It's a good time to be a fan of the good old days of SEGA consoles and also a Nintendo Switch owner, with Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap just weeks away and Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom also heading to the system. It's all a bit awkward with names etc, but the latter is also effectively a new Wonder Boy game, with original series creator Ryuichi Nishizawa involved in the project.
FDG Entertainment has now opened up a Twitter campaign that gives some hope of a physical retail release of Monster Boy, as you can see below.
Well, yes is the obvious answer.
If you need a reminder of what Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is all about, a neat trailer is below.
Are you looking forward to this one, and would you opt for a physical retail edition on Switch?
Comments 63
No harm, yes. Physical releases are always better than digital in my book. I gave them a like and asked them to make sure there's a European physical release.
I want everything on game card
I'll always choose physical over digital. I just hope they release them same day. I hate thinking something is digital only and then getting a physical release after I caved and bought it digital.
Oh yeah! This and Wonderboy 3 both need physical releases! The Monsterboy people said we would probably get a book with the physical copy too!
If that means the game is priced higher on Switch, then no?
Having choices is a good thing. YES!
Hell to the yes!! Voted and I'll 100% support and purchase it if they do.
Sure; why not.
@yuwarite Thankfully I just saw them respond to someone asking this on twitter, and they say it will be the same price.
I am not on social media
The neo geo switch needs physical games.
@Pink_Floyd I like your dog
Absotively posilutely!!! Both games physical please!! As a collector, I always prefer physical retail release!! Just do same day and not 6 months apart!!
@yuwarite My thoughts exactly.
@Whopper744 and the physical copy can then be resold
Yeah, definitely.
Make it happen !
I'll be buying it digitally so if it means I'll have to pay a tenner extra to cover the costs of them releasing it physically then I'd rather they not. Hopefully this practice was more a case of the Rime dev being greedy rather than an indicator of how it's going to be.
Game looks average but yeah, why not. Cover art is nice though.
Edit: Not if it's going to cost £10 more.
Not if it will delay the release. Honestly, I always buy little games like this digitally.
@Pink_Floyd You are very wise not to be. And you are wise for that username.
@UK-Nintendo I'd assume so. If I personally get the game I'd probably neber sell it anyway. Usually isn't worth it.
I would have said I like the physical cart, however I wouldn't be interested in having to pay an extra $10 for it, and even if the difference isn't significant, games on the sd cards may have better performance...
F yeah! If they release a game card I'm all over that. This series is still to this day one of my favourites.
By the way. I'll pay extra for the card, it's worth it.
Ideally, I want everything on cartridge. I suppose VC releases can be the exception (though I would still take a full price cartridge with a compilation of games over a digital-only release). Budget-priced GameCube VC cartridges would be great as well.
Considering that many of the download-only games in the Switch eShop cost about $30, I feel that a game that costs that much or more should be issued a physical release. If Nintendo can sell 3DS games for as little as AU$29.95 (at full retail price), then they can sell us budget-priced Switch games at retail for $40-$50. Has-Been Heroes has done it, and I'd like to see other budget titles follow suit.
Only thing bad about this plan is that this game is being released so close to Wonder Boy. Likely to cause confusion and loss of sales...
People! Stop saying you'll pay extra for a physical copy! You want to pay the same as other physical platforms or less than digital.
I'm definitely getting it digitally (cards in Brazil are ridiculously expensive), but hey, sure, you get my vote!
I have never "liked" a tweet so fast. lol
Yes! This is the type of game I want to buy.
Maybe they should try some sort of pre-order. So they know for sure how many people want an physical copies. But its hard to say.
I would like that!
Monster Boy and Wonder Boy are must haves for me, day one. Still at war with myself over physical or digital. And yes, I know the pros and cons of either.
Well since they are asking. YES. The ONLY reason I didn't buy "I am Setsuna" is because there was no physical copy.
If they confirmed no bullpoo price hiking for physical, then count me in.
Why not? It would sway a lot more people to buy it.
They already said there would be no increase to cost if physical. Same price on all systems digital or otherwise, and that it would release alongside the digital release, so no delay either
@OorWullie we still don't know the case as to why Rime is more expensive, but I'm still guessing it's the fact they had to outsource (pay) an external company to produce it - in this case Tantalus in Australia. Where as far as I'm aware, the Xbone/PS4 versions are all developed in house. And they had less time to port it in.
A physical release should not increase price - UNLESS (as it should be) they increase the physical release because it costs more to make. eShop games and all digital games should be cheaper then retail - and that's never the case.
@SCAssassin price hike for physical release "should" be the way it is. Its cheaper to sell and deliver online than physically - and yet we are so use to the same price (or even cheaper via retail) that we ignore this fact.
We already pay a premium on all digital purchases - where digital should be cheaper and physical more expensive.
@Equinox So the Hard Copy from Japan has English sub titles?
@sillygostly I'm all for it! Its harder to justify for smaller devs paying to get a game published - but Nintendo will hopefully (or they should) help get some of these on shelves.
Games like Hallowed Knight, Shovel Knight and Stardew Valley all deserve physical release (and I'm holding out on SK: Treasure Trove for a physical release, as I have the base version on Wii U).
Looks like a direct download type game to me.
Yes but I'm done with physical games. i don't ever want to take Zelda out. 256gb will take a while to fill. And I want all games ready to play at any moment.
Yes!! For sure!
Game looks awesome and i love the box art, nice for my collection.
I'm 100% digital for Switch, but more physical games means an increased retail presence, which leads to more sales. Physical copies are a good thing.
Just not for me.
I'm fairly sold on the game, but I will make this clear. If this were put to a physical card for the Switch I would buy it without any doubt.
I'm not on twitter or I'd reply as much.
Considering my Switch has poor download connection, I would definitely be for a physical release. Although whether I would still get it or not I'm not sure of, I'm leaning more towards The Dragon's Trap.
Same release date as the digital version AND price parity across all platforms? I love this dev already!
I'd prefer a physical cart to a download, but I'll be getting this day one regardless of what happens.
Yes absolutely. Especially for this game. I love anything Wonderboy related.
Yes and Yes and Yes I would much rather have physical copies of titles much easier to display, trade, re-sell or let friends borrow I only like to download small quick play titles more significant triple A titles physical all the way.
I think it's dumb to even have a vote. Every game should be physical release too... But anyway. Hell yeah I want this on cartridge!
yes yes yes yes yes, affirmative
They don't need to ask,just do it. This goes for all games released even if the smaller games has a limited print
Given that I still have my original Wonder Boy in Monster Land and Wonderboy III Master System cartridges I say.... YES!!!
if it pushes the price up then No thanks
I'm all for a physical release for two reasons:
1. I just love having a physical copy to keep on my shelf.
2. Eventually you won't be able to re-download the game if you need to. Or at least I assume Nintendo will eventually (years down the road) shut off the download service for Switch as they did with the Wii. Have they done it with the Wii U yet? I don't have one, so I'm not sure.
Yes please! Looks like a beautiful game I wasn't even aware of until this post. Box a cartridge and I will preorder!
If Switch becomes the console that finally kills this "indie digital" junk and puts real developers where they rightfully belong, back on the retail shelf where they used to be before the early '00,s the Switch will be the single best thing to happen to gaming since the NES.
Voted. Hope it becomes a reality.
Yes, but it has to have an awesome instruction manual.
@markie7235 I don't have a problem with game prices except digital. Digital should be a bit cheaper.
@DEZn00ts I completely agree, digital should be. No idea why at this point in time it's not. I don't mind paying a premium for physical either
Is this in the same series as Wonderboy?
@Sir_Deadly Yes, it's the same creator. They only called it Monster Boy because the series has a strange naming convention.
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