided to give minecraft a go.
Tiefseemiez wrote:
(edit: quote seems weird. Not seeing grey box for the quote)
My reply: I actually enjoy playing Don't Starve. First time playing, slowly finding my way around not to die too soon, lol! Usually I die by the 6th day, but today, I manage to reach day 12 or 13? Now being chase by hound, lol! idk, mine appear normal like the tree/flower/spider....
More Monster Hunter World. Been enjoying Gear.Club Unlimited and Skies or Fury DX. Both are nice changes of pace on my Switch. Wished I had some local friends to try them with.
Yeah, someone else told me before that the glitch only occurs if all the DLC is disabled, which I am doing at the moment to refind my way in. I think I never survived very long. Most of the times I don't even survive the first winter. My boyfriend is waaaay better than me, but only because he read a lot of things online. I think it is best to try first yourself to be surprised, but I admit that there are some things you simply would not find out about or only by dying way more often than would be acceptable (e. g. what the different mushrooms do cooked and raw).
I think the way you get a new world to explore while also unlocking characters and finding out about new dangers and mechanics really encourages you to keep on trying even though it is so damn hard (especially at the beginning).
Keep on having fun and beware winter is coming! ;-]
Thanks, I will @Tiefseemiez.
I played without searching online in the beginning and I now I am stuck with low sanity and start to hallucinate with black shadow and hound chasing me, lol!
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