Just a few days ago, Platinum Games posted a Tweet that got Switch fans excited for a potential Bayonetta game for the Switch. While the company was typically coy with information, it got plenty of people talking about the company supporting the Switch. Of course, along with the Bayonetta games, Platinum also brought The Wonderful 101 to the Wii U, and now it’s teasing that game for a Switch release.
Earlier today, Platinum sent out a tweet showing a few characters from the game playing their game, while holding Famicom-styled Switch controllers. While a far cry from any sort of announcement of a port or sequel, it certainly stands to reason that Platinum wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of making this image and posting it on social media just for the heck of it. And given the earlier stunt with Bayonetta, it seems that the company certainly has some plans for the Switch.
What do you think? What is Platinum up to? Wouyld you buy The Wonderful 101 on the Switch? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 108
I would love wonderful 101 on the switch, followed by a sequel.
I hope this is true, absolutely loved this game. Really hope the Bayonetta thing was more than just a tease, too, I'd love one or both of those games on the go!
I love Platinum. Thank heavens Kamiya has NEVER trolled anything to anyone ever, and everything he's ever hinted at has been true.
Please be true!
A straight port no as I still own a copy if they want me to buy it again they would have to add to the game to make it a worthwhile purchase but for those who haven't played it. It should be an essential purchase
I'm hoping for a sequel, but it's understandable why Platinum would want to release a port for the Switch.
I would buy a sequel, not so sure about a port as the new releases are coming in thick and fast.
No thanks. Didn't like it at all on Wii U.
WE need Platinum to make a shooter based just on the shooter sections of 101
Gimme 102
Such a great,quirky and underappreciated game. Its a port i would like to see given another chance,and of course Bayonetta is always welcome too Basically anything Platinum have is bound to be very appealing. Off topic but I'd really also like to see something that From Software are potentially doing (fingers crossed)
Oh please oh please
Enjoyed it on Wii U but never finished it. A bit difficult to control but once I got the hang of it t'was something else.
Would definitely rebuy for Switch however would jump at a sequel too.
Although the latter would be a surprise due to lack of a commercial success; of course what's new for a Platinum game.
They're like the person who keeps on doing they're own thing woth passion no matter how often society tries to push down.
One of the most underappreciated gems in gaming history and one of my personal top 10 games gets another shot at fame... and it's now portable as well?!
rips wallet apart
I really hope they manage to add some new stuff in it too, but considering Platinum Games dislike DLC and make it a point to cram as much into the base game as they can, it's unlikely though v.v
Edit: since the Switch doesn't have dual screens this means they'll have to re-do the few sections that made use of this and I'm happy for that as they felt forced and weren't very fun to play imo.
Also hope they kinda work on the flying/SHMUP sections where it was easy to get rammed by enemies suddenly coming in from behind or they already start shooting at you before you can see them, thus requiring level memorization instead of reaction skills to dodge some things... that was not fun on higher difficulties where you die in 2-3 hits >.<
Also hoping for some finetuning for the flying controls themselves as they were too sensitive in chapter 9-B for example.
.....okay, I'll stop ranting now before my unhealthy obsession with this game comes back in full force again xd
Game was great. I should play it once again on WiiU
I loved the game, it was such a fresh tast of gaming - I also loved the Story, or how it was presented/told.
Would instantly buy it for Switch!
Didn't particularly care for the game on WiiU. Played it a bit, never finished it. But since I'm hearing nothing but praise for this game and on Switch, things have a much better chance of actually being finished by yours truly, I'd give it another shot.
I think the character to the right is suppose to be Kamiya himself. Notice the glasses on his head and he is bald. Two things you notice about Kamiya in a lot of Pics. Something is definitely happening. Port or sequel I would take both. This series deserves another chance and Wonder Red needs to be in Smash.
I would like to see this get another chance so we might get a sequel. If they improve the controls and the learning curve, it should fare better than for the WiiU.
Now bring us Mad World HD.
Honestly I thought the Bayo tweet being Switch related was a bit of a stretch. This however is pretty blatant.
Platinum Direct
Wonderful 101 is on my list of best Wii U games, I would double dip if it's at a budget price, but I would perfer a sequel.
I would definitely prefer a sequel. I'm not buying a port.
@shaneoh I'm down for both. Sequels are fine and ports are good for the many people that never got a WiiU.
Oh my god yes! This game NEEDS to get more recognition, it was such a great game that went mostly unnoticed at its release. Wonderful 102 (?) hype!
Nope. Didn't rate it on Wii U at all.
There are a lot of good games on the Wii U. Can't port them all.
I have it on Wii U but didn't get to play as much as I would like. The genius of the Switch is it's "play anywhere" approach - I would happily re-buy so that I could revisit the game on the train/in bed/in bath.
Never finished the game on Wii U. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it though! Would have to be more than a port for me to buy it again and not just finish it on Wii U.
Saying that, if the only way to get those Joy Cons is in a bundle with a straight up port... day 1.
@shaneoh No harm in doing so though
Don't tell anyone at Nintendo (or affiliated studios) that...@shaneoh
Make something new instead please. I already own several copies of The Wonderful 101 on Wii U. The point was that it could be a valuable collectible perhaps some day. If this is true then it's yet another Wii U game devalued.
I hear that if you scratch away at the Switch logo on the back of your Nintendo Switch you'll find the Wii U logo hidden underneath.
W101 Sequel would be great.
Not gonna happen.
Neither is Bayonetta on Switch.
Stop dreaming people. There is nothing to see here. There is no sudden Platinum Direct that will give everything you hope for. There is only Kamiya and he is a massive troll even if he is magnificent game designer as well.
Switch is Doomed.
People will get tired of ports eventually
People didn't think Bayo 2 was going to happen, least of all on Wii U. The future is unclear.
Never played this on wiiu
I really think it woukd be stupid for Platinum not to release both Bayonetta 1+2 and Wonderful 101 for Switch.
The switch is already much more popular than Wii U with, I reckon, more than a few owners of Switch never owning a Wii U. The bayonetta and Wonderful 101 games did not sell massively well on Wii U and I think ports would boost sales.
Its a real no brainer and id honestly be happy with a simpke improvement to resolution and framerate.
never played it but looks intresting
Yes please! As many people never owned a WiiU this would be a perfect way to finally play those exclusives. Now bring Super Mario 3D world to the switch as well Ninty
So now it can flop on 2 consoles instead of 1?
It looks like the hint is they are going to port everything that was on the WiiU to the switch. All are great games but a bit disappointing for everyone who owned a WiiU. Hopefully this leads to sequels which would be very exciting.
Port? No.
Sequel? Be my guest...
Character/art direction put me off a little tbh. I ain't tryin to play as Power Rangers meets Kids Next Door
New games please.
The more the merrier I suppose.
I played this game so~ much on my wii u.
Almost 200 hours.
w101 or not, I'm waiting for PlatinumGames their Switch announcement(s).
I shall be happy either way
Platinum Games + Switch = Heaven
Someone had to actually actively put this together and post it - yes this basically confirms a Switch port of the game.
If you look closely they're fighting the tank enemy, so maybe a port? and those famicom controllers look SICK!
I think there are two ways of looking at this. After the Bayonetta tease and now this, one could predict Platinum are looking at ports to bring to the Switch. The alternative is that, by showing old IP with Switch branding, the company is actually just showing how it has supported Nintendo in the past, and is now bringing something to the Switch too. It could even be some new IP.
Personally, I'm happy either way.
I regret not grabbing this free when Nintendo had that promotion, played safe and got Mario and I never bothered picking it up.
I'd get it on Switch.
Obviously a port to the SNES Mini.....
This is a tease for Switch. Bayonetta? That was a conspiracy theory.
This game was underrated. It needs more love!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nintendo is right to adopt this ports policy. It was popularized by the PS4 which is the best selling system of all time. People want ports. And it doesn't involve developers of new games anyway.
@Zapazoid Super Sentai were invented 20 years before Power Rangers you know.
I hope it's coming out on Switch, I bought a copy from Game earlier in the year for my Wii U but it kept freezing on the title screen so I had to take it back. A Switch version would be great to take anywhere.
It doesn't seem all that viable to port. They would have to do some significant effort to make it work single screen without touch controls, and it wasn't very successful so they couldn't bank on it selling loads.
they can pull off a Bayonetta - 1 and 2 in the same box for those who missed out on the first one
I love Platinum Games. Yes I would buy W101 and the Bayonetta games again. To have them on a portable would be amazing. W102 and Bayonetta 3 would be the best out come but these games can't be developed over night.
Another one I missed as skipped WiiU. Would buy for sure.
Bring It! Bring it All! Oh I loved this game so much.
Please don't be messing around
I know.
Im simply doing all these pessimistic predictions because I have noticed that approximately 99% of my predictions are completely wrong.
If W101 really is coming to Switch, that's great, a Wonderful game deserves a second chance.
Don't mind the ports on the switch especially if it did'nt sell well on the wii u and in return it could be green lit for future sequels.
Fair enough then
Wonderful 101 deserves to be played by as many people as possible.
@bitleman ports were not popularized by PS4. Ports have been a thing forever.
I'm still feeling a bit guilty, that I got the game for free. I didn't like the demo but it was the only game available in that Mario Kart 8 promotion that I didn't already own so I tried it again.
After struggling through the first few missions getting used to the controls it became one of my favorite Wii U games!
@chardir I never used the touch screen. You can "draw" the formations with the right stick as well and I found it a lot better than the touch controls.
The PS2 is the best selling video game console of all time...
I always skip ports of games I already own but I would buy this to support this wonderful IP. Even more if it gets a sequel.
My Alice avatar is grinning from ear to ear wishing for this but she never shows it.
No thanks.
Erm guys...it is not the Wonderful 101. In the Wonderful 101, all the team members had "100" on the back of their jackets (with their 101st being at the end of the game). This image clearly shows "101" on their backs. Which means the image if anything is from the characters at the end of the game
It's not a port. It is more likely a sequel if true
@shaneoh Hard to get tired of something you've never had though.
If you would have asked me a couple months ago what I thought of all these Wii U games being ported to the Switch I would've told you "I hate it", but now i don't mind.
The Wii U is a special system that will always have a place in my heart. So when all these people are falling in love with "that new game for the Switch". I'll know where it really got its start and how a system that nobody but the most hardcore Nintendo fans wanted, was the home of all the best games.
@BenAV Ditto. It felt imprecise to me, and after playing and loving Bayonetta, extremely unwieldy. 101 has a ton of charm, but the gameplay always felt really imprecise to me, personally.
@sandman89 then you should! It was one of my favorite Wii U games certainly top 5 maybe even#2 or#3 behind Xenoblade X. I'd probably rebuy a port and I'd absolutely but a sequel
Maybe an amiibo tease? WONDER-RED 4 SMASH 4
I bought a wii U for w101 and bayonetta.
If they both get ported, well...
I'll buy them again to support PlatinumGames, but then there was no real reason for me to buy a wii U, in hindsight.
Heard nothing but great things about W101, but never played it myself. Consider me interested.
I bought it for Wii U but sold it after not giving it a real chance, perhaps I will this time for Switch?
That would be cool and then can I have Captain Toad and Paper Mario on Switch please Ninty?!
i hope it's wonderful 102.
@manu0 Somebody on twitter pointed out on their jackets is says 101 instead of 100 like in the first game, so I'd say its possible. Plus those famicom joycons!
@iNintendo The PS4 is selling faster than PS2 and was released in more countries and is supported by the biggest first party studios of the industry. It will reach 200 millions sales easily.
@gatorboi352 Ports on system from its previous system is a policy that has been popularized by Sony with the PS4 though
Ports I'll actually buy again, MK8, Sm4sh, Bayonetta collection, Pokken, THIS 101%!!!! SUPPORT THE GAME PEOPLE AND THAT WILL SHOW WE WANT A SEQUEL. Even better if it IS a sequel announcement, support the sequel because then we will get more Platinum games in the future.
Sequel please!
Yes please. Also look at the jackets, it says 101 instead of 100. So this is teasing Wonderful 102.
@bitleman what are you basing that claim on?
i hope they allow drawing the shapes in the air with the joycons.
I never played The Wonderful 101 on Wii U, so I'd love to play it on Switch.
So, so, so many Wii U games that people "didn't get to play"...
It's a good thing Super Mario Odyssey is a thing, because if you invested at all in Nintendo last gen, right now Nintendo Switch looks like a portable Wii U with less games.
@Jessica286 Nice catch, I forgot the original jackets were 100, it wasn't 101 till post main game
Not a fan of TW101, but cool for those who like it.
Wow it's wonderful to see some love for this game, there's actually people praising it! I thought I was the only one who cared so much for this game on the internet.
This is one of my favorite all time games .... an amazing, unique experience that used all the wiiu features in creative ways.
It's a Platinum gem, and I really hope it's a sequel .... if it's a port, ILL BUY IT AGAIN, I DONT CARE!! It's my thanks Platinum for making amazing gaming experiences
I'd get it, since I never had a Wii U.
I am the wonderful 101 commenter. 😀
@0upshroom7 yep, Im so hype!! I hope this ain't another troll attempt by Platinum games.
@bitleman okay... that may be true but it still isn't the best selling video game console right now. It's the PS2.
I liked this game and had fun with it but I see no reason to buy or play it again. Games like Mario Kart and Smash are perfect candidates for ports since they're loaded with replay value. The Wonderful 101 was definitely a one-and-done kind of game.
Won't buy it but if it is true, it better be a sequel.
Excited since I skipped the Wii U but I hope they don't price it like a new game ($60). Unless it's an all new game!
Maybe they're just reminding people of their Nintendo work before announcing something new?
I'd take a straight up port. I missed it on the Wii U. Switch is getting better and better.
I would buy a sequel, since I love the original. But buy again probably no.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE While I don't agree, if the Switch amounted to nothing more than a portable Wii U at the end of it's life, I would still be happy...
@Grandpa_Pixel That is quite an interesting theory. Good catch. Would be very interesting if that's the case. I never played the first, and I would likely give a port a shot, but I admit a sequel would be even better.
What's next? New art of Star Fox Zero? (Actually, I'd be okay with Star Fox Zero coming to Switch with improved controls because that's arguably the biggest problem with the game. Playing it on the go would be a nice bonus, too.)
I loved the daylights out of 101 but I'm not starting over. Give me 102 Platinum, I'm good for it!
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