E3 is upon us, in fact the EA Play event is kicking off the festivities shortly after this article is published. Ahead is a week of madness - reveals, excitement, hype, and potentially confusing and disillusionment. If it's a typical E3 all of those emotions will feature.
Ahead of the event some of our news writers and reviewers have sketched out their wishlists for Nintendo at E3. Perhaps some of these announcements are longshots, others aren't, and in some cases we just want Nintendo to be on good form.
So, without further ado, a few of our writers share their hopes for E3.

Ron DelVillano
As I grow older, I find more and more that I am a simple man with simple desires. Long gone are my days of dreaming up wild crossover titles and surprise console announcements. I've learned from my past foolishness and disappointments, but I've also learned never to underestimate Nintendo and its ability to sneak massive announcements into the most unlikely of places.
Moving into E3 this year, my biggest hope is simply to see something new. Of course I'm excited to learn more about Super Mario Odyssey, new mobile outings, and those 27 Fire Emblem games that Nintendo has planned, but I mostly just want to see anything that hasn't been announced yet. My boring list is an EarthBound collection, a new mainline Animal Crossing game for Switch and details on Mario Odyssey, but it's the potential of the console that I really want to dig into. The Switch is still such a fresh concept and there are unlimited possibilities for it.
I'd love some information on the Switch's Virtual Console and which past generations we can expect to make an appearance. I'd also love more details on the upcoming online features that were outlined earlier this month. Most of all though, I just want reassurance that we're going to see more games coming in at a steady pace. To me, E3 should be a time of announcements and celebration, not a time to remind us that ARMS and a new Splatoon game are just around the corner.
If I had to dream big though, the best announcement in my opinion would be for all third party developers to unanimously decide that allowing video games to be played both on a home console and portable is the greatest thing to ever happen to the medium. Moving forward, all games are Switch games!

Liam Doolan
Since we’ve already been overloaded with game announcements in the first half of the year, I’m instead hoping to hear more news from Nintendo about its new online service for the Switch. If the company remains tight-lipped about this and the Virtual Console, I’m happy to settle with new footage of Super Mario Odyssey. After last week’s Pokémon Direct, I’m now also eager to find out more information about Ultra Sun & Moon, and see more gameplay of the newly enhanced iteration of Pokkén Tournament.
At the same time, I’m struggling to work out where Nintendo will fit in the inevitable Super Smash Bros. announcement. With ARMS out next week and Pokkén Tournament DX slated for a September release, I feel our fighting schedules will be busy enough for the remainder of 2017. Will Smash Bros. actually be mentioned? That’s probably the biggest question playing on my mind prior to E3 2017. With Nintendo managing to speedily release a bunch of first-party titles for the Switch, I expect to see a slightly enhanced version of Smash sooner rather than later.
In regards to third-party announcements - more information about Yooka-Laylee on the Switch would be appreciated (beyond the recent update). The new Monster Hunter coming to the 3DS and Switch is something I can’t ignore, so if Capcom would like to show more footage of that, I’ll gladly watch. Lastly, I’m mildly curious to learn more about the Mario and Rabbids crossover by Ubisoft.
Overall, I’m going to refrain from any unreal expectations this year. I think if I can at the very least see some new footage of Super Mario Odyssey, I’ll be a happy fan.

Matthew Forde
Hoping to build on the Switch’s solid start, Tuesday will see Nintendo’s Spotlight Event take centre stage. With 30 minutes on the clock it’s unlikely anything past Q2 2018 will appear (this isn’t Sony after all), but I think it’s time for Retro Studios to finally return. Not since 2013 have we seen a release from the American developers with the delightful Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze dropping on the Wii U. The timing feels perfect for Retro to announce their latest project, and sadly I don’t think it will be Metroid. Whilst popular with critics and fans, the sales never quite match and I think the series will be farmed out to another studio for a 2D iteration sometime in the future. Retro on the other hand, I expect to tease a brand new IP.
The crux of the Spotlight will no doubt be Super Mario Odyssey, giving a more in depth look at the intriguing, colourful new worlds Mario will be exploring; if anything can top New Donk City we're onto a winner. A release date will no doubt be issued with history pointing to a November launch. Like many this is one of my most anticipated games and could effortlessly steal the show.
On the topic of Smash, I’m torn. Yes I can see them announcing a deluxe version with all the 3DS stages and a few more characters (Inkling, Spring Man, Ice Climbers), yet I think I’m going to go with my head and say no Smash. ARMS and now Pokkén fill the fighting space for this year so why diminish their audiences? Also missing in action I expect Virtual Console to be absent, with this reserved for a Direct further down the line, and a mainline Pokémon for Switch seems unlikely (at the moment) now we have Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will get a nod for December launch before inevitably being delayed. Gentle reminders for ARMS and Splatoon 2 will feature just to keep them fresh in people’s minds.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle has been everything but announced at this point so we’ll be seeing that; other third party games will be interesting. Has the Switch done enough to convince publishers? I’d much prefer concentration on indie titles with Rocket League being a huge gain if pulled off.
Animal Crossing Switch. There I said it and I firmly believe it's happening. Coinciding with a mobile app, could we even see the game snuck in before the end of the year? My bet would be early 2018. I say all this with an air of some confidence, nevertheless this is Nintendo and you never quite know what you’re going to get. Hype!

Arjun Joshi
First of all, Smash Bros. You may have gathered by now from this writer’s previous articles that this writer is a huge Smash Bros. enthusiast, and so an enhanced port (much like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe) for Nintendo’s latest console is an immediate want. We've already discussed what we’d like to see in a Switch port of Smash 4, as well as even set up our own fighter ballot (you still have time to vote by the way) discussing who you’d like to see join the fray in the series’ inevitable iteration, so that’s that. If we’re being real though, this writer won’t hold his breath for such an announcement to happen. With the recent launch of Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers, ARMS on its way, and Pokkén Tournament DX just being announced in this week’s Pokémon Direct, this writer feels the chance of yet another fighting/brawling experience to join the Switch’s 2017 library is unlikely, with an announcement closer to 2018 being more probable.
Onto other unrealistic Switch wants - Pokémon Stadium 3, Pokémon Snap 2, a 3D Pokémon adventure and a new F-Zero are to name a few (the former three being even more improbable due to the aforementioned Pokémon Direct). One desire that is realistic, though, is a new 3D Metroid. Retro Studios have had something in the works for quite some time now, and this could be it!
And finally, can we get a good Mario Party already? With all that the Switch’s got going for it, Nintendo could really reinvigorate the dying franchise. This writer’s already expressed his thoughts on the series, and as a lifelong fan of the games, would LOVE an amazing 11th console instalment. Pretty please, Nintendo?

James Churchill
E3 is a time of dreams, with some already on the way. I’m super excited about Super Mario Odyssey, especially with a return to a more open level design. I hope we get the full shebang on it, as well as a specific release date (hopefully for 2017 as previously announced). It’ll also be interesting to see what Retro Studios have been working on for the last couple of years.
But as for lofty personal dreams, I would most certainly lose my colloquial excrement at the announcement of a new Advance Wars. Intelligent Systems have done brilliantly with Fire Emblem in recent years, but it’d be great to see them bring this strategy classic to Switch with the original anime aesthetic, with included local, wireless and online multiplayer. I would be similarly excited for a new Golden Sun on Switch. And on the retro side, I hope we see GameCube games for download, and consequently the return of wireless GameCube controllers. That thought also has me salivating about the idea of a new Smash Bros. on Switch. But of course any new IPs are always exciting to see.
Regardless of what Nintendo bring to the table, I’m confident that at the very least Super Mario Odyssey will fill our hearts, and caps, with joy. Happy E3 everyone!
Comments 90
Metroid or fail. It's that simple.
I'm fine with just Super Mario Odyssey. It just looks so good!
Doom. I need more FPS.
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease understand something like metroid or metroid !
some of us or even more need realistic sci-fi game ! isn't it ?
Yes, Metroid has been absent for way too long. Completely skipped Wii U and MP3 was released early on Wii. It's already been a decade since that game released. We all know the vast bulk of what will be shown, it's just the surprises we have to guess.
~ The Mario/Rabbids game isn't a surprise anymore.
~ We know Pikmin 4 has been ready for some time.
~ Mother 3 shouldn't be a surprise should it show up either. Another game that was ready for Wii U but pulled in favour of Switch.
So what then?
~ Animal Crossing(a real one)
~ Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush Wii U to Switch port
~ A game from Platinum Games
~ A game from Retro Studios
~ Next Level Games perhaps making a new Luigi's Mansion game or a new Mario Strikers
~ Camelot maybe making a new Mario Golf game
Nintendo Switch is severely lacking in the sports genre, so maybe they'll fill to plug that hole themselves. Another massive genre gap is FPS. Activision have been rumoured to be porting COD. Sure why not? They made 2 for Wii U and at least 3 for Wii. And there will be some obligatory piece of crap that nobody wants or asked for like 3,4 Twitch.
i really like to understand what retro studios is developing , i like that be metroid but if that isn't metroid please something sci-fi and shooter ! pleeeeeeease
I'm not expecting Nintendo to reveal too much given the fact it's a 30 minute presentation and they have plenty of Directs throughout the year; however, I do expect to hear about virtual console and a Smash Bros. port to the Switch. Some quick news on third-party support would be great, and perhaps there will be a big game reveal nobody saw coming. Maybe Metroid? Guess we'll find out. Still hyped nevertheless!
Anyone here pleading for Metroid are just setting themselves up for disappointment.
i just want smash bros switch and maby metroid
Proper Animal Crossing for Switch !
My heartbeat can be Stopped right after I heard the announcement. XD
Am I right in saying the aim of these articles is to leave as disappointed as possible? Metroid Prime Trilogy HD, Metroid Redux by Lizardcube and a sneak peak at Prime 4. Animal Crossing and Eternal Darkness. Oh and Mother 3 and Seiken Densetsu Collection localised. There...I think I have guaranteed my disappointment...
(In all seriousness, Mario Odyssey is made of win!)
Bayonetta 1+2 for Switch is THE WiiU port I would love to see hit Switch someday, not necessarily at this E3 but eventually.
Xenoblade 2 released this year would be amazing as well. I'd settle for the japanese release too and just import it or download it if the data size isn't too big
We're getting a new Mario - I think too many people are forgetting that. Sure, we've known about it for ages, but I don't think Nintendo want to undersell the forthcoming launch of Super Mario Odyssey by focusing on too many other ports. Imagine if we already knew a Smash reboot was coming, then Nintendo teased Odyssey instead - we'd all lose our colloquial excrement. Odyssey is a big deal, a potential system seller. Don't think we'll see much else new, bar Xenoblade, Splatoon and a shipload of indies. And Monster Hunter!
Metroid and F-Zero cross-over. Killing two birds with one stone.
I'd prefer a new, exclusive IP from Retro. From anyone really.
I'm already dreading Nintendo Treehouse, I might stand alone, but for some reason I hate it. I do look forward to Metroid but have not doubts on an announcement.
Metroid would be great but doesn't seem to be a system seller despite almost always being amazing. I would buy a switch for something as good as Metroid Prime or Super Metroid.
Also, I would buy a switch for BEYOND GOOD & EVIL 2.
Here's my rundown:
I don't think we're going to see too many new game announcements. They'll show off Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (50/50 on 2017 and 2018 release), and a few third party games such as Skyrim. They'll announce Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and maybe another game or two, but nothing earth shattering. They will probably talk about the virtual console and have an indie game sizzle. They might mention Monster Hunter XX being loacalized... at least I hope... and that will probably be it.
Oh, and even though I don't think it's too likely anymore, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for GameCube virtual console and new Animal Crossing and Metroid titles!
Everybody wants metroid, yet most fail to realize the team that made the Prime trilogy has moved on to other companies for the most part. The closest thing you'll have to an original "Retro" studio is Armature, which only has a few designers. We've all seen Recore, it's pretty universally mediocre, and they had a hand in it's creation, and cited Metroid as an influence.
I'd rather not have another Metroid if there's even a possibility it'll end up like ME Andromeda or Recore.
More info on ultra sun and moon
I'm not expecting Smash, Pikmin, or Metroid. Smash probably wouldn't be revealed now, since we have two fighters coming to the system in the form of ARMS and Pokken. I doubt they'll announce Pikmin 4, because Hey! Pikmin comes to the 3DS the month after E3, and I don't think they'd want to completely overshadow it that way, especially if they're serious about keeping the 3DS alive. Metroid just doesn't seem all that likely for a multitude of reasons to me, but we'll see.
I'll just be happy if they announce a new Animal Crossing and a North American release for Monster Hunter XX, but I can live without MH if it means we get an announcement for Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing
Metroid 2D
An FPS (someone said Doom, that would do)
An announcement that they are buying Rare back
@Churchy I'm definitely with you on Advance Wars! That's a game that would make me go out and buy a Switch ASAP.
If I could have any 3 new announcements it would be Advance Wars, Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion. I suppose I might get one of them.
Metroid or NO Switch.
A new Advance Wars would be great, but what I'll always want is a new Golden Sun, to be able to close the story. I don't even care if it isn't really good, I just want an ending to that cliffhanger!
I've not read the article yet, but prepare to have many of those hopes and dreams dashed: Nintendo.
Rhythm Heaven DIY dangit!!! >.<
I would love to see a new Luigi's Mansion game on the Switch, but that probably won't happen.
I think an Animal Crossing game has a good chance of making it to the Switch, though. It's been quite a while since the last one, making it the perfect time for one on the Switch!
Overall, though, I'm already getting Splatoon 2 and two new Sonic games this year, so I'm satisfied! XD
Retro is not the same company that made Metroid. Why can't people grasp that by now? Many of the key people who made Metroid don't work there anymore. Why can't people move on already? The old Retro is never coming back. Just move on.
@LeRaposa Doesn't change the fact that people want Metroid. Retro just seems like their only hope right now, and so they cling to it.
I think Matthew Forde is spot on in this feature. His section was like a point by point break down of exactly what I was thinking. I also share Ron DelVillano's hope to see something new. My hype is low, surprise me Nintendo.
What I'm interested in (some of these are pretty much confirmed for info dumps):
The only two things I really have left on my Switch wishlist at this point are Metroid Prime 4 and an exploration heavy 8th gen Pokemon. Since the latter is not happening until 2018/2019, we're definitely not going to see that yet, so Metroid is my only real want. Other than that, I'm already on board, surprise me. Amazing how they've checked almost all of the major boxes on my wishlist in just one year (big 3D Zelda game, big 3D Mario game, modern Sonic game, Splatoon, I can't believe we have all of that on the same console let alone in the first year), the Switch's lineup is going to be legendary, I can feel it.
Besides the two obvious IPs that are overdue for new main series entries, I'd really like to see a new Wario Land game and I guess a new Chibi Robo that's actually like the first game and the Japan only DS game (yes I know there's a fan translation for it). Also Gamecube Virtual Console on the Switch would be nice.
Metroid and F Zero and I will buy a switch right now.
@Octane blasphemy!
If they just show Mario, Xenoblade and a new Metroid, I'd be satisfied.
It'd be cool to see the Switch Fire Emblem too.
I just want to see some new games. More info on the likes of Super Mario Odyssey would be sweet, but it's the surprises that'll get me excited.
Also, I'm hoping that'll Nintendo will be able to convince me to grab a Switch, but realistically I'm not expecting to get one until a year or two down the road once the game library is much bigger.
I hope VC goes online just after the Spotlight.
A joy con with a d-pad is announced.
Wishful thinking - Animal Crossing Switch.
And Yo-kai Sangokushi for 3DS.
i just really want know more on Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2 and Mario. if you show Animal Crossing or something that can hold my interested Nintendo. i'll give you loads of money!
(even if i have to keep my expectations low...)
I'm hopeful for at least a couple of 3DS surprises. I'm already sold on Ever Oasis, so I don't NEED to see more (although it's always nice to watch). Would like some more details on Hey! Pikmin and Fire Emblem Warriors.
I doubt we'll hear stuff about EO V and the Radiant Historia remake, and those are the only other games, that have been announced, that I'm interested in.
Nobody thinks Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will get DLC?
In other news, how many times can Arjun Joshi say 'this writer'?
I remember a fake leak I saw that listed "Luigi's Mansion: Sarasaland Spirits" as an announcement. That would be an instant buy for me.
Realistically, I'm hoping to see plenty of Fire Emblem Warriors. Like maybe a good 60 of them. Mario + Rabbids and Odyssey will be competing for my Mario dollar, but only because Rabbids don't throw me off as much as Mario's eyeball hat.
You know, Metroid shares a few things with the Alien movie series, and we have another Alien movie recently....
@Octane There's an idea. Captain Falcon can finally draw his gun and Samus can join in the race scene.
If they announce a Smash Bros 4 Enhanced Port, then I'll be happy.
I just want to feel excited or have a desire to buy a Switch after E3. I don't think that's asking for too much.
3DS still has plenty of great looking games coming down the pipeline, so I can wait for Switch to find itself... but man it needs to find itself and stop repackaging WiiU games I already own.
A new Metroid or HD Trilogy collection and Bayonetta 3 or Bayonetta 1 & 2 package. Please and Thank You Nintendo.
I'd like to see more info on Xenoblade 2, the Shin Megami Tensei that's supposed to be coming to Switch, the Tales game that's supposed to be coming to Switch, and Skyrim. Other than that, I'm looking forward to more Mario Odyssey and more Mario + Rabbids, and surprises of stuff I never knew I wanted but must have. Oh, and expand on the BotW DLC info.
"Whilst popular with critics and fans, the sales never quite match and I think the series will be farmed out to another studio for a 2D iteration sometime in the future. Retro on the other hand, I expect to tease a brand new IP."
True enough, but to me, these kind of vanity projects matter a great deal. Bloodborne is a game that did more for the reputation of the system among "core gamers" than the gazillion copies of Fifa or Destiny sold on the platform. Frankly, I think it did for it than even Uncharted 4 and others.
I believe this is what currently sets Sony apart from Microsoft: Sony is willing to follow through with projects like Bloodborne. They're willing to pump signifcant amounts of cash into these games, knowing that there is a decent chance, they might not be anything but fan favourites and darlings.
This by itself by no means explains why Sony is doing so well right now, but it is an important part of why they managed to sustain their momentum even once Microsoft reset, by dropping Kinect, dropping the price and focusing (more or less) on gaming instead of "entertainment system" once more.
I think right about now, the Switch could use a vanity project or two. Preferable from 3rd-parties, but anything will do. Super Mario Odyssey is plain boring imho - not as a game as such, but as a talking point in a conversation. Is it going to be good? Yeah probably, but you might as well praise the sun (see what I did there? ^^) for coming up the next morning - it's already accounted for in everyone's minds and hearts.
A new Metroid Game - if it isn't Nintendo trolling us with the likes of Federation Force - is winning you the internet, and more than that, it's winning you ATTENTION - and this is the age of the attention industry.
And, yes, I have said it many times; METROID will guarantee that the SWITCH wins this Fall season in system sales.
I want Pokemon Tsar and maybe a new Kid Icarus game.
"wishlists don't have to be realistic"
Yeah right, Really, every one of us wants some new game, new sequel or some big surprise, and that's fine, after all, we all have dreams and hopes! the famous Hype should be good, if the people, also, really have in mind that these wishes and hopes are not always fulfilled "for now"; and for me, is more annoying when people get disillusioned and react negatively about that...; just because they did not fulfill their whishes...; Really many should wait, and wait; someday their whislist will be fullfilled
Yeah, I have my whislist: I have wainted for a new F-Zero, a new Panel de Pon (with the original characters, the Fairies), a new Game & Watch Gallery, a Cruisn's game for consoles, a Pokemon spin off game with Meloetta as character playable; a Sim City Nintendo version as was the SNES version; a New MySims game, a New "Classic" Need For Speed game, a large etc.
I have had years waiting for some of those "games", but they have not been fulfilled, and no problem I know that someday, ""maybe"", they will come, when?, I do not know, maybe never, but, while, I enjoy with the future new games that probably I will like; and also, I hope that those new games, the people enjoy them. ^.^
My guess...
I'd say they're serious about focusing on 2017 Switch games. Nintendo is trying to win the holiday season with Mario and Switch, with Zelda and Mario Kart providing backup.
Showcase will be rapid fire again.
Super Mario Odyssey will be front and center with a new trailer.
ARMS and Splatoon 2 get a quick mention.
Online Service gets explained better. Maybe get VC clarified once and for all.
Hopefully announcements about streaming services.
Mario + Rabbits gets a trailer, release date.
Closer look at Xenoblade 2, Fire Emblem Warriors. Skyrim gets a mention.
Retro gives the surprise announcements, but not Metroid. They should have been working on something else by 2015 when it was said there wasn't one in the works. Maybe Donkey Kong, maybe different, but a surprise. Maybe DKC Returns and Tropical Freeze for Switch, too. Next Level may have something, too.
Indie reveals.
I get people saying not to talk about Smash when Pokken and ARMS are on the way, but I think it will get teased for 2018 at the end.
So, not looking for big surprises, more of a Holiday 2017 sales pitch.
@LeRaposa While it's true that many of the original team that made Prime have long since left,the new team at Retro are still the ones responsible for the sublime Tropical Freeze.That's as good a platformer as you will ever play.If they put that much care into a 2D game,then I have no reason to doubt they'd do the same with a new Metroid.
That said,I don't think they are making a new Metroid.I'm expecting either a new IP or a revival of an old one.
For me it would be a new Sin & Punishment and Devil's 3rd. Metroid fans don't need to worry, Axiom Verge should keep you happy for a bit, well until a metroid game arrives, even if it's only VC titles
Wish list of things I won't get: Achievements, Animal Crossing Switch, Wario Kart 9, Pokemon Stars for Switch, Timesplitters 4, Resident evil 5-7 trilogy, Spectrum and Amiga games on VC
Whilst the internet would go nuts over a new Metroid, I very much doubt it will happen. Nintendo has for a long time now been focused very much on what makes them the most money. Metroid simply isn't a big seller.
I think we'll see a new Animal Crossing and that's about it. The rest will be Mario Odyssey, Arms, and Splatoon 2. Bit boring, but there you go. It will be enough for this year to keep the Switch momentum going, especially if the likes of Ubi throw them a few bones.
Next year will be Pokemon Switch and a real Fire Emblem for Switch.
@cmk8 Timesplitters 4? That's long dead. The IP now resides with Crytek in Germany and they're barely keeping their head above water.
@xxAcesHighxx This writer likes speaking in third person
All's I want is a Mario Odyssey launch date, and that's all. Oh, and let it be sooner than I had expected - which is November.
A Switch Warioware game wouldn't hurt also.
If they announce Golden Sun 4 then nothing else will matter. They could spend the whole week showing off Switch Music and Switch Fit and nothing else, and I'd be happy.
@cmk8 Yeah achievements! What about achievements for Virtual Console titles? It would be so cool to get achievements for completing classic Mario platformers.
Didn't they actually make something like this with the NES Remix with having all those new challenges for the classic titles? I mean that some of the work have all ready been made.
How likely will VC be announced? I really want VC games on the go in addition to the ones we already have on 3DS.
@Ralek85 I think you made an excellent point there. That said, a new IP -just like Bloodborne- could very well be something that wins everyone's heart. You don't need Metroid. Although I'd love a great new iteration of the Prime series -or the 2d versions don't get me wrong.
Again, Animal Crossing Switch is all I need from E3 this year. I'm not expecting it to be announced but it's on almost everyone's wishlist this year so I'm hoping it's at least on Nintendo's radar.
Oh, also Seiken Densetsu Collection in the west would be nice. Every day I have to stop myself from buying the JP version since I can't read Japanese, but I want to play those games again so bad!
In the vein of E3 dream announcements a new Waverace is at the top of my list.
Especially the first game gave me the feeling of a sun-filled holiday vacation, splashing through the waves on my jet-ski. I could literally feel the water. Life was good.
@Order2Chaos Actually, just speaking for me personally, I wouldn't even want to see a 2D Metroid. I know a lot of people love these games, but I for one could not get into the series until the Prime Games - and I did try. I'm just not one for 2D platformers in general, even though I am fully willing and able to appreciate the craftsmanship that went into them.
Anyways, I agree, absolutey, it does not have to be Metroid (Prime^^), but I think unlike Sony, Nintendo has the luxury of having something like Metroid Prime in their backpocket.
For all it's time and success in the industry Sony never build a library of classic first-party game and beloved characters/worlds that can rival those of Nintendo.
I think Metroid Prime would work to that end I described, but if they have something else up there sleeve - maybe their own take on the Souls formula?^^ - I'd be all for it.
I mean Bayonetta 2 was one of those games that made people notice the WiiU and take it seriously. Obviously, at that point it was already too late to change the narrative, and as I said, such effort by itself doesn't do much, but it showed that Nintendo understood the point about having these particular vanity projects in their line-up.
I guess my underlying point was, that I for one hope, that the game Retro is working - no matter when that game will materialize - will not end up being another Donkey Kong.
If they need a Donkey Kong on the Switch, they can always port Tropical Freeze, and Retro can do another one, but for now, I'd like something ... different from them. If it's a game that really gets their creative juices flowing, so to speak, all the better, if it's "just" Metroid Prime, well, then so be it ^^
At this point, I'm just wishing for release dates for games we already know about and haven't heard anything from since the Switch launched. Rime, Stardew Valley, Yooka-Laylee, Flipping Death, Ittle Dew 2 etc., a large number of which were supposed to have "Summer 2017" releases and here we are in mid-June and no news still.
As for Nintendo E3 announcements, I'm hoping for a new Animal Crossing entry by next summer but I'm not holding my breath for that. I'm expecting a lot of Mario Odyssey and Splatoon/ARMS stuff and maybe something unexpected - Nintendo usually comes up with something unexpected, even if the unexpected turns out to be unpopular.
EA conference was a bit of a swing and a miss. Strike 1!
P R E S E N T S :
M E T R O I D P R I M E 4
I've thought of another one.
'Virtual Console HD'. Nintendo steal and tweak some existing PC emulators that upscale and use that. They could probably get away with selling them all again.
@Ralek85 "maybe their own take on the Souls formula.."
Oh my, now that get's my blood pumping.. The possibilities.
Retro staff mentioned long ago to Nintendo they wanted to work on a new IP, we could see a game that they've been wanting to make for years -games build with so much passion tend to be the best(some examples set aside).
Bayonetta 2 is a good example. Nintendo does seem to understand you want to attract a wide variety of gamers trough fan service -and Metroid fits that bill perfectly(Better then a Bayonetta 3 I reckon).
Haha so you'll "settle" for a Metroid Prime 4 -I could live with that as well.^^
Personally I'd like to see an EarthBound/Mother collection for starters; Mother 3 is way overdue for an official international release. Also I'd like to see Smash released for the Switch, maybe with a few new fighters and new courses. Mostly I'd like to see an SNES Classic Edition (and see Nintendo shoot itself in the foot again just like the NES Classic. ;-P)
I agree with everyone that new Metroid would be great. The Switch could do with a FPS on the console. I would also be happy with a HD collection of the PRIME trilogy, which I would imagine is more likely considering the lack of financial success of the past games. A port of Tropical freeze from Retro Studios would be good too, seeing as I never owned a Wii u.
Two other games I would love to have sequels for would be Luigi's Mansion and F-Zero.
Oh and Rocket league would be a no brainier on the system.
Honestly, I would rather wait longer for a new Smash game than rather have a port of the Wii U/3DS version. It would be nice to get the complete game (DLC characters and stages included), but it would be very unlike of Nintendo to do. With every new console we get a NEW Smash Bros. As for what I really want out of Nintendo this year...just show us something NEW. We know of your games that are coming out this year and will see plenty of it during the Treehouse events, so please Nintendo. Anything. Metroid. Animal Crossing. A Square-Enix game. A new IP.
@Kanbei Great minds think alike.
@Order2Chaos Sometimes you gotta settle for just great
But yeah, I agree, Bayonetta 3 would probably not have the same kind of emotional impact as Bayonetta 2 had, or as Metroid (Prime) would have, after all this time of waiting, hope and anticipation (powerful thing). A new IP, depending on what is of course, could work as well.
I mean, coming just hot off the Microsoft conference, I can tell that Phil must have been struggling with just that problem over the last couple of months. Unfortunately, I don't think he managed to overcome, because none of those games (and there were many of them), really made me stand up and cheer. It was mostly known quantities, either sequels or PC ports or "token" indie games, mostly 2D platforms, that while competent hardly ever set the world on fire.
I'm liked what I saw of Ashen and Cuphead, but I liked that last year already, and the same goes for Crackdown 3. I still miss Scalebound, which to me, was the standout title in their whole line-up, plus Phantom Dust if only for the potential that game, if done right, could have had.
I think I have a REALLY good feeling for what to expect of Forza 7, that new Metro, AC Origins (love the setting but the rest) and even Anthem (I played a lot of Destiny and I think it's obvious even to a toddler what EA is doing here), and so on and so forth.
Now a Platinum Game somewhere between Panzer Dragoon Orta, Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry ... that was something I could get excited for, because that is not something I've played before - not ever.
There was also never before and not since another game like Phantom Dust - none that I know of at least.
By the same token, I don't really know what to play to "replace" Metroid Prime. There is nothing like it out there. I mean, there were game that were clearly inspired by it, like Bioshock, or most recently Prey or even Dead Space, but those were still very much their own thing.
As I'm not a Switch owner yet, I'd like some announcements on some games coming to the retail side, that can entice me to actually want to purchase one sooner, so, even though I'd like to see some more about Mario Odyssey (which really reminds me of Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast in a way), I'd also like to see some new announcements like a proper Animal Crossing title and new Pikmin and new Kirby Adventure...however, some new IP's too. The only things I really don't want to see is a bunch of games that are already out on the PS4 and XBONE, or ports of the Wii U titles (granted I'd love to play the Wii U games on it, I just don't see that being announced at E3 to get others excited). I also don't want to see nothing but Indie games on the download side, as I believe nintendo needs to focus on the retail side to showcase the system more. Alas, I'd like to know about the Virtual Console, but I don't want that being a long broadcast. Other than that, I'll be working the day of E3, but I'll follow Nintendo and Sony all the way when I get off!!!! Looking forward to a great one with some great announcements on both consoles and I hope I don't get too disappointed!
Since its only 30 minutes and focussed on 2017 my expectations are extremely low. Hopefully Mario truly delivers, but I won't buy a Switch solely for that. I fear we won't see the new Retro title at all. If they won't show, hopefully that means they are working on something truly big that's not ready yet. Who knows!
Animal crossing will arrive one day or another so I'll be patient, but I'd really like to be surprised and see a new Wave race and 1080° Snowboarding for Nintendo Switch ^______^;
@Krillin I'm finding myself agreeing with you. Not sure Nintendo will have the Switch stock to cope if they shoot their load to early.
They can make a huge deal of Mario - I think that will be the big focus and should be. Then we'll see little bits of the other 2017 games - and maybe something unseen like Pikmin Animal Crossing. That would be great.
I'd love to see Virtual Consol but I think that will be saved for another Direct - Maybe they'll tease it with a GC announcement. Retro's game would be the icing on the cake.
@Cesco I'd freakin' LOVE a new Waverace! Blue Storm was loads of fun - the dynamic courses was great and it handled brilliantly.
@subpopz Agreed - Long waits and endless teases just leads to apathy when it turns out it's just a video game and not some new form of virtual consciousness.
I wish there was a few less huge 'AAA' titles that feel largely homogeneous and developers put more resources into original medium sized games. Feel the same way about films.
@Ralek85 I'm going to contradict myself here and say - I can see your point about Mario and needing something else to capture the attention of a different audience.
I'm not sure it'll be Metroid - Nintendo fans love it but do others? They can save it - and will need games like it for a non Mario / Zelda time.
It could well be a new IP from Retro. Something really original and exciting to get tongues wagging amongst non Nintendo fans would really help the system.
@TJM Some truly orginal would certainly be welcome. It's worth keeping in mind though, that FPS games seem rather popular, so maybe having an exclusive on the Switch, wouldn't hurt either. At least, I imagine they are popular, since basically all Microsoft and Bethesda did was showing us those (well, some were 3rd person ones as well^^).
Im happy with super mario odyssey.
My dream would be a PES 2018 annoncment at konami's conference.
Mario and info on the online is enough for my lowered expectations
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