After what was a bit of a muted E3 for Nintendo last year (bar Zelda: Breath of the Wild, of course), Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime suggests that the big N will be looking to make a major splash for 2017's event.
Speaking to Fox News, the Reggienator had the following to say:
E3 is always a big time for Nintendo. We look at each E3 as a unique opportunity to tell our story. And we're gonna have a big E3 this year. We're going to be showcasing a variety of games. We will have experiences for… consumers will be able to attend the show for the very first time. So I'm not gonna tell you all of the various games and all of our little secrets for E3, but I can tell you that E3 is going to be a major opportunity for us to showcase not only Nintendo Switch, but also content coming to Nintendo 3DS.
Since 2014 Nintendo's E3 efforts have largely been focussed around Nintendo Treehouse livestreams and a pre-recorded presentation. Do you think this year we'll see many changes to this format? Could the company return to having a traditional live press event?
Let us know what you think about Nintendo's E3 prospects with a comment below.
Comments 195
Thanks for setting my expectations high Reggie, but I am easy to please and always look at a glass half-full. Expecting it to be better than E3 2015/2016. Bring it on!
If Nintendo can at the least match how good their 2014 E3 was then Switch 2017-2018 is going to be absolutely amazing.
Fox News 🤢
I hope so. You can't afford to mess up a huge marketing opportunity with E3 on a new console .
I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I hope everyone keeps their expectations in check. There will be no new F-Zero, no new Wave Race, no new Metroid...will most likely just be Mario Odyssey, Pokémon Stars, that Rabbids RPG thing. Nothing new or groundbreaking.
I've been looking forward to Nintendo E3s for the past 15 years and every year is a disappointment. I don't see why this year will be any different.
"Introducing Switch Music! Wait, where are you all going?"
Cheer up Mogster.. You never know....
Didn't he also say the Switch wouldn't use friendcodes?
I want to see some JRPGs, Reggie. I know you're reading this! Give us a solid look at Xenoblade 2.
What?! He actually remembered the 3ds?! Now that is news!!
please say they are going to announce the Switch Smash, but to be honest the way that he keeps on saying "Big things coming soon" but have no comment on what they will be, it's probably going to be another Animal Crossing spin off which will bomb and take down the switch and destroy Nintendo as we know it
Nintendo could have a fantastic E3, but they could easily have a disappointing show instead.
I'm going to keep my expectations low, then I won't be disappointed if their show isn't very impressive. Of course, I'll get hyped if they do have a great show.
I've not picked up a Switch yet, so a good E3 could tempt me.
All I want is a Kirby game for Switch - give me that and a few other things on my wishlist and I'll gladly consider it a successful E3. Just don't pull that "one game" rubbish from last year. That was tedious and disappointing as hell.
1080p Kirby game does sounds great and portable mode in bed would be the sweet spot.
I'll also go with a luigis mansion sequel or original hd remaster and I'll be happy as a pig in ..... lol
I'm really enjoying the E3-format Nintendo has been pulling the last few years. Much better than the awkward stage presentations.
I think we should expect a lot. Nintendo is typically honest about this kind of stuff. In 2015 and 2016 they were totally honest but that did not stop the pitchforks in 2015.
Keep expectations low and might get a small surprise
Pokemon Stars and a new Kid Icarus are all I need.
Even if i try to lower my expectations it never works.
So 2 games at this years E3?
I always get super excited for nintendo at e3..cant wait!!
Lol one thing they need to bring the hype train with fire is a new smashbros switch!
I'd love to see Nintendo return to the stage and do a conference similar to Sony and MS. There's certainly games it can showcase. Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will be big ones. A return of a long dormant franchise would be nice as well. Many are hoping for a new Metroid, my pick would be Wave Race.
I'm not expecting it but I also hope to see strong third party support from the Western developers. Not worried about Japanese support, that will be given as time goes on.
@GamerGuy82 Luigi's Mansion: Dark of the Moon was not a sequel?
Metroid, Mother 3, F-Zero and Half-Life 3 confirmed!!!
I really wished that Nintendo went back to normal presentations on Stage. This brings a lot of value to the company.
Sorry, no matter how many years pass, I keep forgetting which month/date E3 is.
Is it around June time? July?
@Bunkerneath i'm talking about on switch and in console mode. i played the 3ds game and loved it. but i've never played the original and still would love to .so fingers crossed
@ThatNyteDaez 11th-16th June. Some press conferences like Microsoft and Bethesda is on the 11th (a Sunday), Nintendo's event will probably be on Tuesday 13th with Treehouse streams throughout the week.
@Grumblevolcano Thank you!
I can't wait to watch them NOT announce anything that anybody wants. Miitopia Warriors, Federation Force Other F and 1-2 Switch Party U incoming.
Tool! His new name is Reggie Tools-Aime.
He's a company cheerleader. I'm sure a big E3 was the infamously bad one with PUPPIES, Wii music and City Folk.
"E3 is always a big time for Nintendo."
Um, no it isn't Reggie, you had 1 game last year w/o even a Nintendo Digital Event. Saying it will be "big" this year could just mean a larger area and 2 games.
Despite my dislike for Reggie I am expecting a bigger E3 this year compared to last year and the return of the 45 minute NDE. I don't expect a live on stage presentation as that isn't really their schict, ND is. On YT the next day nobody can tell the difference between "live" and prerecorded anyway.
"but also content coming to Nintendo 3DS."
Ok, now this part actually scares me. I know it makes 60 million people happy, but they risk cutting into Switch sales if they keep hyping up the 3DS. I'm not opposed to 3DS getting games, that's a good thing, PS3 got games for 10 years, but those games weren't a big part of E3. Vita almost never gets mentioned there. So save the 3DS stuff for a ND every now and then, leave E3 for big Switch announcements, don't undercut it with new Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter games on 3DS. E3 is time for Switch to really shine.
Yes! So psyched for Super Metroid: amiibo Festival...
@Spoony_Tech Maybe you shouldn't post early on Monday mornings.
@Grumblevolcano Except hopefully without announcing a Zelda game three years and a long chain of delays in advance.
And as a twofold 3DS owner, I'm not happy about that being called out for E3. Hopefully it's just for show floor demos and not much space in their presentation, as development for 3DS directly damages their pitch for the Switch being a hybrid console and host to all of Nintendo's current games.
I trust this guy as far as I can throw him. I'm sure he means well but he has talked out of his rear end so much he needs chap stick on his cheeks.
I don't know, it made me laugh.
Agreed. You can't just cut off 60 million users, same as Sony couldn't just cut off PS3 right away, but if the next mainline Pokemon game is a on 3DS instead of Switch, or even on 3DS in addition to, that's a big mistake.
Getting ready to be disappointed at yet another year with no new Metroid game...
...while being secretly super hopeful.
It will be interesting to see what he means by "big".
We shall see. I hope they will give us a bit more games than just Mario titles. I love those, but i'm also into something new from them
My predictions...
Expected announcements: Switch Party. Switch brain age. Switch Camera. Switch Printer. Switch kettle.
Wish list: Waverace, 1080, Excitebike, Pilotwings, F-Zero, Diddy Kong Racing, Stunt Race FX
Expectations low, dreaming high.
@Mogster You say you don't want to sound pessimistic but in the end... YOU DO.
@rjejr How's things? I'm going to disagree on the E3 point here.
E3 2016 was big for Nintendo, though. They set up the hype for a potential Game of the Year in 2017 and Pokemon Sun and Moon got attention. Nintendo was one of the biggest talking points in all of E3 because they focused on and featured one game extensively, a game that was worth it I might add. And, as they often do, Nintendo creates giant queues at it's E3 installations.
If Nintendo can get anywhere near that attention and response, it will indeed be big again. E3 2015 was "big" but it was also a huge misfire (due to Metroid Prime FF and Star Fox underwhelming and more), unfortunately. E3 2014 was truly huge but a bit indulgent. Nintendo "wins" E3 sometimes with so, so little user base on its home console and only one or two big games.
Press conferences like Microsoft and Sony do are kinda awful to sit through for the last few years (those award ceremonies are better now). Nintendo doesn't have it figured out either as they proved once again with the oft-times cringeworthy Switch reveal presentation, but anyway...
I find it hard to argue E3 isn't big for Nintendo.
@rjejr @Haru17 I agree that the 3DS coming to E3 is a bit concerning. Sure I was just initially thinking it would be stuff like Fire Emblem Warriors, Ever Oasis (is that still generic 2017 release date?) and localizations of old Japan exclusives like maybe some Atlus stuff.
That said, if stuff like Pokemon Stars is real but both 3DS and Switch then Switch could be in danger if too many use the "why buy a Switch when you can just play it on the console you already own?" logic.
@Mogster Metroid 2018 will be the big surprise as well as the new Retro's game. I feel it, I would bet on it.
I hope I will hear about Ever Oasis 3DS, Miitopia 3DS English version, Animal Crossing Switch, Pokemon Stars, More detail about Super Mario Odyssey, Next trailer of Xenoblade 2, Overcooked Switch, Switch Sports (???), The Sims 4 (???), Taiko no Tatsujin Switch.
Fox News is not a news source. You are going to have to site someone else before I believe again.
Nintendo needs a big E3 and I was sure they would deliver.
Now Reggie had to open his mouth and spoil it.
The same mouth that swore "there will be no game droughts on the 3DS" and after that "we have learnt from the 3DS so there will be no game droughts on the Wii U".
Reggie will make a great European politician.
@Matbtz Why do feel it? What evidence (looking at the past few years - including recently) gives you any reason to suggest a new Metroid is on the way?
Nintendo has proven time and time again that they don't really care about what their fans want. If they did, Federation Force and AC: Amiibo Festival would never have been greenlit. As well as numerous other things...rubbish Kirby Wii U game, rubbish Starfox Wii U game, rubbish Paper Mario Wii U game, rubbish Mario Party Wii U game...I'm not even sure if Nintendo is capable of developing a new Metroid that doesn't suck.
The only saving grace is BotW, which proves that Nintendo can (contrary to all the evidence) actually still do AAA development. I guess we'll see.
@Mogster lol if I listen to you Nintendo didn't do any good games the last few years. Yeah they did some (bad) experimentation and rushed games because the Wii U was dying but the Wii U still has a great library of games : Splatoon, Mario Maker, Xenoblade, Yoshi Wooly World, DKCTF, MK8, SSB4 etc. But anyway that's not the point.
I'm feeling it because of Reggie statement about Metroid and Mother 3, he said : "we will talk about it in a year and see what happened" he is overly confident and I don't see him saying that just to be strike later by his statement.
It'd be nice to see Nintendo return to form for E3. I used to be more excited about Nintendo's E3 than the others.
I'd love to see Metroid but if i remember correctly, it sounded like they were still thinking of a way to bring Metroid back (ie down the road a few years).
They key as always is moderation. Something the games industry at large (and by extension Reggie) won't every let us have again. It won't suck, Nintendo has pushed way too hard the last year for Switch to just let this thing flounder. But to say it's flat out incredible this early is a mistake as well.
Here's my uninformed predictions.
At some point they drop Mother 3. They made hints toward it every e3 since 2014, but with the Switch they finally have a market to make that happen. It's their "available now" title, and the internet loses their poo.
The rest of the show hinges on Mario Oddessy, and folks get to play the dang thing. Animal Crossing is revealed for an early summer release 2018, and there is a decent game revealed so they keep their "one major game a month" going until February. Something for the month following Splatoon, then September, October etc.
One of those could very well be an New ip, but I don't have any information about that. One of those games will be Fire Emblem Warriors though.
Let's play predictions. That's always fun with Nintendo. I predict some Gamecube VC action on Switch, some news about Xenoblade 2, an Animal Crossing announcement for late Fall or early 2018, and at least one teaser about an old IP that's been dormant for too long. (Please be Metroid, please be Metroid, please be Metroid!!)
Reggie the liar was always going to say this.
@The-Chosen-one I wouldn't hold your breath on that one. Smash Bros. games take three years or so to develop, and after Sakurai nearly worked himself to death during the development of Smash 4, I don't think he'll be starting from scratch on a new Smash anytime soon. I definitely believe the rumors about an enhanced Smash 4 port for Switch, though, especially after seeing what they did with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
I guess we will see what happens. 2014 E3 was pretty good for Nintendo. 2015-2016 not so much besides showing off Zelda. I got a good feeling about this year. Probably won't be a new Wave Race, but I'm sure I'll like something they have at E3.
Trying to keep my expectations low.
Yeah me too, or they could use the same engine ( some new characters and maybe storymode)
Like splatoon 2. Juat to make it feel new lol.
It needs to be but, well, Fils-Aime would say that. He's a PR guy.
If we just get the stuff that's been rumoured (Smash and Pokémon updates, Mother 3, Pikmin, that Rabbits crossover) that's a fantastic E3 and would mean a big 2017 for Switch.
Hopefully it's more 2004/2006/2014 than 2003/2012 or (shudder) 2008
@Mogster he already announced metriod without announcing it.don't anyone watch interviews? Lol
As long as its not like 2015's, they'll be fine.
Lol. Well it better be, with a new system and all. They've got a pretty low bar to cross. 2016 was Zelda, and only Zelda, and 2015... Well, let's just say that I still have nightmares about it.
@thesilverbrick just making a point.Nintendo just won another patient on the 3ds.that was filled in 2002.3ds didn't come out till 2010.enough said
Lol, amen to that! It's almost like they're both flaky salesmen!
Maybe we'll sees one evidence of this (though probably not)
For anyone saying Reggie is a liar because he said this (or every) E3 will be big : What did you expect, seriously ? Do you think he will say : "Nah this E3 we are not going to announce anything, you still can play Zelda botw"
Off course he will say no matter what E3 will be big ! The only difference is the context, they released a new console and obviously tried to plan well their software schedule. With that in mind I think their E3 will be pretty neat.
Ahhhh well guess i will have the wait and see approach. Expectations are low. Plus e3 is still a while away.
@Matbtz Reggie always contradicts himself, and lies, just have a look at some of the other interviews posted here on NL in the past year or so. You cannot trust what he says.
The only thing you can trust is the evidence, which is why I list all the abominations that Nintendo has released over the past couple of years. Most of the games you listed are pretty safe, but Metroid needs to be on a whole different level if they hope to surpass the Metroid Prime trilogy. It needs a BotW size investment, both in time and money. Looking at Nintendo's recent output, I don't think this will be forthcoming.
Will it be another Nintendo Direct or a stage presentation?
@Mogster While I agree it is maybe just PR talks, with this and tidbits of rumor about Metroid and Mother 3, I'm still pretty sure we will see those.
Yes but you can't compare a rushed Mario Tennis for example just to have a holiday title for the dying wii U with a new game for a new console, the context is really not the same. As for Paper Mario for exemple, it is a fine title for what it is (and I would kill for a proper TTYD title...). Nintendo love to experiment, it can be great as Mario Maker or bad as AC festival amibo game, but I guess the budget is not on the same level. But that don't mean they can't do great games.
Now the problem of a Metroid needing to surpass Metroid Prime trilogy is a whole different debate. But with Botw and the premise of Mario Odyssey we can have hope about the same treatment for Metroid in the future. And also it doesn't have to be Nintendo doing it.
Poor Reggie. All the blame will fall on him if it turns out to be a mediocre E3.
@Fandabidozi IKR? I hope to be surprised with Golden Sun 4 at E3.
I would be happy if they just concentrated on manufacturing the Switch at this point. No sense getting hyped about something you can't find in a store.
The two new games will be Pokemon and Pikmin, and my dark horse guess is something new from Retro. It's been three years since their last game was released. It should be about time to pull the curtains back on whatever it is they've been working on. I would be okay with that game being another DK game because they were great, but I don't think they'll do another DK game.
@Mogster i doubt Nintendo has shown all its cards.. There will be some surprises. We shouldn't hype e3. Let e3 hype us with official announcements instead. Speculations usually lead to disappointment.
@Mogster Steady on Gloomhilda, they might just pull it out the bag this year!
@dkxcalibur they can do both though .. produce more consoles and have a big e3... its not either or.
I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't announce anything new for Switch in 2017. Given that they have tried to keep E3 content within an 18 month window maybe we would see a Jan/Feb title and an April/May title. 3DS may have a bit more to show for 2017 though. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but the past couple years have taught me to temper my expectations with Nintendo. Especially with how optimistic E3 2014 seemed for Wii U and how quickly that dissipated.
@RedMageLanakyn Don't feel bad, he's well compensated.
@Matbtz great comment. I really hope Nintendo continues its great efforts in future titles.
@jaymacx Really? No kidding! I was saying that "I" would be happy if they just concentrated on manufacturing the Switch.
@dkxcalibur Oh, it was 1000% sarcasm. Honestly if I was in his position I think I'd be pretty happy. He gets paid a boatload of money to never directly answer a question and constantly contradict himself. I'd take money to do that!
With Zelda and Mario Kart on the way, at least we have the Wii U virtual console at all seriousness though, I would love to see Animal Crossing and Phantasy Star Online 2!! pleaaaaase
I'll only be impressed if they finally announce a new metroid. If not, I'll be content, but to say that this will be a big E3 year is definitely a bold statement.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Just like you were always going to say that.
reggie also stated they are listening to fans who have bought digitally in the past , I bought mark kart 8 with all dlc form shop, and here we are a few weeks form Mario kart 8 deluxe and no news on discount for previous owners,
I'm sorry but I'm not paying full price for a battle mode and a couple of chatters that I really didn't need. but also I cant play my purchases unlike I was able to with wii on wiiU
so I'll take his word with a pinch of SALT
Too much for them to showcase at E3 AND do a Nintendo direct/treehouse??
I'm hoping for a Metroid announcement, but I'm realistic in knowing that's unlikely. Even if they do, if it's going to be another zelda wii u situation where it's 5 years after they announce it, I'd almost prefer they say nothing at all. I hate when companies announce hypothetical games that aren't even in the works yet (looking at you Zelda wii u, kingdom Hearts 3, etc)
It's got to be as Zelda can only keep the momentum going for so long.
C'mon Nintendo, you just need more of these for E3 to be successful:
Announcements that needs to happen:
New 3D Metroid not like Federation Force (Switch)
Metroid 5 (3DS)
New F-Zero (Switch)
Pokemon Star (Switch)
Super Smash Bros. 5 (Switch)
Geist 2 (Switch)
That one Super Mario Raving Rabbids RPG (Switch)
Donkey Kong Country 6 sequel to Tropical Freeze (Switch)
Pikmin 4 (Switch and/or 3DS)
Golden Sun 4 (Switch and/or 3DS)
New Punch-Out!! or Kid Icarus title (Switch and/or 3DS)
Mario Kart 9 (Switch)
New Kirby (Switch)
The Last Story 2 (Switch)
New Advance Wars or Battalion Wars (Switch and/or 3DS)
New Wave Race or 1080 (Switch and/or 3DS)
Fatal Frame VI or a Fatal Frame IV HD remastered (Switch)
Eternal Darkness, doesn't matter if it's a remake or a sequel, you trademark it you make it (Switch)
New Wario Land game (Switch and/or 3DS)
Pokken 2 (Switch and/or 3DS)
Sin and Punishment 3 (Switch)
New Mario & Luigi RPG (Switch and/or 3DS)
Maybe a Legend of Zelda Maker would be nice (Switch and/or 3DS)
Also more details on these games:
Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
ARMS (Switch)
Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch/3DS)
Fire Emblem 15 (Switch)
Fire Emblem Echoes (3DS)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
Also some revival of cancelled titles would be nice too such as these:
Raven Blade
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
This better be overflowing with AAA titles, especially third party amid this train is knackered before it even gets going
I'm going to try and keep my expectations in check after the meh announcements from the last couple of years, but there's a teeny tiny part of me that's hoping we'll get to see a new Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong, Pokemon or Luigi's mansion (or Rune Factory 5, but alas, that's wishful thinking with Neverland dead and buried), along with GBA/GC VC and more details on Super Mario Odissey and Fire Emblem 2018. I know it's unlikely, but it would be awesome if even just one or two things from my list got announced.
@retro_player_22 Lol you don't expect half of this, do you ?
MK9 not gonna happen with MK8D release in april
Super Smash Bros 5 not gonna happen since the development of those game take a huge time : at best we are going to have SSB4 deluxe
New F-zero I don't buy it since there is 2 games ala F-zero on the platform
A new Donkey Kong Country maybe but I do hope Retro is working on something else
Don't see Advance/Battalion wars happening, don't know if Nintendo care that much for those license, they prefer Fire Emblem
Arms should be released already by E3 so maybe information about its future but I hope they will focus more on new announcements.
But yeah if we all see all those titles in the next five E3, it could be great.
@Grumblevolcano The E3 2014 that culminated in major announcements of games for WiiU that arrived in 2016, and culminated in announcing Zelda that arrived for Switch in 2017? 2014 SEEMED great but they stole the subsequent 2 years of announcements to pull that off. I expect a big E3 and I expect surprise reveals (one or two), but I don't think the 2014 machine-gun of new games announcements is until next year. Hard to do that 3 months into a new console when the holiday major releases were already announced.
Reggie is liar ? Really ?!
@Gamer83 You got your big Nintendo stage event in January. Do you really want us to be subjected to that again in June?
If I remember reading somewhere...not sure if it was here or Pushsquare...Sony has a huge amount of space set aside for E3 with nintendo coming in second with space. If that is actually true and the case, both of the companies should be sitting good. The only thing that makes me worried is Microsoft, and whether or not they are just going to announce that they are in the makes of a new console already, or that there is not much coming out for it (mine's been sitting for a while awaiting Cup Head to come out).
Great news for nintendo though, as long as they don't let people down...I'm hoping for a new Animal Crossing and some other goodies, to actually get me to want to buy a Switch this holiday, instead of waiting for games to come out for it, that aren't coming out on PS4 or already came out on PS4...the only games getting me to wanting the Switch at the moment are Zelda, Mario Kart and the upcoming Mario Odyssey...not a lot at the moment, especially when I'm stocking up on 3DS games at the moment, and still grabbing PS4 titles, and still playing the Gamecube. I'm ready me something good!!!
They'll showcase whatever the VC equivilent on Switch is.
@retro_player_22 I like your list, but I don't see them announcing over half of that...and glad you picked Geist...a good game that was under appreciated. However, for Geist, it didn't sell well, and I don't think nintendo will try it again. Eternal Darkness (a re-release) will probably be a little difficult for them at the moment, but if they announce Gamecube titles coming to the E-Shop, then maybe.
The thing I really don't want to see them do at E3 is cover nothing but indie-download titles and talk about the Virtual Console coming over to the's fine to announce a little, but they should talk about games coming on the retail side, not virtual console...maybe close the show with 'Oh, Gamecube is coming to the Virtual Console on such and such a day'.
Here is a solid list of rumored first party Switch games that I think Nintendo may unveil and/or detail at E3:
-Pokémon "Stars"
-An enhanced Smash Bros port
-A new mainline Pikmin game that Miyamoto has hinted at before
-The Mario X Rabbids Ubisoft collaboration
-Retro's new game, which is supposedly a new IP
-A new Metroid game
I'd also expect more solid release dates for Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Xenoblade 2.
As for the 3DS, I honestly don't expect much. I think Nintendo will talk about Ever Oasis and the Pikmin sidescroller (both of which were announced last year, but have since gone under the radar), along with maybe another surprise or two, and that's it. The main focus will be on the Switch.
@Grumblevolcano "Pokemon Stars is real but both 3DS and Switch"
I'm not worried about it being on both, I'm worried about it being only on 3DS. And something AC related, like HHD2. Sure, some people just mock HHD, I do, but it sells.
@Mogster Debbie downer! You got ants in your pants or a bad case of the mondayz?Dont give up hope, brother! Sure they had a rough couple of years... but with Zelda setting the bar high on the switch early on I have faith they will try to make other games better or par
I'll be keeping my expectations in check, but if Nintendo can pull off a decent E3, I can see the Switch really taking off, and the 3DS receiving a decent sendoff. I'm a firm believer that the 3DS will see activity into 2018, and if Nintendo keeps the first and third-party games/ apps coming to the Switch, I don't see how it won't do well.
In terms of games...I'm not gonna even bother speculating on what could be revealed as I'll just disappoint myself. XD
I just want Metroid and F-Zero... And announce Pokémon for switch to get those sales up Ninty!
@aaronsullivan "Press conferences like Microsoft and Sony do are kinda awful to sit through"
I agree, and I think Nintedo should stick to NDEs, but they didn't have 1 last year. Sure, it was great to have GOAT Zelda, the game that was supposed to release in 2015, then 2016, then finally 2017. Do you really want this E3 to be based only upon Super Mario Odyssey then have that get delayed until 2018 and 2019?
All I want is my 45 minutes of Pikmin 4 - the game that was nearly complete in Sept 2015, not the still in hiding 3DS game - SSB4 Complete, maybe a combo Luigi's Mansion and Dark Moon HD remasters, and Kid Icarus 2. XC2 would be nice, but that has "Delayed until 2018" written all over it. The actual E3 area set-up should be about 20 Switch set up for 2v2 ARMS, which is starting to look like a mid-June release to me to coincide w/ E3, and 4 set-ups of 4v4 LAN Spla2oon on huge screens. Maybe even a tournament, just let annoying Youtubers, more real gamers.
How's that?
So, did you hear I bought a X1 yesterday? Switch has to wait. My kid bought Zelda U so w'ere good.
Splatoon for 3ds. Yep it's gonna happen
@Gamer83 I'm never gonna get used to you w/ a Link avatar, I still see you as a PS guy. No offense.
Gamefreak should announce their next Pokemon game in mid April, it's probably 3DS only or else Ntinedo would be flaunting it on Switch. Also possible GF is taking the year off, which leaves somebody making a Mystery Dungeon or Ranger game. Maybe an amiibo game based on Pokepark. There are 7 Link - not all of Zelda, just Link - amiibo and only 6 Pokemon amiibo. You just know it's gonna happen some day. If there's no new Pokegame this year I fear for Japan's sanity and GDP.
@k8sMum Are you talking about Spoony's post? That's a running gag the 2 of us have on Twitter, I'm not supposed to post after midnight or before breakfast, Spoony likes pointing out my old man crankiness and overall general negativity. So whenever he posts something even remotely cranky I feel obligated to pounce.
Not knowing all of that I could see why you might think I was calling him out though. I try not to reply to people anymore unless I recognize them and we get along. Or it's just a answering a basic question. I'm getting too old for this...
I was just being snarky. His comment did make me laugh tho. I didn't think you were calling him out. I knew there had to be an inside joke type thing going on.
As a negative but cool little old lady, I'm pretty much using the same rules re: posting here now.
Remember: it ain't the years but the miles.
I want:
ANY new Metroid
Golden Sun Remaster
Drill Dozer sequel/remaster
Maaaaaybe another Pokken Tournament
ANYTHING Mega Man related by Capcom
I expect:
NONE of the above
More information on future releases(Spla2ne, Mario Odyssey)
A lot of Animal Crossing for some insane reason...
All I want to know is what Retro Studios is making.
@rjejr Reading this thread I can already see I'll have to avoid NL during E3 week. The expectations area already being set for the same exact failure as the last 3 years "METROID AND FZERO!!" I do think Metroid is coming. I don't think FZero is coming (possibly ever and certainly not in the middle of trying to push MK8 again), but I don't know if Metroid is coming THIS year. "Fans" do still have to understand that Metroid and FZero are expenses that basically make no money. Those are gifts we get if a console is successful. They just don't sell well outside the "hardcore gamerz" segment. "hardcore gamerz" alone an barely fund a kickstarter let alone a big commercial venture. Metroid will happen, but year 1 is shaky. (Won't be surprised if it IS there, won't be disappointed if it's not.)
@rjejr Pikmin 4, maybe...if they want to tie it in with the 3DS version, which would be smart, that's possible. More likely than Metroid in a lot of ways unless there's a 2D metroid to go with 3DS to pair with a 3D one. I could see THAT being what pushes Metroid out. I still believe Federation Force was supposed to be joined with a WiiU metroid that's still waiting for Switch. Aonuma's reaction to that quickfire interview with the shell game with the piece of paper saying "2D Metroid Please", was interesting where he laughed and stuffed the paper in his pocket. He's got nothing to do with Metroid, of course, but still an interesting response (after Miyamoto the year of Federation Force) commented that they were working on 2D and 3D....then dropped that comment.
Smash....I'm so, so sick of hearing about smash. I want it to fade away at this point. It's "popular" to a point, but it's just the only thing we've heard for 3 years. Mansion would be a blast....I don't see a new sequel yet. Icarus...still not a money maker so that's in the FZero camp. XC2 is still more likely than most to hit target. I still don't think it's a delay for Japan. We were never confirmed it wasn't a delay for the West. I still think it hits 2017 for Japan at minimum. It didn't take much work technically. It can use the XC:X engine, most of the models can be recycled, new level design new story, new voices and scripting, but they've no doubt been working on that part since XC:X started. Monolith is pretty big. It was PROBABLY supposed to be a WiiU title.
They still need to cement SOMETHING between now and Fall as a 1st person experience though. After Zelda the ultimate 1 player game, it's months of online multiplayer games. I do love my Splatoon, but I'd like to keep my online multiplayer to a minimum short of Splatoon. Darned thing is a hybrid, we need more to showcase that. Then again, though I largely hate download eshop titles, Snake Pass is out there's that.
"overall negativity" what does it say about NL when you seem like one of the positive ones?
I'm always excited for E3 but it is sounding like Nintendo is getting ready to throw down the gauntlet. So my body is ready...even if my wallet is not.
@Matbtz I don't expect for all of them to be announce but it would be nice if Nintendo had some of them in mind. A new F-Zero would be great even though we already got Fast RMX and Redout on Switch, bringing out a new F-Zero for the platform would be a great competitor to both or if an F-Zero on Switch doesn't make since, at least a 3DS version would be fine.
There was no chance GF would ever announce a Pokemon game so early in the year, such as at the January Switch event. Sun/Moon just came out and is still selling.
@NEStalgia "overall negativity" what does it say about NL when you seem like one of the positive ones?"
It says you'd be smart to avoid NL during E3 like you said.
My kdi adn I were discussing the possible Pikmin 3DS and Pikmin Switch relationship, seems plasuible, if nto actual. Same for Metroid on Wii U. I feel like a lot of games are being made for Switch that started out as Wii U games. Heck I believe XC2 started out as a Wii game. Maybe not in programming it, but the story aspects were probably floating around back then. That game was announced long before it was released, E9 2009. Wii U doens't release until 2012, so I can imagine in 2010 or 11 people were discussing XC2. XCX isn't XC2, it's a comepltley different game, only the battle system is the same.
So yeah, maybe Pikmin 4, if it isn't now on 3Ds, maybe Metroid Prime 4, maybe several others, Pokepark 3, a real Animal Crossing. Surely Nintendo had a 5 year roadmap of Wii U games, and it only really got 3 1/2, so besides Zelda thats' at least 2 or 3 others still out there.
SSB4 Complete probably wouldn't be talked about so much if they had released Cloud, Bayonetta and Corrin amiibo by now. Those 3 amiibo are basically a big billboard for SSB4 on Switch, whatever they finally call it. Had they released people might be saying, well we are already getting MK8D, and SSB4 is already on 3DS, Switch doesn't need it. But those 3 amiibo keep the tongue's a wagging, no getting around that.
@NEStalgia I think the reason Metroid makes no money, is because Nintendo doesn't PUSH it to make money. I think the best way to make ANY franchise money is to aggressively push it like they are doing with the Switch. Otherwise, it fades into obscurity.
@Mogster I mean, Reggie has hinted that they are working on Metroid. Though last time he said that, we got federation force. Yea, nevermind, I'd rather wait and see what happens instead of getting hopes high.
after receiving the switch I really think the whole thing was made for a whole new pokemon game. One that is based around both the main game and go. It would sell in the droves and the system seems to work around what would be needed to really do that.
You never know!!! (or did some blue haired wierdo already predict that!)
@The-Chosen-one I totally agree. Smash 4 is already loaded with content and is essentially perfect, so there's no need to start over from scratch. Like you, I'm hoping for some new content, like a handful of new characters (Inklings desperately need to be playable) and stages (I'd love the 3DS exclusive stages in HD).
@westman98 "There was no chance GF would ever announce a Pokemon game so early in the year,"
I'm almost positive GF has announced Pokemon games in Feb and or March. Wait here, I'll go check Google.
Pokemon BW W2 was announced Feb 25th 2012 for June in Japan
1 year later
Pokemon X+Y was announced January 8th 2013 for Oct 2013 release.
1 year later
Pokemon ORAS was announced May 7th 2014 for Nov release
2 years later
Pokemon Sun Moon announced Feb 26 2016 for Fall release
So 4 of the past 5 years, 2012, 13, 14 and 16, GF has announced a Pokemon game, once in Jan, twice in Feb, once in May, all for release "fall" in the west. I don't see anything in that history pattern that precludes them from making an announcement this spring for a release this fall. I'd say maybe it's too late if anything, but maybe they are jst waiting for the Zelda and Switch launch hype to die down? They certainly still have time though. Since ORAS was announced in May then May might be a good time for a Diamond and Pearl pair of remasters announcment.
@dkxcalibur I didn't mean any harm.. i was just stating they can do multiple things at once .. which for our sakes is a good thing.
Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Metroid, maybe a new RPG for the Switch, I'd be happy with one of those. We'll probably just get SwitchFit, but at least I get some exercise that way.
@MrPuzzlez i agree ... they (Nintendo) don't push it (Metroid) to sell. PlayStation and xbox have some way lesser titles get more sales due to marketing
@MrPuzzlez I think the Metroid formula is inherently too niche. I also think 2D metroid would actually sell a lot better than 3D metroid because it supports a more "pick up and play" approach to entice more casual players into it. 3D metroid is very very niche. Its exploration/puzzle/navigation/backgrack focus is much too cerebral and slow paced for the modern twitch shooter crowd. Yet it's too gritty/serious/spooky for the more laid back Nintendo crowd. It finds its niche with more veteran gamers who appreciate the subtleties and uniqueness of it, but that's not a tremendously large market. Promoting it would help it somewhat, but I think the core gameplay is both why its fans love it and why everybody else doesn't. FF showed us a more "modern" looking gameplay system, and fun as the game actually was (if you had 3 players, it was pure suffering with 1 or 2), doesn't really satisfy.
Piggybacking off BotW though, they could design it in an open-worldish exploration based system that would resonate with modern gamers. But they'd probably have to delay it another year or so to "retool it for BotW tastes." Not necessarily a bad thing if it was as awesome as the design in my head right now
@dew12333 Open world Pokemon on the BotW/XBCX engine. Make it happen, GameFreak!
@rjejr Yeah, XC2 likely uses the XCX engine though. Much upgraded from the XC engine. It could benefit from Switch's performance gains but overall it's still a beautiful engine (and BotW probably uses at least parts of it as well.)
SSB4 yeah, it makes sense and I agree and it fits with the whole "only short multiplayer games for Switch + Zelda until Skyrim and Mario land" (which is annoying, all the multiplayer all at once, all competing with each other.) and yet, it already had it's 3DS run which HAD to be worth more than a Switch run in year 1. That's the kind of thing they need more after they kill off 3DS, not while they're still making 3DS run strong. But since it was "WiiU's only game" for years, I'm so sick of hearing about it
I will (eventually) buy a Switch for any of the following reasons:
1. Beyond Good & Evil 2 announced. (Exclusive is best, but even if timed exclusive)
2. Another YEAR OF LUIGI (when I bought my 3ds AND Wii U)
3. REAL Metroid
4. Tropical Freeze follow up ( and re-release?)
5. Free transfer of past e-shop or Wii U games (or cheap upgrade like to Mario Kart 8)
Since the rumored Pokemon Stars is supposedly just the 3rd version of Pokemon Sun/Moon rather than a brand new title like X/Y or Sun/Moon, a May/June announcement for a holiday release makes sense, assuming the rumor is legit.
@NEStalgia Just use the ignore feature. I have been testing it out and I'm enjoying my stay here a lot more already. I mean it's still going to be bad...E3 brings out the worst in even the most level headed posters around here sometimes but still I feel like Nintendo is going to put on a great show, Iwata willing.
@Ryu_Niiyama We might have to get a chain letter going among the level headed crowd where we can compare ignore lists to make sure we all have the "latest version of NL" We also need our NL Red bingo cards ready.
Trouble with ignore though is then you still see the replies to the offending posts, and then it just makes you curious what the original post was about!
@westman98 I'm leaning more towards a Diamond & Pearl remastering myself, Diamond Dimensions & Pearl Parallels or something. But if there is a Stars, though I prefer Eclipse, sounds cooler, then I do hope it's on Switch, though I fear it will just be on 3DS. I'd rather see S&M on Switch this year than a new game on 3DS.
Though Gamefreak skipping this year is also possible, they have skipped a few, but a holiday in Japan w/o a Pokemon game is just hard for me to fathom. Pokken Tournament on Switch I suppose is an option, but I think ARMS fills that fighter role on Switch well enough.
Whatever Pokemon game is out this year, I still feel like the sooner they tell us what system or systems it's on the better.
Just announce a proper Metroid please that and whatever Retro is working on, assuming that it isn't a Metroid.
@subpopz "I like how some people have such disdain for Reggie because he says things like this. What do they expect? "Hi, I'm here to announce that Nintendo will not show anything at E3. We hate all our customers, the Switch is a scam and don't feel like doing a show"
Get real, people. Any head of any division of any company is always going to spin the best statements they can for their own company."
Yep...I don't get why is it so hard to understand this?
@NEStalgia Oh I'm making up new cards for E3. I may have to clear out my ignore list for that week. Should be fun all around!
You know it is funny however. With me STILL working on BotW (and it is all I have been playing) and with Splatoon 2 on the way and Arms (not to mention the FE games), just about anything that comes out of E3 will be extra cherries on top for me. So I'm already going into it happy.
@NEStalgia Ahhh I've only just seen the ignore button! Finally! Some people's lists are going to be incredibly similar I think...
@WiltonRoots So you are the bingo headmaster we are going to need new cards for this year? "Fire Reggie" should be the free space, because SOMEBODY is going to say it.
@Mogster Pokemon Stars could be pretty groundbreaking. A true Pokemon rpg on a home console!
"Stars" is just a codename.
I don't think we'll get a Diamond/Pearl remake so soon. I have faith in Eurogamer, and I think their Pokemon Stars rumor has weight behind it.
@Ryu_Niiyama Who needs more games when we have new NL bingo cards on the way?
For me I'm tepid on the coming content. Huge splatoon fan, but trying not to get too hooked to one game again. BotW I still have weeks worth of play at least in there. Arms...I'm not a big fighting game player and not big on online to begin with so Splatoon is kind of my big online festival. The Fall/Winter content is the stuff that really excites me, but I think everyone's E3 expectations are based on the handful of online games out now, and forgetting the bunch of huge single player games coming out Fall/Winter that we already know about.
I WANT to like Arms, but I figure if I'm not even big on Smash, I'll find limited appeal there.
Edit: And SOMEDAY I'll get to play Setsuna but according to Nippon-yassan, my order, two weeks since placing it is still "preparing" and has been in stock most of the time. I contacted them and they said "that status means it's in the dispatch center".....I asked if that means it's out of their warehouse and in the mail stream or not and they simply restated "it's in the dispatch center". Not very thrilled with them as a store right now. So I may get my game I paid for in a week, or 3, or 5 months or whenever.
@Fandabidozi Yeah. The ones who filter news to fit their agenda and ignore all sorts of important stuff. Like the Standing Rock oil spill that they refuse to cover...
Oh, right. Getting off topic. I want an open-planet Metroid game.
@NEStalgia Hmm. I'm really sorry about that. I've never had any issues with them and I've preordered tons of new games and merchandise from them (they have single-handedly maintained my sailormoon merchandise habit...I need an intervention) ...I'd say it is because it is a new game but, like I said I've preordered from them plenty of times (I have about 15 open preorders with them now) with no issues. Um one curse deserves another? I'm really sorry about that though.
See, I'm looking at ARMS to be the evolution of Punch Out. As such, it isn't a "real fighting game" but still I expect it to be loads of fun. I do hope they release a pushmo game this year though. I love that series.
It's best not bring high expectations to E3 for any event, whether it's for Nintendo, Sony, etc. I believe it's going to be good, but i'm not believing in over exaggerated rumors of another Metroid or Mother 3 localization in the prospect of something of like that not being announced. The point is you shouldn't raise the bar too high or else you'd be disappointed one way or another.
I see it being a good e3 for Nintendo.
It will have a smash wii u port, a trailer for new metroid in 2018, Pokémon stars, pikmin 4, release dates for xenoblade2 Mario odyssey and fire emblem warriors and maybe a Mario maker port.
I don't see any new 3ds games just showing more of the pikmin game, ever oasis and fire emblem warriors .
Honestly I need microsoft to deliver this E3...I'm ready to wash my hands of them.
@Ryu_Niiyama "Honestly I need microsoft to deliver this E3...I'm ready to wash my hands of them." What prevented you from doing so in the last 5 years? It's like you wanted out in the waning years of the 360, were just about to dump it after the abysmal failure that was Halo Reach, didn't think there was anything on the horizon, and then saw the E3 where they got on stage and said "Kinektimals. We've basically just got that this year" and you were like "Oh dang, screw it, I'm in!"
From MS you'll see (prior to E3) the Scorpio announcement. Which we already know is just a souped up X1. So it's the X1, but prettier. Like the PS4 Pro....but probably prettier still. I've heard a rumor that it will have the highest quality pixels we've ever seen. The games will still be the same pile of nothing that the X1 had, but they'll have higher quality pixels, so, you know, that's worth it! "Ryse 2: This Time It's Fun!" as a launch game (also on X1 and X1S), calling it now.
I kid, I's not entirely fiction either
N-Y: Yeah, not sure how it takes them 2 weeks in the "dispatch center". If it takes 2 weeks and counting before even leaving Japan I wonder how long it takes once in the air? Do your orders ever actually say "shipped" or do they just stay in "preparing" for weeks on end and then suddenly show up?
I'm more of a PlayStation guy for sure, but The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, Metroid, Punch-Out are among my favorite series of all-time. Only reason I haven't been around NLife much the last five or six years and with avatars that show some Nintendo love is I thought the Wii U was a complete waste of time. The Switch is the follow up to Wii (one of my all-time favorite consoles) that I didn't know I wanted.
Anyway, I don't know if I'd expect Pokemon for Switch this year, but I'm still guessing the mainline series makes its way over, exclusively, by Holiday 2018. I think this year's big game will be Super Mario Odyssey for those of us in the West, and in Japan probably SMO and Xenoblade 2.
This sounds great, but it could also just be typical PR speak. Not getting my hopes up, but I'd love to be surprised. The last two years were pretty rough for Nintendo at E3 (minus BotW of course).
Nintendo has had some weird moments on stage but I also think back to E3s where the company has taken the event seriously and they've been some of the best around. I forget if it was E3 2004 or 2005, but the one where Twilight Princess debuted, awesome moment. The 2006 Press Conference was phenomenal and the 2010 briefing was awesome game after awesome game and the 3DS reveal stole the show that year.
In the end, whatever Nintendo decides to do is fine by me as long as we see a healthy lineup of first and third party games. But yeah, I would love to see them return to the E3 stage.
@NEStalgia HAHAHAH, I needed that. I almost bought a Kinect for child of Eden though...
So here is my thing with MS. I avoided the xbox 1/original/what am I supposed to call it marketing department?! because it was full of games I didn't care about, namely shooters and multiplats I could get elsewhere. Plus the controller was never a good fit. The first one was too big and the second one was slightly too small. Bad enough I had the ps2 controller to deal with so I didn't even get the system until I traded my third 360 for one (long story but I got 6 retro systems out of the deal) and it really just functions as my Shenmue II machine since I have Jade Empire on PC. I only got the PS2 because I left my wii and gamecube at home so I could focus on my studies, but after spending two summers at school (research assistant) I said forget that. Plus it had shinobi (...well sorta...) and Taiko no Tatsujin and other Japanese imports.
I bought a 360 because Virtua Fighter 5 Online came out as a 360 exclusive and I will buy just about anything that will play VF. Then because I decided to wait until Sony came out with some games I wanted and a lower price, I used the 360 to supplement my Wii and PC combo. My ps3 is an import/exclusives box. So I started buying fighting games and shumups on the system and got invested...even after having 5 of the 8 systems that I've owned go down (so I'm really unimpressed with their QA department) and they have a comfortable controller.
So here we go with this gen and I got the WiiU first, then the Ps4 as a b-day impulse buy and then the One as an I'm bored impulse buy. The problem for me is this...Sony finally made a controller that doesn't make my hands wish they had tear ducts so they can cry, and they are still my import and now my multiplat/not on PC box. Also, I got serious about PC gaming after my 360 (number 3 btw) ate a coaster ring into my copy of Oblivion, so I only really need a One for exclusives. I hate FPS games (I'll play ones with story like Bioshock but it is one of the rare times I'm in it for the story and not the gameplay), no big shumups this time around, no push for the Japanese market so nothing niche to play, and I don't know when Crackdown is coming out and Scalebound got canceled.
Count me in the spurned customer group for the Ps4 Pro and Scorpio reveals, so I keep asking myself why do I have a system that I barely use again?
To make matters worse the Switch is a piece of hardware that I'm just in love with, and it is turning my One into a door stopper. At this point the only reason why I have the thing is to play Halo with my brother (which I hate, but he lets me murder him in fighting games so it is fair) but since I moved I can't play with him because he has a family and thus limited funds.
TLDR: I don't know why I have the xbone either. Maybe MS can tell me at E3.
@Gamer83 I think Iwata really WAS the stage show though. Reggie's always been kind of a muppet. 2015 just kind of made the transformation complete
Without Iwata, who would do the show? E3 is US centric, so it would be Reggie. Kimishima wouldn't' do it. Koizumi would be cool, but he doesn't speak any English I believe. I don't think they could do a real stage show with the current staff and leadership without Iwata, unfortunately. And it's clear the last two years, maybe 3, that Iwata's health was the main reason they didn't do anything live. E3 under Yamauchi was like an investors meeting.
It would have to be Reggie and probably Bill Trinen. Iwata's presence would be missed but with a bunch of games to show off it'd be pretty tough for Reggie and Trinen to f it up. I mean, Shawn Layden doesn't exactly exude personality but it hasn't screwed things up for Sony at its press conferences the last couple years.
@NEStalgia Also you should get a shipment notification. I always get an email and my account shows shipped.
@Ryu_Niiyama Ugh, so it truly has been stuck in shipping for 2 weeks. After taking my money of course. And their help just tells me "it's in dispatch" which I assume means "shut up and sit down you'll get it when and if we decide you do."
@Gamer83 I think I'd rather have subtitled Digital events than Reggie & Bill. I like Reggie and Bill doing Directs, especially Bill, but if it's not from Kyoto, it's just marketing hour and getting E3 info from the talking heads at the marketing table rather than the creators is just bland. Without Iwata, the stage shows just lack the charm. I wouldn't object to it, but I wouldn't be hyped. Besides, it was Iwata who crafted the slick presentation of the digital events anyway.
@NEStalgia Jeepers I feel like writing you a check or something. I don't know how you are having this issue. I've been using them for years with no issues.
Nintendo hasn't had a huge E3 for awhile. Last time it was just BOTW which I mean is the best game ever but still
@Gamer83 "that I didn't know I wanted"
My kid bought Zelda U yesterday, made me realize Switch is the console we don't really need. He wants 1 for ARMS, but that isn't dated yet. My other son wants one for XC2, but I'm guessing that's 2018 in the West. I want 1 for Mario this holiday, but I could wait if need be. We already played MK8 and SSB4. Pikmin 3 made us buy a Wii U, Pikmin 4 would make us buy a Switch. Been waiting 18 months since it was "very close to completion". Eighteen months.
HOPEFULLY, the known:new ratio will favor new stuff, and most of the known side is playable.
@westman98 "Eurogamer, and I think their Pokemon Stars rumor"
Problem w/ a rumour like that, how old is it now? They could have changed the name or the release date since EG got a hold fo that info. Sure, it could have been true at the time, but what was that like 6 months ago? See my post 2 above this one about Pikmin 4, and that was from Miyamoto, talking to guess who - Eurogamer.
Expect a sort of digital event/live presentation thing they did for the switch reveal earlier this year. Followed by two and half day of the nintendo treehouse for the remainder of e3.
Still think we get to see new games at the event as I'm hoping on pikmin 4 , luigi mansion 3 , pokemon stars , dk country, new smash bros or metroid to be revealed for the switch with some 3ds games as well.
Expect we see footage for the new FE game next year , Warriors , Splatoon , Xenoblade and mario game as well.
The rumor is a bit old (6 months) , so maybe the release date could change, but I trust that Eurogamer is correct in leaking the existence of Pokemon Stars.
MCV was actually the first one to break that Mario, Pokemon, and Smash Bros was coming to the Switch in 2017. Since then, Mario Odyssey had been confirmed, Pokemon Stars was reported on by Eurogamer, and a Smash Bros port on Switch was rumored by a few people (Laura Kate Dale, Dr. Serkan Toto etc.)
@siavm I think you are confused. They are the #1 news source.
INB4, people became "children-who-want-presents-from-Santa-Claus". Sounds satire but, I afraid people became disappointed because they get "bricks-from-Santa".
E3 is about 3 months to go, but people still excepting an revival they favorite IP, as much I can say, "beggars cannot be chosen"
“The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift—that’s why they call it ‘the present’”
On other hand, I'm looking forward for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Want to know the setting and the storyline....
Is it too early for an announcement of those Pokémon and Monster Hunter games that everybody want for the Switch?
@westman98 @Varnen You know, I'm so sick and tired of everybody talking about the Pokémon, and everybody talking about the Monster Hunter. These franchises are the only reason why the 3ds still has games coming out for it. What Nintendo needs to do is do what they did with Zelda. They caught up with current games with the open world and the beautiful graphics, and Mario Odessey seems to be doing the same with the Sandbox approach. Yet going back to Zelda, it still had the Nintendo magic touch on it. We need a new current gen Metroid Prime, or a new Pikmin, or Smash Bros. or Animal Crossing. Their is no reason why people should even be asking for Pokémon or Monster Hunter on the Switch right now
Nintendo needs to approach E3 in the Nintendo way. Get fans excited by doing things and making games the way only Nintendo makes them
@PK_Boss11 I always talk about those games because they sell consoles. Maybe not now, but I believe those are the games the Switch needs. The more consoles sold, the more third-party companies will get their eyes on the system. It was the same thing with the 3DS: after Zelda (OoT 3D) and Mario (3D Land), the next big games were MH and Pokémon (correct me if I'm wrong). And after that, there were lots of games coming due to the install base that was actually pretty big.
My question was a little bit of rethorical, tho. But after Mario and -potentially- Metroid, I believe Pokémon and MH would be great games to be on the system.
(Sorry for any misspelling, I'm still learning english)
Can't agree with your your entire statement because I am certain Metroid will be announced and shown sooner rather than later.
In hindsight I can see why they only showed up with Zelda last year.
What we all really want though is a SNES classic mini 😁
I'm surprised I got a Switch before you. Figured you'd be there day one.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I find myself scrolling down the comments to find your negativity. I think that's a sad commentary on both of us.
Hopefully it won't be mainly Mario and downloads, but also some other interesting things like the new Retro studios title!
I feel all nostalgic, buying a new Nintendo product and getting hyped for E3. Like using Facebook instead of Miiverse, it's good that Nintendo are reaching out instead of just preaching to the faithful.
Well one of Nintendo's higher ups said they are working on "one new IP after another that take advantage of the Joy-con",so I think we'll be seeing at least 1 or 2 of those at E3.Those along with Mario Odyssey,Xenoblade 2 and whatever Retro's working on,should make for a superb show.As long as those new IP are not more of 1-2 Switch type games.
I wouldn't expect loads of unannounced titles though with release dates years off like Sony and Microsoft do.If Reggie is true to his word,we'll only be seeing titles coming in the 6 to 9 months after the show.
@PK_Boss11 A game like Pokemon and Monster Hunter (for the Japanse audience) will draw people to the Switch much like how it has with Nintendo's previous handhelds. The more people buying the Switch, the better it is for Nintendo, and the more 1st and 3rd party support the platform receives. That's why you'll hear people, including me, mention stuff like Pokémon Stars; it's a franchise that can ensure the Switch is a success.
Sadly, while I'd love to see a Metroid and Pikmin game on the Switch ASAP (and I have heard rumors of a Metroid title coming soon), those aren't game franchises that will draw the mainstream gaming audience toward the Switch. Pokémon will, Smash Bros will, and Animal Crossing will.
I'm hoping that with the portable and home console development teams now combined and with the software that necessitated that change finally out in the wild there will be a push like there was in 2012/13 for the 3DS. With all of their resources properly devoted to the Switch there's no reason for there to be a slow trickle of titles. I'm counting on E3 to convince me to get one.
Not that us Nintendo fans had any doubt of this anyway. Sure, 2015 and 2016 were kind of lackluster, but a Switch-centric E3?
I'm ready for dem megatons Reggie, drop 'em!
@Ryu_Niiyama So late last night I got a ship email from them. Finally! I went with plain old airmail (non tracked, my PO makes registered a major pain and major wait, one of the reasons I picked N-Y, Play Asia only does registered), but both EMS and non EMS says 8-10 days. So they finally SHIPPED it, 14 days later. So maybe 8-10 days on top of that. 24 days is not a reasonable shipping time. We'll see if I get it before then. I could have gone to Japan to pick it up using only a raft and a korok leaf in half the time.
LOL I can relate to almost all your console owning contents, minus the fighting games. And I don't mind shooters I'm just so bored of them, and they have to be really interesting to make me not pass by at this point. Few fit that bill. (Unless Deus Ex counts, but that's an RPG with a shooter mechanic for the battle system.) More times than I can count I desperately tried to find a reason to buy an X1 out of a boredom impulse or holiday impulse during extreme droughts. Every time I came away with no reason. No exclusives I cared about, and no multiplats my PS4 didn't already play better. I tried and always came up blank.
"Sony finally made a controller that doesn't make my hands wish they had tear ducts so they can cry,"
LOL! So much this! Honestly I'm not a fan of the DS4 either but it's at least SOOO much better than all the prior ones. At least before it runs out of power (How is it Switch can run BotW entirely including displaying the game itself and blasting audio for about as much time as a DS4 can just capture button input?)
" Count me in the spurned customer group for the Ps4 Pro and Scorpio reveals, so I keep asking myself why do I have a system that I barely use again? "
Oh geeze, yeah. Remember the "next gen" of PS4 and X1? The revolution it would be? The 10 year life cycle? And THREE years later they're replacing them with an upgrade? 4 for X1 lasted as long as WiiU. Yay? I can't really tell where they're placing them. They're "better" PS4/X1. So is it a pointless toy for playboys who need something to squander some excess cash on when they're not getting a new BMW spoiler and don't like Occulus to play the same games only prettier, or is it a replacement for the PS4/X1 RIGHT as the promised games come out so that it basically implies the early adopters bought for nothing? And people say the WiiU burned them? And then will they push PS5/X2 in 2-3 years? Didn't another company try that pattern once?
If they try it, one of them is definitely going down.
" To make matters worse the Switch is a piece of hardware that I'm just in love with, and it is turning my One into a door stopper."
Also, so much this! The more I use it the more I want to use it. The PS4 pile is growing, and sitting idle. The 3DS pile is....(why is it?) still growing....and I just want to use Switch. Re-buying Lego City I already played on WiiU. Because Switch. This is truly the first game console that I want to use BECAUSE of the hardware since 3DS first came out. They've all been black boxes that are needed to play games I want. This one it's actually the hardware I want to play!
" TLDR: I don't know why I have the xbone either. Maybe MS can tell me at E3."
I'm pretty sure E3 is when they tell you your xbone is obsolete and you're going to want to upgrade it to the new XBox 1.311 (Bonus points if you see what I did there.) They'll unveil a bunch of games that are optimized for the new highest quality pixels and designed around the POWER of the XBox 1.311 (and you can also play them on your sucky old box too) and are a (timed) EXCLUSIVE for XBox (before coming out on PS4, and PC (and one of them will have vague statements not outright confirming Switch.)
I actually like Spencer, and I like what he's doing with what was a train wreck of a division when he took over. But when your only working material is poop, the best you can do is build a great poop sculpture.
(BTW, I'll someday still aim to get back to that music thread...I'm terrible with abandoning lengthy conversations )
@Mogster Were you around for the 90's E3's? Nintendo was consistently awesome for those!
Metroid Prime 4 or GTFO.
@Totaldude911 That happened in December, right? 178,000 gallons of crude oil, about 150 miles away from the DAPL protests. Still relevant now, of course.
@NEStalgia Hey. Don't you dare diss... THE RETRO TOWER OF DOOM!
@PlywoodStick LOL, that's...horrifying. Kill it! Kill it now!!!
@Varnen @westman98 It's not that I think monster Hunter and Pokémon can't sell consoles, because you're right it did with 3ds. But some people who already have the 3ds won't buy the Switch to play MH or Pokémon because they can already play it portable. And yes although some of my requests may have been a bit unrealistic Nintendo needs to revive some of it's older series and make them more current gen like they did with Zelda. Games like a new Metroid, Animal Crossing, or F Zero could end up being console sellers by capturing the current gen feel and also drawing in 3rd parties. But I also think Ninty should continue to make new IPs such as Splatoon and Arms to use their hardware in cool and creative ways.
"But some people who already have the 3ds won't buy the Switch to play MH or Pokémon because they can already play it portable."
That makes no sense. If the Switch gets the next entries in the Pokémon and Monster Hunter franchise, fans will naturally upgrade and migrate over from the 3DS to the Switch. Even if the Switch initially only gets ports of the most recent Pokémon and Monster Hunter games from 3DS, as some rumors suggest ala Pokémon Stars, the graphical leap will be significant enough to convince many to upgrade. Yes, both the 3DS and Switch are portable, but one is obviously better and more capable than the other. Nintendo is banking on the 3DS audience to upgrade to the Switch over the next couple of years.
BTW I am almost certain a new mainline Animal Crossing game will be on the Switch. The franchise is huge; AC New Leaf has sold well over 10 million copies worldwide and is the best selling 3DS game in Japan. Nintendo is supposed to release a new Animal Crossing mobile game this fiscal year, so we may hear about a new Switch Animal Crossing game announced alongside the mobile game very soon.
Unfortunately, as great as F-Zero was, the franchise is very small. Don't count on one coming to the Switch very soon, though I would love to be proven wrong.
This makes me so happy considering I will be at E3 this year!
@westman98 I'm see what you mean and not saying these games should never come out on Switch, but they just came out on 3ds so we shouldn't have them now. Like I would rather have an Animal cordsing thrn Pokémon cause New Leaf is old now but Pokémon Sun and Moon is still relatively new
I'll add to mattbtz's list with Pikmin 3 which doesn't get the attention it deserves. And if that games doesn't scream risky then I don't know what does. Saying that Nintendo can't produce AAA content anymore comes off as fanboyish though because we all know they can still put out quality software whether it's "safe" or not. Maybe the content Nintendo produces isn't your cup of tea but for a lot of people it still is.
On topic:
Nintendo needs to hit it out of the park at this year's E3 so here's what I would like to see:
Pokemon Stars
A TON of Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Splatoon 2
Fire Emblem Warriors
Decent amount of third party content (updates on Steep, Skyrim, FIFA, NBA, and some surprises like Call of Duty World War 2, WWE 2K, Madden, Assassins Creed, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and another Bethesda game)
A total reveal on how online and subscription services will work.
Surprises from Nintendo I would like to see:
Luigi's Mansion for Switch
A Metroid teaser with some gameplay
Wave Race
Batallion Wars
Diddy Kong Racing(this would be perfect since Mario Kart 8 deluxe means we won't have a brand new Mario Kart for a long time)
They hired the right person for the announcement. Reggie is known for his good sculptures of words and they sound very convincing.
Oh well, it is wrong to have bad thoughts about other people. So let's keep it positive and have positive thoughts.
I just hope THIS IS IT. This is the time for Switch to shine. Surprise us Nintendo!
@rjejr Wait! You bought just the graphics chip for the Nintendo Switch? Are you building one from scratch? Oh. That X1. That's still surprising. I didn't know y'all had your eye on it.
As for E3, I love your plan. That would be great. A few too many "in your dreams" aspects, but that's probably why I love it. Kid Icarus 2 (err... 4?) would be so perfect for Switch.
My Zelda example was just demonstrating how E3 was "big" for Nintendo, I definitely don't want just Mario at E3. In fact, there are very few games that could command that much attention, and while the new Mario is very promising, I don't think it would cut it.
@aaronsullivan X1 was clearance at Target for $175, came bundled w/ Rare Replay - never played any of the 30 but always wanted to - and Gears of War Ultimate on disc - always liked 3rd person action shooters - and Ori and the Blind Forest - an exclusive thats' supposed to be good. After we're done playing all of that I'm trading it all in at Gameaestop for a Switch this holiday, should be good for $150, so that's $25 for a 9 month rental.
Spent the morning doing my NY state taxes. I think those forms were written by somebody who studied BASIC in the early 1980's but failed the course. I think it's done now, just trying to jam 18 pages into a letter sized envelope, I'm not paying to file online.
@rjejr That's a nice deal for sure. I haven't gotten to play Ori yet either. Also, that one Rare disc makes the XB1 a better Nintendo virtual console player than Nintendo Switch.
You sure you're going to follow through on that return though?
I pay whatever I can to make taxes easier. Time is too much a premium for me lately. I do them myself though...
@aaronsullivan "You sure you're going to follow through on that return though?"
Yeah, why, you want to buy it off me?
I'm going to guess that "return" was a typo or I had a typo b/c I wasn't planning on trying to return it to Target where I bought it, I was planning on trading it in to Gamestop where they list it's trade-in value at $165. I checked on my phone before I purchased it.
I think I will trade it in, w/ of course a couple of caveats as I'm an old penny-pinching miser.
First, somebody has to be giving me something I think is adequate for it. Not trading it in for $15 or $25. Since I got it for $175 I'd probably take $100, $75 to play all of those games is worth it to me.
Second, Nintendo has to be on the ball this E3 and holiday. After just getting a PS4 this Christmas and now an X1 - my wife was there when I bought it, for $175 w/ all of those games bundles she said, "yeah, for that price, go for it" - but I don't think she'll let me spend another $300 on a Switch. And really I'm out of electrical outlets, shelf space and TV inputs. I had to put away my Dreamcast for the X1 and my old Wii is in my kids room, he's enjoying Elebits, 1 of the best games on Wii if you ask me. So in order to get a sWitch this Christmas I think my wife would prefer I trade-in something. But whether we get a Switch this CHristmas or nto is sitll on Nitneod. I'll do $300 and no game bundled if they bring the games. I've never trusted them on release dates before, but after Zelda went form 2015 to 2016 to 2017, well I'm nto counting on Mario under my Chirstmas tree just yet. Same for XC2. And Pikmin 4 was "nearly complete" in Sept 2015. (Though I still think it's on the 3DS, but everyone on here keeps telling me otherwise.)
So, if I can be playing Mario and XC2 on Switch this Christmas and Gamestop will give me $100 for an original model Xbox, I'll do it. There's really nothing I need an X1 for, Sony and Nintendo give me all I can play, except Rare Replay. And we'll see what the $9.99 "Gamepass" has to offer this spring, I'd play Sunset OverDrive and Quantum Break, and Blue Dragon and Lost Odyseesy, but that's about it, finish them and it's outta here.
Besides being an old miser I'm also a bit of a long term planner.
I understood the trade in part, return was a typo, yes.
Elebits was a game with great potential but would have been much better with motion plus and a bit more variety. Loved that last boss though. Did we ever talk about that? I remember being one of the few who appreciated that game.
I'm thinking Pikmin 4 is the 3DS game, sadly. Miyamoto probably just blurted it out because he wasn't that attached to it (being a 2D 3DS game) where I think if he was sweating through another big Pikmin game like Pikmin 3 he'd be treating it more preciously than, "oh yeah, Pikmin 4 is done" or whatever.
I'd rather it be a big game for the Switch though.
I'm happy with the attention Switch has been getting right now and I think the run up to the Holiday might really pay off. I think most people should wait, though. It's only going to get more value for the money and be more clear what it offers.
@aaronsullivan I read an old article on here today saying the new Pikmin was probably the 3DS one. I thought I was the only conspiracy theorist who was worried about that, more than a few people called me out on it, swearing since Miyamoto said "Pikmin 4" it wasn't the 3DS game which they see as a spin-off.
I'm still unsure myself.
Doubt we ever talked about Elebits, that was way before we started talking, years and years. I'd look forward to an HD sequel. Not on Switch though, it would have needed to be on Wii U. And another Endless Ocean game. And Sluggers. And Strikers. Wii U was so under gamed. Still waiting for E3 for them to show up on Switch.
"be more clear what it offers"
Way I see it, it has a choice, get AAA games like SW Battlefront 2 and Red Dead, or get Pokemon and Monster Hunter. If this holiday is simply the 5th year of Wii U games then the great start will be wasted. Oh, and Gamecube VC. And SSB4 Complete. But those are all exoected, it sitll needs the unexpected - multiplats or handheld games. 2 more months, still needs a ND before that.
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