Nintendo has historically been a very secretive, and sometimes very odd, company in the broader context of the gaming industry. Fans are sometimes frustrated by the way Nintendo does things, wishing that the company might be more transparent in its plans and communicate more effectively with its massive fanbase, but the company has worked a certain way for quite some time and it doesn’t seem intent on changing soon.
Reggie Fils-Aime addressed this topic of Nintendo’s philosophy in a recent interview. He says that the company isn’t nearly as out of touch as it may seem, the idea is that Nintendo like to keep secrets until that time is right so that it can ‘surprise’ people:
The fans should know that we are not a company that is sitting in a little ivory tower and not thinking about all of these dynamics. [We’re] a company that likes to keep our information very close to the vest, and announce information when it’s ready and when all of the elements are fully fleshed out.
We love to surprise people. We also believe that the consumer should have the information when they’re ready to act on it. Telling someone about a game that’s four of five, six years away from actually launching? Just doesn’t make a ton of sense to us. But sharing information in order to frame how we are looking at a franchise, looking at an IP, that’s something we do very thoughtfully.
A hypothetical on one message board gets picked up on another message board as fact. That is the nature of the state of the industry today. And that’s why we do want to manage our messaging so closely.
As an example of this, Reggie cited the two Metroid announcements at E3 this year, saying that the company announced both games at the same time so that fans of the series could be excited for their options and so Nintendo could better “frame the conversation”.
Later on, he also touched on the Switch stock concerns, stating that Nintendo actually over delivered, but it still hasn’t been enough to meet the demand.
As we look at the overall business, we’re constantly looking to do the right thing for the consumer. We actually sold through almost 2.8 million (Switch) units, so we dramatically over delivered. And yet, demand outpaces supply. So what do some of the consumers on Reddit say? ‘Gosh, Nintendo, if you would’ve made more you would’ve sold more.’ Well, we did make more! And certainly we’re on a pace to supply in the current fiscal year 10 million units.
I think if you were to go back and look at some of these comments, you would actually see that the issues have been resolved, but it’s happening at a pace that is later than maybe where the commenters would like the resolution to be. But it happens. And the solution is there.
What do you think? Is Nintendo in touch with what fans want? Do you think Nintendo has been doing good job with stock for the Switch? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source mashable.com]
Comments 100
Oh God, how will you anger me today Reggie the Clown? Surprise us by saying that your crappy voice chat app on Switch was a cruel joke and that you've a proper solution launching soon. Or surprise us by launching Virtual Console next week. Or a web browser...
So they're still planning on making 10 million Switch's in this fiscal year. All those crazy analyst predictions can be thrown in the bin.
I thought what he said was rather reasonable. If he was at a kids party, I would fire him for being so down to earth!
There are several (like 8) Switches in stock at my local Walmart right now. I hope it’s selling well.
I don't think they listen or if they do it's through a very muffled trumpet. Breath of the wild amiibos- nope still can't get those
Super nes mini launch- worse than nes mini
Virtual console 🤔 Porting games over from previous consoles with it
Locking games to one machine only
Listen indeed
By them better framing the conversation, he means announcing Prime 4, that may or may not come in 2018, at E3 so fans wouldn't cry and moan over Samus Returns releasing for 3DS rather than Switch, right? Same with how they forced that TPC guy into the presentation announcing that Pokemon rpg for Switch so people would stop complaining about USUM's shallowness? Yeah, we like to announce stuff when's ready and not years away from its actual launch.
@GrailUK You would require to use Nintendo's mobile voice chat service to do though
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Yeah that App is pretty stupid but at the same time I do not blame Nintendo. Parents buy Splatoon 2 for their child because it looks friendly. They get into the game and all of a sudden you start hearing
"I am going ****ing **** your mother you ****ing *******!!!!"
It is not Nintendos fault, that is the gamers fault for being how they are. I think the App was never even meant to have voice chat, I think they wanted it as a way to manage some in game content and check stats for various games. I think a voice chat program is generous.
@GoldenGamer88 I thought the same thing, look at Breath of the Wild. How many years did we know about that game's existence before they finally released it?
@FragRed Lol.
@GoldenGamer88 they said next year for those games.
I think that announcing games 3 to 9 months before they come out (Arms, 1 2 Switch, Snipperclips, Xenoblade 2, Mario & Rabbids, Metroid, Hey Pikmin, etc) has really helped keep Nintendo looking fresh and competent- after all those years of promised games being announced 3 years out then having two 6 month delays on top.
Hype is good, but think of all those e3 games crushed by anticipation, or downgraded graphically after the original trailer or lacking promised content, or just straight out cancelled and the fan anger from it. I think it's in the industry's interest in general to cut the waiting time for promises- and if you look at what has been announced recently from all 3 platforms it's starting to happen.
Breath of the Wild amiibo availability hasn't been fixed yet Reggie.
I thought he talked very good.
It made sense to me.
Praise our dear leader
@edgedino I'll believe that once I have those two games in my hands and the calendar says 2018.
@BensonUii It's rather pathetic wanting the Switch to be unavailable in a certain region just because someone there pisses you off.
So I'm guessing Mario Oddesy was in development the whole of the Wii U's life span
@BensonUii @crimsontadpoles
I take more offensive with the language you used than the joke!
Reggie is soo out of touch. He should quit his job... everything he says is garbage or a lie.
'We love to surprise people... with takedown notices'
@koekiemonster He needs to be at a better company. He's the head of the US branch of a Japanese company. His words and suggestions and everything carry weight, but he can't actually do anything about things. Everything has to be approved by Japan.
@samuelvictor Thing is Nintendo cannot take responsibility for a 10 year old googling porn on a phone but they can take responsibility for exposing their children to vulgar language on their system. You are not wrong, the problem still comes that majority of parents do not set up parental settings because they either do not know how or they do not know it was there to begin with. Lets face it, children of today are much smarter than the children of the last generation or the generation before that. The children will probably end up setting it up themselves and then when the shit hits the fan then it is too late. Nintendo gets hit with a media storm backlash of "It was suppose to be family friendly." In theory you are correct but even if they did do it as you say I personally think it would still not have worked out.
Maybe an app directly on the system might work assuming the system can take it but even so it is on the Nintendo system, yeah it is a difficult one to be honest. It is easy for us because we want it but we are not the ones that sits with the backlash of angry parents when the shit hits the fan.
@Menchi187 I think Reggie has gained a fair bit of power within Nintendo. He is the only non-Japanese person on the Japanese board (https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/officer/) and Nintendo actually has historically given their overseas branches a fair bit of autonomy in handling game distribution and marketing (which is Reggie's background).
"Please understand". Sorry Reggie, but, no.
Think that's fair
Translation - I have no idea how many we're actually making.
Their messaging has definitely been better with the Switch though. Another thing they've improved since the Wii U era.
I love being surprised. I think most people do, though children don't know that they do, so they snoop around their parents' bedroom to find out what they might get for Christmas, oblivious to he fact that they rob themselves of a ton of joy.
I also love to surprise people, and I love that Nintendo do it the way they do. People shouting and complaining and crying that they want to know everything beforehand often look like spoiled brats to me, like the child that throws a fit to force their parents' hand.
Some of my longest lasting and most pleasant memories related to new games or new hardware are connected with such surprises. Like the announcement of the first 3DS XL, which came in a Direct only a month before release. With the original 3DS's screen being so small, this was in fact a revelation, and it was awesome that they surprised me with the announcement (I never saw this coming; though today we are used to it and expect new iterations like that), and even more so that I had to wait only a month to get it. I remember my excited reaction to this reveal very vividly and fondly to this day, because it took me by surprise.
So yeah, please don't change your ways in that regard, Nintendo. True, trying to cater to the people's wishes without bending too much (and spoil their surprises; because they do love to be surprised, even if they don't realize it!) is difficult, so like for parents it's not always easy to find the right balance between appeasing them but still being able to surprise, but I think you're doing a good job, considering how the modern media have changed the way to communicate and tend to blow a few immature brats' whining way out of proportion...
Keep the surprises coming!
Sometimes I really feel bad for businesses trying to work in this day and age. Employee loyalty is bad enough (people get mad and take company information with them and share it with competitors) but now consumers and critics control so much of a company image due to leaks, data mining ,culture barriers (including language, mindset, translation and laws and procedures), rumor-mongering, IP theft/modification, and legal entanglements that many companies can barely keep up PR wise. To make matters worse people act like they are entitled to know everything about a company's workings just because they are interested in a field or a consumer. I'm speaking generally at this point. I work for a software company and I see the same thing on the daily...I don't envy our marketing department at all.
I imagine that for companies that produce entertainment products like Nintendo it must be that turned up to 11 because something about any aspect of the entertainment industry and you have to deal with the almost glutinous way entertainment is consumed and the entitlement most consumers (including critics) have regarding the industry.
Less generally I think that Nintendo has done well considering. They try to keep their own pace and control of their message, despite a great deal of friction caused when they do so. As an entertainment company they are out front and center in a way most software companies just don't have to deal with (although trade shows and the like put general companies on blast as well) but I think that they have to fight more armchair analysis and mistaken perception than a normal software company would have to do.
I've always felt that Nintendo's attempt to surprise consumers implies a pride and faith in their products. When you just want the droves of consumers you flood them with information because someone will want your product, but you get more half baked efforts that way and instead of a quality product leading to a quality product, you get a mediocre product leading to fixes...its is cycle of damage control. I think for the most part (they make missteps like any other company) Nintendo tries for quality...letting the brand speak, letting that build consumer loyalty. Also I still get the sense that many in Nintendo are honestly excited about their products, they really want to put on a big to do about what they release when it is time...but again fighting against the demands for information right now and general misunderstandings cause them backlash or steal away the impact of the reveal (because the internet has found out about it and analyzed it with only half the story to death).
I'm always kind of glad that there's no real dialogue between Nintendo and its fans. We gamers are a socially insecure lot, who like to throw around words like "betrayal" and "punishment" whenever the opportunity presents itself.
By generally remaining outside the conversation/shouting match, Nintendo retains its position as a company that makes stuff. Stuff that we can choose to buy or not buy.
Gamers can invent tragic narratives of betrayal and broken heartedness all they want, but in the end Nintendo are a Japanese videogames company, not your spouse.
Of course, it's frustrating when the Big Big Big N appears to be going in a direction that doesn't benefit the consumer or the company itself, but if its inner workings were entirely shaped by the Agony Aunt pieces that fill up comment sections, it'd have a whole new set of problems.
@darthstuey : i naively was thinking maybe just maybe Reggie was alluding to F-Zero when he was pleading that they don't forget about franchises fans care about...
...by the "oversupply" chatter is nonsense. The sky is not red, Reggie.
Hopefully Reggie saying they don't announce things until they're 'ready' or 'fully fleshed out' could mean that Prime 4 is coming a lot sooner than later!
Metroid Prime 4 confirmed to be less than four years away!
You just won the comment section.
@GoldenGamer88 @FragRed
Ya but Breath of the Wild wasn't intentionally meant to be that long. Delays happen. But it was meant to be a 2015 release. So it wouldn't have been years had it released on time.
As for Metroid, if it makes 2019 it'll only be 2 years in advance. Pokemon likely 1 year in advance (specifically said "May take a year to release"). That's a far cry from what he's talking about, which if you read the statement is a policy of announcing games 5 years out.
And we all know a good majority of Nintendo games are announced within 12 months of their planned release date. Just look at everything releasing this year.
I'm surprised by all the negativity. I usually feel that Reggie talks straight, as much as a huge executive for a company can anyway.
@JaxonH I feel Breath of the Wild was intentionally pushed back to 2016 at least in part with the idea of being a day one launch game for what at the time was known as the NX but then slipped to March unintentionally when it was decided that the Switch wouldn't be a holiday release. Of course I don't know whether the Switch was ever supposed to launch last year, but I would imagine there was hope it would.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE why do you always make an angry comment? You should watch your mouth and not be rude. Also it’s too early for the switch to have virtual console or a web browser but we have to wait and see.
If Nintendo is currently confident to officially release the Nintendo Switch in South Korea and Taiwan on December 1, 2017, then I seriously believe they will have enough stock for everyone else in the world this Holiday period!
Has Nintendo really done that many things to anger so many people? For a site that is dedicated to Nintendo, it's not as if I assume people will just follow Nintendo blindly but Nintendo have very harsh critics here. Even little things like the countless people who commented Xenoblade will definitely not arrive this year even though Nintendo consistently said it would, there is just little faith in a company that has generally been doing such a great job lately. Not perfect, but still good to me.
In my North Dakota, USA town, all our major stores now have several switches in stock and a few copies of every game. At least until the mad holiday season hits, stock is good.
I really hope I can get my hands on a SNES classic and that many other gamers can too. The more I played with and bragged about getting a NES classic on launch day, the more guilty I felt that I had one and millions of other gamers didn't. Glad to hear they're going to have a lot of SNES stock and bring the NES back too.
Nintendo has been my favorite game company since my parents bought our NES back in 1991 and I recently threw all my hopes behind the Switch bandwagon letting my WiiU, 3DS, and Xbox One gather some dust for awhile. Since launch I have gone back to play my Zelda games on WiiU, my virtual console on 3DS, and the Fallout/Dragon Age series on Xbox One. Waiting for Mario Odyssey and Xmas when my family hopefully comes through with some eshop cards so I can buy up some arcade games.
I'll be happy with Reggie and patient with Nintendo because I rely on them to provide a great deal of sheer joy and entertainment in my life.
Game on.
Ah, Reggie. So many words, so little meaning.
We are not worthy...
The thing is reporting people is one thing but it can't undo the abuse my child would have already faced. Also reporting can be abused to target non offenders and possibly get people who have done nothing wrong banned. Honestly for me it's been said to death but Discord already exists and works for most people's gaming needs so I don't see why Nintendo HAS to make a me too voice chat app.
@Marios-love-child I mean, they have said before that when they’d release a new console, part of the team starts working on the next one...
@andrew124 I don't need to watch my mouth and I haven't been rude. We have to wait for a web browser and VC? You're having a laugh. It's been over 6 months already and neither look like happening anytime soon. The Wii U had both services at launch.
I think some people have a "give me what I want when I want it" mentality and forget that their needs are not the only needs in the universe. Nintendo is a company first and has to strive to make a profit to stay in business, having said that they also clearly care about the products they deliver to their customers and strive for reliability, quality and yes entertainment. They make mistakes and misjudgments all the time but it's the intent I care about. They don't come over like they just want to milk our wallets dry. Even the way they are handling saves on the switch is not born from a desire to screw over the customer or make managing saves hard, it comes from them trying to prevent cheating, sharing saves and possible hacks to the device. Some people see a measure like that implemented and quickly assume it's because they have no foresight or they don't care about the players. I think many of the decisions that were "inconvenient for the players" were actually made to protect their property and the long term enjoyment of the systems they sold. Would we be better off if the Switch was left wide open to piracy, sold for less than it was manufactured for, hardly anybody bought the games due to them being widely available for download and the built in chat service was rampant with abusive individuals? How would Nintendo be expected to survive? Critics are free to critique but in the end unless you have a suggestion to solve each issue you are raising that does not come with it's own equal caveats then really how is that a solution, you are basically trading one set of problems for another set to facilitate what works better for you. It's kinda selfish to think like that since what works for us as individuals wont work for the rest of the world. Nintendo tries to strike a balance for the section of the world's population that enjoys their product. For those who don't there is no need to be upset, just go and enjoy what the other manufactures provide that caters more to your personal sensibilities.
Web browser - other devices are doing it better. Opens up security issues. I'm sure they looked at usage stats on their other devices when deciding not to include it.
Virtual Console - I believe we're getting access to classic games with the paid online service. To be honest, with enough to play I doubt I'll be spending much time with them.
You should focus more on what the Switch does provide rather than what it doesn't. PS4 and Xbox One don't provide portable play, but that doesn't make them worthless.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The WiiU did have it at launch but the rate at which good games for it were released really meant it was pointless for a while. For all we know Nintendo will launch it for Switch with a ton of games and maybe that's why its being held back.Not a real problem as I've plenty of NEW games to be getting on with. Currently its Mario+Rabbids,and I am pleasantly surprised with it.A good game from Ubisoft and hopefully more to come
Part of the problem for me has always been the silence. If Nintendo through us the occasional bone like "hey we're working on Switch VC, info later on" or "hey we know you wanna know about the new Pokemon game but we need to finalize some things before we talk about it" It would go a long way.
Let's use my Virtual Console example. We haven't heard anything official about it in what, 2, maybe close to 3 months? Obviously most people probably don't think Nintendo has forgotten about it, or us, but it does give that impression.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE But VC is ports of old games you really don't seem to care for.
Also really don't think we need a web browser on a video game console.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Those are just estimates. There is no way to be sure. Fact is that the 10 million number is probably more directly related to the supply of parts they know they will be able to get. If say, the screen company can only supply 10 million screens, well, Nintendo can say whatever they want but they still on would be able to make 10 million machines.
They're being much more conservative with their forecasts (which are targeted at investors) than previously, after over promising in the early days of Wii U.
Far better to understate and over deliver rather than vice versa.
@Jumpman I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told us to wait for the next disappointment before grabbing our pitchforks. First of all, let me tell you how it will go. If the SNES Mini launch goes poorly you will then move the goalpost and say 'Let's wait and see if Nintendo produces more' and by the time we know that you will have moved the goalpost again.
Secondly, people grabbing their pitchforks results in very little and I can't see why the 'let's wait' people are so afraid of people grabbing their pitchforks.
So I would like to suggest that you wait until people grab their pitchforks and something bad actually happens before saying 'let's wait before grabbing our pitchforks'.
Listen to all the people blindly that the Switch doesn't have a web browser. The DS, 3DS, Wii and Wii U all have browsers. All of the competition have web browsers. The Switch is a tablet, what tablet doesn't have a browser? I think there will be one eventually, when they pull the finger out.
Wii U didn't have VC at launch
Ah, you think it's a tablet!? That might be the problem, please look up a definition of tablet.
Actually, I'll do it for you from Wikipedia:
'A tablet computer, commonly shortened to tablet, is a mobile PC, typically with a mobile operating system and LCD touchscreen display processing circuitry, and a rechargeable battery in a single thin, flat package. Tablets, being computers, do what other personal computers do, but lack some I/O capabilities that others have.'
Saying a Switch is a tablet is like saying the SNES is a PC.
Surprise me by releasing Mother 3 on Switch, Reggie. No really though that would be a surprise alright!
@Skunkfish Saying a Switch is a tablet is like saying the SNES is a PC.
No, saying the Switch is a tablet is like saying the SNES is a computer (it is). SNES is a computer specialized to play games. Primary input is a controller but it could use a mouse and probably a keyboard.
@Crono1973 I probably should have used computer instead (was using PC as generic term rather than a specific IBM/Microsoft machine). But the SNES still isn't a computer, it's a games console.
And the Switch isn't a tablet, it's a games console. Same for the Vita...
EDIT: Also, I wouldn't call a Kindle a tablet, unless it's a Kindle Fire.
These are specialised devices rather than general purpose, intended to perform a specific function (e.g. read books, play games)
PC's (you can include Macs, Amigas and BBC Model B's in that bracket) and tablets are more general purpose devices intended to perform a variety of functions.
@Skunkfish LOL, ok. I completely disagree but to argue with someone who thinks that a game console isn't a computer is too far for me.
@Mart1ndo Consumers should keep their lowly opinions to themselves and just keep handing over their money.
If there's one thing we can all agree on, its that Reggie would no doubt give one hell of a bear hug!
@Mart1ndo You are the emotional one, trying to protect Nintendo from consumer opinions.
@electrolite77 It was not long after though i believe. I still don't get the absolute need for it this much though. those games are available to play on other platforms VC (Wii/WiiU) if people want to play them that much.If they announce Gamecube games then it get the excitement there as they've not come before
@Crono1973 Or not hand over their money, that's what matters at the end of the day.
Just because a billion people voice their disapproval loudly doesn't mean that there's not three billion people ready to pay for something.
@Skunkfish Consumers should both voice their opinion and not hand over their money. Interestingly corporations tend to miss the real reason why their products don't meet sales expectations even when public outcry is loud. Not speaking up is NOT the solution.
@PlayedNSlayed Gamecube games can be played on Wii too and finding a real Gamecube isn't hard or expensive.
Ah yes, please, oh wise and powerful gamer comments, tell why Nintendo is stupid and never listens.
Enlighten me with thy words, so I may whine and ***** like thee.
Share with me the secrets of buisiness, although you've never worked a day in your life.
Good article! Don't always agree with Reggie, but he's on point this time.
Reggie the Conjurer of Falsehoods speaks yet again.
@Mart1ndo You are calling for consumers to keep their lowly opinions to themselves. Listen to yourself.
@Crono1973 I certainly think people should speak up, I just think think that companies need to careful what they take from public opinion and not waste time pandering to the minority.
No I don't get the need for it. Any Nintendo fan has had plenty of chance to buy 4 or 5 copies of Super Mario World. I've come round to the idea that Nintendo are holding it back for the Online service. For various reasons, but mainly to help third-party sales.
@GoldenGamer88 That's exactly what he means and if you read between the lines, that's exactly what he directly said, too But it makes sense, too. Look at what some other companies do. We're still wondering where FF7R is.
When is your pre-order for Deep Down shipping?
@NEStalgia Of course, it makes sense, and I am by no means knocking Reggie for what he said. And of course, there are companies out there who are way worse than Nintendo ever was. Square for example, Sony during their E3 presentations. I just find it sad that Prime 4 and a (potentially) Pokemon mainline title on Switch had to be "announced" this soon and not via a trailer next E3 or so. But the only one to blame there are whiny gamers (to whom I belong to at times), not Reggie or anyone at Nintendo.
@Mart1ndo I get it, you're just trolling me.
@GoldenGamer88 Yeah. Prime 4 is the weird one here. It was a conglomeration of events that made the situation that required that.
The Pokemon announcement I don't think really had much to do with US/UM. That game is an obvious follow-up cash grab. Nobody expects a full new Pokemon RPG every year, so there would have been no reason to expect a full RPG this year anyway. Looks like they borrowed Yokai's ideas here. I think announcing that was more to end once and for all any doubt about the future hardware position of Switch as it relates to 3DS. Particularly after we found out, after the fact, that TPC had little confidence in Switch up to that point, so there was probably internal waffling and that was the final, public, acknowledgement that Switch is the future. So I don't mind that one. That wasn't about whiny gamers. That was about cementing a platform via announcing the cornerstone franchise.
Prime 4 on the other hand was a mixture of managing a vocal internet minority, along with their own bumbling surrounding what was probably supposed to be a WiiU game that got ignored in favor of MP:FF. They sabotaged that franchise in the WiiU era with not a single entry other than FF and some bad PR, and the Prime 4 announcement was their fairly heavy handed way of trying to rectify it. So yeah, that one came across weird.
What if they surprised us by having Metroid Prime 4 come out earlier than anyone expects. I know I an wearing rose tinted glasses but consider this; didn't we first hear about Mario Odyssey through some video clips during the Switch reveal which was about a year ago? The game is being released end of October roughly a year after they revealed it. I know it isn't likely but think about it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE ok,sorry about that, but even if it’s been six months you still should wait until Nintendo announces it which I don’t know when will it be. When it’s the right time I hope.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I think you assume everybody wants the same things as you do and so you roll your eyes when Nintendo is not giving you exactly what you want. But guess what, not everybody cares about voice chat or a Web browser for the Switch. I don't care for Pokemons but I don't go mad when they announce a new game. I realise not everything Nintendo does is for me. I don't mean to have a go at you (I know you're a fan in your own way) but being compulsively negative is a bit annoying.
Yeah I still dont trust most of what comes out of Reggie's mouth. More often than not it's excuses that amount to "too little too late" (ie nes classic, switch stock, amiibos, etc)
@MegaTen My god is Shadows Of Valentia one of Nintendo's worst dlc practices in a while. It seems to be a trend among more recent fire emblem games to have some shady dlc. (I HATED how fates was 3 games when it really should have been 1). Like what you get from the DLC in Valentia is absolutely not worth $45. Like how do they roll up and promote a season pass that literally costs more than the game you just sold me!?
@Forill couldn't have said it any better because I know I myself am unfortunately one of those people that tends to rage depending on the day. I actually appreciate the fact that I don't feel the need to chat or need to listen to my fellow gamers rage as well, but the options are there if I really wanted to which is a plus
I'm fine with Nintendo being secretive about what they're working on. It's the lack of transparency behind their business decisions that bothers me. Production of the NES Classic was seemingly halted for no reason at all and we had to wait nearly 6 months to be told that it would be resumed in 2018. I suspect the real reason behind production ceasing was because Nintendo wanted to divert their money and resources toward either the SNES Classic or the Switch. Nintendo could have easily said as much and very few people would think less of them. They could have even kept our hopes up with a blanket statement like, "We may resume production in the future but we have no plans at this time."
Edit: Also, I realize Nintendo had not announced the SNES Classic at that point. They still could have explained that they wished to divert their resources elsewhere.
Good statements. Even if they aren't 100% on point I like the driving ideas behind it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'd say have patience for the VC but I have a feeling the moment they reveal it you'll be railing on the prices as usual.
I don't get why you seem to want things so much you complain specifically as if they're vital but as soon as they appear you become really reluctant and picky as if you need to be convinced they're even worth having.
@AlternateButtons Just letting you know there's an ignore button.
I saw a pile of Switches already halfway sold at my local multimedia store last week. First of all, that was the first time I saw Switches for sale in a store, it was like finding Atlantis: it DOES exist! XD
From the looks of it, it was already halfway sold, there must've been a lot more units, but since they weren't restocking to keep the pile up (like they do with PS4), I'm pretty certain that must've been their stock at the moment and I'm also pretty certain it's been sold out a while ago. Switches still sell fast, but at least you see them every once in a while now. I hope Nintendo can get more units out for holiday season.
bullcrap. those parents are also buying ps4/xb1s for their kids so N's issue isn't that. it's that they just don't get it.
it's the last Japanese company that's so insulated as to not see the forest for the trees. Sony about killed themselves with the awful ps3; ps4-super. N is in that same boat. Sega of J killed themselves the same way. look it up.
@darthstuey Wait...what? did the snes mini already launch and I missed it??
I am baffled by many of Nintendo's decisions but they're certainly not completely out of touch. The switch is doing well, and I honestly expect the snes mini stock situation to be much better than the nes mini. They did announce the snes mini and nes mini are being restocked next year.
@chriiiiiiiiiis Even if Nintendo does all the right moves, people will still complain. There are valid criticisms to be had with them currently, but many of the complaints lobbied against them are often irrational and stupid.
@samuelvictor Yes, yes, and YES. You've won all the interweb points to be had in this comment section. Hot damn!
@Forill Wouldn't being forced to use a smartphone to use chat during NS online matches make it MORE likely for children to be exposed to influences they aren't ready to guard against or handle? Nintendo put all those communication restriction features on Parental Controls into the NS for a reason, parents should make use of them. Let the parents take some responsibility for once instead of letting them blame it all on a monolithic company. I don't usually side with companies on indemnification clauses, but the amount by which this issue is being overblown is getting ridiculous.
I think Reggie gets paid too much.
@JohnnyC I can find those everywhere I go.
However, that elusive Majoras mask amiibo.......
@fafonio If only it were true in merry old England.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE "The Switch is a tablet, what tablet doesn't have a browser?"
Could have sworn the other day you said it was a handheld which then derailed the comments and it ended up in a handheld/console back n forth between numerous people.
Make your mind up. You also said:
"We have to wait for a web browser and VC?"
We? You don't even own a Switch. So now you speak for Switch owners everywhere. Nice to know.
Oh I almost forgot. Fire Reggie?
Reggie's job is to spin. I'm almost positive he says the same thing every time a game launches with a negative reception, like Star Fox Zero.
I like Nintendo 's approach to announcing game. I want to be hyped for something that will release soon, not for something in 3-4 years.
The wait for BoTW was truly annoying and I hope they don't repeat it.
@Luna_110 It wasn't so much a wait as it was a string of delays with almost no information leading up to release. OoT was released about 3 years after being showcased in Space World '95... But there were frequent publicly released updates along the way, so the wait was bearable. What's unbearable is being needlessly secretive, combined with almost a year and a half's worth of delays after BotW was originally slated to be released in late 2015. Delays + silence = bad move.
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