The Gorges Du Verdon, in south-eastern France, is a river canyon that has scenery to rival that found in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It looks like a great place to visit for relaxation and to admire the beauty of nature.
Extreme sports athlete Mich Kemeter has other ideas, however. This pro slackliner likes nothing more than to cross the canyon in his bare feet on a high wire, suspended several hundred metres above the majestic river.
Don't worry readers, we're not turning into Red Bull here. We share the video with you because Nintendo Germany featured it on YouTube; when halfway through his crossing he casually sits down on the highwire and has a bit of a play on his Nintendo Switch... as you do!

To say that Mich has nerves of steel to attempt such a thing is a understatement. Don't try this sort of thing yourself kids!
Comments 38
Wow. Won't see me trying that.
That is one fearless hombre!
Goes to show just how much Breath of the Wild has already impacted my 40 year old self.
The moment the first 4 notes sounded, a whole rush of emotions washed over me like a wave in the same way that this happens with the original Zelda, ALTTP or Majora's Mask do.
Didn't even think this was possible anymore after the thousands of games I played over the years and how I'd gotten used to just about everything. At least I thought.
And I thought taking it into the bath was risky!
Now we need a video where another guy makes his way across and they play some 2P Mario Kart!
I was playing some BOTW 2 nights ago on a minibus on a trip to Laos PDR while the driver was going full pelt in the pitch dark and heavy rain overtaking other cars on blind corners.At least this guy had his fate in his own hands.
Brings a new meaning to "Anywhere"
Man waiting for Steep to come to Switch takes Switch to Steep?
Man, I get worried about carrying my Switch down the stairs.
Pffft. Not dangerous enough. Where's the hurricane winds? Where's the man tickling him under the arm pits?
I still think having online voice chat and texting is more risky. Thank you Nintendo for protecting us.! Actually I'm being sarcastic in case you didn't know.
I play Switch exclusively in warzones, minefields, shark infested waters, and inside erupting volcanoes.
@SegaBlueSky "....and in other news, sources in France are reporting yet another tragic 1-2-Switch related fatality..."
Crazy dude! Guess he thought he could switch the intensity up!
It'll be fine, the Switch can withstand a 1000ft drop:
gets out there
"Man, I'm tired"
That's a pretty good advertisement.
I thought he would play it while walking or even standing there, but just sitting down, meh
Amazing! 'all stunts are performered by skilled professionals' though... performered?!? Sorry to be that guy... Brilliant video though, brave man!
I was more worried for the Switch than I was him. Am I a bad person?
Never ever play Nintendo Switch :
1. On planet Pluto
2. While driving your vehicles
3. With blindfold while walking
4. During meeting
5. At mourning place
6. While taking shower
7. Near of Nuclear waste
8.When you get epilepsy
9. Inside Microwave
10. Near of hungry Lions
11. While being naked on public
12. When you can't read any language at all
13. Inside of haunted place & alone
14. While across the road
15. While playing DDR with your feet
16. While eating during Man vs. Food Challenge
The twist at the end is he was playing Shephy the whole time.
Strangely, it was some time ago I had thoughts of Daredevils playing on the Switch. Guess someone had the same thoughts.
When I first saw the thumbnail picture I thought it was Tidus from FFX.
that was one top tier commercial tho
Nintendo has always been for casual gamers.
Great video. This should be a TV ad.
This is incredible....this is the first gaming system that lets you do this....I mean other than the GB, GBC, GBA, NDS, PSP, 3DS, and PSV and WonderSwan. I'll ignore the GG since the batteries would be depleted by the time he sat on the rope.
I know, I know, the idea is to make handhelds COOL in the West where they currently aren't. Here, we'll need Shaun White playing Splatoon 2 while assenting on the half pipe or something to do the job (hey, he already has Nintendo affiliation...) But it's just funny that just showing the guy playing a game in the middle of a canyon doesn't differentiate Switch from prior handhelds. It's the TV-to-mobile aspect highlighted in the early commercials that really makes Switch a unique product.
@Timppis LOL.
Amazing marketing!
Oh man makes me wanna throw up, when the camera pans down and he's sitting there. Why no parachute?!
@NEStalgia have u played the Switch in handheld mode? I've gotten over 3 hrs of gameplay consistently for both Splatoon 2, MK8 and BotW and that's in extreme cases. Who the hell wants to play 8 hrs portable anyway, we got houses to go to lives to live and things to do. That's more then enough time to get down on gaming while your out and about. Seriously the battery complaint doesn't even make sense to me.
Games which don't require such graphical power last even longer to so that 5 or 6 hour wait at your doctors office should go well.. oh that's right no one has to wait that long unless your in the emergency room which why the hell are u playing Switch in an emergency room, but if u do a battery bank or charger will do u just fine. If you're camping then camp, don't be on electronics all day either. What's the point.
@meppi You wouldn't happen to know what music is playing would you?
It's the track "Life in Ruins"
Starts at 13 seconds in:
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I was talking about the Sega Game Gear in my battery comment. That thing infamously ate whole packs of AA batteries by the time you "Pressed Start"" It was about as "portable" as a WiiU
@meppi Thanks a lot
@SegaBlueSky With motion controls.
@NEStalgia my apologies if I sounded hostile, and yes I too owned a Game Gear (loved) it and truly know what it means to run through six AA batteries twice a week, my parents absolutely despised it LOL. I must've lost something somewhere cause I had no idea you were talking about the Game Gear.
Edit: I see where u wrote GG, so synonymous nowadays with good game it slipped my mind.
Lol, just green-screen (joking)!
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