It's Media Create charts time, once again, giving us some insight into what's hot and not in the Japanese market. This week's results brought a handful of new releases, while hardware sales stayed relatively solid.
Kicking off with software, Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana is a newcomer on PS4 that took top spot, edging out Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in the process. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers is a notable arrival at retail on the Switch, and it's secured third place with a relatively modest 16,404 sales. Check out the top 20, with lifetime sales in brackets, below.
- [PS4] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 05/25/17) – 27,741 (New)
- [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 26,993 (467,689)
- [NSW] Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Capcom, 05/27/17) – 16,404 (New)
- [3DS] Monster Hunter XX (Capcom, 03/16/17) – 11,155 (1,490,343)
- [PS4] Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2 (Arc System Works, 05/25/17) – 10,609 (New)
- [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Limited Edition Included) (Nintendo, 03/03/17) – 10,390 (476,021)
- [3DS] Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X (Bandai Namco, 04/27/17) – 6,515 (152,923)
- [PS4] NieR: Automata (Square Enix, 02/23/17) – 4,260 (334,553)
- [3DS] Pokemon Sun / Pokemon Moon (Nintendo, 11/18/16) – 3,317 (3,266,197)
- [3DS] Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Limited Edition Included) (Nintendo, 04/20/17) – 3,103 (182,371)
- [3DS] Pro Yakyuu Famista Climax (Bandai Namco, 04/20/17) – 3,033 (79,469)
- [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf Amiibo+ (Nintendo, 11/23/16) – 2,991 (181,843)
- [3DS] Mario Sports Superstars (Nintendo, 03/30/17) – 2,909 (97,738)
- [3DS] Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo, 12/01/16) – 2,868 (1,044,105)
- [PSV] Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII with Power-Up Kit (Koei Tecmo, 05/25/17) – 2,831 (New)
- [NSW] 1-2-Switch (Nintendo, 03/03/17) – 2,825 (214,618)
- [PS4] Grand Theft Auto V (Low Price Version) (Take-Two, 10/08/15) – 2,785 (339,729)
- [Wii U] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo, 03/03/17) – 2,776 (125,769)
- [3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo, 12/01/11) – 2,515 (2,776,275)
- [PS4] Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft, 12/10/15) – 2,485 (196,956)
Moving on to hardware there's not a huge amount to say, with relatively small changes across the various platforms. The Nintendo Switch is still in first place, as would be expected this early in its lifecycle, and the New 3DS LL (XL) just about holds off the standard PS4. Check out the results below, which have last week's sales in brackets.
- Switch – 27,146 (26,114)
- New 3DS LL – 14,610 (13,922)
- PlayStation 4 – 13,972 (12,235)
- PlayStation 4 Pro – 5,030 (4,989)
- PlayStation Vita – 4,092 (4,088)
- 2DS – 2,667 (2,732)
- New 3DS – 1,018 (1,406)
- PlayStation 3 – 258 (327)
- Wii U – 177 (184)
- Xbox One – 121 (103)
A continuation of the norm in various ways, with some evergreen Switch and 3DS releases joined by Capcom's new-but-old fighting game.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 44
I want this so badly. Of course, I would need to find one of these mythical, legendary Switches first...........Yoga fireeeeee~
Let's the White / Blue / Silver color of Switch Begins !
You think Capcom would view 100-250k as a positive or negative for Sf2?
There's an Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
I love Ys!
I don't know what Capcom are hoping for with Ultra Street Fighter 2, but I think it's done alright. It's literally decades old, surely it's all profit now? When I get a Switch I'll be picking it up myself, love the thought of playing SF2 at home and on the go.
@MeloMan Every time a new Ys game is announced, I hold out hope they'll return to the bump combat system I loved from the early games. Every time, I'm disappointed.
GET HYPE...ugh still waiting on my copy of USFIIHD...
Looks like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is going to surpass BotW in total sales by the next time we get one of these sales reports.
I guess those crazy Japanese people didn't get the memo about how SF2 is ridiculously overpriced and noone will buy it because we all have twenty versions of it on our various consoles.
I may get Street Fighter if it ever goes on significant discount. Otherwise I already own Virtual Console versions and of course the original on SNES. I don't need it again. Really annoyed how Capcom basically said future releases were dependent on how this Switch port sold. Personally I'd rather new games from Capcom on the Switch not tied to the performance of a re-release of a re-release that most people already played in one form or another.
@mjharper Nice find. I was going to make some wiseacre comment about not forgetting the 125k copies sold on Wii U but the probably 2mil copies of MK8 on Wii U kind of kills that argument.
So can anybody rationally explain the disparity between New 3DS and New 3DS XL sales? Are all the old 3DS owners moving up to the larger system or has stock of New 3DS been depleted? I think the numbers were far closer than 10-1 or 14-1 in the past. Even the old 2DS is outselling the New 3DS 2-1, but I'm guessing price has a lot to do w/ that. Will be interesting to see what the New double in price 2DS does.
@DarthFoxMcCloud Capcom didn't say that at all. That was a mistranslation. Capcom is already porting MH XX to the Switch. They will be making games for the system.
Is street fighter 2 on the switch any better then street fighter 4 on the 3ds
When Splatoon 2 comes there will be a bloodbath in Japanesse charts
@crackafreeze Keep an eye on the Nintendo Switch thread forum thread and you'll see this stuff sooner.
Dreadful software sales. Capcom with their disgustingly priced SF2 game getting third place in the charts with 16,000 sales says it all.
@garydbz25 I like the street fighter 2 combat system better. In SFIV I find the super moves ultra annoying and unbalancing. I like to slug it out SFII style where the winner is determined via blocking and attacking, not one lucky hit. Full disclosure: SFII was the first arcade game I ever played so I am heavily biased by nostalgia. USFII is really fun though!
@GrailUK yaknow, that makes perfect sense to me. Make a deal Nintendo and Capcom! 😀
@JasmineDragon I think we've all paid numerous times for the same games we love. People who have nostalgia also tend to have enough money to not care too much that we're rebuying street fighter II for less money than it was in the 90s. It's still a great game. Don't even ask how many different formats I own of the Legend of Zelda. Still waiting the Switch VC so I can buy that yet again.
@crackafreeze You'll see a lot of the stories on this site posted in the forums long before they appear here. And at the weekend, this site effectively shuts down.
I'm enjoying the heck out of Ultra Street Fighter II. You can record gameplay videos and store up to 100 of them at your choosing, as well as automatic recording of local battles which stores the last 50. Plus, the digital artbook is insanely nice- you can zoom in on tiny drawings full screen and it's still super crisp and HD.
Also, I discovered the secret to WAY of the Hado. If you perform the movements slowly it works almost every time, even the roundhouse kick. Flailing like a madman doesn't work at all. Gotta keep your cool and just calmly perform the motion. I'm having fun ranking up my stats.
But the best part is playing with others. No other copy or version of SF has ever allowed me to play with others in the last 20 years, and that's what I miss. We were playing at work and people claiming dibs on next and everyone was loving it, and best of all everyone is familiar with SFII. The new sprites are gorgeous too
Well said. I had a great time with it this weekend and yup, I own it on a bunch of other systems as well, but not in the Switch. I don't regret purchasing it at all, but then again, $30 purchases (Amazon Prime) aren't exactly things I worry about!
Wow I wasn't expecting Ultra SFII to be anywhere on the top 10. Maybe I did underestimate the game after all. Ha even when you combined both the PS4 and PS4 Pro numbers, it's still not enough to beat the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo is owning the Japanese market now.
Xbox One still on the ascendance - 18 more than last week....come on Microsoft you can do it!
Also it's amazing that Zelda's hanging on like it is considering the Japanese don't really play Zelda games.
Looks like sony mighy need a price drop on the playstation to improve sales.
7 out of top 10 games belong to a Ninty console, Nintendo owns Japan right now.
Is nobody paying attention to the sales number beside each game? It's appalling. Now you can just imagine how USF2:TFC placed so high in the UK charts. It's a very quiet time of the year.
So hows Microsoft doing?? ... WHO CARES!!
I have yet to see a switch in a store, hopefully I can get one this holiday season. I love street fighter II!
16,404 Japanese have more money than sense
Lol yeah, but a playstation is in top spot, well for this week anyway. Not complete domination yet, just saying
Another slow week in japan for everything, those switch numbers look like they belong to the UK not Japan, bloody terrible for new hardware, regardless if there is a shortage. Ninty need to sort this out
Idk, we're almost going into month 4 past launch, which is well past the usual launch spike.
For comparison, here's equivalent PS4 sales vs Switch in their respective weeks after launch (this is dated, I know)
So I think its doing fine, even if supply is constrained. Not like the good old days anymore. Japan is just a smaller market than it used to be
@Alikan I was being sarcastic and snarky, as usual. Without a doubt there is demand for this game, it has relevance and people will pay for it. And rightly so, in my opinion. It's one of the all-time greats and an iconic game that just about everybody knows and remembers fondly.
I mean, I'm buying it soon, and I can't wait. I haven't played it in years and I don't have it on any console, and I just know my younger daughter is going to love it. I'm cool with the price, too - although, of course, it would have been nice to see a lower price, I think a classic video game deserves a suitable price.
There are a lot of vocal fans who feel and say otherwise, though. People who do have it on working consoles rightfully point out that they don't need this. The problem is they tend to think that means nobody wants this.
Hey, you could get a new game, like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!...oh no, it's just a port. Well what about Street Fighter tw- nope, nevermind. How about Mario Kart 7... No that's not new either. Surely there must be at least one new game. Breath of the Wild? No. GTA V? No. Super Mario Maker for 3DS? No. 1-2-Switch? Nope. Pokémon Sun/Moon? Nope. I give up.
@Darius_Truxton Well, I care because I'm an Xbox One owner. But Microsoft will never win Japan. At this point, even if both Sony and Nintendo vanished overnight in a void, I still don't think anyone in Japan would buy an Xbox.
@JasmineDragon What do you mean they don't get the memo, while we are here ranting about the game, the Japanese are actually playing some Ultra Street Fighter II tournaments all over their island right now whether in the bus, at home, or at the arcade station where they had free wifi.
I think given the fact that the Switch hasn't had any real exclusive blockbuster titles yet, its doing quite well for going into its third month on sale. In Japan, I suspect sales of whatever stock is there will go through the roof when ARMS (which I think will have a lot of Japanese appeal) and Splatoon 2 come out.
@JaxonH Nice chart. I tend to forget how low PS4 sales were for a number of weeks in Japan.
I picked up Ultra SF2 yesterday to give it a proper try, and with an option to return it. I think I will do so. The price is less justified than I thought it was.
The only real attraction is the core gameplay itself and it only goes so far, considering how many versions exist. The other modes are incredibly lacking and none of it warrants the absurd price IMO. Hell, even the cool idea of having a colour picker is flawed - incredibly slow.
Oh no! More people in Japan bought USF2 in launch week of all weeks than a game like Breath of the Wild which they already own? How dare they buy what I consider to be an overpriced game meaning you shouldn't buy and enjoy it! I hope you're looking forward to MH XX Switch and future game having microtransactions and less content in them now because you bought this one game. /s
Next week it will probably drop like a rock. (sf2)
Capcom Logic:
"Let's see if we have enough market to invest in great games for switch.
Step 1: Release a Lazy port of Street Fighter HD, with AAA price.
Step 2: If it doesn't sell well: "Nintendo Switch audience doesn't buy our products, we may not spend time doing good things for them".
If it sells a lot: "Well, we don't have to do good games for them, we can always have a great profit with lazy ports. For Nintendo, let's focus only in small budget games (of course, selling it as an AAA game)".
Step 3: Do the same with Monster Hunter games. Honestly, the graphics of the new monster hunter are just like a regular game for PS3. Really, not even "an amazing game for ps3". Another quick cash, which is working a lot, unfortunately.
Yep, have to agree, the market has definitely shrunk. That chart is OK, but I wouldn't have compared the switch to a home console, we all know Japan prefer handhelds. You was better off comparing it to 3ds, switch is tracking behind 3Ds at same time respectively and 3ds didn't have a zelda or MK so soon after launch. I think the Japanese have jumped on to mobile gaming, which is growing there, I could be wrong though
Incredibly low sales by Street Fighter. It tanked hard.
They deserved it by choosing such a poor price and mediocre realization. They just made bad advertising for the Nintendo Switch.
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