With E3 only a month away now, it seems that it’s just onward and upward for Nintendo’s new hybrid, as it continues moving from strength to strength and selling impressive numbers. Indeed, now that we’re starting to get away from the launch window period and the console is beginning to hit its stride, many are wondering what Nintendo’s next move is going to be beyond what we already know. Perhaps in an effort to stealthily prepare us for the announcements that are forthcoming, Nintendo recently put out a new OS update for the Switch firmware.
When you find yourself watching the Nintendo Spotlight on 13th June, there’s probably going to be plenty of announcements that’ll positively make your head spin. Your knees will grow weak, your vision will be swimming with colors and light, you will be at your most unstable in some time. And then you’ll reach out a shaking hand for your Nintendo Switch, glad that you downloaded the 2.3.0 update, because it will have ensured that your Switch has enough stability to settle you down. As it would happen, that’s all that this new update adds, so hop to it and download the update as soon as you can.
What do you think? What’s the biggest reveal Nintendo will make at E3? When will the stability updates end? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com]
Comments 71
So stable you'll have a Grand National winner one day. 🐴
I am seriously hoping for VC
Mine has a new feature; when docked, I turn the TV off and the Switch switches my TV back on every time, never letting it stay off. Thanks update, cool new feature!!! Thumbs up
I had to open system settings and turn off tv match configuration to finally get this annoying new update feature to knock it off.
Just in time too, my Switch was teetering on the edge of the shelving. Here's to ever more stability!
On a serious note I do wonder if Nintendo will do one of those "this update is available to download right now on Nintendo Switch" during the E3 event.
@FX102A There'll be a game of some sort that shows up on the eShop guaranteed. Maybe even the VC, but I feel that may be wishful thinking.
I chuckled. This kind of article is the reason why I stick with NL for Nintendo news, even a boring os update report can be really entertaining, good job!
What about 3DS though? Surely that system could do with a few more stability updates!
And so it begins...
EDIT: Wait, did it already begin? I can't remember. lol
And here's lil ol me, still rockin the original firmware
Vote Tory for a 'strong and stable' OS
@FX102A I'm kinda glad my 2006 Sanyo doesn't support this power mode trickery!
@Zach777 You sound both happy and disappointed with the new feature (if it is a new feature). What kind of sorcery is this!?
It is entirely possible that Nintendo is preparing their OS for new features which could be announced at E3.
Until then I'll hold on to that switch when I feel unstable.
But is it as stable as Theresa May's government will be if we vote Conservative?
@gcunit How do you even feel safe anymore? That os doesn't have enough stability!
It's gonna be so stable by the time I pick it up...
Can never have too much stability
I'm afraid to update. Last time I applied more stability, my own existence in the space-time continuum was momentarily unbalanced. I must be careful...
I'm here for Mario Odyssey, but there's plenty more I want.
@SanderEvers The stability jokes feel that you are growing older by the year. To hear the divine forces of Stability, one has only to listen.
Much obliged, I can never have enough stability!
I love that the site has a "stability" tag so I can easily track all the stability articles.
Had my first problems with it last week with the WAP. After trying all the usual stuff, only by changing to LAN and then back to WAP resolved the problem.
@CB85 is very stable ;D
More stability. lol
I feel more stable than ever before!
And my Switch arrives tomorrow - nice! 😁
That last couple of days, mine has started snapping off random screenshots... Sometimes just one, sometimes it'll snap off 20 or more in rapid succession. Hopefully this will stop with the update. Doesn't seem to be a left Joy con issue, as it will do it with the Joy con detached and turned off as well. Anyone else been getting that?
Stability always must come first !!!
Just how more stable can stable get? None. None more stable.
Thank you spinal tap
Come on now, guys. The console's tabletop mode relies on a small stand. It needs all the stability it can get!
The previous OS version came with Wi-Fi connection issues for me, like I read many here on NL also experienced. Fortunately, it only happened twice, and the "solution" was to reboot the Switch.
If Nintendo just randomly released VC with it imagine how long the eshop would be down XD
you know Nintendo systems are so stable now they could remain perfectly level in a hurricane at sea
(still if it keeps the system running properly then all the better)
Good. Mine was about to fall out of the dock.
Except I don't have a Switch. Yet.
These updates are in need of an overly epic theme tune à la FE:Heroes, you know, just to match the tone.
I wish Nintendo would announce 'We are releasing patch notes to go with our constant updates''.
I'm about to leave for the airport for a business trip. Sadly I wasn't able to download this stability update.
Too bad, I would have enjoyed less turbulence on the flight thanks to my stable Switch.
well i have my fingers crossed for the VC!
So stable, I was able to fit a horse in my Switch.
On a side note, disassembling the horse was easy, but I can't find instructions on how to reassemble it, so if anyone knows how to please let me know. Does anyone also know a good cleaning service? My house is a mess now and it's starting to smell.
Oh, and my switch now runs faster, especially when I put carrots into it.
@Zach777 HDMI CEC would be really good if it worked as it should. Have disabled it for both my PS4 & Switch, only have my Amp set to turn on when I turn on TV.
Retro's new game a new Virtual Console, and GameCube Virtual console purchases.
There had better be Metroid and a smash brothers announcement for the Nintendo Switch. But mostly Metroid.
Soon the Switch will be strong and stable as the UK government come June 8th
@FX102A They could do DLC or something...something for Kart or the "summer" part of the Zelda DLC that's available right after spotlight, but I don't think they need to do a game because they have one of their flagship games coming out that week. Spotlight is a tuesday, treehouse, tues, wed, thurs, and then Arms releases on Friday, so I imagine the focus will be "Arms will be released THIS friday!" more than some eShop title.
I'm predicting the following before June 8th:-
Theresa May comes out with "as strong & stable as a Nintendo Switch"
Corbyn claiming he is more Switch than WiiU as he is "for the many not the few"
Nicola Sturgeon trying to ban the Switch as there is only an "English Language" option and no "Scottish Language".
So much stability... Downloading this is not only an obligation, but a way of life.
@StarDust4Ever But my 2016 Samsung is affected by it. I will say, however, that 4K gaming on my PS4 that function properly over HDMI-CEC is totally worth it. Too bad I can't ever dock my Switch if I want to use any other function of my TV. And before I'm accused of not looking through the settings on the Switch, turning all communication settings on the Switch to "off" does not fix Nintendo's issue.
@stevejcrow I wish it were that simple. Even turning it off on the Switch still doesn't matter. It still randomly changes my input to the one the Switch is on unless I completely power the Switch down or just undock it completely. Ya ridiculous, really. It would be the equivalent of having to just unplug your blu-ray player when not in use so it would stop messing with your inputs intermittently. My PS4 works perfectly, even though I pretty much only play Zelda now while the PS4 collects dust. At least it doesn't randomly change my input with HDMI-CEC turned on.
@Zach777 So I have looked at the CEC issue. What looks to be happening is every time the switch does a network update check while sleeping it seems to check if it is docked or not and does this by probing the hdmi link and not the dock. On some TVs this is enough to switch on / change input. Both are at fault. Nintendo should probe the dock, they have what looks like addressable silicon in the dock they could probe or just not check docked state if sleeping. But the probe is not a CEC auto power on packet, so in theory the TV should not switch but some TV makers tend to over react to ensure compatibility (everyone has their own implementation of CEC). Only thing I can suggest is turn off auto network connect. also check TV CEC setting to see if you have option of strict mode. I have not tested with the new update.
MOOOORE STABILITYYYYY!!!!!! The switch might soon give the 3DS a run for its money
@Hordak I've got a Philips TV and that plays nice with the Switch but not the PS4 Pro. I think the problem is all manufacturers have their own version which don't always work well with each other, presumably to encourage you to stick with only one brand.
I love the "one power button to rule them all" idea, just never got it to work how I'd like. If TV settings allowed you to apply it to selected inputs rather than all or none, that'd be good!
I installed the patch and felt a surge of strong stability so great I felt the urge to rip apart a fox and spit on a homeless person, funny that.
That was one of the most entertaining stability articles I've read in some time
I was actually on the edge of my chair wondering what 2.3.0 would bring until... more stability. I can't with y'all, NL lol
Those patch notes have added a bulwark of stability to my life.
Wishing for VC for E3. It's the pefect time to reveal it, there is no better time this year plus they said you will need to pay for online and you get a free VC game each month, so VC should be out by then.
Never stop making update articles NintendoLife! In jokes like these part of why I love you guys!
@daveh30 People have noticed this issue if they bought Minecraft for the switch. You can google search the issue.
@Zach777 I mean, Nintendo didn't invent CEC. It could just as easily be your TV's fault as it is the fault of your Switch. Unless massive numbers of Switch owners start experiencing the same problem, Switch probably isn't to blame, at least not by itself.
Do they really need more stability? It was already more stable than Donald Trump.
Unfortunately for your point, my TV/Switch comparability functioned 100% properly 100% of the time up until the update yesterday, leading me to suspect that the update screwed something up. Thanks, though. Good thought!
@Hordak I think something is wrong with your TV then. Your remote has an input button and a power button. Use those. Instead you incessantly complain about the problem being the Switch console when you can just keep the remote by your side and use that.
@antster1983 little bit different than the 3ds. The Switch uses open source software that has exploits announced all of the time. They will have to constantly patch this software. They have already had to do so at least once due to a know oss vulnerability found since release.
@Zach777 Right, I get that. But like I was saying, unless everyone else starts experiencing the same problem on OTHER tv's, it might just be a compatibility problem specific to your tv, or that type of tv, even if the update has somehow precipitated that.
Could have been. I powered down the system and rebooted it up and the issue no longer exists. Back in sync with the TV again without a problem every time. Maybe it was a post update funk?
Oh the stability!!!
After the patch I can no longer put the switch to sleep. I tell it to and it goes down but 2 seconds later it's awake again. I tried it every way I could. Eventually I just powered it down.
I don't know how some of your ARMS aren't broken, reaching so far for stability puns. 😂
@Zach777 Well that's good. And yeah, I'd say so. Sounds like something in the communication between the console and tv went wrong and needed to be reset. Glad it worked out for you.
seems faster>more stable
My Switch is too stable, I can no longer tilt it to use tilt controls
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