Dragon Quest head honcho Yuji Horii has revealed at the Unreal Fest East 2017 event that the Switch version of Dragon Quest XI will use Unreal Engine 4.
The Nintendo version is running on Unreal Engine 4.15, whereas the PlayStation 4 edition is running on 4.13 - a fact which goes some way to explaining the rumoured development issues we've been hearing about.
Unreal Engine 4 has been supported by Sony's console for some time - hence the fact that it's been built on an older version - while the support on Switch is relatively new. The fact that the two versions are running on different builds of the engine seems to be causing some headaches for the development team.
Dragon Quest XI on Switch doesn't have a release date as yet, but the PS4 version is expected to launch globally next year.
[source japanesenintendo.com]
Comments 57
If they accepted using the latest build of Unreal Engine 4 when they could have used the same build as the PS4 version means that they are desperately needing extra optimisation on Switch, exactly like Playtonic with Yooka-Laylee that has been transferred to the latest build of Unity.
I want Kingdom Hearts 3 on Switch, it's UE4 powered too.
@BlueOcean Or, and this may be a stretch, it's just smarter to use newer versions in general?
Who wouldn't want to use something that is more optimized all around?
Yet it'll still look and run worse so it makes no difference.
@Kalmaro It is, but there are some compatibility issues between 4.13 and 4.15. So getting everything to work in 4.15 takes some time. The game is already out on PS4 in Japan, so there's no reason to delay the western release any longer by porting the western PS4 release to UE 4.15. That why they stick with 4.13.
@BlueOcean The Nintendo Switch Support was added in UE 4.15, so they couldn’t have used 4.13. See: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/unreal-engine-4-15-released
@Kalmaro Sorry, you wasn't the first one to comment on a Nintendo Life thread for once.
On a serious note, Playtonic/Team17 said that they had issues with the Switch version and thus they transferred the game to the latest build (of Unity in their case), that's much more work than you think. Plus, don't forget the Switch version of Dragon Quest Heroes 2 (runs badly). My point still stands.
@ophasis Doesn't Dragon Quest Heroes II run on Unreal Engine 4?
EDIT: Not DQHII but Snake Pass did.
@DarkmarkUnited The Switch version of Dragon Quest Heroes II, you mean? Its performance is rubbish according to Digital Foundry.
Fortunately DQ isn't a slick arcade-action series that demands 60fps. I think any fan would accept 30fps on the Switch, if that's the best they can do.
@BlueOcean DQ Heroes runs in whatever Musou engine Omega Force is currently using.
Unreal Engine 4.13 isn't supported on the Switch, so they can't use that version. Doesn't have anything to do with needing more optimisation. This isn't comparable to Yooka-Laylee.
60 fps is more important on Kingdom Hearts than on Dragon Quest (except Heroes etc.), basically because Dragon Quest games are turn-based RPGs and Kingdom Hearts are action RPGs.
Sounds good switch is a great machine
its good that the new version is able to support switch, we will just have to be patient while games get optimised for it.
@Octane In that case the information in the article is misleading. However, even though it might not be shifted because of optimisation but compatibility with Switch like @ophasis said before you, is obvious that they need extra optimisation on Switch than on PS4 and, in that regard, it has everything to do with other games like Yooka-Laylee that need the latest build and extra optimisation to run on Switch even though the developer admits that implies a bigger effort.
@DarkmarkUnited For DQXI? No, custom engines take way longer to develop, and they are expensive. Switching over to a custom engine will take even longer.
@BlueOcean I dont see what's wrong with the article, apart from the fact that it's missing some information.
Sounds like a two-decimal-digit update brought more substantial changes to UE than the roundly numbered one did to PS4 firmware. XD
@Octane The article suggests the reason is because of optimisation issues and not because of Switch compatibility:
"The Nintendo version is running on Unreal Engine 4.15, whereas the PlayStation 4 edition is running on 4.13 - a fact which goes some way to explaining the rumoured development issues we've been hearing about".
@BlueOcean full game issues or what? The demo ran without hiccups back when I tried it.
@BlueOcean Where does it suggest it's about optimisation issues though? I don't see it to be honest.
@nhSnork The problem is during combats:
"The Switch version improve dramatically, with a nigh-on 30fps lock with just very minor drops - something the Vita can't achieve - while PS4 stays locked at full refresh. However, the issue here is that this kind of game spends a lot of its duration in combat, and the bottom line is that frame-rates here simply aren't good enough. It's not that satisfying when docked, while performance nose-dives still further in portable mode".
I kinda want to get into this series, but on the rare occasion it gets localized it takes a long time to happen!
@QwertyQwerty I can definitely see it being 720p. No worries about it being brought to the west though.
The switch version will definitely come over. I worry the 3DS version won't
@DarkmarkUnited Kingdom Hearts 3 runs on Unreal Engine 4, if there's ever a Switch version, not confirmed yet, they won't remake the game on another engine. Actually, the fact that Dragon Quest XI (I thought until now that Dragon Quest Heroes II too) runs on UE4 and is being ported to Switch means that they could do the same thing with Kingdom Hearts 3 and port it to Switch. I hope that it's good enough.
The results are yet to be seen and I'm not sure that they will be brilliant. Take a simple game like Snake Pass (also on Unreal Engine 4) on Switch and the differences are noticeable already: lower resolution, frame rate hiccups and downgraded visual effects. The Switch version of Dragon Quest XI will be a reference once released.
Kingdom Hearts 3 on Switch is likely possible, but I don't know what sacrifices will be made.
@DarkmarkUnited Some Kingdom Hearts games were 30 fps but were remastered at 60 fps.
About Dragon Quest Heroes II (Switch version), it seems to be a mix of last-gen and current-gen versions. It uses current-gen assets but lower geometry complexity and lower-quality shadows, textures, lighting... and frame drops to 20 and below.
@kobashi100 I really hope that the 3DS version comes to the west because it looks gorgeous and it won't have any performance issues as it was built for the 3DS hardware, while the Switch version is a PS4 port.
I really hope that 3DS game is released internationally!
@Heavyarms55 Got a smartphone? Try Dragon Quest VIII - it's the most modern one on smartphones, and is excellent. Alternatively, get any of them from DQIII onwards, which is when the series really found its feet.
@Heavyarms55 @Krull VII and VIII are also available on 3DS. The good thing about Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games is that you can play any of them first because they don't share a story, just vague concepts.
I'll probably say March to August 2018, depending on when they localize the western 3DS version.
I am quite happy with this news. But there is something else that has me quite upset. And I don't think I will say anything more. Thanks NintendoLife. :/
@Octane I see, thanks for the info!
@BlueOcean LOL, I don't mind being second and whatnot.
Also, that dragon warrior port was so bad... I still feel like they could have made it better if they had more time but it is what it is now.
@Kalmaro I was joking but I have noticed that you always want to be the first poster, confess.
Yeah, I think that the Dragon Quest Heroes II Switch port was rushed. Let's see how Dragon Quest XI runs on Switch, hopefully better!
@BlueOcean @Kalmaro There was actual talk of the port for II being rushed, as the first Heroes game ran rather well on the Switch. I don't doubt more optimization coming to the switch version coming. Especially with the Musou engine running even better on the switch due to Fire Emblem warriors.
@Smash_kirby Yes, it looks rushed but at the same time they bothered enough to combine last-gen ad new-gen elements instead of just porting the PS3/Vita version.
So Dragon Quest Heroes II runs on Fire Emblem Warriors engine? I was somehow confused about the engine that DQHII was running on.
@Smash_kirby You're saying they may fix the port for the dragon warrior game?
I intend to get a PS4 at some point but not sure when. If it's better on PS4 then will get it on PS4. On a game like this I don't really care about portability.
If Dragon Quest XI is coming to Switch then I'll just wait for that instead, the PS4 version is unnecessary to me at this point.
You mean DQXI on Switch is still a thing? I had this half hearted thought they'd abandoned it. Glad to hear them actually open acknowledge it's happening still. Super hyped for it now, even though I know it's forever in the future.
I really don't see the point in even bringing up Snake Pass to get an idea of how DQ will look, a game that was made by a much smaller studio and with a version of UE4 that doesn't natively support the switch. It even ran worse on base ps4 than DQ11 (864p @ 30fps)
Kingdom Hearts 3 will also not running at 60fps.
Just as long as we get DQXI on the Switch in the West, I can patiently wait. I have plenty of other games to play/catch up on anyway. XD
@Heavyarms55 It's already been confirmed that XI is getting a localization released some time next year. The Switch version might take a little longer since it's not even out in Japan yet, but the 3DS and PS4 versions will both be localized at the same time.
I hope Switch comes out on 2018 like the others. I need DQ11 and DQ Warriors on Switch already!!!!
@DarkmarkUnited NL being 2 days late is nothing. Check out this website: http://nintendotoday.com/
They last updated on September 21.
Oh, I forgot about the whole Switch version of this game. I rather play this on my PC, but I doubt that will happen.
Love how people compare the PS4 version with the (Not-released-yet) Switch version, when we all know the superior version (and the highest selling version) is the 3DS version.
I'll buy the best looking/performance version. I can always play something else on the go.
@Saego Yep, I would even spend the money to upgrade my graphic card for this if I deeded.
@DarkmarkUnited I'd say 900p/30fps docked, and 720p/30fps undocked; both modes upscaled from a lower resolution perhaps.
Having this game on Switch is a dream come true.
Having a fully fledged Unreal Engine 4 console version of the brand new DQ on Switch? Yes please. This is another game like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Zelda Breath of the Wild, a long 100-200 hour affair where I can just get lost in the world, play every day at work on my break, take with me downstairs, just stay glued to 24/7
Normally I would have bought the PS4 version for the console experience and the 3DS version for on the go. This single release makes both of those versions completely irrelevant to me.
hopefully square bring these games over to the west.
@Krull UGH! Why on Earth would anyone want to play an RPG on a Smartphone!? That sounds terrible!
@Heavyarms55 Ha! I have no regrets! All the Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy ports are great on a phone - Squenix did a great job. You can even play DQ one-handed on the Tube or train while holding a commuter rail with the other hand. That said, I'd far rather play DQXI on Switch.
Well, here's hoping they don't break their back on the project and go unrewarded for it.
Would be lovely to have more Squeenix on Switch.
I'm just happy we didn't get the 3DS version.
@Heavyarms55 Killing time while having fun on the go is enough reason for me. Also turn based RPG's are perfect match for smartphone touchscreen controls.
If this makes it to Switch. I will re-Buy a switch to play this. If Dragon Quest X makes it to Switch I will also re-Buy a Switch. I have no faith that they are coming and with Capcom holding Monster Hunter XX hostage im just ticked at Capcom right now. It makes no sense not to port Monster Hunter XX which makes millions of Dollars worldwide. They must hate paying taxes on their huge profits.
I'm guessing a LOT of bigger titles like this will also use UE4, since it plays nicer with the NS than... just about any other scalable engine.
@Nincompoop Finally Someone besides me wants kingdom Hearts on the Switch.
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