Nintendo today confirmed its plans for E3 2017, and they show the company returning almost to the formula used prior to 2016's scaled back attendance. There'll be a live streamed video presentation - the 'Nintendo Spotlight' - to kick off festivities, three days of Nintendo Treehouse demonstrations, and also competitive tournaments for two games. All told it's a full-on effort, and it'll be interesting to see whether the Nintendo Spotlight broadcast will have any fun touches that take it beyond a Nintendo Direct, and also how big the company goes with the competitive tournaments.
This is all to be expected considering the fact Nintendo is in the launch year for the Switch, but let's break down the core details for those of you still catching up on the announcements.

When Is It?
The Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017 presentation will start on 13th June at 9am Pacific / noon Eastern / 5pm UK / 6pm CEST / 2am (14th June) AEDT. That's the first event, with the following then coming over the three main days of E3.
13th June
- Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017 presentation at 9am Pacific / noon Eastern / 5pm UK / 6pm CEST / 2am (14th June) AEDT
- Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3 to follow afterwards
- Splatoon 2 World Inkling Invitational
14th June
- Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3
- ARMS Open Invitational
15th June
- Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3
What Games Will Nintendo Take to E3 2017?
3DS games will feature in the Treehouse live streams, but Nintendo's press release focuses on the "sandbox-style" Super Mario Odyssey being playable on the show floor along with 'other games for Nintendo Switch'. The Nintendo Spotlight presentation will also have "a focus on games launching in 2017", so the playable games on the show floor will naturally follow suit. Only the following games are nailed on to appear - though it's easy to speculate on various confirmed 2017 Switch titles that could also make an appearance. It is clear, and unsurprising, that Nintendo's newest system will have the lion's share of attention.
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Splatoon 2
That's the bulk of the details revealed so far, with more undoubtedly to come. We'll certainly share some thoughts on these plans, but first of all we want to know what you think; are you excited about Nintendo's E3 plans? Let us know in the polls and comments below.
Comments 151
im excited to see what they have in stores for E3 this year.
I'm very hyped for Mario, but kind of worried that they won't have enough to fill out 2017 and Spring of 2018. Are they really not going to show ANY 2018 stuff at all?
I'm really glad Nintendo is doing a Direct-style presentation this year. As long as the games in it are good (and there's VC info too!), I'll be very pleased with this year's E3.
If all Nintendo has to show for switch at e3 is Mario odyssey... then all hype switch has garnered will dry up and all focus will goto sonys exclusive's and project Scorpio.
I haven't noticed that Mario's hair is way too detailed o_O amazing!
This Mario game is why I will buy the switch and luigis mansion 3
Give me some awesome mario odyssey and finally get the VC rolling and you can finally talk me into dropping $350 for this thing, Dark Witch Rudymical isn't a system seller by itself dangit
"Are they really not going to show ANY 2018 stuff at all?"
There will probably be 2018 stuff. They rarely only show immediate releases at E3 time (in video form at least). Expect teasers (at the least) for some 2018 Switch games. It would be a surprise if there wasn't.
Mario Oddessy is one reason I'll be tuning in. My optimism really lies in seeing more of Xenoblade 2, though.
I stopped being excited about Nintendo E3s the year they announced Federation Force, Triforce Heroes and Amiibo Festival instead of, you know, games that people actually want to play.
Not sure I'll tune in this year for the first ever. Not worth taking the time off work.
A journalist need to ask them about my nintendo. That's my Number 1 priority
I'll just leave this here lol...
Nailed it.
"Nope, I'm not excited about Super Mario Odyssey" 1%
There's always one.
The E3 you're referring to, 2015, showcased the following games:
Star Fox Zero
Skylanders SuperChargers
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Fire Emblem Fates
Tokyo Mirage #FE
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival
Yoshi’s Woolly World
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Super Mario Maker
While there's no Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey in there, I'd argue that is a pretty darn sweet showcase overall, and there are definitely games on that list that "people want to play." It was also the Muppet year, where the video had the puppet Iwata/Miyamoto/etc. which was perhaps one of the greatest Directs we've ever gotten. But I digress. Even non-Muppet fans had plenty to see during that E3 Direct.
I'm most interested in Mario Odyssey and Skyrim for the Switch, but I hope there are a few surprise announcements as well. Some 3DS love is welcome, too.
My crazy wish? I want Virtual Console to be revealed for the Switch, preferably with GCN games included.
Virtual console details:
When does it go live?
What games will we have access to on launch?
Will there be any cross-console discounts?
That's what I really care about.
I've preordered Arms, Splatoon2, and Mario. I want to know about the VC!
Last year was surprisingly not bad IMO.
I think this year will at least be alright.
@OorWullie on the plus side, we know Luigi reads NintendoLife now
@Evenmoresteven I believe there will be 1-2 system sellers announced for the fall, but the rest will be 2018 tittles.
I am so hyped about a sandbox Mario. I must add, I hope people stop referring to it as an open world GTA game, because it so obviously isn't like that at all. I have faith that it can win E3 in the same vein Zelda did last year. It is the game that has been missing from the industry for years...so no pressure lol.
I'm like, whatever. The past years were not very good imo, and it's still like a month away. While I'd like to say I'm hopeful, Nintendo has shown that they are very capable at doing poorly at E3 and lowering my already low expectations. At least for me anyways. So I'm very "eh" about their E3 overall.
Show me all the Switch games coming and I'll be happy. Nintendo cant disappoint me this year unless they show off a small number of titles. A fair number of surprises would be very welcome too - but I feel we're already in a good place. Can't wait~
Now that the Switch is out and they don't need to advertise it, they can focus of games for the 3DS and the Switch during the whole event
I'll be on holiday in Disney world Florida so won't be able to watch the live presentation but the first thing I'll do is check nintendo life for updates when I get back to the hotel room
@ap0001 I was thinking maybe it was Knack seeing as he'll be in competition with Mario this holiday
While on the games front I'm most excited for Spotlight, overall I'm most excited for Treehouse not only because of game gameplay but also the Nintendo Life chat fun. Nintendo Life chat was an absolute classic at E3 2014, from all the Splatoon hype all the way to devolving into Shrek nonsense.
My expectations aren't very high, but fingers crossed there's at least 1 game announced for me to add to my "must buy" list.
I'm most excited about Xenoblade 2. I really hope they give it a lot of attention.
Xenoblade 2!!!
I doubt it will happen but more than anything I'd love to see some new game announcements. Even some remasters or something. I have a Switch and I love Zelda and Mario Kart. Really looking forward to Splatoon and MARIO but I'm really hoping to hear about what else is coming. I enjoyed Zelda so much I'm excited for Skyrim. I never played it before so being able to dig into it and play anywhere will be sweet.
@Pigeon Who isn't excited for that? Best part of the whole presentation. Even better than the actual game announcements, for crying out loud.
I'm hoping it will be good but not getting my hopes up. Last 2 years didn't get me too hyped. Will make it much better if they announce at least 2-3 'new' (unannounced - brand new or remasters/ports) games for switch during the presentation. Otherwise if they are just going more in depth on stuff already shown in other presentations/directs I'll be disappointed.
Waiting to see a trailer that starts off with retro studios logo in it with metroid music and then a few seconds later... gameplay! 😉
Other than that, I think super mario odyssey is gonna look awesome and I am optimistic that Nintendo are gonna reveal at least a few switch games that we will be excited for.
I'm disappointed they are not doing a live show. I'm also keeping my expectations low... although I do suspect there will be a number of game announcements. The last Direct we had, we were told it would focus on two specific games, and we ended up getting a lot more than that. Hopefully, that's the case here, too.
@Evenmoresteven The press release for the E3 plans said the Spotlight will focus on 2017 Switch releases. If you'll remember, the last Nintendo Direct "focused" on ARMS and Splatoon 2, and half of the direct talked about other games.
@123akis dear GOD that would make my year.
Though most readers are worried about 2018, I'll be happy if both Mario and xenoblade actuall come out in Q4.
I might be in the minority here but there might be more third party support then people realize. 🤞
Hey I forget about retro!! Good call!
Yass! All aboard the hype train! Choo choo
im pretty pumped about it. I went and told my boss I need off the 13th so I can sit at home and watch live
Just grant us Monster Hunter (5?) on Switch , then everything will be okay in my eyes.
I already know I want Mario... I don't need to see more. I want to see new games we haven't heard about yet.
Am I excited?! Umm yeah, mainly cause I am going to be there! I am going to do my best to be able to try out Super Mario Odyssey and all the other great games coming out!
Hopefully there is a little more in store for them now that the Switch is finally out. Of course, BotW made for a great E3 last year, I'm not complaining about that.
Nintendo needs to go easy on making Mario realistic looking. He's a cartoon character so there's really no need (Mario 3D World absolutely nailed 3D Mario style/visuals). His hair and dungaree texture here looks really weird. I fear it won't be long until we reach this monstrosity...
The one thing I don't want to see is Fifa 18 for more than 30 seconds in the spotlight.
My body is ready!
I'm kinda Excited and Worried at the same time.
Will Nintendo really really learn from E3 2015 mistake ?
Dear, Nintendo. Please make 100 % Proper Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch.
No More Fiasco of Amiibo Festival or Happy Home Designer. Just give us Better Evolution of Animal Crossing New Leaf.
Also, I wanna see at least a new bundle of Nintendo Switch with 1 game inside and color variation of Switch. If Nintendo can did for New 2DS XL, Why not for Switch ?
Please.... White / Blue / Silver color. Black color for Switch is kinda too mainstream and boring.
If nintendo can pull off E3 with just one game they can probably do it again. I was just hoping with a new console we would be getting a big stage show to generate hype. Oh well. Hopefully we'll be seeing some solid games revealed.
Show me some new stuff and some Odyssey and were good.
Mario's hair is venturing into the uncanny valley when it's on top of a head still so cartoony.
As long as it's more like 2014 than 2016, it should be a good one.
It is The Big N's game to lose at this point. They have a chance to bring the heat and gain some wide spread media exposure. They need to show METROID on Switch; it really is that simple. Oh, and BEYOND GOOD & EVIL 2 would not hurt either. ; )
Give me VC and a big new title announced from an older ip like Kid icarus, Pilotwings, animal crossing and of course metroid and I'll be more than pleased.
Until they buck their recent trend, I'll hold excitement.
Nintendo always has the most embarrassing E3's. Every year fans set their expectations high and every year Nintendo disappoints.
Nothing I've seen about Odyssey really got me interested. So his hat now has eyes? They already did that in Minish Cap.
It will be a good E3 for Nintendo as long as they announce some big Switch games. Anything announced for 3DS will be great, but they really need some showstoppers on Switch. Give me a reason to buy a Switch in 2017 besides two Wii U ports!
Show me some Xenoblade footage and I will be happy. Show me some NEW, previously unannounced games, and the hype machine will kick into overdrive.
Aside from Hyrule Warriors which was a port, I would say only 5 of those games were actually good.
I'm really only interested in new game announcements. I'm buying Mario, don't need any info on that beyond a release date. Tell me about new stuff.
Also, some info on VC and the online service is way past due...
Seems like Nintendo's "catering area" is still bigger than Microsoft's entire E3 floor space.
E3 is always such a mixed bag. The closer it gets, the more hyped I get. There are those occasions that the big N just lets me down though. I know that this is solely based on my own individual gaming bias but that also means that there are times where there is not at least one game that super excites me.
As always, my Switch is ready, bring on the games!!!!
(CAPCOM .... Monster Hunter, Vigil....Darksiders 1 and 2 Remastered, FromSoftware.... Dark Souls Trilogy and for the love of all that is sacred in gaming, Nintendo.... Metroid)
@OorWullie I genuinely dislike 3D objective based Mario's. Banjo did it better on N64 and the genre has stunk since. 3D Land and World were 2D Mario's in 3D and I loved them, but going back to 3D Mario just disappoints me.
Way more interested in what third parties will show being delivered for Switch over the next 12 months
I'm so old, I still call Mario; 'Jumpman'
...and, yes, I'm really excited about Jumpman Odyssey!
Sounds like they barely have anything to show really, and they are doing what they did last year, just with three games this time around. Pretty pathetic sounding for a company that just released a new console -_-
I'm excited about the Metroid I hope they'll announce...
polls on this site are funny, because they are so obviously biased
Oh snap! New 3ds stuff!
@SEGATA_DREAMCAST that's the case with a lot of polls in general, really.
As always I'd prefer a live stage show, but doing it this way is probably for the best. It's much harder for Nintendo to mess up a prerecorded Spotlight presentation.
Seeing more of Super Mario Odyssey would be sweet, but I'm mainly interested in the announcements for games we haven't seen yet.
To the 10% voting for 'None of these announcements excite me' - what do you even want?
It'll either be great or awful, I'm definitely hoping great, but I honestly don't know.
Give me a good look at both Xeno 2 and Fire Emblem Musou. Everything else is the cherry on top.
@firstnesfan It's going to be focused on 2017 games, they've said. I'd probably lower my expectations because the chances of that announcement - at least for now - are really scarce.
Excitement will only occur after I've heard their announced titles.
@Folkloner Metroid, XC2, DK, and of course, some solid VC pricing and information are what I'm interested in. Odyssey, arms, and Splatoon don't interest me at all.
I want to see a game from Skip Ltd for the Switch. Something new and original and something that I can play in English. (Although this time I can easily get it from the Japanese eShop, if needed.)
That hair looks too real for mario
Not right now, but I hope to have my socks pleasantly blown off because that's what it needs for me to buy the system any time soon.
I'm at least up to a luke warm feeling for this new E3.
I want to see big AAA 3rd party support beyond Capcom.
Show me Monster Hunter or Kingdom Hearts 3 or FF XV port, and you have a Switch owner the day they one of those comes out.
Please Nintendo, show us Metroid! Its high time the series stretched its legs again!
There better be a slew of new game announcements from a variety or sources and a virtual console announcement as well. Would like to see some surprise AAA games sprinkled in too!
@Folkloner Metroid
I believe there is nothing surprising from Nintendo just like last year. At the very most, I would expect a port from Wii-U game, like Super Smash Bros. Still, Super Mario Odyssey is my most anticipated game of the year and more Splatoon 2 doesn't hurt.
I forgot, more Fire Emblem Warriors footage please, since it's coming out this holiday, Let's see the waifus in portable HD
Every time I see Super Mario Odyssey artwork I sit and think about the fact that somebody was given the task of making Mario have individual pores and facial hairs.
Put Metroid in there and I will be genuinely excited because I have seen enough to convince me for Splatoon and ARMS.
I will be getting them.
Asking Nintendo fans if they're excited by Nintendo's e3, might as well ask them if they enjoy breathing air too lol
I hope to see the return of some more diverse titles like Waverace, Pilotwings, Eternal Darkness etc. It would be great to see them return & balance out the Switch library a bit. There's only so much cotton candy and weird Japanese games a person can take!
@Folkloner Simple, Metroid, F-Zero, Mother... I already understood that ARMS and Splatoon 2 are going to be great, I saw that in April's direct , besides in my opinion the only titles that really get me excited from Nintendo are Metroid and... Well, Metroid. Not really super hyped for Mario Odyssey but still curious.
@PanicPuppet92 It's high time Nintendo made Metroid great again!
@Dev I feel the E3's that Nintendo nailed was their 2010 and 2014 conferences. I didn't mind the Zelda focused event last year, but it really wasn't like a Nintendo Direct or anything.
I think Nintendo will have an alright E3. I am looking forward to the new Mario game, and ARMS looks kinda cool. A few surprises would be nice. I don't think I will be blown away by anything Nintendo does, and the same goes for Sony and Microsoft. We'll see how this goes.
Can't wait!
They desperately need some more big games announced for the Switch. It's still feeling a bit barren
@Minotaurgamer Look at his moustache lololol
I hope they will deliver. They need to clarify their online plans and how they will handle Virtual Console on Switch. VC needs to be released this year. I hope that they will have some sort of backward and forward compatibility plans for that. They should talk about their ecosystem plans in general. The Switch UI is great but barebones. They need to send a positive message regarding AAA third party support. That should be both, announcing some ports of "older" games like Dark Souls 3, Bayonetta and some upcoming ones. I would also like to see a few more WiiU ports. A new Metroid, Eternal Darkness, Earthboud would kill it of course but I feel like I've already set myself up for disappointment
I'm unsure if Nintendo will have a good E3. They may mention nothing about their OS, online, and VC.
My votes in this poll reflect the fact that there will most likely be no metroid announcement. I really hope I'm wrong though.
@Ichiban : haha, oh you are so right about this! I'd love to see some of these old franchises revived.
Still haven't picked up a Switch yet. Hopefully Nintendo will announce a Mario Kart 8 bundle or Zelda bundle for the holidays. As of right now the only game that makes me want to purchase a switch for is Super Mario Odyssey. Hopefully Nintendo will have some new games to announce during E3. Also looking forward to see what kind of 3rd party support nintendo is going to get for the switch. Other than that I am looking forward to seeing what Sony is going to be bring out and what the microsoft scorpio is.
I'm pretty interested in seeing what they'll do this year. Hopefully it's better than E3 2013, which was just bad. Frankly, I'm not expecting that much in the way of surprises, but I'm good with seeing more of the games we know about launching in 2017 and probably a little more on some of the 2018 content.
Also @Ichiban, "I hope to see the return of some more diverse titles like Waverace, Pilotwings, Eternal Darkness etc. It would be great to see them return & balance out the Switch library a bit."
Keep hoping, it ain't happening. Those franchises aren't very profitable. I'd love a new Wave Race, but we all know it's not happening anytime soon if at all.
I think this is going to be a Nintendo e3 presentation of new games unlike any other Nintendo Direct or Nintendo Digital of the past.
Nintendo should do fine...they could easily play it safe just talking about Mario, Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, etc.There needs to be a surprise, though, and they really need to clarify the online/vc questions.
The one thing that needs to happen is Retro Studios needs to show what they've been working on.
Nintendo Treehouse: Watching people who don't know how to play games demonstrate a game to you and tell you their experience.
Splatoon 2 World Inkling Invitational: Don't care.
ARMS Open Invitational: I'll watch but my opinion of ARMS isn't very positive right now.
I'm interested in Super Mario Odyssey, but I'm not really interested in more information on it unless it's showing something about the game other that what we already know about it (non linear open world 3D platformer). Are there any new mechanics? Does it have a story that's meaningful (yes I know Miyamoto said he hates story in Mario games)? I don't need to be even more sure it's going to be a non linear open world 3D platformer.
So basically, I want Nintendo to really show something impressive that hasn't already been announced.
If this aint everything theyll show than yes i am excited. But im sure they will. I really want to see animal crossing on the switch.
Make Metroid great again...
@locky-mavo yes please show us what Reto has been up to, even if it isn't Metroid.
@Ichiban how about a new 1080?
I voted for 3 days of e3 because it was a hard call and i really look forward the that ALMOST as much as the main presentation.
@LinkSword I don't Xeno makes it out this year but I'd love to be wrong.
Heaaaaaaaaaaaail's yes, Mario Odessy, way to suck it to da nay sayers. Mario odessy rules! Yes please, don't wanna wait till holiday! E3 will be golden. Er golden showers.... what do i know, i'm drunk...
Happy e3 everyone!
Excited for Splatoon 2 and ARMS invitational! Hopefully Treehouse will keep us watching the entire 3 days!
I like that Nintendo will focus on games releasing this year and showing gameplay instead of games not coming until 2019 or maybe even 2020, like what Sony does, lol
We might see a surprise or two
I want to know what Switch games are coming this holiday season. We already know of Mario Odyssey and FE Warriors, as well as Xenoblade 2 (Will that be delayed into 2018??). But what other games where there be?? The rumored Smash Bros port?? Pokémon Stars?? Pikmin 4?? Metroid??
In other words, I'm pretty hyped.
Im always excited about Nintendo's E3 and just generally any presentation...but then they just come out and nibelsnarf it up and show us generally nothing.
Metroid needs to happen now!
too many years of disappointment.
I think this thing offocusing on just 2017 is because of the lack of 3rd parties. Sure they're lacking them now as it is, but if Nintendo were to show off their games for 2018 then they'd really need to show what's coming from 3rd parties as well. And the thing is, there's probably not a lot. Other than Dragon Quest, which when on Wii U, never made it outside of Japan, there's very little. It's mostly ports of Wii U games. Even games like Skyrim is old, or FIFA which is likely to be some gimped last gen version. Both of which are still ages away from release.
And we'll likely get a "surprise" announcement of Monster Hunter for Switch at E3 and Nintendo will somehow think that is good enough. I hope I'm wrong and there's a load of new AAA games from 3rd parties but it's doubtful. There is also that rumoured Mario/Rabbids game from Ubisoft.
I think it's interesting and it says a lot that only 27% of the voters believe Nintendo will have a great E3.
No! I guess it will be mostly about the new Mario, wich will be Nintendo's main title for the holidays. Well, it worked for Zelda. But I am not so sure about this one. Of course I want to see more of it, and I am sure it will be a good title. But so fricking good that I immediately run to a shop for a Switch (wich is still super expensive)? Nah, I need more (a very strong Metroid for example)!
I just want them to have a few surprises. The lineup right now is very bare-bones, even with Arms, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey.
Do you remember the madhouse it was in the Treehouse stream directly following the Switch Presentation?
I still remember a couple people (me) got confused and thought Alex was actually getting milked. ...Through his nipples.
Not to even mention the countless masturbation jokes and innuendoes surrounding the soda shaker game and (you guessed it) the milk game.
Dear God Nintendo, what have you done by creating "Milk"?
It may as well have been a sex direct in disguise, ALL THANKS TO 1-2 SWITCH!
(reread second-to-last sentence.)
PS: It was also horribly hilarious.
PPS: #WiiUIsBetter #WiiUMasterRace #BringBackWiiU
2015 was awful. The muppets were the best bit. You've actually summed up how bad it was with your list -
Star Fox Zero - poor game, already seen
Skylanders SuperChargers - meh
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes - poor game
Hyrule Warriors Legends - port
Metroid Prime: Federation Force - controversial to say the least
Fire Emblem Fates - already known
Tokyo Mirage #FE - first shown in Jan 2013
Xenoblade Chronicles X - first shown in Jan 2013
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer - 6/10 filler
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival - awful cash-in
Yoshi’s Woolly World - already shown in 2014
YO-KAI WATCH - already known
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam - wahey! a decent new game
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash - awful
Super Mario Maker - already shown in 2014
2014 was great. 2015 was poor.
People seem too hung up on 2018 games. If we get 3 days of Arms Splatoon and Mario I'll be really happy. All that Arms detail when the game is out literally days later will be cool.
I am always excited for E3 and cannot wait to hear how good a new sandbox Mario is going to be (please give me that mario64 feeling again Nintendo). But I have to admit I don't really want anymore details about splatoon2 and arms, they are released soon so everyone will make there judgements from playing them soon enough.
I think they only need one more big surprise, hopefully Mario is going to be that good it'll have the same reaction as Zelda last year. They don't want a major focus on Mario overshadowing something else big. I want a few games that really encourage me to take my switch out of my house, advance wars would be nice.
But please Nintendo do not put apps and to some degree a browser onto my switch. It is not a tablet or a phone and it really does not want to be categorised in that way.
I think that we had two bad years (2015-2016), but this E3 will be like how was the E3 2014.
I don't believe that we'll have many new announcements of Nintendo's first party, only the IP of Retro Studios and little more announcements.
Instead i think that we'll get more third party supports.
I find the notion that - with a focus on 2017 titles - Nintendo will not have anything 'new' to show at E3 quite laughable. A focus on upcoming titles is expected, after all they are known for keeping their eggs firmly in the incubators until hatching point. That said, focusing on 2017 does not exclude announcements outside of this.
As ever, approach with cautious optimism. After all, I keenly recall the events of 2016, and how everyone was baying for blood over 'just Zelda'.
We all know how that turned out.
[1] You want them announce a new Metroid in their announcement for the 'framework' of their E3 plans? Yeah that's stupid.
[2] If Metroid is the only Nintendo title that gets you excited then maybe you need to broaden your horizons.
This Nintendo E3 presentation will likely bore me... But like every year I'm hoping for a LOT of new reveals.
(........Do I even dare to say Metroid?)
Mario Odyssey is the hype. Oh, I'm excited for Xenoblade 2 and Fire Emblem Warriors, and obviously Arms and Splatoon 2, but Odyssey is where it's at.
Im ready to relive the Mario 64 experience in the same way Zelda BotW took the series to the next level.
Also wanna see Skyrim which is gonna be my #2 meaty Switch game behind Zelda. Skyrim and Zelda on hybrid console is nuts to think about. Give me that Dragon Quest XI also, and a few new announcements like Monster Hunter and Beyond Good & Evil, and I'm good.
And if we're really lucky, we'll see a Metroid, although I'm thinking that may be e3 2018 or even a Direct later in the year to get us ready for the following year.
@electrolite77 lol that's so true the muppets rocked!
@Naim_NL Please don't say the 'M' word, I've lost all hope...
Personally I think Nintendo need a couple of 'Wow' moment new Switch announcements. Odyssey will obviously be great but Arms looks pretty poop to me tbh...
The need more then ARMS Splatoon and Mario for a good E3. people are expecting at least one surprise. If they announce metroid then that will be the OMG moment they need. That moment that gives us all the reaction videos and hashtags that get a company over during E3. They need that buzz. Last year they had one game, but it was Zelda so it dominated. I can't count the amount of times I watched Final Fantasy 7 reveal trailer. Those are the moments that people remember and build hype.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I really don't know about those AAA games. It's not particularly that they couldn't be got to run on Switch, it's just that the target audience for those games will already have a PS4/Xbone if they really want them. That's 80 million people (ish). Is there really a big enough demographic left to make them worth putting on Switch?
There are some games, though, that I think could work well, especially AA games. SouthPark would be good, Tomb Raider, Id love Broken Sword games. There's a possibility of Madden and other sports franchises. I think third party is important, but not necessarily AAA that are already out on other consoles.
However, if Switch momentum keeps up, perhaps new AAA games could come. What would you like to see?
There are some things I think we could see.
Mario/Rabbids RPG crossover project - still a rumour until official, but if real, then might we not see it?
Eternal Darkness has just had a Trademark "allowed" (whatever that means).
Retro Studio has to reveal their project at some point, this E3 could be the time.
What happened about Detective Pikachu? Is that game ever coming westwards?
Zelda DLC pack 2 could be outlined in more detail.
Surely it's time to explain and implement online, voicechat and VC. Are there are apps to go along with that like YouTube?
Indies may be showing games for multiple platforms so if early in development, they might not be in the Nintendo Spotlight, but elsewhere.
I'd be surprised if there aren't ports of Smash and Mario Maker at some point. Could they be ready for the announcement at this E3?
Splatoon 2 gets pink and green neon joy-con pack.
Lots of guesses and this is Nintendo so who knows? That's half the fun.
I'm always excited for E3. This year I'm more optimistic that I won't be disappointed.
I'll be honest, I just want them to announce the "Crash N Sane Trilogy" for the Switch / Xbone One.
I'd say I'm fairly optimistic that they'll have a good E3.
The only "odyssey" that I'm interested in hearing about these days is Etrian Odyssey V. Hoping for a few more 3DS surprises as well.
R E T R O S T U D I O S presents
2 0 1 7 N I N T E N D O
I enjoy the whole thing! Looking forward to ninty stuff of course but also intrigued by a Scorpio too.
That was a terrible poll only positive questions barely impossible to show concern. I really think that Nintendo need to show some plans even if it is just teaser trailers for what is coming in 2018.
Very concerned about the amount of 3DS content they'll show. That system is still beloved and many still do not have a Switch. I've got a Switch and I still look forward to hearing good 3DS news.
@firstnesfan I'm banking on reports still indicating a 2017 release and more importantly the OST having been finished a few months ago, which is usually something done towards the end of a game's development.
Still, I'm prepared to be disappointed.
Sandbox Zelda, sandbox Mario and now SANDBOX METROID!!!
...Like that would ever happen
@RadioShadow I'd be hyped if they announced Crash N Sane Trilogy for the Switch - would definitely make me more likely to buy a Switch sooner as I'm still not sure whether to get a PS4 first.
@LinkSword I'm hoping they add multiplayer, I was certain the last Xeno had online multiplayer akin to PSO. It was still an axing game but that would've push it into legendary status for me.
I have a feeling Nintendo will surprise us with some goodies. Whether it be a new Metroid Prime game, new Monster Hunter, etc....I sense something big coming.
@Kilroy The 3DS is near its end at this point. I think after we get Ever Oasis and FE: Echoes, there won't be much left
@drewber2635 That's what I'm afraid of. I love that little system...
This E3 is so important for Nintendo...hope we will get tons of surprises.
@Pigeon No. Not the port. Give me FF XIV (cause its still new) or XV. The Switch is living on ports right now. No more ports.
@drewber2635 Oh how wrong you already are. 3DS has another 12 months easy in it.
@Pigeon I meant just XV or the other newish FF game. Not XIV. But an MMO on Switch wouldn't be the worst thing. So I wouldn't be against it, but its past its prime.
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