While WayForward has been working away on the crowd-funded Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, which will be released on every platform under the sun, it hasn't forgotten its Nintendo roots. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, the final game of the "original" series, wraps up the storyline started in the original Game Boy Color title and shows a level of sophistication rarely exhibited by independent studios. Unlike the relatively short but sweet Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Pirate's Curse is a full, epic platforming adventure bursting with challenge and polish; arriving on the Wii U eShop after launching on the 3DS earlier in the year, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is simply a must-have for gamers.
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse's story is a continuation and features familiar characters and a few previously visited locations, but newcomers will still enjoy and appreciate the wacky cast and charming world WayForward has built. Shantae, once the half-genie guardian of the seaside Sequin Land, was stripped of her magic powers by the evil pirate Risky Boots at the end of the last game. After Risky learns of a dark curse that threatens both herself and the entire world, she reluctantly asks Shantae to help her stop the Pirate Master from fulfilling his plan of unleashing dark magic. Shantae and Risky travel to five different islands, each hiding a Den of Evil, to take back Risky's powerful armour and weapons and find the location of the Pirate Master.

Whereas previous titles in the series have taken place exclusively in Sequin Land, Pirate's Curse features several self-contained islands and feels a bit more linear as a result. But true to the series' "Metroidvania" roots, each island contains several secrets and obstacles that can only be cleared after Shantae receives a certain item; each Den of Evil contains a special item that gives Shantae a new power. Although there are no genie powers this time around, each item feels great and serves multiple purposes; Risky's Hat allows Shantae to float in the air while falling and fly up windy passages, for example, while the Scimitar allows her to hit the ground Shovel Knight-style, revealing underground passages and previously unreachable items. Shantae can also purchase healing, defense and strength-increasing items that come in very handy, especially as the difficulty ramps up toward the end.
With a multitude of skills and items, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse controls like a dream. Every movement is sharp and responsive, and the controls are mapped out so well that they feel natural as soon as they're unlocked. Shantae's main attack, her "hair whip," feels fluid and powerful at all times and can be upgraded for extra speed and strength. The only control issues we found were in optional fighting skills that Shantae can buy in Sequin Land; these felt unnecessary and slightly tacked on. Luckily, none of the three optional fighting skills are very useful and can be ignored entirely.

Featuring what is possibly WayForward's best sprite work to date, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is simply stunning in HD. Every character and location has been detailed to the tiniest pixel, and with five different islands that have very distinct visual themes, it's impossible to not be impressed. There are also large, whimsical character portraits displayed during dialogue, while the actual dialogue is filled with puns and clever wordplay. WayForward's predilection for revealing outfits is also on full display in Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, with skimpy costumes on all the female characters; one sequence featuring Shantae and her friends dressed as slave princesses borders on tacky, but it never feels exploitative or anything less than irreverent fun. The audio design is also exemplary, with songs feeling appropriate for each location and sound effects adding to the satisfaction of jumping and fighting.
There are plenty of collectibles and secrets to be found throughout Pirate's Curse, from Heart Squids (think heart pieces from the Zelda series) to Tinkerbats, which carry dark magic that must be collected. To ensure a beefy experience there are multiple endings based on which collectibles are found. Our first playthrough took us about 10 hours with about 90% completion. After clearing the game once, Pirate Mode is unlocked, which features Shantae with all her powers from the start. Speedrunners will no doubt enjoy this, as will players who want to see everything; Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is a very challenging experience, with an especially fiendish final stage that will test even the most patient gamers. But it should be noted that the game is never unfair, and every obstacle can be overcome with some thought and planning.

For the Wii U edition, the GamePad displays Shantae's inventory and a map of the current stage, as well as providing off-TV play. We occasionally found it disorienting to use the touch screen for the inventory in the middle of frantic boss battles, but it wasn't much of a problem; freeing up the TV screen for the lovely visuals is definitely appreciated.
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is a triumph for WayForward and a treat for gamers. Very minor issues aside, this is one of the strongest titles on Nintendo's eShop and should be looked at as an example of how polished and robust a downloadable game can be. We're glad to see Shantae expand her horizons with the multiplatform Half-Genie Hero, but it's going to be hard to top this excellent Nintendo-exclusive adventure.
Comments 74
Shantae is such a risky (pun not intended) series to try and get into. I feel all the games are priced very highly and if I end up disliking it, that's a lot of money to waste.
I really wish the series would have a cheap sale or a demo at least.
Regardless, nice review and you definitely made me interested in the series that much more.
I'd probably go 8 for this. The item selection on the gamepad is awkward to hit during boss fights, and for the premium price, the reused pixel art is a little disappointing. And I think there were one too many blind jumps to be comfortable with a 9. Plus, there is some backtracking, and with the way enemies respawn, it's a little tedious. But it's still really good overall, and has great music.
I have recently bought this as my first Shantae game but have yet to play it. I think I'll really enjoy it though!
Is the story dependent on the first two? If that's the case I'll get it on the new 3ds later.
Right..... Score this game higher than Mega Man Zero cuz shante has bouncy melons. Sad day.
@Prof_Clayton not me, I bought it and its boring as balls
@BensonUii Well, I would say you need to see Risky's Revenge's ending, but at this point, that has already been talked about, even in this game's trailers. These games don't really have a huge story.
There are bouncy melons in this game? I must have missed that. Do they deal a lot of damage? I'm gay. The lack of clothing had no impact on my score.
So... this one vs the 3DS one...
My TV at couch distance looks (size-wise) like my 3DS XL at my regular playing distance, and I like the 3D Effect, so... What should I do?
@Prof_Clayton I would like to try the series to and agree with u to.Its to pricey to get into but there is the gameboy color one that's cheaper.a demo would be great or a sale on the older one to get people into the newer one
I'm definitely interested in this, but I need to play and beat the first two Shantae games. I'll buy this once I manage to do that (unless it goes on sale beforehand).
I take it the screenshots shown in the review are from the 3DS version?Or is it my New year blurry eyes?
@Prof_Clayton I felt the same before, but i got caught in the hype and bought the first 2 and finished them before the release of the 3ds version. I must say i loved them, the second being the weakest overall and this one being the best one. I don't regret a thing. The reused pixel art is kind of the biggest letdown tho. Also the first game is veryvery tough.
I really, really should delve into the Shantae games sometime. Does any Shantae fan know if all games in this series are available to you if you have both a 3DS and Wii U?
I got the first one on VC but didn't get into it. I'll try it again some time next year, and if I like it I'll try the sequels
Thanks. I've never played nor heard of the story. But that makes me more undecided where to get it. there's more time to think about it since it's not release on Europe yet.
So if it's an attractive male there will be impact on your scoring?
Good thing i waited for this version.
@leemeyer26 Zing! I haven't played a Shantae game yet but the concept of defeating enemies by belly dancing and whipping my hair around sounds alluring. And this game takes place in Sequin Land? Shut up and take my money.
Even if it doesn't directly alter the way the game is played, these kinds of touches make the experience more enjoyable, just like vivid animations or soundtracks can.
@leemeyer26 all men can admire bouncy melons
I picked up the 3DS version on its release day and the Wii U version last week just because the game is THAT freaking awesome. Buy one. Or both! You won't regret it.
Getting very close to giving up hope of ever getting this game.
Star Wars is sexist because of the Slave Leia outfit. Oh wait, no it's not.
Shantae is sexist and overrated because characters wear skimpy outfits. Oh wait, no it's not.
Not sure if anyone saw Aladdin, but Aladdin, Jasmine and the Genie were all dressed pretty much exactly how Shantae is dressed.
Oh and for the MM Zero jab, Shantae is a new game. Not a VC re-release of a game in a series that has more sequels and spin-offs than Mario, Zelda and Metroid. COMBINED.
It's funny to me, people know that movies and video games cost tens of millions (if not hundreds of millions) to make. And yet, getting a 6 hour interactive experience with tons of replay value, at the cost of a movie ticket and some popcorn, is somehow a rip-off.
At the same time, Shantae is full of strong, competent female leads.
Shantae, Sky, Rottytops, Risky Boots and is packed with plenty of ripped, shirtless males as well.
I can't imagine a tropical resort / desert kingdom like the one in these games where everyone would be dressed in baggy clothes.
Unless those people like getting sweaty and smelling terrible.
The fact of the matter is, aside from the slightest few outstanding games, Shantae is right at the top of the eShop on both platforms.
Certain levels, to be honest, are far more frustrating on the handheld (the secret dungeon and the temple escape, in example). The backgrounds are much easier to appreciate on the big screen and the text far easier to read.
The platforming solid and the music is enchanting. Some sections feel a bit unfair, both I'd argue the balance is near perfect.
Harder than Ducktales, more forgiving than MSF!, Shantae is Wayforward's best effort on both systems.
It's just better on the Wii U. And for anyone complaining about using items during boss battles.. either get better and don't use them or set yourself up before the fight starts. Oh and save the super spiked balls you pick up for the boss fights. It makes them alot easier.
This and Shovel Knight look to be two great classic old school style platformers on the system.
But then why did you rate it higher than Mega Man Zero!?
...oh, wait.
@Prof_Clayton If you enjoy metroidvania, you'll enjoy this game. The combat is simple yet complex, the level design is fantastic, I think this game has a great senes of humor, it's not super long, but you definitely get what you payed for.
I think everybody who's considering giving this one a go should jump i head first and never look back. It's as good as they say
This is a heck of a lot better than Metroid. In fact I'd say this is one of the best titles I've played in the last year.
EDIT: Also, Christina Vee as Shantae is pure win.
I suppose there's a risk anytime you try something new, but if you only played it safe you'd be stuck playing the same games your entire life. At least with this game it's only $20 instead of risking a full $60.
I have the game on 3DS, and I loved it so much I bought it on Wii U as well. It's solid platforming in the vein of Shovel knight, with a touch of Metroid style progression. Excellent boss fights, lovable characters and enemies (who doesn't love a tinkerbat), and an outstanding soundtrack for the entire playthrough. Past Shantae games were really excellent, but this one tops them all.
That's just my two cents anyways...
I adored Risky's Revenge and I just nabbed This up. I'm playing through and loving every minute. I do wish we could save some of the screen caps as unlockables.
@Yosher If you have a 3DS, you´re in HUGE luck, because all 3 games are available there. Shantae for the GBC, which was added like a year ago for the VC, Shantae: Risky´s Revenge, which is a DSI game, it's downloadable on the 3DS and ´finally this one, which I downloaded on the 3DS to have the trilogy on a single console, for the awesome 3D Effect and to have it on the go.
So, bottom line: If you have a 3DS, you owe it to yourself to download this awesome trilogy ASAP!!!!
P.S: There is a fourth game coming in the future, but Wayforward only plans to release it on the wii u, since the game is in HD. Hope I could help you
I have the entire series on my 2DS, time to marathon it!
So you a are force to use the gamepad on the Wii U? You cant use the Pro controller?
@kidwalrus Melons > Zero. Melons are good for you and go great with fried chicken on the fourth of July.
@BensonUii I wouldn't think so. When I played the game in off-tv mode, I could access the inventory by pausing the game. I'll experiment with the pro controller and let you know for sure.
@BensonUii You're welcome!
I've returned from my experiment and am glad to confirm that Shantae And The Pirate's Curse is perfectly playable without the gamepad.
Nice! I might get it on the Wii U after all. Again thanks!
When the Freak is this coming to Europe??
@Prof_Clayton The original is 5$/€ on 3DS VC.
@kidwalrus You are such a square...for disliking round objects
Besides she's a professional bellydancer, bellydancing is not fun when there is not jiggling to be had.
To those of you unsure of whether to buy it, I bought the first two, and besides some nice pixel-art, expect no story (or a ludicrous one), and horrible characters. I'd say wait till its cheap - I haven't checked the price myself, but it cannot be worth full imo.
This looks great, don't know how I've missed the others in the series. I've got a massive e shop splurge to work my way through before I have time so I'll wait for a sale if possible and pick up this and shovel knight up when I've got time to enjoy them properly.
@Warbeard I'm not expecting story or RPG elements and I'll be waiting for a sale regardless but how did you find the actual gameplay. This is the main issue for me on this time of game, is it fun enough to hold my interest?
Ah, I've got to get this! I just need to clear a few more games from my backlog and I'll be FREEEE!
Awesome, I'm downloading this once I finish charging up my 3DS after that long Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U tournament night on New Year's Eve. Damn I'll never use the 3DS as a controller ever again, those battery life ends fast.
@Ultra-64 I only played the second one to completion, but it just struck me as not very funny - the platforming is pretty tight, but in a world and with characters you don't like? Another issue I remember is the respawn time, which is pretty ludicrous. There's some backtracking, but even that wasn't very funny.
Of course, I havent played the newest one, I just feel I should balance out the hype so people arent dissappointed like I was.
@leemeyer26 Hah, like being gay means you have complete control over your feelings, to men or women xD
@ALEC_EIFFEL Ah, thank you! That does help! So I'll be able to enjoy all the Shantae games. I'll start with the GBC version then, when I do delve into the series!
Never got the love for the original game. If it's more of the same that don't exactly equate to much of anything at all. At least the older games had a somewhat distinct art style, if nothing else.
Definitely want this game but that will have to wait for a sale!
Get a bigger TV....
While reading the review I thought to myself: "WOW, Shantae is getting a well deserved 10". Well, those small "things" amount to a 1 point less.
If Risky's Revenge earned a 9, then this is definitely a 10, in my eyes, since the experience is longer, the dialogue is better and the map is better done.
@maceng My wall wouldn't resist a bigger tv.
"...one sequence featuring Shantae and her friends dressed as slave princesses borders on tacky, but it never feels exploitative or anything less than irreverent fun."
Quite a different tone from the 3DS review.
In any case, good review! I look forward to this one at some point in the future... Wii U version is the one worth the price premium.
@retro_player_22 There's a 3rd party 5000 mAh battery for the original 3DS that increases battery life to rediculous levels. Specifically, more battery life than the original Game Boy levels. It increases bulk of the system somewhat, but you get more than what you pay for.
@maceng As wonderful as this game is, I feel that a 10 is a genre-defining, revolutionary and unique game that hits literally every right note. Believe me, the 9 is not a slight against the game; I gave Shovel Knight a 9, as well, and that's one of my favorite games of 2014.
@AK-1138 The Shantae series is reminiscent of NEC PC Engine / TurboGraphix and Sega Mega Drive 2D platformers, so they're designed in a certain way that appeals to a particular taste. It's a bit of a different flavor from Nintendo platformers.
@maceng Sometimes, less is more; NL gave NightSky a 10, even though it's a very short game.
@Prof_Clayton Felt the exact same way with the dsiware version.
Never got to finish it and I feel that I should have kept the 15$ for something else... (retro city rampage)
@PlywoodStick Before I went to participate at that tournament, my brother return my 3DS with only 40% battery left after playing some Pokemon X and I did not found out about the low battery until midway through the tournament. It was a plan tournament with friends and the host was suppose to supply us with Gamecube controllers and the GameCube adapter for Wii U but he never did got the adapter so we decided to just use the usual Wii U Pro Controllers and 3DS. Had I knew he lack the GameCube adapter, I would had just bring mine instead. Anyways it was a fun tournament, we didn't get to play 8-Players Smash due to the lack of the adapter but we did get to play 6-Players Smash so that's good enough already.
@Tamalesyatole Scoot your couch closer to your TV when you play video games.
I still want to finish the other two Shantae games first, but I'll easily add this one to my Wishlist.
Oh I'm sure 1/2 Genie Hero will be spectacular as well. It'll be the first non-pixelart Shantae, which will hopefully be a great thing, and bring her in all the potential fans that just can't stand tiny squares.
@leemeyer26 no wonder you gave it a 9. I don't care that you're gay, but the fact that you state that makes me concerned that you are scoring games for gay people...
@kidwalrus I'm going to assume that you're making a joke.
With those bouncy melons she deserved a perfect round juicy ten...the Patriarchy will know abut this insult!
It is a sad day when nintendo life gamers can just get pass the fact that Shantae sports some rather juicy, bouncy melons that seem perfect in every single way, specially with his perfect round hips and that makes me want to....
Nuff' said!!
I hope that he is really joking too...
This game is HD? I bought it and really can't tell.
The game was an decent and good series. I commend them for the work they have done. I haven't finished the original GBC game but it was actual a fun "Wonder Boy" type game. I do not care about if the game is in HD ( high amount of pixels like 640X480 but many more times more ). All I know is the game was fun to play.
However I am not an fan of Shantae and Risky Boots teaming up. It is ten times better then Crash and Cortex but still not an fan.
@kidwalrus - I agree'd with you first when you were stating that the games art was a little Fan Serviced, but what you just said... watch what you say.
I have almost finished the game, and I really like it. The only downside is that its pretty lineair and quite easy, but its very fun nonetheless. Reminds me a bit of the Wonderboy games. Beautiful graphics and music. Fun pirate items and bosses. And it must be said: Those girls look tiiiiiight!!
its an essential download - if you own a WiiU - go get it now
besides ShovelKnight theres hardly any other Indie game as polished and as much fun as this - its pixel art ^^
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