WWE 2K18 may not have a solid release date on Switch yet, but that might be a blessing in disguise because if you're keen on playing it, you now have plenty of time to invest in a sizeable MicroSD card (or two).
It has been revealed that to download the game you will need a MicroSD card with at least 32GB of storage space available, in addition to 1GB of space free in the Switch's standard internal storage.
Naturally, this relates to the eShop version of the game - although we wouldn't be surprised if, like 2K Games stable-mate NBA 2K18, the physical release of WWE 2K18 comes on a game card which isn't actually big enough to contain all of the data required to run it and requires a MicroSD card also.
Of course, all of that data indicates that we're talking about a sizeable game here - 2K Games has already confirmed that the Switch version will have content parity with the Xbox One and PS4 editions, which is certainly a good thing.
[source nintendo.com]
Comments 59
I'll pass on the game, but the required storage size is the same for any game on any other console.. nobody should be upset by this!?!?
So happy to switched to a 400GB card over the weekend.
@Multi Switch doesn't come with a 500GB / 1TB hard drive as standard, though. If you don't have a MicroSD card, you won't be able to play this.
@JamesR I think that's the right approach to take. Bite the bullet and double down on the best storage you can afford. This isn't going to get better right!
As the 3rd party support continues to grow on Switch, the need for a large MicroSD card becomes more apparent.
I haven’t played WWE games like I used to. I skipped quite a few since the one that came out in 2013. Got kinda bored with them over the years but I did play WWE 2K17 and that was pretty good. So I hope 2K18 turns out well, for all the systems this game is released on actually.
I'm curious on how the physical version will fare, looking back @ NBA 2K18... Either way, I'm probably going to get it still as this is the release of theirs I'm keen to get back into.
Currently I have about 25GB of System Memory and just under 48GB of SD card. I’d like to buy it, but to take up that amount of space puts me right off. I have the same issue with buying PS4 games- to buy something new I have to delete something else- which means I rarely buy anything Day one any more.
The point of console gaming opposed to PC gaming should be it’s an easy plug and play situation without this headache- which a cart system should solve. Unless it’s a must buy, I won’t be filling my memory card up with huge files.
@Shellcore I'm not biting the bullet just yet. 400GB cards are three times the price of a 200GB, and I'm still not sure if there will be any other little surprises in the Switch menu system.
As an example I have a 2TB drive for my Wii U but I don't think I've ever filled it past 500GB because of the 300 game limit on the menu.
In this day and age, storage will always be a problem unless developers somehow manage to find new ways to compress files. It's kinda nobody's fault. Well you could say Nintendo should have used mini disks, but how much storage can a tiny disk store? Plus cartridges are more durable.
I'll NEVER download a retail game anyway so no issue for me personally. Always prefer to buy a Physical Cart
@Damo true, but I think you'll find that almost everybody purchased additional storage for the other rather large and heavier consoles..
To give nintendo some defence here and it must be tricky as hell to balance cost vs power consumption vs viable user experience?
and in truth SD is dirt cheap
Still not bought a micro SD for my Switch. That said, I think this story has convinced me that when I do it should be a 200GB one instead of a 128.
I posted this a couple of days ago in the WWE 2K 18 thread. I bet this game ships on a 8 GB cartridge with the rest to be downloaded. Ridiculous! This is another watered down port, you can only have 6 wrestlers at most on screen on Switch, whereas the other consoles have 8 wrestlers. So NO, it doesn't have parity and I bet we'll find out more differences when people get their hands on it. Games like this aren't proper physical releases, they're more digital than physical. It's a bit of a disgrace.
@BJQ1972 An external solution would work wonders when docked. Obviously not ideal for portable mode. I haven't properly sat down to look at the best larger size SD cards, but would rather have as few as possible.
If 200GB is the cheaper option when buying multiple, then that is surely the way to go.
@DarkmarkUnited That would essentially mean every game comes on two cards...
What ?!
I am gonna hold out and hope that fire pro wrestling comes to the switch at some point
A few points here.
1. Why isn't the dock some sort of hard drive and have micro SD cards for on the go play?
2. Nintendo need to make the bigger cartridges cheaper for developers so that they'll use the correct ones for the game sizes.
3. Given the file sizes of Zelda and Mario, what are everybody else wasting the storage on?
You'll never buy digital you mean. Physical is retail.
@carlos82 - This also shows why some third parties just cannot be bothered with some proper compression. But leave it up to us as a consumer to fully blame Nintendo to not accommodate that. We seem to be too easily swayed to just pin the whole thing on them.
Meanwhile, I stepped on a LEGO, maybe they should make softer bricks.
So, what happens when I have purchased so many games requiring space in Switch's internal storage, that I have no storage left?
1. Lower manufacturing costs and thus lower retail price of the console.
2. Memory prices are very high at the moment due to very high demand and low production volumes. It's not Nintnendo's fault.
3. High res textures, using less compression for faster load times, not all devs are good at reducing game assets.
Please re-read article and my question.
"Games automatically download to MicroSD cards, once installed. It's probably best to buy one well in advance of this being an issue."
@SLIGEACH_EIRE hey let's just ignore thar the switch is not the same power as the other two consoles.
I am sure the developers would love to have 8 wrestler's on screen. It's just not possible unless you are happy for some horrible FPS
@carlos82 dunno how many times I have said this. Mario and Zelda have very little audio and FMV scenes.
Both of these are take up lots of storage space. That's why games like NBA and WWE are huge games memory wise.
Also have you seen the textures in Zelda. Wouldn't call them the highest resolution.
What I meant I guess is that if it can be bought in a retail outlet with a proper cart & box then this will always be my preferred option rather than downloading it.
Some games are download only games, i.e Fast RMX or Snake Pass or Virtual console games, these don't have a physical option so no choice but to down load (if you want them)
While I’m sure there’ll be a 30GB patch on the PS4, I think I’ll pick it up for PS4 anyway.
At the moment I bought a 64 SD card for cheap and I am fine (22 games 18 of each digital with one piece the bigger with almost 11gb if I remember correctly). As I want Mario, Skyrim, Doom and LA noire at least this year I will probably buy a 128 SD card (anything bigger than that is not worth the price imo)
I wouldn’t buy a game like this digitally anyway. There’s a new edition every year and wouldn’t want to be saddled with a copy from last year if I don’t need to be. Yeah, the resell value is crap. But still. I would stick to a physical release myself
i'll wait for the reviews to come in, size of the game shouldn't be news worthy. it's not like people moan about games being 50 plus gig on ps4, i'll see if the games good and missing content.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE which is why I'm glad that I, a big WWE fan, got this on PS4. It would be cool to play anywhere, but the things taken away, plus the fact that I don't travel much, make this a skip for me.
Are we saying the hard copy will be +17gb storage
Seriously if these huge game studeos won’t spend the extra to fit the whole psychical game on a game cart then I’ll cancel my preorder. And I don’t care if storage is cheap I have plenty of storage that’s not the point. The point is I want a complete game WHATS THE POINT OF GOING PYSICAL IF THISBIS THE CRAP WE HAVE
Breath of the Wild was 13gb, and nothing else I have seen comes even close from Nintendo. What the hell are these 3rd party companies doing?
The patches won't be small either.
I don't even know what the day 1 patch size was for it on the PS4
but the game is at 52GB and its got some issues that need to be fixed lol
Well I see a few have responded to me and perhaps taken my post a little too literally, I'm well aware that audio and video files not to mention high resolution textures are causing the increase in file sizes. My point being that Nintendo can create such masterpieces without them yet other developers feel the need to use all of this extra storage for the sake of it more often than not.
@Mikess1are you happy to pay £60+ for s switch game?
That's what it will cost if you want publishers to release games on 32GB carts.
Just wait for the additional 16GB update/patch...
@kobashi100 no they need to eat the cost not me. But if I had to choose yeah I’d pay the extra. So right now I’m canceling my pre order they lost me as a consumer if they’d have to whole game on a cart for the same money or more money I’m all in
So the entire game was 32GB? It better be worth it, No Mercy was only 32MB on N64 and that features a lot with contents, unlockables, and customization, heck it doesn't even need the 4MB Expansion Pak.
@Damo sounds like a Nintendo problem to me.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the only "disgrace" here is Nintendo's storage limitations.
@BornInNorway81 buy a second storage unit..(larger recommended)
well to be honest that's easy on an xbox/ps4/pc.
what does 1TB of solid state cost? i'm not sure humanity is ready for a 1000$ switch.
i haven't played a wwf (nope, not calling it wwe) since royal rumble on the snes so i don't really care about this. and yeah, it's feature parity with the other consoles so how would anyone expect it to take up less room? i guess video assets would be less due to the lower graphical fidelity but everything else (music, videos, saves, etc) would be the same.
@MrGawain Consoles have been like computers for a long time now. Just swap your hard drive for a larger one, or plug in an external for Sony or MS.
@DarkmarkUnited while your idea may sound joyful the reality is that this is business and no one will eat that loss so the just pass on the buck to you know who...... the consumer. Nintendo F’d up bottom line by not providing enough on board memory to the system. Nintendo foresaw this and its the reason why it left the memory upgrade to customer to maintain cost of the switch to a minimum imho.
The problem is going to get worse with this "game-save files ONLY store on the internal memory" bullcrap. I have no issue with buying microSD cards for games, but the game file saves is whats going to become the unfixable issue in the future unless cloud or SDcard saves are allowed.
I need to ask a question that I am not sure of the answer so hopefully you or someone else can help me. Games that you download to your Switch I hear people keep sayin that when the servers are no longer available (usually if the game is old ) that you no longer have access to the game. I always assumed it was the online features which would make sense, but this doesn't include the whole game or the single player modes correct ? It has to be that way cause why would anyone in there right mind by any game digital if in a few years the game they paid for is completely gone if there was a physical version available. Sorry if this is a stupid question I'm an old school gamer from the NES days where you just bought a game, put it in your system,pressed power and had fun. Still getting used to downloadable games and day 1 patches way that the game industry has obviously moved too.
#Greedy, #optimised, # Hard Pass, its the beginning of sad times for gamers in general.
I recall the days days, games were available for as little as £2.50,
but i purchased said game and all of the game was included along with my purchase, there was no need to go an download the rest of the game that i had just purchased.
First we had the season pass, my first experience was with battlefield 3, followed by battlefield 4, but here it was optional.
I see the following issues with this approach,
1. if the total game size is below 32GB, then the whole game should be on a cart, i am tired of people crying poverty, when they are multi million dollar companies.
2. the industry has point blank lied to us about the cost of things being reduced when they moved over to cd's when the costs actually went up.
3. i am tired of digital games costing more than physical games, this makes 0 sense.
4. physical games and digital games costing the same, digital should be cheaper, with physical, you get a box and an actual cart that can later be resold, charging more withing the region of say £5 - 10 i feel would be acceptable as you can a, play quicker, b have the option to resell
5. why are some companies game saves larger than other companies complete games, i feel we are missing something here.
6. EA managed to get Fifa18 to fit on a single cart with cart with no download, and the save/patches is now approx 116MB
I will update you all on how NBA 2K18 Switch plays once i have had a go on it, and i was close to cancelling my pre-order, but as amazon are able to get this to me for what i feel is a reasonable price (Download issue not withstanding)
@DarkmarkUnited I agree with you.
@BJQ1972 Actually, the sandisk 400 gb costs only twice the amount of money 256 cards do.
@Melkac yes but the 200GB is much cheaper than 256GB. From Amazon 200GB is £70, 256 is £130, and 400GB is £224. I understand the convenience, but as 400 GB cards have only just arrived they are still not very cost effective.
@BJQ1972 Oh, that's what you meant. My b.
@Mikess1 100 % agree, kept my pre-order of NBA2K18 because i am weak, but this is becoming a real mess.
Its a sad time for gamers.
To make matters worse with NBA 2K18, they are not even consistent with what its doing data wise 3GB on system, and the 16.1GB on SD and i still need the cart in to PLAY, WTF is going on here is all i am saying.. This should be read as a reminder of how not to do things.
The only way i see this as being acceptable, is if a game came super compressed on a cart, and had to expand from there into sd storage, this chaos of having to download more data than exits on the cart is complete BS.
as much as i bemoan to say it, i feel that EA did a better Job with how they Launched their game this time around.
as for this 32GB madness !! HARD PASSS.
Im waiting to see how they handle SKYRIM and LA NOIR
@ICISAZEL I bought doom instead! I went physical because I want to collect and keep these games forever. Wish I kept all my nes and snes games 😕
I bought a 512GB Micro SDXC (Class 10 speed) from Usadiscountwarehouse (It’s a site) for $39.99.
They’re currently running a promo that if you buy that memory card, they’ll throw in a 64GB card on the side too (Also provide you with package tracking information).
Mine should be coming in either today or tomorrow.
@Silver137 are they not a little dodgy? I thought even Sandisk couldn't make a 512GB card yet.
For that price, I’m definitely scared, but if it fails, I’ll get a 200GB Sandisk at my Local Walmart.
Crossing fingers
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