Factor 5 enjoyed quite a unique relationship with Nintendo. Due to some bad fortune, we already know that the company had a complete Rogue Squadron game on the Wii that sadly never saw the light of day, and we previously reported on their plans for a new Pilotwings game on the same hardware.
Now former Nintendo Life contributor Liam Robertson - with his latest video through DidYouKnowGaming - has shown actual gameplay from the project that was called WeFly. It got quite far in development and seems like it could have been pretty much every Pilotwings fan's dream game turned into reality.
From cockpit view head tracking AR, to using the Wii's clock and Weather Channel to change the game in real time, it remains quite clear the abundance of talent that was available to Factor 5 back in those days. Just the prospect of prancing around on the Moon immediately gave us a silly smile.

The series has not been heard of since the 3DS debut title Pilotwings Resort. Maybe it's time for Nintendo to finally let us spread our wings again, perhaps on Switch? Time will tell; in the meantime share some of your favourite Pilotwings memories in the comments.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 35
That's really unfortunate
Never played pilotwings but I can see the appeal.
I watched this yesterday. It's sad they couldn't finish WeFly. It looked like a fun game with great ideas.
I want this now.
And a rogue squadron trilogy for switch with gyro controls.
I remember the first time I play PW on the SNES, must've been '91. It took me about 2 hours to figure out the nuance of the controls and the setup it took in many cases to execute proper landings. Even though PW Resort came out on 3DS it wasn't really Pilot Wings. A real new game in the series is sorely needed.
Another seemingly good game, that we'll never see. It's always the inovative ones that bites the dust.
I would have adored a Pilotwings set in the 1950s/60s. That was the golden era of aeronautical research and development. With high supersonic to hypersonic research, advanced materials, a greater understanding of aerodynamic flow and the backing of the Space Race. Would have expected to fly several of the Century Series fighters and some of the X-Planes.
Damn I would love a Pilotwings on Switch. Have wanted a new one since the N64 days and when Nintendo announced the 3DS game I was so excited. Automatic day 1 purchase.
While it was fun it was unfortunately just a small glorified demo without even any of the PW characters. I still hold out hope we'll get a proper sequel to the SNES/N64 game one day...
I had no idea they were seriously working on an actual Pilotwings game! Let alone a Rogue Squadron collection, whoa.
Please make this a reality for switch! The head tracking glasses is a truly amazing design that I hope will see the light of day.
wow, thanks for posting this video!!!! i remember buying pilotwings for snes when it first came out and being both fascinated by it, but also disappointed because it seemed to slow and very light on content. i should give pilotwings resort another shot though.
Pilotwings is in my top5 for both N64 and 3DS.
It's a shame the IP's kind of abandoned by Nintendo.
Considering my love for flight games, Factor 5 and especially the entire Pilotwings series, it really stings to see how far this came along and yet never got released. I would have played this to death had it been released. Considering we are getting an official Star Fox 2 at long last (which seemed impossible), I think the team should revive the game with a new name (maybe even under the Pilotwings brand again) and release it as a Switch exclusive. It would be a day one purchase for me!
I knew about the Rogue Squadron collection, but not Pilotwings. This had a lot of tech potential (especially its head tracking glasses and interaction with the Wii's Forecast Channel). Kind of unfortunate that it got shelved due to money constraints.
I love all three Pilotwings games. As a fan of more straightforward flight sims too, I think while these aren't really flight sims they recreate the feeling of flying and that's something much more rare in games.
Real shame that the Gamecube and Wii versions never made it to release. I'm not holding out hope for a Switch one now, as they're always launch titles, but I'm ready to be proven wrong.
"F-Zero", "Wave Race" and "Pilotwings" deserve a current gen entry.
I would LOVE the remastered Rogue Squadron Trilogy.
I remember getting Pilotwings for the 64 back in 96 Xmas morning, and getting lost in the "huge worlds" back then. I don't remember playing the actual game a lot. I just liked exploring. I wonder if it would be hard to go back and play it because of the graphics. And if it would be a similar experience to when I played Star Fox 64 DS months ago. It didn't seem as "wow" to a 34 year old eyes.
There are so many franchises that need sequels and comebacks. Nintendo, please make it happen on the Switch! And please don't ruin them in the process (looking at you, Star Fox Zero).
"...a magic flying carpet."
When your regular flying carpet isn't making the grade.
Rouge Squadron was one of my favorite N64 games (and I don't even really like Star Wars). A re-release or new one would be cool.
i desperately wish there's a secret F-Zero that was never released that gets released.
It always depresses me when once-great studios crash-and-burn (ahem, Rare). With the Rogue Squadron games, Factor 5 were absolutely awesome. A Pilotwings game at this stage would have been perfect.
this is an unusually intelligent comment for a website. i agree completely. dont forget the development of variable geometry wings:)
pilotwings was one of a small handful of games that made me switch from pc and sega fanboy to unashamed nintendo enthusiast.
Looks incredible. Nintendo were stupid not to pick up Factor 5.
I miss Factor 5, damn why did they have to do that Lair game that totally killed them.
If Pilotwings Revived on Switch, I can imagine Mii games possibly will be also on Switch. Probably other Mii games such as Switch Sports, Switch Party, Miitopia 2, Switch Fit, Switch Music, SwitchTomo, etc.
Factor 5 will be missed for years to come. Sad loss to the gaming world.
Too bad it didn't get released. It would have been a perfect fit for the Wii.
The saddest thing about this is the head tracking. I remember watching that video all those years ago and I was dumbfounded that Nintendo wasn't using their tech to its fullest capability. That guy ended up being hired by Microsoft to help work on the Kinect I believe
This is cool but the real tragedy is the unreleased Rogue Squadron, that game looks bad ass, there is a whole trailer on the tube for it.
@SayGuh True, although I wonder how they would have made that a fun gameplay element. Perhaps using it to vary low speed and high speed handling when running a times course. Could have used an X-5 or an F-111.
What a loss! That game looks great, and the fireworks looked irresistible.
Wait, couldn’t they use the head tracking glasses with the switch? The right joy con has an IR camera, but I guess you’d only be able to use the left joy con then.
I would buy a Switch Pilotwings game in a heartbeat and I know many who would.
Please Nintendo, bring Pilotwings to the Switch !!!
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