In the 3DS and Wii U era Nintendo slowly adopted some modern trends, embracing necessity in order to keep games active and - in the process - make some extra money. DLC emerged in ho-hum form as 'Coin Rush' packs in New Super Mario Bros. 2 on 3DS, but then there was no going back. New Super Luigi U arrived as a standalone title that also worked as a DLC add-on, Masahiro Sakurai went positively crazy with plenty of extras for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, and there were various other examples (like Pikmin 3). In some cases add-ons were free and generous (such as Super Mario Maker and the necessary additions to Splatoon), while some were deliciously priced considering the content, as we'd suggest was the case with Mario Kart 8.
All of these examples show that Nintendo's been consistently revising what's acceptable and what isn't in terms of modern gaming trends and how they fit with its franchises. After all, Mario Kart 8 not only brought The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing into the series, but we had the infamous free Mercedes DLC; sponsored DLC crept into Super Mario Maker, too. For anyone that likes to hold Nintendo up as a bastion of old gaming values it's been an eye-opening time.

Nevertheless, confirmation of an expansion pass for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has still been a bit of a shock. Not many Nintendo treasures have escaped the modern trend for add-on content, but this 'main' series seemed like a safe bet to remain untouched. We doubt many saw it coming. Yes, Hyrule Warriors had a whole lot of DLC across its Wii U and 3DS versions, but that was a Warriors game from Koei Tecmo - if that didn't have add-ons there'd have been concerned visitors to the company's HQ to check everything was ok. That was an inevitable part of the package.
In Breath of the Wild, though? The initial reaction in our team was "oh no, what's happening". Then, after a few minutes, more context comes into play.
First of all, let's break down what you get in the DLC expansion pass.

To be blunt, the initial content - some items including a 'Nintendo Switch' shirt for Link - are the sort of cheap early cash-ins that get condemned when they come from Ubisoft, EA, Capcom and so on. It's the classic "quick, put something in" add-on that makes people cynical about expansion / season passes. On the surface, too, the Summer update isn't all that hot. A 'new Hard mode' (likely on top of one already in the game), a 'map feature' and 'New Cave of Trials challenge' may sound ok, but hardly worth splashing out money. The key, it seems, is really the new Dungeon and story content coming towards the end of the year - it's that final update where the potential value at $19.99 / €19.99 / £17.99 could come into play.
It wouldn't be unreasonable, then, for many to hold fire and wait and see what the final update brings in the Holiday season. Yet that's a little while away, so it'll be hard to gauge until then whether this counts as one of Nintendo's good value DLC add-ons - like Mario Kart 8 - or one of those head-scratchers that proves disappointing. The mixed reaction to the announcement surely reflects this, and there's discomfort that Nintendo is adopting the practice of announcing and pitching the DLC before the game is even on store shelves. As a practice that's long been a topic for debate in gaming, as it speaks to a development process distracted by the future; that said, the main game went 'gold' and was finished a little while ago.

The fact Nintendo isn't planning to offer each part individually - you need to buy the pass - is telling; it suggests an acceptance that the day one and Summer updates are rather tame and would struggle to sell on their own. As a result, though, Nintendo will have to accept the flak and criticism that comes its way from fans unhappy to see this sort of model applied not only to a beloved franchise, but one of its main entries.
It's not all negative, though, as there will be excitement about that 'Holiday' update - more Legend of Zelda is rarely a bad thing. This expansion pass, and how it's considered in 2018 or beyond, will live or die by its content. Anyone that's played broad, ambitious open-world games in the current generation - mainly on PC, PS4 or Xbox One - will be used to major add-ons and DLC. The fact is that, when done well, they can be more than worth the asking price.
From this writer's experience titles like Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt truly benefit from add-ons when they've been produced with care and dedication. You play an enormous game, have a great experience, and then a few months later there's more to dive into. Dark Souls III is another one that generates hype with its add-ons, particularly for its upcoming concluding part. DLC doesn't have to be a source of all the evils in modern gaming - it can make great games even bigger and better.

Yet for every good example there are badly executed, lazy additions - in the case of Fallout 4 some of the new areas were praise-worthy, others less so. If The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild fails to deliver an engrossing and high-quality story add-on at the end of the year, its pass will become infamous in the wrong ways. In most cases Nintendo delivers and maintains trust with the quality of its work, but the team producing that content will surely feel significant pressure.
Our feelings on this announcement, then, are decidedly mixed. On the one hand we're excited about more Breath of the Wild story and dungeon content later in the year - after all, we're eagerly awaiting the main game, so if it delivers on expectations more of the same can't do any harm. On the other hand there's disappointment in the nature of the expansion pass and the timing of its announcement, as it follows some of the less desirable modern-day DLC trends.
This expansion pass, ultimately, will be a big test for Nintendo. Few franchises command the loyalty and respect of the main-line Legend of Zelda series; maintaining that is a big responsibility.
Let us know what you think of this in the polls and comments below.
Comments 245
I'm not really onboard with the idea of DLC in Zelda. It doesn't matter though, I'll end up buying it regardless.
Hm... kinda intriguing...
I'm totally against story driven DLC in a game like Zelda. Not sure if I'll end up buying it or not.
Judging by what's on offer, the only content of substance is "DLC Pack 2". The Expansion Pass Bonus is just an incentive to pay upfront and give customers something for their investment, while "DLC Pack 1" screams of content that was intended to be in the original game, but wasn't quite ready for launch, so they decided to lock it behind a paywall so that the entirety of the DLC pack merely appears to offer more bang for one's buck.
I've never completed a main series Zelda game though, so I'm reserving judgement.
I know I'll get flack for this, but I think Nintendo recognizes that they are no longer expanding their user base. Nintendo systems tend to feed off the nostalgia for their franchises and storied gaming history. They continue to hope that parents will buy their consoles for their children based upon their warm memories of their own history with Nintendo systems.
But I think that the Wii-U failed to expand their audience. And I don't think the Switch will fare much better. The Switch is far outside the "children's toy" that the 3DS is, so they will be largely reliant on hard-core Nintendo fans for revenue.
As a result, they seem to be headed towards the "whale" model, where the die-hard Nintendo fans, who will purchase almost anything made by Nintendo, will be milked for revenue. Rather than expanding their user base, they're more reliant than ever on a smaller number of players for their income. They did this with the Mario game on iOS and Android, and this DLC is more proof that they're headed in that direction.
Personally, I think it's a disgusting way to milk the Zelda franchise and an insult to players. It says, as all DLC does, that they're selling you a percentage of the game they've developed, but they're intentionally withholding content to scrape more dollars from their players' wallets.
I just hope the community takes the wait and see approach rather than already jumping on the hate band wagon. We won't know till we can actually get the dlc.
As long as the story DLC has a decent run time and is a completely separate story and not a "missing chapter" from the main story then i'll probably be ok with this.
@Kid_Sickarus Why? I don't get the behavior of some people; if you don't like it, don't buy it.
@AirElephant if all dlc is a percentage of a game that is being withdrawn, what about the case of mario kart and smash? Why not release the dlc tracks earlier and why did it take so long for Ryu, Cloud and Bayonetta to be included?
PS: genuinely not trying to cause an argument. Honestly just curious.
The only thing that people are upset about is that they think the DLC is cut content that should be included in the original game. If this DLC was announced a month after March 3rd, no one would be upset.
The most disappointing part of this announcement was finding out the base game does not include all difficulty settings, and apparently a Cave of Ordeals/Trials, which has been a staple of the franchise for several iterations and their remasters, also does not exist by default.
So prior to even having the game, they've effectively announced Breath of the Wild is missing features the previous games had.
Well Nintendo know not to do anything to upset the apple cart : 3ds -WiiU they must have learned by now?
Quite possible that this is content that will ensure no more delays for this game; they are just making more money off what was already going to be there without upsetting fans with another delay; while still upsetting fans with more cost and making money.
"Yep, on day one" is the most selected choice.
No wonder DLC is made... seriously I miss the old times.
@Madden87 As I said before all we can do is wait and see. We can't determine if it's cut content without seeing all the dlc and getting proper details. I betcha like what @abbyhitter says, if this was announced after its launch, there would be barely any uproar but mainly praise. People just have the assumption that day one means withheld content.
@CrazedCavalier I meant that on a long enough time line I'll either become hungry enough for more new Zelda content or there will be a good enough sale and I will end up buying the expansion. I said I'm not onboard with it but I don't feel strongly enough about it to go on a crusade and boycott it.
I hope that clarifies enough for you.
@abbyhitter probably. Maybe you should run PR for Nintendo.
The thing that always comes to my mind, is the season pass costs almost as much as the core game. Is that season pass adding that much content? Hardly. So, i would much rather put the value towards a different full game.
At least with amiibo, you get something tangible with your DLC. I don't know why they don't just add it that way. It's a lot less offensive.
I love that they are adding a new story in the winter. That will add to the already excessive replay value, and I can see that BotW is already going to be a pretty consistent title for me over the next year or so.
@D1c3r0ll Exactly, if they truly feel there is more tales to be told on the Breath of the Wild world, I would be more than okay if they announced today they started working on a direct sequel coming in 18 months time.
Splitting the story between DLCs, one dungeon at a time is just ripping us off.
Not surprised that NintendoLife came with an argument to defend this. It's ____ when ________ does it.
@KingofSaiyanZ if it really is just a hard mode where enemies do more damage then that is definitely dumb, otherwise if there is a mode which switches enemy variety, where they located and how food can replenish health then that would be worth the price
As always it is a choice nothing the player has to do in my opinion it is fan service and thats a good thing just like more Zelda is always a good thing. I like the option of DLC its awesome when you find a title that you love and you just wish there was more the DLC for Super Mario Wii U and Mario Kart 8 was great just as the Pikmin 3 DLC was awesome so I say bring it on a video game is an investment these days .
@AirElephant I doubt were being short changed. All doc is the same and I know u buy it.. just because it's zelda should it bde held benesth current industry standards. It's the people fault that they make the choices they do. People want dlc.
@Zach777 This makes sense to me. People would gladly pay $20 for a new dungeon and new story content. Making a new Hard Mode and Cave of Trials part of the DLC so there are no more delays for the game is a good thing.
Ya'll wanted Nintendo to copy the other game companies and look at what you done!
The first DLC doesn't sound terribly compelling. I might buy the second pack down the road, though. Certainly don't need a "Nintendo Switch" shirt for my link!
I'm not bothered by DLC at all, but wow egg on the faces of the Nintendo fans that swore Nintendo would never cave and always be different lol
Nintendo is just a corporation, folks. In it to make money any way possible, especially these days.
@Madden87 true I definitely see where you are coming from. But I personally feel we should have more faith in Nintendo for their dlc, they haven't disappointed me yet. Also thanks for the civil discussion
My first reaction was one of horror. Nintendo embracing the "on dis...no...on-cart DLC model" to the point of selling season passes before the game (and the console it showcases) are even on shelves.
But I'm of mixed mind. The price is VERY steep, and I can't help but think it's way too much for what it is (and thus sales of the DLC will be low.) On the other hand, giant open world sandbox games are possibly the most useful case for continued support and DLC since you now have a vast world you might want to explore and might want other adventures in that world without waiting 5 years for a real sequel that may never come. But 1/3 the price of the full game is a simply outrageous sum for what I can't imagine is terribly large content.
We all know the two REAL reasons for this practice are 1: The cost of developing such huge games really exceeds the post-inflation $60 price tag, yet raising prices on the core games is rejected by consumers, so forced reasons to pay the rest later are created, and 2: Game resales, especially of carts, will be problematic, so this gives insentive for people to hold onto the game, and/or at least buy SOMETHING later if they bought used.
So all the celebration around it is just theater around the business practices. OTOH, this game has basically been "done" for about a year, sitting on shelves with nothing for the creative team to do while the technical team retrofitted it for Switch. It's certainly possible that, by Holiday, with a year and a half, almost a full development cycle, the extra DLC pack could be very large like a proper expansion pack more than a DLC and worthy of the price.
But right now it looks like 33% the cost of the game for one bonus dungeon and a story that can't be all that big, 8+ months after a game's release. We could get surprised by what's on offer, but I don't see much reason to pay for it before Holiday, given the possible poor value.
The more I think about it the more I think it's just another classic Nintendo tell-us-but-don't-tell-us moment.
The announcement basically says there's going to be some extra stuff to pay for, and a really limited description of what that is. The content could be great and really good value. But they come out with stuff like "map feature". I mean what the hell is that?
I hope it's going to be a substantial addition to a massive base game, but right now we have no idea, except that it's going to cost us.
I'll buy DLC when it is released (not earlier, because I'm not a schmuck), and only if it's actually worth a damn. If I have to choose between buying both or nothing, I'm more likely to pick nothing.
I'll wait and see just what DLC pack 2 really is. If it's any good the price seems like a steal, it just might feel like a new(ish) zelda in december since I guess I'll have finished the game this spring/summer.
Hard mode behind a paywall. Not cool Nintendo
People sure like to whine about DLCs... If it's good, extra content at a good price, what's bad about it?
Already going to be dropping a lot of money on the 3rd and don't see the launch day content worth adding another $20 to it. But by the time the summer pack comes out things will have slowed down and I doubt I'll mind spending more for more fun in Hyrule!
@hylian-pudding Because people are really, really, ridiculously entitled and whiny.
It just means that I'll wait a year for the "GOTY" edition with DLC included. my queue is long enough that it won't matter.
This was definitely a mixed bag for me. If the hard mode is simular to Master Quest in Ocarina of Time I could see it as worth it. If the new story in pack 3 is playing Zelda through her side of the story, that would definitely be worth it. The day one has me meh.
Majoras mask was dlc for ocarina in my opinion. I hope that this is the kind of extra content we paying for. Another quest in same world, not just 2 extra dungeons. Hard mode and any features like map ??? , should just be part of the game.
I know I will just be getting this as a day 2 thing so I don't have to worry about it. Just saying that really this is just a way for gamers to pay more then $60 for a game without really complaining. I mean, call of duty has been getting like $100 a year for a "new" game and season passes. Why not Nintendo?
My thoughts:
Maybe they didn't have time to finish the game? If so why are they making us pay extra to get the whole game?
It will keep people playing well into 2018
If they do it like Dark Souls then it could add new areas and be worth the money
If it's just a few add ons then only the hardcore fans will lap it up
Nintendo: "We are proud to announce, unbreakable Master Sword in new Zelda Breath of the Wild, only $19.99!!!"
Now you're paying with power!
Well I'm shaking my fist but with my eyes open. As others have said, awfully timed announcement from Nintendo. Had they waited until even 1 day after release this wouldn't cause issues with most....
It's another case of wrong information at the wrong time from a PR point of view, negative criticism before a big launch is ALWAYS bad and the Nintendo PR machine has been terribly erratic for years now. Boom and then bust with no obvious strategy. Well Zelda DLC was inevitable and it's happening but it's a tightrope now to make this gain new customers for the brand without upsetting the hardcore fans.
In my opinion, a good news story like free DLC for Zelda if you have a my Nintendo account or for day 1 purchasss. Even as free on Wii u, paid on switch or discounts for owning both would have done the brand Image waaaay more help at this delicate time????
Everything I've seen so far has suggested that this is the largest Zelda game yet, and not by a little bit. I'm not left feeling like this is content that was held back, or that they aren't offering the full game on day one. I'm totally fine with extra content down the road. Nintendo has acted responsibly with DLC thus far, I'm still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
As much as I'm not a fan of DLC, its still a better way for publishers to combat the used games problem than any of the other solutions out there.
Another question might be if this effects your decision to buy the special edition. I'm seriously considering dropping the special edition preorder and going with the normal (especially since an extra 20% comes off via Amazon and the special edition hasn't come back in stock there since the presentation day)
@AirElephant I agree with you that Ninty is becoming more and more reliant on the diehard fans and that the Switch may not be perceived by parents in the same way the 3DS is. Where I disagree is I don't think they'll have held back content for this extra monitisation. They've spent 5 years building the game, physic engine etc and dev tools from scratch. They are now in a position where they can bash out a lot of extra content in a short space of time. A bit like Majora's Mask. This makes me hopeful that the holiday DLC is gonna be pretty big.
Besides Hard Mode, I don't see why people are getting so worked up over DLC. Breath of the Wild is already a massive, complete game by itself!
@azelf That's one way to look at it. Or maybe some of these were features that were on the table, but didn't make the cut initially and were possibly forgone for other features they felt were more important in including, but also not delaying the game further.
I will buy this, just because it's Zelda, doesn't mean i like it or agree.
Just had a thought that maybe these downloads wouldn't of fitted on the cartridge of the switch (or disc of the Wii U version) so they had to make them DLC and thought meh....make people pay for it
And how much more can we pay to get a physical instruction manual?
I'm anti dlc in last cases. I'm a PS4 gamer and all the ones I have seen my roomie get are lackluster to say the least. I don't care about extra clothing or skins. I don't care about a reskinned gun. It all seems to be just more ways to nickel and dime.
For BOTW in particular, I care about nontujng offered except the original story. More story is always good. But $20 good? Idk, it rubs me wrong. I voted that I won't get it, but if word of mouth of the story is great then I'll think about it.
Of course that won't be until the holidays, and by that point I will have moved on to another game. So yea probably not.
It is possible that the new dungeon is something that wasn't finished in time for launch and they are now finishing it and selling it afterwards. So you could say they release an unfinished game and want us to pay extra to get the full package.
But in "the good old days" this content would probably just be cut entirely to not delay the release any further. This apparently actually happend with Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time.
I am not sure why there is a lot of negativity surrounding this. I don't always like DLC but I prefer this method to, "Hey we decided we wanted to add more stuff so now Zelda Breath of the Wild is going to be delayed again." I mean isn't it win - win for the developers and the players? On the developer side they can finish a game, release it and continue developing more content for the same game, using ideas they thought of late in the development cycle. For the consumer we can buy and finish a game and if we loved it we can purchase more of it in the future without having to wait 5 years for the next installment or don't buy it, it's your choice. I didn't buy any DLC in Fire Emblem Awakening or Smash Bros even though I loved those games and I don't feel like I purchased an incomplete game. I did however buy the Mario Kart 8 DLC which seems pretty similar to what they are offering here. I guess it really depends on how much content they are really adding though whether I want to take the plunge in this case though, but if I don't get the DLC I am confidant I will be happy with Breath of the Wild for the complete game it already is.
@Bunkerneath But if you buy it you DO agree with it, at least from Nintendo's point of view.
The good part about DLC is it's optional and is there to further enhance the main game, but not a requirement. Yeah, Nintendo's adopting the current age... unfortunately, this must be one of the things that 3rd parties "helped" Nintendo with this generation, but as long as I'm not being forced to do any extra buying, I can't really be mad. I'm not generally big on DLC, but if I find value in it, then I will participate as I have with SSBWiiU and MK8. I will play and beat the main game, then I will wait until the final DLC comes out to check its value before making a final decision.
Are Nintendo accounts still tied to physical hardware?
I'm buying the first one and the holiday one.
This is a great move from Nintendo, as it saves me a lot of money. First, they start charging for online functionality on the switch so they save me from having to buy that. I was going to get this for Wii U but now they've saved me from having to buy that, too! Thanks, Nintendo!
They've poured their heart and soul into this game, I think it's only fair to keep working on a game and charging people for the extra work they've done.
I don't believe the updates are sold individually... one price for all 3.
Adding up the story, dungeon, challenges, hero mode, and all the items that would come along with them just doesn't seem to be worth the price to me when you compare the price of the DLC to the price of the game.
However, the more I think about it, the more I think it will be the mystery map feature that will make up the difference... the map features appear to be pretty much complete as they are, so the only thing I can think of them adding would be some way of helping you to find any items, collectibles, etc. you might have missed.
I understand that this won't appeal to everyone, but completionists like myself would often buy a guide for the sole purpose of tracking down anything we might have missed, and even then it can be quite tricky in a game so large when you can't remember which you have or haven't found... but an in-game system for this being built into the map would make this far easier, and save the cost of buying a guide (which costs almost as much as the expansion pass)... so if that is what they're adding, then this will easily make it a worthwhile purchase for me.
@Eric258 I am already on board and waiting more DLCs =D
@abbyhitter This is basically why I'm okay with it. I would pay $15 alone for the original story and new dungeon and $5 to have the cave of trials and new hard mode be part of dlc in order to have the game not be delayed or cut the cave or mode entirely.
I'm not so sure about the additional map feature. What would that even be?
I just better not "need" the useful items for anything. I'll wait to get this until I beat the game.
@Madden87 yes, you are right. Nintendo had a hard time with the Wii U and now they need to make money to stay in the business, however, this does not mean that the content in the DLCs are bullcrap. Nintendo knows how to do games and we like the company exactly because of their IPs and quality. So yes, everybody is concerned that a DLC was announced before the main game even touched the shelves, but Nintendo is much more concerned with making money to keep providing us (fans or not) good games and innovative consoles.
I watched the video this morning and my first reaction was one of pessimism in the content not being worth while. But then again if you look at what is offered in each pack it seems that this could easily be worth the $20. The first bonus pass is just that of bonus content, perhaps if these useful items are a cache of items that help you progress faster or a useful weapon with enhanced durability, that could make a day one purchase useful.
DLC pack 1 offers a little more meat to the package. It's debatable if there will be a hard mode without this pack. The additional map feature could be something useful like pinpointing useful objects general locations when you have taken a tower.
DLC pack 2 is the furthest out and offers of course the bulk of the experience. The new story mode could be great or add minimally to the experience. But paired with the new dungeon and challenges this could be worth the asking price.
Personally I will pick it up, and $20 seems fairly reasonable. Although it would be nice if Nintendo offered a day one discounted price of $15 as there may not be much reason to pickup day one. I'll likely wait and see what bonuses are offered on day one before making a decision to buy day one or to wait a few months. Granted if I wasn't spending hundreds of dollars to grab the Switch, this game, a Pro controller, and an extra set of Joy-Con's, then my decision would be a little easier.
Well i dont plan on getting a switch untill late 17 at the earliest im getting zelda for the wii u and i have a good feeling this dlc wont be available for wii u i just hope im wrong
Would this have been easier to swallow if it had been announced later this Summer to re-vitalize interest? With actual new content ready to go...
Nintendo has mainly done dlc right. I don't think the main adventure was compromised in anyway to suit dlc as a cash grab. Essentially, I see the initial bonus content and the 1st dlc pack as freebies in a preorder sense for the 2nd dlc pack. New story content would be interesting, especially if it plays out the quest from say Zelda's point of view. I would have loved to experienced Skyward Sword from Zelda and Impa's side.
As always it depends entirely on how good it is and how well suited it is in the particular game.
Mario Kart DLC was brilliant. Dark Souls DLC is always great. In other games I'm not fussed.
@whoisbdub I have a feeling the DLC will be available for both consoles, and possibly available across platforms. So if you purchase the DLC on the Wii U then you will have access to the same DLC on the Switch. I have nothing to support this claim though.
Two articles about the same subject matter. Got to keep those clicks up I guess;)
@AirElephant sigh, credit for at least using "personal opinion" marker, but I wonder if Super Mario Bros 2 was called an "insult to players" back in the day when it was a separate sequel. Nowadays you often don't have to wait for and buy a full-priced game just for such a handful of extra content if you want it - but all it makes gamers think about is how they're being milked?
I'm struggling to catch up with everything fans make of themselves and their gargantuan ego. But any feeling of surprise, shock or dumbfoundedness does wear off by the year. :/
That is a surprise. I can only presume there is a lot of content for the money. I don't like this direction.
Zelda DLC inevitable???!! What??? How about Nintendo just make a Zelda game in the traditional manner ... ie ... a core game ...END OF!!! Nothing inevitable about it!! I play a game for the single experience, especially in Zelda games!! Nintendo have just released the poorest selling/poorest supported/poorest deal for the consumer-console they've ever produced. The last thing they need is cause for any more cynicism regarding their brand or most valuable IPs! Don't know why Zelda DLC is necessary at all. Its never been missed/requested in previous Zelda games!
It's a shame as Zelda seemed one of those series that doesn't need DLC as the games are so complete as they are.
The price seems rather steep for what you actually get. Never again am I buying a season pass before the content is actually out. I would perhaps buy it down the road if the DLC is enticing enough. What do they classify as a dungeon? A dungeon dungeon or a shrine? Will any of it really add anything to the experience?
@Nico07 i hope your right i just got a bad feelin on this one
@Madden87 no, you don't, but the way the people in general are complaining without even knowing what's in the DLC content, looks like the new story adds only 5 minutes of info, the new dungeon will take 3 minutes to beat and what is in the treasures chest is a hat and a pair of socks to complete the t-shirt outfit.
This one has me a bit rattled. I hope this does not become the standard for Switch titles. For instance, the bits releavled for Mario Oydessy seem to indicate only four worlds at this time. I would be upset if the content in that game wound up being short and they released a expansion pass to make up for it. Anyhow I am glad I skipped the master edition Zelda. I was so close to taking the plunge, but now I would feel pretty ridiculous paying $140 for a game, even if it is Zelda.
I am not paying $20 for some weak tacked on story. There is nothing interesting in that list. DLC added stories are usually terrible because they can't really interfere with the core game and have some tacked on ending (Harley Quin's Revenge anyone?). No, this is so not worth it.
@fluggy Obviously the game was rushed to reach it's release date goal, so some of this content seems like it would have been available in the game with a longer development cycle. But none of it seems critical to the main game storyline, with the new original story seeming to be additional content the developers are wanting to make. In Nintendo's past they may have offered this content for free, but considering the timetable for development and the number of staff likely working on this content, the DLC pack cost seemed to be necessary.
Granted we would all like the extra content to be free, but if you just don't want it, then just don't purchase it.
"One thing Nintendo has determined as a company policy, what we are not going to do is create a full game and then say, 'let's hold this back for DLC." Iwata, 2012.
A new story with perhaps characters or places from another much-beloved main series game, who were previously not part of Breath of the Wild could also lead to new excitement and talk about the game towards the holiday season and make the Switch's line-up and what's available to play over the year more interesting.
But I think the timing is bad. I would've preferred to hear about it in the summer or even just a month after release. It might have been less honest and also bad to hear about it through leaks or data mining, but this way it might disturb the launch and excitement for this huge game for some, instead of leading to excitement for the new story content.
"To be blunt, the initial content - some items including a 'Nintendo Switch' shirt for Link - are the sort of cheap early cash-ins that get condemned when they come from Ubisoft, EA, Capcom and so on."
This right here is my thought. The first 2 packs should have been locked behind amiibo if they were being sold as DLC at all. As cool as Link running around Hyrule with a Switch t-shirt is, it's not worth $30 CDN which I'm sure this Expansion Pack will cost. The new story content could be enough to persuade me but I'm not gonna be dishing out more money Day 1 for 2 initial packs that leave me less-than-thrilled. I have the Special Edition pre-ordered and I have the collector's edition hardcover guide pre-ordered so don't go telling me I'm not a Zelda fan. I hardcore love this series. But the modern way of going about with these DLC offerings sometimes turns me off gaming. The story content in the holiday I'm hoping is phenomenal just as the trailers have made BotW look but as a Day 1 Expansion Pack, shelling out $30 for more on top of the $170 I'm already spending on the Special Edition doesn't seem worth it to me. Not for a Nintendo Switch t-shirt and some item drops which again, should have been linked to the BotW amiibo line. Which, by the way, we still don't know what they do in the game. We know the 30th anniversary line and we know what Wolf Link does, but still no idea what the Link Archer, Link Rider, Bokoblin, and Guardian, and BotW Zelda do yet.
Remember the Gamecube days when Nintendo barely even acknowledged the Internet was a "thing" and stubbornly refused to adopt the use of it?
How times have changed!
The only thing thats sets me off is that i'll have to dust off my copy of breath of the wild just to complete a few side quests.
It's the value proposition I have a problem with.
Say I buy the game at £35 and have 60 hours gameplay...
Then I buy the season pass at 50% full price at £18. I would expect 50% of the full game again, for example 30 hours gameplay. Doubt that will be the case.
This is where DLC becomes a cash-grab and unfair imo...
@Xaessya The main content of this DLC isn't clearly a result of someone saying "let's hold this back for DLC". For those who care about it, there's not even evidence the new story and content is complete yet and won't take the whole year.
This is an exceptional case for many reasons. All that aside, Iwata's intentions with DLC 5 years ago were perhaps idealistic in the face of a potential success in the Wii U. This is a bruised and battered Nintendo we are dealing with now.
After the successful Mario Kart 8 DLC Nintendo pushed to the envelope in Super Smash Bros.
Honestly, I really don't care as long as there is a complete full game withOUT the DLC and that's exactly how it looks. That model of giving extras to the super fans who play through everything is win-win for the most part. It's the types who can't stand not to have a part of the game even though they will never play it that have the most to lose.
People yelling "I'm not gonna buy that! It's not worth it!" like it's a personal affront to them, I don't understand. What is so dramatic about not buying extra stuff. lol. (Not suggesting that's you, btw)
I don't like the idea but if the content's good enough maybe I can be persuaded. Two things bother me about it though. FIrst, the game is not even out yet. So now I'm going to be playing the game on March 3rd feeling I'm playing only the "vanilla" version of the game, as in incomplete. They should've waited to announce the DLC til after. Also, the descriptions for the content is WAY too ambigious. "Additional map feature"? What does that even mean?
@DarthFoxMcCloud To be fair, Ubisoft and Capcom are condemned for nefarious DLC practices far worse than an in game t-shirt. We are talking about patches and DLC for glitchy and obvious games with gimped or flat out missing portions.
This isn't just t-shirts and to imply that all this entails is a bit disingenuous (not on your part) in trying to make a point.
@datamonkey It's distributing the costs of the game towards those who get the most out of it. The part you aren't including is the masses of people who will never see a fraction of the original game's content but still paid full price. You are already getting way more value than them because you enjoy the game enough to complete it. Yes, you pay more but only if you want more.
This is why DLC doesn't usually bother me. It's for the fans and keeps the costs down for those that enjoyed the game but aren't as into it or just moved on to something else.
The alternative is raising the price for everyone because the game at the larger size is going to cost more to make. Sure, it distributes the price more evenly but then the average player of the game gets less for their money in a way (not to mention it could deter sales quite a bit at a higher upfront cost).
It helps if you think about it as supporting the types of games you love so that more are made. Helps me at least.
@Cosmic-K9 I'm convinced the complaining would be no different had they waited. I've been in the gaming community long enough to know that when some members want to be angry and offended by something, no presenting any rational argument will change that.
A Nintendo Switch shirt...in the Wii U version...
LOL Nintendo! Epic troll job.
@SharkAttackU I bet they did that to push the Switch onto Wii U owners' minds.
@UmbreonsPapa Well I can't speak for everyone but personally I'd be less annoyed if they waited to announce the DLC. Of course I know gamers (and people in general) will complain about anything. There will always be those peopel who voice their discontent with whatever is announced.
Well, yeah.
The problem I have isn't with the fact that Nintendo is having DLC for Zelda--it's (as some people have echoed here), the nature of the content. Good DLC adds some substantial, though smaller adventures and content for the player to explore that expands upon the original game. Bad DLC adds modes that should have already been in the original game, cheap cash grab cosmetic items, and gimmicky challenges.
Unfortunately, what's been announced so far suggests that the DLC, especially the first round, will primarily be the latter. T-shirts? Hard mode? this is garbage , and some of it should be in the original game. Hard modes were in the last couple Legend of Zelda titles in some way, shape, or form to begin with.
I will not be buying this DLC unless Nintendo provides more clarification as to how it would be worth anyone's money.
They ought to have further nostalgia-base expansions like they did in Hyrule Warriors, though not necessarily on their own just as part of other packs. Would love to see classic Link attire, perhaps the sword from the Zelda II art, the LttP Master Sword, the Picori Blade or the Four Sword. With a move toward a hybrid-RPG, especially with limiting mechanics, they need to have legendary equips.
@UmbreonsPapa No I hear you. Honestly Nintendo could have won me over if they went back to the practice of offering all-in-one price option and individually-priced DLC like they did with Mario Kart 8 and Hyrule Warriors. That new story content in the Holiday pack interests me. But I have no desire to get the first 2 packs. Nothing there interests me. I'd happily pay for the third pack on its own though but Nintendo is saying that's not possible. It's all or nothing. And it's certainly not going to be $19.99 in Canada. It'll be at least $30 here if not more. On top of the $170 for the Special Edition I have pre-ordered plus $80 for a Pro Controller, plus $100 for a second set of Joy-Con for multiplayer gaming with my partner, Switch is already a very expensive buy-in. Now throwing this Expansion Pass in my face and the first two DLC packs have content that frankly could have been tied to amiibo (and have been when you think about what Wolf Link did in Twilight Princess HD - adding Cave of Shadows), I don't think Nintendo has priced this very well.
@ThomasBW84 "A 'new Hard mode' (likely on top of one already in the game)"
Where is it confirmed, or even mentioned at all, that there is already a hard mode in the main game?
I download it someday, if the extra dungeon, story-elements and challenges are substantial. I mean, if that can be finished in 30 minutes, 20 Euro would be very expensive. If it was 5 Euro, I would have downloaded it straight away.
Luckily it also hits Wii u, but I fear that future packs won't hit the Wii u version. We Wii u version players may still get screwed someday (hopefully not)!
Wtf nintendo?!?!
This is the end of big N.
The feeling that I'm buying a whole, finished and polished game is the main reason I got myself 3ds and wii u... and now.. well, I think breath of the wild for wii u will be last game I'll buy from you nintendo.
And that price of £50 for zelda without dlc...
Good luck with Switch Activision!
Did I just said Activ... nvm.. same poop
So, Zelda is releasing this year, just not in March XD
I'm not keen on the idea, but I am getting it day 1...
Must admit I'm not happy about this. The game (for Switch) has an RRP of £60 already. Add the DLC and that's nearly £80 for one game. DLC has been done well before - specifically Ace Attorney and Fantasy Life, both of which cost less than an average game to start with, the DLC really did add something extra to the game rather than being stuff that should have been in there from the start, and the price of the DLC wasn't too high.
I'm gonna wait to see what this DLC adds to BotW before I spend my hard earned cash on it. I'm not interested in costume packs and hard modes, but if there is a good, meaty, add-on story that will add at least another 25-30% to the main game, then I'll pay up. Otherwise I'll put that £18 towards Snipperclips or Rime or something else.
"surprising and inevitable" - I'm think one or both of those words' meanings eludes you.
@aaronsullivan That is a really good point, and one I hadn't considered. I think, then, that I will buy the DLC if I actually finish the main game. Since I have finished only one Zelda game (and that was Phantom Hourglass) and have two nearly finished (Spirit Tracks and LbW), this may never happen...
I've learned to be a patient person when it comes to DLC/Expansion packs (most recent examples, for me, would be Witcher 3 & Shadows of Mordor). I can wait till the Game of The Year version of the game releases. I got SoM GOTY version on sale for $10 and W3 GOTY for $15 on sale. Seems I'll be waiting to see if BotW will follow the same route. I can wait.
@DizziParadise problem is that those 25-30% already IS included and should be included in the game day one. But noooo... we need to rebuy those 30% again and again. I say fu N. didn't expect that coming on Zelda game which is in "development" almost 10 years ffs. On hardware from 2010 (yea, I'm looking at you Switch)
And to be worst.. it's just a beginning.
No more full polished games from Nintendo. Mark my words. Game over and no more lives
Earlier in the Nintendo Life office...
Thomas: "I'm gonna post some articles about BotW DLC."
Damo: "Oh man, there'll be hundreds of argumentative comments."
Both: "Mwahahahaha!"
[Alex walks in with popcorn]
I'll watch and wait at this point. The thing that has me interested is the dlc pack 2 - the new dungeon and extra story. If they seem interesting, I'll splurge, but if not, I'll just enjoy Zelda as it is.
With or without DLC, the game and all it has to offer, according to official guide, is a lot.
Obviously against it.
Technically Triforce Heroes is a mainline Zelda game and got DLC. It might have seemed like a spin off because of its weird premise, but it actually took place in the Zelda timeline after A Link Between Worlds. Whereas the Zelda spin off games such as Link's Crossbow Training and all the Tingle related games don't fit in the timeline at all.
So they basically want twenty dollars for one extra dungeon?
Nintendo did a great job with the MK8 DLC, and it was at a great price.
People asked for this indirectly. If you keep demanding bigger and bigger games, open world, fully voice acted you can't really expect to keep paying only £50 or $60 forever.
It was inevitable that eventually LoZ and potentially 3D Super Mario would start to get DLC.
DLC Expansion = Pay to win, those items could easily overpower enemies and bosses, the in-game clothing are armors that could potentially make Link near invincible.
DLC Pack 1 = Secrets and Easter Eggs, you could had unlock in the game is now for sale. Back then all we had to do was beat the game.
DLC Pack 2 = Extra quest and dungeon, you could had unlock in the game is now for sale. Back in the old days all you had to do to get new quest and dungeons is by entering your name as ZELDA.
I suppose I'm not against it, considering Skyrim did a pretty similar thing, though a lot more content was added in the Skyrim DLC packs.
Why one difficulty level is behind a paywall???
Jow would be if ng+ in Dark Souls is a DLC?
I haven't read any of the comments not the article in its entirety. But I do have to say that, while I'm excited for the expansion pack concept, I'm greatly disappointed in the fact that Hard Mode and the Cave of Trials (Cave of Ordeals) is now content that needs to be paid for if we want to enjoy it.
I know Aonuma wants to break the Zelda conventions, but this is ridiculous.
I think we should all wait and see what that second DLC pack is exactly before we start condemning Nintendo. I do agree though the first DLC Pack and what you get immediately for buying the pass really doesn't seem worth it.
Asking people to preorder DLC before they even have the base game in hand is a vile and abusive practice. If you want to pitch an expansion a few months down the line when you have an actual product to show people, fine. But right now? Whether you're calling it a "season pass" or "expansion pass..."
I'll just pass.
@kobashi100 Let's not forget the Cave of Trials/Ordeals. 😳
@gatorboi352 Living under a rock? Nintendo is doing DLC for years.
so this is where the rumors for a possible delay came huh?...im very happy BOTW is coming out on launch day and not delayed for this...also from a business stand point it makes sense as the Switch launching w/out BOTW wouldve been disastrous in my opinion...also Day 1 DLC is dlc thats available on launch day when the game releases...why are people calling it day 1 when the 1st pack releases summer 2017?
the years of DLC done wrong has left a bad taste in my mouth because when i hear DLC it makes me feel like its an incomplete game im being sold but Nintendo has never done this nor has their DLC not been worth it to me ( ie; super mario golf, super luigi u, SSB characters + stages, mk8 tracks and hyrule warriors). Nintendo has always given me a good amount of content for my money and been cheaper than that 3rd parties have as well...and lets not forget we got so much Splatoon dlc that was ready to pay after the 1st August update...
people want the company to thrive and continue being succeessful but dont want them to get paid for their hard work??? like the MK8 dlc just wait before you decided to buy if ur not happy...there's no need to cry about it
I'm still unsure how I feel. I'd still prefer to have the entirety of a game when I'm buying it at full price. However, I'll grab the DLC if it's done right and worth the money.
The story DLC worries me though. I sure hope they didn't leave out any story in the base game so that they would have more to put in the DLC.
@Donutman "Majoras mask was dlc for ocarina in my opinion."
Yeah, of course it was, just like Uncharted 2, 3 and 4 are DLCs of the first game and Mario Galaxy 2 is a DLC of Mario galaxy, so smart.
Nintendo has yet to burn me on DLC, so I'm looking forward to this.
I don't think any of this content was cut from the main game, since the first pack isn't until summer and the much meatier pack 2 isn't coming until the holiday season. It'll definitely be worth it if the included hard mode is like skyward sword's where you just take more damage with hits and have no hearts available, and the DLC hard mode is more like a master quest with actual rearranged dungeons.
I'll be waiting until the new story is released though to see if that's worth $20, because that's really the only part I'm interested in. For those complaining it's too expensive, that waits to be seen - but it could be worse - these features could be much more expensive, because they're locked behind like 10 different amiibos.
@Fist_of_Belial Gaming can "develop into a skill you can actually make additional income with". Son is going to Uni to do a Computer Science degree, got an unconditional offer because of the games he has coded. And he learned to code games (among other things) because he is a gamer. And he is a gamer, at least partially, because his mother is a gamer.
Oh, and he has also spent much time walking in the woods. DofE Gold includes a LOT of walking in the woods.
Not all gamers spent 24/7 in their mum's basement, doing nothing but gaming and eating pizza, you know.
@beazlen1 if they showed an advert with some mates playing MK8DX down the pub then the thing would fly off shelves. I would have killed for such a console 15 years ago.
As for Zelda DLC? As with all add-on content, you don't have to buy it. Vote with your wallet.
Since I'm skipping on the switch for many reasons I'm not going to go into as I've posted many before on other articles and since this is my last new release that Wii - U owners will get that are not moving over to switch I welcome more Zelda. I really don't mind getting more out of it. Although I do agree that pack # 2 has more bang for your buck the one coming out towards the end of 2017.
This is bad, any way you slice it. They either cut content or are going to spend more time working on this game when they could be working on the next Zelda, or a new IP.
"additional map feature" sick dlc thanks nintendo
Just a bit of topic....
Does anyone know if there will be guide books released in the UK?I've heard different things about a release of those. Doh.
Not surprising at all, you have to move on with the times and it seems the talk of younger people becoming more influential at Nintendo was true, which is a good thing. I know some people don't like DLC, period, but it's a necessary 'evil' (for lack of a better word) in today's industry. Games aren't cheap to make and as long as the DLC is quality and not required to enjoy the story you paid $60 for, who cares? I'm going to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt for now. It's been a long time since it was my go-to company for gaming but I've always respected what these teams create and there's no way the Zelda guys and gals are going to halfass it and put some garbage product out there. Breath of the Wild will be a complete game and the DLC is just giving you some optional extra content to go back and enjoy more of the world later on if you like your first trek through it.
After the amazing MK 8 dlc and with a price tag of $19.99 I will scoop this up for sure. Nintendo has the most reasonably priced dlc around.
Maybe people should use their brains for once instead of overreacting. It's always been like like this but it gets more and more annoying as the years go by.
That excites me. Plus it's legit DLC since it's coming in the holidays as opposed to day 1 or 2 months later. and $20 is not bad if it the new story is meaty.
Day 1 for me as well.
I need that story DLC. In fact, the only time I buy DLC is when they offer the good stuff... the story expansions. They're bringing the good stuff to the table here.
And I don't care what it is, I know for a fact the Zelda team won't disappoint with story DLC. Just ain't gonna happen.
Not for me. Even with the PS4 games, I never buy DLC...too expensive most of the time, and what I found out with the Wii U, it was pretty expensive too for what you got. My wife and Kids and I love the Buzz games on the PS3...we even purchased a few DLC for it (the national geographic ones)...wow...I could have used that money and bought more games, even if it did offer more questions and trivia play. With nintendo, and the fact that I love Zelda, I may pick it up if it's $5 or less, but anything over that (Especially as expensive as $20) is a no go. As any $60 game, you should not have to be expected to pay out more money for expansions that should have been included to begin with...and I stated ANY kind of game. Imagine the cost if you picked up all 3 of these DLC's and the game itself, and the DLC was $20 each...that's $120 for the full game??? Why???
I trust them enough to bet it will be good.
Just work on your timing guys...can you wait until 2-3 weeks after launch and say something like "yadda yadda it's wonderful that the game has been so well received, we are proud to announce that we are still at work and there is more coming yadda yadda". Same goes for the FFXV team. Take the best from Western game developers not everything XD
Surprising? No.
Inevitable? Not necessarily.
You have to pay extra for an increased difficulty level? That's pretty comical.
@SharkAttackU To be fair no one has officially said that the in-game clothing would be a t-shirt, let alone one for the Nintendo Switch. A far more suitable item would maybe be a retro Link costume, ala Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess. Granted whatever it is these are small in game bonuses for those who want everything from day one. The real meat of the DLC is likely not even created yet for the DLC pack 1 and 2 to release later this year. I think the DLC affords everyone the best of what could be done. For those wanting the epic story of Breath of the Wild, the base game should offer that. For those wanting a little bit more content that would have taken additional time to create and delayed the release date even further, this offers them the content they long for. As for the cost to value, that has yet to be determined. But judging from Nintendo's past endeavors on DLC this should be good. Mario Kart 8 DLC was a great value for what was offered, whereas some would disagree that there was a great value in the extra cost of DLC characters for Smash.
Whatever they do won't live up to the value offered by the MK8 expansions
I want it.
@Nintenjoe64 that was insane! Probably the best value for money DLC I bought
@pandarino I think there timing is okay on this one. To be fair letting the consumer know DLC is planned helps them make an informed decision. Knowing that the DLC offers some in game items that could be useful from day one is of value to some.
Pack 1 sounds like cut content to sell as dlc.
Like this article says, the value of the pass can't be adequately assessed until the final pack gets released. If it provides a substantial chunk of compelling content and not just some lightly-reworked missions from the main game, then $20 is reasonable. I personally appreciate new content because it gives me a reason to jump back into a game that I really love but have already completed and have little motivation to return to. But until we see what's really in that final add-on, I don't see the point in stressing out about it.
And for €10 extra, Link will have a voice.
Gone are the good old days.
I think this is all optional and if its good then its worth it.
Wonder what nintendo comes up with next.
Just for context... Batman: Arkham Knight's DLC pass was $40 for the first six or so months and you got crap all with that damn thing. The only piece included in that worth a damn was a 1-hour stand alone Batgirl DLC that was $10 separately. People should go back, look up what that pass featured and then they'll see how crazy it is to get upset about a $20 expansion pass for a Zelda game.
Well... I'm rather okay with this. Let's see how the additional content turns out. I just hope the new stuff will be integrated seamlessly into the overall world, things like the additional story and dungeon portions. It would be awful if they were things you just select in a menu and then go there. Like the cave of shadows thing in Twilight Princess HD. :/ A seamless open world and experience is the main draw of the game, after all, as Nintendo themselves have been stating constantly.
I also just want to say to the people worried that this is taking time away from the developers from working on a new Zelda game that's not necessarily true. People could already have started or going to start soon working on the next one, but not every developer will be needed to work on it this early in development. If anything, they would just be discussing what the next game's mechanics would even be. I'm not saying this is 100% the case, I'm just saying we shouldn't assume something we don't know as fact.
I plan on getting it eventually, probably when the Holidays role around. I just can't justify paying that now for the content we're getting. I'm already looking at getting 6 games for the Switch before Spring is up. But I'm not really annoyed about it, since the game should already be complete without said DLC. I mean I want the amiibo for it too, but I'll need to wait on that as well.
SMT4 apocalypse offered two more difficulty options in DLC for free.
I mean, the new difficulty has to be a rewored A.I. , changed dungeons and placement of enemies, or even better: new enemies to justify its inclusion...
And who the **** explains the DLC they are selling with "useful items"? what is this? a gacha game?
if they have the guts to announce DLC before the game launches why don't they explain properly that DLC before anyone buy it?
I don't like DLC pack 1. Hard mode and Cave of trials should be included with the main game.
Just to clear this up, can you buy the season pass at any time?
As long as it is good Im looking forward to the possibility of extending the zelda experience before we have to wait for the next one.
Not a fan of the season pass model genrally. On the other hand Nintend have handled DLC tastefully for the most part.
Look at Mario Kart 8 DLC - you basically knew what you were getting. The value could be seen in advance. However, none of us has played through a BOTW dungeon. I have a lot of faith in Nintendo to offer value in DLC but until I've played BOTW and they've disclosed proper details of the DLC, no way am I pre-ordering.
Is it hypocritical to pre-order a game then complain about pre-ordering DLC? Perhaps, somewhat, but looking at the history of season passes and all the tacked on crap most companies offer, I'll wait and see.
Trusting a company to get a game you like the look of right is one thing but trusting them to not fill a season pass with cheap tat is another (looking at you, Switch tshirt for Link).
Hard mode as paid DLC? Next we'll have the original Japanese voices as $10 DLC.
I'll be buying the expansion pass, though I can't help but be aware of Nintendo's lack of generosity. Hard mode being exclusive to DLC is ridiculous.
Hard mode will be Master Quest esque i hope so it retools the game assets to make the game seem different from a standard play through (drop rates, loot etc), alternate trial locations. Just a guess but i think Nintendo will pack in the value here, an that is seperate to the main game, which lets face it, looks to be the biggest, greatest adventure they have built in a loong loong time.
I shall remain optimistic until i get to try the game.Roll on March Third.
@agqwestern I'm gonna assume yes. That's how it works with others. Would be crazy for Nintendo to not allow that.
OMG a NEW MAP FEATURE??! Yeah, this has to be Nintendo's answer to the Horse Armor DLC.
by the way people we can use blue tooth headsets for switch in dock mode instead of using the phone app.
I don't get it.
Nintendo spend years developing a standalone game, they put it on sale, people buy it. Nintendo then spends time developing optional content, puts it on sale, and people moan.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the port to Switch was a flat-out effort as it was. If Nintendo are going to spend more time and money creating extra content that isn't integral to the original product, then why shouldn't you be paying?
This sense of entitlement is bewildering. It's the same kind of person who complains because they can't find a torrent of a movie...
Not feeling the clothes and whatever (costumes are a rip-off and I don't want any gameplay enhancements), but I'll be in for that "original story."
Agree, most are not worth it. Every once in a while, a company comes through for gamers though. The Witcher 3 expansion pass was more than worth it, the people at Turn10 and Playground Games who make Forza Motorsport and Horizon also provide great expansion passes. It all depends on the developer, really. Nintendo doesn't have anything in its past for me to believe this expansion for Zelda is going to be bad, but people have complained about silly stuff from the beginning with this game. The blow up over Link not being female (duh, he's been a male for 3 decades) was even more stupid. I just chalk it up to us living in new, idiotic times.
@Emperor-Palpsy I think the big issue is they need to choose a model and stick with it. You either have a $60 AAA title or you have a $20 title with DLC.... not both. It's a way of hiding the fact they are charging $80 for a game, which is very high.
On top of that, it is a sliding slope. They test the waters like this and before you know it they will start withholding vital components of the game behind a paywall.
I dislike the DLC model even when it is more reasonably priced and The Legend of Zelda has been one of the last bastions of gaming for me. Now it is gone.
@Fist_of_Belial He dedicated the time, energy and effort because he wanted to create what he loved. Love of games led him to where he is now. If he'd never been exposed to games, maybe he would be watching daytime TV all day instead (doubt it, he'd have found something else to be passionate about, but ykwim).
I'm his mother, and a gamer. I don't play games 24/7 either. His dad's a gamer, neither does he. Our daughter, at 7, is a gamer (and a reader, an actress, a singer, a dancer and a wanna-be astro physicist).
The stereotype of a gamer as someone who does nothing but game is, and always has been, wrong. I've known a lot of gamers over the years, from the 80s onwards, and I have never met anyone like that. I don't doubt they exist, but not in the numbers you are assuming with your comments. Even Miyamoto-san loves his garden. Don't buy into, or peddle, that stereotype.
@Alshain01 But no one is being forced to spend that extra money, and the DLC isn't fixing the game. It's the equivalent of purchasing a new car, and complaining that a particular trim or climate pack isn't included.
wow was not excepting that!
it will keep the game fresh though. with new content later in the year it will remind the people that haven't bought it by then to do so. and give us another reason to play it again (as if we needed one)
The Holiday update looks great and could be worth it, especially if it done right like Witcher 3. Everything before the Holiday update is either stupid BS or stuff that should have been in the base game. I'll wait until the Holiday update to see if I will purchase. I'm not paying for a dungeon with minimal story that takes a couple hours. On the other hand, if it is like the 20 hour+ Witcher 3 expansion Blood & Wine, then I'm all in.
But yes, I fully expected this. Not sure why so many are surprised. Still a trend I do not like.
The reaction to this has been a hurricane of rabid weasels, destructive and downright confusing in some senses.
1. We don't know if they've even started on the DLC outside of the chests. I'm pretty sure you could make what's offered in pack 1 within 3 months.
2. This is no way confirms BotW doesn't have another Cave of Trials or Hard Mode. Twilight Princess HD had "DLC" that gave you a "new Hard Mode" (Ganondorf) and "new Cave of Trials" (Wolf Link).
3. You aren't paying $500 for a Zelda game. You're paying $500 for new console, controller, and Special Edition of a game.
4. Breath of the Wild will still probably be a good game despite these expansions.
@AirElephant If you're afraid of flak then maybe you don't truly believe in what you want to say. If it makes sense, there's no arguing against it, right?
Anyway, I do believe that what you're saying makes little sense. It appears to me that you are experiencing what I'd like to call "The Pachter Factor", where you make judgements based on close minded analysis.
When thinking about the sales potential of the Switch, you haven't taken gamers like me into consideration. You see, I am a die hard fan. I grew up on Nintendo and I live and breath nintendo, but I'm no fool. I skipped out on the Wiiu the first three years of its life span because I didn't like its design, and I didn't like its software issues. I had to make due with a 3DS for a while. Now, I stand as a die hard Nintendo fan who skipped out on the Wiiu, but will be getting the Switch on day one, while looking forward to decent third-party support. And I'm not getting it because of some nostalgia crap. I like how Nintendo is breaking the company's gaming conventions with Zelda and Splatoon for Example. In fact, it is my observation that efforts like those are how the company has begun to expand its audience already.
And Nintendo will be breaking even more conventions by aggressively pursuing third-party progress and online content with the Switch. Something I'm also looking forward to. All in all, I wouldn't be surprised if the Switch became a homerun for the company, because the signs are there. Anyone would see them if he/she properly paid attention.
One last thing. Answer me this. What good reason would a properly core console that also happens to be casual friendly and manages to effectively introduce a useful new concept have for not expanding the audience for a company?
@CroRock You're joking, right? 🤔
@Rman12 Thanks for informing me that you're skipping the Switch; I don't know what I would have done had I not known that. I was afraid that this console would be succesful, and that's not what Nintendo needs. The more people that aren't buying, the better. 🙄 On a serious note, there's nothing wrong with skipping a console. It's just that I would imagine that such a decision would be legitimately made after a trial period, you know, maybe after at least seeing it in person. No offense, but I'm taking any claims of justifiably skipping this thing before it hits the market to be full of 💩. Unless you won't have the cash.
@ZurapiiYohane64 "Thank you for not complaining. When you have a situation like this where the DLC is just added content and not something meant to complete the game, you either take it or leave it but you don't complain. Unless I've got the cash handy, I personally plan to wait until the fall, when the most useful content will be released. 😉
eye roll Of course. When Nintendo said they were going to charge for online I should have known this would happen. Though, to be fair, not every game with a season pass has solely money-grabbing DLC. Both Witcher 3 and Mario Kart 8 had great DLC add-ons. That said, pack 3 sounds very promising for BotW...unfortunately the first two packs sound like blatant cash grabs and stuff that should be added for free.
@CircuitWrangler3 your welcome on knowing about my decision to skip the switch but hey that is why I don't mind paying an extra 20 on DLC for more Zelda since its going to be my last Wii - U new release mine as well go out with a bang. Anyway I disagree about Trial periods when I have stated many other articles that nothing about the Switch appeals to me. Quite honestly i was eagerly anxious when it was code named NX but the more rumors that were leaked it started to die every day. I still gave it the benefit of the doubt and did not like the reveal trailer and couldn't even watch it all the way through. My negatives outweigh the positives. Switch you can't change the battery yourself when it dies you have to ship it to Nintendo well I recently had an issue with my battery for Wii- u and it took just a few minutes using a cross head screwdriver to take out the screws instead of shipping the whole console to Nintendo. Not backward compatible. $299.99 dollars with no pack in game and the peripherals like extra controllers are too expensive. Also don't care about portability as I only play from time to time at home and that is only typically 2 -6 hours a week on average. Lastly the side by videos to be quite honest look almost the same to me when they showed splatoon 2 and mk8 deluxe. Buying a switch doesn't seem like much of an upgrade in my honest opinion although I'm not big on graphics but at least if I upgrade I want more noticeable improvements it looks and runs only slightly better than Wii -U. Why not just keep what I have and save money. Why do I need a trial period again when nothing about Switch grabs my attention and to be honest this along with the virtual boy are the only two nintendo systems in 30 years I have had zero interest in.
Meh, I'll buy because well it's more content for a game that I am going to enjoy. But I guess I'm the problem, right? I'm basically telling Nintendo that hard mode needs to be paid for. That we need to pay for content in pieces and not in one package. I have some disposable income so I will spend it on that. I'm too old at this point in my life to kinda care what the industry does. It's justifiable in my opinion. I just need something to play so that I can forget the harsher realities in my life.
I don't mind DLC if it adds new content to the game, but what i am not happy about is being told to pay more money if i wish to play on a harder difficulty setting.
Everyone seems so pissed about this. But that Nintendo witholds a completed game for a whole year just to fill up their abysmal new console launch line-up: Sure, why not!
Rolls eyes...
...I expect this and other eventual Nintendo releases to have DLC content. They've been gearing towards this since MK8, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Hyrule Warriors became things.
If you didn't see it coming, you haven't been paying attention.
Dlc is fine When it wasn't hindering the development... day one though, they're pushing it. I'm disgusted with Nintendo and I'm unsure of getting botw at this point. I don't encourage that trend that abuses the customers.
Sure, some studios will have put genuine extra effort in it and ask for dlc very early on, but are we supposed to trust that there's no fooling around? Come on, it's a company we're talking about, not some artist that we are putting faith on their good will.
@Madden87 Why should they have to wait for a game to be out to consider DLC? If they do, the DLC will be out too late and not many would buy it.
Making DLC takes a lot of time, which is why the only one ready on launch is the chest. If companies can't start work on DLC before release, then most DLC will just stop, and we won't see that content in the main release.
@Fist_of_Belial Wow, you are sitting at a screen teling everyone about the evils 9f sitting at a screen. If I rolled my eyes any harder, they would fall out.
I bet you think science fiction and fantasy can't be real literature and rock music and modern music aren't real music, not like the classics you grew up with and are therefore the best things ever.
No DLC for me until I finish the base game. After that, I will determine if the $20 is worth it or not.
I'm not gonna buy this anymore. Shame on Nintendo for resorting to the nickel and diming tactics that other companies use.
My impression is that most of this content was originally intended to be part of the game, but was not finished on time to meet the March release date. If that is true, then that part is fine with me. However, after all of the delays and radio silence BotW had, Nintendo should really just give away a code which unlocks all of this content for free to everyone who buys BotW new, at retail and the eShop, throughout the duration of 2017.
Nintendo is in desperate need of good publicity right now, and taking this type of action can only help repair their flailing public relations. It would also encourage sales of BotW throughout the year, and especially during Holiday 2017 when the final content update arrives. I bet that would do them a lot more good than forcing everyone to pay for this, after all those broken release dates and dismantling Wii U controls support. I'm still going to buy BotW for Wii U, but there's no way I'm paying for this DLC.
@Emperor-Palpsy But we have seen it start this way and grow increasingly worse. Right now it's an addon, next its required but you are missing key things needed to really enjoy the game, and then it become purposefully withheld features so they can include them as DLC later. It's a slippery slope.
The fact they are announcing this before the game is even out suggests it's already purposefully withheld features. Something they already planned for the game but left it out for the sole purpose of charging extra. That usually results in a terrible base game and it is very concerning.
In order to access the new dungeon in Link's Awakening, you had to re buy the entire game along with a Game Boy Color.
In order to fight the true Final Boss in Oracle of Ages, you had to buy an entirely new game.
In order to access an entire sidequest in Wind Waker, you needed to buy a GBA and a Link Cable.
In order to access everything in Four Swords/FS Adventures, you needed 4 GBAs and 4 cables.
All of these examples were "locked behind a paywall," if you think about it. Difference is, BotW is a complete game from the start, unlike these examples. The DLC is extra side content being developed and is available for essentially "pre-order." The Zelda series has not been above requiring extra payments to experience absolutely all the content in a game for quite a while now.
For an extra €10 the never before seen Zelda nude hotspring pack!
Was anyone saying this game seemed like it was "short" or "incomplete" before this announcement? I never got that sense whenever outlets would cover it. Everyone saying this looked like Witcher 3 and Skyrim are probably the same people who purchased DLC for those games (I own both of them, btw) and complained when this was announced. The game already has substantial content and more will be great. Personally, I'm glad this game is getting post-launch content. I have zero problems with DLC from most companies, and I still like this idea.
I'll probably wait until Winter, but if the DLC is good like the ones in GTA IV and other open world games, I'll be happy to play it.
@nhSnork Struck a solid score with that succulent speech!
@IronMan28 To answer your question, no. This game was highly praised, most anticipated, winner of E3 2016 and had one, if not the best, of the best video game trailers ever made yet, Nintendo announces DLC for the game and everyone starts complaining about how they're being forced to pay for "unfinished content". I personally don't get it.
@Alshain01 If you don't want it please don't buy it. Your game won't cost $80.00 if you don't buy it.
@00Wyvern Um...EXACTLY. This game still looks great, and the DLC doesn't seem like it's content that was taken away. Perhaps I'm one of the few that kind of wanted DLC for Zelda (I really did) so that's why I'm okay with it? Either way, BoTW still looks great and I'll probably end up getting the DLC. I feel sorry for everyone else who can't seem to be positive about more Zelda without having to wait for a year or two to play new content and not have to purchase a new game.
They really should have just released the new hard mode as free DLC. Then lumped the Caves of Trials with Pack 2 and announced it in the fall. No one would be complaining.
@BetaBugs64 There's one very significant difference between all of those, and this BotW DLC: All of the extra content in those previous Zelda games encountered technical boundaries which could not be overcome through purely digital means during their time.
They all required physical additions to access extra data. We accepted that at the time, because it was literally impossible to get around that technological limitation otherwise, based on the available technology of the time period. In hindsight, it still appears acceptable, due to realizing how much we take our modern technological capabilities for granted.
That time has passed. We are no longer constrained by such boundaries. The only boundaries here are time and energy, so the Awakening DX/Oracles explanation no longer applies. The hardware itself does not have any of the past limitations which necessitated the greater cost.
Nintendo could easily offer this DLC as a "thank you for waiting" gift to those who buy BotW new during 2017. I believe it would do them well to provide such an offer, and I hope they'll reconsider it.
@IronMan28 Except what you pay for with the Witcher 3 Expansion Passes are entire extra expansion packs, in the traditional PC sense. Everything that would normally be considered DLC as part of "DLC passes/packs" are completely free with purchase, it comes with the cost of the base game or expansions, where applicable... Everything. And now it's all considered part and parcel of the definitive "Game of the Year" edition, at no extra cost for any of it beyond the base game price, including when it's on sale. Finally, if you buy it on GOG, you can download everything in any combination desired, all at the user's control, with each part being infinitely copyable and installed across any and all machines.
So no, this isn't even remotely comparable to how CD Projekt RED handled DLC and expansions with Witcher 3. Not even close. Oh, and Nintendo doesn't refund store credit equal to VAT taxes like GOG does, either.
Anyone else feel like we should be getting this as part of the package if we decide to buy online subscription? Either pay for it separate or get it as part of the online service. I think at the very least we should get discount if we're online subscribers. I know this launches way before paid online comes in, so perhaps in future they should knock a few quid off for people who are already paying for something else.
@Fist_of_Belial You wouldn't happen to have been communicating with any surviving Druidic Lorekeepers, Shamanic Sages, Falun Gong Acolytes, or Buddhist Monks lately, have you? Your degree of materialism is sorely lacking... I believe you need an overdue dose of Soma, fleshbag... I mean, fellow human friend.
A new level of "FU fans" from Nintendo.
Paid DLC before the game even releases.
Shame on you Nintendo, and shame on anyone who blindly just pony's up for content that should be included with the disc.
I'm now waiting for the GOTY edition of BOTW, they don't deserve $48 (BB GCU) from me after this announcement.
@linforcer Best comment I've seen so far.
I'll still get BOTW... but not until its $20 with DLC included. Absolute BS what Nintendo is doing these days with Switch.
Add another $10 for English subtitle + Japanese voices.
It's optional so I don't care too much, and particularly I feel like this Zelda game was a significant dev effort by Nintendo, and as such I feel the DLC (and the previous master and limited editions) are justified per asking price.
Per the DLC itself, seems like a fair amount of content for the price. Hoping the new Hard mode is more finely detailed then just an even stat boost on enemies. The new story sounds interesting, though how expansive that may be, remains to be seen. Kind of surprised they want to release the DLC so early, the game looks big enough that it will keep players busy for awhile (if they take it at a moderate pace), so it almost seems like if they had waited to implement the DLC, say, a year after the game came out, it'd make things more 'fresh', whereas now I could see a lot of people just buying the Switch come summer or otherwise, not finished the standard main story, before the DLC is already out in the wild.
I've always thought it was odd that such a massive Zelda game was only coming with 5 (or is it 4?) main dungeons. Well I guess we know why now eh?
It feels like Nintendo have milked Mario's udders completely dry, & have now turned their attention to Zelda!
But you can always choose not to buy it, so what's the problem?
@00Wyvern Just continue ignoring everything I said and make dumb comments please.
Then don't pay for it, problem solved.
Eh, the only people that'll complain about this are either really cheap or really poor. So before you start typing your hate-post, think about which category you fall into.
I wonder if the DLC is cross-buy. Say if you buy BoTW for Wii U with the DLC and then get a Switch with another copy of BoTW, would the season pass carry over to the Switch or do you have to double dip?
Nintendo is dead.
Gaming is dead.
A Switch shirt! Wow, yeah! That definately fits to the Zelda universe! It's unbelievable, how did they come up with this awesome idea? I hope they let us pay some bucks for a pink Master Sword as well! And Mercedes DLC! BotW would be much better if you could drive around in a Benz.
@Technosphile Well, that escalated quickly.
I could see a Master Quest dlc thing happening. If the hard mode is nothing more than a "New Game +" mode like in such games as the Arkham series (among others), then it should be on the same cart/disc with the base game.
The impressive Mario Kart 8 DLC convinced me Nintendo can make it relevant while not needed to experience a full game. Here the price seems a bit high for what we'd be getting, but later reveals may change my tune.
In some alternate timeline's future, we learn in an interview that BOTW was going to have an extra dungeon along with some other content, then all the fans complain why it wasn't at least included as DLC.
@Seacliff Yeah in the past unfinished LoZ dungeons are used in future games. Instead of having a cut dungeon from Wind Waker being used in a future game like WW's TP or SS, in this case it's being developed as part of DLC.
Everyone knew it would happen to the Zelda franchise someday. Now that the cat is out of the bag, wouldn't surprise me if Mario odysee also gets dlc.
We just have to wait and see. People forget that we still get a gigantic game. And if we want even more, we can get the dlc. Yes, the price is super high. And those cloths and higher difficulty should just have been free. But that dungeon, story content and extra challenges could be something.
I personally loved the Mariokart 8 dlc, and there the price was right. I'll just wait and see.
On a sidenote: There may be a deluxe edition on Switch someday, with all the dlc. Wouldn't surprise me. But yeah, who's gonna wait for that? I personally go straight for the Wii u version of the game.
Jesus all some you do is complain. If you don't like it just ignore it and move on with your life. It's not that hard
More Zelda: BOTW = Better
While I can't disagree with that... I still hate the fact that DLC has infected The Legend of Zelda franchise, I think those feelings are fair. A new 3d Zelda has been my most anticipated game ever since the first demo concept on Wii U, and now it isn't the single experience I hoped it would be. Optional? Na-ah, a difficulty mode should not be locked behind a paywall. Neither do I like playing the game without any form of companion, for which I have to buy the wolf link Amiibo. Breath of the Wild has to be Nintendo's most abused game ever! Ugh! </3
I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't get this. I've bought a ton of DLC from Nintendo and I've enjoyed a lot of it. Besides, complaining about it would make me look like a hypocrite since I do buy DLC, I want to support the creators and I like what's being offered mostly.
Let's just see what's in store before we assume things.
As long as it's truly worth the money and doesn't unfairly gimp the default experience in any obvious way then I'm okay with this.
@Fist_of_Belial "here in the western United States, the great majority of gamers appear to be miserable people stuck in dead end jobs, barely scraping by and medicating their misery with escape into the virtual."
I think you have, perhaps inadvertently, hit one nail on the head here. People who game 24/7 to the exclusion of all else are escaping. What they are escaping will vary from person to person, but will often be a combination of any or all of the following: bad parenting, bad education, lack of job, lack of prospects, lack of hope.
And just as my son would have found something else to be passionate about, the people you are talking about would find something else to self-medicate with. Gaming does not, in and of itself, cause the problems you are describing, any more than heavy metal music causes people to become Satanists.
In short, the causes of your "idiocracy" are many and varied. Gaming is not, in reality, on that list of causes. But it is on the list of escape from those causes. Those "dregs" that you mention are still people, and (if your assumptions about them are accurate) they are people dealing with a lot more than an addiction to gaming.
Also, this is a gaming site. Ergo, we talk about games here. I go to a knitting site to talk about knitting, and I go to a gardening site to talk about gardening and I go to a book site to talk about books. Just because people are talking about gaming here does not mean they are "addicts" or "dregs". It just means that gaming is one of their hobbies. So telling people here, on a gaming site, to "go for a walk in the woods instead" is not going to go down that well. If you want to talk about going for a walk in the woods, why not have a look at the American Hiking Society's webpages instead?
"Hey guys, we're going to charge you 20 dollars for stuff that is normally in a Zelda game anyway and we're gonna be super vague about other information and not even wait until the game is out to announce this! Pay up suckers!"
T-thanks Nintendo.
@ThomasBW84 Great read. You put it into words what I was juggling (poorly) to explain my feelings towards this matter.
Thank you very much.
Look at this you people cry Nintendo needs to get with the times.you guys cry Nintendo needs to do this and that.better services aren't free to run.at least they aren't charging 30 for a season pass like the other 2 company's.as far as pay to play online the other 2 company's are 60 year while Nintendo is 30 a year.you complain Nintendo needs to be like them now they are.now your whinnying because Nintendo listened.Grow up kids
In the DLC you play as Linkle confirmed.
@SpentAllMyTokens It would certainly explain why it would take so long for them to release the first pack if it was a Master Quest variant. That would require reworking dungeons and puzzles (effectively making a new game, but faster since all of the resources are complete at that point).
A simple difficulty change like "take more damage" and "no heart spawns" would take nowhere that long to implement (especially from experienced programmers).
I had Smash Bros. 3DS and bought some DLC for that which was also good. I don't think this stuff seems greedy from Nintendo, it's just following modern industry trends. Don't know if this pass will be available for Wii U but it'd be very sh*tty if it's not.
I sure as hell hope not, that would scream of pandering to crying idiots who can't accept a character that has been established for over 3 decades as being male, remaining male. Now, if Zelda is the playable character, that would be awesome. It is her story afterall.
So do those who purchase the DLC for WiiU get the Switch outfit? Harsh.
@Sakura Ha ha good point. Wii U owners get a Switch shirt.
@Priceless_Spork Even though that's a silly exaggeration, it is interesting that a major DLC is coming on the cartridge-based game that might be pushing the limits of the built-in memory by the end of the year with all the patches and eShop purchases.
DLC can be dicey, but the assumptions some people make about it (even since way back) are frustrating to watch repeated over and over.
People buy large and small games having no clue how long they have taken to make, how long they actually will play them or even how much they will like them, but they only paid once (often way too much). Mention DLC and all of the sudden they know exactly what was developed when and that there is no way it could have cost more, so a company is greedy for offering it.
It ignores the inflating expectations, risk, and cost of games along with the demand for deep discounts on games reinforced by constant sales in digital distribution over the last 10 years. (Sometimes it seems like many look at the very small percentage of games with huge profits and ignore stories about huge-selling games that weren't enough to keep a development studio from going bankrupt.) Publishers need to somehow mitigate that risk and, in my opinion, DLC is one of the most consumer friendly ways it can be handled.
@PlywoodStick Okay? That was a small part of my post and an error. OMG, I MADE A MISTAKE! You didn't address Skyrim. Nice effort, though.
I think people on here are forgetting one key piece of information. We are getting a complete game that's already gone gold...
Sure, they could've timed this announcement better, but as it stands there is no "cut content", as they started developing the extra content AFTER it went gold.
I know it's a popular thing to cry foul whenever Nintendo tries something new, but chilling out and seeing how things turn out has never killed anyone when it comes to game expansions...
It's not that I'm against it entirely but I'd rather they have told us about it after the game's release, it would probably taste less bitter.
If hard mode is the only "hero mode" in the game then it's really dumb to lock it behind DLC.
They should do it like in Twilight Princess HD that the hard mode is in the game, but an extra hard mode was locked in amiibo "dlc".
@IronMan28 I don't think you made a mistake per se, just that people often forget that CD Projekt RED operates quite differently from most companies. And I think we all remember $20 horse armor from Oblivion. Zenimax is usually pretty bad with DLC packs, until they have Bethesda release a GOTY edition and all is forgiven.. Until the next game comes out, and the cycle repeats... I gave the example of Morrowind in the first article on the topic as an example that Zenimax didn't used to be that way.
Overall, the point is that Nintendo's conduct here is middle of the pack. They're not giving a good offer, all things considered, but they're far from the worst cases in the industry. Not nearly worth the comments some have made on choosing not to buy BotW completely out of protest, or even saying they'll abandon Nintendo.
I CAN'T believe it. Why are you doing this Nintendo? Just because of the money? Come clean next time from the start at least. And I can't believe a lot of people are just ok with practices like this.
It's because of those consumers that disgusting ideas like DLCs and Season passes which even end up cutting story end up being a thing and keep living in the long while.
Disappointing, to say the least.
@PlywoodStick I'll grant you that CD Projekt Red is quite good. Frankly, I didn't believe people that all of the DLC was free and I just got the GOTY edition (still have yet to play it, school and family life don't permit me a lot of game time) so good on them for that. Regardless, Nintendo's offerings are pretty good for the most part. Of course, their bad offerings escape me at the moment.
I was happy cause new Zelda was about to be in my hands. But Nintendo doing bad moves push me out.
The Witcher III Wild hunt gave me so much more for free while Nintendo charges for less stuff. And also i can not buy what i want, i must pay for complete expansion pass.
Extra hard mode was for free on The Witcher III Wild Hunt, same as new clothe for every main character, but Nintendo ask for money. Contracts also was for free but Nintendo charge you for additional challenges...
I'm just waiting for the best, but it's very hard to hold the good feelings. I have a bad feeling about this.
@Gamer83 I suppose Link could feasibly be resurrected in any form, but I wouldn't want it to be a choice. That would rule out link and zelda having a relationship in the plot.
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