Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus doesn't launch on Switch until 2018, but that doesn't mean we can't get all excited by the game's launch trailer, which has been published today to build hype ahead of release on other systems on October 27th.
The trailer - which contains plenty of bad language, gore and violence, as you might imagine (consider yourselves warned) - showcases the many ways in which you can dish out death and punishment to your Nazi oppressors.

We don't expect the Switch version to look quite as sharp as that footage, but given how promisingly DOOM is shaping up, we should hopefully be in for a treat by the time it arrives on Nintendo's system early next year.
Comments 141
Fun times ahead!

NSFW in a game for Nintendo console... long time no see.
I'm not a big first person shooter..... but this does look interesting. Would like to play it later on, would get the Switch version
With the large amount of Switch consoles getting into the hands of gamers, the sales on this game will be fan-freakin'-tastic!
It looks like the video is not available to Germany...
At 1min 12 seconds - no mention of the Switch? Just PC, Xbone and PS4.
@Elanczewski Bayonetta says "Hi"
Not sure how i feel about this. Yay for diversity and all that but do we really need this?
@Mii_duck that’s because the switch version launches early 2018 and not this month.
Looks interesting.
@MisterKorman Same here. Nazi sympathizers getting mad at Wolfenstein of all things never gets old.
Too bad the Switch version is in 2018, this and Mario releasing the same day would have made for some quite interesting - and perhaps effective - marketing.
Nintneod Switch - The only system where you can kill Nazis and capture a T-rex w/ your talking cap on the same day.
@Mii_duck Probably because the Switch version won't look like this and it doesn't come out until next year.
I'm saving most of my bucks for Doom so I'll save my Nazi slaughtering urge until next year.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Neither will PS4 or Xbox One to be fair.
@Kalmaro Why not? More games for everyone. I don't even like shooters but I'm excited for this...because more games for everyone.
Can't wait to play this one too on the go!
I'm skipping the PS4 version and wait for the Switch.
@darkswabber - fair point!
Video not working. Any mirror?
Quienten Tarantino is getting giddy by the sight of this. October 27 is going to be a busy day
Can't wait for the 27th. Went with the PC, only $36 bucks and can crank it up!... This is like an Action movie you want to see in full glory.
I'll just play Mario on my commute.
@Tsurii Point out to me where I said we shouldn't have this game and you'll maybe have a point. You obviously didn't read what I said.
Nintendo is for kids
Looks Cathartic as hell!
The original one surprised me so would like to get this. Unfortunately my 2011 PC is unlikely to handle this and the Switch version isn't till next year so may be a while before I get a chance.
Looks pretty good, might have to pick up New Order in preparation.
Enjoyed the last game on PS4 but not sure if I'll go for this one as there's so many other games I'd rather have before it. Hmmm....
Seeing the Klans Member getting a shotgun to the face... Satisfying.
Can't wait for this to hit Switch!
The original was a surprisingly decent single-player FPS, so I expect to like this one as well. Like DOOM and Skyrim, I'll likely be picking up the Switch version of this game.
Best single player FPS series for me.. loved the first one. Getting switch version for sure
@Kalmaro why wouldn't we. The last one scored really well.
Day 1 switch purchase. I played doom on PS4 and sold it the day I heard of the switch version. Haven't played either skrim or wolfenstein 2 so def getting all them for switch.
@faint Just don't want Nintendo becoming like every other console, that's all.
I'm currently playing Wolfenstein: The new order on PS4 in anticipation for Doom on the Switch. If Doom lives up to the task, I will wait to get the Switch version of this game. If not, well PS4 will do just fine.
@Kalmaro Can you elaborate on that?
@Kalmaro Explain in more detail?
@Kalmaro more games is good. More people buy the switch. Bigger audience more people to play Mario kart and splatoon with
Looks really interesting! buying it for sure!
I hope many more will follow and i hope the sales do really well.
@Biff_ARMStrong Idk about this. Only time will tell, but I think most third parties will have more success by making things that appeal to a Switch audience. Like the Mario Rabbits game. I'm not saying make colorful cute games, but something different. I hope Skyrim, Doom and this game prove me wrong.
Those madmen at Bethesda actually went ahead and made a game about killing Nazis!
Mods: leave out the political stuff please.
Actually I believe a lot of the hate for Wolfenstein 2 has to do the Make America Nazi Free Again hashtag. Many feel that's an attack on Trump supporters by saying their all Nazis. It's still stupid, but I get where they're coming from to some extent.
@Nintendoforlife @Captain_Toad In other words, Nintendo has been special to me because of their largely family friendly library. They've spent years focusing on games that are designed to pull people together and such.
This is even more obvious with the coming of the Switch, which essentially comes with two controllers just for local play. My concern is that Nintendo may try so hard to please certain groups that they forget that they used to try to appeal to everyone.
I'm not saying that they are in danger of doing this now, it's just a concern I have in general.
Maybe when Trump supporters stop making excuses for the Nazis in their ranks, then they'll stop being associated with Nazis.
Bethesda really knows how to work with the US terrain, the imagery there to really infuriate the hell out of people making them want to put a knife into every last jack booted nazi in that game. I had not seen the national mall before like that nor with lincoln's statue beheaded with hilter's on it. That actually got me a bit mad. I can't wait to open fire.
@MarcelRguez Are there people getting mad at Wolfenstein???
@Kalmaro With the games made by Nintendo they still are, but their image can't last forever with the changing times. They had it especially bad with the Wii/WiiU where they were epically mocked their family friendly image.
At the same coin however, the Xbox and Playstation brand has been marketed as the brodude hardcore crowd, whilst good to the general public, there isn't many option for family friendly games on those consoles, and as far to my knowledge there hasn't been many if at all attempts to go to the family crowd on those brands.
The Switch generation as we see it is going for the ying-yang. The family friendly nintendo games that has been built up since day one and some family friendly indies on one side and the mature games by third-parties and maybe nintendo and indies on the other.
Both parties can have it their own way.
@Kalmaro You might be overly paranoid in this case. It's not like this is Super Mario Wolfenstein, it's a third party game Nintendo is using to appeal to a wider scope of people. Nintendo's brand is hopelessly wholesome. They can't just switch it up without suffering extreme losses, and why would they? The people they have employed put a major emphasis on creativity, and the overall joy of playing video games. Which is a complete diversion from the industry as a whole today. Nintendo knows they have their notch in the industry, and giving that up would be plain idiotic.
Yes, Right-Wingers/Conservatives/Trump supporters are throwing tantrums about the game because they feel that it is unfairly targeting them. Take from that what you will.
@Kalmaro I feel Nintendo won't lose thier identity because this isn't their game. Don't forget, Nintendo has had violent games on their system before. DOOM and Mortal Kombat II on SNES, Goldeneye and Killer Instinct on N64 (KI was by Nintendo and RARE). Eternal Darkness (Nintendo) and the Resident Evil games on GC. Madworld, House of the Dead Overkill, CoD, Farcry, Manhunt, and others on Wii. Bayonetta 2 ( though it's by Platinum and SEGA), The Devil's Third, CoD. Heck, even Bionic Commando and the super gory head explosion of the final boss (modeled after Hitler, of course) on the NES. Yet, after all this, Nintendo is still looked at as a kiddie game company because of the games they put out themselves.
Nintendo does want to change their image, apparently. But it'll take more than a few violent games to do it.
@MisterKorman I hear what you're saying, and you're not wrong, with the way they are going now they are appealing to more people. My point is that this is different from appealing to everyone.
So, with this game we have them appealing more to the crowd that likes more adult themed violence and whatnot, something you won't find in Splatoon. I'm not saying that this is wrong at all. I'm just concerned that they may decide to stop making a few games that appeal to everyone and instead, focus on a lot of games that only focus on certain groups. I like having games that pull all crowds together, like Mario kart.
Once again, them getting a game like this is cool and all, I just worry for Nintendo's future because I think Nintendo is unique and I want them to hold to that.
@FNL I haven't seen a thing about that.
@Captain_Toad "but their image can't last forever with the changing times. "
I disagree with that. As long as the world has kids, the world will have Nintendo. The image Nintendo has kept up if anything has only increased their overall marketability as company.
@Mommar I have, it's been a thing since they dropped the trailer.
They will always make their games. They will still have their usual ips. Buts it's also great to cater to more people. More people more games is healthy
@Kalmaro Nintendo has released many mature games for many of their systems over the years. Why on earth would they stop developing/releasing their own creative, unique IPs just because they have some games that are popular with the "mature" gamers? I don't think that there's any downside to a broader appeal, to be honest. I like games of all genres and age levels. It'd be nice to be able to buy more diverse games on a Nintendo platform so I don't have to buy so many different systems.
@Mommar Hoo boy, are they. Just look up the recent "make America nazi-free again" tweet and take a look at the responses.
@FNL Actual nazis aside, Trump supporters identifying with Wolfie's nazis is the greatest self-own I've seen in a while.
An NSFW article on NLife?!! Times has change.....
@Kalmaro diversity? Racism is wrong period.
@MarcelRguez This whole Trump nonsense has been amusing at many turns, given how many self-owns I've seen from his supporters. The whole "identifying with Nazis" thing is right up there with the morons who demanded that Obamacare be eliminated because they "get their health care covered by the Affordable Care Act anyway".
@JJ286 wow. You summed it all in 5 words. LEGEND
@Kalmaro Would that really be a bad thing? I mean Nintendo would still have their one of a kind ip, now gamers would also be able to play 3rd party games that fill the niches that nintendo cant/wont cover
Wow looks great! I was watching the DOOM video for Switch with the developers, I’m really keen to get DOOM now.
@AlternateButtons When self-proclaimed white supremacist stop holding rallies where they praise Trump as the second-coming then maybe the sane supporters won't get lumped in with them. It's like my mom used to say 'sometimes the good have to suffer with the bad', especially when the 'good' ones aren't disavowing the bad ones.
I think they should keep the Swastikas for the German version. Without them the virtual Nazis turn into fictional fantasy characters. In Germany we need to kill (virtual) Nazi's on the go everywhere as a political statement, especially after political votes have showed that the German Nazi's keep getting stronger and dumber.
If it's cut, I import from the UK or something.
@MarcelRguez How is it self-own? They're all called Nazis, even McCain ten years ago was called a Nazi. They had Adolf Hitler wearing a McCain campaign pin on Family Guy way back in 2007. They're always called Nazis. Then the Trump slogan is used in reverse and they aren't supposed to think that isn't a slight from an industry that is very left leaning? I fail to see how that's self-owning in any way. You clearly don't like Trump, I think you're letting that view cloud your view of the situation. If there was some Chinese infiltrstion game with a slogan like makemaofeeltheburn I'm quite sure you'd see the anti-Bernie parallel.
What's not to like about killing Nazi's
@Kalmaro I doubt that will ever happen. I don't foresee mario dropping an f bomb ect any time soon.
@Mommar lots of people throw the whole nazi thing around. Even right wingers using terms like femanazi. Two things are alway true when it comes to modern day nazis.
Wolfenstien is always about killing them.
While they are a minority in the party they always vote republican.
Does that mean republicans are nazis? No
All it means is republicans happen to want a lot of the same things i.e. Less gun control, states rights, less to zero immigration, ect.
@AlternateButtons Bernie isn't a real communist. There are no real communist countries anymore. Antifa are mostly colectivist and the actual left hates Hillary Clinton as much as the right does but for different reasons.
'sometimes the good have to suffer with the bad'
your mum sounds like a nice lady
just to clarify, many of the actual nazis were former communists and socialists. to be a bigot has at least as much to do with personal psychology as it does with political theory. the republicans abolished slavery and passed LBJ's Civil Rights legislation in the 60's. the KKK were a Democrat phenomenon.
Many of the slavery abolitionists were Tory (conservative) in UK.
To be a nazi is a behaviour more than an armband. If you encourage violence against people you disagree with and ban or burn books you may not be a member of the Nazi Party but you walk like a duck and quack like a duck
ruddy hell forgot to say this is looking like a fantastic game. the previous game was an outstanding single player game, which is rare and much appreciated. thanks for giving switch owners a chance to play this Machine Games and Bethesda
@Shiryu love that movie 👌
@SayGuh SHHHH don’t tell the Marxist loonies the truth or they’ll have a meltdown like when Ben Shapiro went to Berkeley 🤣
@Mommar I understand the point you're making. I agree with it, and I still think taking the bait is a self-own of the highest caliber.
Besides that, from what I've seen the people mad at the game are the kind of people that would throw the terms "SJW cuck propaganda" around. I don't think any self-respecting right would want to associate with these guys, but that's just me.
"Why do all of these Nazis and KKK members keep following us around and shouting the exact same opinions that we have?"
"I don't know, but every side his its crazies! There is no reason to disavow them or make efforts to tell them to get lost! Just keep MAGA'ing! Just keep making excuses for them and normalizing their behavior instead. Besides, those Antifa goons who keep screaming at the Nazis? THEY'RE the bad guys! The Nazis are just exercising their right to free speech!"
@FNL you clearly are a moron better border security isn’t racist and antifa and the rest of your idiots call everyone that doesn’t agree with them a “nazi” including a Jew named Ben Shapiro because he wrecks you lieftists with logic and shows how idiotic you really are 🤣
@FNL and I assume your referring to Charlottesville when trump blamed both sides for the violence instead of taking a side yip racist totally 😂
@bignrules All I know is that there was a time when White Nationalists and Nazi were ALWAYS the bad guys.
Then Trump happened and his supporters started making excuses for the racists, neo-Nazis and violent thugs that make up his supporters. "Both sides" didn't murder a woman and gang beat a black man at the Charlottesville rally. But hey, let's not turn this political and give you another platform to move the goal posts and twist the situation to fit your narrative. I know how much you Trump supporters love to do that.
Silly gamers, Nintendo is for kids.
@bignrules My problem was not that he said both sides were violent, it's that he said there's fine people on both sides and that's just wrong. I'm anti-violence but I'm also anti-white nationalist. Also how is it okay for people to protest taking down a statue that to many symbolizes slavery but it's not okay for people NFL to protest police brutality? For someone not racist he sure does favor one side over the other.
@SayGuh That's the thing. They WERE democrats. I haven't seen anyone these days holding a Swastika wearing I'm With Her baseball cap. 😒
@Mommar Wait a second, are you attacking comedy that you find offensive? What a very leftist thing to do. 😂
@brandonbwii Another self-own from a Right-Winger.
They always claim that "The Left" are the "snowflakes" and yet, in the past 9 months, "The Right" has complained about and/protested at least 50 different companies (Disney, Pepsi, Starbucks, etc), have boycotted movies like Star Wars Rogue One and Stephen King's It, and are currently losing their minds about the NFL. They're also deeply offended when someone wants to identify with a different gender, or dress in a way that they disagree with. And also deeply offended when someone offers scientific evidence of climate change and that vaccines do NOT cause autism.
The Right-Wing is offended by literally everything.
@AlternateButtons Hitler rose to power commonly claiming that he was going to "Make Germany Great Again".
@AlternateButtons it's #makeamericanazifreeagain not #endtrumpspresidency my God. That's what I'm left with. I'm a Christian and you made me say my God. 😔 On top of that #makeamericagreatagain was a stupid slogan to begin with because it implies America wasn't great in the first place.
"#makeamericagreatagain was a stupid slogan to begin with because it implies America wasn't great in the first place."
That's where you fundamentally don't understand the views of the Right-Wing.
To them, America stopped being great when women were starting to be treated as equals to men and were allowed to have their own opinions and control over their own bodies. The biggest blow to them came when a black man became president, because for years, Conservatives have had to be FORCED to allow minorities to be given equal rights and fair treatment. They always start with the whole "herp derp duh Democrats started the KKK!" nonsense. And yet when you look at the Civil Rights movement, the abolishment of slavery, the Suffragette movement, etc.. who is always on the WRONG side of history, refusing to allow the oppressed to have rights?
"Make America Great Again" is just a more politically correct (oh, the irony) way of saying "Make America White again" or "Make America the 1950s Again".
My main squeeze from Bethesda has always been the Fallout series (Elder Scrolls isn't bad either), but I may have to add Wolfenstein to that list.
@FNL Yeah I remember Make America White Again being posted on a billboard by a nationalist. Trump even admits to being a 50s guy. I guess that was a terrific time for EVERYONE right? They say they're against political correctness so when did we start using terms as alt-right? Why aren't they just called Nazis?
I'm not sure how many people noticed but Skyrim is actually being published by Nintendo on Switch. Just a fun fact to throw out there.
@FNL Sorry but you're just so wrong when you say that all conservatives are like that. You're basically saying they all hate women and black people. Of course there are extremists that think like that, but the same can be said about the leftists who hate white people, rich people, and heterosexuals and men in general.
In sum, there are bad people in either side, and radicals too, but don't try to push your agenda here saying that one side is all good and the other is just the sheer representation of evil.
This game certainly isn't my cup of tea, but more games and more variety means more Switch owners, which, in turn, means more developer interest and even more games. We all win, whether or not this game appeals to me.
@PhoenixStar8765 I see a few decent conservatives that I can at least respectfully disagree with. On Youtube anyway. Unfortunately when I take time to hear many of them out their arguments tend to end up rather prejudicial. Yeah there's plenty of sickening individuals on the left but then I listen to the likes of Ben Shapiro and I'm like Wow what is wrong with you people? Honestly I prefer to talk peace then take sides. Unfortunately that's not something that your president speaks of. So forgive me if I don't have much sympathy for Trump supporters. You as an individual may be a decent person but the one that represents you is not.
@faint Nazis want less gun control? I actually don't know about american neonazis, but Hitler enforced severe gun control in Nazi Germany. Take a quick look:
@brandonbwii I am neither american nor a Trump supporter, I just disliked the way that guy talked about conversatives in general. Actually, I'm not even conservative, I'd be called a Libertarian in the US.
See? I TOLD you it was because a black man became president.
"Why does everyone call Trump supporters racist? We're just angry that a black man became president and a black man is daring to protest racial discrimination and black people want to stop being profiled by police and that black people want to be able to have an easier ability to vote! These uppity blacks need to sit down, shut up and know their place!"
Totally not racist though.
I'm all over this game, will be playing on Xbox One X, then check out how the Switch version turns out next year. The New Order was so much fun!!!
@PhoenixStar8765 American neo nazis and German Nazis are not the same thing. (Can't believe I had to say that)
@AlternateButtons what things did he drive into the ground?
@AlternateButtons My point still stands. Why attack the president that hard anyway? Obama didn't belittle his rivals like that. I know why he said it. Even still, we live in a democracy meaning no one man can make America truly bad. Not even a president. As members of the right say to the left, if you don't like America you can leave.
@PhoenixStar8765 Fair enough.
@FNL Are you black by any chance? Just asking as you seem very passionate about this. @Alternatebuttons never said anything about the president being black. There are likely other reasons he doesn't like Obama. Sorry for the multiple posts but I don't know how to use my phone.
No, I'm not black. I'm just tired of Right-Wingers/Conservatives pretending to care about the oppressed and less fortunate while at the same time doing everything in their power to retain the status quo. I don't let them ģet away with making excuses for their bigotry and racism. I believe everyone should have equal rights and that we should never go backwards after making so much progress.
I'm a straight, white male. According to Trump supporters, I should feel super oppressed and unfairly disadvantaged. That's seriously what they believe.
@FNL My problem with some conservatives especially on social media is they say things about Obama bringing the country down but never give a clear reason why. They say he divided us but how? I ask but rarely receive a reply at all. Is it because he wanted more gun control? Is it due to the amount of drone strikes? Is it simply because gay marriage rubbed a lot of conservatives the wrong way? I mean what is it exactly? I really want to know. So many people post their disgust of him and nothing else. They never return to a politically charged comments section leaving me to believe it IS just because he's black.
Exactly. The reason that I assume the worst of Conservatives is because of the fact that they have given me absolutely no reason to think otherwise. I've been arguing about this stuff since before Trump was even a presidential candidate. Conservatives talk about what a "mess" Obama made of the country. But when presented with the cold, hard, facts that PROVE he actually improved the country in almost every single measurable way and managed to drag it out of the downturn that Bush put it into, they just claim it's "fake news" or that I'm "getting the facts from liberal sources" or some other nonsense.
So then I ask them to clarify exactly what it is that Obama did that was bad. And they immediately turn to some whataboutism or randomly bring up Hillary Clinton as if she had anything to do with the conversation. The only argument I've seen them make is complaints about how the US has "become too PC", which is a dog whistle for the fact that America was making a lot of progress and rightfully telling racists and homophobes that it was bad to use the N word and to use gay slurs. Conservatives are mad that their "right" to be an asshole has been "trampled on". And further to that, their next point will be some nonsense about "migrants" or "rapefugees" or "black lives matter".
So given what limited information I've been provided and the fact that it's all skewed towards racism, what else am I supposed to take away from it? If modern day Republicans don't like being called hateful, racist, anti-intellectual bigots, then they need to give me a reason to think otherwise. It's not my job to try to understand their point of view if they can't even clarify one.
You don't have a single clue what you are talking about and you just proved it here. There are no absolutely no facts to back up your claim that Obama hurt the economy. If you do, by all means provide them. Because every source I have ever read has shown a positive impact of his economy and how he pulled America out of another Republican Slump.
America's credibility financially and reputation-wise was massively improved under Obama. You can look at any poll from any source that will show you the opinions of other nations regarding America under Obama (positive) and under Trump (negative).
What is so hilariously ironic about the nonsense you just posted is that you just perfectly described TRUMP'S presidency.
Seriously though, if you want to make a case out of it, please provide me with statistics, data and facts to back up your claims. Otherwise all you have to stand on is "racial tensions" and "divided the country", which, in your racism-speak, means that Obama's presidency made it difficult for racists like yourself to be openly racist without repercussions.
@AlternateButtons I guess he did divide this country by acknowledging that racism exist. You could argue that Bush put the country in the crapper and unlike Trump Obama didn't complain about it. He simply did what he could despite what people said about him. Keep in mind I didn't even get into politics much at all until Trump started spewing disgusting rhetoric with no nuance. Then I figured I needed to study this more. So I did. I've listened to all sides, studied the candidates and just ended up voting for the one that sounded more intelligent as they both sucked. I mean ban ALL muslims? Build a wall? Kill terrorists families? Second Amendment people should attack Hillary? Embellish crime statistics among blacks which are disproportionate anyway? Not denouncing the KKK until AFTER he was elected? I mean what the hell? If Obama is a horrible person then I don't see how Trump isn't the devil incarnate.
EDIT: Yeah I guess he did make soldiers look like fools. How dare he push for the death and capture of Osama and succeed. Knowing you like other irrational individuals you probably consider that Bush's achievement. 😂
Only me that actually expected a trailer with actual skinning nazis? Never been so dissapointed in a title, thought it was something you would get do in the game.
To think this whole political discussion came to be because people find an anti-nazi hashtag offensive. What have we become as a species. You know if they referenced Obama's campaign by saying bring CHANGE to the country by killing Nazis or, me being a black man, said #nazilivesdontmatter, guess what? I wouldn't be FREAKING offended!
EDIT: Now that I think about it #feeltheburn in reference to Nazis would be awesome and somehow I don't think the many Bernie supporters out there would care.
@PtM I do not think so. If you have a historical meaning behind, for example movies, videogames and books it is allowed. The vindication of anything related is prohibited.
@Kalmaro Grow up.
The eyes of that black girl lolololo!
@FNL It is actually not hard to find reasons to criticize Obama's economic policies. He intervened a lot in the economy.
The biggest intervention was the Obamacare, which messed up with the whole healthcare system. Obama straight up lied when he said people would be able to stay with their healthcare if they liked it, but that was not possible after all the regulations had been imposed.
There were also the heavy regulations imposed on the banking and energy sector, which constrained the growth of these sectors and the economy in general.
It is not uncommon to find people who support all the measures I listed, as I think may be your case, but anyone who believes in free market has many reasons to be against Obama and to think that he made America not great, or at least less great. To back up what I'm saying, check out how many places the US dropped in the Index of Economic Freedom under Obama's presidency.
That's not to say that Trump is making America great again either. While he's been definitely trying to fix some of the problems created by Obama, he's been doing a bunch of stupid things as well. His idiotic take on protectionism is a complete abomination for any free market supporter.
To sum up, I am not american and I don't follow american politics that closely, but even then it was not hard for me to point out Obama's economic mistakes. It shouldn't be hard to find others.
If you'd like to know my opinion, Rand Paul was by far the best presidential candidate in the last election, but Republicans chose Trump instead, the worst of them.
@PtM a self censorship is the most probable. The wiki text itself describes „outside of the contexts of 'art or science, research or teaching'" and I think videogames go with art.
@Melkac How?
I'm getting the feeling that The New Order and The Old Blood are tame compared to The New Colossus.
@FNL actually you should when it comes to affirmative action which is beyond hilarious and your god Obama actually DOUBLED the National debt and he did stir racial tensions by blaming racism and cops over the handful of shootings and for your pro illegal immigration there are eight hundred thousand Daca kids here guess how many people Obama deported TWO MILLION and the travel ban list you guys were freaking out about was original made by o.b.a.m.a
@AlternateButtons the economy and debt was wrecked by bush. We absolutely don’t need a military the size that we do. We have army bases in 72 country’s and as of now spend 5 time what China does who is number 2 in military spending. Isis won’t end if we keep interfering in the Middle East. As far as racism it’s always existed. The big difference is cell phones. Now anyone can film a police encounter ect upload it within minutes and get millions to view it with 24 hrs. You can’t turn a blind eye anymore.
@brandonbwii you are correct. Bernie Sanders supporters hate nazis and woul look at it as a positive to be associated with an anti nazi game.
@bignrules Its because many of the cops are to blame. They have done a piss poor job deescalating situations especially in black communities to the point that they just kill us when we look at them funny.
@MariOnline "more games is good. More people buy the switch. Bigger audience more people to play Mario kart and splatoon with"
The saddest part about this comment is that those two games are probably literally the only two games you'll be able to find anyone online to play with.
@FNL Let's not forget that Jesse Owens talked about how he was treated better in Nazi Germany than he was in Democrat controlled America, the Japanese internment camps they set up, and that when the Democrat's got involved with the civil rights movement the Democratic President said "we'll have these n*ggers voting for us for the next 200 years". The Democratic party was far more racist than the Nazi Party.
Also, as Jewish lawyer Ben Shapiro said the Nazi's were actually leftist's - they were called the National Socialist Party for a reason, and let's not forget they entered into a pact with Communist Russia in 1939.
And the communists were far worse than the Nazi's, both Stallin and Mao killed far more people than Hitler ever did.
Also let's not forget Antifa set 3 riot cops on fire in France, a black man was shot by a Hillary supporter at a Trump rally I think it was, a Hillary supporter shot up that Republican basketball game, and most murderers are Democrat supporters, to say nothing of all the cops that were killed by Democrat supporters. And the KKK were started by Democrats, one of Hillary's mentors was a former member. And Bill Clinton was responsible for the most black men being incarcerated in US history with his racist attempt to break up the black family unit, doing irreparable damage to the black community. To say nothing of them opposing the abolition of slavery.
So Democrat supporters support the most racist and murderous political party in the Western world, and possibly the most racist party in the entire world. So you really don't have any moral high ground, quite the opposite. And dehumanising people in order to justify violence against them is exactly the sort of thing the Nazi's, communists etc would do.
Booking this day 1 on the ole xbox there
Bethesda should be ashamed of themselves for this divisive campaign, I won't be buying any more of their games until they apologise, and would urge others to do the same. The so-called BLM kidnapping, cop murders, GOP murders etc happened because of this type of irresponsible and inflammatory rhetoric.
@gatorboi352 well your right. It was also same on Wii u.
You literally have zero credibility thanks to your insane, unhinged post full of misleading and quite frankly, blatantly false information.
The most egregious example is this:
" a Hillary supporter shot up that Republican basketball game"
The Right-Wing dingbat websites have actually claimed that he was a BERNIE supporter and he shot up a BASEBALL game, not a basketball game.
Maybe you need to start learning how to use Google and stop visiting the crazy Breitbart and Infowars fake news sites.
I mean, unless you are posting as a parody of a typical Right-Wing conspiracy theorist, then in that case, you've done a bang-up job.
@SeriousSam It wouldn't be divisive if everyone would just agree that Nazis are bad. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if much of Bethesda is Comservative. I can't get over how a stupid hashtag triggers you people. If it said #feeltheburn you wouldn't see Bernie Sanders fans so butt hurt. News flash the left wasn't too fond of the Clintons either. You can talk about the shady dealings of the democrats past as a whole until you're blue in the face. But again that's the past. If I were to talk about slavery and oppression you'd probably tell me how long ago that was and get over it. My question is if the democrats are so terrible then why do today's neo-Nazis vote Republican? Why do they feel Trump has their back?
Pro death penalty
Pro war
Pro torture
Religious extremism
Pro death penalty
Pro war
Pro torture
Religious extremism
Weird how their values align, huh? I'm not sure you can say the same for Democrats who are pro-choice, pro-women, pro-minorities, pro-immigration, pro-science, pro-technology, aren't religious zealots, etc...
@MariOnline exactly. Nintendo and online do not mix.
@FNL You know what the biggest irony is? When you stop to think about it it could be viewed as a pro Trump message. Considering this game takes place in an alternate timeline isn't making America Nazi free again making America great again? EVERYONE should be applauding this marketing campaign. It really makes these Trump supporters out to be Nazi sympathizing SJWs.
Yeah, why are Trump supporters so violently angry about eliminating Nazis and the KKK from America? Why are they trying to stop this from happening?
@gatorboi352 not really a issue now as it's free but I can definitely see a big problem when they charge
@FNL #makeamericagreatagain by #makeamericanazifreeagain. See I fail to see the big issue.
@SeriousSam just stop he or she is far to gone lol @FNL here start at five minutes in maybe he can wake you up (possibly but doubt it) https://youtu.be/MRqpXL8TxiU
@Kalmaro There have been even less family oriented games for Nintendo. take a look a fricking Bayonetta 2 for crying out loud. Or the Senran Kagura games.
It seems that either you are a hypocrite or you just hate Nazis getting killed.
@brandonbwii actually it’s not the cop 100% of the time there are morons out there you can’t approach a cop with a knife or point a object that looks identical to a gun or physically attack/get hostile with a cop and think your gonna live it’s called common sense don’t commit a crime and if a cop pulls you over for some reason listen 👂 it’s that simple
@maceng How am I a hypocrite?
@bignrules I don't disagree and I hate narratives that say all cops are bad but there are far too many cases where excessive force is used. Don't cops have tasers for the unarmed suspects? Why must so many confrontations end in the suspects dying? Cops getting killed is tragic but on the whole cops end up killing more people than ppl kill them. This isn't exclusively a black issue either but I get the feeling that many that cry #alllivesmatter are also opposed to the NFL kneeling during the National Anthem. I'd love to be wrong though.
EDIT: on a separate note does Bethesda's hashtag bother you? Just wondering.
@SeriousSam What is divisive about acknowledging that eugenics via murder is a reprehensible thing? Legitimate question. It is baffling how much the human race hates itself.
Do we get to decapitate them?
These “mad men” are insane indeed. And not in a good way if they’re advocating violence against a group that has extreme opinions. Don’t care if you’re a Nazi, Marxist, Conservative, Democrat, Socialist, WBC, or whatever. If they’re not attacking others, don’t bother with them
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