Nintendo has announced in its latest Direct that Mario Party: The Top 100 - a game containing 100 of the greatest minigames of the franchise's near two-decade history - is coming to the Nintendo 3DS family of systems on November 10th this year. The game will offer multiplayer for up to four friends via Download Play or local wireless, with the former allowing play using only one Game Card.
The Direct's trailer states that the game will contain "the best minigames from all 10 home-console titles" (Mario Party 1-10), so it's assumed that minigames from the series' handheld instalments (Advance, DS, Island Tour, and Star Rush) won't be making the cut. Nevertheless, classics such as Bumper Balls and Shy Guy says can be seen from the trailer. Here's to hoping for this writer's personal favourite, Mushroom Mix-Up/Hexagon Heat.

Though a great concept, this writer can't help but feel disappointed this isn't also heading to the Nintendo Switch. If you're interested in a take on the Mario Party series as a whole and how it could be improved, have a read here.
Are you excited about this one on 3DS?
Comments 65
Please have a traditional board mode with returning maps
Would be great if a new Mario Party game on Switch would do a similar thing, but without the lottery mini-games of #10.
Not going to lie. I am quite excited about this one. Some friends and I have been doing a marathon of all of the Mario Party games in recent months and this will be a phenomenal conclusion to that.
This really should have been a Switch game, especially considering some of the minigames from Mario Party 8 through 10 will need motion controls and the fact that Mario Party is meant to be played around a TV. The 3DS requires multiple systems to play in multiplayer, meaning most people will be stuck playing this Mario Party alone, which is the saddest thing I've ever typed. Extremely impractical.
This is one of the only games post-Switch I am happy is a Nintendo 3ds release.
My friends have a 3ds and not a Switch at this time, and both love Mario Party, so I'm sure I'll be keeping my 3ds around a little longer thanks to that. So yes, I don't mind one more game remaining a 3ds exclusive. The era of Switch has only just begun.
The only time I've ever been genuinely interested in a Mario Party game for the concept alone: believe it or not, this is a highlight of the Direct for me.
Why? Because it's a best-of title, and this needs to become a thing. We've seen bits of this with Mario Kart DS' retro track selection, Kirby Fighters Deluxe for abilities and settings and Team Kirby Clash Deluxe for bosses, but this time they've gone the whole hog.
YES Nintendo, I want games that take apart the best things of a whole series and mix them up in a good compilation. If this game does away with the forced board game and focuses on the minigames alone, I think we're pretty much in business.
Never been into Mario Party. Cool Idea though. I'd like a Mario Kart with the top 50 Tracks across all games.
Yes, I love Mario Party! I do wish it was coming to the Switch, but I'm fine with it on the 3DS as well. Will probably get this mainly because of Booksquirm... love that minigame!
Why this isn't on Switch I can't understand... Playing Mario Party on portable just doesn't seem right to me.
Also does this one have boards? If they're bringing back old minigames they should make an effort to bring back old boards from the past Mario Parties as well with none of that car BS from the recent games.
@Lumine I agree, Switch, online, best mini games... perfect. I dont know anyone with a 3DS, and Mario Party on your own is boring...
Nintendo just craps these out don't they?
This was what I wanted 10 to be, a best of all the minigames that have been in the series from that point on.
That said, please PLEASE just like the board rules be back to how they used to be Nintendo! You can have a board or 2 from each entry if you want, but just let them be the classic rules! No more cars or dumbed down stuff like that!
This would be a day one purchase if it was on the Switch...
I don't know if I'd be willing to play Mario Party for just the mini games. The board section is half the appeal for me and I'm sad to see it omitted. Mario Party hasn't been good for a long time and I don't get why Nintendo can't just make a game like Mario Party 1-4 without needlessly altering the core of what makes a Mario Party, for lack of a better term, Mario Party.
I wonder if it will go back to the older style of board game that people seemed to like.
As someone who knows nobody but myself owning 3DS, I see no reason to buy this. If it was for Switch, it would be a different story.
Why is this not on Switch?!
Sadly, the board is what I play Mario Party for. I'm skipping this without it.
I don't think I'd pay full price for just minigames. I just wish they would go back to the classic Mario Party style again :/
Have wanted something like this for ages.
Wish it was on switch though.
Ugh. Would have bought day 1 on Switch. So silly...
The amount of schedule filler titles to try and prolong the life of the 3DS has been astounding...
How about a new Wario Ware game, or a collection of games for the Switch too?
Seeing minigames from Mario Party 8 just hit me in the nostalgia feels!
I need this in my life. Never got to play Mario Party 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 so any mini games from those would be completely new to me.
Not online? I have nobody IRL to play with so I guess I'm not getting it.
Getting this so I can play with my kids.
Not online.... lol Nintendo never learns. Shovelware.
This looks cool, but...
Oh gosh
The Beat still Goes On...
That is the worst minigame in Mario Party history. I thought this was a top 100!
I do wonder though, since it doesn't look like there will be boards, how many different modes there will be. Hope it's not just a basic mini-game VS. mode.
This needs to be on Switch as well!!
I've dreamed of this happening....on a system I could actually enjoy it with friends and family. Whyyyy??? You have the Switch Nintendo!!
This would be so perfect for the Switch. We have enough Mario Party on the 3DS already.
I wonder if the stupid Vehicle from Mario Party 9 & 10 has been removed for this 3DS version...
Nice to see a little love for the 3ds for a change. I really enjoy the Mario party series, and the 3ds ones so far have been excellent IMO.
Would be interesting were it on the Switch, but finding 4 people who have this game and a 3DS is going to be near impossible.
Nothing against too much attention for the 3DS but, hey, Nintendo, at least port those games to the Switch!
Anyone noticed this line on the official website? "You can even set the number of turns for board-game play!"
Could it be true? Insta buy if this includes the best boards too! Perhaps they're not ready to show them off yet (although you'd hope not with a November release!)
Also, the UK Nintendo Direct has a release of January 2018 on the trailer, what gives?
Yes! All the mini-games you broke your thumbstick on, crammed into one game, because we aren't selling enough 2/3 DS/XL models!
It's a great idea but having it on the 3DS is a misstep unless it comes to the Switch later too, seems like a perfect candidate for a dual release. A 3DS is a pain for a system like this for a few reasons, the most obvious being everyone needs their own system and the second big one being Mario Party is best played during a get together and not out and about.
This was the only game that I was like "Wha?" Let's grab all the home console mario party games and stuff them on the handheld in its twilight...rather than the hybrid that people can also play at home.
It would be great if they did an HD version for Switch!
Definitely interesting. Obviously I'd prefer it to be on Switch but Nintendo probably makes so much money from kids with these 3DS Mario Party titles. I'll only get it if it has the original gameplay and boards to back it up. I'm not opposed to innovation in game franchises, but my friends and I did not enjoy 9 or 10 at all.
An other good 3DS game that I'm just going to have to pass on as it's not on Switch.
I still sweat playing Toadstool Titan from MP3 to this day. With 3 other friends all reaching for that mushroom, trying steal it from each other, then that ominous invincibility jingle started, that's when you knew the game was on
I want this on the Switch!
I can't wait for this!! Mario party is my favourite franchise.
Mario party star rush was fantastic so i have high hopes for this
This is a fantastic idea, but they need to have the traditional board the series is known for. Keeping an eye on this one!
Hmm, a compilation. Like the awesome rhythm paradise megamix. Might buy it, but probably not this year.
@Anti-Matter Doesn't look like there's boards at all, it's just a game filled with the best minigames.
@HeroponRiki Download Play will negate the need of finding four people with a copy of the game.
The Rhythm Heaven best of was great and I've never bought Mario Party game so I'm tempted. On Switch with online multiplayer would have been even better, but never mind
Returning to the best minigames of previous entries is a good choice. I wouldn't mind older games being used like retro courses in Mario Kart.
The fact that this is a 3DS game is confusing. For one, this will be the third Mario Party on 3DS. Star Rush is only a year old! Also, the Switch is a very good fit for the series, probably the best platform to use since the Wii. And HD Mario assets do exist...
My best guess is that ND Cube can't reuse the MP10 stuff since they need to redo the engine or something. Which would imply a major change for the series.
Knowing that the old Mario Party games often have the better minigames, this is absolutely great news: a greatest hits collection for 3DS with download play included.
3DS is getting more than I've ever dreamt of.
Not much of a Mario Party fan but this does interest me but why not on Switch?
Definitely interested. Probably not a day 1 buy for me though.
This will be a good fit for the 3DS. Lots of 3DS systems still out there in the wild, and it's a Greatest Hits of the casual series that most people have played at this point. Honestly, I think it's a great idea and a real surprise coming out of this Direct.
I think Nintendo really should figure out a way to put basically all the 3DS games onto Nintendo Switch at some point in the future, particularly once the 3DS comes to the end of its life. It would be such a boon to have all those games available via the Switch Virtual Console or something like that--and there really are a bunch of genuinely great 3DS titles at this point, which would only strengthen the appeal of the Switch even more so.
Surprised this isn't coming to Switch, given that the Switch offers built-in local TV and portable multiplayer gaming out of the box, which is perfect for Mario Party.
Color me interested! However, if you're going to do the new style of game boards (featured in 9,10 and I think 8?) then that's a dealbreaker.
I'm glad it's not online,why whin about it.besides it would be unplayable online with all the rage quitting babies
I thought about the idea of a best-of Mario Party recently, glad it's coming, but as others say, it'd have been better on the Switch. If there aren't boards, they should be there in some substantial form too.
I will say kudos for making it local multiplayer with a single game cartridge, but that still means you need 2-4 3DS systems to make the best use of it, which is unfortunate.
Nintendo is clearly warming us up for Mario Party 11 ON THE SWITCH. Remain calm.
...and they are milking the huge 3DS install base.
@legendwaker Yeah, does seem odd to bring it to 3DS when a Switch version seems a better idea.
After all, Mario Party started on the N64 and most of the games were on consoles.
I was excited to see Pokey Pummel from MP7. I hope they bring back some of the best boards too.
Now, I'm wondering if I should wait for this version or stay on my wish to get the last one.
@Meowpheel Wasn't there such an option in the last 3DS iteration? I was tempted to buy it but still have not (thanks to my lack of available "competitors").
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