In just a few weeks, Yooka-Laylee will finally release on all platforms with the exception of the Switch port, which still hasn't received a date. The game was a Kickstarter success—one fueled by countless fans—and popular YouTuber JonTron was prominent among them. Back in 2015, Playtonic invited JonTron to voice a minor character in the game - due to his love of Banjo-Kazooie - but recent controversy has seen his contribution removed.
Across Twitter and his video stream, JonTron made certain unpopular comments regarding his personal views of immigration and ethnicity, resulting in him losing a high number of subscribers. Playtonic caught wind of it, and dropped him from the game as a result. Here's the official statement from the developer:
JonTron is a talented video presenter who we were initially, two years ago, happy to include as a voice contributor in our game. However, in light of his recent personal viewpoints we have made the decision to remove JonTron's inclusion in the game via a forthcoming content update. We would like to make absolutely clear that we do not endorse or support JonTron's personal viewpoints and that, as an external fan contributor, he does not represent Playtonic in any capacity. Playtonic is a studio that celebrates diversity in all forms and strives to make games that everyone can enjoy. As such, we deeply regret any implied association that could make players feel anything but 100% comfortable in our game worlds, or distract from the incredible goodwill and love shown by our fans and Kickstarter backers.
What do you think? Will you be picking up Yooka-Laylee? Do you think his removal was deserved?
Comments 631
I didn't realize he did a voice in the game so this won't impact my decision to purchase it.
Oh no, freedom of speech police and JonTron sympathizers in 3, 2, 1
there will inevitably be those who cry "muh freeze peach!"
playtonic has free speech too.
and they chose to speak against Jon with their own free speech.
@brandonbwii I hope you don't mind me understanding that freedom of speech is not the privilege of a platform, or freedom from consequences.
Of course, releasing the game with a JonTron contribution at this point would be commercial suicide.
Exactly. He said how he felt to his fanbase and now he's paying the price. He had every right to say what he said, but that means that a lot people won't want to associate with him anymore.
I'd like to know what he said in his comments
Ah... glad to hear.
Because kids will hear that.
He mostly spoke against immigration. He also mentioned problems with race mixing/interracial relationships. His future videos should have him wearing white sheets.
@brandonbwii From what I've heard, the guy who debated him really didn't give him a fair chance to articulate himself, which is what ultimately led to him making those comments, and now people are using that to smear him, in addition tot he things he said on Twitter... which is not at all a good place to debate anything.
Um.....Just because you have him included as a reference, does not in any way mean you support his personal viewpoints.This is just a load of crap as Jontron has done nothing but support these people for years and years. Yes he may have said some controversial things, but his fans love him regardless. Also I fail to see how a reference to him in this game would "distract from the incredible goodwill and love shown by our fans and Kickstarter backers" As Jontron has again done nothing but support these people for years, and even done nothing but support and love his fans.
People have a right to broadcast their opinions but they seem to forget that every action has consequences. If you spout a hateful rhetoric, you're going to upset people and they won't want to be affiliated with you. Simple as that.
@Jumpman HA! Yea, that's the goal of of the SJW's, to have all unpopular opinions silenced. Eventually the rest of us get sick of this type of mentality and lash out in outrageous electing people like Trump.
Never heard of him before today, seen the story in a couple of places. Don't really care and nobody's bothered to post what he said. Maybe it's too offensive.
Here is an article on the subject.
Didn't know the dude was even in game. It's understandable for them to remove him from the game. He probably has an image on him that you don't want to be associated with. I say gamers should probably stick to gaming.
Funny that free speech ended up costing him.......
Boom tish!
The difference is knowing when to speak up and when to shut up.
@brandonbwii Oh, thanks
yeah it's almost like people can't get away with crying about a majority race in a first world nation being made "impure" by people of color.
the nerve.
@AlternateButtons Triggered much?
Oh great, now this whole post is going to be nothing but politics. Good going Nintendo Life. I THOUGHT NINTENDO WAS FAMILY FRIENDLY!!!
I mean saying things like being worried about the purity of a majority race is pretty crystal clear
@AlternateButtons When a guy literally answers about white gene pool purity, I think he's pretty clear about what he means.
@CharlieSmile Sorry but Asia, Africa, and Europe has us beat so we aren't even in the top 3 races. But after some training, a few protein shakes. America will be back on track as winning this race
@AlternateButtons If he was blurting out what popped into his head on the spur of the moment, it's more likely that it represents what he really feels, not less. Having time to answer gives you time to alter it to suit your purposes.
@JHDK so you think it's ok to state that African Americans are genetically predisposed to violence and that they are destroying the white gene pool?
Don't know who this JonTron is so don't really care. They could had pick anyone on the street to voice a minor character and I wouldn't care, just bring on the game.
@Jumpman Well... that's not exactly the lesson. The REAL lesson is that if you have strong opinions, and especially an unpopular opinion, you best be ready to own them AND the consequences that are to follow for having them.
Ironically, those who are gonna be quick to side with Jon without looking into what exactly was said are likely the most PC folks out there because, they're so quick to forgo the part about taking responsibility for one's choices/actions.
that's funny because I get jokes
@patbacknitro18 yeah they should know better. This one is going to get messy.
He mentioned white purity. That speaks volumes in and of itself. Used to love him dearly but once that came out of his mouth... Nope. So what exactly is he saying about those of his fans (such as myself) whom are bi-ethnic/bi-racial? I am bi-racial and in an inter-racial marriage. I have no sympathy for him. He essentially spits in the face for what my parents stood and fought for. My parents were harrassed for their relationship which was considered illegal at one point in time.
Now's probably a good time to mention that "freedom of speech" as a legal concept only applies to the government and it's representatives. Playtonic is a private company and they have every legal right to withdrawal Jafari's VA.
If somebody wants to make the argument for free speech as a social concept I will absolutely agree with that point at hand, but at the same time Jafari should also be aware that words and intentions carry meaning and have consequences.
You know, call me old fashioned but I just don't care about all this talk about race. I try to be a comedic person, heck my youtube channel is mostly comedic videos. But I feel that I should do a video on my view of racism in general. I will say right now that I am a WHITE MALE. (Some other races mixed in but honestly who even cares) And while I may not be part of a minority in terms of race, I still think my opinions on such topics should be as valid as anyone else's.
What the hell is the impure argument anyway. That's not a statement anyone should endorse. Preserving a race should not be a thing. We are not animals.
It's pretty racist if you don't think races should mix. It's not easy to debate a white purity argument. This song by Avenue Q gets more relevant every day. Everyone in the world is a little bit racist one way or another. (You may take that offensively but listen to the song and you will see why its not as bad as you may think.)And NO ONE, right side or left, is 100% not racist. Whether you think whites are a superior race, or rather you think all white people are the same selfish ignorant racist FU$@S just because some of us are. No matter what it is, no one is completely pure.
I'll just steer clear of the politics behind this whole debacle mainly because I don't care to get involved. Whether his voice would have been included or not doesn't concern me in the slightest, heck if it wasn't for this article I wouldn't have known he even had a role in the game and it won't affect the quality of what is sure to be an excellent game.
@Dpishere Atleast you'll get Shovel Knight
I was kind of hoping you guys wouldn't post this, seeing as at least two other posts about this on other sites had comment sections devolve into innocent people being called nazis/SJWs. The internet sure is the worst sometimes.
I guess I'll throw my hat into the ring.
Playtonic probably made the wrong decision on this. Announcing the removal of JonTron's voice created... this vile mess. To be fair, I do see where they're coming from, but they could of handled this better.
1. Silently remove Jon's name from the game. This one should be self- explanatory.
2. Leave it alone. Seriously, it's about 3 seconds of gibberish spoited by a random NPC in some world. If they never spoke about this who would care? Heck, who would even would recognize Jon's voice?
The second argument I've seen is that this is a children's game, and that a white supremacist's voice shouldn't be in the game. Honestly, that argument is completely and utter bull oh wait we can't curse on here um... bologna . Again, it's a voice very few kids will recognize.
Look, I'm not supporting nor opposing JonTron. I'm remaining neutral on this subject, but I do think Playtonic should of left the voice in, if only to prevent the reawakening of the toxic pile of ooze known as politics on the internet.
@patbacknitro18 Ah yes I had forgotten that he has a cameo in this game. That is going to be pretty cool to see, hopefully Shovel Knight will get his own 3D platformer some day!
How do you articulate "white purity?" That's pretty clear.
@ThePoochyKid ...............You don't care about 3 seconds of gibberish.....................Get out of my Internet.
@Dpishere The team working on Shovel Knight made a survey asking what we wanted to see next. 3D Shovel Knight, Shovel Knight Kart, Super Shovel Knight, Shovel Knight rpg, ect. So who knows, maybe that will be their next title
@patbacknitro18 Make me...
Preferably by not calling me a racist Nazi SJW...
@ThePoochyKid Make you..............................Dang it you got me there. But I will write a 5 page essay on why you have offended me by saying "Make Me"
@faint I may have missed it because I didn't know who he was until yesterday, but from what I read it didn't say anything about genetic predispositions. Here are his most inflammatory quotes:
“Wealthy blacks also commit more crime than poor whites. That’s a fact. Look it up,”
"They're [whites] are not being killed, they're being displaced. You are the same guy who says that Europeans displaced the native Americans but apparently, when other people do it to white Americans, it's okay because nibelsnarf white people."
I'm pretty sure the first quote is just wrong and the second quote is simply an opinion.
So while I agree with his initial tweet that started all this, I disagree with pretty much everything he said in that live stream. But I'm not outraged at him or Playtonic. They both can do whatever they want. Quite frankly, I'm jaded enough to think he may have just made all this up because it is a surefire way to get publicity and losing his Playtonic deal probably didn't cost him much, if anything.
Overall I'm just fed up with this current "outrage culture".
@brandonbwii Lol bad for him that hes not in america.
Ok I have a question for everyone here. Is it possible to build a wall to keep people from getting onto the Internet? If so whos going to pay for it? The Viruses?
@AlternateButtons "The liberal agenda"? What a joke. You don't have to be liberal to, ya know, not want to support a blatant racist.
So if he is "going against the status quo," that means you must define the status quo as being tolerant to other races/ethnicities. That status quo sounds pretty respectable to me.
You praise him for daring to have "an opposing viewpoint"? Well, most people don't give much credit to someone with a racist viewpoint, believe it or not. I'm not sure if you admire the KKK for having an opposing viewpoint or what, but that's very backwards.
After typing all of this, I can only imagine that for you to say what you said, you don't even know the comments he made. Google it. It was bad, and yes, it was racist.
@JubilifeRival I would argue with you, but I can already hear you yelling "OBJECTION" At everyone of my arguments so I might as well not
Jon's statement, in his own words, provides more context behind the comments:
@patbacknitro18 What are you arguing in your comment is called a strawman. No one claimed your opinions were less valid than the opinions of minorities, and no one cares that you're a white male.
If you're going to speak about something as controversial as this, at least think about the words you're typing out.
@AlternateButtons The guy was praising Japan for being homogeneous in ethnicity and racially purity. That is racist.
I think of that Avenue Q song a lot lately. It's better to say everyone's racists than hearing conservative agendas they aren't or hearing minorities say they can't be. EVERYONE makes judgements based on race. Myself included. We as people are naturally judgmental and race will always become a factor. I think you're lying to yourself if you say you don't.
@patbacknitro18 Oh no, please argue with me. Take each of my points one by one and refute them with logical arguments. Oh, and remember, no logical fallacies! You seem to be a fan of those in your other comments.
Didn't watch the vid, but it's true. People have a harder time telling apart those of a different ethnicity. A person is also more inclined to care about incidents in countries comprised largely of a similar ethnicicty. It's ingrained in a person's being, there's no avoiding it.
Great another community of SJW hipsters is there ANY good and OBJECTIVE websites without these scummy people. On jon himself Destiny is the gut he was talking to and within 3 minutes he starts attacking jon putting him on edge and lying through his teeth in order to corner jon to say very very specific things this is called gish galloping and eventually will confuse whoever is talking using word the opponent used in order them to say things that are going against what they want to say this is considered highly deceitful and is often used for out of context statements my only thing is to watch the stream in its entirety you will notice how well Destiny trapped jon especially since jon started talking to him only because it was supposed to be a calm discussion not a debate. Beyond even that Jon PAID 3k for that voice acting he better get that back for what they did is their choice but they legally cannot have his money no longer as they broke the deal they made with the kickstarter tiers not only that but Jon can use defamation laws as well since all those "Racist" remarks are used out of any context aka what happened to pewds.
@brandonbwii So true
@shaneoh Your missing out on a real fun song lol. its like an adult sesame street. But you got the point (Without the comedy)
@shaneoh "A person is also more inclined to care about incidents in countries comprised largely of a similar ethnicicty."
Absolutely not true. We hear far more about racial issues in America, but take a look at some homogenous Eastern European countries, Middle Eastern countries, African countries, etc.
There are a lot of countries with almost no diversity, and the minorities that are persecuted there are never mentioned.
"What minorities being persecuted?," you may ask? Exactly.
As I imagine most people reading this are saying who the **** is Jontron it doesn't seem like it was something they needed to announce unless they wanted to make it clear Playtonic doesn't support his opinions.
So good for them for announcing it.
@snintendog Yeah he made Jon say things about racial purity, okay.
Whether or not the white race and traditional white culture will exist in the future is a legitimate concern.
@snintendog There's no such thing as a SJW, just people who use the term to distract from their reactionary politics.
@JubilifeRival And 2, its not the oppinons of the people here that I fear that my voice will have no value as everyone here is fair and understanding. But any time I have tryed to argue about racial topics such as these my voice had no weight as I am a white male, meaning I am part of the majority, which means I have no room speaking for myself or anyone else. Atleast the people here actually care to listen
@NIN10DOXD no he didn't you be a great liar /s
@snintendog Punctuation is nice. You should try it.
Also, no, the comments were not taken out of context. I'm not sure about PewDiePie, but Jon's comments are very straightforward.
You are anti free speech, we get it. You don't want others to have the same rights of free speech as you do.
JonTron said some controversial things. The issue here is not what he said, but how he said them. People called him out on them and said show us your evidence. He had none. This persisted for a long time. That's why Playtonic did what they did.
You can argue over the truthfulness of what he said, but what is fact, is how he said those things was quite discriminatory. If he had taked in a calm fact based manner without sensationalising his opinion, then nothing would have happened. He chose to be an idiot and paid the price for it.
Just like the SJW snowflakes (the media are some of them) are paying the price for their idiocy as well.
He had the right to use his freedom of speech. People just called him out on what he said, their right to do that.
I am aware SJW snowflakes are everywhere and prevent opinions they do not like from being heard. They vocalise their hate on certain opinions every single day. I just hope Playtonic are doing this because of the PR disaster this has become and not because they are SJW snowflakes.
@PanurgeJr yeah sure liar
@zby Are you high?
It's ridiculous. Nobody outside of some obsessed gaffers even cared about Jontron's connection to this project, and now Playtonic has turned this into yet another controversy where the mere act of purchasing the game becomes a political decision.
They're handling this VERY poorly.
Regarding the controversy, I encourage people to read this brief breakdown, which is fairly unbiased and seems to stick to the facts:
@the8thark A quick off topic thing. For a second I honestly thought your pic was Dr Willy from megaman lol.
@JubilifeRival nah punctuation is useless and yet another liar go watch the stream.
@snintendog He praised Japan for being ethnically homogeneous. It's in the video.
@patbacknitro18 If people aren't listening to you because you're a white male, that's their fault. Although, priority should be given to minorities when voicing opinions on racial issues, as they're the ones actually suffering the discrimination.
@snintendog Cute. Well, I'm not going to waste any more time typing to a person who starts off by labeling me a liar.
@Ralizah Ya, if Playtonic wanted to handle this nice and quietly they would have just privately told Jontron his cameo was cut due to his political views, and that would have been the end of that. But then they throw this big statement into the public, creating more controversy amongst people.
@NIN10DOXD he praised japan for not having a terrorist attack every week nice try liar.
@NIN10DOXD Yes, but it's not having any influence on my viewpoint, I would say the same if I was straight.
Guys, calm down !
This discussion become a debate wars.
.. Yooka-Laylee..Who? ...
@patbacknitro18 Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to present a counterargument to me. Here is my comment as a reminder:
"Take each of my points one by one and refute them with logical arguments. Oh, and remember, no logical fallacies."
(It's okay, I know you ignored it because you have no good response. Ignorance doesn't build arguments off of logic.)
@snintendog You love saying liar, are you like 12 or something. The guy said even wealthier Blacks commit more crimes than poor whites and socioeconomic status had little to do with crime but, race did.
@JubilifeRival "Although, priority should be given to minorities when voicing opinions on racial issues, as they're the ones actually suffering the discrimination." You just pretty much contradicted yourself by saying my voice matters, yet it matters far less than other races. And what if my voice of the topic was helping the other races. Should my voice be any less important then? I get that with such topics as race they are the more important subject matter, and such they should have a louder voice.Yet if I have a debate with someone of a different race, than does that mean nothing I say matters as their voice has "Priority" over mine?
The funny part is, no one knew he was in the game until this happened
@mikegamer lol true
@JubilifeRival And no, I like to put thought and time into writing my arguments, so maybe giving a little time for me to write out my arguments, that would be all find and dandy.
@NIN10DOXD which is true once again you are quite the liar.
A bit off topic, but at it's basic level it really is stupid that humans place so much significance on the pigmentation of one's skin or the place of their birth.
Edit: Should probably clarify a point. Although it's a pretty meaningless comment.
@JubilifeRival How about no. No one should get minority privelages. Everyone should be treated equally in a multicultural society.
Every person is equal and should be treated as such.
Wanting to preserve your race and culture does not make you racist. One day it will be enshrined as a right. At the moment multiculturalism is popular but there is a reaction to it around the world because the influx of immigrants and other social trends are moving so quickly, people need a break to think these things through. Doesn't make you KKK.
@-Green- I wouldn't say that. That triggers alot of SJW's
@snintendog How am I a liar if you said he said it. Being any color does make you commit more crime. That statement makes him racist. That makes YOU racist.
@the8thark Equality? Pffffff who ever wanted equality?
@NIN10DOXD he is a troll lol
@JHDK watch the damn interview. That's how I found out.
@zby so progress is bad?
@patbacknitro18 which one? Lol
@patbacknitro18 Uh, please stop with the logical fallacies.
Saying the opinion of minorities should be given priority does not contradict my statement that your voice matters.
"And what if my voice of the topic was helping the other races. Should my voice be any less important then?"
Don't worry, minorities can speak up for themselves. You'll be fine.
"I get that with such topics as race they are the more important subject matter, and they should have a louder voice."
Thanks for agreeing with me? Do you know what you're even arguing against?
"nothing I say matters"
@Ralizah Helpful link.
That's not what I'm talking about, if there's a train crash in the UK and India, a white person in America, upon hearing about the incidents, is more inclined to care about the crash in the UK as opposed to the one in India. It's how people work
I'm at work at the moment, best I not watch videos at work. They're both concepts that I learned of during my mid to late teens.
He was a Backer to it correct? At least refund the guy. No matter which side your on theres always two sides of the story. He paid a good amount to be a voice and was probably one of the many driving reasons this Kickstarter got noticed (for all you people who don't know who JonTron is he's a parody/review YouTube channel, think cinemassacre, and a big banjo Tooie fan.) I understand people who don't know him don't care, but Geez you do you Jon. Playtonic didn't call him up he offered, think about that
@patbacknitro18 Yeah, Playtonic could have handled this with so much more tact than they did. All they managed to do was rip their fanbase in two and wade waist-deep into the toxic sludge of our current culture war. Even if the game is fun, its legacy is pretty much ruined at this point.
This comment section, though.
I'm still gonna get the game.... or should I not?
First world problems /s
@patbacknitro18 Okay, I mean I would hope you can think of your own opinions as I can. But I can give you some time. Remember, you're responding to my original comment (although you can take a crack at the others).
@NIN10DOXD amazing how you can refute real studies it must be great to ignore reality for your needs go back to stormfront.
@JubilifeRival "nothing I say matters" Ok you keep calling me a strawman, yet you said that "minorities should be given priority" So if I am in an argument with a Minority, then does my voice count then? Does my voice even matter at all, since they have "Priority" over mine?
@snintendog Such a profound counter-argument. I look forward to the healthy discussion that shall inevitably develop.
Okay, well, I'm going to bed now and I'm responding. Although, there is plenty left to respond to.
I'm starting to feel that I have no faith in humanity.
@patbacknitro18 A strawman isn't a person, it's a kind of logical fallacy. Lol.
Also idek what the rest of what you said is. I'm sure I already refuted or dismissed it.
@zby lol preservation? Do you think we are animals? Do you feel like whites are disappearing or something. That their way of life is being threatened? Guess what? Those are textbook white supremacist viewpoints.
Everybody needs to calm down. Let's just say all racism is bad and be done with this.
@JubilifeRival good go to bed feeling your world crumble.
Very unprofessional on Playtonic's part. They couldn't just gracefully remove him from the game, they had to shoehorn in their political opinions and make it all a huge deal. I don't necessarily agree with JonTron, seeing as people can and should make their own choices about who they want to have kids with, but Playtonic shouldn't be painting themselves as heroes and JonTron as the devil because of their opinions. Just remove him and be done with it. No need for them to go into SJW mode.
Just because its change, doesn't make it progress. There are some things worth preserving. For example, biologically, there are two genders. That is a scientific and logical conclusion. The pressure to override nature and claim that there are really no genders or that they are fluid or can change, etc, this is a viewpoint that is totally transformative of society as a whole and for the future of the planet. Some people call it progress but others see it as destructive and a backwards step. One point of view is correct and the other is wrong.
We're certainly not minerals, a few of us are vegetables
@snintendog I don't ignore facts. You're the one who literally denies actual JonTron quotes.
@NIN10DOXD and yours must be a beutifull shade of puce.
@JubilifeRival Debating is not your strong suit lol. You can't just claim yourself the winner when all you have been doing is trying to insult me for even trying to debate with you.
@KirbyTheVampire Well, a lot of corporations nowadays are entering this SJW mode (I really don't know why), so this isn't surprising. I'm not even disappointed at this point, I just want to play some Yooka-Laylee!
@snintendog How is being against racism, racist?
@zby Uh oh. You'd better expect dozens of emails in your inbox for saying that here, then....
Well... excluding this one, of course. Because... well, it's pretty self-explanatory.
@snintendog ugggggghhhh
@Vee_Flames Everyone's an SJW nowadays, especially thanks to the internet. Everyone suddenly has balls of steel now that they can hide behind their computer screens. I'm sure people got along a lot better back when modern technology didn't exist, lol.
I seriously suggest you disable/close this comment section immediately.
@Damo Time to shut it down.
@the_shpydar Spoilsport.
@zby what? You are worried about the whit race existing in the future? What the hell are you talking about?
@NIN10DOXD Actually I'd prefer allowing the bigots to expose themselves.
@brandonbwii Yeah. That Freedom of Speech. Always been a problem, that one.
@NIN10DOXD @the_shpydar Definitely not awake at 4am.
Hardly anybody probably knew who he even was.
@KirbyTheVampire pretty sure his 3,000,000 fans wouldn't have let it happen quietly. At least this way they got to choose how the message was received.
Quite possibly the worst NL comment section ever.There's been a few worthy candidates for the crown but if this thread is somehow left open,it will surely take it.
@Fooligan It is bad. That's why I find it weird that a company like BioWare was so comfortable (and still is) with being associated with a guy like Manveer Heir.
Like it or not, the vast majority of people absolutely hate Jontron now. This wasn't that bad of a move. Though they probably should've just stayed silent about it.
@PanurgeJr You'll find them at the DNC.
@faint With white birth rates and immigration levels there is a possibility that there will be no majority white nations in the future. Some people don't like that idea.
Nothing of value was lost; he hasn't made me laugh in years. If anything it saves me from the "hilarious" ECH meme.
@brandonbwii Why should he be wearing white sheets? I don't see how being against illegal immigrants is a form of racism.
@OorWullie This is why I don't participate in political discussions online. It always manages to devolve into people screaming names at one-another. "Racist creep!" "SJW cuck!" etc. etc. Totally unproductive. So I'm just content to let Team Racist and Team SJW battle it out without me jumping into the fray.
It was more than just that, he was talking about genetic predisposition to violence based on race. I don't know why people who say behavior is inherent based on race get upset when they are called racist. I get that it gets thrown around a lot, but that's what he said.
Guy needs to stick to his day job and worry about making his content actually funny again. It's sad to see someone washed up and so not passionate anymore that he's grasping at jumping on the bandwagon of "controversial Internet guy defends the right."
@brandonbwii Look I don't get how Jontron being in it would hurt sales in the first place. What matters is the QUALITY of the game and that kind of logic you are going with is the reason why Playtonic is getting backlash.
@zby are you kidding? I don't know where you get your info but the us is 72% white and I'm sure the Europe is higher.
I'm getting Yooka Laylee day one. I cannot wait!!
@zby Those people are racists who should be ignored.
@Lizuka I got labelled as a racist recently by a Liberal. He told me I was a racist for saying that I wanted to keep all Muslims out of the country. But guess what. I never said that.
So no. I don't think he was called a racist because he's a racist. I think he was called a racist because that's what democrats and liberals do these days.
@faint And yet 50% of murders are committed by blacks.
@PipeGuy64Bit they don't want him representing there company. Simple as that. Go to your place of work and say the same crap to upper management or the majority of the public they do business with and see how long you last.
@Ralizah Seconded. I mean... I know where I stand on these kind of things but then I know that this is the internet and discussing these things is the worst kind of productive, so I just let the arguments rage on as well.
Reading comments online like these can be quite amusing, I must admit....
@GothicZM he was called a racist because he stated that african Americans are genetically predisposed to violence.
@Tupin So, "defending the right," is just something someone does to be controversial now?
@GothicZM murders where?
@faint I'm not talking so much about race but rapid social changes like gender fluidity, marriage equality and stuff like that along with this notion that all cultures are equal and we can all just get along and everything will be fine. It's a kind of attempt at a liberal utopia without borders or distinctions or traditions and many, many people are not in favour of this massive experiment. They want to preserve the nation state, they want to preserve traditional values, they don't want to live in a homogeneous mono-culture that nobody is offended or challenged by.
@Ralizah Yep,I learned to keep my opinions strictly offline during the Scottish referendum.It resulted in me deleting my Facebook account and never going back.That's a plus I guess
It's even worse to do it here though because of the wide range of ages of the members.We'll have 40+ year old men debating politics with school age girls.
@faint Well, we'll take a look at the violent crime statistics to see how that holds up. Or let's take a look at a black lives matters protest video. Certainly won't find any videos of them chanting about wanting people dead.
That being said, if he said that white people were genetically predisposed to violence, nobody would have even mentioned. He probably would have been honored as a true American hero for the statement.
@faint In the US.
@GothicZM From your reactionary rhetoric I'd have expected you and your cohorts to stay away from the DNC. My mistake.
@faint Well, if you work at BioWare, it seems you get to be a lead developer on a AAA title from a beloved franchise for saying that kind of stuff. And you get to say that stuff for four years.
I'm getting the game regardless. I'm just saying there are a lot of potential buyers who won't get this game if they have knowledge of this. Having someone who was open with his discriminatory views is bad PR, which is something I'm sure Playtonic doesn't want. Sure there will be a few complainers that won't buy the game because they feel JonTron was done wrong. I'm pretty certain the vast majority familiar with his actions will not buy it and get others to not buy it.
@Ralizah I like that you say you're just going to let people battle it out, but openly say that one side is racist. Good job at not jumping into the fray.
@GothicZM here is a study by the us government. The rate is about the same white or black.
@AlternateButtons I don't think their language 'throws him under the bus'. Everyone can have varying views on things like these (you obvs don't consider yourself racist, but maybe might make a fair anti-immigration argument). Most people will hold their own view, regardless of the language. I'm pro-immigration, personally. Not to argue, just discussing. I think the key part that they probably felt most strongly about were remarks made regarding race-mixing, which are actually quite racist, as opposed to immigration remarks.
@PanurgeJr "I'd have expected you and your cohorts to stay away from the DNC"
There we go again. "I don't know who you are, but I'm going to make a definite statement about you and what you think." Typical.
@GothicZM that company made a choice as to what they stand for just like playtonic has.
Doing it in a memey and uninformed way that meets the definitions of racism and then saying that the left is the one discriminating against him is bad, yes.
You even admit that if the inverse were said, it would supposedly be heralded because you perceive an anti-white bias. So why isn't what JT said anti-black, then?
@CharlieSmile Exactly. Conservatives like to pretend that only their free speech is protected. However, if the law is fair, they should be allowed to hold their Nazi parades, and everyone opposed in town should be able to shout at them from the sidewalk. It always goes both ways, unless the enforcement is punching downwards (against minorities, non-cis male genders, etc).
And on boycotts or individual choice not to purchase the game, that's not free speech, that's just free-dom. People who are angry at those (honestly pretty subtle) forces and the eagerness of certain corporations to appeal to everyone regardless of identity are really just angry at mass market economics and an economy that gives everyone free will. Not that I'm much of a libertarian myself.
@faint How would a opinion that has nothing to do with the company matter that much? Playtonic shouldn't be concerned with this controversy in the first place unless it was an attack on them. But anyway Yooka Laylee from what I've seen looks bland so I wasn't that interested in buying it.
I don't think black people are more disposed to crime. Look at corporate crime and organised crime. I don't think that is African Americans, generally.
@PipeGuy64Bit actually they should if it goes against their core beliefs and major media outlets are starting to write about it.
@Tupin No. I said that if he said it about whites, it would he would be regarded as a hero for it. The real question is, why isn't he being called a hero for saying it about blacks?
@nintendolife you should shut this poop show down
@GothicZM what are you talking about?
I try to keep an open mind and listen to the right, but so many of their arguments boil down to "it's just their way." What is someone supposed to say to that. It's not like the right is trying to find a solution to these problems they believe are true other than "stay out" or "go to jail." If those are my options then I think I'll stick with the left.
Also members of the right, what the heck are alternative facts? Aren't they at best conspiracy theories and at worse flat out lies?
@Haru17 Yeah, that makes sense. Because it's the Conservatives that are trying to tell nobody else they can talk. The democrats and liberals certainly aren't the ones that are trying to tell people they're not allowed to speak.
I'm not getting the game now.
Playtronic way over-reacted. The destiny person purposely screwed with jon in order to mess him up.
Jon said nothing wrong and is now being mis-quoted everywhere.
Who ever said he'd be called a hero? Have you not noticed all the complaints people gave to MTV for that whole New Years thing? I think there's only so much negativity anyone can take regardless of race. Also where is your proof that blacks commit more crime? Specifically the rich ones commiting more crimes than poor white ones?
Because if you associate a behavior to a race because they are that race, it's racist regardless of who is saying it about what race? I know you're going into whataboutism about BioWare or whatever, but that isn't okay either.
@faint The US is actually 63% white.
I saw his apology. It was only five minutes and he didn't even mention the white purity thing.
@patbacknitro18 Me. I know I am in the minority here but I do fight for equality.
@zby tell that to the sun when it blows up, bud. I'll be making love to ladies from every race xfd why the heck are people hell bent on 'preserving white culture', my culture is entirely removed from even my grandparents. I might make white babies, I might not. Who cares. We'll continue the culture of love dude.
@brandonbwii "but so many of their arguments boil down to "it's just their way." What is someone supposed to say to that"
What the hell does that even mean? I have never heard a conservative say, "it's just their way," and this is the first time I've ever heard anybody say that their argument boils down to, "it's just their way."
"It's not like the right is trying to find a solution to these problems"
Propose a solution then. I've heard a lot of complaining about wanting a solution to historic problems but how do you do that.
Take my people for example. My people's country was invaded by the Spaniards, and the males were murdered, females forced to be sex slaves, and the children were indoctrinated into following Spanish cultures and customs. Now, hundreds of years later, my people's country is a third-well mess that faces, and immigrants to the US from that country face racism from all angles - mostly the African American community. So, what's the solution to this problem?
@GothicZM Actually I made a definite statement about myself and what I think. But I'm not in the least surprised that you don't understand that.
I wouldn't let him be a part of my company either, but that's just me. Obviously others feel differently. That's how she goes!
@GothicZM One side is consistently accused of being racist. The other side is accused of being "SJWs." That's all I mean, friend.
Ask Bernie Sanders, he proposed plenty of solutions for "inner city problems." It's just that it cost the right money so, keep touting those "blacks are inherently more violent" statistics people.
" I HATE how you're labeled a racist if you speak opinions that dont fit the liberal agenda."
Now the "liberal agenda" is believing it's okay for people of different races to procreate?
I'd say...instead the problem with "movement conservatives" is that just when you think they've pushed too far against the civil rights of one group, it turns out that's just a starting point for their bigotry... masked as "free speech" with no expectations of consequence.
I honestly hadn't heard about this, and I'm a long time fan of Jon Tron's comedy videos, I noticed he hasn't been putting out much content lately, and know I know why.
@brandonbwii I find it hard to believe people wouldn't buy it over a cameo of all things would be greater than the people condemning Playtonic for making this paranoid decision. Besides I'm not sure about the rich black committing more crimes than poor whites thing but I certainly believe blacks in general commit more crimes than any other race in the US and before you say anything, I'm Hispanic and my parents have told me about the many times they've been targeted by blacks growing up.
@zby you are discounting white hispanic.
@Tupin Apparently it is okay. I don't see an apology video or anybody demanding consequences.
I grew up in mostly black communities, and those black folk would constantly tell me that I was supposed to think and feel a certain way (a negative way) because of my race. Does that make them racists?
@AlternateButtons I can't tell which comment you're responding to. And since I haven't uttered a single bit of nonsense that claim doesn't narrow it down. Is it the one that people who are worried there won't be white majorities are racists? Because those people are white supremacists who are best identified as such.
I was just making a snarky "inb4" type comment. It was referring to those who would later join in and say that what Playtonic did was wrong due to "freedom of speech" and such. I am actually pro free speech no matter how much I hate what people have to say. It's still their right to say it.
I don't know the black people you grew up with, but possibly.
@PipeGuy64Bit I grew up in mostly black areas, and I got targeted by blacks a lot growing up. When I mentioned this to a black lives matter supporter, he told me that I should be angry at white people, not black people, because if the white people weren't horrible to black people, black people would be caring and loving to everybody.
I liked for "Great another community of SJW hipsters is there ANY good and OBJECTIVE websites without these scummy people."
This damn community makes my head spin! It's a madhouse in here!!
@zby And I'm sure many of your friends are black.
@JubilifeRival "I'm starting to feel like I have no faith in humanity."
First day on the internet, huh? I lost faith in humanity a long time ago...
There are more important factors than race in the commission of crimes like poverty, systemic injustice, and lack of education or opportunity.
I'd wager you'll find quite a lot of crime in impoverished white and Asain areas, and let's not forget the war on drugs here in America with it's lucrative school to prison pipeline for minor offenders of color. Even though studies prove that statistically speaking illegal drug use between whites and blacks is almost the same per-capita.
Freedom of speech != Freedom from consequence
@AlternateButtons but Jon IS a racist. I don't get how you can talk about wanting to "preserve America's white identity" and not be a racist. Let's call a rabbit a rabbit, here.
@GothicZM Nobody should be attacked for their race, no matter what race you are. And that is the most idiotic reason I have ever heard. Do they not have control over their own actions? I'm sure they do. Anybody can be a racist. I just wish more people would choose to get along with everyone. We shouldn't be judged immediately based on skin color alone, but even in this day and age race is still a major reason for race divide.
@PipeGuy64Bit Targeted? You had black hitmen out to hurt your family? Seriously, I'm sorry to hear that. As a black man I thankfully haven't been part of any violent crimes. There were a few white people that threatened me back in high school, but I never took as most white people are dangerous or anything.
Hey, let's look at the bright side.
I've yet to see arguments break down into people calling each other Nazis/SJWs/white supremacists for their opinions on things that may not even be related to being any of those three things.
Personally, I'm not getting Yooka Laylee, but it sure isn't due to this blown out of proportion toxic tar pit.
I hate it when BLM says crap like that. They're not completely wrong but sometimes you do have to stop playing the victim and man up.
@AlternateButtons The wording invites intelligent individuals to inform themselves regarding what happened, and decide for themselves how they feel. In the same way that you may read a negative review for music, food or a game you might like. Does everything people say effect your own perception? People hate on and rave up certain things, should we let it effect what we think and enjoy? I don't think so. Playtonic only sullied his name for individuals who hold the same views as they do. As for those who don't, that's their freedom and they can support his other projects. I personally don't think his apology helped, because he strafed around literal things he said. I think he's fairly innocuous, if not naïve and uneducated. Not a full blown racist, but still dumb enough (sorry, my opinion) to only offer an oblique apology.
@GothicZM I currently live in a very black city (New Orleans) and in a black neighborhood to boot. Everyone gets along. You likely lived in a shitty area. The problem arises when you lump an entire group together in a negative fashion.
Everyone seems to be going off on some tangents here! IMO this is more of an 'it is what it is' situations.
@PanurgeJr Of course I have black friends, I'm not racist. I don't actually believe there are different races.
At the end of the day people should be judged by their character.
I would like to say that's what Playtonic were doing in this particular case. Their game is for everyone to enjoy, mixed, black, white, yellow, green, whoever.
If any of Jon's comments could make ANY person feel uncomfortable I feel like they made the right decision. Though I agree with the few who said the delivery could have been better because now it has caused a rift to be formed.
Man, you guys are pissed.
Well said. You are calling out and describing the essence of modern soft racism.
This is a rather dishonest tool of the conservative punditry: essentially any particularly heinous act committed by one member of a group or minority becomes the responsibility of any and all members of that group or community in such a way that the majority are not.
EG: gang shootings in Chicago are code for "inner city" and all blacks...and why isn't Rev Sharpton denouncing them (even if he already has)?
When white people commit murder, it is simply never a matter that any prominent white person must atone for lest all whites be guilty of condoning the act. Even if the person claims to be an avid listener to or inspired by the likes of Glenn Beck or Alex Jones!
I would ask that everyone be aware when people use this tactic. It probably happens more than you realize.
Never expected Jon of all people to speak out like that. There's a way to express your opinion without coming across as rude and offensive.
Also this comment section has gone crazy, maybe topics of political stances should be avoided here.
@faint ...Watch the language please....
Yeah, he made some pretty over-the-top comments, but he did nothing illegal, and it has nothing to do with doing a video game voice over. If he had a contract with them, he could sue for unlawful termination. Assuming he does not, I also understand Platonic's move here in order to preemptively avoid significant controversy.
@zby You are worried about the disappearance of white majorities but you're not racist. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
It took 16 comments before someone used the SJW acronym.
That has to be some sort of an internet record in the 2010's.
Anyone using SJW as a slur is of course on the same level as any and all Scooby-Do villains in their political and social expertise.
"Boohoo, all dem SJW's and snowflakes want to shut us up".
They just use their right of free speech to tell you that you are morons.
Because ultimately that is what you are if you are incapable of making a difference between action and consequence, freedom of speech and responsibilities of that freedom.
@Joeynator3000 then lock the thread. Heck some one up top told a user his mother must have been drinking when she was pregnant. Much worse things going on here then me saying a poo poo word. This should be locked down. Who are you trying to protect? Younger users from cursing? Well this entire thread is filled with brain washing white supremacist ideologies. Lock the darn thing if my cussing is such an issue. Much worse is going on in this thread.
still more qualified than trump
So whatever his name is exercised his right to free speech by saying something stupid and racist, then doubled down on it and exercised his right not to apologise.
Playtonic exercised their right not to use him in their game.
Pretty cut and dried really. Not actually a lot to debate.
My personal disappointment is I'd never heard of this individual before this story and would have been happier if it had stayed that way.
Not going to watch a 2 hour livestream but considering how bad the track record of people correctly identifying others as racist and nazis is lately I'm just going to assume nothing of any actual significance happened and no one should care about this whole thing
Free speech is not speech without consequence. You can say what you want, but be aware others have the right to criticise that and it is fair to judge whether they even want to associate with you based on it.
Playtonic don't have to associate themselves with someone who says what Jontron did if they don't want to.
Huh. We all knew this comment section would go bad.
crunches imaginary internet popcorn
Can't critisize Team17 / Playtonic for making a business decision but to me this whole thing is an overblown SJW doodoo storm.
Woah woah everybody settle down here. I think that we have all said some things and other people have said things and we all want to say some things. Something that I want to say is that this article was beautifully written. Vogel deserves Pulitzer
@AlternateButtons Lol, I'm referencing a US supreme court case about a Nazi parade. And there's no denying that Nazi beliefs are conservative, slanting against the same non-white, non-gender conforming people, just to a more extreme degree. Just what exactly do you think comments about white pride or purity or supremacy can mean? It's the same worldview.
Say what? JonTrons entire point was that equality should be equal, but people hear someone talking about race and cry racist. Disappointed in Playtonic. If anything they should be backing him.
This is some battle we have going on here... It all began in 2015, and so far, there are no signs of stopping. The very fabric of America is getting torn apart; relatives are shunning each other, couples are divorcing, parents are disowning their children, brothers and sisters are changing their last names, and Americans are at the throat of Americans.
Technically speaking, this will go down in history as Civil War II, probably lasting for more than a decade.
Day 1...
My name is Tim. 3 years ago, I was the sole survivor of the comment tsunami. Shortly after, I became victim to the dreaded codes monster's emotional torture. I have healed from those hellish experiences, but I have developed PSTD as a souvenir from my hell travels. I have finally returned to my home country just under a year ago, but I was not spared any time to rest and recover.
A war has erupted.
[End of Journal Entry 1]
I think we are all being sidetracked by the racist thing. Mitch Vogel leads us through the dark valley that is Nintendo news. We need to be more vocal about our praise.
What is that he's holding? A nice leathery man bag to hold his popcorns?
You know, I think extremely heated tar-pitty debates are a good thing and should not be removed and censored. Free active speech is very important.
To be honest, I think all the kids here left a couple months ago.
Anyone who argues he is free to say and do what he likes surely has no problem with Playtonic having the freedom to say and do what they like in regards to their own game. Forget everything else surely that is that.
Mitch Vogel has worked tirelessly for years and yet none of you thank him. He won't always be with us. Thank him while you can.
@ProjectCafe Free Speech is fine, but needless profanity isn't.
@SwitchVogel When Nintendo fans start going at each others throats, it's best to pull the plug.
The SJW's already destroyed this topic, which is hardly a surprise.
How dare we listen to an opposing viewpoint, the gall! Just better to silence all dissenting voices, after all that's healthful in a democracy.
Anyway, hate to cry boycott yet as a personal choice this one will be skipped.
Oh, Gosh...
"Immigrants built this country. Never forget that."
Hershel Greene
To be honest, I don't see the controversy behind including/removing Jon's voice. If the character he voiced was based on him, like if he was a robo-parakeet or something, then maybe I'd understand people getting upset over it.
I read this article and the first 60-something comments, which immediately devolved into a crapstorm that I'd rather not get into.
Maybe Playtonic should have quietly dealt with the matter, but I'm not going to judg their decision to act publicly rather than be discrete about it.
Regardless I do not care for this Jon guy and whether his voice is in the game or not. The game will be pleanty fun and stand on it's own merits. I'm looking forward to getting my Switch edition...
Whether it was deserved or not is not apparent from this article. I need to see what it was that he said.
They took our jobs!!
Already spoken om that on Push Square. I don't know about the situation and I don't care much to dive into political quagmires, but if Playtonic [had] made the decision on their own accord, it's harsh but completely within their right to decide who to start and keep and stop working with. If it was the dent made solely by the public controversy, then we have a case of audience meddling cancer and everyone who forced Playtonic's hand can go to hell and shove their preorder money along the way IMHO. Yes, it sounds even harsher, but I'm not known for having an ounce of respect or tact for fans in general and fanship-driven parasiting in particular. Seriously, that's a problem I have with kickstarters - they only make fiction more vulnerable in messes like this and serve to entitle people who don't care for the product by definition - a.k.a. fans. -_-
Learn to separate opinions from talents and contributions, people.
You have essentially epitomized what is known as "projection". The act of placing one's own negative behaviors or attributes onto others to deflect attention towards your opposition.
Bonus points for doing so while playing the victim to the straw man you created.
Now, I'm not just lobbing attacks at you. You are trying to make yourself and those with your point of view into the victim by first insulting those who might disagree as "SJW", then accusing them of "silencing" you. Now...I'm neither an SJW or in any position to "silence" you even if I wanted to.
No, what those who use these fallacies and tactics fail to understand is that you are entitled to your opinion, and you are entitled to disagree with my opinion, but you are not immune to criticism or consequences for stating your opinions, and many (especially on the political right) simply feel entitled never to be challenged, or that disagreement is an unfair attack, and THAT at the core of the projection.
Jesus Christ, this comments section.
Gotta love people complaining about everyone getting labelled as a racist these days when JonTron's comments are as clear-cut as they can get. I'm all for defending plurality of opinion when there's something to be gained from that exchange. There's nothing to be gained from debating eugenics in 2017, I'm sorry.
With the vibrantly otherworldly world Playtonic's set out to create, it seems their biggest mistake was letting the messy real world sink its hooks in by giving an internet celeb a cameo in the first place.
Gonna shrug my shoulders at this and make a mental note never to make irrelevant pop culture references in any work of art I might create in the future. The real classics are timeless anyway.
Seriously look at their eyes xD Theyre so hard on the good stuff it looks almost intimidating.
Getting good vibes so far from this game.
Not getting involved, they should shut this article down
242 posts by my count before someone brought Trump into this.
You are incredible.
Thanks for wasting everyone's time by singling out one comment you disagree with and treating me with total disrespect.
So other people are SJW s but you're not boycotting? Awwwww you poor Snowflake....
You need to familiarise yourself with what he actually said
@Damo PLEASE shut this freaking circus DOWN.
This thread is so gross, but I just . . .
Sorry, but now you're again projecting and playing victim. You started this by accusing people with a different point of view as SJW and claiming they were "silencing" you.
Well, you're still typing and responding, which I have no power to stop you from doing, and it's obvious you learned nothing.
Clearly you believe yourself to be above criticism, but not above criticizing others.
Funny. Knowing he was even in it in the first place would have put me off the game (though obviously not enough for me not to buy it that's ridiculous). I hate the guy and that was before all this
I stopped supporting JonTron a long time ago. I like his videos a lot, but he has said such bad things about sensitive subjects, I just can't support someone like that. Don't get me wrong, of course everyone's entitled to their opinion, and that goes for him too. However, he has said such hurtful things about not just immigration but other issues too, like gender identity among others, that he almost felt like a borderline Trump knock-off to me, and I cannot and will not support someone like that.
I am not picking on you, but whatever makes you feel comfortable and stops the bullying would be appreciated. Thank you.
Sorry to hear that you disagree with my position, the great thing is you are free to come to your own conclusions. I could have just kept my opinion to myself, but decided to share. You can also skip over ideas that are not conducive to your own mindset.
Just as JonTron has the right to a personal opinion, so does Playtonic. The end. The worst thing here is that it's become new worthy. What going on NL? No Neo Geo releases today?
Yesssss, take him out!
I've never been a fan of JonTron or his content - he's overrated in my personal opinion. But I watched a bit of the aforementioned stream days ago and was straight up appalled and disgusted. I didn't feel comfortable while the entire thing.
Any man or woman who doesn't support equality across ALL races is wrong and should not be in the public eye to support and spread such claims. I might just purchase Yooka-Laylee on my Switch now. Support these guys in the only way I can for this decision.
Picking on me? I hadn't even considered that.
I'm just pointing out how your comments, which are common representations of frequently used complaints, are somewhat intellectually dishonest and fallacious.
This tactic of accusing anyone that disagrees or speaks out in response to opinions and statements they find offensive of "silencing" them is ironic projection, since most often it's those attacking the "SJW" that believe they have special rights or the right to take away the liberties and dignity of others.
@CharlieSmile ...Freeze peach? With bad forced memes like this, it is no wonder that liberals keep losing.
Understandable. They do not want to be associated with controversial viewpoints, it would taint their brand.
That really covers it
@MarcelRguez Jontron never advocated eugenics. Stop being disingenuous. Did you have any specific thing that he said that was wrong, or was it just the fact that you don't like what he said?
So will the minor character still be in the game? Also if there was enough time, Playtonic should use a Kickstarter backer to voice the character.
Oh well another YouTube personality bites the dust for flying off the handle. Maybe in the future he will feel the caring hug from a straitjacket.
@PanurgeJr Why is being worried about the decline of your ethnicity racist? Would it be racist if black people were worried about a decline of their population?
@faint >4th highest murder rate in the entire country, 32nd highest murder rate in the world.
Yeah, everyone is getting along REALLY well there in New Orleans, genius!
@DEADCELL I just want to make it clear to you, as well as any other random people visiting this message board that you don't speak for all white people, and you're embarrassing us.
That was meant to be tongue in cheek, but the issue is that this "concern" over the decline of your "race" is A) often a mask for much more draconian prescriptions, and B) unique in terms of enjoying historical power and majority in the west when trying to make a 1:1 comparison with concerns of groups who have not enjoyed full civil liberties and rights historically.
@DEADCELL I was going to reply to your post seriously. Then I read #299. Going to keep my word.
Wow 300+ comments. Wow this is good for NL ad revenue.
Can someone please tell me what the hell he even said was or post a link to it?
@Action51 1. Why would anyone assume that I speak for an entire race of people? You leftists are collectivist nuts.
2. Ah, so your problems aren't based on what people, including Jontron, are actually saying, but your own reading into what YOU THINK they mean, and your ASSUMPTIONS on their intentions for saying it. Cool.
Great, so you are a collectivist nutjob who likes ascribing meaning onto other people's statements. Nothing bad ever comes out of people behaving like that.
Never heard of him.
Definitely picking this game up, what I've seen so far looks great and will be the perfect game while we wait for Mario.
"I just want to make it clear to you, as well as any other random people visiting this message board that you don't speak for all white people, and you're embarrassing us."
This is a fascinating statement, essentially you are claiming to be either a vocal minority or defacto majority. Who or what falls under your purview I wonder, do you have the same preconceived notions about the views of all the members of the Nintendo Life community? And those who don't agree, how would they be categorized I wonder.
"Well, you're still typing and responding, which I have no power to stop you from doing, and it's obvious you learned nothing."
Holy smokes! Yeah thankfully you aren't a mod, I think one power trip per day should be like a limit.
@MarcelRguez Or are you just unable to come up with a reply, and making up a convenient excuse? I think we all know the answer here.
@OptometristLime I particularly love the fact that @Action51 claimed to speak for all white people as he made his statement that I wasn't speaking for all white people.
@Ultimategamer132 He said that he didn't like mass immigration and illegal immigration, and that he was worried that white people would be a minority in the United States (which is predicted to be true within the next 50 years)
I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, am I...
Anyways, concerning my stance towards the whole JonTron racism scandal, and how Playtonic handled the situation, I am trying my hardest to keep a neutral stance on the situation.
On one hand, many people were understandably upset over what JonTron said over the matter of immigration. That is a whole other can of worms and I really don't want to drag politics into this, we could be here all day, all I want to say that they were pretty crazy, and maybe not the best choice of words to use on that matter. Associating yourself with a popular image who has spouted racist remarks about minorities and 'white superiority' will not look good on your PR. This is a business wide thing; people can and will get dropped from sponsorships for saying things like 'death to [minority here]' in a tweet, or joking about something like the holocaust, or admit to taking illegal drugs, like the case of Noriko Sakai, whom sponsors dropped like crazy for taking drugs, which is considered a cardinal sin over in Japan, as Pokemon blogger Dogasu elaborates on his blog, when he talks about the third Pokemon short (Pichu and Pikachu):
(tl;dr: Noriko admitted she used illegal stimulants, sponsors dropped her left and right, she left the music industry, and anything containing Noriko was softbanned; including the short for the 3rd Pokemon movie (where she was the narrator, and sung its ending theme, 'Tomodachi Kinenbi'), and she's basically a Persona Non Grata in Japan today)
On the other hand, a person and their work, lest they shoehorn their politics into it, are not the same entity. While JonTron may not have had... well... the best stance on the whole thing, this, in it of itself, does not degrade the quality of his videos at all. Harder to enjoy, maybe, considering the stance, but Jon is a really good content creator. His videos on 'Birdemic' and 'Pokemon Bootlegs' did crack me up in particular, and I do love myself some surrealism. Taking someone's voice out of the game (even in what could've been a cameo appearance, a la Shovel Knight) isn't going to add/subtract to the quality, but even if Jon was in the game despite the negative comments on immigration, this would've not hurt the game in terms of gameplay. I know it sounds obvious, but considering all the 'I'm cancelling my pre-order/demanding a refund on Kickstarter' comments flooding the internet en masse, I just had to put that out there for those who are tossing their expectations out because of this, and not over how the actual game is going to play.
So that's my 2 cents on the matter. I'm open to discussion about this, but keep this in mind: I still am planning to pick up 'Yooka-Laylee' - the Toybox demo from my pre-order did manage to win me over. This controversy has not changed my opinion on that. I will not be surprised if both sides of the argument jump down my throat over this.
With that said, thank you for reading this heavy wall of text, and have a good day.
1) Tongue-in-cheek means not totally serious...But I see that you'll cling to that statement to play victim even though I clearly state it was a joke in the OP.
2) Nope. I'm stating assertions based on behaviors and statements made by people that hold certain beliefs and how they communicate them.
3) You are guilty of the same thing you accuse me of when you call me a "collectivist nutjob" because I've heard people use these same statements before, and I've heard the ideologies and agendas.
You base your assertions of me being a "collectivist" on far less.
Never heard of him. There is much more important stuff than another social media rant going on in the world.
@DEADCELL the heck is that the big thing which caused this huge controversial comment thread? If any minority wasn't a minority and said that, than it'd be fine.
@DEADCELL It's just that between your predictable reply, your white supremacy views and the meme arrows, you reek of /pol/ too much for me to engage in actual discussion.
You don't debate with flat-Earth society members.
You don't debate with hollow-Earth theorists.
You don't debate with Scientologists.
You don't debate with homeopathy advocators.
And you sure as hell don't debate with people defending the purity of the white race, especially when their arguments have already been debunked to death (in this thread, even).
You just call them on their BS and go on with your day.
I don't know what he said but after seeing some of his videos and hating them, I'm glad he's not in the game!
@Action51 1. ...Play victim? What are you smoking? Then, your typical "Hey guys, I was just PRETENDING to be ." stock response.
2. Ah, so you are ascribing intentions and meaning based on what you've seen OTHER people say. Not by what he actually said himself.
3. I called you a collectivist because you were assuming that anyone might mistake my opinions as a representative for almost 200 million people in the U.S.
@MarcelRguez Ah, so you'll write that much on whether or not I am worthy of debate, but won't write a single thing that was actually wrong with what jontron said.
Sure sounds like a poor dodge to me.
@Ultimategamer132 Oh, he also pointed out that black people disproportionately commit more crime than white people. Facts offend people here.
@DEADCELL - Okay, you've devolved into word salad.
You keep recycling these weird tangents and you don't know what tongue in cheek or collectivist even means. Admit it...collectivist is just something you've heard alt-right and white supremacist friendly media figures call people, isn't it?
Honestly, it may have started like something that resembled a discussion, but now it's degenerated into you just wanting to get the last word in.
@DEADCELL It's not about being lazy and not typing, it's about validating your ideas by actually debating to your post. I'm not going to do what you want, I'm not here to humor you.
I will say that watching someone defend racial purity behind an avatar of what's essentially a "post-human" character is kinda funny. Gotta live with those little contradictions, huh?
@Action51 Yet again, you have gone back to attacking a strawman that you have created based on what YOU are reading into my comments, instead of actually arguing with my points.
1) Please define the strawman.
2) What are your points.
(why do I already regret asking these questions?)
So he'll be removed with a content patch... So really he hasn't been removed from the game, you have to patch it to remove him? Nice.
@MarcelRguez I'm not asking you to debate my post, or any of my points. I asked you to name a SINGLE thing that Jontron said that was wrong. You refuse to do this, because you can't back it up, and instead continue to debate me, while claiming that you refuse to debate me. This whole conversation is absurd.
I am NOT defending white racial purity in any way (most white supremacists wouldn't even consider me to be white,) so I have no issue liking a character that is "post-human," and don't find that to be a contradiction.
@Honelith More like, they could just get someone else on the team to redub whoever JonTron voiced. Pretty easy, just swap one sound file for another, no need to change huge lines of code.
This is part of why there is so much trouble in the world. I'm as disappointed in Jafari's values as anyone but free speech exists for a reason. Once you define "free speech" as being applicable to only one viewpoint it loses all its meaning and purpose. "Punishing" people for having an opinion is the slippery slope to fascism.
I'm sure this has ruined Mr. Swood Grommet's day. But you know, I'm sure it's a small price to pay for sticking to one's beliefs.
@Action51 1. A strawman is when you purposefully misrepresent my opinion (and try to read into what I actually mean) and attack that, because you are too afraid to debate my ACTUAL statements.
2. My points were a refutation of your own - you originally stated that anyone expressing concern over the sudden and rapid decrease in their ethnic demographic had some sort of malevolent intentions. This is based solely on you reading into people's statements.
@DEADCELL I'm replying to you, but I'm not debating you. If you're unable to understand that simple of a concept, why should I begin an actual debate by establishing my problems with JonTron's statement? You'd reply to my point, and then we would have a "debate". And I put the word in quotes becase you can't have an actual debate without an open mind.
You aren't going to convince me of anything you say, based on your posts. You are too far gone on your own BS for me to convince you. Why should we waste our time? You should be thanking me, even.
I'm just gonna fade into obscurity and abandon this discussion for good.
@MarcelRguez I'm sorry for using the term "debate" so flippantly. You would rather continue waste time arguing about why I am unworthy to argue with, rather than list ONE thing that Jontron said that is wrong.
Why should you waste your time? I don't know. It seems like defending your own point of view for dozens to see would be a better use of your time than arguing about how racist you think I am because I said that... wait, what exactly makes me a racist again?
its actually about ethics in facing consequences for saying that its bad for The Coloreds to mix with the whites
i like all the people saying "THIS is what started the whole mess" instead of all of this starting with jon palling around with alt-right losers and talking about how cultural marxism is totally a thing thats destroying The West, Which Just Happens To Be White Why Are You Accusing Me Of Being Racist For Being Scared Of Non-White People How Dare Y
1) No, I asked you to define the strawman you accused me of using. Try again, same question...
2) You really don't want to define your points, do you?
I would be too ashamed as well. Ever wonder if that feeling of persecution you carry around is because you know your beliefs are abhorrent deep down?
or that time he spread that revenge porn drawn of that one lady if we're gonna be real, like jon's never really been a good guy
lest we forget that time they had to edit out him saying the n word a couple dozen times in a game grumps episode
@DEADCELL You would rather continue waste time arguing about why I am unworthy to argue with, rather than list ONE thing that Jontron said that is wrong.
Yes, you are starting to see the light. That's exactly what I'd rather do. My opinion of your posts and arguments is that low.
wait, what exactly makes me a racist again?
As subtle as a krogan in the Citadel.
@Action51 I don't know how many times I need to rephrase this for you. You are creating a strawman by saying that people concerned about the sudden and significant decrease in their ethnic demographic really just have malevolent intentions.
slightly off topic (he verges more into alt-right youtube drama which is still p funny imo but not strictly related to jon tron) but a decent video jokin about jontron iiiiis here
Thank you! Now I can finally hear what he said in full.
@MarcelRguez So basically, you are admitting that you can't point out a single thing wrong with what he said, and are just angry that he doesn't agree with your political beliefs. Cool.
@DEADCELL I'm perfectly capable. I know what he said, I know what you said and I've already proven that I have a functional brain, and I can use a keyboard as well.
I just won't.
@MarcelRguez Yeah, sure you can.
This is disgusting! A Banjo Kazooie clone in this day and age? Ugh!
I don't think you know what a strawman is.
You don't know what a collectivist is...
...and you don't know what tongue-in-cheek means.
This is just getting boring now. I hope you'll eventually outgrow this white supremacy thing. Doesn't it tell you something how you must dance around it and use code words to discuss it publicly? It's not like these are radical new ideas...these are stale zombie ideas that keep getting resurrected and brought back when times are tough and minority groups are easy to scapegoat and use to rally people behind these outdated ideologies.
@zornthgrt I was pretty excited until I saw the gameplay video of the casino stage. It looked awful, tbh. Big, open, empty areas with the most basic platforming and challenges possible. It looks like a bad PS1/N64 platformer with HD textures.
@AlternateButtons As a company you have to support everyone, regardless of color, race, gender and preference.
If you don't do this in this day and age, it will hurt you commercially.
So this move from Playtonic is understandable, since they are a pretty small company that can easily become a political target, when the connection in this case with JonTron is made.
@Action51 Yet again, you ignore the content of my post, and instead claim that I just don't know the definitions of words that I provided you the definition of.
Strawman: "an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument."
You are creating a strawman by saying that people concerned about the sudden and significant decrease in their ethnic demographic really just have malevolent intentions.
Because you can't argue with the idea that the white ethnicity suffering from a sudden and significant decrease is a problem (without sounding like a bigot yourself), you ascribe some sinister intention behind people who are concerned about it, in order to dismiss them.
@Action51 You have my admiration. I wish I had your level of patience.
those scary darkies arent invasion of the pod peopling the west, White People Are Still Around
like do you understand even the first thing about demographics and statistics
you buffoon
on a not entirely related note (but i am incredibly tired and admittedly not entirely here right now) i like how nicely my avatar is fitting the tone of my posts when i use this account. good synergy
@MegaVel91 This an 1000 time this! They are just using him as a scapegoat to push their agenda and he made a statement about he felt he expressed his views badly, Destiny is a little pushy imp of a man who flooded JT with rethoric and he felt pressured by it. But even an apoligy is not enough to sate the bloodlust of the SJW type kids.
I'm kinda glad that people are a lot more rational here. I was prepared for YouTube-esque comments.
It really brings it home to me how big a problem the gaming community has with racism when even an article on this website brings out the neo-nazi types, terribly sad
@admwllms Jokes on all the SJW, Hitlers nazi party was a socialist party. so calling him a nazi is calling him a socialist.
@khululy turns out words dont mean anything and you can just say whatever you want and nobody can really stop you
for instance; ignoring that national socialist isnt the same thing as any other kind of socialist, which by extension means that republican think the ideal society is sparta and democrats take votes on every single action they take. im so good at words and being literal
i love the Green Party, noted for only going outside after dousing themselves in Nickelodeon's leftover slime from their game shows
@khululy Did you see Destiny's debate with Naked Ape? It was great. Destiny just got pissed that he was getting destroyed and hung up on him.
Playtonic likes to bend over like a little B**** it seems? Funny how free speech is so important to people, that if someone uses it they get kicked out asap. I dont care what he said.
turns out "yeah no dude you're not really...debating or arguing so im not gonna waste my time talking to you anymore" is getting pissed at someone
@Smegmapoo69 I kind of understand where they are coming from. Being a kickstarted game means they kind of owe their backers more than your average developer, and if their backers were autistic liberals that freaked out about jontron, it is probably the right thing to do to listen to them.
The game still looks like crap, though.
anyway its like three in the morning over here and i have a life, so have fun talking about how your favorite youtube celebrity is actually the next jesus for facing repercussions for being an idiot racist I Guess
Here's my impression of what JonTron probably sounded like in-game:
"Ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech."
@myMaudlinCareer If word don't mean anything they why weigh JohnTrons words on a fine tuned scale?
He is not even my favorite Youtube by any means but the hypocracy of this while JohnTron shaming is so childish to me, I might even subscribe to his channel and disable adblocker now just to spite you all!
An nothing about what he said was based on race, it was based on the behaviour of the immigrants, their actions towards the people who let them in and offered them to take part in THEIR society but respond to disrespect and distance themself from it. This is a big problem in Europe atm and Destiny is naïve to believe the USA is save from these kind of things.
@khululy Hitler wasn't a socialist any more than North Korea is democratic (its official name is Democratic People's Republic of Korea btw). Dictators have a funny habit of claiming to be something they are not.
If you're going to believe in this stuff, at least do your reading.
The idea behind the Nazi's professed "socialism" was to take away votes from the communist and socialist parties in Germany who were doing quite well at the time so that voters could think "oh we can vote for Hitler because he'll give us those socialist reforms but with a new invigorated Germany."
It was soon dropped and the very few in the party with genuine socialist tendencies were murdered by Hitler's inner cronies during the night of the long knives.
@DEADCELL I see it different. The only thing they "owe" their backers is a polished game, which does not suck unlike Mighty No. 9 for example. A backer pays for a game and not for someone to bend over if their feelings get hurt. If those Yooka-Laylee backers think that way, they should have paid a hooker instead.
@admwllms I am well aware of my European history, but can we clearly say other movement parading on the form of justice and equality have no agenda as well? we can't because if we question something like Black lives matter we are racists and biggots and get scorned.
THIS is exactly the problem there is no more room for debate only finger pointing and proving you are right and the other is wrong.
"i like how nicely my avatar is fitting the tone of my posts when i use this account. good synergy"
So you have more than one account? It would explain why this one only seems to comment on topics that a person could consider "controversial."
So many snowflakes from all sides. It's a freaking blizzard. Smh.
381 comments in 7 hours! Wow!!!
This must be a hot topic!
@myMaudlinCareer Any more profanity from you and we'll ban your account.
@shaneoh nah, "this account" as opposed to like, my twitter account or some other platform
i follow the website and like the articles but the comments section is a dumpster fire so i only remember i have it when i want to stir THINGS up and or put off being productive. like it's either this or i finish up my eight page paper on marketing thats due in about twelve hours if you see what im tryin to say
"this account" as in i am incredibly sleepy and forgot i put a chaos character from an smt game as my icon, i guess? if that clears things up
also @hulk avatar my dude shut up, please get a hobby and learn to actually stick to a point
no debating unless it's gonna be oin good faith etc
@gcunit noted! understood. forgot if yall had a policy on that
do i need to change my icon or is this fine
Does anyone want to discuss anita sarkeesan?
@khululy if you're well aware its untrue, then why spout such nonsense?
@starfox007 nah, entry level feminist theory is kinda rote imo as far as online conversations with randos go
Just an FYI for anyone still reading:
We've had quite a few 'reports' related to comments made in this thread.
Everyone just calm down and think about whether the time you're spending here is changing anyone's mind, as opposed to just stirring the pot.
All I can say is that I'm disappointed in JonTron. Being such an influential YouTuber, he should know fully well how easily an unpopular opinion can ruin a reputation. I still love his videos, that won't change, but now it's more like how I enjoy some Ozzy Osbourne, where I don't agree with their views, and don't really desire meeting the person, and I'm not gonna date him in Asagao Academy.
@myMaudlinCareer I am sticking to a point and the point is that what JT stated was not wrong, just because you disagree with it.
They are just the badly worded views of a person who is bad at debating vs. a person who is also bad at debating and his views are just as valid as yours or mine and just as right or wrong it's all a matter of perspective and ofcourse no one wants to be on the wrong side so they will defend their angle.
But to scorn a man, who has no real power over these things, so much is just petty.
@admwllms It's also untrue that JohnTron is a nazi but people keep clinging to that notion like absolute.
I'm not a fan of this decision and wasn't planning to get this Banjo Kazooie imitation anyway.
@gcunit A little posting never hurt anyone. Props for not just closing the comments, though.
@Smegmapoo69 I get that perspective, and I agree that we need to encourage developers to follow their artistic vision rather than pandering to angry extremists. Still, I'd be pissed if I financially backed a game, and they threw in some SJW BS. I think developers who use kickstarter owe a bit more consideration to their supporters than your average dev, and if the majority of their backers were pissed about it, it should at least be addressed. It would have probably just been smarter to release a statement saying that they didn't agree with his statements.
@Kayfios If you listen to his stream with Sargon, he blatantly says that he KNOWS it will hurt his career, and he doesn't care, because of how important it is to speak out on these issues.
@eeyore I was planning on getting it until I saw gameplay footage of the casino stage. The game looks ****ing awful.
@DEADCELL Yeah, you are right. A statement would be better and then keep him in. It just angers me how they behaved towards someone who just said an opinion. If that behaver would apply to online opinions people would be kicked out left and right and I would probably be banned already xD
Yeah, that was a lost sale from me.
They just had to make it political. They just had to enter drama that had no connection to them or their product in the first place.
So yeah, not supporting this "diversity in all forms except diversity of opinion" nonsense.
But oh well, i hope at least NeoGAF is happy now, since they were the ones who pestered Playtonic with this nonsense in the first place.
Best of luck to Playtonic anyways.
@DEADCELL No profanity, it's not complicated.
ok im seriously going to bed and or hibernating this account until some other youtuber turns out to be a terrible human being and randos in a comment section decide this is the hill theyre gonna die on
but i love how deadcell is very pointedly ignoring me calling him a moron for not knowing a single thing about how statistics or demographics work
also no swearing deadcell
also hulk avatar, there is such a thing as an invalid opinion. if i said fire doesn't burn and actually burning is only good for you, you would laugh me out like a buffoon. if this man tried to say "well i panicked", it would be very suspicious if 1) he seemed to panic continuously for about two hours and 2) there's a p clear public record of him saying "my only medicine is fire and i am covered in burns"
only ctrl replace fire with uh, racism i guess, if that's not on the nose enough
@AlternateButtons Amen to that.
What the dude said was a little edgy, sure. But this statement just shows that it's more about his different opinion than anything he really said. The poor dude has just been crushed by this whole thing. If you're a conservative, they'll pull garbage like this. If you're a liberal, you can say whatever you want and have whatever horrific opinion you want, and they'll support you. They're just bullying people now into not debating them because they know their opinions can't stand up to actual truth.
also at the random german dude who's really quick to jump to the defense of racists: everything is political. we never stop being political. please read a book
something something "claiming tolerance has to include opinions that are intolerant of the people around them is counter-intuitive and only harms the community. there need to be limits and acceptable levels so that genuinely harmful people arent given pedestals" etc
@Einherjar That's how I feel. What they did was just stupid. I was on the fence before, but now I'm for sure not supporting their product.
@NotBatman_01 my dude conservative opinions include "you should be electrocuted until you're straight" where as my opinions are "hey, i would like to not be electrocuted or murdered for using a bathroom" but uh, you keep acting like im the one with the ~dangerous ideals~ lol!
@myMaudlinCareer "there is such a thing as an invalid opinion". You sound like nazi. They were killing people with "invalid opinion".
@NotBatman_01 Im just sick and tired of this nonsense.
Can't we just play videogames and let political banter be political banter ?
We currently have enough political issues across the globe. Why politicize the one thing many people use as a refuge too ?
Im just tired, sick and tired.
After seeing all this, it's clear to me that Playtonic made a horrible mistake. I'm a fan of JonTron. Not a big fan, but I enjoy his content, usually. Up until today I didn't even know that he had a cameo in the game, and I didn't know about any of this controversy either. And I don't think that I would have if Playtonic just kept quiet about it. Playtonic could have kept quiet about this all and everything surrounding the game would be hunkey dory. Now this game will forever be known as "that Jontron controversy game" among avid gamers. I really hate that. Playtonic tried to make themselves look better, but really they just made the entire controversy spread like beans in a burrito. I wasn't super interested in this game to begin with, but I don't think I'll pick it up even on sale now. I can't support Playtonic's decision, and this comes from someone who doesn't necessarily agree with what Jon said either.
@myMaudlinCareer Destroying the family and murdering 54+ million babies for the sake of convenience sure sound like "dangerous ideals" to me.
@khululy "am sticking to a point and the point is that what JT stated was not wrong, just because you disagree with it. "
That's the thing though, these kind of views are wrong. Not because I disagree with them, but because they are actually demonstrably wrong, in addition to being stupid, ill-informed and divisive.
The earth isn't flat, non-whites aren't inferior to white people, and Hitler wasn't socialist. Vaccines aren't giving people autism and global warming is real.
This is a good response in a business sense, having JonTron on their game is neutral at best, poisonous to sales at worst.
Ethically it's also good because JonTron has outed himself as a bigoted moron.
I didn't want Youtuber cameos in the game anyway.
What happens if Jontron said what he said (I dont know what he said) but was a black jew? Would he still get kicked out? This is an honest question.
I was never a fan of him, but I do find this decision pretty strange. All he did was record some grunts and things. It is not like they have fully voiced lines or anything.
Of course this is Playtonic's game, so they can do as they choose. I could understand their reasoning. They are a new studio (well a new studio staffed by veterans anyway) and this is their first game. They are just trying to protect their IP and image.
JonTron would have promoted this quite a bit and Playtonic likely feared being associated with him and racism. (I don't know the full story, but I guess he said something racist?)
@eeyore Here in Germany, we have Heiko Maas (federal minister of justice), who tries to fight "wrong opinions" by:
-trying to get rid of Article 5 (our version of free speech)
-fining websites for hosting said opinions (50 million €)
-fining individuals for having them (up to 5 million €)
-deplatforming anyone with said opinions
-founding a group specifically dedicated to deleting these opinions off of the internet (state funded)
-trying to combat FakeNews while also siding with a foundation with a 80-90% error margin in their "right wing violence reports"$
Among other things. And yes, they are the "good guys"
@Smegmapoo69 They'd prolly call him an 'Uncle Tom' or a 'Coon' or something along those lines.
@myMaudlinCareer Saying fire doesn't burn is misconstrueing a fact, burning is an inherit propery of fire. it's not a opinion, one can state fire doesn't hurt and this can be true for some and untrue for another.
@SMW As far as I know he explained why he is not fond of illegal immigration.
Understandable, if a little harsh, but still sad, though only because JonTron is one of my favorite YouTubers.
I understand exactly what Playtonic is doing. They're protecting their brand and IP. That's just a thing that companies do. No, Playtonic is not disabling the right to free speech or pushing the liberal agenda. Jon made these, pretty disgusting in my opinion, comments and he's facing some consequences.
Though, an article I read compared this to the Pewdiepie incident, but they're not comparable.
@Smegmapoo69 I don't think jontron would have said rich black people do more crime than poor white people if he was a "black jew"
@boatie there are black people who exactly say this stuff though, that there is a problem in the black community and that it needs to be addressed.
you can say "there are black people who exactly say" anything if you're not going to provide proof.
JonTron said dumb stuff consequences happen. End of
@Smegmapoo69 No profanity.
@boatie No profanity.
OK you already stated the US was 72% white so why are the minority numbers almost equal to the 72% majority? What would that mean?
In case anyone else is having trouble finding or remembering the rules around here...
@boatie you are welcome
@Jumpman Wow, that's kind of a chilling statement. Stifling speech, no matter how offensive, is never a good idea.
Keep your opinions to yourself? How far should we take that? Who decides which opinions should not be spoken of? Too close to 1984's thought police.
I would prefer the idea that you should be able to say almost (i.e. you can't try and incite violence) whatever you want, regardless of whether it's politically correct. At that point, society can judge you.
I'm not necessarily a fan of a company itself punishing someone for their personal opinion. Granted, this was something JonTron made via a public forum, so it falls outside the normal boundaries.
@boatie If @Einherjar has proven anything, it wouldn't matter all that much. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't. I agree with him that they could've released a statement regarding the controversy, or just ignored the issue, and told NeoGAF that they had no comment on the matter.
EDIT: That said, I don't agree that this should matter in the decision to buy the game. People will disagree with each other's opinion, but to screw yourself out of enjoying something that you wanted to enjoy because of it? Just complain about their opinions through Twitter or something.
There's nothing quite like a race, gender, or sexual orientation controversy to incite the neanderthals to crawl out of the bubbling ooze and expose themselves as such.
@gcunit Sorry, I've edited it out
Would his presence in the game REALLY affect whether people buy it or not? And why'd they have to announce it like this?
@Alpacalypse Stifling hate speech is a good thing. "Freedom of Speech" is about the government not being able to arrest you for something you said, it doesn't mean you can say whatever you want anywhere without consequence
@Kayfios Maybe they actually don't like the stuff JonTron said and want to have a statement about it? Why do they have to do it quietly in the night, are YOU stifling FREE SPEECH????
@Switch81tch "JonTron has a right to his opinion, Playtonic does not have a right to their opinion"
"Jafari did also admit that the “African American community has had a raw deal” in the United States of America, but argued that this discrimination is “universally wrong.” He also clarified his comments regarding immigration, instead claiming he is against “mass immigration,” saying it would be “heinous” of him to be against immigration entirely as the child of two immigrants. "
Honestly, I think that closes it down. It's much ado about nothing. I'll still watch some of his videos and won't think any less or more of him.
@Kayfios The only difference here in the "damned if they do, damned if they dont" situation is the fact, that one of these groups buys their product and the other one doesn't :/
But that's not my problem. It was their decision.
And as for buying the game: You are absolutely right. It definitely shouldn't. But i, personally, won't support this nonsense anymore. Im just overly sick and tired of this political nonsense being dragged into everything it doesn't belong to.
"Oh, the new Mass Effect looks like poop..."
how about i said that because it does look like poop and nothing else ?
Remember times where you could disagree about videogames without being labeled ? Without being this and that party and thats why you may not have opinions ? Yeah...better times all around.
@boatie Again, stifling free speech is not good. I understand freedom of speech is a governmental case and not societal.
I don't care what a person says, and there will always be repercussions. Society certainly should respond to various speech but never through stifling.
Again, I don't see what Playtonic did as stifling or censoring. Had it been a case where JonTron said something in private then I would think different. JonTron has a right to voice his opinions and Playtonic has a right to do what they did.
I do have a problem with someone being punished through loss of a job for personal beliefs, to an extent. If a person is saying something that is clearly delineated from their work, then I think we and the company should leave it well enough alone. If a person, such as JonTron, is saying something that is through a medium that is linked to a business in some way then that business has a right to protect their own interests.
The fact that so many on both sides of the political spectrum want free speech to be limited is disturbing.
What if someone tried to stifle your opinions since they found them offensive, would that be ok? It's a slippery slope that any free society should never go down.
@Switch81tch People should be able to "punish" others for saying what they don't like if it isn't infringing their rights. JonTron doesn't have a Right to be part of Playtonics game. Playtonic does have the Right to choose who is in the game they are making, and if they don't like what JonTron said it has nothing to do with Free Speech or some weird thing where you should be able to say what you want consequence free.
@Alpacalypse Stifling free speech is not good. Free Speech is the government arresting you for saying something. Stifling hate speech by members of the public is good, if you're not getting arrested for it. JonTron should be able to say whatever dumb idiot opinion he has (and he has plenty), as long as the government isn't arresting him for it, his free speech is still intact.
@boatie that's pretty much what I said probably about the same time as you typed this.
You're allowed to say what you want, and you should never be stifled, but you sure as heck better be ready for whatever repercussions come your way.
@Switch81tch You don't understand what free speech is, and there's no point in further arguing with you until you do.
@DEADCELL in my neighborhood. Learn some reading comprehension. Jesus Christ
@Alpacalypse Yeah, we are arguing the same point in different ways it seems.
I remember when @nintendolife used to shut threads like this down. Now they just want the add revenue.
I think that is incredibly bad. How can you in the same press release say you want diversity in all forms and then remove the voice of someone who has a different opinion on something. I will have second thoughts on supporting this game now. I don't know what this guys opinions are, and I don't care. For example lots of religious people have absolutely abhorrent opinions, I will still work with them and appreciate what good they can contribute with, even be their friends. Doing the opposite only serves to polarize and make people more set in their ways of thinking.
@Switch81tch I'm not patronizing you, but you're arguing in either ignorance or bad faith and I don't think there's any gain in continuing to talk to a wall
Any further posts containing any profanity - the whole post just gets deleted - don't waste your/our time
Huh??? Some of these seriously. Where is the line drawn because it's 'free speech'? Sure anyone can say what they want, as they want, when they want, but the same holds true for the company, and Playtonic decided they didn't want any part of that. Their use of their own free speech if you really want to call it that, was that they didn't like what he said about a certain group of people and more power to them.
All he should really expect at this point is a refund if he donated anything to have his voice added in.
@gcunit @gcunit why is the thread still up at all?
This comment section...
Anyway, I'm so glad that you guys on NintendoLife don't put your opinions in your articles. Would hate to see you siding with either of the subjects. Being neutral is always good.
@Mortenb I think their form of diversity means being accepting of all races and creeds which Jon kind of talked about in a bad light. His comments weren't neutral anymore, and there's already enough race wars going around. It's pretty much if you do or don't somebody's going to hate you for it. That's just the world we live in, but I think a lot of people are taking the reason Playtonic are removing his voice from the game in the wrong way.
@Switch81tch His form of freedom of expression wasn't a neutral point for a public forum, and it could have been seen as an affront to a certain group of people. Since Playtonic did make their own comment public, it's turn into a something bigger, more escalated problem, but I think at the core, the fact that his thoughts weren't that of being accepting to everyone is why they are choosing to remove his voice in the first place.
@Switch81tch jontron has 3 million fans. A large number of them are attacking playtonics twitter as we speak. These guys would have found out anyway. The difference here is playtonic gets to sculpt the narrative by releasing their point of view first.
@-Green- Thank-you! Can we just get back to talking about the f@#$ing game already?
Thats all im going to say to this
This is why politics should stay off the internet.
@faint I'm doing my job, also, this is an article not a thread. Ask Mitch or Lz if you want the comment section locked.
@gcunit Who's able to close comment sections in articles anyways?
@Joeynator3000 He implied the comments section should be closed... then posted another comment in it 10 minutes later
I don't know any criteria for closing these, nor who does it, but I don't see why it needs closing if it's popular. No harm caused, people just need to remember the rules and apply them.
@Joeynator3000 I have many times. If your job is to keep people from cursing then it's also to keep people from attacking others. I have asked the staff multiple times to shut the comment section down.
You get hit with facts (your own facts) and you are ready to duck out. Please answer the question.
You already stated the US was 72% white so why are the minority numbers almost equal to the 72% majority? What would that mean?
@DEADCELL Ignorance of why being worried about the decline of the white race is racist is racist.
@gcunit are you kidding? Have you even read through the comment section?
@gcunit Well it's popular because everyone is arguing and causing trouble...and faint is talking to me like he owns the place, so...>.>
@Inkling64 what are you talking about ready to duck out? I went to be bro. It was 3 in the morning where I live.
It's very unfortunate that this whole thing happened.
I hope this doesn't impact Playtonic negatively in any significant manner.
With the amount of refund requests that Playtonic are getting after removing JonTron, it almost would have been better to take him out of the game without all this fanfare.
I understand Jon was frustrated and spouting hyper-versions of his opinions, as the guy he was debating didn`t really give him much opportunity to clarify, but, what Jon said is something I cannot not agree with. Ever. That doesn`t mean I can`t watch his videos, or enjoy his work. I try my best to separate the entertainment and the person, and at the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it seems extreme.
Celebrities have all manner of opinions and viewpoints about our world. They are, after-all, human beings. If you boycotted every celebrities/entertainers work because their viewpoints offended you, the tv, movie theater, and every game console would be off limits, almost entirely.
All of you arguing here, will be here for eternity because none of you are having a discussion with the option of having your mind changed. These aren't debates. Why spend the energy when no one is going to change their mind. The left and right are completely severed, never to be mended. Why not come to Nintendolife to enjoy Nintendo
@gcunit I'm just wondering why comments are allowed here? This comment section was bound to get political, stirring up hatred within the community, and escalating people to feel the need to use profanity. Usually, if politics are involved in an article, you disable comments, or at least insert a reminder to follow community guidelines at the end of the article; what's different here?
@Joeynator3000 @Joeynator3000 you came at me for cursing which I never do yet let everything above go on. I did not act as if I owned anything. I am starting to hate this site over this. This site is about games and yet people are arguing the merits of racial purity above. Nintendo Life should have known better. Now when I see some of these user whom I should be talking about games with I'm going to think about this.
Well you are up now (looks like for a hour) and you have spent several post pandering for them to shutdown the comments section "ducking out"... answer the question.
@Joeynator3000 everyone is causing trouble yet you singled me out.
@Kayfios Read the last line of the article.
The profanity has been dealt with and those responsible appear to have taken our input onboard.
@faint Is someone making you read all these comments against your will or something? I don't get your concern here. There are other places to be as well.
@Inkling64 I want them to shut down the section because they have a history of doing so when threads about feminism or gay marriage get out of hand. Maybe they are avoiding it now because racism is ok? I really don't know.
Please use the contact form for feedback. We don't want to derail comments sections with debates about our moderating. Thanks.
@gcunit so you think as a gaming site we should have giant arguments about racial purity? How do you feel about it? What's your opinion? It will give me insight on why I'm being targeted.
This is a disaster of a comment section.
@gcunit @Damo You should really just close this, its only mud slinging between each party instead of normal debating.
@faint Targeted? You breached the site rules about profanity. As did others. Your comment was edited. As were the others.
@EVERYBODY Use the contact form to provide feedback. Any more comments about our moderating will just be deleted to prevent de-railing.
@legendwaker I support playtonics right to do what they want. However, I don't like it one bit. I think it is good that people can say what they mean without fear of reprisals in irrelevant arenas like this.
OK but you and I are dealing in facts and statistics which you posted so you should be able to answer my question.
Wow, just wow. How quickly things can turn sour, unbelievable.
It's actually quite simple: racism is bad, calling people racists is bad, not all black people are criminals, not all white people are extremists and freedom of speech DOES go both ways. You can't just discount one side because it doesn't appeal to you.
On a side note: a lot of people claiming to not know JonTron, are maybe not aware that he is the founder of (amongst others) the "DidYouKnowGaming?" series of videos, and quite a few of his videos have been posted here in articles, so you actually do know him or have heard of him, you just didn't know the face behind it.
And in the interest of fairness, here is his own response to the whole issue that wasn't even supposed to be an issue in the first place:
@SH007ME Is that... is that a Guitardis???
I'm going to try and not let this affect my decision to buy the game or not. I realised I am making the same mistake I am accusing playtronics for if I don't get it simply because they did this. I disagree with it, I have said it, that is enough.
"Comments are now closed on this article" What? No, they're not.
I've been busy playing Zelda, so I've not been very active on social networks (other than Nintendo Life and Halley's Comet Software). Can someone tell me what happened?
Nearing 500 comments
@Mortenb A good point, well made.
@patbacknitro18 Oh dear, what happens if we hit 500?
501 sadly
@Jumpman Why is there something called "free speech" if you should keep your opinions to yourself?
@brandonbwii No, it wouldn't.
@G-Boy Because people like to twist and turn the true meaning of freedom of speech.
@Anti-Matter Kids are humans and have opinions too. Why shouldn't they be allowed to hear the voice of someone that doesn't have the same opinion as them (like Trump, for example)?
@patbacknitro18 "his fans love him" Meanwhile on YouTube, JonTron has lost more than 3 million subscribers.
@G-Boy and how many does he have left?
I never expected so many Nintendo fans to be such overt racists and then, to try to hide behind insane arguments that make no sense.
This comment section and the racist apologists, are a total embarrassment.
@patbacknitro18 You can't say that all of his fans love him if he just lost 3+ million subscribers.
@G-Boy I said his fans love him. Not everyone who subscribed to him. The true fans are the ones that stayed by his side even with his personal views. And they outshine the small 3 million that unsubscribed.
@thesilverbrick Yes, but it shouldn't have to be like that. Opinions should be nice things to have.
FYI, I have not unsubscribed to JonTron so far, and I'll still buy this game. Opinions are opinions.
Whoever the moderator was for this nightmare? Good luck and God Bless!
@G-Boy um ok. Not sure why you bring that up but good for you I guess
@Agent721 One of the moderators' name is gcunit. I usually don't like his unfair censorship of profanity, but we need him in comment sections like these.
Sure just keep letting terrorist in, stupid.
@Agent721 @G-Boy FYI, we don't assign comments sections to particular moderators. We all share the role across the whole site. If you feel there are comments that breach the site rules you are able to report them for assessment by the moderating team. Thanks.
@G-Boy I just apply the site rules on profanity. Not sure how that's unfair on anyone...
Please note the advisory I issued earlier. If comments are going to sidetrack on to our moderating then they'll just get deleted. Thanks.
@G-Boy And why shouldn't it be like that? If someone wants to voice something extreme and divisive, people who feel diametrically opposite don't want their reputation attached to such strong opinions, especially in the business world. This guy used his platform to tout his own strong, hateful opinions. He's a video game journalist, not a political commentator.
@AlternateButtons No, not really. What America should REALLY have had, is a decidedly red-skinned identity, but unfortunately all of us crazy white people, in our greed for gold, land and other wealth gathering-related issues, killed almost all of the native inhabitants of this otherwise beautiful country...
To all the people that say that races don't exist, the thing is... they do exist. Just like dogs, cats and basically any animal, we do have different races, because we're animals too. The problem comes when we care about it. Why should we judge someone over their skin/eyes/nose/mouth? That's right, we shouldn't. I've come to realise there're 3 things that you cannot judge about people: Skin color, birthplace and laugh. Why? Because we don't get to choose any of them. We should just get along with everyone, even if they have a different culture, and if you cannot, at least respect them.
For Jon, if he doesn't feel right about races mixing, well, he only needs to worry about his partner and respect everyone else. I mean, not everyone is into interracial and that's ok, but if someone is into that kind of action, well, just respect it, but I guess some people find it way to hard.
@Grez Not every muslim is a terrorist, just like not every kid in an USA school is a terrorist (for me, every kid that shoots in a school is a terrorist). Of course, there could be terrorists hidden there, but you wouldn't burn an entire forest just because there could be some rotten apples inside. Good people shouldn't pay for the sins of the bad people. Just think about this: if you lived over there and you were labelled as a terrorist just because that, would you feel ok about it?
@AlternateButtons No one is saying that you shouldn't be proud. Heck, you can even be proud of yourself if you take a massive for what I care. The problem comes when that proud turns into supremacy, in other words, that you feel that your skin color makes you inherently better than others or that everyone different needs to be apart. Do dogs care about that kind of stuff? No, then, why should we?
I just find it interesting that people keep saying we live in a post racist society and yet not only do we have comments like JonTron's ((which if you are going to be a white supremacist at least make sense (I know, I know). Most Caucasian Americans are heavily mixed (even if it is just several European backgrounds) just like many other Americans) America is a nation of mutts. So if you HAVE to be a racist, that is a poor speaking point.) but it can cause a gaming comment board to blow up like this and people defend him. I'd lost faith in humanity years ago so at this point all I have to say is if you want to be that way, fine, but at least be intelligent enough not to mess with your meal ticket. Words, like actions have consequences.
Dude at my last job got fired because he was flaming racist all over facebook, and it made the members of his team who were members of the races he hated uncomfortable (plus it came out that he was applying his world views when it came to promotions) and ruined the work culture. If he had kept that mess out of work he could have been his hateful self on his own time. I wish there was a world where people realized that we are the same species and we should work and live together but that is beyond human mental and emotional capacity. So I merely hope that my life doesn't endure a direct impact from people that steep themselves in hatred.
@gcunit It's unfair when you censor a quote from the article that has profanity in it.
I will pick the game up; I don't care about all this bull crap. I don't understand the USA obssession with race and gender. We are all the same shit inside. We eat, sleep and poop all the same and when we die we go to the dirt until we rot. When u r about to die you will realize how much precious time you waste on pitiful things with no meaning at all. Stuff like this only has meaning because society in a nutshell sucks. Learn to live life at your fullest not caring about what others do and you will see how happy you will be.
@Jumpman Ah, sorry, my sarcasm filter isn't working today. It started its weekend early.
I agree with what you say. To paraphrase Shakespeare, discretion is the better part of valor.
534 comments in 15 hours? Is Playtonic's decision really that difficult to understand?
It does kinda suck but it's not too surprising really. Jon couldn't watch his mouth and now he is paying the consequence for it. Freedom of Speech does not mean Freedom from Consequence.
@G-Boy wow really
The steam forums are pretty much a freaking swamp right now. but someone did bring up this good point
It's the same thing as employees getting fired for saying things the company disagreed with.
Also, Internet is a public place, even if many use it in the comfort of their own homes. If you say things like this in a public place, you've got to accept that there'll be a backlash - especially when discussing heavy political topics like the ones Jon brought up, and the way he discussed them. I won't comment on his statements, but... yeah, whether you like it or not, he had become a hot potato and it would have been difficult for Playtonic to keep him in their hands. They're getting flak for letting him go, they would have probably gotten even more flak for keeping him in. It's basic damage control.
And before you yell "Freedom of Speech", well, this doesn't exclude "Freedom of Thinking before saying something". He really should have thought twice before saying stuff like that. Rule of thumb, when online, always go "Would I really say that in the open?" or, if replying to someone, "would I really say that to them if we were having thgis discussion in person?" Hell, for Jon, it's basically "Can I really say this despite my current advertisement deals/roles in future projects/etc."? So... yeah. Agree or disagree all you want with JonTron, it was still stupid as Hell of him to reveal that he had such beliefs. Had he not done those jokes/said these things, he wouldn't be under fire today. And we'd all still think he's just one of the many ultra-popular YouTubers whose political opinions don't matter, as long as he keeps making good videos and doesn't bring up said opinions of his own volition.
@PtM Destiny's claims and comments werent all factual either. @admwllms "The earth isn't flat, non-whites aren't inferior to white people, and Hitler wasn't socialist. Vaccines aren't giving people autism and global warming is real."
Earht being flat is an opinion but a faulty one at that easily disproved by physics, the curve on the horizon etc, white people are also not inferior to non whites so that point is invalid, and never did JT claim such a thing he was talking about regulation of immigrants and being able to speak out against the bad seeds and being able to deport them to their home country if they refuse to intergrate. Hitler not being a socialist was only clear in hindsight and what proof does one have that none of these 'social' groups have no hidden agenda at all (not saying they DO but one can never be sure.) The idea of vaccines causing autism is just stupid... there is not even a good explaination to validate that even if you believed in it, kinda like the flat earth thing.
Opinon: noun
a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
You people like facts so much, an opinion is never 100% factual to begin with because it is a personal light on things.
But this is getting old, you guys will cling to you being right not even wanting to read a nuanced view of things because then you might, just might agree you were not totally right afterall.
But I can still not find any racism in his statements and the debate with Destiny was a disaster, Destiny himself is just as bad in debating as JohnTron and was acting like a little imp of a man constantly railroading JT into admitting he was wrong because Destiny brought something to the table that might or might not have been facts and no one likes being called a nazi or a biggot and with this the SJW crowd tend to push and force poeple into a corner that they want to get out of and feel like they should defend themselves thus causing friction.
But not being open to controversial views or views that do not agree with your own is a trait that is more akin to opressors then liberators.
@starfox007 plz no she is garbage
@khululy Destiny was a joke but, Jon still has little excuse. He even defended a known racist politician on Twitter.
@gcunit Why did you guys keep comments open on this?
@Agent721 IKR they even call you racist for pointing out their White Supremacist comments
@AlternateButtons Except America isn't a white nation.
The more I hear about these famous streamers and internet personas, the happier I am that I don't have a clue who any of them are.
Okay. I care because?
Seriously? -_-
@khululy - just repeated a fiction that has been used to give cover to neo-nazis and white supremacists by playing word games.
Any government can call themselves anything, and the Nazi party were not socialists as you think you're defining them. They were adamantly opposed to communism and fought their most vicious rhetorical and military battles against the Soviet communists.
Oh, and to further pour cold water on your talking point: North Korea is by anyone's standard a despotic monarchy enforced by a military ruling elite...but guess what they call themselves:
"The Democratic Republic of North Korea"
So...does that mean that all western democracies are like North Korea now? Hey...they call themselves a democratic republic, so it must be!
Lol..."Nazis are socialists" word's beyond silly propaganda.
The forum moderators can't lock it, only article posters and lead mods can.
@NIN10DOXD @shaneoh Yep, gcunit already said he can't. So I'm guessing anyone with a gold star, or Mitch.
I honestly don't know how wanting a halt/reformation of the current immigration system is racist. Middle eastern countries in Particular have certain ideologies that do not mix with western values. This is coming from the son of an immigrant. Also too many people are screaming ''racist'' lol like that means anything nowadays. Jontron is half Iranian and in his last video he showed that a few of his filming crew are Hispanic. Yeah he's totally a racist and not just a concerned citizen he may have said some things in the wrong way. Seriously some of you need to grow up and start listening instead of giving in to your emotions.
@shaneoh @Paddle1 Wasn't Mitch here earlier in the comments?
@NIN10DOXD I don't see any comments by Mitch on this page, (or, it appears, anyone with the ability to close the comments). No way to know if he saw any of them either. If he wanted it closed he probably would have closed them from the start.
@gcunit So this entire post will be deleted if there's another comment with swearing, if I'm reading your comments correctly?
All I have to say to these comments: Wow. Just wow.
God i hate slur campaigns.
Jon wasn't in the wrong, but theres so many SJW's out there that will complain and weak Companies (Like Playtonic) back down because they are afraid of being slurred as well.
It's like PETA, just ignore them, and eventually they'll become irrelevant and their stupidity will be well known.
I hope a Hat in Time keeps JonTron's voice lines, at least they have a sense of loyalty.
Seriously? I don't even know what you're referring to.
That's not what got everyone's blood boiling. It was the white purity comments that got people upset.
Loved the article and all of your previous articles. Keep up the good work!!
@Devlind Yes I know, those of us that believe in sovereignty, border control and rule of law and not the globalist movement are all xenophobic, racist, misogynists that just don't understand the plight of others. The point of the executive order is to try and know who is coming into your country and why. It's not a right. Europe is on its way to drowning under refugees because of their policies.
After listening to what was said in that "interview", it felt like he was setup without him being able to explain why he felt that way. So in turn taken out of context. What really makes this worse is how NeoGAF went full SJW and whined to Playtonic to get him removed, which afterwards they paraded the fact of what they did.
How Playtonic went about this should be noted by others on how NOT to handle this kind of situation.... Removing somebody on the spot, then harping on afterwards about it publicly (after JonTron even stated that he was disappointed, but wished them the best of luck), then treating their kickstarter backers like garbage..... There is going to be some fallout over this with some for a while.
I am in no way defending JonTron, since what he said was questionable at best, but this whole issue was blown out of proportion right from the get go.
@AlternateButtons Totally agree with you. I almost feel like not buying the game because of how Playtonic reacted. Nevertheless, I will still get Yooka-Laylee. But I'm so peeved off at them.
Playtonic should probably reconsider doing anything on Nintendo since Japan has a really strict immigration and refugee policy and want to continue to maintain their sovereignty.
Let the power of the internet and deaf ears blow it out of proportion.
Here is the Hungarian/Iranian(for those who don't know him) Jon Jafari's response; which me a half Irish/Asian, agree with.
@brandonbwii so, how is wanting to preserve something that so many people identify with racist? Just like how Asians, hispanics, and blacks want to preserve there heritage so do white people. When they start diving into race superiority that's when its real racism and I'm not down with that. Jontron might've worded his opinions poorly but he's not this white supremacist everyone is making him out to be. Heck like I said the dude is half Iranian, meaning his parents are an interracial couple. I interpret what he said as that he doesn't want what Caucasian immigrants built for this country and the values and morals they established to be replaced and outbred by something like Islam.
White, black, Asians, etc. They will always have their legacy. Interracial relationships is a perfectly acceptable route for the world to go. Why would you limit your options just because someone's race is different than yours? I've seen black people make the same argument and it pisses me off then too, even members of my own family.
Sure if your not attracted to another race that's one thing. It's when you'd refuse to be with others or are upset when you see other interracial couples because you figure it's the beginning of some sort of downfall, that is when you're moving into racist territory.
How would white immigrants be replaced by Islam? Are they being kicked out of America? If so that's news to me.
@AlternateButtons You hate how people get labelled as a racist when they say a bunch of racist things, how sad for you.
You do know what it actually means, right?
@RobinskiIV Yeah, that means he's a white supremacist, ie a racist. Caucasian skin and western culture and anyone in it are better than anyone from all other groups who should be excluded. That's the definition of racism. These people are over emotional and want nanny state laws to protect hem from their irrational fears, and are the real PC brigade who think the term 'racism' isn't PC.
Yeah Mitch was here earlier, I'm guessing he is happy to let this run its course.
Wow... over 500 comments? Almost at 600 here.
when conservatives talk about threats to free speech, what they mean is "when marginalized people use their own free speech it makes me upset."
Don't know what he said (maybe he deserves it, no idea) but this here is freakin' awful line "in light of his recent personal viewpoints".. at least rephrase that differently. Talk about the expression, assertions and the platform, not his mind. Almost 1984ish sentence.y
@brandonbwii nothing to do with Whites, but Islam is a big issue, because as a principle, many adhering to the faith, radicals, believe in eventually enforcing Sharia Law instead of integration or acquiescence to the society. Lots of problems.
Never heard of this guy and i didnt even k ow he had his voice ao really doenst bother me. They can als always add someone els his voice in another update of they want.
This is the kind of absolute NOT NEWS I'd expect to see elsewhere.
It is a pretty standard business decision.
Distance yourself from anything that could have a negative impact on your product.
After his statements this was just a matter of time.
This comment section has given me an ulcer.
The stupidly hypocritical thing about people who say things like that, of whom live in the USA, is that if you're not a Native/Latin/South American or Caribbean, you're the immigrant on the American continents. Those of European descent took the continental United States and Canada from them by force. If those of ancestry from these two continents become the majority once again, that's not a problem, that's a rebalancing.
Jon has family heritage from Iran, which is ironically one of the "incompatible" locations proclaimed through our reality show host in chief. If he applied his views onto his own ancestors, Jon wouldn't even be in the USA right now. He himself would be lumped in with the so-called "undesirables."
That said, this is a very traditionalist viewpoint that has dominated human nations throughout most of history. It wasn't really until the 20th century that globalization and further acceptance of foreigners for each place became common. So there's naturally going to be some hold outs until we become space farers... and then everyone is going to fight each other over whether they were born on Earth, or a space station, or another planet, instead of over ethnicity, genetics, and heritage.
@GothicZM By far, most violent crimes (and crimes in general) in the USA are committed by those of European decent. (No duh, they're the majority population. ) There is a higher crime rate per capita for African Americans than European Americans, but a large contributor to that is nonviolent crimes, especially related to drug usage and unwarranted police attention. (Bad economic situations, in many cases through no fault of their own, leads many to drug usage, regardless of identity.)
@AlternateButtons Isn't the whole point of the USA to be a melting pot, so it doesn't necessarily have any one dominant cultural identity? (Except consumerism, of course. )
@ThanosReXXX If the eastern Native Americans, such as the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, as well as the smaller tribes in the area surrounding modern New England, allowed European settlers to starve and freeze during the Winter instead of helping them, they'd be just as bad as the ones who backstabbed them. But on the other hand, helping out led to their downfall... Quite a conundrum. The larger tribal nations probably would have become the dominant ones, and assimilated or discriminated against smaller tribes, if Europeans had never came. If Spanish Conquistadors of the late 15th century and early 16th century had been lost at sea, it probably would have been a good thing, but who knows how history would have played out...
I'm reminded of an anime called Bokura No, where predetermined groups of youths from different dimensions of Earth duke it out in giant robot a to determine whose Earth should survive. There was even one where their situation was so bad, that they committed suicide and gave up their Earth, so someone else's could live. Despite the horrors met in our Earth, it is not in the worst timeline.
I was consider buying Yooka-Laylee, but in light of this decision to censor and politically persecute JonTron by Playtronic, I will be boycotting this game. Cultural Marxist SJWs are worse than Islamists, and they will be eradicated within the next decade by the upcoming Global Wars.
I was responding to your explanation of what he said. He sounds like a jerk. some of the hateful and ridiculous rhetoric in this comment section.
Literally no other reason for me commenting, other than this thread will go down in history, and I want to be a part of it (for better or worse).
@AlternateButtons I won't go as far as to call you racist. But your very first post in this thread says alot on where your opinions seem to be stand. The fact you boil down combating hateful speech as some kind of "liberal agenda" speaks volumes.
You know.. It's crazy how we have in common with the love of video games,and video Game characters...Yet,so different with real life Issues,and veiws of society..
I woulda never guessed JonTron felt that way.i enjoyed his work.I can't enjoy his videos,and laugh knowing how he feels about my people,and others.
Noooo, this makes me sad. ;_;
Maybe Arin has a burping cameo too? Oh... That makes me even sadder...
@Jessica286 I wholeheartedly agree with you.
@KirbyTheVampire yeah back when black people had to sit on the back of a bus or use different restrooms and water fountains right? Those were the good old days for you weren't they.
I will show my support for Playtonic by purchasing this game on as many Platforms as I can. Racist should be shunned and treated like the deplorables they are.
@Arcamenel Umm what? When did I ever say that? I flat out said I disagreed with JonTron. The only thing I sort of agree with is the immigration thing, but even then I don't think immigration should be flat out banned, just regulated so that terrorists/threatening people in general can't come into our countries. People shouldn't just be let in willy-nilly. Even that isn't a racist statement, though. I'm white, and even if the people from said countries were white as well, I would still say they shouldn't all just be let in carelessly.
All I was saying is that going into "SJW mode" is an unprofessional thing for a company to do. I didn't say I disagreed with them that skin color doesn't matter or anything like that. Don't put words in my mouth.
@KirbyTheVampire While I don't disagree that you should be watchful in trying to prevent those with extremist POV that want to cause harm from entering the country, we need to pay more attention to the homegrown terrorist right here in our own backyard. At least here in the US
@AlternateButtons An opposing view point is tea is better than coffee or Backstreet Boys over N'sync. Spewing nonsense about racial purity is racist. No amount of snowflake/triggeredPC/SJW bellyaching is gonna change that.
@Grez I don't know where you live, but if your country has never had any sort of problem like other countries (were people are basically forced to move from their homes or leave their families behind just to survive), you'll never truly understand their position. Just take a look to all the haitian refugees that were unable to cross the border for shelter, I can bet all my belongings that if you and your family were in their position, you would have a different POV.
Of course you're on your right to defend your country and your interests, but if that means that you must turn your back on the struggle of someone else, I don't believe you're a good person.
@UmbreonsPapa That's true. There are definitely hateful people in first world countries as well that should be dealt with. There's no excuse for attacking someone based on their skin color, physically or otherwise. I don't think hateful people born in our own countries are threats to national security nearly as often as hateful people not from our countries are, but they should all be persecuted regardless.
@RobinskiIV @G4RY Culture is never displaced unless you get rid of most people of that specific culture (just like what happened to native americans). Culture is only enriched by other culture, and that's called progress. If we really wanted to preserve our culture, we would be naked, living in caves and hunting our dinner in the wilds, unless you're into that kind of stuff.
@Devlind like culture is definitely important, but you dont understand how gay i truly am and how important my gayness is to my culture
Okay, anybody who is conflating Playtonic being against 'free speech' with, "They have the free speech to remove Jon from the game!" is being ridiculous. Yea, nobody is legally being forced not to speak here, but Playtonic or anyone calling Jon a racist is still anti-free speech.
Calling someone a racist is almost universally 1) incorrect and 2) not useful to the discussion if you're trying to have an honest discussion. It only serves to distract from actual points, and jeopardizes the other person's standing with their friends, employers, others when you say it. This in turn causes: people not to be open or forthright with their actual opinions. Which means we never get to hear their opinions, and we have less of an understanding of the feelings people have on certain issues.
So we don't get to hear a whole side of an argument because people are uncomfortable with letting someone voice it. To avoid ever hearing it, they call out as many people as racists as possible, so we never actually get to hear right-leaning arguments on race and culture. Then, everyone is surprised when a surprise Republican gets elected into office, and you only have yourselves to blame for shaming them into silence in the first place. If actually engaging with a left-leaning (or SJW) person was possible in a debate without some kind of consequence, maybe we'd all be a little more understanding of each other's positions.
....Why is the comment section open again?
@G4RY Well, I certainly didn't though about it until now. Now I wonder what would have happened if Jon speaked againts gay people instead.
@Joeynator3000 Ad revenue of course.
@Devlind i would teach Jon the ways of my gayness
Btw im gay
@G4RY I think that would be a kind of a stretch
We have freedom of speech, we also have freedom of choice. So Jontron can say what he wants but Playtonic are free to take his voice off the game and peeople are free to say Jontron's opinions suck. Of course, people are free to get upset about all that but, really, what's the point? I'm sure the Breitbart readers will all say they are going to boycott the game now but the vast majority of people interested in this game don't know who Jontron is and never will.
And you have illustrated how most conservatives put partisanship and generalizations above logical arguments. You've also shown the complete ignorance of the right to the reality of race in America.
"Simply put that is a racist statement"
Racist: a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Racist is quite the loaded term, so I would appreciate if you would clearly explain how what I said warrants calling me that. Unlike me, Jon made discriminatory comments. I just said that we should work towards giving people of color an actual voice, rather than drowning them out with people (probably like you) who would call the Black Lives Matter movement "racist."
I'm white. I want my voice to be heard. However, if I went to a Black Lives Matter rally, it would be inappropriate for me to take the reigns of the event and assume that I'm fully qualified to speak on the behalf of the people who are actually suffering from discrimination. Don't get me wrong, I would want to lend my support to the cause. But speaking priority should not be given to me.
"One of the people in the running for the head of the DNC in america(the head of the leftist party)"
...Oh God. Here we go.
I'm not a Democrat. And there is no one "leftist party." There are many left-leaning parties, but not a singular leftist party.
I'm not sure why you decided to attack the history of "my party" (it's not actually my party) rather than attacking my argument. Well, I guess I do know why.
It's because you're letting partisanship overrule a logical, objective approach to addressing racial issues in the U.S.
I'm not a young child, as you can probably tell. I understand the history of politics in America. I understand that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. I understand that Democrats existed almost entirely in the post-Reconstruction, racist South for many years.
However, I also understand that parties evolve. The Democratic party is literally nothing like it was 150 years ago, just like the Republican party is nothing like it was 150 years ago. If you want to play the "your party was racist game," Republicans literally abandoned Southern blacks from 1877 onwards, and did almost nothing even before 1877.
Please understand that I'm not attacking your argument by attacking the Republican party. I don't even know if you are a Republican. I'm showing you the absurdity of spending an entire paragraph ignoring my assertions and attacking the history of a party.
"leftist bullies"
How immature. I never called you playground insults. I speak for myself, so don't lump me in with these "bullies" you so vigorously believe in.
@patbacknitro18 I'm waiting for your logical, coherent counterargument. You wanted time to write, and I gave you two days.
@brandonbwii Oh no, anti-freedom of speech police and sensitive liberals who deem factual information as racism in 3, 2, 1...
"You have a political viewpoint — everything Jon said is factual stuff, mind you — which we disagree with and can't argue, so we'll call you racist instead"
That's what PlayTonic sounds like.
Over 600 comments! Wow, this must be some kind of record,
Wow, this place is practically a warzone.
Rich black people do not commit more crime than poor white people. That is one of many things JonTron said.
@brandonbwii I'm not sure about that particular scenario, but black individuals do commit more crime in the U.S than any other ethnicity, despite only making up about 13% of the population. This isn't racist, it's fact.
@-Crystalline- He didn't say that. He just took a statistic and embellished it. That's not difference of opinion, that's just a lie.
@brandonbwii Fair enough
The fact that this comment section is being left open is ridiculous. We've had racist comments, Nazi accusations, and just overall general user vs. user attacks.
I guess it gets the clicks though, so that's what counts, right? Forget the fact that this is supposed to be a family-friendly site, or that political commentary is supposedly verboten.
Cheers, my friend.
@PlywoodStick No offense, but which tribe did what to whom, is not really my concern nor my point, so that's completely irrelevant. My only point was that white people aren't the natural inhabitants of the America's, so America shouldn't really have a white identity as was proposed by the other commenter.
And I beg to differ on this not being the worst timeline to be in, considering all the international meddling both we and the Europeans have done with one of the larger consequences we now face being global terrorism, and that is a battle that is going to take longer than any modern war we've ever been in, which is not only sad, but actually entirely unnecessary, if we only would have been able to suppress our greed and curiosity in things that really don't concern us...
All in all, man has done more evil than good to each other and the Earth. Regardless of whether we've been put here by grand design or evolution, it would have been much better if the ladder would have stopped with monkeys and dolphins being the most intelligent beings...
@the_shpydar I'm actually liking this as I don't often visit political sites. This is the most I've ever shared my opinions and seen so many others.
I respect that, and i enjoy a good discourse as much as anyone else. But this is not the place for it.
(Also, just as an aside, you are one of the few in this comment section who has been speaking rationally and logically. Kudos. )
Sheesh. This comment section is pretty much a political war-zone. I'll return when everything in this comment section seem to deescalate.
@Damo The fact that in the past this site has shut down volatile comment sections dealing with sexism and anti LGBT bigotry yet lets this one full of white supremacist ideology run wild is a cause for concern. This is a site about gaming is it not? I'm starting to feel that the general consensus of the staff is that white supremacist ideology is just an opinion and that the staff is choosing to let this mind field continue to run dividing it users. If it's really about money open a patreon and I'll give Nintendo Life a 10 spot a month to keep this site about games and not racial purity.
@-Crystalline- I would argue that racial profiling plays a huge part of this. For example African Americans and White Americans smoke weed at the same rate yet the arrest rate for African Americans for possession of weed is many times higher. These are also facts.
Let this non-issue die already, holy ****.
@BLAZINOAH Congratulations. You win the prize for possibly one of the most heinous comments in NL's history. It's one thing to have ideological disagreements, it's another thing entirely to advocate genocide.
@EVIL-C @Nintendolife won't let it cuz clicks
@ThanosReXXX Interesting. I never pegged you for a nihilistic environmentalist of sorts.
I do understand and largely agree with your point on the historical European invasion of the American continents and islands. I was just noting that according to their own history, the inhabitants of the two American continents (even the Native Americans) are human too, and have their own history of wars, slavery, hardships, and failures. Obviously not of such a massive scale as Europeans wrought, but still, they have terrible tales to tell too.
Personally, I think the worst timeline is the one where everyone was nuked into oblivion, in a merciless round of mutually assured destruction during an alternate Cold War turned Hot. It would be a shame for this entire planet, and all it's creatures and wonders, to have to die just because humanity failed to keep itself in check.
We've largely passed that point now. That was our most vulnerable time. I think if this planet were truly doomed, it would have happened already. So I will retain hope for the future for as long as I am able. I'm just sad I won't get to live into the 22nd century to see our progress.
My goodness, 600+ comments! Guess that's what happen when you have an extremely controversial topic.
@faint The admins have actually deleted some white supremacist comments in the thread, but I think they've given up on it's current state. There's a frickin' comment at #571 advocating genocide, which they sat on all day after it was reported.
@PlywoodStick I can't figure out why they didn't leave it locked like it was earlier. That's kinda my whole problem with them now.
@faint Oh, so they did? Here I was thinking that notice at the end of the article was just for show...
@PlywoodStick they should have kept it locked. The only thing I can figure is they had a general consensus in the office that it was ok to have such and awful divisive comment section running and unlocked it.
@faint It will hopefully be remedied soon.
I think they are right to remove him from the game. Just because this is the internet, doesn't mean you need to voice your opinion like that, and honestly, I find JonTron's comments to be very disrespectful, and he deserves the backlash he has gotten. I'll still be buying the game, that is definitely going to happen
@Devlind "If we really wanted to preserve our culture, we would be naked, living in caves and hunting our dinner in the wilds, unless you're into that kind of stuff."
I am into that kind of stuff.At this moment,I am semi naked,inside a cave and cooking my hunt from earlier on.Once I'm done I'm going to sit by the fire till morning then make my way to one of the Divine Beast's.
@Yorumi The national leadership behind those so-called "leftist viewpoints" are actually neoliberals, who fall somewhere into the authoritarian right section of the political compass. Pretty much everyone in a high seat of power in the USA is vetted to make sure they fall within those boundaries, including the "regressive left." Few of those in power, except for people like Bernie Sanders, are actually centrists, and literally almost no one in power, except for people like Kshama Sawant, are genuine leftists. They wouldn't bring up the topic in such a way. It's all smokescreens and theatrics to trick people into thinking a certain way and fight each other over pointless battles to distract us.
@TheLZdragon You mean it will be remedied when they wake up.
"What a horrible night to have a curse..."
@PlywoodStick I wasn't aware that the staff has been asleep for 24 hrs.
@devlind so you would call the current cultural enrichment of Islamic culture into the UK that resulted in a terrorist attack on the British parliament and left 4 dead a few days ago progress? Or the multitude of terror attacks instigated by this culture upon innocent westerners over the past decade progress? The Orlando nightclub shooting that targeted the LGBT community is progress? That's a very backwards way of viewing progress.
@RobinskiIV would you call the us dropping a bomb on a mosque and killings 200 women, men and children who had nothing to do with isis progress?
@Shane76 playtonic did nothing wrong. It's their brand and their product. They can hire and fire whoever they want. If jons ideology strongly contrasts with theirs they have every right to distance themselves from him.
@Som64 Do you remember the RCMADIAX storm?
I imagine if kept in, it may have caused controversy down the line with bad publicity. They've done the smart thing and got a ton of good publicity now, still really looking forward to this game!!
@faint We need our beauty sleep every now and then
Anyway, I'll be here today. Let's discuss...
Playtonic has every right to drop the guy. You have every right to support this or not. Don't like it? Don't buy it!
@Priceless_Spork There's some new research done which would say otherwise. The prevailing idea is that all indigenous peoples of the American continents originally came by way of Russia/Alaska over frozen tundras and ice sheets. That's a likely case for Inuit and some Canadian First Peoples, but not as likely for others down south.
One current theory is that some people somehow managed to sail from South Africa, and caught the trade winds/current, which took them to the Caribbean and Latin + South America. This took place more than 10,000-12,000 years ago. This has been disputed by the wider scientific community, but then again, they've been covering up places like the Hueyatlaco site in Mexico, which would place the first human inhabitants on the continent at least 100,000-250,000 years ago. They're so convinced that only Clovis can be correct that they're interfering with their own discoveries.
The point of this being, archaeological evidence suggests that neanderthals populated Africa, Western Asia, and Europe, but were eventually bred out or killed by the more aggressive homo sapiens at least 100,000 years ago. Of course, homo sapiens would eventually evolve into homo sapiens sapiens, the form humanity takes today. (And no, indigenous Americans weren't "killed off." They're still here.)
In fact, speaking of indigenous Americans not being neanderthals, there's been some fairly recent genetic testing done, which identifies the Cherokee as actually having some ancient Egyptian ancestry in them. Now how did that happen?
@Shane76 Any act of killing innocent people en masse, regardless of who does it, is an act of terrorism.
So... uh... anyone playing that new Zelda game? I heard it's pretty good.
@PlywoodStick Don't worry, you don't have to peg me as such: that label doesn't even begin to fit me.
I'm a realist, an empath, a people person, a team player, and a person always looking for the solution instead of trying to list the things that can't be done/are impossible. I like to move forward in life...
Oh, and I like animals and children; the only beings on this Earth that are honest most of the time...
And I did get your point about the native tribes, but that doesn't mean we should have the right to have almost wiped them from the Earth. Just look at tribal wars in Africa: the same should apply to that continent too then, I suppose. (hint: it doesn't)
As for that timeline: I slightly misinterpreted you there. If we're going to talk about all the bad things that COULD have happened, then the Nazi's could have won the war and so on...
But true, it's a VERY good thing that we dodged the nuclear war bullet, but at the same time, that doesn't discount our current predicament with terrorism, which certainly isn't a picnic either.
But good on you for keeping hope, I'm the same, even though I can't fault you for thinking I was a bit more pessimistic than that.
And I would also be interested to see what happens in the next few centuries. Then again: maybe we're better off not knowing...
All I'm curious about now is how we are going to get along with countries like Turkey and Russia and how that will affect Europe.
And to swing back to game-related matters, the other thing I'm highly curious about is the next E3, especially in light of Reggie's latest statements, in which he claimed that Nintendo is going to show a lot of different games, both for Switch and the 3DS.
@bimmy-lee You get a like for that...
@Priceless_Spork No it's not, no nitpicking please. The United States is situated on the land mass called the Americas, and that ENTIRE landmass, INCLUDING the USA didn't have any natives that where white. The point stands and it is irrefutable.
@ThanosReXXX - Thanks. I wish others could show the same level of civility and class when they debate as you and Plywood are currently displaying
@bimmy-lee Well, there's more like-mannered people on here than just us two. I could be a bit sarcastic and smart@ss about it and say that wisdom comes with age, since I'm allowed to say that at my age, but I actually think it's just common sense and being able to apply a certain self-restraint. Not every discussion needs to be (or can be) won, and there will always be SJW's and keyboard warriors that will keep spouting their nonsense regardless of whether someone agrees with them or listens to them or not.
Such is the power of the internet that even persons that should not really have gotten a voice, are in possession of one now. But it's the age we live in, and to an extent, it's part of the whole free speech thing. Annoying as it is (and sometimes even plain sad), I just accept that and on most days, I'm able to either ignore it or not let it get to me too much.
Just think of the energy it'll cost you to join in their discussions or simply to invest the time into that. It's a waste, so better guard yourself and just skip over them in the comment sections.
@ThanosReXXX - a controversy regarding race tends to bring the worst out and the worst out of people. It probably always has, and most likely always will. Something about it tends to revert us to poop flinging monkies. Totally agree that wisdom comes with age, but I'm "getting up there" as well.
@bimmy-lee I actually kind of meant to say that the whole "wisdom comes with age" thing isn't universally applicable. I'm not such a strong believer in old tropes and I've met quite a lot of sensible young people, also met some of them on here.
It is true that a certain grasp of things requires a certain age, or at least experience, but especially the latter isn't always bound to age, since some people I know have already lived twice the life I have at half the age, just because of things that happened to them.
And politics or ethnics certainly are trigger topics, but let's not forget the other trigger topic that gathers us all here: fanboys, ahoy...
Jon Tron is a child of two immigrants. How is his comment considered racist or anti-immigrant? I think people are misquoting and/or do not understand.
@ThanosReXXX - I believe Wisdom Is a collection of experiences combined with the ability (or lack of hubris) to be changed or influenced by said experiences, but I'm sure others have come to the same conclusion. Nice chatting with you.
Edit: And you're right, most of us are here because we share a passion for Nintendo. No matter how vehemently we disagree on other topics; we share that common interest.
@bimmy-lee Eh, I hear it was merely okay. Just got a bunch of 10/10s. Nothing too special... It's only THE BEST GAME OF THE DECADE!!!
@PlywoodStick - I might pick it up when it goes on sale, but only after I've finished exploring The Letter and worked through my backlog of Skunk Software and RCMADIAX games.
Jon was literally spewing unfounded xenophobia. If he spoke on a platform founded on actual research rather than more hateful assumptions then I'd agree that what Playtonic said was uncalled for, but I think they were 100% in their rights.
@bimmy-lee I can agree to that point of view. And likewise: nice chatting with you too. Always good to see that what little is left in me concerning hope for humanity is sometimes actually warranted...
@ThanosReXXX - Wow, very kind, and right back at you. I only recently created an account, but I've been a daily visitor since the Wii era, and I've always enjoyed your posts. Take care.
Just gonna say, Jon did go on a video saying that he apologized for what he said and that he was not properly prepared for the situation he was put in. His videos are heavily apolitical, and usually very scripted. He's not very good at talking live and as such, he came out and apologized about what was said. That's my 2 cents though.
They didn't have to do that. Everyone has opinion. It doesn't mean everybody needs to think the same way. I really hate it when people are not allowed to say what they feel and think
Can't wait until this whole thing blows over.
@TheLZdragon my argument has nothing to do with buying or not buying. (I'm buying) My argument is should a game site divide it users by letting a comment section about racial purity and white supremacist ideology continue to live? This site should be about games. Period.
@Alucard83 he was and did say what he thinks. Playtonic did also.
@CloudyTheGlace I take this as bs personally. In my experience people self edit while talking in person. I imagine his true beliefs are worse.
@Priceless_Spork Countries aren't land masses? I'd say that's heavily debatable. The best thing I can do for you is reformulate it into "countries are part of land masses" or "countries are situated on land masses" which, for all intent and purposes, makes countries very much a part of that same land mass...
As for the whole point of the discussion, allow me to clarify: I reacted to a comment saying that America should have a white identity, which is of course total BS.
And the Indians have been here for hundreds and maybe even thousands of years before any of our lily-white ancestors ever set foot on the coast, and the vikings even beat us to it by around 400 years...
So, I'm not saying that people can't claim identity with a country, that would be stupid. If you're born somewhere, it's only natural that you feel connected with that location, but even so, we are NOT and never will be the native inhabitants of America, regardless of whether that's North or South America, and THAT was my main point.
We are all descendants of European colonists and/or settlers, and as such, we aren't the indigenous people, and America shouldn't have a white identity. That would be forcing your own identity upon a country, and that is not exactly the same as feeling at home in a country or identifying yourself with it.
@faint Maybe the moderators are in their personal Shrines of Resurrection and will be asleep for 100 years. It certainly seems that way.
@ThanosReXXX OH NOOOOO you were so busy typing your comment that you didn't notice you got #666! Quick, delete and repost!
@KirbyTheVampire 100 years of no admins!?
...Hey. Wanna bet that the Irish NL users will still be arguing about Nintendo console stock in Ireland by then?
@PlywoodStick Oh yeah, for sure. A certain Irish user will probably be hating on the system of that time for some reason and will still be nostalgic about the Wii U, too.
@PlywoodStick And burden someone else with that load? Nàh...
Good thing I'm no superstitious or religious person, then. To me, it's just three similar numbers, a jackpot on a slot machine or a story in an ancient story book that holds no personal value for me other than curiosity. (no offense meant to people that think or feel otherwise)
@Shane76 it did happen. Google is your friend.
@Shane76 not sure how I was apologizing for terrorists. Could you enlighten me?
This is pretty sleazy and cowardice of them to claim it's based on diversity and JonTron's alleged stance against it(?). JonTron is in no way against diversity and I'd challenge them to link to where he's against it. They just simply don't want to the negative press with his voice being associated with the game. I have no dog in this fight, I'm just identifying Playtonic's reasoning for removing him as cowardice and dishonest.
@Shane76 I can hate both actions. The problem I see is we point the finger at him but not our own country's and lawmakers. We are at war with extremists not all of Islam. The extremes committ acts of terror but so do we. If we ever really want to stop isil we need to look at ourselves. That bombing is the exact kind of event they use for recruitment. Every time we kill some guys family they get a new soldier. Get it now?
@Shane76 we bombed a full mosque. If a isil sympathizer make it here or Europe only to blow up a church I'm going to remember you and how you call the killings of 200 innocent people collateral damage. It's clear you don't see Muslims as humans so I'm not sure why I'm talking to you. That's the problem with the article and why it should have been shut down yesterday. @nintendolife doesn't realize that you and I could have argued or agreed on video games in this forum on a future article. It won't happen now due to it being colored by this conversation. I would never call an entire group of people barbaric nor would I want to associate with anybody who would. We would be better off just talking about games and not knowing these things about each other. This is a game site after all. @Nintedolife chose clicks before it's users. It's a damn shame.
@OneBagTravel did you watch the interview?
"The problem I see is we point the finger at him but not our own country's and lawmakers."
I saw the irony when Russian backed rebels shot down that plane and the "world" kicked up a huge stink, but when the US bomb a hospital, it's forgotten in a couple of days. I think this quote fits:
“It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.”
@Shane76 see there you go hurling insults and generalizations. This comment section stopped being about playtonic and Jon long ago. This is a game site. We have political sites for political talk. I mean don't you get tired of not having a single damn place to talk about something else. You also implied that I'm a child. I should be able to cal you a #### for this. Problem is they would moderate me for cursing and not you for insulting me and instigating it.
@Shane76 "that's what adults do" implying that I am not one because that's not what I'm doing. I still don't get how you think I'm a terrorist apologist unless you think all Muslims are terrorists. I'm just gave you one of the reasons why some people become terrorists and how we help isil win. Yes I have comments here but I've also asked them to shut in down on many occasions for the last 48 hrs.
@Shane76 I've noticed that when someone throw sjw around they are typically uninformed and bad at debating. I doubt many people take anything you say seriously after you say or type it to them.
@Shane76 bring up the mosque wasn't just a reply to his singular post but a reply to the entire argument he has have with another the culminated in that post. Choosing to be willfully ignorant doesn't make you suddenly right you lnow
@JTMnM I'm not sure if you truly are military but you are a hundred percent correct.
@Shane76 it's funny that you believe your view points to be in the majority. Jon tron has maybe 3 million subscribers? Playtonic is going to be fine and they will make a lot of money. You are what 40. You should know this.
@Shane76 if you mean to say the rise of authoritarian nationalism has brainwashed you in to thinking your winning something when we are all loosing than sure sjws got rect.
Okay, that's enough now - can everyone at least try and stick to the original topic next time? Thanks!
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