To celebrate the release of Ever Oasis on 23rd June for the 3DS, Nintendo has put together a charming overview trailer to get you excited. This new game from Koichi Ishii, the renowned creator of the acclaimed Mana series of RPGs, will bring its own twist to the genre.
Below is part of the press release.
Ever Oasis is a brand new take on the action adventure RPG genre, developed by Grezzo. Taking the role of a plant-like Seedling, the player must team up with the Water Spirit Esna in order to build a new oasis in the desert – a place of safety and respite in a world threatened by the spread of the life-stealing Chaos. By helping visitors who arrive at the oasis, the player can encourage them to take up residence and set up their own shops known as Bloom Booths. These will generate income and, over time, transform the oasis into a thriving hub of activity. Heroes must also venture out into the desert, to gather valuable resources and uncover the secrets that lie in the many puzzle-filled dungeons throughout the world. New allies may join the adventuring party too, and they’ll be needed, as the taint of Chaos is everywhere, and a host of enemies stand ready to attack our hero in exciting real-time combat.
There'll also be a pre-launch reward on My Nintendo in Europe, offering a 10% eShop discount in exchange for 30 Gold Points between 15th June and 30th June. The discount will be applied for purchases between 23rd June and 7th July.
You can read our first impressions of Ever Oasis here; be sure to let us know if you'll be picking this up later in the month with a comment below.
Comments 29
10% preorder discount from my nintendo? Does EU usually get these kind of specials on there? Cause I wish us in the US did. It would actually tempt me to get more digital games.
Cant wait
Oh, Gosh !!
Who's that bad guy that appear on last minutes ??
Anyway, looking good. I will buy on early July 2017.
Very pretty, this game. And I can't help but be a little in love with the lizard woman.
Feels like a wasted opportunity that this is not coming to the Switch, but I will still buy it on 3ds.
I'm waiting to try out the demo, which I imagine will arrive either a week before, or on release.
@Joker13z I believe it has happened before (there's actually one right now for 10% off Harvest Moon Skytree Village)
But it's not that great, as in some countries, retail price usually is 15% or more cheaper than eshop.
It's cool if you want eshop games. But it's not really an "incentive".
@neufel Ah mmk. Well there are just some certain retail games I like to have the convenience of digital and an abundance of gold coins. I can normally get 20% off retail copies. But only a $4 difference here in the states would sway me more to a few more digital purchases
Not an abundance of them mine you. But I think it would be cool if they provided that option for me and others as a my nintendo reward for preorders. Since I have waaaay too many coins that are just going to expire anyways.
@Joker13z Yeah I totally understand you for the coins. I feel like we're all struggling to find something to buy with those.
@neufel No doubt haha. Here's to hoping better things get added or the "coming soon" switch section of my nintendo has a few decent things.
This game gives me Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles vibes, and that's definitely a good thing. I can't help but wonder how much more amazing this game would look on Switch. What a sad missed opportunity...
I will probably be getting this instead of Arms this month.
Just another game to add to my never-ending backlog. I'll eventually get to play this.
This looks great, super cute, and with fun gameplay. Like a lot of people, I have no interest at all in checking it out on a 3DS with blurry tiny visuals though :/ Seems on track to do.... well nothing sales-wise. Just like Hey! Pikmin, or countless Yoshi titles, or that Codename STEAM, or any number of non-Pokemon/Mario/Zelda 3DS titles
Hopefully Nintendo wises up to HD ports, and Grezzo does a nice Switch version of this before too long. In the meantime, I will just continue to be sad that Nintendo does this, and support fantastic looking alternatives from non-Nintendo entities on platforms people care about (much like Stardew Valley compared to Harvest Moon or Story of Seasons). Luckily Re: Legend is on the way from Square Enix's Collective Indie Publishing Label:
This game has been on my must-buy list for a while now, so hope it delivers like it looks. Can't wait to try out the demo!
I'm still on the fence about this one. Hopefully the demo provides some insight.
Looks good but I'll wait for reviews. Weird Nintendo didn't promote the New 2DS at the end of the trailer.
If Nintendo in Canada and the U.S. actually did that eShop discount thing, I'd be tempted to get it digitally here. As such I doubt we'll get the same kind of treatment. Our My Nintendo here is absolute crap. I do want this game but it looks like I'll be pre-ordering it physically with the help of some E3 pre-order discounts.
It's a shame this new IP is stuck on the 3DS. I would have bought it on the Switch, but I'm not going back to my 3DS.
It'll be interesting to see how well this game sells. I'm guessing Nintendo is using the sales of this game to guage how actively engaged the current 3DS consumer base is.
I'm getting more and more hyped for this. I've been a bit reluctant to want to get this since there's lots of other games that I want to play, but I'll probably grab this.
I'm hopeful because of the calibre of talent making this game, but something just seems missing... Like it's a calculated, pretty game, but all polish and not much underneath. Bah, I hope I'm wrong on that.
If I had more time and freedom to play video games, I would actually consider getting this. But there's just not enough there that makes me want to take the plunge... Maybe if there's ever a gap in my backlog of games into the future, I'll keep this in the back of my mind.
It just looks so pretty! sigh
I will eventually get this, when my budget allows (or for Birthday/Christmas, whichever comes first).
I'm so glad that this is for the 3DS!
I need it! Preordered it last Tuesday and now I'm just waiting for it to release
So Zelda, Animal Crossing and fantasy life had a baby? Cool!
Unkike a lot of people here, who only seem to care about graphics, I'm glad Nintendo is still supporting the 3DS. Day one buy for me!
@RainbowGazelle I, too, am glad Nintendo continues to support the 3DS. As if the Switch launch meant no more games for 3DS. Hah!
Looks superb. Shame there's no collectors edition.
Day 1 for me.
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