Monster Hunter: World sees the famous series return to domestic consoles for the first time in quite a while, and is considered by many to be Capcom's big push to make the franchise a AAA proposition all over the globe, not just in Japan.
However, the game's impending release on PS4 and Xbox One has caused some fans to grumble, given the fact that Monster Hunter and Nintendo have gone hand-in-hand for some years now. Instead, Switch owners have had to make do with an enhanced version of the previous title in the series, Monster Hunter XX - which appears to be a Japanese exclusive at the time of writing.

We're seeing titles like DOOM and Wolfenstein II come to Nintendo's hybrid system, so could Monster Hunter: World ever come to Switch? One of the game's directors, Kaname Fujioka, is cagey on the subject:
Unfortunately we can't really say at this point. There's no room to say we're porting our current software to Nintendo hardware. It comes down to what we've already said - we want to deliver the perfectly adapted game for the hardware we have in mind. That was our design concept, and our mission from the very beginning. Being able to adapt Monster Hunter for those systems - adapting that to different hardware doesn't really work this time around. But in the future, thinking of something like the Switch, we'll think about how to adapt it for that platform.
From these comments you could assume that the Switch does factor into Capcom's plans for Monster Hunter, but it's likely that Nintendo's system will get a stand-alone outing which isn't based on Monster Hunter: World. Let us know what you think about this news by posting a monster-sized comment below.
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the tip!
Comments 104
I don’t.
I'm fine with the game skipping the system if, as they say, the next MH game is tailor-made for the Switch. Not sure if World will find an audience, but people are excited about it.
It's a shame that we won't get it but I see what they're trying to do with the franchise. It seems like this is the equivalent radical change that RE4 brought to the Resident Evil series. And if you read the full interview, it's as good as a big fat NO that Monster Hunter: World will ever be released on Switch. Who knows, maybe if Switch sales become so big they may try to find a way to pare it back to fit it on the handheld but at that point it could be too late.
I have a PS4 and PC and will not be getting this game as I have become so used to having my Monster Hunter portable. Surely there is a Switch Monster Hunter in the works unless Capcom has lost its mind (very likely these days).
Don't have a problem with that except for the rumours that sony paid capcom more to not release the game on the switch. Which i find pretty scummy.
Not surprised in the slightest considering this is Capcom we're talking about....
But I do hope the game does well
Same case with Tabata and FFXV. I just don't care anymore. Sure I'll still be playing it on PS4, but they should just flat out say NO already. Seeing articles on these two games are giving me a migraine. In Tabata's case he should've just kept his mouth closed from the start rather than "tease" a game in a FFXV-centric livestream.
Can't wait for the PC version, so the 3DS finally stops holding the franchise back.
More like Sony paid them not to.
I mean all they need to do is localise the game they do have on Switch for western audiences and most Switch users will be contempt.
Meanwhile, at Capcom...
@subpopz You got that right. I am still waiting the RE ports 1-7 on Switch..
Sad but not surprised. It's Capcom. The same people who killed off Mega Man and milk the same Street Fighter every single time. No wonder they've lost their minds. I can only hope that World will be successful otherwise the many Japanese Nintendo fans accustomed to getting the game on their system might give up. Amazing to see how Capcom released a game for a console barely managing to sell triple digits in a week over a very successful Switch and 3DS. I wouldn't whine much if it released only on PS4 but Xb one? Not funny.
@Shiryu Sums up Capcom and Konami perfectly
getting Monster Hunter World for the PS4....I don't really care if it's on the switch.....can't wait to play it on my PS4.
but I've read that hardcore fans find this game kind of "casualized" or something?
well not that I mind, I tried but monster hunter didn't do it for me.
If the game could truly not be ported to the Switch without serious downgrades that impact the game as a whole, then thats okay. However I think they'd be seriously mistaken if they didn't develop an entry specific for the Switch.
The decision not to localise XX however still baffles me.
Not a MH fan so honestly no skin off my back but it does have a fanbase in the west.
This should not be news anymore, it's getting really old these kind of articles: "Developer says it won't release a game on Switch if customers don't ask for it", "Developer says it will wait and see what the Switch is about it", "Developer says game wasn't planned to be ported to Switch so it won't happen". etc etc
I don't hold my breath for Capcom porting anything much to the Switch aside from the odd random real old game.
Never saw MH World coming to Switch anyway. However, it wouldn't surprise me if Capcom fired up the old engine once again for a "new" portable Monster Hunter on Switch, something that would be to all intents and purposes a XX-2.
I think they're working on models, creatures, etc already. They just don't know about the core gameplay mechanics they want to introduce.
Also, they have the time to set it up. Switch isn't gonna fall away within the years to come and they'll want a nice volume of users.
I think we'll see a monster Hunter once the install base has grown a bit.
It kinda seems like a betrayal on Capcom's part. But perhaps they are still somehow, cautious about the Switch. Even though it's still selling extremely well. It's still strange that XX seemingly isn't getting localized at all. But perhaps they will make a XX-2 or something and then localize them both as a set or some such plan.
Overall, I personally don't care about MH. But I know a lot of people like it, and it being on Switch would be one more great name on the Switch, thus I want it on Switch to help the platform continue to do well.
Because I absolutely love the Switch.
I get it, I get it. Capcom's selfish because it doesn't do what we want. World started development too early for it to come to the Switch, and good on them pushing it towards larger markets. I'm a big fan of the series, but I'll be likely missing it this time around.
But Capcom doesn't hate the Switch, they're porting what they will and likely working on stuff in the meantime. I'd put money on the fact that one of those titles is a Monster Hunter entry.
I get the feeling Capcom made the gamble to go all in with the PS4 because they thought Nintendo were done, and are now having to try to speak up their future support for a system that will likely run the PS4 over in Japan.
You do get the feeling there were words between Ninty and Capcom (possibly about the power of the machine), and now Capcom are having to eat crow.
@MrGawain If their motivation was to make their bets on which home console would thrive, then Capcom is a bigger fool than I thought.
What should've motivated them is WHICH PORTABLE OPTION would thrive.
MonHon has already been on home consoles and it doesn't sell well there. MonHon is like Pokemon in Japan. Either you make it for a portable device or you don't until one is available. Unless Capcom wants to lose millions in sales.
Its certainly a gamble what they're doing with World. But the game is unlikely to sell significantly better in the West (their target audience with this game) than in Japan. And after the underwhelming results with SFV and MvCI, they must be desperate for a huge hit that will boost their numbers.
I love Capcom and wouldn't want them to go under for making stupid decisions. How they could possibly think s Nintendo handheld would fail, is beyond me.
Funny how they've this and then say the "Switch is important for multiplatform games" not long after.
So MH, Okami, RE, Disney and Megaman Collections aren't multiplatform games Capcom, or what? I've got no problem with MH releasing on other platforms, among other games, but not releasing it on Switch is completely stupid.
My back catalog already feels enormous. Not shedding many tears over this. I view Capcom a lot like EA right now. They're simply not interested in my money.
World may be a success, but I hight doubt that we'll reach the same highs as 4 in Japan. Than Capcom will realize their mistake and will come back.
That said I'll buy World on PS4, cause looks amazing.
It's expected really, just wait for Monster Hunter World G or Monster Hunter World Ultimate as always. Adapted to the hardware is kind of bs nowadays as the Xbox and PS4 are running on PC architectures and it's known to be easy to port things from PC to the Switch. This is just Crapcom at its finest waiting for the right moment to milk another version of monster hunter.
Capcom just needs to translate XX and every Switch owner will be happy.
PS4 would have been my console of choice for this game anyway, so lack of a Switch port wouldn't bother me. It's still a day 1 purchase for me.
What if the Switch version will called Monster Hunter World G(rande) someday ?
@Kalmaro weird considering it is also coming to Xbox One
Honestly Capcom will have to do well with this venture otherwise they are in serious trouble. Monster Hunter accounted for 50% of their revenue. Already, they had alienated and divided their userbase, even more so since they are not seeking crossplay. And Japan, being their biggest fanbase is really not keen on it being on a non portable system. Add to that the decently long development time, I would even wager the would need more than their standard 2 million goal to turn a profit.
Of course unknowns to account for is how many new players in the west will it gain as well as if the Japanese audience will still be willing to buy it on a non portable system. Gut feeling says it may flop because Capcom has a knack for stealing defeat from the jaw of victory, but nothing will be certain until launch day if Street Fighter 2 for switch has taught us anything.
It's a shame, but Capcom being Capcom I suppose. I'm going to try it on PS4 because of it trying to be as accessible as possible. Plus, Aloy on the PS4 version is enough for me to jump in
@Hamguar The series seems to have a huge enough fanbase to sustain Capcom well. Not to mention, since it is coming to established console for people to play a MH game (more notably the PlayStation crowd), it will pretty much save Capcom from a financial hole
Vita Remote Play it is, then. Someday. By the time I'm through with God Eater and Toukiden franchises (and maybe tap into stuff I already have like 4U or can buy like Generations), mobile data plans might actually become cheaper yet.
The system is more than capable, cap it at 30 fps and reduce the draw distance and texture quality a bit. Problem solved.
Translation: "Nintendo: Put up or shut up."
(Unless MHW bombs in Japan in which case we'll deliver a normal proper MH game for Nintendo platforms in Japan only...) (And unless MH never gains traction in the West as a AAA title in which case we'll deliver a Nintendo traditional MH and hope our fans don't boycott us (again))
@Malcrash Not too strange, probably would have cost it more to make it purely a Sony exclusive.
As if to rub it in and make their lack of support more baffling.
Capcom Made A Lot Of Money Recently And Two Switch Games Helped
The publisher calls out Monster Hunter XX and Ultra Street Fighter II as performing well during the last quarter.
@Kalmaro Oh please! Yes, they have a deal with Sony, there's a limited edition PS4, the PS4 version gets a few exclusive skins and they have the marketing rights. But that's not the reason it isn't coming to Switch. Development started during the early days of the Wii U, so they focused on PC, PS4 and Xbox One instead, since the Wii U was a sales disaster since day one.
Did Sony also pay Activision to keep COD:WWII off the Switch?
Don't think so hard Capcom. MHW is nice on console, it'd also be nice portable. That's as far as you need to think it.
@Octane Who knows? These are just my personal feelings. I have no proof to back them up since I'm just another guy on the internet.
So many Monster Hunter fans are bitter Capcom is trying something different. "But, it's a handheld experience, blah, blah, blah," as if this still won't sell gangbusters. Sure it's nice to play Monster Hunter on the go but so is playing one that doesn't look like a ps2 game. Give World a chance.
Crapcom and EA: Blah blah blah oh freaking blah.
Go extinct soon you piece of garbage so we don't have to hear your blabbering.
The loss of MH sucks, but it's hardly like that was the only game to be excited about on a new Nintendo platform.
All this means is that less of my money will be going to Capcom and more of my money will be going to developers who ARE supporting the Switch.
I have no emotional horse in the race, but from what I have seen of Worlds, I couldn’t see how it would work on the Switch. I’m all getting as many big titles to play on the go, but I have a lot to look forward to, so it’s all good.
Other question is do I get this for PS4? I never played Monster Hunter, loooked artificially hard(slow tank like controls), and I don’t like games that “require” me to play with others to progress. Worlds looks a bit different, so I’ll keep a look out.
I'll gladly pass this up, I liked the portability of this series.
@JpGamerGuy90 There's nothing different about Monster Hunter: World, it's basically G with better graphics and PS2 games are freaking awesome and no I won't give World a chance just like I won't give RE7 and MvC: Infinite a chance since Crapcom won't give us a chance with the many Mega Man games they killed so far. At this point all see for them in the future is for them to rot.
@SlimeKnight I've been saying the same things for months!
I also own a PS4 but I'm leaning more towards not getting it at the moment. Like you, I view the MH franchise as a mobile game. Does that mean it won't work on a TV/home console, no; but for me the beauty of the game was being able to take it with me and play it when I could. That game was awesome for playing in 30 minute hunts if that's the only time you had to dedicate to a game.
Honestly I know MH:W won't come to the Switch and that's fine. But come on release MHXX in the West.
I'm also okay with "Worlds" not coming our way, but at least give us something from the franchise!
@Kalmaro I forgot, it's 2017, feelings are more important than actual proof. There's really no reason to assume any of it is true, and it only fuels the stupid ''console wars'' more than it should.
@Octane So what you're saying is that it's wrong to have opinions?
I have no problem admitting that I have no facts to back up my claim, it's not even a real claim, it's just my opinion that Sony is trying to bully Nintendo.
Capcom is really betting on the 15 Xbox One owners in Japan to buy more copies than they would sell on the Switch.
@Kalmaro I'm saying that opinions don't matter if the subject isn't something you can or cannot agree with. It can be my opinion that Paris is the capital of Germany, but that doesn't change the fact that it isn't, so it doesn't make any sense to have that opinion.
@Octane So your opinion is that someone else's opinion is less important than yours because, in your opinion, your opinion is better?
Capcom won't drop Monster Hunter on portable systems. It's what kept them alive during their Resident Evil/Fighting Games/Dragon Dogma failures on the AAA market. Monster Hunter World is just a big budget Monster Hunter for the AAA market because all other Capcom franchises failed on this market.
Actually they most likely need to translate only half of it, since the other half is already translated with Generations... This makes it all the more puzzling to me why they're so hesitant to do it (and why I'm almost certain that at some point in the future XX (or "Generations Ultimate" if you will) might still come to the West; though this convitction might also just be triggered merely by wishful thinking). I usually understand that companies like Capcom are all about business and profit of course, but I cannot really see a risk here. The financial effort to reach such a large additional audience with XX should be minimal compared to the potential gain... They will certainly have their reasons, but I really don't get it for once.
That said, I won't be missing World on Switch and can play it elsewhere if I want, but I certainly do miss XX. (I know I could get the Japanese version, but for now it's too much hassle and I'm still hoping quietly for a localized version).
Why not Capcom release Monster Hunter XX: Double Cross and then everyone will be happy.
@Kalmaro No, we're dealing with facts here. Either it's true, or it isn't. That isn't an opinion. We have no proof to assume they did pay to keep the game off the Switch, so it doesn't make any sense to assume they did, unless you want to argue otherwise...
Even if it did come to Switch I would still get it for the PS4. I loved MH3 on the Wii and MH3U on the Wii U. Then I tried going portable with 4, but couldn't get into it. I don't know, but I didn't like it on the small screen.
More than anything I would love if Capcom gave Nintendo the license to release a 2D Mega Man. Only Nintendo could make a game like that work in this day and age.
Don't think anyone was holding their breath for this game on Switch.
Idk why articles are still being written about it. It's PS4 exclusive in Japan. Even IF they wanted to bring it to Switch now it would be a waste, because a portable MH that can't be sold in Japan is pointless.
Accept it and move on already. It's just one game. Plenty of other great games coming, and with Switch's success it will surely get new portable entries.
In Japan, where Monster Hunter XX for Switch was only released, shipments have exceeded 350,000 units. Capcom said it had a “stalwart performance” before also saying that it “performed strongly”.
That's not including digital sales. So MHXX, a 6 month late port of an expansion already released of a 2 year old game, on a platform with just 5-8 million people during time of release, in Japan alone, is well on its way to half a million units.
You better believe they've got plans for MH on Switch. Not World, but rather it's own line of entries.
@Octane You're dealing with facts. I think that's the problem. I'm not making a real claim about Sony doing funny business to keep Nintendo from getting MH worlds. It's just my opinion that they are.
I have no proof to back this up, it's just my personal feelings. For some reason, you are trying to drill me for proof even though I've stated I have none. This is just my opinion, which I'm free to have regardless of what facts may or may not exist.
I will be skipping out on this even though this time around I actually have friends getting the game. Personally I hope it flops and the switch continues to sell millions.
Oh, Crapcom... (shakes head)
Or should we just say: Crapcom Strikes Again?
Monster Hunter served them so well on the 3DS, so I cannot wrap my head around this decision at all.
I think as long they eventually release XX in the west we would be ok... Obviously if they want to work on a new exclusive Switch title afterwards that would be ok too. I'm just happy my Switch collection is growing with or without Capcom.
I am fairly certain that this game isn't going to sell the way they want and it is going to open their eyes a bit. I also believe that there will be a MH game for Switch announced in the next year or so. Aside from this, I am not sure what direction Capcom is trying to go. It is a real head-scratcher.
I gather from his comments a "we'll think about it" vibe as I don't even think it's a twinkle of a thought in their eye about porting, or even doing a custom, MH for Switch. I literally don't think it is in the cards, and trust me, it hurts to even type these words cause I really want a new, original MH on Switch (Hell, even a translated MHXX would do for me), but I gotta tell it like it is. I've already reserved myself to not care about seeing MH on Switch in the west, that way, I don't even have to be mad anymore.
Okay, so they skip Switch, because they want to maintain the graphic quality on the PS4. Which is fine. I know if I comment this, Capcom won't hear it anyway but they should port Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen to Switch, as a replacement.
I want to play the game again I had on PS3 ages ago, on the go.
All I can say is that MH World is a day 1 buy for me. Looking forward to it.
@KingdomHeartsFan you're absolutely right, I could always choose to play on tv mode, that's what I do with Fifa, but in that case I also cherish the possibility of taking it on the go.
But for Monsters Hunter, I am really looking forward to playing it on the most powerful console, since I know for a fact that game, for me, is better suited for a tv and couch experience.
One way or another am hunting monsters
No worries guys. MH:WU will come to Switch. And it's a casualized version of the game anyway. But when sales in Japan are disappointing compared to MH:XX, they'll want to do something about it.
And of course everyone keeps thinking that the Switch is too weak to handle World. Anyways I'm thinking World Portable will be for Switch...and maybe all systems (including Nintendo's) will get the G game.
@iescalie1 I would replay 2, and 3 again on the switch. Maybe 1 but I have played it so many times already.
No thanks... just like I wanted to play Wolfenstein 2 with the highest detail possible on day 1 - I want the same with Monster Hunter World. Would not get a watered down Switch version anyway.
Super excited for the December 9th PS4 Beta test.
Thank you, Capcom.
Same goes for you, autocorrect. I didn't mean to say "thank".
It feels like MH is going to split into two lines again. World on the "western" systems and MH on Nintendo.
Could be a win win for everyone if they play their cards right and don't snub existing users. Monster Hunter isn't for me but I'm curious as to where they are going with the franchise.
Considering MHGen didnt have G-rank (one of the most attractive things for the fans), plus more monsters (Atlal Ka, Valphalk, Massacre Diablos), plus more deviants... I think fans would really like MHXX for either Switch or 3DS. It's sad capcom doesnt just localize them before MHW comes out.
I find this strange, as earlier today I saw a snippet of an interview with someone at Capcom, who said that they "consider Switch as an important multi-platform outlet" and that they "have no comment on Switch exclusive games". Sounds like the MHW development team and Capcom are not on the same page, hah.
Personally I do hope that Capcom brings more multiplats to Switch and doesn't make too many exclusives. Nobody is happy with third-party exclusives except people who still live in the console wars.
Release one for switch please
Where was all this salt when the switch was released? Capcom announced a slightly upgraded hd port of a 20 year old game and a lot of the people on here were praising the hell out of that garbage. Many even bought said trash. You voted with your wallets and basically told Capcom "we'll buy your garbage ports". Don't complain now. YOU dictate the market not them. They're a company out to make money.
As for them dividing their monster Hunter community, they're not. XX was released in Japan where it's most popular. The dedicated fans in the west will buy the Japanese version since switch is region free. MH world was clearly designed to be a big home experience and I for one can't wait. Got mine on preorder. There's a lot of excitement and buzz from people who've never played a MH game. Many are in the PC camp. It may be a gamble on their part but it's a smart move considering the fan base of games with slow clunky combat like Dark souls. People who like the difficulty of dark souls will love the challenge in MH. What do Nintendo only gamers say about playing Zelda, Mario, or Kirby games? "You need to get a Nintendo console then". So guess what you need to do to play MH World?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Hey thanks for always pointing out these stories that we would have otherwise not have known about. I see your name pop up a lot under the thanks section in a lot of articles. A lot of people give you crap in the comments but I just wanted to say thanks for what you do
@Agramonte So you gonna get that PC version
@Arehexes "...with the highest detail possible on day 1"... PC has no launch date right now. I know I wont be able to wait.
But yes, Wolfenstein 2 and The evil Within 2 I did on PC. And doing NinoKuni2 on PC also.
Who cares about Monster Hunter world is just a spin off with fancy visuals...
Nintendo Switch can't settle for anything less than Monster Hunter 5
I have burnt out on MH since I left Generations 50 hours in (clocked 500 hours in 4U and 1000+ in 3U). I would love to buy one for Switch when I get one in two years.
@dimi Capcom already said MH world IS MH 5. Generations/XX is the spin off.
Just give us monster hunter on the switch!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Hey dude, your logic doesn't track. They wouldn't be able to tout sales in the first place if they weren't supporting the system.
@dimi Lol you're blind. World has the longest development cycle in at least the modern series, and looks like the most ambitious game to date in both style and function.
I'm just holding my breath for MH World in general. The ethic I've developed getting into games with the Gamecube and Wii is that the tech doesn't matter, the game does. World looks like the Monster Hunter game Tri, the first Nintendo MH game, was striving to be at the time. And I'm all over that. The only thing that would make it better would be the Switch pro controller instead of Playstation's stupidly placed thumb sticks but, hey, headphone jacks.
@OGGamer i read now the discusion at reddit. Looks like you're right. Damn it. But a new MH on Switch should be a non brainer. Japan loves mobile and Switch is gonna surpass PS4 there for sure (in West its harder)
@Jokerwolf Except they've repeatedly said they don't want to do that. They aren't interested in trying to squish MH World onto the Switch.
Hopefully they realize it was a mistake to skip on their main market (portable systems) when World sells less than expected. Especially in Japan.
Can't wait for Monster Hunter (Portable?) 5 for the Switch, though.
@MarcelRguez Just to avoid unmet expectations; I did not read this as them saying they will look to tailor a game to the Switch. They just say that World is not suitable for porting to the Switch, but maybe a next Monster Hunter game does lend itself to a port.
Diversify my boys and you'll always have an outlet. Very sad it most likely won't come to Switch. Nintendo has had the franchise on lock for ages now, so no real complaints over here.
We’ll probably get a Portable versión with the same old graphics, because Capcom is Capcom. But I doubt we will see MHW the Switch.
Couldn’t they at least have released XX on the west?
If they can't even bother translating XX for the West, there is no way in hell they'll try to adapt World to the Switch.
@Starbuster Don't care, I am saying if they wanted to they could. As long as we get XX and or a beefed up version of XX I will be happy.
Doesn't look any more spectacular than breath of the wild on a ported switch. No reason then to skip the Switch. I might get it on steam if it comes to that, but I'd rather not.
I still don't see a "World" (pun intended) where Capcom doesn't make the cash grab of having a port of this out by next Christmas...
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