Following the tragic events in Toronto yesterday, where a van struck pedestrians leaving ten people dead and another 15 injured, Death Road to Canada developer Rocketcat Games and publisher Ukiyo Publishing have decided to indefinitely delay the game's release (it was due to arrive on the eShop on 25th April).
In an official statement, managing director of Ukiyo Publishing Paul Hann said: "We feel it would be deeply inappropriate to launch the game at such a time. We would like to express our deepest condolences to everyone affected by the tragic events in Toronto."
Ukiyo Publishing is currently working to reschedule the release which will be announced at a later date.
Comments 91
Understandable and respectful. My condolences to all those affected by the tragic event.
Seems like a wise choice. You wouldn't want to send out a wrong message.
I feel really sorry for everyone involved in the tragedy and I also feel sorry for the developers.
Delaying it is probably a good decision in the long run, but I really hope it releases soon, like early May at the latest.
Good on them.
As a Canadian, this move has guaranteed I will be buying it when it releases.
It's a death road TO Canada, not a death road IN Canada.
First of all it's killing zombies in the game, why are they feeling guilty? They shouldn't have created this game if they think it's not morally right.
Darn, I was genuinely looking forward to it.
Maybe just change the name?
i understand. prays for everyone that gone through this.
Fair enough. Social media would make mountains out of anything with little to no dirt. Luckily they didn’t release it earlier like on 4/19.
Granted the whole event shouldn’t have happen at all but life and people are tricky and unpredictable. All you can do is respond when it does.
Understandable. Heart goes out to Canada.
As a Canadian myself, this is deeply appreciated.
Ooof, what a coincidence. This is certainly better than them releasing anyway and then getting all defensive when they get accused of disaster profiteering.
Reminder: let's keep the comments section on topic (video games) and leave the other stuff for another website. Thanks
I guess the name is unfortunate, but it’s a zombie game.
I got it on my iPad thinking that it would appeal to me, but I got bored of it quickly.
@antdickens When you and the other moderators do a better job of keeping racism from appearing in the first place, instead of just silently deleting comments and trying to pretend it never happened, then I'll stick to video games. But until then I'll call out racism when I see it and not worry that a coward wants me to remain "on-topic".
This is a very classy move... I will certainly consider a purchase now when it eventually does release
@PanurgeJr we can't "prevent" it from appearing in the first place... well unless we disable comments for all articles If you see a comment that breaks the rules, report it so it can be dealt with correctly. If you engage with it then you are part of the problem and your comments along with the original will be removed.
@antdickens Yup that's right!
@Haru17 There's no such thing as coincidence. This game brought bad luck to it's own country. The killer probably played this game on his phone and thought everyone in the streets were zombies. In today's world, even sexually frustrated virgins are dangerous.
@hatchman you can respond by reporting it, so it can be removed and the user in question banned from the site. The majority of times the trolls are trying to get a reaction, so we ask that people simply report it to avoid further unsavoury comments.
Its important for people to see others shutting down racists.
Sweeping it under the rug is what we do in America. Makes folks believe it doesnt exist over time. Then you get trumps.
It's not just the name. When you enter an area in the game you run down a horde of zombies with a van or car. They did the right thing by delaying it.
@pizzanuggs yeah I completely agree, if it’s rebutted constructively, which unfortunately more often than not isn’t the case. Happy to leave some like that live but arguments will be removed.
@hatchman ah, okay. Well your comment wasn’t necessarily the issue. However, whenever we remove an original comment, that people the. reply to, we often remove the replies too as without the original comment they can make no sense. Maybe nested comments would solve that as a whole thread would just get snipped?
@antdickens Some ways to prevent racism in your community:
Remove the comments immediately, instead of waiting for a report. You clearly didn't do that.
Respond to the comments yourselves. Instead of responding to Islamophobia you merely deleted it and then made a general (and generally impotent) announcement, whereas I was labeled part of the problem. It reminds me of Trump's response to Charlottesville.
Remove the commenters, instead of merely deleting their comments. I've seen no evidence you've ever done this and can recall plenty of times that you haven't.
If you think you can't do anything, well, what were you saying about part of the problem?
@PanurgeJr they are removed as soon as they are reported or seen by a mod that has the powers to do so. In this instance, once it had been reported, I started to review the comments and remove them, including banning a user and posting my comment afterwards.
My response is to remove users from the site that don't follow the rules, which is what happened in this case.
Was really looking forward to the game, but my disappointment in their delay is massively overshadowed by my respect for devs whom are thoughtful like this.
@Nincompoop The sad thing is that I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not; that's how strange the real discussions are these days.
@Benjamin Don't worry, I am never serious.
I was really looking forward to playing it this weekend but I respect their decision regarding the delay.
Oh well, I do have the game on Steam anyways, so I can wait a bit longer.
@Biff_ARMStrong very true
Delay for a name change and tuning place names to fictional and they're sorted.
As a Canadian myself, I applaud the developers during this difficult time.
no one would have thought anything until they mentioned it.
now its there. shoulda put it out anyways. now it sounds like a big deal.
@ogo79 The death of 10 people is a big deal. While it sucks game won't be released when they said they would, there is a good reason behind it. Just like you think it's no big deal, there are people who would attack them for releasing it for being so insensitive. Then there are people like me who understand whatever they did and not complain about it
Very considerate decision. Good for them.
oh im not complaining. i dont even want the game.
its just that either way theres a spotlight now on the game.
@antdickens i dig that and thanks for the response. I understand that maintaining both the free exchange of positive ideas and the sanctity of a platforms prime purpose are rough roads to navigate. Good luck with that sir!
@AcridSkull I have to agree but only because of how often games are delayed these days. I get why they did it's good PR. Guess I just need to get into the habit of treating release dates like weather forecasts. You never know when there's going to be a last minute postponing because of either a technical issue or an unfortunate event in the real world like this.
@AcridSkull Totally agree. Dumb, meaningless gesture. If anything this makes me less likely to buy the game now.
@antdickens As a mod from another site, I think you all do a great job. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Sorry that comment is not on the topic of the article but at this point the whole comment section has become a discussion on the deleted posts. And now I'm very interested in what they said. The one NL article I don't read within 10 mins of it being posted is of course the one that created controversy.
Seems unneeded to me. Isn't it a game about fighting off hordes of Zombies? I guess just the title is the issue. It is respectful of them.
@ricklongo couldn’t have said it any better or simpler than that.
I don't understand do you kill things with vans or cars in this?
@PanurgeJr My two previous posts were simply my opinion on the topic and the discussion in the comments. I didn't say anything cruel or inappropriate. If you feel the need to mock/condescend to me for my thoughts that says a lot more about you than it does me.
May God heal the hearts of survivors and families of this tragedy. That said, the cynical side of me says the Switch version wasn't quite ready and they are using the tragedy in Toronto as an excuse, and if people look up to them for this decision, then that is a bonus. This game after all has actually been available for a long time on other platforms, it is only a new release for the Switch. Now if they also temporarily suspended all sales of this game (at least in Canada) on these other platforms, then great, I happily join the kudos wagon.
100% understandable. I’m completely baffled if anyone doesn’t understand this. Yes, it’s just a video game. But that’s just it too, it’s just a video game that you got to wait for longer. First world problems.
@sonicmeerkat When you enter a new level sometimes your car will crush a few zombies, and a large group at the end of the game as well. I can definitely see how it would be seen in bad taste in light of the events.
This is out for the Xbox One, was it only delayed on the Switch?
@pizzanuggs I don't know how to answer your first question. It's just how I feel about the political landscape in my country. I wasn't told it by any one individual.
Now I'm all for cultures, ethnicities, races, religions and genders living side by side and sharing traits among each other. Please don't think I'm any sort separatist. But I would proudly call myself nationalist. Certainly NOT white nationalist but simply nationalist. To me that means caring about legal American citizens before anything or anyone else. And of course that goes for ALL American citizens no matter the background. I feel that the #1 concern of the US government should be bettering the lives of its citizens before worrying about geopolitical issues.
To accomplish that we need to stay out of one sided, GLOBALIST policies like the Paris Accord that unfairly penalizes our nation over far worse climate offenders like China.
We also need to stop coddling people with PC TERMS forced on us like 'undocumented immigrants'. Law breaking criminals should not be awarded the luxury of tempered speech.
We also need to stop SJW mobs from attacking people for what they say. Now this is a 2 way street. There are plenty examples of the left trying to shut down planned speeches of people like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson. There are also examples of the right trying to get people fired for their statements, like that woman who recently Tweeted mean things about Barbara Bush. Both sides need to cool it on that front.
And there we go, that is a short breakdown, with just a few examples off the top of my head, of what I mean when I say I dislike PC, SJW, Globalist leaning attitudes and why I dig a President who doesn't conform to any of them.
@PanurgeJr Ok sure, I used SJW as a pejorative in that post. But there are plenty of people who proudly label themselves as SJW. Also my post was a counterpoint to another member, I was not accusing that member of being any of those things, I was simply stating my differing opinion on how we get Political leaders like the one we have now.
@JHDK i agree America needs to mind its own business on a lot of global policies.
I certainly fail to see how the Paris Agreement penalizes America so harshly or why we should do the least possible in adressing climate issues
As far as reffering to ilegal immigrents as criminals i think folks like me get away from calli f them illegals cause it dehumanizes them. I get there are some bad folks out there that you legit have problems comin in but thats isnt the majority. I mean ive been called an illegal and forbidden from applying to an apartment cause i have a spanish name.
Normalizing trump style "tough talk" is complacency in that kinda racism.
I agree folks shouldnt exactly kick speakers out of town but if a community dont want you coming to them they have just as much freedom of speech to say I dont want you here.
Thanks for the exchange. Good luck in the elections to come.
@pizzanuggs Thanks man, it was good discussing this stuff with ya. Nice that we could have a mostly civil and calm conversation despite our disagreements.
And to think it all started from some jerk saying gross stuff at the start of the comments and everyone getting worked up about it. Ha.
Possibly as I understand it, there is some gameplay where you kill tons of zombies with a vehicle, as well as the name. Also, this will give them positive PR.
I am not interested in this game, but the reasoning for delays is good, as long as it's genuine.
So I just bought this on my Xbox One. It would be nice if the article addressed why it is the Nintendo Switch version that needed to be delayed due to the sensitivity of the tragic event in Canada.
eShop now says the release date is 5/15/2018.
Might be a placeholder but seems like it could be the actual new date.
It was also delayed on the PS4 as well.
I guess the publisher forgot to pull the Xbox version or just didn’t care. Honestly if you are going to release it on one of the three main systems you might as well release it on all of them.
I'm skeptical of supposed virtuous declarations that end up benefitting people.
Impossible to know if someone did this for good reasons or to just get attention.
Wise choice.
Condolences to the families involved in this tragedy
@GarudaRamuda Okay so it's about something more than the name.
Releasing this game would be like killing ten people with a van all over again. Glad to hear they've scraped the project.
@wren Its still coming out. They didn't scrap the project.
@Qun_Mang Been playing it for 9 days now. Plays superb. Excellent port. No slowdown, no crashes.
@Pablo17 Xbox store updates are on Mondays, and hard to pull. This wasnt pulled until today (or tuesday) and requires Microsoft to do the pulling. Publishers can't just take it down themselves.
Good call. I'll still buy it when it comes out on Switch.
This reminds me of when Sega pulled that airplane arena shooter game they were just about to release on the Dreamcast, but then 9/11 happened and they pulled the game out of respect. Now it turns out we have lost a great game to history, I hope that doesn't happen here.
I'm all for the delay. This is the second tragedy in 2 weeks for us Canadians but we stand strong. We will not bend or break in the face of terror.
@JHDK @antdickens Hey, I appreciate all you guys do. I know it's not easy moderating large groups with such varying backgrounds. It's much appreciated!
That word isn't the one the developers are worried about. Show some respect ffs.
@JHDK @faint @pizzanuggs Let's stay on topic please!
@FinalFrog The issue isn't having a different opinion, the issue is that these comments derail the entire comment section! That, and political arguments tend to bring out the worst in some.
Anyway, back on topic, no more off-topic comments please. If you disagree with anything, you can always use the contact form to contact us directly.
@kepsux Let's not go there, shall we?
@armaged @PhilKenSebben thanks - all the mods and I try to do is keep things civil really, we want to allow discussion, of course, but ultimately if things go too far we have to act. I think everyone can understand that if we didn't the comments would be similar to those on YouTube.
@antdickens I wish Nintendo Life had nested comments. It would be so much easier to follow discussions.
@Paddle1 yeah... we're considering it. Trouble is, if often encourages things to go off topic into it's own little thread. I can see the advantage though!
@Dezzy To me it seems more like a "better safe than sorry" situation and every time there's a delay people want explanation. The game does involve running over humanoids with a car after all.
Losing their launch window for virtue signalling seems counter productive. Especially as it may push their game into overcrowded May (though this week is no slouch release wise).
This makes no sense at all. This game is currently available on Steam, GoG, Humble, IOS and Android. Why even bother to halt the release on switch when it's available on so many other platforms is beyond me.
Maybe out of solidarity if they temporarily removed ALL sources for the game for a while I might understand. But to cherry pick one source of the game but leave five others free to purchase is stupid imo.
@Octane felt pretty on topic to me. And we werent getting nasty.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt given the car thing.
Although people seriously need to stop letting the media dupe them into focusing on every mass killing that happens anywhere on earth. If you go by the numbers, these things are such a tiny insignificant fraction of all deaths, it's just irrational sensationalism to focus on these things.
@pizzanuggs I understand, that's why I left your comments. But it doesn't really have a lot to do with this article.
The conversation naturally found its way where it went. All that business is connected.
And as you can see we amicably ended the conversation a while ago.
@pizzanuggs Yeah, I know, and I'm glad to see it happened like that!
@Dezzy Those kind of attacks have become all too normalized IMO... But it's neither time nor place to discuss that.
@Nincompoop It's just its title. Death, Roads, and Canada don't have an appealing connotation at the present time. appears there are several others who feel they should have put the game out anyways.
@TPort777 They're here to develop a video game community. If they don't actively keep racism out they'll be left with a racist community.
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