Lucky Japanese Nintendo fans now have the option to pick their favourite Joy-Con colour combination when buying a Switch online from the official store. We had a play around with the online configurator and came up with the rad combo which you can see above. Hot or not?
Japanese customers can pick from any options which actually exist, so unfortunately they can only get the a Splatoon green left Joy-Con and that hot pink colour is only available for the right Joy-Con. It's also possible to select different colours for the bundled Joy-Con straps too, so you can really go to town with the customisation options here.
While the configuration options aren't anywhere near as extensive as what the Xbox Design Lab offers, it's still a nice option for those who want to have a unique look for their Switch. Let's hope this option rolls out worldwide across Nintendo's online stores soon.
[source store.nintendo.co.jp]
Comments 37
Thats cool, wish we could do the same in the UK.
Im calling pikachu colour scheme for switch pokemon release.
How about blue and pink for a nice bubblegum effect.
Those colors are all eww in that header image.
Too bad I already have four of these already !
Still annoys me that Nintendo bundled grey straps with the Neon console pack.
Already have Neon red and blue and the Splatoon watermelon. Would love the option to get a single Yellow, perhaps with a future colour!
@AcridSkull All Joy-Cons come with black straps (Either as standalone or with console). If you want colour straps, including grey, you need to spend an extra £5 for each one.
What gets me is that we never got the pink or green straps. Needed to import them from Japan or China.
I was playing around with it the other day.The green and yellow together looks very nice.I have no regrets with my red and blue combo,it looks great but if green and yellow was an option,that would've been what I went for.
Yeah, you can do this, but scroll down and it says "SOLD OUT" so even giving these options are pointless
@OorWullie I don't really care what I wear but picking the right match of case and Joy-Cons for my Switch on a daily basis is now a major under taking. Far too much choice.
I love the colours of the joy con. The yellow ones are a personal favourite of mine and the ones included with the console (blue and red) are great too.
I actually like the splatoon ones less than those, but they're far better than the grey ones.
I wonder whether or not we'll see more than uniform colours, like a monster hunter themed one for instance.
I'm boring. I like grey
I'd just like the option to buy individual joy cons in whatever colors I like. I really want a right side red Joy con and a right side green one.
I wish they'd hurry up and make a green right-sided JoyCon. I'd sell my kidney for a set with both green ones.
Exactly. Thought it was easier to buy a child than a switch in Japan?
We were discussing this in the forums last weekend. The thing is you can pre-order now but they won't be shipping anything until October. Japan always gets better stuff than us in the West and it's cheaper too.
@NickOfTime90 Wouldn't that be more like cotton candy?
why is everyone reporting this as news?! this has been possible since the launch in march!
Ha, I can mix and match, too, depending on mood... Cause I just got em all (apart from the grey ones though)! Not interested in the color straps though.
Currently going with blue on the left and pink on the right, but I switch (pun not intended) frequently.
@manu0 because people have just found it again. The Internet has a massive memory but the soft meat bags that use it have shorter memory than an dead goldfish.
I would have liked Blue for both my Joycon...
Wish the Splatoon joycons were available in the US and no, $150 on ebay doesn't count. Sigh.
@Alikan ShopTo.net will send you the Neon Pink & Green Joy-Cons for around $100 US including shipping. But there has to be stores in the US importing them.
I still find having different coloured Joy-con attached to the Switch looks hideous. Having two different coloured Joy-cons with two different coloured straps, unsurprisingly, looks even more hideous.
Colorful Joy Cons are Nice !
But, White Switch tablet + Blue Joy Cons = OMG for me !!
Why is this news now?
The option to configure the color of the joy-cons when purchasing has been there since the beginning... It's only that now there are more colors to choose from.
When I bought mine we could choose between gray, red or blue (since those were the only joy-cons available at the time)
Neat! Hopefully this becomes an option outside of Japan! Though to be honest, I would be satisfied with the blue/red neons.
Wasn't this news revealed around 2 days before your post? You're late folks... Anyway this should come to the West.
(Oh why does all the best stuff get region locked to Japan!!! This bundle, amazing Japanese-only games, Hatsune Miku concerts... What is this Japan??? Waggghhhh)
Ugh so jealous. I want a blue and yellow set! And black and hot pink for unreleased colors.
I like my gray, and would actually be happy if Nintendo released these colors:
"Joy" would be mine
Actually waiting for a nice colour option before I buy a switch. Come on Nintendo, stop dripping them out and hit us with a kaleidoscope to choose from!
I'd rather have a D-pad Joy-Con!
@Not_Soos Yeah maybe, here in the Netherlands they tend to make candy/icecream these colors when it's bubblegum flavoured.
I would love a Nintendo version of the Xbox Design Lab. I really want either pink or GC purple joy cons!
And Nintendo being so Nintendo will never ever release this on USA and beyond.
I wish the splatoon green was for both joy cons. I loathe pink.
Looks nice.
I guess I would have 2 gray joycons with colored straps.
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