Way back in May 2014, TheMexicanRunner began his NESMania project with the ultimate objective of completing every single officially licensed western NES game live on Twitch. That's a whopping 714 games in total, in case you were wondering.
After three epic years, he's now one game away from achieving that goal. He's racked up a staggering 3000 hours of gameplay during this epic quest, and on February 26th at 12 PM EST, he will sit down to play - and complete, we don't doubt - Super Mario Bros. 3, arguably one of the console's best titles.
By the end of play on the 26th - barring some terrible natural disaster - TheMexicanRunner will become the first person to beat every single NES game and stream it live - that's quite an accomplishment. You can watch events unfold on Twitch, and check out all of his previous videos over on this YouTube channel.
Comments 66
That is EPIC!!! Honestly Kudos to him
What's he going to do after he's done this? The SNES?
Wow, and I'm already taking months just to finish Final Fantasy XV and Rise of the Tomb Raider. Where does he find the time?
3000 hours? That's my game save time in Disgaea 5! J/K
Big Kudos that's an awesome accomplishment !
714 games.🎮
3 years.📆
1 YouTuber.📺
No Life.
I hope his bedroom wasn't too NESsy! (get it?)
That's one for the resume. It shows dedication.
That's one way to get through a backlog!
Do the math! Its 88 hours play time per month.
Around 3 hours a day - but every day ; )
Maybe he has no life, but his no-life is very awesome.
Life does not let me finish 20 games per console. 25 if I'm lucky.
But then again I still play Mario kart 8
Yes it`s a matter of how you are using your time. Who determines what a real life is? When I give a **** about what a real life is and I enjoy playing as many games as possibile, it is ok as long as I have fun.
I would never play all games of a certain console, because there are too many of them that are aweful. Even on good ones like the SNES. But I also try to play as many games as I can - although I can barely invest 3 hours a day.
Incredible! And he saved the best for last!!!
I would argue that the people watching him on Twitch have less of a life than he does...
I don't feel so bad about my total time on Animal Crossing now.
That's dedication for you.
3000 hours doesn't seem very long considering all the RPGs on the NES. Then again, some NES games can be completed under a half-hour. Did he even bother with the edutainment games? Like Sesame Street?
Nice... I sent this in as a "news tip"... others probably did as well, but I hoped it helped... I have spectated a lot of the NESmania streams!
Yes, every officially licensed NTSC & PAL game... you can easily look up the list of beaten games... NESmania has a spreadsheet that shows the game, winning condition, completion time, etc.
He beat games like Sesame Street, Jeopardy, and the most ridiculous: Miracle Piano Teaching System... it took like 91 hours and luckily TMR is also a musician, or it probably wouldn't have been possible.
There is a Google Doc spreadsheet available if you just search "NESmania"... it has all kinds of info that you might find interesting... some guys were an hour or less, some were 5 to 50 hours... a little shy of 5 hours per game average overall.
Damien... I feel like it would benefit the article to mention TheMexicansRunner's other video game related accomplishments... including speedrun records in Battletoads, Contra Co-Op, participating at the Nintendo World Championship, AGDQ/SGDQ appearances, etc.
@BionicDodo Though there almost certainly are a few regular viewers, a lot of them probably didn't watch every single stream. And even then, there's such a thing as having it running in the background while you do something else.
Jirard has an rival now...
How?! I thought some of these games weren't even beatable?! Lol
Thing is, he has to be good enough to beat them too right? Like this isn't with codes?
Cuz BattleToads alone would keep me from this feat. It's more than just the time input.
By the way, I'm pretty sure he's a full-time streamer so this is also great press for his income stream. Instead of "no life" it's a different strange career path some have embarked on. Not sure it's sustainable, but props to those enjoying it!
Does he use save states? If not, that's really amazing.
Definitely no cheat codes were used in any game...
TMR holds the current WR speedrun time for Battletoads 100%.
He has used save-states to practice some games... but they were all beaten legit... no cheat codes, no save-states...
I believe warps and in-game glitches were fair game... but I don't believe any super exotic glitches were used.
Did he use any cheats? Games like terminator are hell.
Well, he sounds like he knows the library very well, then. Nice to hear he wasn't just save stating all the time and powering through just to say he did it.
Another thing about NESMania is that TMR only used information about the game included in the original manual. So for games like Ikari Warriors he beat it without using ABBA, because that button input for a continue is not shown in the game manual. Bump 'n Jump was also another game he beat without using a continue.
@Blastcorp64 I was thing the exact same thing. That technically means he spent an average of just over 4 hours per game.
Pretty awesome dude
Geez, how did he beat even the barely playable tripe that was on the NES that was Infiltrator and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?! Hats off to that guy. Did he do it all without cheats codes, guides, etc.?
He played 714 games and turned into Popeye.
the spreadsheet is amazing. I recall someone saying To the Earth is one of the hardest games to beat. He gave it a 9, and took 12 hours. So there's hope.
The fact that his spreadsheet ranks Cobra Triangle and Legacy of the Wizard so highly in difficulty (10 and 9, respectively) makes me feel better about myself--i've played both of these games throughout my life and never seriously dreamed of beating them, so knowing they're this difficult makes me happy.
Also makes me feel a lot better about myself in that he ranks RC Pro Am as a 9 is cool--i've definitely beaten his criteria (level 24).
@holygeez03 Huh, if warps are fair game I don't think it's really going to take him all that long to beat SMB3. I think with 2 flutes it was possible to just skip to the last world?
He is going to play all levels of SMB3 and he has no intention of beating it as fast as possible... he specifically chose the game to be the last NESmania game... he is well aware of the SMB3 warps and he has, of course, beaten the games several times... but using warp whistles to finish the game as quickly as possible would not make a very good finale.
You are correct... there is no way anyone can make a rational argument that any of the games were not beaten legit.
@holygeez03 Yeah it would be pretty anti-climatic if he beat it using warps.
Well, you can watch it here:
Definitely no cheat codes or guides... but he occasionally received some help from chat in certain games.
Aren't there a few games that don't "end" in that lineup (like Tetris)? How do you beat those?
That's cool!
@Fandabidozi what is your total time?
@Blastcorp64 It's 3400+ hours (Less than 3500), I've been watching off and on for a while and he's entertaining.
@dronesplitter He tried to do every game he didn't know Blind and without spoilers...
@Alshain01 There are conditions that are considered the finish point. This is often getting to the point where its too fast for a person to react or when it actually starts looping.
@dronesplitter He very rarely uses save states to practice on things like bosses, the last game where this happens is Silkworm and he went back and did it legit as soon as he had it down. He actually went back and redid Back to the Future Part 2 and Part 3 because his game crashed and he had a save state for it that he loaded from.
Now all we're missing is a black runner, white runner, Indian runner etc lol
he has a special kind of dedication bravo man just bravo
Can someone tell me the brand and the model of that CRT TV???
it is hard to even get all of the games
@adeceku the TV I use is a Sony Trinitron (KV-25X5k)
@nobboysbro True, I have been very lucky and most of my viewers have helped me out getting the NES collection, I have currently 705 games out of the 714.
Wait, he beat NES Dragon's Lair? I wouldn't wish that task upon anyone.
Yes.... and coincidentally, it appears that it was chosen by another member who commented above: Rdannylor... weird.
TMR... good to see you here... not the best article, but still some good and deserved exposure.
Watching it now on YouTube.
Mexican Runner, you got some serious patience.
I agree, very impressed that he could do them all in 3,000. I mean a game like Ghosts and Goblins I beat in like 4 hours using save states on the Wii U. If I had to legit beat it, my sanity would probably go. But if it didn't, I could easily see it taking me 25+ hours.
@TheMexicanRunner Now watching you play on youtube
Lol: We all know his biggest fan!
@cleveland124 I can't even get past the third level with save states. Saved states have been a welcomed addition to the older games, although I feel a little guilty sometimes using it as liberally as I do in some games, such as Yoshi's Story. And I still can't get all 20 melons on some of the stages, lol.
@holygeez03 Cool! Thanks!
1st: Animal Crossing - 705 hrs
2nd: Pokemon X - 601 hrs
3rd: Pokemon ORAS - 288 hrs
What's yours? 😀
He used Continues in The Adventures of Dino Riki.
You need a cheat code to be able to do that (which isn't mentioned in the manual either).
It's like beating Contra with the Konami-code.
It's still very impressive though.
@Fandabidozi I actually don't know my times. But damn son that's a lot of gaming.
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