PQube has confirmed that it'll be publishing this Ultimate Edition in Europe, with its release to come in 2018. XSEED Games (below) is publishing in North America.
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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero was a fantastic game right from the off, yet it was still improved even more when the additional Pirate Queen’s Quest DLC added a whole new campaign with a different playable character. There’s still more DLC to come, along with a physical release, and XSEED Games recently lifted the lid on what we can expect with this forthcoming cartridge release.
In a Facebook post, XSEED revealed that the physical edition—called Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition—will come standard with all of the DLC that’s coming for the game. Not only will it include the Risky Boots expansion from last month, but it’ll also have the upcoming Friends Mode DLC campaign—starring Sky, Bolo, and Rottytops—and the Costume Mode, an arcade mode with three different adventures wherein you play as Ninja Shantae, Beach Shantae, or Officer Shantae (think Mighty Switch Force). There’s still no release date, but hopefully the wait won’t be too much longer.
What do you think? How did you like Half-Genie Hero? Will you be getting it physically? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source facebook.com]
Comments 52
Good thing I waited. This sounds like a nice package.
I keep eying the game on the eshop, so I guess at this point I will just wait for the full retail release to save a bit of download space for other games now.
XSEED.. so America only release again?
Ultimate Limited Definitive Legacy Special Deluxe Edition.
Not gonnna lie I REALLY dislike how they are handling this game as a kickstarter. I bought the physical retail release for Wii U got a soundtrack and thats it for a good amount more. Then digitally it comes out for Switch and then weeks later it comes out with the dlc. THEN another physical release comes out now including future dlc like the kickstarter supporters got from the very begining.
Shovel Knight being ported is fine and a price increase makes sense because the dlc is out and proven (except king knight). The dlc are free to me it makes me happy to have purchased it back then and incentivises me to rebuy it on Switch. Shantae I have regret. Such a shame because I liked the game but now I dont want dlcs and dont wont to buy games from wayforward anymore. Yes im pissy but come on I feel very burned by all these odd decisions.
Glad I waited. I need to snag this when it releases.
Eh, I'll get all this digitally. It does sound nice, though, but I'm more of a digital buyer nowadays, especially since I barely game at my house.
This is a good little package, just like Shantae herself. Hey Ubisoft, this is what you do to get "Definitive" Edition attached to your game.
@ieatdragonz I can't say I sympathize. The Wii U was clearly dying anyway, and of course they'd release an edition with all if the DLC along with the base game at standard price. That's how it works nowadays. As a consumer, this only goes to show that waiting and patience are a virtue when it comes to gaming.
I bet this physical release don't hit the UK. Nothing every does for Switch it seems. My local game shop is the most pitiful meagre space going in the whole shop. Seems if you're outside of Japan or the US Nintendo don't want to know when it comes to physical carts. Looks like ill have to stick to downloads.
Might nab this at some point, if only to own a complete physical copy of the game.
@Tarvaax You have to remember that when this game originally released the Switch wasnt even announced. If I knew it was coming maybe I wouldve waited. The physical box also didnt mention it wouldnt come with dlc. I had to look it up after and then realized my mistake. I played it beat it and was contempt with my mistake.
Then the Switch was announced. Just because I bought it on Wii U shouldnt mean I should feel stupid because then buying Mario Kart, or even considering buying Zelda on Wii U before the switch was announced wouldve been a bad idea. But I didnt know. Except I dont actually feel burned about those two.
Still a good game cant stress it enough but my experience has been a drag through the mud.
Well, this looks as a "capcom mode", XD, but if the ultimate edition is for the Switch, and the DLC still will appear in Wii U, well, maybe this looks well for who still don't have a Switch (me, for example, he he, upsi...), and well, I, that I have the Wii U edition, I will buy the DLCs and when I have the Switch, I will wait and buy the Ultimate edition (and Switch being portable), he he.
oh well. ^^
Cool package, but I didn't like this game at all. Nice for people who want it, though.
Cool I was hoping for a physical copy.
@ieatdragonz I totally agree. I was a backer of the Kickstarter (for others reading this was well before the Wii U was killed off or the "NX" was even a rumor yet), I don't mind supporting a game I definitely will get anyways especially since backers get the DLC for free (good deal). And of course now Switch is out and I would prefer it on this console - I emailed Wayforward basically saying I would be willing to pay for the game a second time on Switch if they could just, instead of giving me the rest of the DLC content on the Wii U, I could get my rewards on Switch - I was not asking for both, just in place of the rest of the DLC, and I'd double dip. No dice. For the record other Kickstarter I had no problem with such requests, as they were happy to have me purchase the game twice. Heck, Playtonic let me entirely change versions of the game a couple weeks before release (long after the deadline for switching platforms). And I do understand Wayforward has no obligation to fulfill that request, for my initial backer reward I specified Wii U, so I'm not THAT upset but... I simply am saying I see where you're coming from, developers I've backed in the past were more accommodating to their backers, and honestly it doesn't make one want to bother backing if they're not, I definitely won't bother doing that with Wayforward again, I'll just wait for release and maybe a discount.
I'm personally not looking for sympathy, I got what I paid for, but at this point my Wii U is already packed away in storage and I'm not gonna pull it out for some DLC, nor will I pay for the game twice AND all the DLC. Probably my loss but oh well.
@Proust Ultimate Limited Definitive Legacy *Deluxe Edition & Knuckles
That'll be the third time I'd be getting Half Genie Hero. My brain writes we'll see but my guts tell me I'mma get it anyway. Fingers crossed it even comes to PAL regions.
SOLD! I was holding out for a 1/2 Genie Hero.
I was a backer on Wii U and then rebought for Switch including DLC. Will grab the extra DLC when it comes available, and may even grab a physical copy down the road.
The "Friends Mode" was DLC that didn't reach it's Kickstarter funding level, but I'm glad that they are working on it anyway. I think Kickstarter was a good thing for Shantae and WayForward to see the fan level that exists for the games. Sure it was a bit on the easy side, but there is a hard mode and the Risky Boots DLC was great in my book considering I played it through to 100% on both Wii U and Switch.
Thankfully I didn't buy the game digitally on the Switch so I'll be happy to purchase another physical copy of this game.
That's pretty cool news. More games to keep an eye out on Play-Asia!
It does suck that the Kickstarter didn't include a physical option (and people complain about Mighty No. 9), but keep in mind this is XSEED releasing the physical game, not WayForward. All WayForward prefer to do is to release the game digitally.
@Moms-Meowth That's not really Nintendo's fault. With games like these, it's up to the publisher to decide whether to make the game physical available in the UK and perhaps it's not worth the resources to do so. Also Game always has a crap Nintendo selection.
Can't say about other shops, but my Game store seems to have been designed with the idea that everyone will only buy games for the PlayStation or Xbox, probably because they didn't expect the Switch to do as well as it is.
Loved this game on the Wiiu,Switch is cream on the top.
@Moms-Meowth You'd have more luck in Argos or Smyths. Shows the pitiful state GAME have the Nintendo section in given the Switch's supposed popularity.
The recent dlc is broken, it crashes every single time on the last level. It needs to be patched asap. Ruins an excellent experience.
Any plans for a UK release for this yet?
What seems to be the problem, Officer Shantae?
As a Kickstarter backer, I get all of that for free on my Wii U, anyway.
I suppose it's a nice bargain over buying it all separately for those who have yet to buy it or have been specifically waiting for the Switch physical release.
@ShadJV Well, that's your own fault for packing away your Wii U. Did you forget about all the great games it still has that aren't getting Switch ports? Plus, I bet you still have all your old Virtual Console, WiiWare, and other Wii U eShop titles on there that are tied to the system, many of which will never see the light of day on the Switch.
@Nico07 Wow, aren't you made of money, although I'm sure Wayforward is glad you're wasting it on them.
Actually, they did reach that Kickstarter goal when you include all the backers they gained on their secondary donation site. They said all along they were combining the donations to determine which bonus features would be added.
Well the Switch version has a HD Rumble feature!
But yeah, I find it amusing people still don't have their Wii U's connected to their TV. The Wii U has an amazing library of games that most likely won't get a Switch port.
Day 1!
Never played any of the shantae games, but looks like that will change soon!
Kinda upset that i wasted money on the base version. This is why more often than not i wait a year or 2 before buying a game so i ensure i get the full version and not a screw in my rear end.
Thought it might be a collection, every Shantae game is great, it'd be fantastic to have a title that included all the Shantae games so far: Shantae (GBC), Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, and Shantae Half-Genie Hero.
Looks like it's being published by PQube in Europe, sweet!
I'll be getting this now, missed out on it on Wii U as physical version was only released in the US. Darn region locking!
I never got into Shantae due to disliking the original, but given the bundle it maybe worth a shot again.
I hoped for a collection, but hey, Shantae comes physical! With all DLC! In Europe!
Meh game. Risky Boot's campaign was laughably lazy. For something that they decided would be paid DLC, I expected something at least to the quality YCG gave to the alternate Shovel Knight campaigns. Instead they decided to reuse everything and didn't even try to come up with good context for it.
Still have to play the DLC but I completed it 100% in 2 days, very lovely game.
Shantae is a fanatic fantastic series but I would say 1/2 Genie Hero was my least favorite of them all so far. I like the old art style and openness of the older ones better. I got this one on Wii U initially so as cool as it does look, I will probably pass.
@duffmmann They seriously need to remake the original!
Super-Uper-De-Duper Mega Hi-Powered HD Technicolor-Rainbow Ultra Hyper-Magnificent Ultimate Flying Combo-Breaking Unicorn Classic Legacy Edition - with Knuckles, Flying Toasters, & Trained Circus Tigers,... Oh, yeah, & the dlc, too!
I wonder if WF has any desire to make a new Shantae, based on this one's sales?
I don't understand why this game is so beloved... it's predecessor: Shantae and the Pirate's Curse — was in a league well above and beyond this for it's level design, replay factor, pacing, dialog, plot, etc. I would like to think that this one is resting on the laurels of the games that came before it.
And yes, I did 100% this on the Wii U — but found myself just plodding through it. There were a few difficult to find items, the map screen felt like a mobile app, and several of the plot points felt like part of an episode of a television series, rather than a feature film. Characters were casually brought in and you would almost imagine a laugh track accompanying them — as opposed to Pirate's Curse where there was depth and comedy to several of the characters and their predicaments.
Now ... I'd love Pirate's Curse redone with the HD Graphics
@BulbasaurusRex I live with three other roommates and space is limited, I can only have one console out at a time aside from the PS4 which everyone uses. I don't see how that's my fault.
Double-dipping is bad for my savings, but I need to support Wayforward's continued success. I gotta do it.
@BulbasaurusRex Actually I paid $12 back in 2013, almost exactly four years ago now which got me everything on Wii U (DLC included). And now I've paid another $30 on the Switch, so about what most paid for an actual physical retail copy. I don't feel bad about supporting WayForward by double dipping on this title especially at the price I paid. As for the physical copy I'll grab it on a sale using my Best Buy GCU 20% off discount on top of some existing sale.
As for the second backer site I hadn't heard they were combining funding, so I must have missed that part as it's news to me. Still very cool to be getting more content for the game.
@Nico07 You're still wasting a bunch of money, seeing as it's the exact same game you already have on the Wii U. There was absolutely no reason for you to double or triple dip. You're basically paying $30 and later even more just for the ability to play the game portably and not take up space on your SD card..
@BulbasaurusRex yeah no idea why they don't make the doc standalone games for $5-$10 I read people complain risky boots runs through the same levels as shantae. I liked risky boots more for having different gameplay with guns, swords and gameplay. I can't go back to shantae, especially with that stupid auto running/carry escort level
Been looking at getting Shantae for a while so this sounds like a good package to pick up.
well, how much?.... if they think this is 40 dollars they crazy. Good thing about it, is you can just get them used later on.
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