Nintendo Switch

There was a lot of excitement generated around Nintendo Switch version 5.0 in the lead up to its deployment, as there’s still plenty of room left for improvement in Nintendo’s rather barebones OS, but fans were left a bit disappointed when the update came with very little in the way of new features. Those of you who may have fallen into this crowd of fans will be happy to note, then, that version 5.0 was evidently just laying the groundwork for another system update, which just went live hours ago. Nintendo Switch version 5.0.1 can now be installed on your Switch unit, bringing with it a much-demanded feature that fans will be relieved to see.

That new feature is of course a whole new level of stability that version 5.0 was sorely lacking. Install this update, and you’ll be treated to a brand new Nintendo Switch experience that’s so greatly improved upon its predecessor that you literally will not be able to tell that there has been any change whatsoever. Here’s to hoping Nintendo continues its excellent trend of iterating on the Switch OS in notable ways, the current version hardly resembles the one that we first saw on launch day.

What do you think? Are you glad to see Nintendo adding more stability? What other features would you like to see in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
