The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild version 1.3.3 has just gone live, and brings with it Rex's armour and support for the Champion amiibo.
However, another cool feature is the ability to repurchase rare items which would otherwise be lost.
Thanks to update 1.3.3, you can now re-purchase rare gear from Granté in Tarrey Town, including (drum roll please) DLC items. The catch is that you still need to have found each piece of equipment before Granté is able to stock it, so don't assume you can just rock up to Tarrey Town and start buying right away.
What do you make of this neat little feature? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 40
This was always a part of the game.
@Tendo127 No it wasn't. Certain items had the text "If lost can never be found" or something to that extent.
@Tendo127 It was for some items, like the Hylian Shield, but DLC armor couldn’t be repurchased prior to this update.
@Tendo127 no, it was not. It is explicit described on the rare items that if you sell them, you have no other way to acquire them again.
Does that mean we can repurchase the Switch T-shirt if we sold it for some inexplicable reason?
Please, say it is so. The greatest item ever created, it wasn't at all for publicity and why would anyone want/need to upgrade it or for it to have any unique ability? Of course you can only obtain it if you bought the DLC but it alone is worth the €20. /sarcasm
Now if only I could find the Wii U T-shirt within the game.
Can we buy the amiibo-exclusive armor too?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE So your hate for the Switch has come back and bit you in the arse?
@NewAdvent I feel like there's a guy you can go to if you lose it
That's not Tarrey town, that's Village d'Euzero.
I am still surprised anyone at Nintendo would have poor enough taste to order the inclusion of that item in the first place.
It's a good idea, I guess. I probably still won't load it up again until DLC 2 is released., though.
@NewAdvent do you mean the zora spear you get for completing the divine beast, or some other one? I’m not big into amiibos so I don’t know what most of em give. Don’t got money for that kind of stuff. If it is the divine beast one, there is a zora in the village that can remake it for you
@SLIGEACH_EIRE In Calamity Gannon's clutches, Hyrule went corporate.
@Pupito To be fair the default Champions Tunic already IS pretty much a WiiU Blue shirt, and the Sheikah Slate is clad in WiiU blue. Once upon a time it's clear they were hoping for WiiU brand synergy throughout the game before discovering that was a bad idea.
@NewAdvent If there's a photo of it in the Hyrule Compendium you can track it. If not you can buy the photo from Symin at the Hateno Tech Lab.
Eh, you could always buy rare stuff back at his shop. This isn't new. You could also buy different parts of the same set. For example: If you found the rubber headpiece, he would also stock the other parts of the rubber outfit.
Wake me up when the obnoxiously slow-to-unlock Amiibo gear is freely available in game.
Its already impossible to find those bloody things in stores. A chance per day for a 1/3 piece of armor is just ridiculous...
Oh, and you can also get the Xenoblade-gear in the Wii u version, luckily!
what about the DLC Switchshirt?
I've played this game for around 200 hours and don't think I've ever seen Granté before.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE What's a "Wii U"? Is it edible?
@Henmii Not the DLC armor. Once sold, it was gone prior to this update.
@TheLZdragon Nono, it's a video games console. I had one of those, it was cool. You could play bowling and stuff on it.
That's handy. And for the record, while you could repurchase lost or sold armor, it did not include DLC items. There is even a disclaimer for each item that states that if lost, the gear cannot be repurchased. Why this was ever the case, I'm not sure, but there you go. Now you can cash in that Switch Tee for $$.
@NEStalgia It's not a console, silly, it's a new controller for the Wii.
@KirbyTheVampire There's a new tablet controller for the Wii? I hadn't heard about that!
@NEStalgia Yeah, I'm pumped to go buy one! Although it is a little pricey for a controller...
Bad news fam, it was discontinued in February.
@10-zx It doesn't look like there were a lot of games that required it. Just another underused peripheral like the Super Scope and Power Glove I guess.
Couldn’t he always do this?
Would be cool if they updated the game so the Forest Dweller's Sword and Kite Shield would respawn somewhere in the world.
Only in the gaming community would an update somehow garner a bunch of negative posts.
So Grante took the Tom Nook course of making money?
@Einherjar or save and reset, and you'll have the full gear in 3 days.
4 if you also want the "unique" weapons.
@10-zx Aww, darn. Oh well, I guess I'll just go buy that cool new Switch console.
@Pupito Probably, although I think Wii 2 might have been a bit more clear. Someone might think a Super Wii was just an upgraded version of the Wii or something.
Okay, I didn't know that. I wonder, does this also include Amiibo-unlockable clothes?
@Ainz TBH from the moment I found Grante I thought it was silly to restrict him from selling those items anyways. Isn't re-buying special stuff the whole point of him?
@Henmii I'm not sure, but I guess not (it only sells those items if you already obtained them, so you'll need the amiibo aniway).
About the Amiibo items:
" I'm not sure, but I guess not (it only sells those items if you already obtained them, so you'll need the amiibo aniway)"
That's true. Its a pity that it is that way, but that's how it is. I wished that stuff was obtainable without Amiibo.
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