It goes without saying at this point but The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is not a new game by any stretch of the word. The original release came out back in 2011, and the game only recently re-entered headlines when Skyrim: Special Edition saw a release this past fall. When it was announced that Skyrim would be coming to Switch, many assumed that the game would be the special edition, but now it seems that this may not actually be the case.
Polygon recently talked with Howard about the place of RPGs in the broader game industry and he discussed both past and future projects. One of the things mentioned in the interview was the upcoming Switch port of Skyrim, and Howard said that he "can't say" whether it would be the original, six year old game or the newer special edition. It'll be interesting to see what develops on this front, as it would be quite the PR nightmare if the game turned out to be a port of the much older version.
What do you think? Will the special edition come to Switch? What do you think the problem is? Drop us a comment in the section below.
Comments 140
It's probably a toned down Special Edition, made to work on the go.
But I guess saying "SE" brings some expectations, when it's not that different from saying "it's the GOTY + some graphical arrangements for the Switch"
I just hope it gets rid of the weird extra yellow sunrises and sunsets. Besides those, both versions of the game look great.
Going to assume this will be just a port of the original on the grounds that he "can't say".
@neufel That would be a mouthful of a subtitle!
I'm happy with a GOTY version. I just hope they don't release paid DLC separately.
Gimped ports ahoy!... Hello Wii U 2!
I recently started this on my 360 and was a little underwhelmed.
It probably gets better but it's not on the top of my backlog.
I hope they give the visuals an upgrade from this version as it can look drab in places.
And why can't he say what version it is?
It either is or it isn't.
Having never played Skyrim, will my enjoyment of the game be much less if it turns out to be the original version? For me the gameplay is more important, so as long as they enhance the graphics to the point where the games performance still is optimal I'll probably be satisfied.
In other words, "no".
I would imagine they will have a problem fitting the game into a switch game card. Rumor has it the capacity of those cards is 32gb and skyrim was around 50 without the dlc.
My guess is he can't say because it's neither the SE or the original. It's somewhere in between and he is just being careful not to commit to either. And this means they are probably still optimising and finding the best version possible to put in the Switch so at the moment he can't say. Hopefully in the coming weeks and months as they get familiar with the Switch they will come out and say it's a custom version of the remastered.
I never played Skyrim, and I am holding out on a Xbox One SE version because i like to take it on the go. For me it doesn't matter which version it is because i never played the original anyway. And what @icebear80 says, gameplay is more important. (I'm guessing they are making a slightly less remastered version for switch so it runs smoothly portable.)
@Ps4all In Europe it's 25 GB on Xbone, and more than 30GB on PS4, if I remember correctly.
Far less on PC, so it's probably caused by audio files in all those funny european languages, just like the infamous Uncharted 2 PSN version back in the day.
Lol of course it isn't. It's all been good news about the Switch lately, isn't it guys? Lol
Or it's a version somewhere between the two that has a Joycon control system option- which would explain the secrecy and long development time.
I really don't care. Special Edition wasn't that different from the original. As long as Skyrim on Switch runs smoother than Skyrim on PS3, I'm fine with it. I think it's really exciting to be able to play this game on the go.
Yeah my reasoning too. He could have the rocks to say so, the Switch has been revealed, most portions of the NDAs should be concluded.
So no then. If the Switch just gets toned down versions of the big 3rd party games, then I can't see those games selling that well.
Not buying
@neufel Thanks for the chuckle!
@NickOfTime90 @icebear80 as a player of the original 360, PC release and X1 special edition the gameplay is the same. The SE has improved graphics (mainly lighting), the 3 DLC add-ons, and Mod support (ps4 mods are hamstrung by Sony).
Long story short, if you haven't played Skyrim before you won't mind it nor being SE, if you had then if its not SE then you vest really want to play it portable
"Can't say" = no. So obvious... Why even bother. It won't hurt sales to say yes or no, but it will hurt sales to say what he did. People lose trust if you're lying by omission just to try to fool people...
From the bits I saw from the reveal trailer it looks to be closer to the SE edition than the original based on some of the textures. Though it's unlikely it will perform and look the same as SE. It would be a little weird to label it "Special Edition" if it's a tweaked version that looks different from the other consoles, so maybe it might be just called "Switch Edition". Or maybe it has Nintendo exclusive content with Mario references similar to how other third parties have treated their ports on Nintendo consoles which would make it weird to call SE if it's got different content than the other versions.
I dunno.
A GOTY version is key, special edition not so much. Mod support would be nice, so it can be patched properly
It'll be pretty bad if it's the 6 year old version that we're getting. Some were saying it's bad enough we're getting old ports, but if it's not the Remaster then God help us going forward. This along with what we seen in FIFA would send out a very bad message to the wider market. Perception counts for a lot and the Switch isn't even out yet.
Well of course it's not going to be the special edition. It's probably going to be a port of the original game with few added features here and there. This shouldn't necessarily be surprising. I don't want to vilify the Switch's power capabilities, but the special edition which is found on PC, PS4, or XBOX 1 is simply out of the question, since the Switch isn't powerful enough to do so.
Games like this aren't my cup of tea so I wouldn't be buying it either way but I do find it annoying when they give cryptic clues and wont just give a straight answer.
as others have said.... the fact that he "Cant say" suggests to me it wont be the special edition otherwise why not just big it up and say that its the special edition version
Either it is or it isn't.... stop beating around the bush
There has already been comparison images last month which made it clear it's not the old version. It's a slight downgrade from the PC Special Edition on Max settings you would expect but it's clearly an upgrade on the original .A needless article that will no doubt create negative comments over nothing. In fact it already has.All over 2 words "Can't say".
Switch version
Original PC version
PC Special Edition on max settings.
Special Edition or not, makes no difference to me. I never had a PS360 (not a big fan of them) or a gaming PC, but I do plan on getting a Switch and when I do, I'll be picking this up to go right along with BoTW.
Alternate theory maybe they can't say because its a unique version of it. Not quite as enhanced as the SE but not your standard version from all those years ago. Maybe Joy-Con support
@KoopaTheGamer Yeah, SE was more pointless than PS4 Pro.
@OorWullie Switch version looks better to me.
If it was a straight up port of a 2011 game... Yikes. Judging just by the screenshots a few comments above, that doesn't seem to be the case, thankfully. It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo is making Todd Howard remain secretive on what exactly the game is because Nintendo.
I'm just happy we're seeing this game on a Nintendo console! I'll take whatever version they give us 😀
@MadAdam81 If I didn't know before which was which and was shown those 3 screens I would have picked the Switch one too as being the PC SE.Apparently the Switch's vegetation density is visibly toned down.Regardless,it's a huge improvement over the original.
@OorWullie as I tought. Like FIFA, that it is neither an old version nor the ultimate newest, it is a special version made for Switch. i think they go the same way with Skyrim. No complains from my side. I bought the game on Steam and never played more than half hour because I had no time (and no possibility to take the game with me...)
Unless Bethesda has been heavily misleading us with those clips, we know it's not the base version. What the hell is your problem, people. This only proves half of you don't even know what you're talking about half of the time.
Another take of the subject: since the game doesn't come out until this fall and taking into consideration it's one of the bigger third-party titles on the system (and a Western one at that), both Nintendo and Bethesda will surely prefer to wait until E3, won't they?
With that said, if the final game doesn't include the same content from the remaster (besides mod support, I guess), they can shove it.
@OorWullie Thanks for the screenshots, mate.
They probably can't say because they'll be calling it something else, but haven't settled on the name yet... "Switch Edition" would be the boring option, so I'm hoping they follow Arkham City's example and give it a more interesting name.
The fact they've never spoken about which version it is has always been a worry. Expect the worst, hope for the best...
He can't say because they'll give it some other subtitle to denote the Switch version. It won't be the original or the SE.
Dovahkiin Edition? There could be an option to enable the joycon to act as your weapons. Left hand could be your shield or secondary weapon. Right hand could be main weapon. If you strike your character strikes. If you block your character will block.
This would be a neat little feature for casting spells, pulling back a bow or swinging a battle axe!
I would it to be similar to the control of Arms but a tad more involved. If this happens there should just be a mode toggle button in the options for moments players want to use it or when they cant like when they are on a plane for example.
I plan on purchasing Skyrim for The Switch since I can take the game with me.I am not really concerned with what version we will get I just hope we at least get a game of the year edition. If not then I will have to rebuy some dlc.
@chardir that's what I also think
Never played skyrim so whatever
Is anyone here really expecting PS4 performance from a tablet?
It'll be a 360/PS3 version with better frame rates & resolution, you also have to remember the Tegra X1 in the Switch is heavily underclocked in console mode never mind portable. People using pictures to say otherwise is pointless untill you actually see it running on the Switch itself, as these publishers have no worries showing the PC version of the game and calling it something else like they did the whole of last generation. Hell even Nintendo themselves are showing PS4 footage in some of there trailers, don't be green.
I'll let conspirologists seek black cats in dark rooms to their hearts' content, but if the game isn't a certain edition, I don't imagine too many obstacles in the way of saying so. Especially with Skyrim whose SE seems to be about polished visuals (gotta make use of PS4's abundant "shade units" or whatchamacallit) and a "season pass" of sorts for the mods. It's still a big open world game which makes all the sense in the world in portable format for anyone who hopes to explore, complete and sufficiently experience multiple open world games before they find themselves playing with their grandchildren (open world games aren't often about co-op, after all). For all we know, Howard may not be entitled to discuss the topic at all for now, and NDAs are usually imposed to withhold some content rather than lack of it.
And I've often pointed out that "x year old game" factor is rather compromised this generation since the dominant console has zero backwards compatibility with the titles of 5-10 years ago. Remasters aren't abundant and people complain about them anyway, PS Now doesn't seem to be sticking, Vita ports are thwarted by Vita sales, and not everyone catching up with last-gen games has a Microsoft console. Switch could make quite a neat market out of these "x year old games".
Skyrim remains a must buy Switch title for me and I'll forfeit even my fancy for release order archive binging because Morrowind on PC fascinated me that much (ironically, not remotely at first - I found it underwhelming, but a couple boredom-induced "second chances" later I found myself won over by all the detail they put into the lore and world-building) - and I've never finished it because I found time to play it maybe once or twice a month on PC. Actually, Bethesda could re-release Morrowind and Oblivion on Switch, too - then shut up and take my money as the saying goes.
Never took to Skyrim. Took itself a little too seriously and I can never get on with FPRPG's. I like to see my character upgrades!
I always found Fable more agreeable. Not a perfect series by any means but they some humour to them.
NDAs Nuff said
@RadioHedgeFund You know you can zoom out of 1st person camera since launch day 6 years ago right?
Yeah not reading anything into this at all.
The guy wouldn't even confirm the game was coming to switch after we all saw it in the trailer last year!
"Oh, boy…"
Why the **** is this still ambiguous? Just tell us already. Although, it's probably Nintendo that's put a stop on him saying any specifics for whatever reason.
@Menchi187 yeah but it still plays like a PC RPG (not a slight against PC RPGs) with the camera locked to the back of your character.
@Menchi187 and I'm pretty sure the option has been around since Morrowind.
@GrailUK no, but many are expecting a performance comparatively closer to PS4 than to PS3. Vita didn't even have specs for that much, and it can still run its share of 2016-2017 crossplatform releases.
Well it's clearly better looking than the original. But even if it wasn't, who cares? It's still a full Elder Scrolls game you can play anywhere you want.
Having said that, personally found Skyrim massively overrated anyway, so I won't be getting it. But for fans of the series I'm sure the Switch version will be great.
Does it even matter? I doubt that Skyrim was going to shift very many units anyway. It's a fairly old game by now that serves as a useful technical demo of the Switch's capabilities, but most of the people that wanted to play it have done so on other platforms. Those that will buy it have likely finished it before and won't mind a slightly toned-down portable version.
If this ends up being just a port of the original, then I will be a bit disappointed. It looks to me to be the remaster... but time will tell.
My girlfriend has it on Xbox One, and I've been holding out for it on Switch. (I've never played it.)
If it's just the original version then I think it'll do more harm to the general perception of the Switch than good. It being the 'old' version will just make people think the Switch is underpowered.
Not only that but the Switch gets this game many, many months after PS4/Xbone get the remastered edition... and it'll be way cheaper to get the better version on the other consoles at that point.
But but...there were screen shots already showing it isn't the original. Why all the panic lol.
In my usual grumpiness I will say that the Special Edition isn't particularly special, and that most of the major issues with the game haven't been addressed at all.
It is not particularly prettier, and not particularly better.
If anyone found themselves enjoying the new edition, they would enjoy the original almost exactly as much.
As for PR nightmares, it cannot possible get as bad as the Mass Effect Trilogy situation at the Wii U launch.
@neufel I hope you're right... SInce I pre-ordered the Switch, I feel a bit more sad with each news/article I read... We are going from disapointment to disapointment in terms of communications while the system is not even out yet.
But anyway, I will still get it, after all I'm a Nintendo Fan and it's a Nintendo system (and as it goes, it could be the last Nintendo system, making even more collector lol).
People are forgetting that it likely isn't any one version or the other. It's the first mobile capable build of the game, and most likely the first build optimized to run on ARM architecture, so they have already had to make a LOT of choices on what to include and exclude.
So when Todd "can't say" if it's the "Special Edition", it's really because it's the "Switch Edition," and he doesn't wan't people complaining about every single little detail that is different from the other console versions.
"Can't say???? Preorder cancelled!!!!! sob sob fire Reggie etc."
Well they haven't poked the hornet's nest in here for about say....a few hours? Time for another go.
Having SE on PS4 the graphical improvement really isn't that special. I got it on a flash sale as them asking full retail price was absurd.
The only reason I got it was for the mods and the faster load times. Even after they got the ps3 version to what it should have been at release the load times were terrible. To explore the world was fine but you get to a village and the in an out loading for each house would take up half your time.
Skyrim is one of my favorite games of all time, but I think it was a mistake for Nintendo to focus so much on it during the original commercial. It's a six-year-old game; I can't imagine it will be that much of a draw. And now this is just a nail in the coffin.
I hope Bethesda doesn't use the fact that it will undoubtedly sell badly to stop support altogether (this is in part what doomed Wii U's third party support early on, with all the old, inferior ports it got).
Don't be bringing logic to the comment section. It doesn't work that way!
At the time of the original reveal trailer, it wasn't even a five year old game, and it's till closer to five than six.
More to the point though, it was a game that everyone knows, but haven't seen running on a mobile device before. And it was most probably employed chiefly to demonstrate what kind off games the machine can pull of in general.
If it's a nail in the coffin for anyone's interest that the front figure of a media conglomerate employing over fifteen hundred people can't say exactly what's going on with the port of a game he likely hasn't touched in years, then these people likely weren't very interested in the first place.
I do imagine that he just wants to avoid the question altogether, though, as it might be irrelevant, seeing as the Switch port is likely a specialized build in many regards, leaving out choice components of what makes the Special Edition "special."
I mean, I don't imagine there to be any mod support.
This sounds like what he said if Skyrim was coming to Switch at all or not.
So how anyone still even think that Switch performance close to Xbox One.
SE version adds bloom and fog which aren't exactly game changing. The main improvement is the jump to 1080p which won't make much odds on the 720 screen of the Switch.
If it can't do full HD docked then will probably get a lot of bad press unfortunately despite the fact you'll have Skyrim in the palm of your hand!
@KraniX "despite the fact you'll have Skyrim in the palm of your hand!" I've a feeling that, just as different people view the handheld part as either a essential feature/convenience/rarely used extra, so too will different press rate it.
@Pod Exactly. Its a new type of gaming system. The devs should be applauded for developing a unique version of their games (like Fifa and Skyrim) and not just giving us games based on last gen tech.
By all means, Switch should be able to run the original version of Skyrim very easily, that's not even up for debate.
And with all the recent reports about how Switch is a dream and the easiest to develop for and port to, I find it impossible to believe Bethesda would take THIS LONG to get the game out if it's simply a port of the old game (what with the Skyrim footage at last fall's Switch unveil trailer, I figured it'd be a launch title, or at least a launch window game).
Perhaps the full special edition isn't doable, but I'm confident that whichever version releases will have major improvements beyond the original release.
Because it's somewhat likely to sit at around half (and maybe a little more) the power of the Xbox One / PS4, when docked, which is a whole lot "closer" in performance than the Wii U/PS3/360, which all position themselves at around 1/10 of that power.
And the non-info in this article is completely irrelevant in this regard.
You're likely right.
I imagine it to be closer to the special edition, but without mod support, which means actually calling it "Special Edition" would cause a lot of anger and frustration.
Aside from that, I have them suspected of spending time on adding optional motion controls.
@Pod Yes that would make sense. Although as for the modding part... I remember some info popping up on a retailer's listing of the game about it supporting 'PC-like mods' or something of the sort. Might be nothing, though you never know.
Yeah it'll likely just be its own Switch version. Lol, kids are so ready to tear this console down at the slightest mention of spilled milk.
"Omg, it doesnt make me a double espresso and its 900p, well good luck trying to enjoy playing games with that!"
Maybe he saving something for E3. For all we know there is special content on the Switch version catering to Nintendo that he doesn't want to yet reveal. There could be some special Zelda content hidden away within the game or something along those lines. Either way I want it and for now give them the benefit of the doubt.
I spent over 500 hours, completed all the DLC back on PS3. New version or not, I am excited to travel to Skyrim (again) anywhere after taking a break in Hyrule. Regardless of it's version or form.
I haven't played a Bethesda game yet. I been hearing that their games are kinda broken with crash issues or whatever. Zelda is a big enough game, so I'll pass on this anyways.
@NickOfTime90 I've never played the SE version, but the original is entirely awesome in its own right.
Besides the lack of games, the next biggest problem for the Switch is the 2.5 hrs of battery. The ONLY reason to buy this version is to have a portable Skyrim....a game that you can spend hundreds of hours in. But you can only play 2.5 hrs at a time....
@8itmap_k1d Not to mention the numerous mods that can even up graphical fidelity and such.
That's because it's the Super Special Edition. With more specialness than all the rest.
I hope people realize that Skyrim SE is just a PC port of the original Skyrim to Xbox One and PS4. It's not a remaster, so it doesn't matter.
All I know is that if they make it, I'll buy it. For the optimists out there, perhaps we can assume they're being quiet since there will be some bonus/Switch/Nintendo specific elements to it that they don't want to reveal yet? Otherwise, why bother being mysterious, especially when it's going to be read as the worst case scenario automatically.
Considering they didn't even confirm the game was on the Switch when it was clearly shown in the reveal trailer speaks for itself.
@icebear80 you are in for a treat!
@icebear80 as owner of both - no. The special edition adds a lot of better textures but doesn't completely change the graphics in any way.
Essentially it looks sharper and cleaner but that's it. Its big bonus is the lighting and support for mods on console.
But that's my opinion..
As for now - I'm guessing they aren't calling it "special edition" as they are probably still trying to squeeze out as much power as they can. Bethesda games always tend to be CPU limited - not GPU. So as long as they tweak it right it will still look rear.
Please understand.
All the dlc included is a must have.
Well if it's not the Special Edition then they can't expect us to buy it for $60. I'm not paying that much for a six-year old game, even if I can play it on mobile.
@icebear80 The gameplay is identical. The SE just adds extra graphical effects, and I believe, all the original DLC.
Since "can't say" isn't "no that wouldn't run on it", and considering the whole point of the SE is a ground-up better optimized engine that runs much more efficiently and thus would almost be required for the Switch port to even function, I assume "can't say" is the American version of "Please look forward to more information about this title at a future date."
I.E. pay attention to Bethesda's E3 event on Sunday night before the E3 conference (WOW that sounds weird to say on a Nintendo site...).
I'm guessing in addition to Bethesda's own reasoning for being coy about it for business purposes, that part of the reason for holding the game back until Fall is because it will tie heavily with the online structure (mods, DLC?) and thus they have to wait (for getting their royalty payments) until the paid online goes into effect in Fall. We will likely hear more at E3.
And before the pessemists kick in, remember after the October trailer and Betesda came out and clarified "we were happy to participate in the trailer with Nintendo but just because it showed Skyrim we can't confirm Skyrim is actually the game we're bringing" only to get to get Jan12 to have a recorded video from Todd saying "yep, it's Skyrim." It's pretty unlikely this is NOT the SE considering the SE would run vastly better on Switch than the original bloated code. They just have "business reasons" to not discuss it in detail.
I've never played it originally. So for me, whatever it is will be fine.
I don't think there should be any problems with the Special Edition fitting on the Switch. If this is the OG version, it will not sell well and Bethesda will use it as an excuse to not bring more games to Switch, claiming "our crappy port of a six year old game didn't sell well. There's no market for our games on Nintendo." Seen it all before.
I don't see how it would be a "PR nightmare". When websites say stuff like this, the readers whi take that sites word as the gospel will often times believe it to be so. Imo, I honestly was expecting just a port of the origunal game and not the special edition. Just my opinion. I was going by the footage I saw and the somewhat choppiness of it. I may be wrong and if I am, even better. But, I honestly was expecting the original untouched game. Won't be considered a nightmare to me.
@KoopaTheGamer 64-bit + completely redone textures and lighting as well as model improvement for trees and increased grass density along with mod support for consoles is a pretty big change for a remaster. Remember, TP HD and WW HD were also remasters and they did less.
I've never played Skyrim, so whichever version it is isn't a big deal. I'm just thrilled at the opportunity to play this gem in the first place.
All I hope is that Bethesda brings Fallout 3 and New Vegas to the Switch if Skyrim does well on the system.
Having those games fully portable on a readily accessible device would be great. Maybe they could bundle them together, even, and do some minor graphical touch-ups to sweeten the deal!
This reminds me when Bethesda stated that they "couldn't confirm" anything after Skyrim was shown off in the Nintendo Switch reveal trailer, which caused a fair amount of people to claim that Skyrim was actually not coming to the Switch.
I'm am fairly certain Skyrim on Switch will be the Special Edition. It probably won't look as good as the PS4/XBO/PC version, but it should look much better than the Xbox 360/PS3 original.
@KoopaTheGamer "As long as Skyrim on Switch runs smoother than Skyrim on PS3, I'm fine with it."
Wow those are some pretty low standards you have set there.
Of it is the legendary edition. He just can't talk about it before the official reveal. Standard PR speak. Calm down.
@Pod "(...) then these people likely weren't very interested in the first place."
Well, yes, that's my point. It's an old game that sold extremely well already, and was just released as an enhanced version last year. I don't imagine a lot of people will be that interested for those reasons, and if this version is too underpowered, then yes, that could definitely be a nail on it's coffin.
Like I said, I love the game, and portability could be a nice factor, so I do hope it does well.
Sure, I get it. We'll see soon enough just how well it does.
And it sure did work its magic in getting people excited about playing games of such a caliber on a portable Nintendo system, even if not specifically that game itself.
Im not really into Skyrim anyway
@OorWullie Thanks for the post. I must have missed out on the article. Honestly, I think the Switch screen shot looks okay.
But, the reason people are turning this into a negative based off of a few simple words is because we've been hearing too much of "can't say" or "can't announce that yet" or "this will be addressed at a later date". We're about a week away, it's time to start addressing some of this stuff. Don't rely on trickery to sell systems.
I would almost bet that this is a graphically scaled down version of the Special Edition, so no it's not the exact same as PC, XBoxOne, or PS4, but I see no reason why the game would be lacking any content. In fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if some additional Switch features aren't added like HD Rumble. In all I'm still very excited for the game to release and am okay with the current Fall release schedule.
Maybe it is neither SE or ported OG, but a special Switch Edition with touch controls and integrated social features. We still don't know everything about the console so they might be under NDA. "I cant say" is the Switch devs motto until NDA is lifted.
Its just a cheap port of the old version!
@nobboysbro Don't knock it until you try it. At the very least try Morrowind. The series is filled with lore and in-game history.
In between sounds like a good guess.
Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding that the only real difference between the original version and the special edition is that the graphics look better (unless I'm missing something and there are all sorts of extra quests or something), and that the DLC are included on disc.
If that's the case, its probably more a version midway between the original version and the special edition, I'd be shocked if the DLC wasn't included, while the graphics look great, but they likely aren't quite up to par with the PS4 and Xbone special edition versions, which was to be expected anyway. So whatever.
Eh, doesn't bug me either way. It's Skyrim in portable form, and I'm good with that. I'll be snagging it in August.
Now if Fallout 4 and Doom make the cut, that'll be day one purchases right there.
Oh boy indeed. But I am ok with a glorified 3DS; someday when there is 16k available Nintendo will give us a 4k/60fps tablet/handheld/console.
@icebear80 It will be cheaper on the 360 or the PS3 if the Switch just has the original version. Wal Mart has them for $14.99 and I recently bought the 360 version on Amazon for $9.99. These are the Legendary Editions that have all the DLC.
I am going to go ahead and say that if he can't say, it's because it will not be what consumers want to hear.
Theres no way it'll be the old version, it just won't be
I don't care what edition it is. Just the notion of portable Skyrim is enough to make me sign up.
@CrazyMetroid Most Nintendo fans are game fans and would have already played Skyrim.
Kinda like he "couldn't say" whether Skyrim was coming to Switch? And then it was confirmed? Right.
I mean, I'd buy it regardless just cause it's playable on the go, which is epic, but this comparison speaks for itself.
OG Vanilla Version
how to take a screenshot on a pc
PC Special Edition
free image upload
Switch Version
post a picture
Oh, and then there's this
image upload no compression
@NickOfTime90 I'm with you. I've never played skyrim before so it doesn't matter to me. Also I think it'll be a version between the 360 and the One like Minecraft for Wii U. The Wii U version of Minecraft wasn't fully the 360 nor the One but somewhere in between.
All this uproar over an old port of a remasterd versiob of a six year old game... i just... i just cant understand it.
The switch is clearly more powerful that a 5 yr old pc... anyone who doubts that is silly. This will be a very good looking game and i bet it has improvements on the hd version.
5 years ago you could already build a pc much more powerful than a ps4 pro
thanks for posting the pictures of skyrim. the switch version actually looks a lot better than I thought It would. that coming from a handheld is really good!
Can't wait for Skyrim on the go!
I'm thinking there might be special Nintendo content or something else for the game.
@Tyranexx You sure are lucky that a $300 console is coming out that will finally let you play a 5 year old game for $50 extra (possible price). I can understand how a PS3 on Amazon for $183 plus a copy of Skyrim Legendary Edition for $14.02 would be too expensive. Buying it with Nintendo is saving you $-152, what a deal!
@Waninoko @neufel
Get rekt skrubz.
@diwdiws Neither can I, it's like 'oh man, it's portable now! That changes everything!' No, it really changes nothing. Did playing Earthbound on your 3DS change everything? Of course it didn't. If the 3DS/Vita is anything to go by, I am betting I will see approximately ZERO people in public playing a Switch. Portable may as well be 'I can take it to the pooper with me.'
@Smash_kirby Maybe but we are already getting the Zelda skin for Skyrim on launch day.
@Crono1973 No profanity please...
@Oiib Yes but im not speaking about high end enthusiast systems that cost 3k 5 yrs ago... your average pc. My pc is 5 yrs old and the switch will kill it, no way my gtx 580 will keep up at 1080p 60fps specs
@Joeynator3000 Ok sorry.
@Crono1973: Oh believe me, I would love to get a Playstation (preferably the PS4). Unfortunately, I don't have enough free time to devote to the systems I currently DO have. I'm not intending to get a Switch day 1, but I plan for it to eventually replace the time I'm devoting to my Wii U (which I only picked up midway through 2015). There will likely be special bundles or some type of discount when I pick up a Switch (as with many other systems I've picked up).
I also tend to budget my money as well as my time, and I normally default to Nintendo systems as they house most of my favorite IPs. Generally, I don't pick up a system of any kind unless there are enough games in its library to keep me enticed. I do play a few PC games, but those are limited mostly to indie efforts at present.
Bethesda never say anything until official press release they are always the same and the visual shown show the SE edition which the switch hardware could play. you get a load of people so obsessed over the platform they own they get almost religious in defending and biging it up thinking that if its not play to their particular specification then its heresy.
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