Earlier this year Capcom announced it was releasing a revamped version of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney on the 3DS. With the game already scheduled for a November launch, the Japan-based publisher and developer has now confirmed the title will release in North America on 21st November and across Europe on 23rd November.
To celebrate, a new trailer highlighting the game’s story has been released:
The arrival of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney on the 3DS rounds off the popular series, with all of the ‘main’ games now available in one form or another on the platform.

Below is some of the original press release information:
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney coming to Nintendo 3DS means that budding attorneys can see all the courtroom action from Apollo’s early days as a defense attorney in upgraded 3D graphics. Forensic investigation techniques play a vital part in analyzing the evidence to help solve some of the game’s mysteries. Utilizing the features of Nintendo 3DS, players can dust some crime scenes to search for fingerprints and also examine certain objects in a full 360 degrees to uncover hidden evidence! Will the fingerprints match any of the suspects on file and uncover new truths?
These investigation techniques combined with Apollo Justice’s magical bracelet that gives him the unique ability to detect lies during witness testimonies create a thrilling investigative journey.
In addition to the upgraded new look for Nintendo 3DS, this release includes the Japanese version of the game, allowing players to switch between the Japanese and English versions. More than just an alternative language option, keen eyes will be able to spot some differences in some background signs and art between the Japanese and English versions. Text skip options will also be available from the start.
Let us know in the comments if you intend on purchasing the new and improved version of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.
Comments 33
My 3DS is still going to be keeping busy this year.
I'm very thankful that they are finally putting Apollo Justice on the 3DS eShop. Better late than never, and the upgraded graphics look great. I borrowed and finished the DS version from a friend so I could have the story context for Dual Destinies onward, but I'll probably pick this version up in an inevitable sale later down the line.
And yeah, I know it's disappointing that Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1 and 2 have yet to be localized, but the reality is Capcom doesn't seem to want to bring them over. I really hope they change their minds someday though, as I would really like more new Ace Attorney games.
Why? Surly a revamped edition should be on the switch? I'm not sure what this company is up to?.......Capcom rant to follow
Consistency, if I had to guess. Every main series Ace Attorney game is available in the 3DS eShop except for Apollo Justice... Until now.
I'd imagine the next entry would be on the Switch. Probably.
I'll miss dual screens for Ace Attorney...
I remember Apollo Justice being the easiest game in the series, by far.
If I recall correctly there were plot points in the end of Apollo never explained or explored.
Kristoph Gavin is such a gentlemanly gentleman.
I have an objection!
It's not on Switch!
Animal Crossing, Phoenix Wright, Prof. Layton, the Hotel Dusk series, Miitopia, Chibi Robo, Pikmin, Metroid. All on the wrong console.
I've absolutely loved all the Ace Attorney games, but I don't know if I personally could play through them again.
If Capcom release Miles Edgeworth 2 however....
@OdnetninAges I remember reading the reason Dai Gyakuten Saiban has not been released in the West is the fact that it uses the character of Sherlock Holmes. Copyright laws in the UK prohibit the use of a character for 70 years after the authors death; Conan Doyle died in 1930 so in Europe the game would be allowed to be released. However, in the USA, the copyright laws go for 95 years which means that DGS would not be allowed to be published in the country before 2025.
Even though it sucks, I get why Capcom doesn't want to release the game in the West even though they could easily just release it in Europe.
But hey, how about Gyakuten Kenji 2? That game shouldn't have the same problem!
@Nego I think the only reason Gyakuten Kenji 2 wasn't localised was because of poor sales of the first one, and the fact that it was released in 2011, just when the 3DS was being released. If you haven't played the fan translation though, I would highly recommend it, the localisation is as good as all of the other games in the series, and the game is consistently ranked by everyone as one the best ace attorney games, so you owe it to yourself to play it!
Will pass on this one - even though it looks great. I still havent played my DS copy and dont mind the older graphics
@belmont You’re right, there are a few major cliffhangers and unknowns. Luckily, most of them are addressed in SOJ, and the biggest one of all is set to be discussed in AA7.
@Nego This does not explain why there are countless Sherlock Holmes games released. In fact I have a new one on PS4. As for Gyakuten Kenji 2 we are left with fan translation but it is good as @BranJ052 stated. Too bad that both Edgeworth games are not as good as the main series.
Capcom may think that those games, as spin offs, won't sell except a small fanbase. I want the games but I can't really blame them on this.
@JubilifeRival Will there be an AA7 though?
This is the only one I'm missing on my 3DS so I'm definitely gonna pick it up.
I'd recommend this game to anyone who hasn't played it, really enjoyed it. Would like The Great Ace Attorney but won't hold my breath.
I'd be interested in this... but my switch is keeping me busy. Can't be bothered to play with my 3DS anymore.
This game is so much better than the GBA ports.
But no physical, no buy.
But why did they spoil the big surprise in the first few minutes of the game?
@belmont It could be that those Sherlock Holmes games were officially approved by the Conan Doyle estate. Capcom either is unable to get their permission to release the game in the West as they most likely have not been in contact with the Conan Doyle estate before releasing the game in Japan, or they are just not prepared to go through financial setbacks caused by gaining the approval to release the game in the US.
So basically the Conan Doyle estate has until 2025 to decide which works of fiction are allowed to use the character of Sherlock Holmes in the United States. After the time has passed, the limitation is no longer.
I was under the impression the character and some story elements of Sherlock Holmes was in the public domain? Or does that not have any implication on his use ina video game?
@OdnetninAges I think the issue for those 2 is the copyright for Sherlock Holmes. Not a problem in Japan, but everywhere else it requires getting permission from whoever owns the Holmes copyright, which can be costly for a game that's likely to be digital only like the other 3DS AA games.
That said, a duo pack contain both installments of The Sexy Adventures of Miles Edgeworth including the unleased 2nd one, wouldnt go amiss.
@belmont Be interesting to see what they do with a AA7. More HD-ier graphics yes, but with no touch screen outside of handheld mode or mic to yell OBJECTION, we might be going back to the days of the GBA originals....
@Angelic_Lapras_King Since the next game will (most likely) not be on 3ds as much as I hate it AA7 may come in android or apple devices that have this feature.
It is finally time to wrap the AA saga I think.
Great news, might get to complete my collection.
Ace Attorney 8 Capcom?
@belmont That would be kind of a shadey area because with phone, I don't think they would get away with charging the same price as they would the 3DS games, not when there are so many free to 99p games on phones. I mean you could make the first chapter free then charge for further chapters but again the 3DS at least had a crowd that was willing to pay full price for these titles.
But meh, it'll continue regardless so long as the games keep selling. The moment they stop selling, the series joins the other franchises that have ended up in the Capcom Retirement home.....
I so intend on purchasing this Day One if only to convince CapybaraCom to localise Great Ace Attorney. Also, I have never played Apollo Justice.
@Angelic_Lapras_King Ace Attorney flourished in the Touch Generations (the touch- and dual-screened handhelds) so while I wish the series to continue on, there hasn't been any continuation of touch generation games yet on Switch. Perhaps, like Layton, it will continue on smart devices.
@ollietaro True, but then the Switch is not even a year old and Nintendo insists on squeezing every last penny the 3DS has.
I'd like to think we'll see both Switch and mobile versions in the future side by side. Like you pointed out Layton went Mobile but we still got a 3DS version of the newest game. I'm sure there's still gold to be made on the Switch, whether it be AA7 or even HD Collections of the older games...
I'll be getting it but I'm holding out to see if japan does another trilogy collection.
@Angelic_Lapras_King I would love for Ace Attorney to continue on Switch b/c I plan on getting one down the line. No doubt Capcom will release an HD collection for Switch as they are already starting to remaster old games starting with Resident Evil Revelations. They might even include all of the games, including never-before-seen Investigations 2 making its English debut. Ace Attorney has been on smart devices for a while and if that is where they decide to localise Great Ace Attorney, then that is where I'll play it.
I'd be all over this if I hadn't already purchased the DS cart for it not long after buying the Phoenix Wright trilogy. Too impatient. x-D
I'd happily rebuy and replay the whole series on the Switch tho.
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