For those of us that are gluttons for punishment, the Ubisoft E3 press conference is a vital part of the LA festivities. We can joke about Just Dance, marvel at the awkward moments, and wait for slightly worrying crossovers to be formally revealed.
This year it's happening on 12th June at 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 9pm UK / 10pm CEST, and there's a neat teaser trailer below. Ubisoft, to its credit, isn't afraid to make fun of itself.

We'll be hosting the stream and live blogging as always; this writer is already fearful of what'll happen.
Comments 42
Does Aisha Tyler still do Ubisoft's PR or whatever? I always thought she was cool, being a multifaceted celeb/gamer and all.
Nothing Switch related in that trailer.
@McGruber I'd be surprised if she wasn't hosting their conference again.
@McGruber She was there last year...pretty much the only reason I watch Ubis E3 instead of just reading an article on it later. I think she is funny even with the bad script.
Edit: looking at the little splash screen I'd say no. Dev presentations. I'll wait on the recap then.
I call it now southpark and watchdogs 2 on switch
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the quick pan to the Rabbids in the back of Yves, totally referencing Switch.
If Aisha Tyler is hosting, I won't be watching it.
Also prepare for a lot of hyperbole over games that turn out to be average-okay, like Steep, the Division and Wildlands.
And of course, prepare for games that go on to be graphically downgraded.
Whoo, can't wait for them to announce...ports...for the Switch...
Was that a 2 second glimpse of Crew 2 mixed in there?
:53 Heh, can't fault them for their self-awareness.
Ubisoft showed a Garbage from that 1 minutes trailer. None of their games impressed me, instead I felt disgusted.
Ubisoft understand Nothing about nice games like Nintendo.
Sorry guys if my comments too harsh.
Ubi trying to do the same comfy-with-the-boss thing as Nintendo has going.
I like it. The humans making the games and running the machines should be visible.
Looks they're going to officially reveal the Rabbids game as well giving info on the ports of Rayman and Steep
I remember when Ubi could be counted on for reall odd, creative games. Now it's like every game is the same overall structure with different characters thrown in. Except for South Park. And the Mario Rabbits
I'll kind of miss Aisha doing the presentation. She managed to save it from itself and keep it fun. If the "devs presenting" is anything like that horrible, horrible, For Honor presentation with the guy talking like a Hollywood Viking with an inexplicable pseudo-Scottish accent this is not going to be a pleasant last E3 for Ubisoft.
Pucker up your bumholes guys....the cringe will be strong this year.
At first glance I thought it was something Lazy town related.
Ah... the Ubisoft E3 teaser trailer...
Accompanied by that "wonderful" and "completely necessary" new logo, that "really" adds something to them as a brand.
Or is it just a reheated you-know-what, as some investigative reporting suggests?

I'm interested to see what Ubisoft has to show and what they bring to the Switch, if anything, that we don't already know. I assume very little makes it's way over so anything that looks good I'll get on another system.
I'm not sure where this idea Aisha isn't doing E3 is coming from? I'm sure they announced last year that she's returning. Not that I'm complaining if she doesn't because I don't find her funny personally.
You know what? Hats off to them for making me smile a few times in that teaser. Even though I really despise how Ubisoft handled third party support on Wii U and how they don't try to shake things up enough in sequels to their IPs, this teaser had charm and that Aisha joke made me laugh (I'll also take that as a hint she won't be hosting it this year). And that caught me off guard because of how soulless their recent games feel, so hopefully this is a sign they're actually going to innovate when it comes to making more sequels.
I can't wait to see how they will handle the reveal of the Mario x Rabbids game. I fear that it will be full of memes and the gameplay won't be interesting in the slightlest but who knows? Maybe Ubisoft have changed their ways and this trailer is the start of a clean slate.
@ThanosReXXX.....lol! Ouch!
@Joeynator3000 I'd love some ports of both of the South Park games.
@IceClimbers Even if they were watered down ports with tons of glitches/problems? Also, no DLC. (even if the game didn't have any to be-, just shush)
@NEStalgia That dev: "For Honor."
Me: "For $@&+'s sake."
Oh the Ubi haters are already strong on this thread.
Ubi makes bad, good and great games. It was one of the heavy hitters that stood with Wii U even when others bailed out at a moments notice.
I like good games no matter who they are from and if big players like Ubi do games for Ninty all the merrier.
Gonna get Steep, Mario + Rabbids and possibly Rayman as well this year. Depending if they give some other stuff too might get that as well.
@ThanosReXXX Harsh, ...but very funny.
@Sakura Thanks, but I can't take all the credit. I'm not the original artist, I just happened to stumble across it online.
@ThanosReXXX Oh boy I can't stop laughing.......at all.....
Edit: I didn't think of it as being a top-down view of a 3D object, I just thought it symbolized their corporate position circling the drain.
I just want a new PoP. Please ubisoft...not everybody loves AC (although I'm curious about the new one because Egypt). Hoping the lack of 4G/LTE in the switch made them cut the online only requirement for Steep (and if so I'll take For Honor now too thanks).
@ThanosReXXX What has been seen can not be unseen.
@Joeynator3000 I'm loving your head bouncing cat picture. Looks just like my cat Colin! 😀
Thanks for sharing. Utterly hilarious.😂
@NEStalgia Well, what's displayed in the picture also goes down the drain, so the two thoughts definitely have a connection going there. It's a whole theme of waste-related shenanigans. Goes nicely with those strange, shower-like toilets that they have in a lot of places in France...
It definitely also gives an entire new meaning to the "soft" part in their name, doesn't it?
@Ryu_Niiyama True enough. My apologies, just in case you're now too traumatized to ever talk about anything Ubisoft-related again...
@OneArmedGiant You're welcome. Glad you liked it.
@ThanosReXXX You are fine. Only Ubi themselves can traumatize me that much...(I'm very worried about the mario rabbids game but I'm trying to keep an open mind).
I will not watch unless Lana Kane tries to make rickets a meme again.
And how are ports any lesser than new games? Which are only new for a moment and then immediately considered old news a month later?
I'd rather take a port of a great game than a brand new slice of mediocre.
Look, not every game they make is a gem, but unless you've played said games I don't think you have the right to say they're garbage. Some of the best games I've played have been games that looked just like the ones in that trailer. Splinter Cell Blacklist was one of the best games on Wii U. Rayman Legends was one of the best games on Wii U. Despite it not being to my taste, The Division is an incredibly beloved game.
And just because a game isn't made by Nintendo doesn't mean it's garbage. Really hate it when people say things like "disgusted". Hundreds and thousands of men and women are working day and night to make entertainement that people can enjoy and you say "disgusted". What about video games is "disgusting"? Such an inappropriate word...
Just say you've never played the games and you haven't the slightest clue how good they are because you're not open-minded enough to play anything else besides Nintendo. Some of their games aren't that great and you might be right on that account but only by sheer luck. Those games could've been fantastic and you wouldn't know the difference
Sorry for saying garbage but last trailer from Ubisoft just only showed some of Ubisoft games that I Hate most, I can noticed quickly before 1 second. And I have No interest whatsoever with Adult games (Will Never buy any of them), Ubisoft showed them and I was quickly turned off the video before it finished. I still can accept Ubisoft games as long they localized some Japanese games into English version like Wii & NDS era or some Cute games like Imagine series, Petz series, etc.
Sorry for my last comments, I just didn't like about that video trailer.
Didn't mean to come off so harsh, I know you're not into those games. It's just... when people bash entire groups of games without playing them- particularly when using distasteful adjectives to insult them ... it's one of my pet peeve's.
I've always believed each game should be judged on its own merits. A lot of Ubisoft's modern games don't particularly interest me, and their insistence to force online connections is also one of my pet peeves, but I am always open to being convinced a game is worth my time.
@Anti-Matter @JaxonH ubi is just so stuck on ultraviolence, in their own words, the "give it the HBO treatment. " that right there directly says they're appealing to base interests. But that's not where i dislike them. That's fine. I quit like assassin's creed, and steep looks great and isn't HBO-ified. My problem is their continued insulting and outright theft from their customers via releasing half tested broken products more times than not. And tripe like the always online connections. SMR does not get a pass on that last one either.
Id actually like to play more Ubi games.... they can be inventive more than EA and Activision. But their poor quality in an absolute sense makes it hard to buy from them regularly.
Each game should be judged on its own merits. If it's a crap game, it's a crap game. If it forces online, I refuse to buy it. Period. But I still believe every game should be evaluated and judged by what it offers, as opposed to simply writing off every game from a given publisher or every game born of the modern AAA trend.
@ThanosReXXX Great share, though. I'd never have thought of that without the prompt, but now I can't unsee it.
Ubisoft is the king of fool me twice shame on me developer
And I keep going back for more
I tend to really enjoy Ubisoft games. From The division, to The Crew, to Rayman to even Just Dance they have a lot of space taken up on my hard drive. Excited to see what they have in store for this year
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