It's a bit of a shame that the Super NES Classic Edition is being bundled with fewer games than its NES counterpart, but the ones that are included with this console are absolute knockouts. From Donkey Kong Country and Super Metroid to Secret of Mana and of course Star Fox 2, they're all included in the video above for your viewing pleasure.

Which of these is your favourite? Let us know down there in the comments.
Comments 62
Good job Alex. I have yet to start my own video on this subject, but it will be done.
I to am disappointed that there aren't more games included. A few sports titles would go well with the extra controller included. Regardless, I'm excited to get a SNES mini.
- Drop both Kirby games
= Replace DKC1 with DKC2
= Replace Megaman X with X2 or X3
++ Add ChronoTrigger
++ Add Aero Fighters or R-Type III: The Third Lightning or Space Megaforce
(this is seriously lacking in Shmups!)
++ Add Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.
OR don't drop any and just add these via download in the future...
That's like 15 articles related to the SNES in one day. Admins are hyped!
@Stubi What did Nintendo mess up? Complaining about stock issues is very premature.
I can't believe we traded you. And for garbage.
It's definitely a very solid list of titles.
PS. You guys are certainly having a field day making as many articles and stuff as you can possibly imagine around this whole SNES Mini thing. lol
I'm pumped for the forthcoming "where the controllers plug into the less-attractive NA edition" article....
I eagerly anticipate the hack that lets us add nes, gba, mega drive and more.
Finally, I can play Star Fox 2 and Final Fantasy III (actually VI)!!!!!
@speedracer216 I don't get all the Kirby Superstar hate, its a good game for some people aka me. Then again my opinion is that of a heretic who needs to be burned alive because I don't enjoy Super Metroid/just awful at free roaming metroidvania and don't enjoy being lost 24/7. I understand most people love it though.
@Stubi I think he means because it's not even out yet. Not to mention his profile says he's in the US and preorders aren't even up yet here so it'd be sorta hard to start scalping them here yet.
@Alikan Super Star is the best Kirby game (except maybe Ultra, but that's the same game with more content). I've met few Kirby fans who disagree there.
The only game missing to make this perfect is Chrono Trigger.
There`s nothing like something in its original form.
So odd they say 20+1 games.... i'm like please it's 21 together and so put it that way on the box! We don't care if StarFox 2 is never released. Total is still 21 released or not released games! Thank you
@Clamango Perfect?!
sorry, but nowhere near.....
@Alikan I'm the reverse. Always found Kirby controls clunky and slow and I probably wasn't that good at it either. Beat it on Gameboy and just couldn't get into it anywhere else ever again. So glad there is a variety of games.
The surprising thing for me is that Yoshi's Island and Starwing are on there. Wasn't there some sort of legal issue that stopped them going on Virtual Console? Did it get sorted out?
Nintendo be's like "Fan of Nintendo? FU". "Scalpers and the like, enjoy".
I cant see much reason not having more games except Nintendo knowing they could get away with this amount.
I would have expected Mystical Ninja on our version. A Bomberman Game, Chrono Trigger, PilotWings. If they take the time to release StarFox2, the BS Zelda collection would had been welcome. They could had translated some Fire Emblem or Mana 2... and by some miracle, Turtles in Time.
Just a dream.
I love the sounds of these games. It's when I hear the music and sounds that I'm taken back to the good old days. I highly recommend Secret of Mana. It features 2 player co-op. Will be good to play Star Wing after it's absence from the VC service.
Arguably the best Mario, Mario RPG, Zelda, Metroid, and Final Fantasy games, (not to mentioned a never-before-released Star Fox), all bundled together on this gem. If you are a gamer that doesn't already have a SNES lying around at home, you MUST buy this!
Love most of the games on here. Hoping I get one. Honestly think it would have been nice to have a couple more games on there.
It feels just a little thin. Collections are tough because there are always going to be some that don't appeal to some people. Gotta pad it out. I have most of these games, but fortunately a couple I only rented back in the day and never bought on VC so I'll be happy about them. (Yoshi's Island, Mario RPG, Kirby)
Actraiser seems like it should be in here for sure. That game was marketed heavily at the launch of SNES in the US at least.
The NES mini CRT filters and replica controllers and system really hit the nostalgia buttons so I do hope to get this.
lol I sucked at those types of games because the map just doesn't make sense to me and I too stay lost, but I'll try them anyway. I haven't played this Kirby( and most of the games actually) but who does enjoy the mini stay puft marshmallow man eating his foes to power up?
Alex never played Final Fantasy III or Secret of Mana? I didn't think such a thing was possible. I am just shocked. Next he will say he never played Chrono Trigger.
Yea from what I have heard from those who know more than me(everyone here) this is a quality list of titles. I even have heard of several that I wanted to play. It does feel as if they could have added a few more games for the price.
I was really excited about this... then I remembered I have a working Snes average size edition and I have all but 5 of these game and the others I could buy on the wii u eshop (aside from Star Fox 2).
Plus I've got Unirally, Turtles in Time, Sim City (yup, the memory battery still works), and Batman Returns.
In reality I have all a man could ever want.
@speedracer216 Indeed.
@Stubi I know but you implied he's scalping systems when he's unable to preorder them - most U.K. sellers are canceling preorders by non-UK residents.
Can't wait to dig into these - barely played any of them
@speedracer216 My team betrayed me. I lived in Minnesota for a few years so I can justify rooting for the T-Wolves now. The Bulls are garbage to me .
@Stubi You got me dude. I'll cut you a deal. Send me $200 and I'll hook you up.
The main takeaway from this video is that Alex desperately needs one of these since he seems to suck at most of these games.
Even though I already own most of these games in some form or another I just can't wait to get my hands on this.
I probably won't even play it, I'll just sit stirring at the box chuffed to bits that I actually have one.
I know nintendo have promised a better stock situation this time but I can still see these being very desirable products and hard to come by
Missed out, have no flippen data left this month and missed the notification at work! Please let there be another chance...
Slight splitting of hairs here, but it would be nice if there were some way to play Secret of Mana the 3 player way. Yes, it's actually a 3 player game!
It's a very solid list apart from a few games, Kirby's Dream Course(definitely the weakest on the list, it is not a Classic), Star Fox and Star Fox 2. Speaking of the latter, I'll give it a fair chance and look forward to the reviews, 20 years on.
There's also a few notable absentees. Chrono Trigger being the biggest one. I own it already, finished it a couple of years ago. I own pretty much all the games on this list in one form or another be it original SNES cartridge or on VC. But others are going to miss out. Terranigma is another one. Then there's other DKC and Final Fantasy games. And what about sports games? I mentioned International Superstar Soccer Deluxe before. I don't think there would be any licensing issues at all with it.
No reason they couldn't have had 30 games this time around aswell.
Where is Chrono Trigger, Turtles in Time, Gooftroop, The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Shadowrun, Lufia 2.
Yoshi's Island is my true sweetheart. But there truly isn't a dud amongst this collection.
Grabbed the EU one. I like the colors better so
@Hikingguy Nah, they won't release another one. If anything there may be future SNES DLC packs for the system provided it's not a closed system.
I'm jealous of those who will be touching fuzzy and getting dizzy for the first time
Alex, I'm so surprised you've never played FF3! Prepare for one of the best gaming experiences of your life!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE man, ISS was the bomb! Considering it didn't have any real names, there shouldn't be any licencing issues, but I've never seen simulation sports games re-released on any platform, whether its PES, fifa, or the NBA. In fact they usually delist the older versions when new ones come out and nowadays they remove the online too
@WaveBoy WHAT!? You haven't played through LttP and Super Metroid!? Go play through them and don't come back until you do.
@Hikingguy To be fair, pretty much everything here is A grade tier, with a few B grade titles. Several of the NES choices were C or even D grade. Some would muse that having less games better than having any shallow or cruddy games, if it's in exchange for higher grade titles.
@Marios-love-child "I probably won't even play it, I'll just sit, staring at the box..."
Bit disappointed Alex hadn't played a lot of these tbh. Not the incredible Secret Of Mana? And Super Ghouls and Ghosts is amazing and I played it from start to finish many times. No mention of the music in Castlevania? Cannot wait to get my hands on this, it's a stunning collection, despite only being 21 games.
The other 9 games should be...
Mega Man's Soccer
Demon's Crest
Seiken Densetsu 3
Gradius 3
Castlevania: Dracula X
Stunt Race FX
Final Fight
That'd be MY good 30 games I suppose.
Now, if anybody gets a SNES Classic Edition, and uses the proper algorithms to hack the real StarFox 2 out of the console and onto the internet for better custom carts and stuff... well... not all heroes would wear capes then.
I'm feeling Super Star Wars/TESB/ROTJ are hidden gems cos no ones mentioning em on the comments, lol.
SNES title that I am in the mood to play:
1. Tiny Toon Wacky Sports
2. Street Fighter II Turbo
Honestly, the two games I'm disappointed weren't on this thing were Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Chrono Trigger. Otherwise I think the line-up is solid.
So any word on the N64 Mini?
All joking aside, with this "mini" kick that Nintendo is on and Atari attempting a comeback, I wonder if Sega would ever release a Genesis Mini or maybe even a Dreamcast Mini. If so, I wonder would go on them.
Anyways, for the N64 Mini they could just put Super Mario 64, GoldenEye (doubtful), Ocarina of Time, Donkey Kong 64, & Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Put those and I'd be sold on it.
wonder is I can plug my 4 player adaptor in so I can play secret of mana 3 player
30x$5=$150 worth of NES games.
21x$8=$168 worth of SNES games.
Based on VC pricing.
@Hikingguy Well, I'm used to getting digital retro games in a DRM-free fashion at this point, along with the modern concept of regular sales events. So honestly, the concept of the "Mini retro console" as presented by Nintendo, especially as some sort of "replacement" for the VC, is inherently anti-consumer. They're utilizing manufactured scarcity to drive interest in the Nintendo brand- the mini consoles are less about profit than brand awareness. (There are still people to this day who won't acknowledge Nintendo's history of intentional scarcity as a strategy.) So regardless of how many numbers they take off, it's not a product made for the common interest to begin with anyways.
Probably the best thing to happen to these things was for the NES Mini to get hacked so one could put any number of games onto them. It's inevitable that the same will happen to the SNES Mini, so whoever really wants to have more than 21 games on it will get their wish if they're patient.
@Hikingguy I saw that. I may get one, but in the meantime I'm thinking about getting one similar to this:
My local used games shop has one, but I can't remember how much it costs.
@Hikingguy thanks for the info on it. I think it's like $20 at the store.
@WaveBoy Final Fight, Streets of Rage, or Battle Toads!
@WaveBoy lol a guy can dream.
Anyways, Microsoft does seem to be pretty lenient when it comes to Minecraft on other platforms, so who's to say that them and Rare wouldn't let us have Battle Toads on SNES Mini?
Here's the games I listed previously that would like personally on a SNES Mini (most of them are actually on the official list, thankfully, but I really would have loved 30 games at least, just like on the NES Mini);
And, since it's just a cool addition, i would add Star Fox 2 as the +1.
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