Shantae has already gotten some representation on the Nintendo Switch in the form of the excellent Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, but the series has a long relationship with Nintendo that dates back all the way to the Gameboy Color. The previous game, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, launched on the 3DS and Wii U, offering up a more pure Metroidvania experience that some fans felt was lost in its more level-focused successor. Fortunately, those who weren’t pleased with Half-Genie Hero don’t have to wait long before they can get their Shantae fix on the Switch.
Rather out of nowhere, WayForward just revealed that Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse is coming to the Switch, and it’s due to launch on 20th March. If you head on over to the Australian eShop, there’s already a listing in place, and you can even pre-order it if you so desire. It appears to just be a straight port of the original, but for those that missed it the first time or just want to revisit it, this will no doubt prove to be a nice surprise.
What do you think? Will you be picking this up for the Switch? What would you like to see out of the next Shantae? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 67
Awesome news! The Pirates Curse was an amazing game to me. In fact, I'd say it was one of the best 2D side-scrollers I've played over the past few years. Highly recommend it to everyone as it's a much better game than 1/2 Genie Hero. It's basically a Metroidvania game with a Zelda-like infrastructure, awesome dungeons to go through, and some great platforming that feels old-school and difficult as the game progresses.
I already have this on my XBOX One but I might repurchase it on Switch since I barely use my XBOX One anymore.
I already have this on my 3ds, but I have to get this on the Switch
I just love this series, and this game in particular.
1/2 genie hero and its DLC was lots of fun. I also already have Pirate's Curse on 3ds so I won't be double dipping but I recommend it to anyone who has yet to play it.
Nice to see them reaching back to bring the older Shantae titles to Switch!! I’m in!!
i've never really tried Shantea games. even the first one. my interested has been peek a little, so maybe i'll get it.
I absolutely love this game, but I'd prefer a remastered trilogy collection or something.
Still, the best Shantae game coming to Switch is something to celebrate!
I played it on my 3DS... it was fun and different overall, but be warned that there is a lot of "backtracking" and it is easy to get stuck wondering where to go next... however, if you are into that sort of game, it's top notch.
I'm still undecided on whether I want to play it again, plus the game looks best on the 3DS, but it's my favourite Shantae game so I might pick it up at some point.
Half Genie was pretty good. How does this compare?
This is definitely the best in the series. I'll be buying it again for sure.
@gaby_gabito Depends what you're into. The general consensus seems to be that this is the best game in the series; many didn't like the slightly more linear route that Half-Genie Hero took. If you liked Half-Genie Hero, I think it's a very safe bet to say that you would really like this one, too.
Why would you preorder a digital game?
@Rockmirth most likely because you really want it.
@Rockmirth It's more of a pre-load than a pre-order. You download 99% of it and then the 1% downloads when the release date and time occurs. (Or some similar percentage.) This can be helpful for slower connections as well as bogging down the server on release date.
Good game but I have it on Wii U already and don't want to double dip.
I don't think I'll double dip, but this is truly an awesome platformer.
@switchvogel thanks for your thoughts on it. Guess I’ll have to pick it up!
I have it on the Wii U already....but I may pick it up again if it goes on sale
Nice but already got it physical on 3DS and Wii U. Only way I'll rebuy this is through another sale.
I think I’ll stick with the game on 3DS. Best one in the series imo though.
I'm tempted but I need to finish 1/2 genie hero first.
This is truly my favorite in the series and I had a blast playing it for each time I boot it up
Sadly, I cannot triple-dip on the Switch version (at least above the $10) as I have this game on both my 3DS and Wii U, the former which I always carry with me alongside my Switch. Besides, I'm happy enough with Half-Genie Hero on my Switch.
Digital only so, no buy! + I already have this physically for the PSVita
My favorite Shantae game. I played through this one in a few days on my 3DS and loved it, but I don’t see any reason to double dip. I bought my 3DS late in its cycle and have been playing tons on it and don’t feel like I need to get rid of it anytime soon.
I already have this on Wii U and 3DS... And STILL have yet to play it.
@Gowtu_Games You mean Half-Genie Hero cause Shantae and The Pirate's Curse was never released for the PS Vita (not physically, not digitally either).
$20? I have this on Wii U and I paid only a fraction of that. The ports just keep on flowing, a year later and it's as bad as it was at launch.
Where are all the port comments
Barely even a 3 year old game. The Switch may as well be called Switch Port. Instant buy if you never played though.
The one Shantae I'd actually want on the Switch would be the very first one. I already have all the other ones on Steam and I've played none of them.
Just can't pass on this one.
Did they release a price point? If this is a decent price I’ll bite as I’ve never played this series. Too expensive though and I’ll sail on by
I love the game but I don't want to go through Mud Bog Island again...
But it's nice to see a Shantae game without expensive DLC!
@SuperTeeter64 That means you do care (at least a little)
Have on Wii U but never finished and would like on Switch. May buy but dependent on price.
You're right. It was ps4 physically only via limited run games. Only 1/2 genie hero on vita.
Honestly, I won't double-dip on this. I already completed the original on Wii U ages ago.
I got half genie hero and was kinda disappointed
Still haven't played it, depending on price I'll get the Switch version.
It's be great to see the original game and Risky's Revenge arrive at some point as well.
Get the family back together and all that.
The Wii U’s legacy takes another blow. Great game and great news for those that didn’t experience it on the Wii U.
Cool for those who like to push a button to bring up a map.
@SuperTeeter64 Warning: this borders on pedantic, but words have meaning!
I believe the expression you were looking for was "I couldn't care less" but maybe you "could care less", after all because you left some room to stop, and make a comment... so some caring, then, at least.
But, if you say you "could care less" it means just about nothing, really. That's a range between caring a little bit and caring as much as the most devout fan.
Switch! The glorify Wii U...
Awesome. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is easily the best in the series in my opinion.
I won't be triple-dipping, though, I already have it both on the 3DS and Wii U.
@bluedogrulez This game has been on Steam for ages. It's the first one that definitely needs a re-release or a remake, as it came out only on the GBC and I think late in its life. Emulating it has some issues and I'd rather own it legally anyway.
Good news. I'd rate them in this order:
1. Pirate's Curse
2. Risky's Revenge
3. Half-Genie Hero
4. Shantae
A remake of the original might be better than Half-Genie Hero though. As it is, I could only play it with save states.
@SmaggTheSmug: It's on the Wii U already and was a must-own. You may be thinking of Risky's Revenge....
@bluedogrulez The fewer single platform exclusives the better IMO. Especially for a platform as unpopular as Wii U.
@Gowtu_Games Pirate's Curse had a physical release also for the 3DS.
On the Switch eShop, it's a PEGI 7 and only lists "Violence". Wasn't it a PEGI 12 on the 3DS and Wii U, with a rating for "Suggestive Themes"?
Do we have a final Switch price as of yet? Surely it can't be $20 like it says above right?
@Dayton311 - In the UK it's £14.59, so it probably is $20 or so.
Now if we can just get the Might Switch Force games, including a Hyper Drive Edition of 2, that would be grand. X3
@Angelic_Lapras_King I'm totally with you on that one. Mighty Switch Force really gets my blood pumping, especially the Hyper Drive Edition of the first game.
Great game but I have it on Wii U so won't double dip. Highly recommended for anyone who doesn't already own it.
Fantastic game. Pirate's Curse is probably the best in the series.
That is a nice surprise.
@Dayton311 I just checked Nintendo's Website and you can preorder this game on the US Eshop for $19.99.
I loved this game on 3DS. I would love to play this on the big screen, though, and if the price is right, I might just double dip.
Maybe if it hits 9.99 at some point. 4 AAA games in a row on PS4 has me broke right now.
Hands down, best in the series.
For those who don't care for the transformations from the previous two games, I would still recommend you give this a try.
@mowerdude Thanks! That's a bit too rich for my blood, but come sale time consider me on board
@Dayton311 Yeah I would like to try out a Shantae game never have but for that price I will just wait for a sale on it.
@MetalKingShield Shantae was a game with good ideas that weren't well implemented. Risky's Revenge is basically Shantae but good. It definitely needs a thorough makeover.
I accidentally deleted my progress in the original, so I'm skipping it and started playing Risky's Revenge yesterday, after buying it three years ago. I shouldn't have let the old game hold me back for so long!
One of the best platformers on the 3DS. It is better than the newer Shantae Half-genie hero in my opinion.
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