
A free update is heading to Super Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch this February, which will become available after downloading the update and beating the main story.

The crux of the update is a new online activity called Balloon World. Players should simply talk to Luigi to start one of two competitive modes; Hide It mode and Find It mode. In the former, the player has 30 seconds to hide a balloon anywhere within the Kingdom they've began the mode in. In the latter, the player has 30 seconds to find balloons hidden by players from around the world. 

There's a competitive side to this fun activity, for finding balloons quickly as well as hiding them in difficult to reach spots enable players to move up in the rankings. What's more, the update will also include new outfits (Sunshine Shades & Outfit, Musician Hat & Outfit, and Knight Helmet & Armor) and new filters for Snapshot Mode.

The free update seems to be a great way for players to continue to milk the joy out of such a stellar title. What are your thoughts on this? Will you be giving Balloon World a go?