The 2017 Electronics Entertainment Expo – colloquially known as E3 – played host to a “Spotlight” event delivered by Nintendo to showcase new software in development by the aforementioned entity. Herein, please find my recollection of the events that transpired immediately following the digital event and my ensuing investigation.

Shortly after Nintendo’s Spotlight event at the recent Electronics Entertainment Expo, I received a phone call from one of the Directors – who will remain anonymous for his own protection – at Nintendo Life. The phone call was frantic, punctuated by sobs and cries of anguish, but I was able to calm his nerves and get to the root of the issue. It seemed that during the software showcase, footage of a new “game” titled Super Mario Odyssey was unveiled. The concern, however, was based on what appeared to be a dilemma of both morality and virtue. The footage in question displayed living creatures, both contemporary and extinct, being controlled against their will.
As Nintendo Life’s resident expert on the supernatural, as well as being the only member of the team with advanced degrees in Parapsychology, Cryptozoology, Demonology, and a minor in Spanish, I was singularly deemed fit to research this matter. I agree that it was the right decision to reach out to me, and I immediately opened this investigation into demonic possession as presented in Super Mario Odyssey.

Upon beginning my investigation, the obvious first assumption was that this was a class II noncorporeal possession. As is common knowledge, class II possessions should not be outright ignored, but they don’t generally pose a threat to the living. As outlined in Tobin’s Spirit Guide, spirits that do not have the strength to possess an organic life form but desire to be close to the energy of the living will often inhabit articles of clothing in the hopes of being wrapped in the warmth of an organic body. Spectrally animated clothing is common among rural homesteads and funeral homes, but is not often seen in densely populated urban areas such as New Donk City.
Based on the available footage and eyewitness reports, my initial assumptions regarding the noncorporeal possession of Mario’s hat - from here forward referred to as “Cappy” - made sense in the presented narrative. A spirit or specter somehow made its way to New Donk City and found an article of clothing that is frequently, if not always, in direct contact with a living body. Mario is almost exclusively known for wearing his iconic hat, an article of clothing that, without it, would render Mario virtually unrecognizable. Based on the information that class II possessions desire or require a close proximity to the living, Cappy would be the ideal candidate for possession.

This was the standing theory that I formed and almost deemed conclusive until the revelation that other objects in the physical space, living or otherwise, were suffering from bouts of possession as well. Again, this is not an all too uncommon occurrence, but an alarm was raised upon my realization that the newly possessed subjects were not only taking on traits of Cappy, but of Mario himself. It was at this stage that my investigation shifted from the spectral to something much more sinister. This also posed some new questions: Why would a working class citizen of New Donk City rely on such dark magicks? What would he have to gain? And probably most importantly, what do the rest of us have to lose?
For further insight, I decided to consult a more learned expert on demonic possession. I reached out to my friend and former mentor during my 7 years in the seminary, Father Giuseppe Sacerdote. After explaining the situation and showing Father Sacerdote the available footage of Super Mario Odyssey, he shared the following:
“What’s this – a video game? I don’t know anything about this. Are you okay, Ron? Did you ever talk to that doctor I recommended?”
As an expert and an individual whom I respect, I took Father Sacerdote’s words to heart, but I did not find them useful to my greater investigation. If nothing else, his response only raised more suspicions and I am now considering that the possession may be extending outside of New Donk City. I believe that Cappy or Mario or whoever is behind all of this may have caught wind of my research and are out to put an end to it before I uncover the darker truth. I believe that my investigation may have been compromised.
As of now, the evidence is inconclusive, but rest assured that this investigation will remain open until I am able to get to the bottom of it. Too many cases are left open just long enough to go cold, but I have a commitment to the Nintendo Life and greater community to see this through to the end. Moving forward, I hope to formulate a clearer plan of action for this continued investigation and provide regular follow ups until the truth has been uncovered.*
*Editor’s note: Ron was not given permission to write this article and there will be no follow up. We are doing what we can to make sure he receives the help that he needs. We apologise for any confusion or concern this may have caused.
Comments 60
I didn't know it was April 1st...
Everybody knows that Mario made a pact with the Illuminati years ago. Sold his soul to the Devil they say, and this is the result.
Blistering, white knuckle joy.
Call the Luigi instead.
*Editor’s note: Ron was not given permission to write this article and there will be no follow up. We are doing what we can to make sure he receives the help that he needs. We apologise for any confusion or concern this may have caused.
Pazuzu incarnate.
......the hell?
Nothing the Poltergust 3000 can't handle. Spin off for Luigi?
It's just a bit of fun y'all. Hats off (Cappy off?) to those of you getting in there with the Luigi jokes
Slow news day, huh?
This new mechanic is indeed a bit creepy, although it should also prove to be useful when solving environmental puzzles. Can't wait the darkfics that focus on the horror of an external consciousness animating your body against your will, especially when it has no regard for your well-being.
Mario is starting to enter Pikmin levels of fridge horror with this!
That was great, we need more light hearted stuff like this.
...ha, nice one Ron, now remove Cappy and take a bow...
Great presentation! I, for one, will not be supporting Nintendo's recent endeavors due to all the satanic undertones (which is an OBVIOUS attempt at Japan trying to gain political dominance of the world stage through blood rituals, or other such demonic rites)
Not today, Mario. Not today.
Giuseppe Sacerdote? Roman Catholic? You know they're controlled by a demon lord who built a fake religion with great wealth and fortune accumulated at the top, the exact opposite of the teachings of the one they based the religion on, right? Breath of Fire 2 and Final Fantasy X taught us that. Now start praying to the Dragon God Agni Sara Bahamut for forgiveness.
This reads like a video Gaijin Goombah would do someday in the future. Just with more of a focus on japanese mythology.
The hell!! What is this? Some1 is either bored or drunk at Nintendo Life.
Ron... all I can say is... go rogue! Start a blog and finish your investigation!!! We need to get to the bottom of this!
I can understand why you would write an article like this, but unfortunately I didn't like it myself.
Oh well, I guess it'll be useful in order to gauge interest in this kind of silly, played-for-laughs articles, and I guess more will come if the community is pleased with this.
I know a lot of backwoods bible belt churches are gonna have a field day protesting this game. Lol
Haha loool this rubbish is hilarious 😂 I'm surprised Tom didn't delete the article
Someone put Luigi and Professor E. Gadd on the case!
As the guys on a recent Gamenesia podcast pointed out, we now that Mario is just an evil demon who's been possessing Jumpman for the last 30 years.
I actually have a personal theory that Mario is indeed dead in this game, which gives him the power to possess objects. Judging from the trailers, we can infer that Mario gets knocked off Bowser's ship, and Bowser crushes Mario's cap. The only other scene where we see a tattered Mario cap is when Cappy transforms into it. The world where this happens is completely black and white save for Mario, his cap, and a frog. This could mean that Mario isn't dead, but it wouldn't explain how he possesses objects. Perhaps he's in a state of near death?
But this would mirror The Odyssey, in the fact that Odysseus travels to the underworld, and later is thought dead by his wife and town.
Haha, not the article I expected this week. Well played! I can't buy Odyssey. I'm still too traumatized from delving into the subtext of ARMS. I'll have to pre-order something a little lighter hearted like The Evil Within instead.
Last time I saw a parent's comment/review on Yokai Watch complaining/criticizing the demonic undertone and I thought that was eye-opening...
But this... this went above and beyond my imagination lololol
tbh I never related anything demonic to this game.
This was pretty hilarious. Some people need to lighten up a bit.
Geist vibes?
@Shadowkiller97 Second that!!
Sounds like some creepy pasta to me!
This article is 10x better than usual copy paste from kotaku articles that usually flood this site.
Fun read. I wish I knew a good haberdashorcist to recommend, but I don't. It's kind of a lost art.
My apologies, didn't mean to offend there. As a show of good will, I'll delete the comment. Furthermore, I appreciate the polite honesty, instead of usual internet reaction "$#%&@" here and a "@#$ you"
Ok. It may be because I'm smashed off my nut right now, but that made my mind boggle.
I hope we can possess Bowser at the end. And Cappy sacrifices himself in order for Mario to make it out. Emotional end.
OR it's been teased that Cappy is someone that Mario knows. What if it's Luigi? How depressing would that be?
I'm sad. And drunk. And sad. Goodnight everyone
You are standing on the street, minding your own business, when you hear a "yahoo!" behind you and hear a wooshing sound moving toward you, you black out.
When you come to, you're lying in the gutter of the place you've never been before, heavily injured, your wallet empty...
More of this sort of thing! I miss this. I used to read print Nintendo mags in the U.K., and ever since they went under I've missed the humour pieces more than anything else. Any site can report on a story: it takes talent to make people laugh with it.
Keep it up please! And those people going 'slow news day' perhaps should have kept their distance when they saw the title. I'm... hoping nobody thought it was genuine...
I hear that any internet news, I take a pinch of salt and a sense of humour.
Also, dig M-Absol
@EdFairway It is the creature of poise and grace that I know I'll never be.
I feel similarly with Mega Swampert, someday bro, I'll lift
Stupid , slow news day.
In this game, we wont be playing as Mario. We will be playing as that boo in the hat... Think about it...
Lol. Pretty good.
I can recommend a good doctor for you Ron.
This isn't a case of demonic possession as Mario is clearly not a demon. This is Marionic possession. Mario is the puppet master and the possessed are his Marionettes.
So when I perform this move in the game I have to shout "Imperio!" Sure thing! XD
Shame on them !
They accused Mario's possession but didn't accuse Yokai Watch / Danny Phantom for having same Spectre or Ghost theme + possession ?!
Their logic are so ridiculous stupid.
Anyone remember the mysterious "Marionette" title that was going to be on the Cube? Maybe they decided to make that into a Mario game after all.
Here is Marionette:
Yokai Watch 3 3DS also use a Possession thing inside the game. On that case, Keita's Dad was possessed by a Lion Yokai so Keita's Dad can suddenly talking in English.
Nintendo is good, Nintendo is great, we surrender our will as of this date.
I'm digging the new "possession ability" Mario has but what about the traditional Mario power up? WHERES THE FIREFLOWER? Big mushroom or feather? Maybe I missed something in the direct but I sure hope these aren't being replaced... Anyone have any idea!
Maybe this game should be on PS4 or XBONE. Its way too dark for Nintendo.
Haha, never really thought of it like that.
Ron, I think you should have more important things to deal with, like permanently stopping your church from promoting cannibalism(Eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ).
No, I think that the things he appears to 'possess' are actually turned into Mario-nettes for him to control.
Glad it's appreciated , also thanks for noticing that typo, good thing we can edit our posts
Don't worry.
Mario Odyssey is kinda like Danny Phantom.
On Danny Phantom, Danny Fenton as a Teen boy can become a ghost and posses someone or something.
There no such a demonic inside.
We can accept Yokai Watch and Danny Phantom despite of Spectre or Ghost themes, right ?
@Anti-Matter @Barbiegurl777 Guys this is a joke article. lol.
So this is a joke?
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