The new neon yellow Joy-Con controller from Nintendo are certainly nothing new on a practical level, but who honestly cares when they're this bright and colourful? Nintendo released these as a tie-in with ARMS, their new fighting franchise, which, by the way, we loved.
It should be noted that although we did our absolute best these things are so bright they're very tricky to photograph, so please excuse the slightly more lemon appearance. We did our best, honest. In person they seem to be more of a highlighter yellow colour. They pop and are almost impossibly colourful similar to the existing red and blue Joy-Con we all know and love.
And in case you were wondering what kind of combinations you can achieve with a pair of these and the other Joy-Con controllers in the neon variety we've thrown together a short little gif for you to see just that, and believe us, all of these combinations are quite fetching. Personally, we're quite taken with the yellow and blue combination.
If, however, you want to see what these things look like in the dark under UV light, make sure you check out the video above where we show that very situation. Stills just don't seem to do them justice for this kind of thing. You've really got to see them in person to believe how wonderful these things truly are.

Have you been enamoured by this feisty new variant? Are you keen to pick these up when they release alongside ARMS next week? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 54
I preordered these. Not to sound like certain people, but why is it that when u buy joycons they come with black straps, but colored straps are sold separately?
That's green. #colourblind
Can't say I like them as much as the others.
...So they don't glow in the dark? Bleh...they really should do this. TwT
That yellow reminds me of something else. Doubt I'll get them next week but might be a spontaneous purchase nonetheless.
@Fbigabig Thats how they get ya! Had these on preorder then canceled since i am going to paint my own.
@BLP_Software They're "lime green" to me, faded in the sun perhaps, I'd never call them yellow. It's seriously ugly whatever it is. Though who knows what they look like in real life, my 1440x900 monitor is kept really dark b/c I don't like any screen bright.
How soon until the sunglasses accessory is released for these? First time you take these out in the sun, you'll either burn your retinas out, or cause a plane crash.
I pre-ordered for ARMS. Was hoping my second set of joy-cons would be an alternate design (b/c I believe they are coming), but so be it. Would have preferred red pair, but too late for those.
So far have neon red and blue and have ordered a set of yellow and a friend has ordered a set of black, gonna half and half them!
When will you have those elusive Spice orange Joy-Cons that I was reading about in the forums?
The neon yellow does look nice.
Love 'em.
I have an unsettling feeling that I'll have enough Joy-Con to fill a ball pool at a recreational centre by the end of the Switch's lifespan.
When will we get non-neon colors?
The neon ones are meh
Got mine preordered and will be picking them up next week , I'm not a big fan of the red or blue but I love the grey and yellow . It would be awesome if you could show the grey Joy Cons with the other colors as well .
i would much rather have joy-cons that are the color of the arms logo.
hello there lovel...oh
Gotta be your monitor. If you saw the red in real life, you'd see it's more a neon strawberry than pictures seem to convey. Really gorgeous, pleasant color to look at. I can only imagine these are the same... there's that neon yellow that just can't seem to be captured with the range of cameras.
Got these preordered and the pink and green Splatcons from Japan. Add those to my blue set, red set, grey set, spare grey set and red/blue set for my 2nd Switch.
@BLP_Software That's not colour blindness, it's a weird green-yellow.
I'd have to see them in person before deciding. I bought the Neon Joy-Con Switch which I hesitated on do to the pictures that I'd seen. No picture does them justice including the picture on the system box. Pictures just can't seem to capture the pop, especial on the Red one.
'Glow in the Dark' Joycons? Yay or Nay? lol
Wow! Are they ever bright! I'm glad I got them on preorder!
@Octane I can never be sure. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. They look pure green to me though.
I'm a Celtic supporter so I'd love a non-neon green and white pair.
Way more excited for the Pink + Green joy-cons. Not interested in Splatoon but I like those colors. The neon yellow isn't appealing to me
Images look perfectly fine on a calibrated display Alex
@Gridatttack I agree.
I LOVE the neon yellow so I will be buying them but I will not buy ARMS.
Still waiting for purple joy cons...
Sentai Ranger Joy Cons confirmed !
Default : Grey, Neon Blue, Neon Red
ARMS : Neon Yellow
Splatoon 2 : Neon Green, Neon Pink
Next, should be Pearl White, Neon Purple, Gold, Silver, Neon Indigo, Neon Orange, Chameleon Rainbow, etc.
Oh, btw...
Neon Blue + Neon Pink = Springman
Neon Yellow + Neon Pink = Ribbon Girl
Neon Purple + Pearl White = Master Mummy
Double Neon Yellow = Mechanica
Neon Green + Grey = Ninjara
Neon Green + Neon Purple = Kid Kobra
Neon Green + Neon Indigo = Helix
Neon Indigo + Neon Yellow = Byte & Barq
Neon Green + Neon Red = Min Min
Neon Pink + Grey = Twintelle
Pearl White + Neon Orange = Max Brass
I was going to pre-order last week with Arms but the new joy-cons were sold out. I did not know that would happen with just a couple of joy-cons.
I wanted the Splatoon colored ones, but waiting until mid August is too much (I won't be in Japan when they go on sale) and I wanted a new pair to use with ARMS, so I preordered the yellow ones. The red/blue are nowhere to be found around here (unless you buy them separately which cost more) and my daughter really seem to like the yellow, so that settled it.
Different colored Joy-Cons are awesome... but I'm still waiting for Nintendo to release a left Joy-Con with a D-pad... Although it would be useful only for single player so I don't see it happening. I want to be proven wrong though...
Joy con with a D-pad plz Nintendo. EYES!...
@JaxonH " Add those to my blue set, red set, grey set, spare grey set and red/blue set for my 2nd Switch."
Well then you're all ready for "Switch Music: HD Joy-Con Air Guitar Party!". That's a joke I made earlier in the day. Don't worry, it wasn't funny then either.
I'll stick with plain, old, boring grey, thanks.
I preordered these as I still only have my black pair that came with the system and I couldn't find any colored pairs elsewhere. I wasn't sure if I wanted blue or yellow but I went with the yellow because I'm pretty sure they're guaranteed to not have the left joycon desync issue and I was actually able to purchase them! I'm glad I did too because these snapshots look nice!
By the way, I love the Tropical Freeze background music!
I already have console neon red/blue and another red/blue reverse pair. They yellow joy cons look nice but I don't want too many. I would rather hold out for a special edition set that hopefully will be done with certain big releases like Mario Odyssey.
@OorWullie yessssssss! Go Celtics!
I love the neon yellow but i want 4 individual colours 😔 So hoping Nintendo will sell single joycons or I'll have to hang on for the Splatoon pink/green even though I'm not really fond of the pink.
@LetsGoRetro Sorry to disappoint but I'm meaning the football team Glasgow Celtic.I don't follow Basketball at all but I do know Boston Celtic play in the same colours as my team and you used to have a player called Larry Bird.I learned that from NBA Jam
I really love this colour, wish they would sell them with the Switch instead of selling them as a separate accessory.
I'm old and like to remain inconspicuous - so I'm happy with my black/grey ones!
They just look terrible to me. Shrug I'll just stick to grey until/unless they come out with something better.
Green and yellow joy cons would be a nice match. I can see people buying these and the splatoon ones for that reason!
For once I'm glad to having no friends, all these extra controllers aren't cheap.
This ... coupled with the fact that the only Switch I was lucky enough to get my hands on was the regular gray/ black . Looks real good though in my opinion
@LinksMightySword it's great that there is going to be so much variety & choice for everyone already.
I'd buy yellow ones ... if they had a d pad and an analogue stick 😉
Can't say I'm a fan of them...i'll stick with my 'boring' grey ones
I want Gamecube Purple.
I preordered a pair of these when they were first announced. My son and I both have the Switch, haven't decided if I want to use both or split them up and give him one. Have to see how they look on my console and what combination of colors I like the best.
@Aurumonado I would love to have purple and yellow joy cons.
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