With only half of the expansion pass content currently available, Nintendo is certainly still keen on supporting The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild with new content via updates and patches. The latest patch just went out and while it makes the usual bug fixes and tweaks that these kinds of updates do, it also added in an intriguing new feature that could perhaps begin to see use in other titles as well.
The Nintendo Switch has a dedicated News tab which has various advertisements and updates regarding whatever games you choose to follow, and this new update will add in a functionality that gives players certain in-game items if they open the game by launching the software from articles within a new channel which will be opening on the 9th. Essentially, it sounds like this will be adding some sort of SpotPass like functionality to the game; perhaps if it goes over well, Nintendo might begin doing this for other games where applicable.
What do you think? Will you be making much use of this? Do you think Nintendo is testing out something bigger? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com]
Comments 115
There might be some incentive for me to take my switch out of the house if they implemented some sort of street pass functionality
Would rather they bolstered My Nintendo with these items (and future distributions like this) to be honest. That service really could use a point.
Like to see some amiibo support but not if it's difficult to find that particular figure to make it work. I have a few but they are rarely used.
Yeah. Sure. Why not?
@Cooligan well, Wii U is dead and has been for a long time. Can't blame a company that cuts off something that doesn't make them money.
Did it help with the framerate?
I feel so stable!
@In_Ex_Fan but Nintendo promised to support both versions of Breath of the Wild. It is only fair for Wii U owners to expect the same benefits.
Also Wii U isn't completely dead in Nintendo's eyes. There are still hundreds of thousands of players playing BotW, you can still play Splatoon 1 and Mario Kart 8 online without much delay. Games are still coming out for it and Nintendo is still advertising new content to Wii U owners.
So like I said, it is fair to expect the same treatment, at least for this one game.
@Kienda Exactly. This is why I don't like it when people say the Wii U is "dead". A console is never truly dead as long as people are playing it.
Guys, if you see it that way, you clearly ignore how business works. They want you to buy the Switch. In their eyes the Wii U had its time and now they move forward. If they put more stuff in the Wii U Version, why should you buy its successor? Supporting the Wii U would only hurt the Switch and potential sales. And let's not forget that you won't miss out on something substantial. It will only be small stuff that's neat but totally unnecessary.
@Cooligan Nintendo stopped production of the WiiU console last year. That means it's the end of support from Nintendo.
And you still get the official DLC packs on the WiiU, so advertised as promised.
The news section on the Switch is a new unique feature on this console! You really expect them to develop this feature for a dead out of support console, just for people playing BotW on WiiU?? lol! /shrug
@Jeronan Setting aside whether the console is dead or not, the same game was released on the 2 consoles under the impression of it being functionally identical on both machines (frame rate aside). The game was built for the Wii U but then had gamepad features stripped out to make the 2 versions match. Up until now updates have kept them both side-by-side. Even if it's something tiny, this is still breaking the illusion of Nintendo's pretence of not wanting to comprome the Wii U version for all the owners that waited patiently for so many years for this game.
I mean sure, it's not game-breaking and it's not exactly worth picking 1 version over the other for this feature alone, but still... it's the principle...
Good luck taking a WiiU out and about.
If it's say a chest of random stuff per spotpass that'd not gel with the WiiU. I'm guessing that's what it'll be.
@gaga64 You are nitpicking and dramatizing!
Nintendo needs to make a success of the Switch console, so all development focus is on this new console!
They cannot add a feature to the WiiU that doesn't exist on that console now can they? Are you really that delusional and naïve?
You expect them to halt development of new features on the Switch console, just to please you people on the WiiU? Are you serious? /facepalm
They still keep their promises. No matter how you look at it.
You got the game. You get both DLC and have full Amiibo support.
I guess you are angry too about Switch owners able to play the game on the go in handheld mode? I guess you expected Nintendo to disable this feature too on the Switch and only allow BotW to be played in Docked mode! To keep parity between two consoles? lol! /shrug
@Jeronan @Jeronan @In_Ex_Fan hey guys, first off, let me say that I understand your points. I get it. Ultimately Nintendo is a business and they need people to "make the Switch" and we will. However, it is not unreasonable for Wii U owners to feel let down in certain areas and to try and get the most out of the Wii U.
Business is business, but promises are promises.
Nintendo said they would not be abandoning the Wii U and said they would support the Wii U version of Breath of the Wild. That lead me, and many others, to believe that if we purchased the Wii U version of BotW we would be able to get he same experience.
Now we are not asking for Nintendo to add Switch functionality to the Wii U. That would be too much. But what we are saying is that if Switch users can access "certain items" that Wii U owners cannot access, then it is, at the very least, understandable for Wii U owners to at leat make a whimper of protest, even if nothing changes.
Now, I don't know what those "certain items" are. If they are just some free food or easy access items, then no biggie. But if the Switch owners gain access to anything exclusive then it is very reasonable to expect Wii U owners to cry foul. And Nintendo could implement those free items in a different way on Wii U.
Also, this whole dead thing. My iPad 2 stopped production years ago, but I still get regular updates and new apps are always released. I know it is slightly different for Wii U, but Nintendo are still supporting the console (all be it minimally) even though they want everyone to "make the Switch".
Nintendo knows that you don't just abandon those loyal to them. And I don't think they are doing that, but even when us Wii U owners are second class citizens to the Switch, they should at least not tell us we are. Make us feel included.
Despite not getting any mention, I presume this update applies to the Wii U version too (minus the Spotpass-type stuff)?
@gaga64 @Kienda Well done for summing up why Wii U owners have a right to feel unfairly treated, perfectly.
@Kienda There already is an item disparity in both versions of the game.
There are a lot of unique items you can only get through specific Amiibo!
Most of these Amiibo are unavailable to most due to Nintendo's insistence to keep Amiibo purposely rare and unless you want to pay insane scalper prices on Ebay, you will never be able to unlock these items in BotW! Ever!
Especially the BotW amiibo's are rare as teeth and we haven't seen any here in Norway. Gamestop only received one of each so far in all these months lol. That's it.
Am I disappointed in this? Sure, but I don't get all hung up about it. It doesn't reduce my enjoyment in the game, since I can get comparible items by just playing the game.
@RainbowGazelle I would assume so,every update to the game applied to both versions so far. I will try it later in the evening to see if that's the case.
@RainbowGazelle @Kienda thank you
@Jeronan slight overreaction there... I never said they should try adding this feature to the Wii U. I have zero expectations for system-feature development here, that would be ridiculous. All I'm saying is that I hope this in-game feature is somehow replicated for the Wii U, or the 2 versions of this otherwise identical game won't be identical any more, as was advertised. Or maybe, you know, don't add it to the Switch version of this game. Save it for the next Zelda, or something else unique to the Switch. Just an idea.
Like I said, it's hardly a big deal, not exactly crying over here for something so vaguely detailed.
And the amiibo situation is completely separate to this.
Still playing BotW on my lovely WiiU. Still not finished the main game.
For me: WiiU is very much alive
Good idea, wish some star fragment distribution.
@gortsi Yeah, it is. I checked Nintendo's website. It'd be nice if Nlife had bothered to do the same, but that would be actually doing their job.
@Kienda So what if this 'new' feature is only available by taking the Switch on the go,say like spotpass or streetpass on 3DS?how can it possibly be applied to the WiiU version of BOTW? I too was a bit let down the WiiU didn't do as well as everyone would have liked,but I still enjoyed the games i have for it. But i quickly forgot about as soon as i saw the potential of the Switch. The WiiU in comparison is cumbersome and until you've made the comparison yourself its hard to admit it,it doesn't mean the games aren't good anymore,but its all about the Switch now and Nintendo need to be putting all their eggs in that basket.If this new feature encourages people to take it on the go more often then it won't work for the WiiU and that's just facts
I have rather mixed feelings about the direction Nintendo should take with regard to past and present systems for current games. The guiding principle should be one of fairness and inclusion for gamers on both sides of the proverbial fence. New customers who are converting to the platform which is generating more sales are privileged in some sense and that's more of a reality than a ploy.
I can't really forgive Nintendo for jettisoning the Gamepad which had already been implemented, just for the sake of parity. To me this shows how hackneyed the process is behind the scenes, and why common sense dictates buying the new hardware as a future proofing measure. When they made a decision to support the game on two platforms it naturaly prompted immediate comparisons, and Nintendo is prone to stumble when choosing between it's two favorite children.
@Chandlero Well i too would have still been playing it if i had it for WiiU,but having it on the Switch and being able to play it on the go means I've been able to move onto other games. That's not to say I'm done completely with it as i need to do the trail of the sword still but i cant stop playing Splatoon 2 at the moment ;D
@Cooligan You have no high ground arguing support from someone who has already stated they are stopping supporting it. Wii U failed. We are on a Nintendo site, none of us like it failed.
@PlayedNSlayed Thanks for the response, but I think you missed my point a little. To clarify, I'm not saying that the Wii U should be able to do what the Switch can do, that is unreasonable.
It's not about the new feature, but the items available to the player. If items are available for the Switch that are not available for the Wii U because of a new feature they added only to Switch, then I think Nintendo could do something to fix that. It wouldn't break the bank and would be meaningful for us who are still enjoying the Wii U.
I'm also not saying Nintendo should do it. But it would just be nice.
@GrailUK: The WiiU is dead. Long live the WiiU.
@Jeronan I agree with you completely on the Amiibo factor. The difference, however, is that Amiibo's are equally scarce for both the Switch and Wii U, so we are equally disadvantaged. And I have long complained about that and the fact Nintendo seems unwilling to rectify the problem. As a result, people like me have been "forced" to purchase Amiibo cards off ebay in order to get all the items on BotW.
@Chandlero I still have my Wii U set up next to my Switch. I am actually chuffed to bits that the PC-Engine vc is still getting love
@RainbowGazelle So there is a patch for the WiiU version that addresses the bug fix?
I loved playing on the WiiU but when the Switch came along, I realised I did not have the time or money for both systems and chose to support the Switch. I suppose that is what it will boil down to eventually. Nintendo will probably regret saying they will support the WiiU as it will not fit in with their plans for the future and Wii U owners will eventually feel they are being unsupported. The WiiU will become a retro machine.
Maybe people should wait until this new system is implemented before being outraged at its potential. Maybe it'll be a 2nd Nintendo Switch shirt which comes in blue and also has 1 armor. The most random update note that Switch users "may" have access to a thing and suddenly Nintendo is revealed to be the Great Deceiver? Give them the chance to disappoint or relieve you first before jumping on board the Nintendo wishes all Wii U users would just hurry up and die train.
@Cooligan wii u is the past get over it
@gaga64 well another thing that's not identical is the fact that you can post screenshots on Miiverse on the Wii U, so in a sense the two versions were not identical in this respect in the first place
@BF-Medic Yes, it has the bug fixes and stuff. Just not the item distribution thing.
This article didn't help explain whatever that new feature is at all.
@In_Ex_Fan Wii U may be dead to Nintendo and to Switch fanboys, but the hacking scene is going from strength to strength and very much alive...Wii U just keeps getting better and better!
@liveswired I don't care for illegal hacking.
@easygoingthief lol...Wii U has a hacking scene that is flourishing and very much alive - it's moving from strength to strength now that Nintendo has released control of it.
@easygoingthief they won't regret saying it. They said it before. The GBA was also supposed to be supported along the DS. And we all know how that turned out. Nintendo aways say they will keep bringing support and in the end back down from that statement.
@RainbowGazelle Nice. Thanks for the link. NLife could have made this more clear in the article.
A feature that gives items when opening the game from a news tab is something that doesn't really sound that hot to me. It sounds like making someone watch an advertisement to get an in-game bonus. But as long as it isn't abused, I don't see much of a problem.
@Alikan I will admit that maybe we are jumping to conclusions a little too quickly.
We're only complaining though because we care. BotW is the best game (for me) in recent history, and having invested 70+ hours into the Wii U version, it is a little concerning to think that I may not be able to get everything the Switch version has - and it leaves the question if other features will be added to Switch in the future.
A solution for me personally could be if Nintendo offers a save transfer from Wii U to Switch. That way when I get a Switch I can transfer my save and not have to redo the whole game. I can then be safe in the knowledge that I can eventually access all the content.
Anyways, enough moaning from me. I think I've made my points and am okay if not everyone agrees. Thankfully for us Wii U players, Nintendo hasn't abandoned us as readily as some people (not you) seem want them to.
@Jeronan i so agree with you. Wii U owners should be happy there doing anything at all with it.
I haven't played the game in a few weeks. I've completed absolutely everything. The last things I did was beat the Trials of the Sword and unlock all the amiibo costumes and max them out. I likely won't play it again until the real DLC arrives at Christmas.
What about Wii U owners Nintendo, you muppets? You promised that the Switch and Wii U versions would be identical, Aonuma even said so himself. This isn't parity.
@Kienda Of course and i completely understand if people that are still playing their WiiU want the same in terms of BOTW. But on the overall outlook of it going forward,how long can WiiU only players expect Nintendo to keep looking backwards instead going full steam ahead with the Switch? I'm wondering if they'll hold off with more DLC for MK8D because of this very issue,which would be sad as i think it needs it sooner or later. WiiU owners like yourself,i can only assume,will buy the Switch eventually and will likely double dip on MK and maybe even BOTW in some cases,even if just for collection purposes.Should Nintendo find a way to include the WiiU then how long will it continue to weigh them down is all I'm suggesting
@gortsi Maybe not Miiverse, but you still have the screenshot/social media button on the Switch which is effectively the same.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE - Did you somehow find and buy all the Amiibo, or are there other methods?
If I had to watch a single commercial, or even see a headline about American politics; I wouldn't launch this game from the news tab for a second Master Sword. Of course, I'd have to have a Switch first, but still.
Edit: /s
@PlayedNSlayed Mario Kart 8 is a different story - the Switch one is clearly labelled Deluxe and includes a bunch of stuff the original doesn't. BotW was launched side-by-side on both consoles, and Aonuma made a point of saying he wanted players to have the same experience on either machine. They should be as close to identical as possible (though clearly the Switch version will benefit from improved hardware, portability, HD rumble etc etc). But a new in-game feature being added post-launch for just 1 machine is just a little bit annoying.
But then again, without knowing what the bonus items are, it's totally being overanalysed. As several others have said, if it's just random food drops (like using a non-Zelda series amiibo), it's really not worth getting worked up about.
Oh, and for the record, I've got both consoles and have no intention of double-dipping on either BotW or Mario Kart, unless there's suddenly some way to reduce the cost for people who paid for non-transferable DLC on the Wii U. And I'm sure I'm not alone on that front.
@Malcrash the frame rate needs very little if any "help" at this point. Entirely playable and only under lab analysis a cause for flagging up. I'm all for nitpicking games, even the classics, but sometimes focusing on the limitless positives is a better angle.
@In_Ex_Fan Well who 'killed' the Wii U? Nintendo did. It's their responsibility.
Besides, BotW is an original Wii U game. It was only ported to the Switch, so it's really frustrating that they treat the port better than the original. It all started when they delayed the release of the original because of the port (let's be honest, without BotW as a release title, the Switch would've sold poorly) and then just removed the second functionality on the Wii U.
@Cooligan is absolutely right, they are repeatedly screwing Wii U users (coming from someone who owns both devices). They even removed Miiverse recently for no apparent reason.
Nintendo's behaviour is like that of a parent that abandons his child because of a mistake of the parent.
@Cooligan Nintendo has stopped supporting it what else do you want? The only game they are still supporting is Mario Maker because it is on the 3DS as well.
I'll say this much about the comments I've read. I find it likely that this feature will be for the Switch version only (but I don't see why the Wii U wouldn't get the patch for the bug fixes whatever they are).
That said, I don't find any reason why Nintendo shouldn't support the Wii U and distribute the weapons to them anyway. They could put a message up on the boot-up screen, then take you to the eshop to download it. There's gotta be a way to do it, and I think they should. Recent Nintendo consoles have developed a bad habit of straight up abandoning their older consoles, and that includes their most successful home console the Wii. Nothing was developed for it after less than a year. Now I understand that the Wii U was a complete failure, but still, they could give the fanbase free weapons, come on...
@PtM What difference does it make? There's nothing to 'drag along'. They could've just let Miiverse continue without having any real costs or burdens. And Miiverse was no account system, it was a social network. A useful one at that (which the Switch is totally lacking). I don't get how they could remove such a crucial part of the device. How am I supposed to contact someone on my friends list now? How am I supposed to share screenshots and drawings with them?
The account system you meant is Nintendo Network ID, which still exists by the way.
@gortsi Not anymore since Nintendo killed Miiverse recently...
@gaga64 Not really. The screenshot functionality only works with Twitter etc. There's no included social network on the Switch (not everyone wants to share their gaming habits andexperiences publicly) and also no way to view or edit the posted screenshots (or any replies to them) on the Switch. There's not even a way to contact anyone from your friends list on the Switch. There's so much missing on the Switch, I don't get how they could just leave it out.
@Tsurii No because apparently Nintendo suddenly hates the Wii U Gamepad. They wouldn't dare display anything on it because OMG then the Switch users might realize they are missing out on something!
@jimi Couldn't agree more! Under Iwata's leadership Nintendo genuinely cared about its gamers, because Iwata was a gamer himself.
But since the ice-cold Kimishima took over, the only thing Nintendo cares about are profits. Feels really like a hostile takeover to me. That's not the Nintendo I 'fell in love with'...
@PtM Lol, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You can't post anything on the web interface of Miiverse (that never worked), it's only for reading posts!
And since they removed its functionality, you can't post anything on the Wii U either and you also can't send messages to your friends anymore.
Have you ever used Miiverse? Do you even know how it works? Because it seems like you doesn't. Please stop spreading nonsense about something you don't know anything about.
@Tsurii Oh then maybe I've missed those.
I only saw them on the Wii U eShop and wondered what good these news are to a Wii U user (especially before I got a Switch myself).
@shani what are you even talking about? Of course you can still post from the Wii U and send messages, nothing has changed
@shani @PtM Fair do. I've not used the function yet, so assumed it would be fairly comparable. Not that I used Miiverse much anyway...
@gortsi Nope. I tried it right after they shutdown Miiverse. Can't send any messages anymore.
I had someone in my friends list who I exchanged messages with regularly. She's also on my Switch friends list, but now we don't have any way to communicate or to coordinate a time to play together.
When did you try it? Did your Wii U get the update that shut down Miiverse? Maybe there's a loophole lol. ^^
A friend posted screenshots from Darksiders just yesterday, so that hasn't been removed. As for messages, it's been a while but I'll try tonight and see what happens
I haven't got time to waste on a pointless exercise such as hacking a WiiU. get a life.
@Cooligan don't mind them. They are salty Switch owners, having adopted a console they feel is being compromised by 3DS and Wii U.
@shani to me this speaks to the shortcomings of Switch more than anything. How did Nintendo honestly take a step back from Wii U? It's like all they cared about was making a Wii U that you could take out of your house for once, and forgot about every other feature it had. Bam! Switch was born.
@shani Just posted a screen shot of the updated 1.3.1 version of Zelda U to Miiverse, so that's a confirmation at least the journal is working. Just wrote a eek to a comment last night sldo, so people are still using it.
Lol at the salty Wii U fanboys complaining about an update that is indeed on the Wii U version of the game...
Nowhere near as shameless as switching off all the Wii and DS servers, including Mario Kart Wii, days before Mario Kart 8 came out. Almost as if they were shamelessly trying to force people to buy their new machine. You know, like a business. Who was in charge then, I wonder....
@shaneoh I hope Nintendo does add StreetPass support in a future firmware update. Because really that's all that's needed. The Switch has the "guts" to do StreetPass, now they just need to flip the 'switch' on.
"Nintendo said they would not be abandoning the Wii U".
Couple of points, first, what exactly did they promise and when?
Second, anyone who's been around Nintendo for a while should know what their promises are worth. The SNES, N64, GameCube and Wii all got dropped like a stone when their successor was out and they sold more than Wii U.
Nintendo supported Wii U longer than other Consoles that sold similarly badly (Saturn, Dreamcast, even the OG Xbox and Vita in terms of first-party games). Not exactly enthusiastically but they did. They've been treading water for years, putting out some really good games to a lack of response from the mass market. Now they've moved on to newer, more exciting and more powerful hardware that has a chance of doing very well. It makes sense for them to do everything they can to make that happen.
They could have supported those consoles themselves. They chose not to. It's entirely consistent with an era of ditching Consoles once their successor was out, region locking their handhelds, anti-consumer DRM, awful Console launches punctuated by promises the next one would be different and lack of forward planning.
In the midst of your ongoing temper tantrum you forgot to note that I quoted someone exactly when they talked about supporting the Wii U. Please go back and reread in that context.
Agree on the hacking scene. Turning my Wii U into a retro box was the only reason I kept it around post-Mario Maker. Well worth the hour it took to get everything up and running. Complements my Switch (and other Consoles) nicely.
@gaga64 Well with regards to MK8D there have already been a number of people that demanded they implement the new battle mode into MK8,so it goes without saying there would be the same people I'm sure that would demand the same for new DLC to make its way to MK8 also. All I'm getting at is how long is Nintendo expected to keep the WiiU dragging along,when their focus is the Switch?BOTW on WiiU is still getting the 2nd DLC and we still don't know what this new thing is with regards to specific items through the news feed. More info would be good tbh
The juxtaposition of post 80 (more bitter whining about the Switch) with post 79 (other people are "salty") is irony at its finest.
"If these new in-game items are only available in the Switch version, then Nintendo is screwing over Wii U owners YET again"
I don't think so. So far the Wii u version has everything the Switch version has, and the second part of the dlc will also be on the Wii u.
You have to stop, breathe and try to make sense. There is a reason I specifically quoted someone and actually specifically quoted what they said that I was replying to.
Here it is again for reference - ""Nintendo said they would not be abandoning the Wii U". I asked when this was said and cited examples of when Nintendo's promises were worthless.
You then started stropping about Zelda. As for Zelda itself, wait and see. I suspect the 'items' promised won't amount to much. If this is a feature specific to the Switch, unlucky. But technology moves on and Nintendo have a new, more powerful Console (as demonstrated in the two version of BOTW). If they are going to add features to any of their consoles, it will be the Switch. That's just the way it is.
@PlayedNSlayed people have demanded MK8 updates on Wii U, but it's not happened. It's a funny phenomena of the modern system of games receiving post-launch updates, that people feel owed ongoing development after the team have moved on. I don't recall anyone complaining that SNES Mario All-Stars didn't have the e-reader levels for SMB3 (yes, I know it's a ridiculous comparison, buts that's kinda the point).
I think part of the issue here is that because the rest of the paid DLC is still coming to the Wii U as well, Nintendo can't completely move on from the system, there's still active development for it of a sort. And the expectation is that anything that comes to 1 version of the game must come to the other. That, and the suggestion that someone had this fun idea for the game, realised it wouldn't work for the Wii U and just figured "oh well, they'll get over it".
1) Nintendo could have set up servers for their millions of Wii and DS owners. They didn't.
2) Yes, region locking is a problem. They didn't do it for previous handhelds. Switch doesn't have it, some games on the Japanese store play in English, some games only have a physical release in Japan. I can choose. You're really stretching trying to pretend that isn't a problem.
3) Nintendo had worse DRM than others.
4) Good console launches - PS1, N64, Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS Vita.
5) "promises the next one would be different". Is this really so difficult to follow? Calm down and read. Nintendo repeatedly promised the next one would be different. It wasn't. You've got a whole paragraph that makes no sense because you didn't understand what I was saying.
6) "Do you really want to say the Switch is just a Wii U?". Good lord no. If the Switch hadn't been so far superior I wouldn't have touched it with a bargepole. Wii U nearly put me off Nintendo for life and Switch is still hamstrung by its legacy. Hopefully it will continue to sell and break free of that.
@Cooligan I think you are being unreasonable mate. (Please don't assume I am hating here.) The Wii U gets the DLC and Amiibo support, but this news channel / notification thing is a Switch feature and will be used for other games. Ok, so we get some chests. Woop-di-doo, its just a nice bonus for using the update. But adding this update thingy to the Wii U would essentially be supporting the WiiU system not the game. So ultimately, I don't think you are missing anything game breaking.
I'm willing to bet this will turn out to be a Switch system feature and the items given out will be nothing exciting.
@Cooligan If the Switch gets actual content the Wii U misses out on, then you are well within your right to complain (heck knows I would too! lol) Edit* thinking about it. Why add a news channel to the Wii U...when there is no more news lol!
Wii U Owner Persecution Complex™ is rampant here.
Where exactly did they say it would be new items? Pretty sure this is just an alternative way to deliver the DLC equipment, bypassing the side quests to find the chests.
@jimi The Wii U is the terribly designed system.
@jimi "Because it's the same system all the time. The only difference is fricking power. And if that's what you want, then you should buy a PC and upgrade it every 6 months. Way better graphics."
Yeah because that's cost effective.
Also, "if that's all you want" also encapsulates getting all the 3rd party support one could throw a shoe at.
Now, if you enjoy playing 1-3 titles every quarter of the year then sure, buy Nintendo only.
"Wii U Owner Persecution Complex™" is the perfect name. I wish I had thought of that.
I suspect we will see even more of this "persecution complex" as the Switch continues to establish itself as a successful platform on the market, to the dismay of the "persecuted Wii U owners."
@electrolite77 As a Wii U owner, I'm glad to see Switch success, I think most Wii U owners are. I'm not entirely sure why people are so annoyed with these updates, I also agree the Wii U had an excellent run
and as a Wii U owner I'm glad to see Nintendo drop it so the hacking scene can thrive properly.
In my opinion the main bitter pill regarding Zelda really was the removal of the significant Gamepad support to give Switch an even footing.
No doubt with the ever improving Wii U hacking scene, hackers will re-enable all those exclusive gamepad features that are probably just sitting their disabled within the Wii U game code...Now that's a thought!
Well done on the overuse of 'sweetie' to try and make it look like you're not throwing a temper tantrum. It illustrates your desperation.
1) I'm 40 mate. Learn from your elders. I remember Iwata failing to see how important online gaming was back in 2004 and saw Nintendo struggle to catch up. They could have replaced the Nintendo Wifi service. They didn't. They wanted customers to move over to the new machines. Same reason they stopped making games for GameCube and Wii when their successors came out. All on Iwatas watch. You claimed Nintendo wouldn't do such things on Iwatas watch.
2) It's a problem. It was a problem created by Iwatas Nintendo. Denying it is desperate.
3) Common knowledge. Unless you got into Nintendo in 2014 you should know. Created by Iwatas Nintendo.
4) I was there for them launches.
N64 got a GOAT contender and another cutting edge game above pretty much everything else out there.
PS1 had Ridge Racer, the best looking game on any home console. By Western launch it had Wipeout, Jumping Flash plus NBA Jam, Raiden, Rayman and Toshinden (rubbish but sold the machine). It took a lead it never rescinded and changed console gaming.
PS2 had an amazing end of 2001. I've even mentioned it on here. Doesn't detract from the Xbox launching with Halo, Project Gotham, Oddworld and a lot of good ports.
5) I can't believe I've got to repeat myself again. "awful Console launches punctuated by promises the next one would be different". It's not even punctuated. I'm clearly referring to them promising the next launch would be different. Please read.
6) Switch isn't perfect, I'm lucky in how it fits into my short-range, child-eaising lifestyle. It could really do with analogue triggers. However it fixes most of the Wii U's problems. It ditches the stupid second screen stuff on a controller that had worse battery life than the Switch despite only being a controller. HD screen. Capacitive screen. No gimmicky microphone nonsense. No proprietary cables. Portable rather than losing signal in the next room. Demonstrably more powerful. Fast OS.
Then all the external stuff. It looks good, it's been launched well and marketed well and is by all accounts easier to develop for which gives it a great chance of continuing success. Wii U was an awful mismatch of a console and the nadir of a philosophy that the company had to innovate for the sake of it, even if that innovation added nothing. Now we've got the most powerful handheld ever and the most powerful Nintendo home console ever in the same box who's only gimmick is flexibility. Lovely.
That'd be interesting. I've an unopened Wii U copy, I'd have to unwrap it if that happened! (Or that would be the point to eBay it 😉 ).
Btw I don't think all Wii U owners are upset about Switch doing well. There's just a small selection of either genuine Wii U zealots who actually think it was great, or posters who didn't get what they want from Switch and will complain about everything Switch-related. As part of that they feel obligated to pretend Wii U represented some kind of Nintendo glory days. It's very odd behaviour.
@shaneoh SpotPass, not StreetPass.
So, no, it is streetpass
@shaneoh so you don't know the difference between StreetPass and SpotPass then? Or are we misunderstanding each other? I'm simply saying that the article here is about SpotPass, not Street Pass. Perhaps you knew that and were merely saying you'd prefer StreetPass?
You people are nuts
@Cooligan Nintendo has officially discontinued the WiiU; consumers should no longer have the expectation that Nintendo will continue to support that system.
Many of us here may have wished a better fate upon the WiiU, but it is what it is.
You're misunderstanding me, I said I would be tempted to take the my switch outside the house if it had streetpass
Now I'm confused about spotpass and streetpass and I never was before. 😄
Sounds like a way of rewarding players for paying attention to your news feed.
Raising some loyal minions.
@electrolite77 I think you just took one sentence of mine and focused in on it and ignored everything else, but I am happy to argue that point.
The full sentence you quoted was, "Nintendo said they would not be abandoning the Wii U and said they would support the Wii U version of Breath of the Wild."
First, "not be abandoning" is very different to "continue to support".
Second, Nintendo were the ones who released the Wii U's best game at the end of it's life and promised (yes, promised) to support it for a year with DLC. They are keeping that promise by the way.
Third, expecting them to do something they said is a reasonable request. Even if their history says otherwise or other consoles failed and died quicker, who cares? There is no steadfast rule to how quickly you kill off a console. And I'm glad Nintendo hasn't killed the Wii U too quickly.
Fourth, fighting the corner of the Wii U is not a bad thing.
Some people on here seem to want it to die quick or that is already dead, I personally don't see the logic of this. The Wii U probably doesn't cost much to run anymore and Nintendo made money out of its failure. Plus, new games are still being released for the Wii U. Nintendo authorises this, supports it and makes money out of it.
Fifth, nothing I personally have said about the Wii U is a demand on Nintendo. I'm just stating "it would be nice" if both were treated the same. The reality is that Nintendo isn't going to release this feature on the Wii U. But there is no harm asking for it. Right?
Okay, the channel is up so here's some perspective.
The gifts are related to the tips given on the channel e.g. if a recipe is discussed you may get some of the ingredients to get you started.
The first such tip gives you one apple and one piece of meat. Apologies for the major spoiler.
Unless the channel starts giving away Fierce Deity armour and Twilight bows, I really don't see what all the sulking is about.
@BustedUpBiker it says 1 apple but it actually gives you 2. also you can repeat the process and get the items multiple times
@Bustacap That's cool, if something genuinely useful shows up it'll be nice to use it in both normal and master modes.
Edit: The article on the channel has now been updated to 2 apples.
Oh, boy... free meat.
Yeah fair enough. I've seen it before with the Chinese whispers about what has actually been said so I always want clarification but no, of course here's nothing wrong with asking for it. My cynicism when it comes to Nintendo always leads to lowered expectations but that doesn't mean you have to be the same.
As for supporting Wii U, it doesn't bother me. I hope it continues to get games. I think that small colony of hardcore, endless complainers about the Switch have encouraged an us Vs then mindset by deciding that they need to praise Wii U (even when previously hey were highly critical previously) in opposition. It's a shame, but I shouldn't allow myself to get drawn in.
@Cooligan I am not giving flak. I still use my Wii U all the time for Mario Maker, however the developers don't have time to support a game that uses 2 different code bases let alone on a system they have stopped making games for. I know it might suck but it is the slap in the face Nintendo gave to us Wii U users. I was lucky and was able to get a switch for almost nothing by trading in like 3 games so it was not much to jump over.
@electrolite77 Yeah, there is definitely a two camp vibe here.
There are some people who are stuck on the Wii U and are unwilling to give Nintendo a break or the Switch a chance, to the point where they are trying to pull down Nintendo from reaching success. On the flip side there are those who love the Switch and (perhaps because of some negative people) have lost their care for the Wii U to the point they want Nintendo to kill it quick, even at the expense of Wii U players.
There needs to be a happy medium though. For good business practice Nintendo needs to look after the Wii U owners, helping them to transition to the Switch, as well looking to the future and supporting the Switch fully.
Clearly we all care about Nintendo otherwise we wouldn't be arguing.
@electrolite77 Aw man. Don't fall into the hate on the Wii U trap!! I know he's being overly critical of Switch but I LOVE my Wii U and all those things you don't like about it!! 😥
Difference is my opinion on Wii U has always been that. I knew it was going to be a flop-and why-when I bought it. I was critical of Wii U and Nintendos handling of it throughout its life, but not because I wanted them to release a PS4 competitor or because I was taking a deliberately opposing view to get attention as we're seeing on here with the Switch. It also doesn't mean I dug myself into a critical position so deeply that I have to pretend everything about it was awful (it plays host to some excellent games and I got a lot of use out of it due to the off TV mode in some games) as we're also seeing on here.
Yeah I hoped Nintendo would do something like offering discounts on ports to help Wii U owners transition (or offering a way for third-parties to do so). Realistically though, they're taking the cold business approach that says Wii U owners were hardcore Nintendo fans and eventually they'll move over as long as they keep pumping out their own games for the Switch.
The deification of Iwata is real in some posters eyes. Bizarrely.
@electrolite77 Actually ya know, I was extreme anti Wii U in the early days, I hated everything about it in concept: resistive touch screen NO!, 480P NO!, underpowered. BUT I picked one up Christmas 2013 second hand cheap...After the big updates and OS patches.
What I found was - I loved it!
The screen worked, it certainly wasn't as bad as the Internet claimed - in fact it's good and I enjoy using a stylus! The off screen play is brilliant, I love the dual screen feature in most games, solid web browser, YouTube, Netflix, streaming, Wii back compatible, GCN and all retro systems through simple hacks, also I've grown to LOVE it's OS - it's crazy, naive, process intensive, a fully 3D, playful environment that's pure Nintendo (unlike Switches corporate bland) - pretty awesome experimental system.
Sure it's not for everyone but for me it's Nintendo's best console ever. Now the hackers are making the system better than ever too.
@gatorboi352 @jimi Yeah that pretty much sums it up. Couldn't agree more!
@PtM Um, are we talking about the same Miiverse? The web Miiverse never even had a 'post' button. If you believe you can post anything on the web version, show me that button. There isn't one. AFAIK there never has been. I'm not making this up, I've been a heavy user of the web version in the past. This was always its main downside for me since the day the web version was launched. You can only view and edit/delete posts there, but not create new ones.
@rjejr Huh? Now I'm really confused. Did they revert the Wii U system update 5.5.2 that removed Miiverse's main function?
EDIT: Ah now I get it. You can still make screenshots/log entries via Miiverse, but you can't use any of the Miiverse functions implemented in all those games.
@shani "Miiverse functions implemented in all those games."
What Miiverse functions were ever in Zelda U? I know Super Mario Maker had those pop-up notes, and Spaltoon had Splatfests with artwork on the walls, but I never saw anything in Zelda, though I only started playing it mid-July. amiibo still work, and I still post screenshots with questions that people answer, so that much is working when I pause the game. They could have taken something out I missed though.
They fixed the Wii U frame rate yet? I still consider that version borderline unplayable because you just can't explore Kakariko village enjoyably.
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