Michael Pachter's name isn't one you hear uttered all that much around Nintendo Life these days; while we've reported on his (often divisive) opinions in the past (and even interviewed the guy) we decided, like so many Nintendo-centric sites, to ease off coverage during the Wii U era, during which he had very little positive stuff to say about our favourite video game company.
However, it's always worth remembering that Pachter's stance on Nintendo isn't personal, but purely business - his job is to advise people making investments and the company hasn't been a good bet for investors of late. Thankfully that's all changing with the arrival of Switch, and Pachter himself even goes as far as to say that the system could end up being the "second console of choice" for gamers who already own a Sony or Microsoft machine.
In the latest episode of The Pachter Factor, he was asked which console he thinks people will choose as their second system out of the Switch and forthcoming Xbox One upgrade, Scorpio:
If you're a PlayStation 4 or Xbox owner there's a reason why you don't own the other one. And the reason for you is you'll like first-party software better on whichever console you purchased. The standout developer is Nintendo and even though they aren't really any significantly more productive at putting out titles than Microsoft or Sony, pretty much every Nintendo title is just a giant superstar, like giant big sellers. So Zelda; you just can't compare Gears of War to Zelda. It's different and it's among the highest rated - if not the highest rated - title of all time.
I think the Switch is always going to be the second console of choice, and I think that based on where we are in the cycle now - Sony's announced 54 million or so PS4s, they announced that a month or two ago, Microsoft hasn't announced but the number's around 27 million - you have 80 million people out there who bought a console [and] probably not a lot of overlap for those two.
Nintendo is 80 million households behind with the Switch, so for Nintendo to think they're going to beat out Sony or Microsoft to be the first console of the house, not so much. They're highly likely to attach to 20 million of those houses. The first 80 million PS4 or Xbox One owners by definition are people who had 300 bucks or more to spend on the console and odds are the next 300 they have goes to a Switch.
It's worth pointing out that Patcher is talking about people who already own a non-Nintendo system - the 80 million of which he speaks doesn't include the people who only buy Nintendo, and he feels that the system can comfortably do 3DS-style sales figures, assuming a price drop takes place at some point.
What do you make of these predictions? Do you think we'll see the Switch hit 3DS numbers, or could it be a Wii-style success, as some believe? Let us know with a comment.
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the tip!
[source youtube.com]
Comments 92
Let's see what happens. Pachter, however, changes his mind more times than the weather and is wrong on most occasions. At least he's complimentary for once about Nintendo. It'll never see long term success at €330 or without AAA third party support.
Oh no, not another Pachter article
Anyway even with this subject, the E3 logic still stands. E3 2017 will make or break the Switch.
Well it will in Japan that's for sure, lololololololololol.
insert Pach-Man joke here
Pachter being Nintendo's harshest critic is a bit of a stretch.
He loves their games, and was actually a little dismayed at seeing the Wii U underperform to the degree it did.
Well that means Switch will fail then
I can sort of agree with what pachter says here, despite the man having about a 50/50 track record and saying some of the dumbest crap in gaming history. "People would gladly pay 500 dollars for the 3DS" is my favorite flub he ever spoke out on. God I wish I could go to his house and just blare that audio clip while he sleeps.
ANYWAY-- I think he is right on this one. This is the thing, the thing that most disillusion fans do not understand and its the thing that nintendo has built an entire empire on. They don't want to be the 'third box'. (Box1)Sony and Box2)Microsoft are like trees in a forest, trying to grow taller and taller than each other to soak up the most sunlight.
Nintendo is like a shrub or a fern, catching the sunlight that the trees don't get, the sunlight that is impossible for the trees to absorb. The taller the tree gets, the more of a liability it's size becomes. The amount of energy and force that goes into making that tree that big end up becoming its ultimate redundancy. The fern or shrub under the trees reproduces, grows out in its own unique way and when the big thunderstorm hits(A change in the market) the biggest trees are the ones that are affected the most. Meanwhile there is the shrub, safe and sound in the leaf litter.
Nintendo doesn't compete in the same market place as Microsoft and Sony, they create their own and soon there after the big boys are trying to copy them. As far as the scorpio goes, its the same as the pro, going to be underutilized and not expanded upon in the right way. More power should mean deeper, better games, not costlier, flashier visuals.
I think it will too, but that's because Scorpio like PS4 Pro is not intended as a mass market product. It's a high end option for a small percentage of users, sort of like Apple offer. Consoles don't tend to take off with the mainstream until they go under £200, so the bulk of consumers will go for the standard machines.
"The late and not-so-great Satoru Iwata"
The less i hear about Pachter, the better I'll feel.
Also do we know enough about the Scorpio (or the Switch's future in matter of fact) to predict this?!
Surely if you were an investor what you needed to hear in terms of investment advice would be praise during the tail end of Wii U era. Very easy to be positive about Nintendo now that their share price is back to where it was in 2010. Much harder and much more useful to have been positive about Nintendo in early 2015.
Now if after E3 2014 someone had seen Nintendo's output. Seen the clear potential for Nintendo to be big again if they're still producing stuff like Splatoon and Amiibo? Maybe not for Wii U but for whatever was next. Now that would have been useful investment advice.
Looking back with 20:20 hindsight, the smartest advice? Would have been someone investing when the curtain was pulled back on the Wii at E3 2006. Then pulling their money about when Super Mario Galaxy came out as HD started to matter (also conveniently before the GFC). Then investing again when Splatoon was shown at E3 2014. And you know what? As Nintendo fans we know that those were the turning points for Nintendo. And they all happened before the price actually changed.
The Wii U was a fantastic console but it just didn't capture the publics imagination. The sales weren't great, third parties abandoned it then eventually Nintendo abandoned it. It was mainly Nintendos fault but they tried something new and unfortunately it didn't work. The Switch has started amazingly and I hope the momentum keeps up. i only know this pachter fellow from the stuff I've read on here but I can see where he's coming from. As a gaming fan the Scorpio has zero excitement for me. When you are pushing just the boundaries of power in gaming you may as well invest in a gaming PC rig. Nintendo is doing something no other company is doing. Pushing the boundaries of how we play games. Sorry I'm rambling again.
@Serebii they say " A broken Clock is right 2 times a day" LOL so maybe this is one of those moments
@AugustusOxy great comment! It's always good to read well thought out comments from others.
A lot of people I talk to really want a Switch but they say they don't want to pay 300 bucks for one. If Nintendo did a price drop, I'm sure sales would sky rocket.
Awesome analogy!
So effectively he's saying that roughly 1 in 4 households with a PS4/Xbox One will purchase a Switch?
That doesn't sound too bad...
@NESlover85 Yeah but so would Nintendo's financial loss
@NESlover85 They'd be lucky to get one for 300 bucks! They're going for more than $400 on eBay.
Wouldn't be a wise decision for Nintendo to reduce the price of a product that's in massive demand at the current price. If the company I work for had demand like that then they would have raised the price by 50% already
@skywake In hindsight, Nintendo should have done a mid-gen HD refresh of the Wii back in 2010... I recall it being a common rumour at the time. Basically Wii U hardware but without the gamepad.
I imagine that if they had, the true successor would have come around a year after the PS4/Xbone and been very different to the Switch...
Michael Pachter is scumbag.
The truth is this.
People who are graphics fanatics will play PC with ultra settings.
Those who want portability will play the Switch.
The PS4 is in no mans land. Not as powerful as a gaming PC and not as portable as the Switch.
No one is really inot the Xbox at the moment. it's in a slump.
@Skunkfish If that was the case, then the Switch would never have existed. The Switch exists because Nintendo learned from the WiiU.
Whilst Microsoft continues with their no console gets left behind strategy, the Scorpio will most likely perform in line with similar offerings - like the PS4 Pro. Would be interested to understand his view on when we will see the PS5...don't think we're too far away.
@the8thark PS4 also has a diverse array of games. Remember those?
I must be one of the few who do things differently.
Nintendo are always my first console of choice and I buy the other 2 at the end of their life cycle.
I get to choose the best titles for Sony and MS after all the dust settles and I get them cheap.
Plus I support 3rd party developers on Nintendo consoles first and buy the ones not released on Nintendo's machines.
Win, win.
I also have a huge backlog to choose from.
Well, he's got some points there. Owning a PS4 (Pro), I see no reson whatsoever for buying an Xbox. Nintendo's console of choice (be it the Wii U, 3DS or Switch) compliments Sony's nicely, but I can not seeing the former supplanting the latter.
It's too easy now to jump on the winning horse. Now that Nintendo has released the stupid 1-2 Switch trailers and see how the people is excited for it... it calls for a success. But it's job is to ANTICIPATE that. I was sure about the success of the console at the first Nintendo show because it looked like a magnified Wii with added portability and without technical costraints. It was too easy to smell the success but he failed there. Everyone has to earn its bread but this Pachter never knew anything about videogames. It's just an opportunist like many.
If he said so like that, I would rather owning Switch only. Bye bye Scorpio. The Power that can't create charming games like Nintendo. The power that completely useless in my opinion.
I agree with him. Switch will be my next console and I already have a PS4. Don't want an Xbone...
I'd argue that the issues Nintendo had from 2009-2014 were a combination of things. Most of them out of their control. I don't think any Nintendo style product could have broken through during that period other than a portable like the 3DS.
The issue was they were too late to impress with a HD console. They were then, like all developers during that transition, too slow to develop software for HD. And ultimately while the Wii U concept itself was sound? They were too early for it to be possible for that hybrid concept to actually work. The Switch is the console they should have launched 2012. In 2012 it wasn't possible and even if it was it would have buried the 3DS.
the switch will outsell the ps4 and xb1, let alone the upgraded versions.
I'm one of the "people who only buy Nintendo". I had a 360 but that was the only time/generation when I had more than 1 console. So far I am loving my Switch.
My biggest criticism of Pachter this time is he doesn't seem to be giving weight to Switch portability, just analyzing by games. I think he's spot on about games, though.
@Grumblevolcano I mean, he's not wrong. Nintendo hardware generally gets picked up as a secondary machine, no matter if you're primarily on PC, Playstation, or Xbox.
I only have a pc for a couple games and otherwise everything I use for gaming is Nintendo. Eat that, pach-man.
Pachter is always wrong. I find this very concerning for the Switch.
I have 18 years in hedge fund research and market analytics and Pachter is a joke. Media likes him, but his research isn't very good. This is the guy who recommended selling Netflix stock and buying Blockbuster stock — that's how bad his judgement is. He's basically a media personality at this point. A lot like how Bill Nye isn't really a scientist, he's basically a clown, but the media likes to use him as a prop.
As others have said - the biggest part of his job (and the reason why analysts are valuable) is anticipating success well ahead of time.
"It rained yesterday" is valuable information but "it's going to rain tomorrow" is far more valuable because anyone can tell you the former and few can tell you the latter.
@StuTwo , right but he's terrible at anticipating. See my comment above (#35). Pachter is a joke and everyone except the media knows it. He reports the obvious ("Oh look, Zelda is popular") while trying to appear prescient.
His analysis described me perfectly. I already own a PS4 so there is very little reason for me to buy a XBOX because they are mostly the same thing. The Nintendo Switch exists on the periphery, blurring the console line. It really isn't trying to replace the mega-consoles, but supplements and fills out your gaming portfolio. That said, I love the Switch and place it as my favorite current console.
@KiWiiU_Freek I am exactly the same as you, but we are definitely the minority.
Uhm, WTF?
"Nintendo and even though they aren't really any significantly more productive at putting out titles than Microsoft or Sony,"
Nintendo puts out way more content, first party, than both MS/ony COMBINED!
I expect the Switch to do better than the Scorpio, but this doesn't seem like a fair comparison. Millions of Xbox One consoles have already been sold, so people already have a console to play the games heading to Scorpio. The Scorpio is a high-end product catering for the most hardcore gamers, whereas the Switch is aiming for a wider appeal.
Nintendo stopped trying to compete in the Gamecube era...which I'm still sorry to say, the Gamecube was my favorite for that era and still is. However, the Wii did not come close to PS3 or 360 graphics, and it stayed that way with the Wii U and now the Switch. Nintendo doesn't care, and apparently realizes that they'll be the second console in a house hold...who cares, they dominate the handheld market and no one has pushed them away from that no matter what company tried (Sony, Atari and Sega). Even now, even though I don't own a Switch for the time being until more games come out for it, it'll be the second console for my wife and kids and I too...we play the PS4 for the high-end titles, nintendo was always looked at for us for the kid-friendly platform party games (which is their main selling point). It's like comparing Universal Studios to Disney...disney is for the young children and Universal is for the older children...period.
Back to the topic, I see Switch beating out Scorpio and probably having better sales than the XBONE...it won't beat up PS4 and I don't see it selling out the original Wii (unless they manufacture enough of them and get them out in stores, and games start pouring out rather quickly). It'll be the second console as it won't get the big AA games...but, just like he stated in his interview, it's the first party titles on any system that sell it. I like Sony for theirs (Ratchet and Clank, Jak And Daxter, Twisted Metal, God Of War, Parappa The Rapper, Loco Roco, Wipeout, Uncharted...etc) and nintendo for theirs (Mario, Pikmin, Kirby, Yoshi, Zelda, Star Fox...etc). Sorry to say I don't own any Microsoft system (however I owned the first one and a 360 to tide me over until the PS3 went down in price, then it was PS3 and Wii over it), but Microsoft has some good ones too.
@Gold_Ranger They actually put out the same. Don't look at the NES (because they were basically the only ones in that race). But if you look at exclusives on Genesis And Super NES, it was close to the same, with Genesis having a little more...N64 fell behind compared to PS2, but Sony was smacking them out left and right with first-party titles and sequel after sequel with it. Wii had quite a few, but Microsoft was pushing out a lot...Gamecube had many and a bunch of new IP's, but Sony and (basically thanks to Sega), Microsoft had more. For this generation (looking at Wii U over the Switch for now), Sony and Microsoft had way more first-party titles than the Wii U did. I love nintendo too, but Wii U didn't have more exclusives than the PS4 or XBONE, it was just shown more because that was basically all Wii U had for it to shine. Also, this is including Retail, not the download side.
What!!!!!! I thought you was Patcher??????
For me, Nintendo is my Primary console in my house. I put my Wii U & Wii together under TV Shelf to play Wii U, Wii & Gamecube. Also, my New 3DS XL + Older 3DS XL + NDS Lite accompany me for my handheld gaming time.
Used to be owned PS1 & PS2 as Primary console together with Wii, but not anymore due to broken (PS1), no interest to play modded & pirated copies anymore (PS1, PS2 & Wii), so I boxed my modded PS2, Wii and sold them. I got another Wii replacement with right Region ,two years ago (i got USA, before that I got Asia region & couldn't even play original USA Wii games).
3 years passed since 2014 and I wanna play PS2 & PS1 games again somehow... I can't miss my teenhood games that built my interest about gaming. Well, somehow a few PS4 games caught my attention even just ONLY Six games so far ( World of Final Fantasy, Earthlock: Festival of Magic, Overcooked, FF X/X-2 HD Remaster, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD Remix & FF XII: The Zodiac Age) despite of not worthy amount of PS4 games that I can play, maybe if I have a chance I might consider to add PS4 Slim White as my Secondary console, together with PS2 Slim that I will consider to Re-Buy again someday.
Ah, well. Sorry to confess my gaming history. I think I have different treatment with my game consoles.
RIP Switch
You know what would help the Xbox? Some great exclusives, Sony is killing it with top quality must-have exclusives.
Nintendo always brings great exclusives, the problem in the past has been that they are far between and, of course, not having the big third-party titles.
Xbox needs some new big exclusives, cause all they've had this year is Halo Wars 2 whilst the PS4 has had a stunning list of awesome title.
Nah... Don't take it seriously.
I'm sure Switch will be fine.
Generalizing from all the gamers I've talked to:
Xbone: I wish I had a PS4, they're getting all the good games, I hate the controller though, I might sell and get a Switch
PS4: xbone never! I'll get a Switch when I have the money, Zelda looks amazing!
I think general concensus is this guy talks out of his nethers. Let me play devils advocate. I am the guy he is talking about. Been a Sony guy since the ps2. I have never looked at a Xbox, very few titles that Microsoft puts out that I even thought about wanting to play.
Also not a Nintendo guy, but I can remember some franchises as a kid playing with friends and family. So when the code names NX was rumored to be portable, I started watching out for it. When Switch was announced, I was completely geeked. In no way was this going to take away my want to play Persona or mass effect, my PS4 was going nowhere, but what a supplemental console to have.
I think there is a possibility that some PS and XBone owners see a Switch as a viable alternative. Not nearly a majority of them, but millions nonetheless. I don't think Ninty is attempting to "win" the console wars, just carve out a comfortable(and profitable) chuck of space, and supplemental owners would help there.
None of it matters. Switch has found buyers, the formula now is to keep the games coming. A gamers owning a PS4 and or XBOX doesn't matter. If Nintendo sells 40 million + consoles and we get games, then they have succeeded. They have created a device gamers want, releasing titles is all that need make it s success.
For once I think he is right. Switch will sell well, 3DS level figures I predict.
Speculation based on the obvious. Many Sony and Xbox owners already look to nintendo as their second consoles and a lot of primary nintendo owners have a secondary Sony or Xbox machine. It all depends on the console and, yes, the Switch gives a different gaming experience so could well entice those people in the same way the Wii or 3DS did. Nintendo need to work hard to get all types of gamers to buy into the Switch. I am one of those gamers who has a Ps4 and returned to Nintendo for the Switch but I do see other non gamers looking at it with interest.
Pachter is a poor analyst that has gotten undue respect because of a lack of competency in the industry. His job is to make predictions and beat the market which, oe at least follow the market which he rarely does. It is one thing to get the Wii wrong, but to say that Ouya was doing ok was just horrible.
PS4 and Xbox will loose developers because shareholders will not support them. It is all about profit and growth. A midcycle update doesn't bring growth the way new hardware does. Not to mention it will be more expensive to develop AAA titles for the new consoles and you have a recipe for fiscal disaster. Switch will have twice as many houses as Xbox, 25% more than PS4 in 4 years.
I don't disagree with his answer to the question that was posed to him. I agree with many on here that the price tag will hinder it through the first year, but that won't become apparent until they get production ramped up.
E3 will go a long way in determining the short term success of the Switch. I know Nintendo is preaching the two pillars of Switch and 3DS, but I think it's smoke and mirrors.
I do believe Switch or at least the Switch family is the successor to 3DS. Once the first Pokémon game hits, I think the Switch will bring in the 50-60 million units sold.
Nintendo needs to just stay the course until they can get there.
I absolutely LOVE my Switch. As for whether it'll hit Wii-level success or 3DS-level, I think the answer is somewhere in-between (but probably leaning more to the 3DS-level). And that's not because of anything to do with the Switch content, but more so the economic factors of most consumers...and the fact that gaming is becoming a very expensive hobby, especially as wages remain stagnant but costs of living continually rise. But I do agree that the Switch could do really good as the "second console" in a household. It'll already win over the Nintendo-only crowd but my partner and I are a micro-example of what Pachter is saying. I am a Nintendo and Playstation gamer. My fiancée is a Microsoft and Nintendo gamer. He has the XBone, I have the regular PS4 (neither of us have any intention on upgrading to the "newer" versions). We each got a Switch and while in our house, the PS4 and the XBone are the "second console" with Nintendo being the primary, the example still holds true with us.
I think the Switch should be able to outsell the entire Xbox One family, if only because the Xbox brand is quite weak in mainland Europe and non-existent in Japan/Asia.
Oh no, this is the end. Nintendooomed! The naysaysers were right after all! It's going to do worse than WiiU. Patcher said it will be a success. It's a guaranteed failure now!
The most unlikely conclusion of any of Michael Pachter's Nintendo analyses?
@westman98 Xbox video game consoles are the most popular video game console in the UK.
PS4 is outselling the Xbox One in the UK.
Also, UK =/= mainland Europe. The UK is literally the only European territory where the Xbox One actually sells good numbers. Outside of the UK, the Xbox One's sales pace aligns much closer to Wii U's sales pace than the PS4's sale's pace. It's not a pretty picture whatsoever.
@AugustusOxy lol wat.
Nintendo is one more Wii U away from dropping out of the hardware business for good.
"However, it's always worth remembering that Pachter's stance on Nintendo isn't personal, but purely business - his job is to advise people making investments and the company hasn't been a good bet for investors of late. "
Something basically everyone here fails to comprehend.
Can't compare them, switch is a handheld others homeconsole. Many home console owners buy handheld. Which will they buy, the odds suggest they already have 3ds or vita, so it goes without saying Switch will be the handheld of choice, afterall 3ds and Vita are on there way out, I love my Vita but I have to say switch is a worthy replacement
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Lmfao, the last part of your comment is hilarious... Very false too.
@DEZn00ts Watch and learn. It'll be a case of history repeating itself if they keep it high like the Wii U. And it won't succeed without major 3rd party support, which none of them so far have shown either.
What's about the kids who are dying for a switch,this time Nintendo did it right.all they need too is show a picture of metroid,kid Icarus earthbound,Luigi,last of us or a new Shoot em up
They better come out swinging p,ready to hurt your wallet
I can easily see the switch outselling the Scorpio. Games that have only promised next-gen graphics before they arrive to the consumer market never sell all that well. Just look at Sega. And unfortunately, I could also see Sony outpacing the Switch with as many ps4 as they've already sold. But who knows?
I don't think people realize how unpredictable the gaming industry actually is.
Remember when the Wii was supposed to flop horrendously because no one would care about motion controls??
Remember when the DS was supposed to struggle due to the release of the PSP, especially when both platforms sold about the same during their first year on the market (representing a big loss in market share for Nintendo)??
Remember when the Wii HD was supposed to be released to compete with the Xbox 360 and PS3??
Remember when the 3DS was supposedly dead and buried after a bad launch window due to the high price and lack of compelling software??
Remember when the Xbox One was going to "dominate" the 8th gen after the Xbox 360 managed to take so much marketshare away from Sony?
Pachter's prediction is very reasonable and will probably be correct, but literally anything can happen. For all we know, the Scorpio could cost $100 and start selling DS numbers at its peak (30 million units sold per year) while the Switch could start selling at half the pace of the Wii U when Mario and Pokemon are canceled...
Of course, that is highly, highly unlikely, but you never know...
Nintendo's harshest critic? I think you guys mean @SLIGEACH_EIRE.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE 330€? Switch is 360€ around here.
I think he was the Wii U's harshest critic and really he was right about its failure, no matter how much we loved the console.
He is confident that the Switch is going to be different.
There is simply not enough information about Scorpio to make that determination. Anyone making these kinds of projections now are pulling them out of their ass.
"The late and not-so-great Satoru Iwata"
- Micheal Pachter 2016
I can and will compare Gears of War to Zelda because I own both. I love my Switch and Zelda BoTW, but GoW4 is the easy winner in my book; that game is extremely awesome (especially online campaign coop) and reason enough to own an XBoxOne (or Scorpio).
Oh look another outlandish comment by this douche to create controversy.
Sadly Microsoft have their priorities all wrong. Currently the PS4 is riding high on top exclusive-after-top-exclusive. The Switch launch has been a huge positive. And Microsoft? Riding high on a new home layout?
This is a massive shame. Despite being a massive Nintendo fanboy the Xbox 360 is probably my favourite console of all time, mainly because it's brilliant. I'd love an Xbox One S but can't justify the cost when the PS4 is a much better purchase despite Forza Horizon 3 and backward compatibility with Perfect Dark HD.
Rather than bringing out a stupidly powerful under-supported home console the Xbox division should be investing in first party exclusives. Lionhead should have been allowed to make Fable IV.
I'm probably different. I have a ps4 and xb1 and i don't want a Switch.
You can't compare Gears of war to Zelda! What the heck does that mean?
Well said dude. I'm thinking the same. I am so bored of BOTW. It's most certainly not the best game ever made. I like you have both games. Gears rocks.
@Serebii might be half-joking, but I'm kind of superstitious when it comes to the issue. Pachter has said something good about Nintendo again.
Maybe after years of saying that every Nintendo console would be the last one, he figured out how to jinx it - by doing a complete U-turn with his stance on Nintendo systems.
But, who knows.
To be frank it would be a little disappointing if the Switch didn't outsell the Scorpio, given that the Scorpio is essentially an upgrade whereas the Switch is a brand new product.
Pretty good logic.
An article about one Nintendoom bannerman send in by one of our very own Nintendoom bannerman.
Pachter doesn't necessarily check data and make informed statements. He trys to control data for a specific out come
@Untempered-Link Who said that about Satoru Iwata? Mr. Iwata was a genius and a programing guru.
Well considering we don't really know anything about Scorpio, it's just really stupid to say such things. Besides, the audience that goes for things like Scorpio and PS4 Pro and the audience for something like the Switch are completely different. Depending how both Nintendo and Microsoft do things, I think both consoles can be great success'. I'm personally interested in both consoles, Scorpio for a very powerful home console, and Switch because I want a very powerful portable.
Wow, a Nintendo site mentioned Patcher again! Seriously though, I think he could be helping Nintendo in the long run. Not many triple A companies get as many harsh critics as Nintendo does, and I think Nintendo might have been able to use these critic's ideals to create new features in their games.
In a weird, twisted way, I am glad to see that Patcher has been mentioned again.
ok so the nintendo switch will be a complete failure....i say this not cause i believe it but because pachter said otherwise...he is NEVER correct and how he still has a job baffles my mind...i will say i said this on another forum, the switch will sell well cause its not trying to be first bill for the tv if it was it would have freaking netflix and streaming apps already....because it will be a second console i can see both x1 and ps4 owners buying this as thier second console... for me i will be buying games on the switch first cause i like the ability to keep playing and to move from room to room and dock easily with multiple docks.
Pachter's support is the last albatross the Switch needs, given how consistently he is completely, utterly wrong in his prognostication.
@djtwenty9 Pachter said it about Iwata a couple of months back in a video he posted on YouTube (it was reported on NL too)
Maybe I'm just bitter but I still hold it against him for saying it.
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