When assessing the general interest in Nintendo Switch, the various metrics - in firm figures and from surveys and so on - show a system with a decent chance at success. The important work is still to come for Nintendo, but while there was always the uneasy sense that the wider public never truly cared for or knew about Wii U, it's different this time. Nintendo, in creating a new brand (ditching the DS / Wii 'family' approach) and putting some clear, decent marketing behind it has enjoyed a strong launch. While various factors mean the results are to be taken with calm heads, it is good news that the company has been able to boast of breaking its own hardware launch records.
It's what comes next that matters, of course. Nintendo systems often sell well in the first few weeks, as both 3DS and Wii U did, but it's in the wider picture where they've struggled initially and occasionally long term. Yet in creating a home console / portable hybrid Nintendo has set itself up with a big opportunity and also an almighty gamble; its traditional dominance of the handheld market could help, while those with memories of older home consoles also get attracted to the brand. Some say it's a wonderfully diverse system with freedom of functionality that fits the needs of gamers seeking something different from the PS4 / Xbox One market, others say it's a jack-of-all-trades in the worst sense - the reality, as ever, is probably somewhere in the middle.
What is beyond dispute, we think, is that this cycle of hardware really matters for Nintendo. In the past generation it did an excellent job of establishing a successful lifecycle for 3DS, but the Wii U was damaging in its own ways. Retail partners were burned, fans shrank in numbers and got left out of the 'current gen' conversations, and third-parties understandably shied away. The 3DS, such a unique and lovely little beast, existed in a bubble and has performed admirably - the Wii U had no equivalent bubble and fell into the abyss, unfairly becoming a punchline (despite its occasionally outstanding games library) and a retail flop.
As a result Switch was often pushed, pre-launch, as a home console successor - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was marketed as a Switch game and Nintendo succeeded in getting it into the public conscience as just that. A number of Wii U owners not yet upgrading picked it up on its original home, and that's been pleasing to see in a way, but in the wider world it's a Switch game, with a brusque nod at best to its predecessor. In pushing the 'home gaming system' angle Nintendo has also sought to keep the focus on 3DS as a relevant current-day portable. Yet how long can that last? Already we see Mario Kart 8 Deluxe marketing focusing on the portability and flexibility of Switch - at some point the home console conceit will surely be dropped and Nintendo will ditch inaccurate categorisations. Switch, after all, is whatever the consumer wants it to be in terms of home and portable gaming.
That core concept, as some would argue, can be massive for Nintendo. Yet we've been left frustrated by hesitant behaviour and cautious estimates from Nintendo - in an article of New Year's Resolutions for Nintendo we ended it with 'be bold and meet demand', highlighting that Nintendo had lost faith and forgotten how hot its products can be, as a result understocking and failing to sell its products to their potential - we saw this last year with cool New 3DS models, the NES Mini and more besides. Now with Switch it's burned through launch stock in various countries and territories, with restocks a little slow in countries with the highest demand (like the US). There's little can be done about that now - whatever contingencies Nintendo has for March / April restocks was set weeks and months ago. The good news is that solid restocks should be inevitable for the release of MK8 Deluxe.
Of course, the trigger for this article is the Wall Street Journal report that Nintendo is doubling its production for the next financial year, which is 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018. The report - on which Nintendo declined to comment - states that the production target is a jump from eight million to 16 million; we'll know for certain when Nintendo's financial reports are published on 27th April. So, what does this mean, if that report is accurate?
Well, a production run of eight million would have been the ultra conservative, safe Nintendo we were worried about - even shifting all those units would bring numbers considered poor for 3DS in a low period within its first five years. When the 3DS sold 6.79 million units in 2015 / 2016 that was considered a bad year and a sign of the end times for the handheld. To have originally targeted numbers not much above that in Switch's first full year would have been a worrying state of affairs.
Of course, making 16 million systems wouldn't mean an expectation that every one of them is then sold, but it would certainly show a degree of intent and confidence in demand. With the aforementioned Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Odyssey among tentpole releases, and others like ARMS and Fire Emblem Warriors also in the mix (the latter also on New 3DS), there are major releases on the way in 2017. We haven't mentioned some of the tempting third-party games and, of course, Nintendo will have more surprises on the way.
One of the more exasperating aspects of some online responses to the January reveal event for the system was an assumption some made that Nintendo showed all of its cards. There'll clearly be more surprises on the way, including some for 2017. What'll be interesting is whether this reported boost in expectations from Nintendo is not only in relation to the system's solid sales start, but renewed focus on development of major projects for the coming financial year. That aforementioned hybrid status of the system is a huge opportunity, as games catered to home consoles and portables are feasibly both on the table. Animal Crossing is one IP that seems to suit portable gaming well, despite its home gaming heritage. A big franchise that could be huge, of course, is Pokémon.
Rumours with some solidity in the past have suggested the next 'main' game in this gen of Pokémon will arrive on Switch, the familiar 'third' entry to follow on from Pokémon Sun and Moon. If Nintendo needs something of a megaton nature for E3 or another event of its choosing, that would surely be it, a full-fat main-series Pokémon game playable on the go but also easily enjoyed in lovely HD on the TV. Spin-off Pokémon games on home consoles don't often get close to the sales success of the portable entries, so a true hybrid main release would be a game changer.
Unless it was a dual release with 3DS - the success of the Switch version would no doubt be affected by that...
Ultimately, we'll see in late April how serious Nintendo is about giving the Switch a successful first year. Big sales would give confidence and attract more third-parties, which in turn could attract more gamers. As we've seen in the contrasting fortunes of 3DS and Wii U, multiple factors come into play, but momentum and the perception of a system being a sales success are vital.
Nintendo may as well bet big, though. It has the money and IPs to take a gamble, and the pay-off could be well worth the effort.
Comments 164
I'll argue that the Switch is a Jack-of-all-trades in the BEST sense: it carries all the advantages of both a console and portable, and what few disadvantages it retains are hardly worth caring about.
admittedly under a month in this is looking like the hybrid of theissues they had with third party support on both the Wii and Wii U. But support is clearly dependent on how well the system sells over the course of the launch window. So early indications are positive. And ports of the last gen stuff could well pay off -some the third party strategy was pretty crappy on Wii U BUT this time it could work. Skyrim on the toilet? Yes please! Etc etc.
EA should seriously consider bringing the Mass Effect trilogy to Switch. Never played any of those games as playing huge RPG experiences on a home console can be difficult due to time constraints. But taking them on the go could make those who've already played double dip and could act as an incentive for others double dip.
This in addition to current gen games could seriously make Switch pretty viable.
The reason home console versions of Pokémon games don't do as well as their portable entries is because they've all been made by The Pokémon Company & have been awful.
Collosseum & Gale of Darkness were fun, but didn't really have the charm of the portable Pokémon titles or the graphics to sit alongside the other games of the time (even for the Gamecube). I love pokémon with all my heart... but I played Collosseum for the Ho-oh & didn't touch it afterwards.
A real, Gamefreak designed Pokémon on the Switch could be a really big deal. There has never been a "real" Pokémon game on a home console. It's time to give it a try.
I'm super stoked for E3 this year. Nintendo has to have some big game reveals. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Animal Crossing and Metroid!
Agree with the mass effect comment above.
Overall , the flexible play nature of the device - at least for me - has become the killer feature , really works for me and feels well beyond a gimmick.
@DanteSolablood I still think Colosseum is one of the better Pokemon games. A lot better than most of the recent entries in my opinion. Battles were a lot more tactical, the game was a lot more difficult in general, something that the recent games severely lack.
The switch is gonna be great. It will compliment the PS4 nicely but won't replace it.
The irony of it all is that regardless of what Nintendo does, all they have to do is pop a main series Pokémon title on the Switch to ensure success. Add something like Monster Hunter to that, and then maybe Animal Crossing, and you've got one hell of a userbase incoming. I believe the key is, like on the 3DS, having something for everyone.
Add already-announced things like Japan's darling Splatoon franchise, the universally beloved Mario franchise, and innovative newcomer ARMS, and success is pretty much guaranteed. They just need to get those titles announced already, so that people know it is coming.
I pre-ordered the system for launch solely for Fire Emblem's next main title, coming in 2018, and picked up Zelda because it seemed like a fun open world title (I loved it, despite hating all previous Zelda games excluding Minish Cap and ALBW), and now I've decided to pick up Splatoon 2 on launch as well, as well as some solid-looking nindies like Mr. Shifty, Celeste, World of Goo and Graceful Explosion Machine. I also picked up Fast RMX and Snipperclips, and they're quality titles sold for what amounts to pocket money.
It feels like they never had this confidence in the Wii U and that's why it never had their full support. The new confidence in the Switch is promising, and I'm hoping 3rd parties agree.
I wonder what percentage of developers are working on it now?Seeing as 4 months have passed since the last survey,which took place before the console was even fully revealed and was somehow reported as "new" news yesterday.News that generated a lot of needless negativity.News that was reported elsewhere over 2 months ago.
I'm finding the Wii U bashing now that the Switch is here to moderately tiresome. Conceptually, the idea of a two screen had potential. From off-TV play to truly innovative two screen experiences (oddly, Affordable Space Adventures might be the best example of this), there was A LOT The Wii U could have been. The missteps were largely marketing and game release related. Failure to mend fences with third parties didn't help, obviously. In the end, we got some great games and a missed opportunity. Treating the system as an ill-conceived disaster seems unfair. Oh, it also happens to have the greatest game of all time in its library.
That confidence is great. The more faith Nintendo has in the Switch, the more consumers and third parties will buy into it.
Though I'm still waiting for that obligatory Nintendoomer who thinks all Switch news is bad and clicks on Switch articles because...reasons.
Nintendo share price will hit $40 this year....... Amen
@Dakt Please tell me that's a real rumour and not just a personal wish?
I think the "Gameboy for Adults" approach is good in that it focuses on people who have a lot of money. But at the same time, if they don't keep their interest then they've been known to put high tech products into the drawer abyss pretty fast.
Adding a Smash Bros port and Pokemon Stars (assuming the rumor is true) to the holiday lineup alongside Super Mario Odyssey will make for a massive holiday season.
Honestly though, the three biggest franchises the Switch could have are undoubtedly Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Monster Hunter. They're all absolutely perfect for the Switch, and will do wonders for it.
One thing the Switch really has in its favor that the Wii U never had is that it advertises itself. As people bring it on the go, others can see them playing Zelda or something and then ask about it. Then switch (ha!) easily to tabletop mode and be playing Snipperclips, Mario Kart, etc within minutes!
I've had a ton of people ask me about it already. The Switch is a conversation starter!
It's good that Nintendo is confident in the Switch. That's something they didn't have for the Wii U and that showed with the quality and selection of some of their games. I mean who asked for a full fledged Captain Toad game. It was fun but it wasn't something we asked for. We asked for Metroid, Nintendo didn't deliver. We asked for Animal Crossing, Nintendo said OK here's Animal Crossing lite.
Ugh this is sounding like I'm bashing, but I'm not trying to do that. I want to be positive. There is enough negativity regarding Nintendo on what is supposed to be a Nintendo news site.
What I'm trying to say is maybe with this new found confidence Nintendo can actually give us what we ask for and really put their heart and soul in what they put out so they will be proud of their work and when we play those games we feel the kind of feels we had back when we were kids and ALL loved Nintendo like we say we do.
@Equinox The layout in terms of first party games seems to be pretty solid. Next up we have Arms and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which should last us until Splatoon 2, and Splatoon should carry us over to Odyssey. And that's without hearing about games announced at E3.
@Grawlog In my opinion Rocket League would be a better fit for the Switch than Overwatch. Either way the first major third party games that comes out will be swamped with cash.
@Muddy_4_Ever I hear ya, I am still loving mine personally and I don't see myself moving onto the Switch until more features are available like Youtube and I am praying for Miiverse to return at a later date. Not sure when it became cool to hate on the Wii U especially considering that when I look at my game library it is far larger than the amount I have on Xbox One, not bashing the system though because I have had many great times with that system too!
@wiggleronacid E3 should be interesting this year thats for sure!
May is a month to focus on. Switch has MK8D April 28th so they'll spend the next 6 weeks promoting that. E3 isn't until mid-June 14-16, so that's 6 weeks between MK8D and E3 w/ no major games currently on the schedule besides Ultra SF 2, which I've read is a 10 year old port (I don't follow SF). So I think Nintendo has to decide what to do about May. Do they have a Nintendo Direct to announce some more game news - we all want Mario but it can't fill out the holiday calendar all by it's lonesome. SSB4 Complete is a good guess for the holidays, we are all still waiting on the Cloud and Bayonetta amiibo, we've seen pics of the latter, so they must be waiting for the Switch port. But is that something they'd want to announce in early May or wait for E3? We also don't know when ARMS is releasing, or the likely bigger selling game Spaltoon 2. We know Spaltoon 2 is "Summer", but that can be June to September. Obviously a June release would help out Switch summer sales a lot more than September.
So there's stuff we know, stuff we might expect, stuff we can hope for - Pokemon on Switch - but when does Nintendo tell us - sooner or later? May needs something to keep the momentum going.
And of course there's still fear of undercutting Switch momentum. MHXX releases soon (yesterday?) in Japan on 3DS. Mario Sports Superstars may have reviewed poorly but it's the only Ntinedo advert I saw in the Target ad this week. And Pikmin 3DS will surely get a big marketing push, it's Pikmin. And if Gamefreak announces Pokemon Stars or Diamond Dimensions & Pearl Power remakes for 3DS this holiday, that's a blow.
Nintedndo has done a much better job, up to this point, in promoting Switch, but it has to keep the good news coming, that whole silent thing they seem to enjoy won't help sell consoles this spring.
Bayonetta amiibo, teased 6 months ago tomorrow, Sept 20, 2016
Nintendo has to have some big things to reveal at E3. I think an increased production is great news - not because Nintendo expects to sell out, but because for once, there will be a strong possibility of consoles on shelves when people want to buy them, unlike the Wii the first couple of years and the NES Classic and many amiibo early on. Having it readily available during the holiday season is never a bad thing.
They already have a guaranteed system seller in Super Mario Odyssey, but if they threw in a Smash upgrade port, a mainline Pokemon game and Pikmin 4, they could be on their way to their best Christmas in many years. I expect a good number of game announcements at E3 for Q3 and beyond. Not to mention if they announce a new Metroid/Animal Crossing for 2018, things will be looking very good for Nintendo's future.
@Octane There is going to be some personal taste mixed into things and if you were a fan of Collosseum... more power to you. I'm a fan of pokémon so I'm not going to knock you for liking a different aspect of pokémon.
Personally, I found Collosseum lacking in most of it's key areas graphics, story, challenge) & the only real thing that the battles had outside of the basics was the "snagging" mechanic. But you know what... around the same time I had to complete Pokémon Channel to get myself a Jirachi. Collosseum was Disney World compared to Pokémon Channel.
Agreed on pokemon selling lots of Switches if there isn't an 3DS release. I honestly think Smash on 3DS neutralised the franchise's ability to shift consoles. All the people I know who wait for games like Smash to buy a Nintendo console got 3DS' and decided against needing to buy a Wii U.
@abe_hikura The same can be said of Monster Hunter, since it still sticks to 3DS for now, but could easily help sell Switches, especially in Japan when arriving on Switch (and will sell me a copy, since I want the home-console experience I've so thoroughly enjoyed on Wii-U back when it comes to Monster Hunter)
@DanteSolablood Personal preferences for story and gameplay aside, I really don't get what you mean about Colosseum and XD being sub par graphically.
Pokémon Stars needs to happen
@Muddy_4_Ever i had a lot more fun with the Wii U than the Wii. I enjoyed it, but in the end, i understood how many people didn't understand the appeal.
Some damn fun games though.
@OorWullie erm... a real rumor? He just said he wanted something... obviously it's not confirmed. Or a "real" rumor... whatever that would mean =D
Personally, I think the real success of the Switch will come when Nintendo finally decides to market this as their handheld and let the 3DS fade away. Pokemon & Monster Hunter alone would do wonders for the switch, but simply not fragmenting their user base is going to push sales.
@flapjackashley2 i so want a Smash Bros Deluxe port. The joy cons are so made for playing it.
The downside is if they don't sell they'll have abig pile of them sitting around deterring them from a future upgrade (like Switch Lite) or whatever with fixed screen scratch, fixed joycons, more memory, etc.
@Muddy_4_Ever completely agree, well said 👍
I just can't get excited about the switch yet, i just bought my first 3ds so i think I'll be fine with that and my Wii u backlog for another year yet😁
If the rumors of Pokémon Stars and Smash Bros 4 getting ported to the Switch are true, and both titles arrive this year, then the 2017 Switch holiday exclusive lineup could look like...
-Mario Odyssey
-Xenoblade Chronicles 2
-Fire Emblem Warriors
-SSB for Nintendo Switch
-Pokémon Stars
If Mario, Smash, and/or Pokémon aren't pushed back, then this could be one of the strongest holiday lineups I've seen for a Nintendo platform.
While I don't see Nintendo actually shipping 16 million Switches during the 2017-2018 fiscal year, they could certainly push out around 12-13 million units given no major game delays and a few good holiday bundles/deals.
Idk, I'll let you guys continue the speculation of its future.
Right now, I don't care how well Mario Kart 8 keeps momentum going, I care how much fun I'm gonna be having battling people at work in those 5 new battle modes and 8 new arenas, and racing people on nearly 50 tracks anywhere, anytime.
It'll be nice to see Arms strategically placed in between MK8 and Splatoon, but what'll be even nicer is having a blast playing it with other people.
Splatoon 2 will surely give the Switch a boost in late summer, but what's more exciting is the countless weekends I'm going to be getting my butt handed to me by the rest of you guys who are super good at the game. Hopefully I can find my groove again.
Xenoblade 2 and Fire Emblem Warriors and Skyrim might drive interest in the fall, but even more so it'll be driving me right into gaming ecstasy as I spend a good 1,000 hrs sinking my teeth into those games, and it's gonna be all day, all night, play at work and play at home. Those are some meaty games like Zelda.
And finally, Mario Odyssey may help Nintendo have the best Christmas in years, but it's also going to help ME have the best Christmas in years.
Don't get so wrapped up in the politics and success debate you forget to have fun.
I have so far not seen the concentrated effort we know Nintendo can initiate put into Switch. I would not call the announced IP for the system hard hitting. It needs to go beyond Wii U's array of IP. It's the weakest console in the market so lesser-funded Japanese game development has the opportunity to go all in, if you want to look at it from that angle, which I think is the best scenario for Switch. Certainly Activision's Skylanders and Ubisoft's Just Dance aren't giving it any Western IP sheen
The real issue for me are games. It's a good thing they released Zelda of all games but there is no real alternative. Not everyone is into Zelda. Would it not be a better idea to release the system once there are more games to choose from? I mean, there are but nothing worth buying the system for.
Might get a Nintendo Switch when Mario Odyssey get's release, not interested in any of the other games that are out for it right now/that are coming out soon. I done have Zelda Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U, I own Splatoon also on the Wii U but I don't really care for it so not interested in Splatoon 2. Hopefully Nintendo Will release a new metroid prime, starfox, and Donkey Kong Country games for the Switch they would be day one purchases for me. I don't care for Pokemon, Animal Crossing, or even the Monster Hunter series at all so they wouldn't be a system sell at least to me.
I wonder if that's almost TOO many for holiday. Could come with a 2018 dearth. Maybe Mario for Christmas and save Pokemon for March or something. I'm not expert, just thinking about momentum.
I'm waiting patiently for Mario. We can't have that bowser marrying the princess can we.
Mario marathon until oddysse
These games ain't out but it sure does get people excited
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for me can't wait for all 48 tracks , multiplayer fun absolutely love this game - enjoying Zelda at the moment with Snipperclips and Super Bomberman r. Soon to be joined by Snake Pass and Has Been Heroes. After Mario Kart, Splatoon 2 then some more indies then Fifa 18 and SkyRim and Mario for Christmas all this in 2017 too - loving my Nintendo Switch
I personally think Xenoblade Chronicles 2 won't make it in time for the 2017 holiday season in the west and will be pushed back to Q1/Q2 2018. I'd love to be wrong though, and see the game arrive during the holidays.
Even if Xenoblade 2 isn't delayed, I don't think the "proposed" Switch 2017 exclusive holiday lineup sounds super crowded by any means; Mario, Pokémon, and Smash Bros, Xenoblade, and FE Warriors are very different kinds of games.
Nintendo will likely spread out their release dates as well; FE Warriors and Smash Bros could be October titles, Mario Odyssey and Pokémon Stars will almost certainly be November releases given that those are Nintendo's two biggest IPs, and Xenoblade 2 could be a rare December release (much like XCX back in 2015).
So far I really like the Switch alot more than I honestly thought I would I like playing in docked mode on our flatscreen and I like playing the Switch in portable mode way more than I thought I would, its a great system so far : NOW bring out those BIG GUNS Nintendo and start firing on all cylinders new Mario looks absolutely amazing so give Luigi another Luigi's Mansion sequel and we need a proper Metroid Prime Hunters with online multi-player a new Pikmin a better StarFox with online multi-player keep kicking into Bayonetta 3 a Switch exclusive and the next main series Pokémon title only on Switch give us that updated Smash Bros title with a story mode even a New Wario title in the 2D platformer style a new true Diddy Kong Racing sequel all the retro titles we can handle and then some and last but not least release that Xenoblade sequel this year not 3 years from now .
I worry that E3 will just show us more content on the trailers we have already seen. With no new announcements! More xenoblade more emblem warriors etc. I also feel that by the end of the first year the switch will have less third party games than the Wii u in year one.
Wish good things for the switch but dam this ship needs steering!
I've been relatively ho hum on E3 the last 2 years, to the point hat I didn't even watch coverage. Part of that was due to having both school and work admittedly, but even when at home I didn't watch. It was easier to just look over highlight online.
This is the first E3 I intend to be watching as much as I can, and 75% of that is looking forward to Nintendo actually dropojgna few hype bombs for my Switch. If there was ever a time to let some cats out of the bag, this will be it.
Mario Kart does a great job of showing off the multiplayer potential of the Switch. That could be a system seller if people play it with a friend. Splatoon is great but not really a system seller to people who haven't played the original. People have been asking for a true console Pokémon ever since the original so that would move units, even if it's just Stars and not a new entry.
A definitive version of Smash with the modes from both the Wii U and 3DS version would be a real winner. The Switch is perfect for it since you can hand the Joycon to a friend and play multiplayer on the go without needing two systems. They could add the Ice Climbers to that version since they were nearly done but they couldn't get them running on 3DS. Parity isn't an issue anymore with them phasing out the 3DS. Another round of DLC characters wouldn't go amiss either and would keep the game in the news again.
I think some other Wii U ports might be a good idea too. If the Switch succeeds, it'll be in the hands of a lot of people who didn't have a Wii U. Games like Bayonetta 2 and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze deserve to be enjoyed by a wider audience. The HD Zelda remasters would also be a good idea to port again since they're great and taking them on the go is enough to justify triple dipping. Maybe ever HD up the 3DS remasters of the N64 Zelda games too. That would be harder than just porting the already Hd games but it would also sell like crazy.
Overall, I think the Switch will be a very successful system. It fills a niche that the PS4 and PC don't so you can justify getting one even if you own one of those. Plus it has the best kind of gimick. One that has the combination of being magical and practical at the same time.
Another +1. In fact +10. I think the biggest misstep Ninty can make is not going all in on the Switch. And no 3ds owners I'm. It saying "no soup for you". I'm saying that if they push this as a joke console and 3ds as a portable, they shoot themselves in the foot.
Are 3ds owners going to run out and buy a Switch for home gaming? Probably not. Will Switch owners buy a 3ds for portable fun? Definitely not. Nintendo has to get the big hitters to release on the Switch. Pokémon, monster hunter, animal crossing, yokai watch. It feels like they expect people to double dip and consumers aren't going to do that.
I expect Nintendo brass to realize that sooner than later.
I don't like this situation in which all the success of the system seems to be dependent on a Pokemon game. I really don't care about Pokemon.
I'll wait at least a year before I consider buying a Switch
@Rumncoke25 Yeah... it's a weird situation. I love my Switch and 3DS both, but I don't really see me buying any more 3DS games. As an adult, I have no problems taking my switch places. The size doesn't bother me, as I would just toss it in my bag or car. I have a nice case for my switch (Waterfield) and I am careful enough not to be worried about breaking it.
But at the same time, there's no way I would buy a young kid a Switch (I don't think, my son's only 12 weeks old, so I'm not at that point yet =D). It's just too expensive, too big, has too poor battery life, and I think a careless child would break it far too easily. So while I would like to see the Switch take over the 3DS market so I can get all my games in once place, I think there is still a need for some sort of a more easily portable and rugged device. It will be an interesting challenge and I am very interested to see how Nintendo handles it.
I never really understood the complaint about the Switch's battery life compared to that of the 3DS.
-Switch's battery life: 2.5 - 6 hours
-3DS's battery life: 3 - 5 hours
I guess the Switch being a very high powered handheld gaming device has a lot of people questioning its battery capacity, while the 3DS being underpowered even by 2011 portable gaming standards had less people complaining about the battery life given how weak the device was.
Same with the Switch's size. While it is indeed bigger than a 3DS, it's not that much bigger. Remove the two Joycons and the Switch is literally almost exactly the same size as a folded 3DS XL/New 3DS XL (and a bite thinner too). I myself originally thought the Switch was going to be a monster sized portable, but after seeing, I was surprised at how small it was.
@greengecko007 Heya! Well I didn't say anything about Gale of Darkness, I never really bothered with it so can't really comment. The closest I got was a friend who completed it & he thought it was much of the same.
As for the graphics, I didn't think they were good for the time (though obviously better than on the GBA) and they were backed up by odd animation & stylistic choices. Just to double check I just ran through a couple of YouTube videos and I stand by my words. Just look at the standby animations at the start of this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBYCR6lpxsI).
Please don't take my opinion as an attack on Pokémon though, I've played since RBY, played the TCG & have a completed Pokédex on my Sun cart. My experience of the game doesn't make yours wrong. Just different to my own.
Nintendo might have found new confidence but after reading a previous article about the survey of devs interested in switch and the replys many switch owners gave,it sure sounded like many of you didn't share this confidence Ninty have. Now we fast forward to this article and now everyone is confident again,just got to say you switch owners are a strange lot but you make for compelling reading. There are laughs and cat fights all rolled into one,it's great and may I say don't go changing on me,I come here for my soap opera fix and am not ready for the series to end yet
I'm loving the portability, I can't even remember when my Switch was last in its dock.
@NintySnesMan lol. Spot on mate
Confidence is good, but Nintendo needs to keep up the momentum.
@Rumncoke25 I'm a 3ds owner - I sold my PS4 and XBONE to buy SWITCH as my Home console lol. . Not sure I'm alone either. . ..
@NintySnesMan It's worth noting that article was based on months-old outdated information. With Nintendo having been so damned secretive leading up to release, it was no wonder that only 3% were interested at the time of the survey. I wonder what the number would be today...
I agree, though, it was very entertaining to watch the mental gymnastics done around the assumption that it was current information. Just imagine the spin after learning that it was old information... It basically went from this:
To this:
"WOAH! See, that means it's going to be even better than just 135 devs! You haters are just sticks in the poop trying to ruin our happiness! #SligeachGonnaHate"
You would hope Nintendo would have extreme confidence in the Switch. But there's no way they sell a gargantuan number of consoles with their current retail lineup. The only games that have me interested are FIFA and NBA 2K18. They need something outside of their first party IP that already showed up on Wii U. I'm waiting for the end of the year and possibly 2018 to pick one up. Hopefully something not seen in awhile pops up, like Eternal Darkness or an actual Nintendo sports game.
Making the next mainline Pokemon game a Switch exclusive is perhaps the most important thing. Getting it out this year or very early next year would help too. With a big reveal at e3.
@Captain_Gonru Yes - there are clearly more surprises on the way - if you follow Nintendo as a company from a business point of view ( which I do) You would understand , or learn , that the key to momentum is issuing enough information and announcing releases to gain traction - and then to time everything that is released as announcements with an element of surprise to boost the free marketing that the extra - yes extra - hype allows! Examples here are the 2DS announcement - the Super Mario Run announcement at the Apple event and now announcement that production of th eSwitch is being ramped up to double. . which, incidentally, the press were always wrongly understating anyway. . .
But common sense prevails here - Nintendo is ALWAYs working on something spectacular - just what do you think that is at the moment and how and when do you think they will announce it ? It's coming! we just don't yet know the details. . . .
@luke88 Honestly when they finally announce a Pokemon game on the Switch i'll probably go ahead and sell my Wii U and 3DS. Sure i'll lose out on a few games but most will have sequels or ports on the Switch like Mario Kart 8.
@canucksfan989 I definitely think people should keep their 3ds consoles. But I'm confident that the first party Wii U games will get ported to SWITCH. .
The next few months are certainly one to watch!
@NintySnesMan Not directed at you, I used quotation marks " "
I would absolutely love to see a main series Pokemon game release on the Nintendo Switch rather than the Nintendo 3DS. Even more so, a new Monster Hunter game! I just feel that Nintendo shouldn't rely so heavily on their 3DS family in the future and instead bring those solid games to a newer system. I also feel like doubling the estimates for their finacial year is a bit much, but hopefully Nintendo's confidence will pay off huge dividends!
@Dpullam True that, the Nintendo Switch would be a way better choice of console moving forward for future Pokemon releases than the Nintendo Switch...
@PlywoodStick Haha. Thanks for noticing that glaring typo. Fixed it!
I'm not seeing the confidence, i'm seeing a cautious launch and a slow build up to E3. Confidence would've been 6 million launch units and some high profile game announcements that didn't have to wait until E3. Keeping the silence on VC isn't a good look either, that should've been ready to roll out by now.
Nintendo very much likes to control how and when their information comes out, and they're being awfully stingy. Confidence would've been two or more directs, before and after launch, highlighting what we have to look forward to. It's better than nothing, and better than "we have nothing to say at this time" three months straight.
I think the Nintendo NX would be a better choice of console for future Pokémon games than either the Nintendo Switch or the Nintendo Switch.
E3: Time to announce what Retro has been working on for quite a while now.
@westman98 Now hold on there for just a minute. I understand that the Nintendo NX would definitely be an awesome home for future Pokemon games. But you also have to consider the ramifications of such a decision. After all, the Nintendo Switch is a very viable choice for Pokemon's next entries. Not to mention, the Nintendo Switch is still going strong, and can provide everything a Pokemon fan wants.
Farewell PS3 the only console with true backwards compatibility. Plays ps1. Ps2. PS3
Japan ending PS3 production. I hope the free online continues.
The PS3 is ending life with the Wii u but started with Wii and the switch is starting life with the PS4.
I hope the switch can achieve a similar life
@Octane Nintendo should release a Pokemon Coliseum game that pulls in your Pokemon Go collection for full on battles. That would be a heck of a leverage.
As for Nintendo? They've always been a conservative company but they do take some bold risks now and again. Would Xenoblade/The Last Story normally have been released for and properly localised for a European audience in the 1990's? Never.
@rjejr Yep, Monster Hunter XX came out two days ago. (From Japan's perspective, damned time travelers) At the moment, NS is probably mostly sold out over there anyways, so now is the time to squeeze in that last MH game on 3DS. Though I wouldn't be surprised if a 3DS release is skipped outside Japan, to instead be held onto for the first MH title on NS, and be an incentive for 3DS users to migrate.
And yeah, the radio silence is unnecessary at this point. Unless Nintendo is planning an E3 blowout, they need to start revealing more plans, and fast.
@UK-Nintendo Assuming you were lucky enough to get one of those rare early 60GB ones with an Emotion Engine chip onboard...
I'm happy. But I've question, is arms really all that good? I keep seeing it mentioned up next to Mario Kart 8 and such, but then people that I have heard that have played it said it was fun but still like a Wii game.
@NintySnesMan Your first comment was thoroughly entertaining. Thank you.
@Danrenfroe2016 ARMS doesn't have star power, but if you liked the Kendo game on Wii Sports Resort, ARMS should be several steps up from that.
@Dpishere You sound uncharacteristically unbiased! That doesn't belong on a site such as this! Haha kidding.
@PlywoodStick I was lucky. I bought 2 but gifted it to my brother in law.
Time will tell. I think some people's confidence in the Switch is totally misgiven. I think it won't do great. Not as bad as Wii U, nothing could. It'll do alright for Nintendo, a handful of 3rd party games and a few indies. Maybe 30 million units, could be more. Depends on price and a future revamp.
@westman98 any platform I would say.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE have you played one yet?...
I think it's too early to judge and we will see it's true potential after 2018
Very satisfied with the Switch so far. Nintendo's sales expectations of more than 16 million is very generous but I hope they can pull through.
@westman98 I wasn't really trying to complain about those things - just stating that I don't think the switch is a 1:1 replacement for the 3DS, especially for kids.
As for the switch size, I'm happy with it, but the thing is definitely huge. Comparing it without the Joycon to the 3DS is a bit unfair in my opinion. The only point I was trying to make is that it definitely won't be pocketable, and there is a very large unprotected screen that is just begging to be broken when not handled carefully. Given that it costs $300, that will make it even more painful. Again, not a complaint for my use case, I love the switch, but I definitely think it is a challenge Nintendo will have to address if they want parents buying these for their kids.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE assuming there is a proper 3ds follow up that carries the portable torch, I think 30 million lifetime sales would be fine. Nintendo makes a profit on their hardware, and as long as Nintendo budgets accordingly, there is no reason Nintendo couldn't still be highly profitable with those numbers. They won't be overthrowing Sony or Microsoft any time soon, but who cares? As long as Nintendo continues to produce innovative hardware that allows me to enjoy their titles, I'll be happy.
@DanteSolablood Yeah, I really don't see it. I mean, sure, the idle animations for that beginning looked pretty bouncy, but nothing that looks bad to me. Looking more at the models themselves, the textures, and especially the effects of the Pokemon attacks, I think it looks quite well. When I think about other gamecube games like MK Double Dash, Kirby Air Ride, Smash Bros. Melee, Wind Waker, etc, I don't see anything that just makes Colosseum look sub par. XD they also improved the graphics across the board, so I'd honestly say it's one of the best looking gamecube games, right up there with Pikmin 2.
That said, you don't need to qualify and sugarcoat your opinion to me. I know what you mean, and there's no way it could be construed as disrespectful in anyway. No offense taken.
@Dpishere There's always been people who try to convince the hold-outs to move on:
1991: Dude, check out the SNES, it's radical! Don't be a grommet, ditch that old NES!
1996: WOAH! Hey homeslice, check out these awesome 3D graphics on the N64! That lame old SNES can't even compare!
2001: Bro, have you seen what the Gamecube can do? It makes the N64 look like garbage!
2006: Hey homie, you need to try out the Wii! It might not look fancy, but it sure plays fancy! And you won't need that KiddyCube anymore, since the Wii is totally backwards compatible! It's a revolution!
2012: Mah boiii, hav u herd abot da Wii U? Ad no, ist not 4 Wii... Its leik tow sistims in 1! Tha We is sooooooo fife secons ago!!!111
2017: OMG, all you Wii U players are just haters! How dare you say the Switch isn't any good yet? Triggered! I'm having fun, so it doesn't matter! You should keep all that toxic negativity to yourself! Some friend you are!
@PlywoodStick lol
All the tools are there....let's do this Nintendo!
Recipe for Huge Success of Pokemon Switch:
1. Gorgeoys HD graphic with 360° Dynamic Camera Angle.
2. Open World style gameplay because kids like to explore so Huge world.
3. Mini games inside so player will not bored from same Repetitive Battle chores.
4. Full customize for both Boy / Girl player, from Head to Toe, Clothing, Skin tone, Voice tone, Accesories, Attitude, etc.
5. Upgrade the number of Pokemon HP and damage. From Hundreds (Max 999) become Thousands (Max 9,999 or 99,999 if necessary). Pokemon stats are not tied by level so we can upgrade their parameter.
6. Multiplayer and Online playing inside.
7. Easy way to get older Pokemon so for a newbie player who never knew about Pokemon transfer can get their Dreamy Pokemon without playing older Pokemon games first.
8. Make it 3 versions instead 2.
@Samwise7 Metroid has largely been on hiatus for an entire generation (again). Kid Icarus got rebooted after over 20 years of being dormant, and there hasn't been any hint of subsequent entries. Animal Crossing has been tainted by awful spinoffs. Pokemon is a given. F-Zero has more or less been replaced by Fast RMX. Castlevania has been buried by Konami's stupid new direction. And Megaman is forever more going to be neglected by Capcom.
Unfortunately, unless most of those are miraculously brought back or redeemed, you're going to have to reduce that list to only Pokemon.
@timson72 "any platform I would say."
Why do Nintendo Life articles like this seem to suffer from an inferiority complex? The Nintendo Switch is more than a home console/handheld hybrid. That would look more like the Sega Nomad. The Switch has other innovative features. Tabletop mode is one of its best features. The joycons are also quite nice.
@rjejr usf2 is a 20year plus port orginal came out 1991/1992
@Grawlog Amen to Overwatch.
@Dr_Corndog Exactly!..
@PlywoodStick Lol so true. Luckily I haven't run into any hipsters with grammar like that! It's too cool for my old man ears!
I'm still thinking the massive silence from Nintendo for the last year and a half of the Wii U's life was used for building up a ton of content. I think they hand-picked what to show up to this point and held back a lot more for e3. Nintendo doesn't have a good track record for e3...but I feel they have been plotting a lot of surprises for this year and are ready to throw them our way once it rolls around mid year. And yes...if worse comes to worst, pokemon is the big, red emergency button they can push anytime and the console is saved. Make a ground-up high-end graphics new SWITCH EXCLUSIVE pokemon game and everyone in the world would buy a Switch. Pokemon Online anyone???
They seem to be going back to the basics with Switch with BotW being heavily based on the original, etc. so that would be so cool if they Switch was just a big reboot of the NES with all the old franchises being in the spotlight. 2D Metroid please!!!
I'm sure you aren't alone. I have a PS4 that wasn't my go to gaming console, my girlfriend bought me a Xbox one in January and I had 2 games for it. No disrespect to any fans, I just bought all my games on the PS4, it's what I was used to.
Anyway I got excited for the portability of the Switch and I have never had a Nintendo console EXCEPT for my original 3ds. So I traded my Xbox one and 3ds for a Switch(special at game stop, I actually paid for the entire Switch and a portion of breath of the wild with that credit). But weird thing is I play in the dock about 35-40% of the time.
It's worrying to me that the resources that I feel should go to the Switch might go to the 3ds, but it is a great machine, so I definitely understand you rolling with that as your portable.
It's almost like the Switch lets you choose how you want to game 😏
@Captain_Gonru ""clearly more surprises on the way""
Well, I think there HAVE to be surprises on the way b/c you are right, we don't know anything. If we did know anything then it wouldn't be a surprise. Does Pikmin 4 count as a surprise? Or a new AC game? Or Metroid? There will be at least 1 new AAA 1st party title before or at E3, otherwise Nintendo does risk another Wii U situation, unless they think MK8D and Spla2oon can carry them thru until Mario. I don't think it can, but they might think it can. Or, and Skyrim, FIFA and Xenoblade 2. But SSB4 Complete will surely be out this holiday, or announced for this holiday then delayed until March. Unless they are saving that for next Christmas.
Off topic - jumped ahead and watched the first 2 episodes of IF. was about to give up - so bad as advertised - but the last 10 minutes saved it. I'll save the rest until after all the others now as I think it could start to tie together as Stick showed up last night in DD. 1 of my favorite DD characters from back in the Miller days.
I am very happy about the marketing push that Nintendo is making for the switch. Keep a hold of that. Not saying that will mean smooth sailing but it will keep some of the opponents and naysayers at bay.
I swear, I don't envy Reggie for his job. People know a company can't divulge secrets because other companies are waiting in the wings to snap up their hard work, but people act like he shot their mother and kicked their father off a mountain all while twirling a diabolical mustache. The dude is nice, seems to honestly care about his consumer base (fans is never an appropriate word unless you use its true form fanatic) and I feel that his PR spin never blames the consumer (something I can't say for other companies). He was on Fox News recently and I suspect once that is posted here, people will be lining up to call him names as if that shows anything beyond their own childish mindset.
@Al_Godoy I don't think it's a matter of Pokemon being the end all be all in determining the success of the Switch. At the same time, its one of Nintendo's biggest franchises. Its known to drive sales of whatever handheld a main game is released on. No matter what anyone says, the Switch is a home and handheld device. Its an unavoidable conversation
Launch has been a success but it's interesting to see the lack of first party releases before e3 that aren't just ports of Wii U titles. Nintendo has been in the dark with both 3ds and Wii U for about a year and some change and I'm surprised they don't have more for a console they need to succeed. To say nothing of the fact we're back to using friend codes and the online (with no voice chat) and eshop are as barebones as can be.
Nintendo released a system that is about 3-4 months away from being "complete" in my eyes so I hope they improve on the issues and announce plenty of first party titles as third parties are currently not on board just yet.
I really like the Switch, it does have some flaws which hamper it's concept but it's good fun to play with. I'm hoping Nintendo have been holding back because the reality is outside of Mario Kart I don't see what I'll be playing until Christmas once I've finished Zelda. It's these types of droughts that could hamper it's progress to the wider audience
@ottospooky Exactly, there are MULTIPLE games I bought last gen that I would DEFINITELY buy on the Switch. RE7, Dark Souls series, GTA 5... All of these games can be easily ported to the Switch and I would DIE if they did.
I agree it's a good sign that they are ramping up production. If they can hold this production estimation that would actually mean they will beat the Wii U:s lifetime sales in one year which is pretty crazy.
The Switch will be by number 1 console. PS4 makes a good little secondary machine, even though there's not too many games for it I care about.
In my mind, it is down to software now. I think with the right software, the hardware speaks for itself. The Switch is my first Nintendo console since the Wii (no slight against the Wii U, I just couldn't afford two consoles at launch) and I think it has great potential. The marketing has been pretty spot on about what you can do with it.
Now it needs the game library to back it up and I think it needs some big reveals in the coming months. First party is great but I would like to see a few more third party releases, even if ports of popular existing titles.
Can't wait to see what plans Nintendo have for the Switch! My main concern at the moment is that there will only be four games on the shelves until the end of April. I don't think I have ever seen that before. Whilst Nintendo is doing well getting digital support in the form of indies (no way I'm writing *indies), this is invisible to the regular consumer. Who would dish out all that coin for four games?! I think waiting until E3 would be a mistake. I would like to see Nintendo have one of those online treehouse things and show their hand. I guess if Nintendo doesn't go all out at E3, we can then just roll out the "hard launch" argument for the holiday season.
Ive got to admit. I love zelda so far. But looking at the 100 or so upcoming releases there are only 4 or 5 games out of the Hundred I would even be interested in. I just hope we start to see the 3rd parties actively get out there and showing some proud presentation of their new stuff. Half the stuff Switxh is getting is either ported from Wii or PS4. Seriously! This is the biggest of the issues to me. Waiting months or years for a game that had already shipped and had been played on other consoles. Please @Nintendo dont let this happen again. We love ya! We trusted our hard earned cash with you because we have the faith. Dont let us down please.
The chips are all in.......im a 51 year old man who would love to play out switc h as my last system.
Amen. I will pray too for Nintendo. Even Switch doesn't have a lot of carbon copies from ps4/xbox1/pc, as long there are tons of great games, it can be a great success too. Just look at 3DS games library.
Btw, wow... you are older than me. I am 32 years old male gamer.
@greengecko007 I was just being polite, it might seem like sugar coating as so few people use manners when posting online nowadays.
Personal policy is never to be rude in a discussion, when the other person starts being rude, that usually mean they've realised their argument is wrong but don't want to back down.
loving the switch but the lack of games is disappointing
desperately waiting for:
Mario Party
Donkey Kong Country
Super Mario 3D land (or odyssey)
Super Mario bros
Please nintendo make it backwards compatible so can get all the digital downloads from WiiU and 3DS on the switch
Over on Player Essence, the Director behind Monster Hunter XX was asked by Famitsu about the series coming to SWITCH. His reply was, "I hope you enjoy the game on 3DS first" !!!!
As for Pokemon, Gamefreak and Nintendo are advertising for people with expert knowledge of motion capture, or something like that, cannot remember word for word.
With the space we already know Nintendo will be using at E3, you do not need that much space to 2, 3 or even 4 games.
Only time will tell, but early indicators are positive. Also, the list Nintendo put up when we FIRST saw the SWITCH, showed around 60 3rd party Devs. who are creating and or porting to the system already. We still have those Devs. to hear from yet.
@Shellcore I got a PS4 at launch, and for months, there were about 3 or 4 decent games to choose from.
Suffice to say, I got rid of it after a short while. For me personally, it offered nothing new, just extra horse power. Just as they did with the PRO version, and will no doubt do with the PRO + version, or what ever they decide to call it.
Please Windy you are worrying me. I wanted gaming to be my golf in retirement. Why you hanging your boots up?
@akaDv8R I can't even pretend to dictate to your what the definition of decent game is. Personal, of course! What I can say, is that 27 games were released on the PS4 in the first couple of months. Got bored counting first year! Link below.
I agree that gameplay trumps graphics, but aside from portability the Switch has also offered nothing new so far. Until we get to Splatoon 2 and new Mario everything is recycled.
@JaxonH we just gotta do our part and support the games we want. I'm having a blast with Botw. Imagine if Nintendo put the effort they did with Botw in Metroid .
Hmmmm, this ongoing 3DS support is interesting - surely it's going to cannibalise the Switch if things stay the same? Heck, I don't have a Switch because the 3DS is keeping me too busy... start building that Switch library and I'll be sure to buy one... at the moment, I'm a lost sale sticking with the 3DS. Although, having said that, I am starting to tire of my 3DS anyway... it's a GREAT console but there's only so many games you can play before it starts to get repetitive and the graphic capabilities start to wear thin... still at the moment I could be a good 2+ years off the Switch... far too much 3DS to play! :/
Incidentally, I was convinced we'd see the end of the 3DS in 2018... along with a "Nintendo Go" which acted as a cheaper Switch, playing the same games but with no docking, reduced specs, and focused on purely portable gaming. This made sense, it would mean we'd all move to the Switch family and games with two price points and modes to suit different gamers and habits. Now I'm wondering if the 3DS will survive, but the games made for it will change: more focus on games just for kids whilst the Switch picks up teens and adults. There would be some cross-over but see the 3DS as for Animal Crossing and Yo-kai Watch, Switch for Zelda and Skyrim... We'll see... but surely the status quo with both consoles fully supported is only for the next 9-18 months... I can't see both lasting... I mean money aside, who has the time to play both an ongoing 3DS library AND a Switch library?
Incidentally... PLEASE can we get Mass Effect 1-3 on Switch? Games like this will make it fly off the shelves... Great for those that haven't played them yet, great to have them on the go (especially for those that might want to come back to them)... I think the Switch could do very well out of porting some PS3/XBox360/WiiU era games and making them portable... along with new current gen iterations too.
For me, the real pull for the Switch would be to get to play recent AAA games I missed out on, on the go (or at home when the TV is already in use)... I mean, really, I know we can complain and say the Switch isn't as powerful as the PS4 Pro and XBoxOneS but PS3/360/WiiU games fully mobile... that's really quite impressive... AND with the ability to play them on a TV too... Get porting and publishing guys!
@DanteSolablood Being polite is appreciated, but you don't need to sugarcoat it. Anybody that would've read your original comment and somehow been offended or taken it as an attack probably isn't worth responding to anyways.
We all know the games are coming, I'm more interested in learning about the OS updates and hopefully some optimizations for the system.
@Captain_Gonru I understood what your beef was, hope was written as fact, something I've jumped on myself in the past. It's your "amiibo support" thing. I have a calendar thing. But I do think w/ E3 coming there does have to be something new shown there. Maybe not surprising new, Pikmin 4 wouldn't be a complete surprise, nor would SSB4 Complete, but they would be new Switch game announcements. If Nintendo is planning a Mario E3 to match last year's Zelda E3 then Switch could be in a whole lot of trouble. I did follow your very fearfully Nintendolike way of thinking, but I just don't see how they can let that happen. E3 has to be big, this holiday has to be big. Mario is big, but it simply isn't enough.
Also Luigis Mansion 3 or Kid icarus 2 would be nice but not "new" per se.
I think Switch will do well for Nintendo (more 3DS than Wii U), but it's concerning that it's not penetrating the news cycles as more than just a novelty machine. I don't have one yet, and I'm on the fence about getting another machine that misses out on most third party content that isn't indies or obscure Japanese releases.
I like those things, but I don't know how much longer Nintendo can continue producing hardware in that "third pillar" slot and seeing them fall into it again makes that $299USD asking price look a little too steep.
If they can somehow show a massive turnaround and go legitimate again by the end of the year though, I'll be happy to be wrong.
@cripesdude Mass Effect to me at least the ship has sailed... I guess it will be cool for those that never played Mass Effect 3:SE but that version was so amazing using the second touch screen that going back to one screen will be a huge disappointment, especially with titles I already played (ME3) or that I know what happened because of the in-game comics and encyclopedia. So Andromeda will be best here but that one has mediocre reviews.
@Captain_Gonru No, Pikmin 4 isn't a system seller, but I think it's a nice B side for Mario this holiday. While Mario is a system seller, I worry that if it's the only new game on Switch this holiday that's not enough. They can't have Splatoon 2 in summer then FIFA and Skyrim in the fall and Mario holiday and that's it. I think Pikmin 4 or SSB4 gives Switch something else besides Mario. I know Zelda alone sold it for launch but I'm already starting to read the "I'm done w/ Zelda now what?" comments. Pikmin 4 is the "now what" after Mario Christmas day. I bought a PS4 for Christmas along w/ Uncharted 4, FFXV, R&C, DQHeroes, Rocket League, DBXV2, Skylanders Imaginators. We're not buying a Switch for Christmas if it's only Mario. I'm basing my thought that we'll get a Switch for Christmas based on Mario, Zelda, XC2 next year and something else like Pikmin 4.
So no, Pikmin 4 is not a system seller, but I'm afraid after Wii U and the current lack of big name 3rd party support Mario may not be by itself either, no 1 game is. No 1 game sold Wii U, did it? Nintendo needs to prove Switch will get a lot of non-Nindie games. Monster Hunter 5 might be the only 1, not even Pokémon for $300. But I do think it will happen, just have to wait for E3. A Nintendo Direct would be nice.
My worries are that we have been duped for a 4th time and no 3rd party devs show up to the party. Gamecube-we got duped, Wii- although there were some very good games again we were duped, no 3rd party devs. WII-U Big time duped! Nintendo's IP's and a couple of 3rd party gems were good but not enough. Now the Switch- This will be the last time I get Duped if it is so. I love the system so far and I'm looking forward to Xenoblade 2 but at the same time I want to see some 3rd party exclusive that Crush the PS4 and XBoxOne. The system isn't as powerful as the other 2 but has enough to make some great games. It's time Nintendo Moved Back to the top slot. Zelda is absolutely epic and a great way to start but we need something Different, Epic, fun and is pretty to look at. The IP's alone will be enough for most Fanboy but this Fanboy wants to see something new and to have a truckload of 3rd party devs jump on board. Please Nintendo don't dupe us 4 times in a row. The Switch has so much potential it's sick. Bring us our first Nintendo ran MMORPG and a great online experience.
@Captain_Gonru hmm, I'm having a problem picking 1 sentence to copy and paste b/c the whole long post is worth addressing.
Soft launch was this site, for about 2 weeks. I'm still torn myself, SB commercial and Zelda says it wasn't soft, everything else says it was. Medium = mediocre?
Yes, you bought one, 2 million people bought one. Another 2 million people could buy 1 this holiday for Mario. PS4 sold about 10 million last holiday. PS4 Pro will get more exposure this year, no $250 U4 bundles undercutting it. Scorpio will be out there. Red Dead Redemption 2, a game which I have no interest in, will be huge this holiday, probably not on Switch. Maybe Spiderman on PS4, God of War on PS4. PS4 Pro will be $299, same price as Switch. Scorpio will be $399, X1S will be $199. (I almost bought 1 last week for $175 clearance at Target.) And CoD and Destiny 2. No matter what Switch gets from Ntinedo, it will still NOT get a lot of 3rd party AAA games, it just won't. Which is why there surely, surely not clearly, you were right, they were wrong, must be another game to go along w/ Mario this holiday. Something that should have been on Wii U. XC2 (you left off the 2, took me a second) was surely a Wii U game, just needs to be ported. It probably actually started out under development as a Wii game since XC released in Japan so long before the West. But JRPG w/o FF in their name aren't system sellers. XCX was better than FFXV in almost every way. No hype though. DQ11 will help certainly in Japan, Pushsquare covered it this morning.
I'm just worried that until Switch gets cheaper and bundled w/ some games and gets the 3 handheld must haves - Pokemon, Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing - real games, not spin-offs - it's still an uphill battle. Wii U had a bunch of great games - 2D and 3D Mario, Bayonetta 2 exclusively, SSB, MK, HW, XCX - it had most of the genres covered, btu what it most obviously didn't have was FPS and sports games, the games people buy systems for. Until Switch gets those, and not just old Skyrim and FIFA, I'm still not convinced. It needs games, lots and lots of games. Nindies don't count.
@dumedum I'm not sure if the Switch could handle Andromeda, but if it could, even with some loss in terms of graphics, that'd be awesome. I think ME 1-3 would appeal a lot to anyone that missed out on those games first time around for various reasons... the portability of the Switch is a real opportunity here!
@cripesdude Switch can handle anything. That's its point, it's easy to port for. Whether it's a quality port or a mess depends in each case, but it's capable of playing all the newest obviously with some less specs in resolution/frames or whatever is needed.
@Windy we were never duped. It was always clear, from the moment there was a Playstation and N64 got less third party that this was it.. Nintendo focuses on first party. GC had many third parties until it didn't, but nobody was really shocked of that (being looked at as a more kiddie console etc). Wii was obvious from day one that it will have only those developers who would fit the control system properly, and it was obviously not HD.
Wii U there was big announcement but surely everybody knew that this all depended on whether the thing was popular or not... we knew it's a hard sale since it came before the "next gen" machines and people felt it was underpowered again.
And this time nobody raised any expectations. It's a Nintendo portable device, and I haven't heard Nintendo say it's ever going to be a third party machine. Any third party is clearly "bonus" and any person who had some experience with the Wii U and before knew this. Also clearly is the case with 3DS, where people overlook it no matter how much it sells. Everybody knows this, nobody is duped.
@dumedum well ya Nintendo has duped us with each and every system release. The promise of all these 3rd party developers and how excited the Devs were to get going on their new system. They held this press conference with each system from the GameCube up. That is defiantly duping people like a used car salesman does. Don't get me wrong. I love this switch and I'm in till the end. I just hope it's better than the past
@Captain_Gonru Wii U was a marketing disaster, from the late to the iPad party start, Wii accessory, game delays, price, lack of storage, all of that, but they really made zero effort to market and sell the thing. So Switch being Switch, nice new name, design, colors, has a lot going for it. Even I saw a commercial on TV which is impressive b/c we dont' watch Tv, I was just flipping around.
But you know how you worried for so long that NX/Switch wouldn't have amiibo support even though everything pointed to it, well that's how I feel about Switch sales this holiday. Switch should have reasons to sell, maybe a SSB4 Complete Switch bundle, and hype to go along w/ Zelda and Mario, but that still doesn't mean it will sell. You can lead a horse to water and all that. It's all about E3 for me. No only for what games Switch is getting this holiday, but what games 3DS isn't getting, and PS4 and Scorpio. It should be so simple to sell Switch, but I don't trust Nitneod to do what's simple. Their recent history of MP:FF and AC:aF is still to fresh in my memory.
Nobody is even talking about paid online yet. I don't care how cheap it is, it will still be a negative when they do.
@Captain_Gonru "a segment of the market is already used to it. "
A segment of the market that probably won't buy a Switch until it's $199 as a second console. And the reason they pay a fee is for FIFA, Madden and FPS like COD. There are a wide variety of online games on PS4 and X1. Switch has really MK8D and Splatoon 2. And FIFA at some point, if the Switch version even has online. So the people likely being asked to pay to play MK8 again but have to pay for online have already been playing that same game online free for years. Same for Spaltoon, though 2 does sound better than Deluxe. Doesn't really look all that different to me to be honest though. (PS4 doesn't look all that better than PS3 either.)
Not saying Japanese S2 fans wont' happily pay to play that game online, but as far as "news of the day" goes, what are we talking about Switch this week?, if the only thing is - New, pay to play MK8 and SPaltoon online - well that's not good marketing. Pay-to-play can not be the headline, it has to be buried under what you are getting for the money. I don't think MK8 and Splatoon 2 are enough. They can't even add in all the other multimedia stuff behind the paywall like MS used to do b/c there isn't any on Switch. And that 1 game a month, that's worse than both of the other, PS4 games are as long as you pay, X1 gives you games to keep. Nintneod is 3rd to the party and they brought the cheap store brand beer.
"In what universe is it okay to shuffle voice chat off the base unit and onto a phone?"
Forgot about that. I dont' think my brain accepts it as reality. "MK8, now w/ voice chat. Pay us to play online, then pick up your phones and talk to your friends." Yeah, pure marketing genius.
So, add those two together, not helping sales. Switch needs positive news, primarily in the form of games. Web browser and Netflix should at least be easy good news to generate at some point later this year. Unless they are both behind the online paywall. Can't be that stupid, can they?
Trying to clear about my inbox this morning, had 292, down to 197.
I'm supposed to be doing my NY taxes, it's the lessor of 2 evils.
@Slim1999 "usf2 is a 20year plus port"
Thanks. Guess the "10 years" I read somewhere was in relation to "Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix" from 2008/9 as a comparable game.
Either way, not sure how many Switch will be flying off of shelves in the month of May for that one.
@PlywoodStick "Yep, Monster Hunter XX came out two days ago."
Poor thing only sold 850,000 copies too. That's almost 3x the Switch's 360,000 total Japan install base. Nintneod needs to make more Switch and more Switch games. They should make a MH bundle w/ a dock that looks like this. Surely that ugly gray dock only exists so Nintneod can sell branded game bundles like Sony did w/ the original PS4 split top. Can't cost too much to decorate the dock. The $90 each dock, to replace the New 3DS faceplates.
If Nintendo is smart they'll sell $30 plastic docks, no wires, people will be buying them to use as napkin and mail holders. Kind of like how amiibo aren't collectors items, they're toys-to-life.
@Windy have no idea what you're talking about. I really want third parties on Nintendo machines (many of my favorite games on Wii U, Wii and GC were third parties) but I was never duped., or thought that I was under any such attempt.
@Captain_Gonru Sorry if I offended you lumping you in w/ all the COD players, but I'm still looking at the bigger picture. There are outliers in every category, and if Ntinedo wants to sell Wii U numbers of Switch it can do whatever it likes, no problem, but to sell 60 million like the 3DS, it needs to work on a few things. 1 of those things being, if you want people to play to pay online, they need to offer more than 2 games, MK8 and Splatoon 2.
Not sure where else you spend your time but have you noticed the rumblings of E3 are coming? Pushsquare has had several articles about EA and God of War. People, but more importantly companies, are starting to talk about games again now that winter is over. Sure, have to give Ntinedo credit for the Testfire this weekend, that's a future game, but that future only goes as far as this summer, or fall. It doesn't feel like Nintneod hasn't gotten over it's 3rd party problem to me. Which is fine, I know a lot of people are fine owing 2 consoles, 1 for multiplats, Nintedo for Ntnedo, but that really only works if Nitnedo is supporting their console. I don't see that right now. If Switch isn't going to get Destiny 2 or Madden or Star Wars Battlefront 2, then Nintneod needs to counter those games w/ it's own. Just dont 'counter DQ11 on PS4 w/ the 3DS version on Switch. Almost every major gaming website is covering this news this week except NL, and the lack of Switch isn't instilling me w/ confidence.
@Captain_Gonru "one game a month that you don't get to keep"
For the past few years Sony has been lambasted for the poor PS+ game choices, most notably b/c PS4 games haven't been included. I don't think it would take much Nintnedo to include a good game, but as you said they probably won't. If they're smart they'll just include 1 of the NES Mini games each month since those aren't exactly selling a lot right now. You see anyway during the course of your workday? I think they're done, I've always thought they were a Wii U - Switch stop gap b/c Nintneod never gave numbers in their forecast.
Course, you know, Nintnedo could just tell us about it, but I think they're just being nice, giving old foggies like us something to complain about.
@Captain_Gonru "I was thinking Switch was getting basically the same thing PS4 was."
Well that's very optimistic of you, you're the guy who won't believe anything about anything until Nintendo tells it, directly, to you. I've been thinking X360/PS3 or Vita versions of everything, not the PS4/X1 versions. I'm sure the game will likely be closer to the PS4 version, no dual screen like the 3DS, but I wouldn't be shocked if the graphics look more like the top screen of the 3DS than the PS4. 720p, not low res SD, but I'm not expecting any game on Switch and PS4 to be interchangeable. DQ Heroes II probably looks like the PS3 version, but I can't find a vid for that, just a PS4 and Vita comparison. Near the end in handheld mode Switch game looks like dreck.
Switch certainly has the 3 modes going for it, PS4 can't match that, but when you combine all the games Switch won't get with the weaker graphics on games it does get, thats' certainly a challenge to overcome. I'm afraid Nintneod wont' see it that way. If there was no PS4 or X1 or 3DS or Scorpio I think Switch would sell really well as a combo handheld-home console with whatever games it got in whatever form, but it isn't selling in a vacuum. I just hope Nintnedo is aware of that, b/c sometimes I feel like they forget things. Like they forgot to put any marketing into Wii U and it's games library at all.
So I'm looking ahead to E3 to see what Nintnedo does. And I'll again be looking towards September to see if Nintnedo bundles a game for the holidays. Then in Novmeber to see if the console goes on sale. Last year PS4 and X1 were easy to find for $250, but PSVR and PS4 Pro never went on sale, always $399. So why I don't expect Ninteod to cut the price this year, holiday is it's true launch, I do think it's important to be "on sale" for $249, even if only for Black Friday weekend. That's the way to get bought, MSRP matters less than sales. And the Target ad is Nitnedo free again this week, "Top games" on sale on PS4 and X1, and MLB the Show on PS4. A very light week, but at some point Nintnedo needs to get back in there.
@Captain_Gonru "I haven't seen a restock since I got mine in February."
Thanks. I was watching the twice weekly restocks in the NY store on Twitter but I haven't been on twitter in a few weeks so I don't know. I think even they have switched to Switch stock now. Glad we got ours, my 2 sons have more than gotten my money's worth out of it, was a great Christmas gift as well. Seems done, and w/ Switch this holiday and all the Switch offshoots in the future, SwitchGo, SwitchTV, SwitchMini, now I wonder if they'll even do Super NES Mini next Christmas, maybe it will be a 1 shot deal after all. SNES Mini would have sold 10 million at Christmas, but I dont' think they'll dare risk hurting Switch.
@Captain_Gonru I think Switch will continue a steady roll-out, unlike the NES Mini. Switch needs to be on sale for the next 5 or 6 years. Still a question of how long before there are 3 or 4 on a shelf w/o being sold immediately, that may take a while, but I feel confident the Switch stock will be much better than either NES Mini or pre-AC amiibo. My nephew is getting a Switch for his birthday in 2 weeks. I'm buying him a couple of amiibo, probably Wolf Link and Rider Link as those are the only 2 that seem to do anything. I'm hoping my wife can find them in the NYC store for $15 each.
Sort of off/on topic, my 12 yr old has spent the morning saying he NEEDS Zelda RIGHT NOW. Not sure why he got so adamant about it all of a sudden, though discussing w/ him what game to get next month on Gamefly ($1 sale email) started us down that road. He wanted to wait for Switch and I want to wait until the summer map "fix/improvement/enhancement/whatever" but if we can't get it on Gamefly - currently listed as "Low availability" - he's buying it. He has $170 cash and $175 in Target gift cards in his dresser so it's not like he can't afford it.
@Captain_Gonru "though that of course would require a Switch."
I think that's the part that's driving my kid nuts about Zelda, not knowing when we'll get a Switch, I've been saying this Christmas but my wife has been saying next Christmas since we just got a PS4. My other son says when XC2 comes out. He has about $4,000 in bar mitzvah gift money so he can buy 1 whenever he wants. My kids are complete opposite, one's Dr. Jekyll, the other Mr. Hyde. Keeps me entertained.
I saw the Guardian amiibo in a Target, took a pic of it, had no inclination to buy it though. I really feel like w/ that $19.99 expansion pass they are going to be marketing Zelda all year long and keep those amiibo coming. They'd better, b/c a lot of people, literally millions, will buy a Switch this Christmas and Zelda as well, well maybe only 1 million will buy Zelda then as most will get Mario Odyssey, and they'll want those amiibo. Would be really stupid, even by stupid Nintendo standards, to not have those amiibo available then. W/ Skylanders taking a year off and Lego D perhaps over - I've read rumours - amiibo, good amiibo, could be a hot item stocking stuffer come Christmas, especially, as if I suspect, SSB4 Complete releases then alongside Cloud and Bayonetta. My kid and I decided boy/girl Inklings will be playable and have their own stage, perhaps as DLC, every person in Japan will buy a copy. People on NL will complain the Wii U version isn't getting the DLC.
I dont' think those new Zelda amiibo really do anything in game anyway so you arne't missing much, just fish raining from the sky, but I'll need to get Wolf Link from TP as I really like the attack pet idea. TRU had him separate for $16.
Finished season 1 of DD last night. Great show, going to be hard going back to Flash and Arrow. Might take a month off of Netflix to finish those up though and come back to NF when they're over. Also, if my kid buys Zelda today at Target I'll be playing that. In which case I'll give him half, not that any of my kids need the money, but it's the principal of the thing.
Time for breakfast.
@Captain_Gonru Looks like you can order the Guardian amiibo online for $19.99 at TRU this morning. No mention of stock dates.
@Captain_Gonru "Good luck deciding about a Switch, though."
Well that will certainly not happen before Christmas now as I just finished unpacking my Xbox One. You ever see 1 of those, the power brick alone is the size of the Wii U Gamepad, system is the size of my audio receiver. My first ever Xboxen b/c I swore I'd never get one b/c MS sucks. But I swear a lot of things will never happen that years later do. Still haven't started smoking clove cigarettes or wearing patchouli yet but I suppose even that isn't out of the realm of possibility now. The plan is to play all the games that came bundled w/ it then trade it in to Gamestop at Christmas towards a Switch. Trade-in value today is $165, bought it for $175, so it should still be worth $100 by Christmas I guess.
As for Zelda U, well I guess I can still keep calling it Zelda U b/c my kid bought that today as well. I should frame that receipt, 1 Xbox One, 1 Wii U copy of Zelda BotW.
So yeah, any tips you want to share I'm sure my kid will be receptive. Not that he hasn't already watch 100 YT vids. His favorite is "50 Funny Ways to Die in ZBotW." I'm sure he wont' be happy until he's successfully done them all. He says he doesn't even care about the story, it's just Minecraft in a Zelda game for him. Crazy kid.
I still may not play it until the map "thing" comes out this summer, I have map addiction. And 30 Rare Replay games I've never played, not a one, and some of them are reputedly good. At least 5 or the 30. And Gears of War and Ori and the Blind Forest. Told my kid I'd buy him the Expansion pass since he paid for the game. His brother chipped in $13 on an old Target GF he had laying around.
Still need to buy amiibo as well, maybe Easter basket stuffers. Yes, my raised Jewish kids still expect to hunt for eggs and Easter baskets, even at 12 and 14. I'm all about the chocolate myself. Enjoy what's left of the weekend, 2 day weekends are always 1 day too short. Always.
@dumedum haha I dont think Nintendo did this big conspiracy or anything. Maybe I should just say I felt duped and not lump in a bunch of We's. The Wii overall got some excellent 3rd party games towards the end. I guess I should throw out there that I love RPG's. I also dont like owning a bunch of different systems and stick to 1 console per Gen. A PS4 would probably be more my speed with all those RPG's but Nintendo keep calling me back in.
@Captain_Gonru Need to check out the store still. I thought all Xboxen came w/ a free 2 week Gold trial but I guess not, possibly b/c I used my Win 10 PC outlook account to log in, I didn't feel like making another outlook email account I'd never ever use. Just checked that one, full of MSN spam. I did install the CW app, so I'll probably use it to catch up this week. CW app is like the one thing X1 has that PS4 doesnt', besides Rare Replay, and yes it was a factor in my purchase. And people say Switch not having any apps doesn't matter, pshaw
Man, the X1 menu is a freaking disaster nightmare, it's Win8 Metro but so much worse. Makes cluttered PS4 seem like a pristine stream. I'll get used to it, I always do.
OK, time to go hook up my cable box thru the X1 and see how that goes. My sound system receiver only has 4 HDMI - PS3, PS4, Wii U and now X1 - so cable had to go into the X1. I may take it out later, we'll see.
@Windy understood....
@Captain_Gonru "But yeah, the menu is a bit of a mess out of the box"
I'm getting used to it, but after 20 years, yikes, of Sony and Nintendo, well my brain can only handle so much new info. Took me 20 minutes last night trying to figure out how to eject the disc. And the game installs are slow. And I can't quite figure out how to see what's installing and what isn't. Rare Replay needed to update 10 different games separatly plus Rare Replay. And getting out of a game, at least inside of Rare Replay, well I'm still not sure. All game, ALL GAMES, should have a menu w/ a "quit" option. Conkers Bad Fur Day got me back to the menu, but I couldn't get back to Rare Replay. At all. Ever. I think I just ejected the disc. After I figured out how.
Ok, sorry to trouble you w/ that, I'll figure it out eventually and then just enjoy the games. But as I was telling my kid this morning while I drove him to school, keeping track of PS accounts, Ntinedo accounts - MyN, NNID, NA, phone accounts, PC accounts, and now Xbox accounts for 3 or 4 people for each one, it's really wearing me out. I usually research these things for months in advance before jumping in, MS is just too weird to dive in the deep end.
@Captain_Gonru Thanks. I think the eject button is written in braille, only Matt Murdoch can find it. And that "Game and app" box does seem the most important, which is of course why it's one of the smallest in one of the most hard to reach sections of the screen.
On a bright note, after spending most of yesterday and today trying to figure out this beast I actually had 1 pleasant surprise - not only getting the streaming service to work, but having our old Xbox360 controller that's been hooked up to the PC for years working exactly like the X1 controller. And the streaming worked really well too. Had to change my X1 settings to instant on, hopefully that power brick doesn't burn down my house, but we can turn it on from the PC now. I'm just going to leave the Rare Replay disc in, and whenever we want the PC is good to go. So yeah, better than my PSTV remote play, which only let's ONE ACCOUNT remote play, Freaking Sony.
Changing topics yet again, how's retail looking this holiday? Toy fair is over, are toys-to-life dead? Will 3D printers and other STEM stuff continue the videogame section shrinkage? Will Scorpio matter? I know it's still months early, just wondering if you are getting a feel for things yet. I'm all about the Christmas.
@Captain_Gonru Do you have an original X1? The power brick has a headlight on it like a locomotive, lights up my entire basement. I think it only comes on w/ instant on b/c I hadn't noticed it before. My guess is the brick is so big they were afraid of lawsuits so they had to light it up.
Finally found 1 good thing about the X1 OS, "Pin". Not only can I pin the CW app to that bootom row, but you can actually "pin" each indivual show, so I have pins for both Arrow and Flash. Watched Flash last night, bad thing was, even though the show is listed as 42 mointues, still had just as many comemricials at live. At least they were different than Free OnDemand from my cable company. Still, it's a free app, doesn't require "Gold/Live", and PS3/4 doesn't have it, so 1 for MS. The only 1 so far. Oh, and a demo for Oceanhorn. PS4 does haev a lot mor edemos than X1 though. I thought MS had a rule, a demo for every game? There are only about 12 demos available. Oh well, nothing I want to play anyway except Sunset Overdrive and Qunatum. Seriously that's it, after were done w/ Rare Replay I trade it in.
@Captain_Gonru I'll look for you on X1, I only have 1 friend now, Jaxon. Sad.
New update yesterday didn't do much but it is a slight improvement. Better than PS4 update squishing all of the notifications into 1 unsorted mess.
Signed up for $1 Gamefly yesterday, really realized X1 has no games. Well there are some, but so many rated M and I have kids. Why are so many video games M anyway? What part of "game" requires an M rating? I know PS4 has it's share as well, but so many other games guess I don't notice as much. Sunset Overdrive, which basically looks like inFamous made by Nintendo is M, Quantum Break is M. T for teen does seem necessary for most games, Doom should be M, but offline single player games can't tone it down a notch? Guess I am old.
It's almost April, dam March is long. I'm actually looking forward to yardwork. Yep, definitely old.
@Captain_Gonru I spent 2 hours playing a game last night, can't recall the title, but if I had to name it I'd have gone with "Incestuous Worm Sex". My kid tells me the sequel is more of a "game", have to try that one out. We dont' do M, FPS, racing or too much fighting, hence no Xboxen in the past. Really if it wasn't for that Rare Replay bundle for $175 it would have never happened. I think "Song of the Deep" is a muiltiplat, though it will probably seem kind of lame after Ori, which was outstanding it's first 10 minutes.
@Captain_Gonru Viva Pinata. Which was not even remotely close to what I expected.
I'm playing Gears of War Remastered now. On easy. Still dieing constantly. But I'm pretending it takes place in the same universe as Last of US so it's holding my interest. And I think it's going to be short, about 4 hours in and just started chapter 3 and I think there are only 5. Guess it would take a lot longer if I weren't playing on easy, but then I'd quit and wouldn't be playing at all.
You catch up to the shows yet? Watched the crossover last night, pretty good. Still not watching Legends but this weeks episode had a title I think you'll like. Gonna go cancel Netflix now, finish up the CW shows and the last 13 episodes of Grimm before singing back up in June. We have a very busy social calendar for April, 2 weekends in hotels, plus both Passover and Easter.
Opening day for the Mets is tomorrow, it's the 1 team and sport I've been consistent w/ for 40 years. Let's Go Mets.
@Captain_Gonru Duet was actually much better than I thought it would be. Not as good as Buffy's musical episode, but Barry and Super girl have a lot of chemistry, much better than his mismatched fiancée or even Felicity. I wouldn't be surprised if they were getting it on behind the scenes, I'd be worried if I were dating either of them in real life.
Your wife must have gotten much farther along in Viva Pinata that I did, first 2 hours were such a snore. Doubt I'll ever go back to it.
Did you really expect to finish the entire Gears of War game in 1 night? That's some low expectations.
Baseball been berry berry good to me.
@Captain_Gonru "Music Meister"
I don't know who that is, I'm guessing a real DC villain? Probably helps I don't know. I still liked Duet. My worst episode so far this year was the 42 minute PSA about gun violence. My head hurt afterward from being beaten over it so much w/ the message stick. Really overdone.
FYI, after end of March, epsidoes 18 for Arrow & Flash, when I think Legends ends, no new epsidoes until April 24 + 25, so you have 3 weeks to catch up. Wish I had known that 3 days ago, may not have canceled my Netflix subscription Sunday night. Oh well, final 13 epsidoes of Grimm to watch to pass the time.
I played Viva Pinata up until "chapter 2" started, got some cut scene message about the history of the island. Had about 9 or 10 creatures, but monotony was overwhelming. Finished chapter 3 in GoW, that's going well.
PS: I know I can't type epsidoes, but at least I'm consistent. Scaringly so.
Edit - Something remotely on topic, almost - sent my wife to Ntinedo NY to pick up some amiibo, she got "rider" Link - b/c "equestrian" is too hard to spell I suppose - but no Wolf Link. She asked 2 people but they told her they weren't getting any more in. The only amiibo that does anything worth while in their new blockbuster game on their new blockbuster system and they dont' make enough amiibo, brilliant. Makes me wonder if they'll have any around this holiday when late arrivals to switch and Zelda pick up the game? Ninteod sucks at making things.
@Captain_Gonru Thought had crossed my mind. But it's $50 for a port of a 15 year old Gamecube game that I've already played. I have been checking the boxes in Target for any sign of a clearance sticker - I already have a few Christmas presents purchased - but I'm not paying $50 for a port. Heck even the port is over a year old now, it should be $30 w/ the amiibo.
And I'm still mad that the "wolf link" mechanic wasn't a part of BotW. They should have let one of the border collies be a sidekick, train it like you do a horse, and the Wolf Link amibo would be a "skin" and also let you call it immediately, just like Rider Link works. But to leave that partnership out of the game entirely, the only way to get it is w/ a $16 amiibo I can't find? It's not even included in the $20 expansion pass? Nintendo is beginning to annoy me again. I know, that isn't hard.
@Captain_Gonru "I can get one to like me"
Like you? Or "like you" like you?
@Captain_Gonru "Were you watching Legends still?"
No, last year was just so bad, we didn't even bother to start. I was curious to watch the Tolkien episode just to see how bad it was, and any episode named Doomworld has my attention, but not even Capt Cold's return is going to bring me back now. I'd rather watch Prison Break.
Here's a nicer gif for you to help you recover from the last one.
@Captain_Gonru So how is season 3 looking now that season 2 is over? If we finish Grimm over the next 3 weeks we could probably catch up over the summer on Netflix. Man, I really hate watching commercials, and 87 ads per episode for the CW shows. I was all excited to get the CW app on my X1 but it had so many commercials I went back to free "VOD" on my cable box. And I can really tell the difference between 8 minutes and 11 minutes of ads. And it's not worth sitting thru even 1 ad for Legends, but 42 minutes on Netflix I could probably survive 17 episodes over the summer after I finish DD, JJ, LC and Iron Fist.
@Anti-Matter I'm usually older than Everyone else but when I was in my Late 20's I played a lot of EverQuest on PC. We had a regular group member who was 64 years old. I love gaming. I got an Atari 2600 when I was 10 years old and me and my brother played the hell out of it. What a kick. Then 10 years later after the collapse of Atari Nintendo and Sega Burst onto the scene and times were very good for the next 10 years or so with Nes, Sega then SNES, Genesis and PCEngine/Turbografx. I truly call those years the Golden years. So much good fun with a wow factor. Then there were some dark days for me playing EverQuest on PC for 5 long years. Crazy right? I did have a Sega Saturn and was planning to get a sega Dreamcast at the Release date. I did get a Dreamcast which saved me from the abyss of EverQuest. I played Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast for the next 2 years. Back in the day I was truly a Sega Fanboy. After Sega let me down by pulling the plug it was time to jump ship and get a Nintendo DS. From there it was GameCube, Wii and Wii-U with a PS2 to play RPG's. If I had to say my favorite Era it would be the Golden years of gaming. I wish Sega was still making consoles. But that's my story of becoming a Nintendo Fanboy. There really is much more to it...... I just summed it up real fast. Just enjoy it all for what it is! Share the joy of gaming and be kind to others.
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