Nintendo has released a fresh trailer for its upcoming mobile title Fire Emblem Heroes which not only shows off a little gameplay, but also introduces some of the characters that will be included in the final game.
Fire Emblem Fates characters Ryoma, Azura and Elise make the cut, while Fire Emblem: Awakening tempress Tharja is also included - something that should please long-time fans of the cheeky dark mage.
Here's the full list of characters shown off in this latest trailer:
- Ryoma (voiced by Matt Mercer, illustrated by Kita Senri) from Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
- Tharja (voiced by Stephanie Sheh, illustrated by ZIS) from Fire Emblem: Awakening
- Frederick (voiced by Kyle Hebert, illustrated by Suekane Kumiko) from Fire Emblem: Awakening
- Nino (voiced by Sarah Blandy, illustrated by Amagaitaro) from Fire Emblem
- Azura (voiced by Rena Strober, illustrated by Kaya8) from Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
- Linde (voiced by Julie Ann Taylor, illustrated by Kippu) from Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
- Jeorge (voiced by Mick Wingert, illustrated by Mayo) from Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
- Elise (voiced by Liv Strander, illustrated by HAKO) from Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
- Lilina (voiced by Julie Kliewer, illustrated by BUNBUN) from Fire Emblem: Binding Blade
Fire Emblem Heroes arrives on iOS and Android on February 2nd, 2017.
Comments 31
Where the Fire Emblem Sacred Stones love at Ninty?
I think this trailer is missing someone, but try as I might, I can't put my finger on who that might be.
Why did you leave a big open space after your sentence?
I'm a delightfully noble budding flower, of course ;-p
I think that, as a mobile, this game will be great! Great animations, voice actors, the classic FE score, AMAZING new design for old characters!
This looks good. The graphics are whatever, but this plays right into mobile gaming. I'm picking this one up.
Ryoma is voiced by Matt Mercer! Nintendo better put some rare peice of dialouge where he tells the enemy the time!
Did they really need to title games Fire Emblem Heroes and Fire Emblem Warriors and release them months apart? My brain can't make that distinction early in the morning.
FYI Dragon Quest Heroes is the name of the Hyrule Warriors type games, hence my confusion as we just got DQH for Christmas and am looking forward to DQH2. Switch is getting both.
Matthew Mercer seems to be the go-to guy for many roles in voice acting, apparently. (Warning: the site I linked to is extremely addictive.)
Kind of weird considering a few years ago he more or less spearheaded There Will Be Brawl, essentially a grim and mature take on Super Smash Bros...
Good Character list !! I'm wishing this game
Whit time, I hope they will include more, more and more Characters, step by step, maybe in the seasons event or somethings like that
@Piersen I keep trying to vote for this guy, but I can't seem to find him in the list. It's almost like he's invisible or something.
@InternetBowser I mean, the best entry would be for you to try the Awakening demo on the eshop, and then if you like the game buy it.
A mobile app isn't really the right introduction to any series.
I only know Corrin because everybody talks about him/her online. But Tharja I don't mind.
Cant wait for this!
I'm kind of happy Lilina got there.
I'm still hoping for Arvis as villain representation. Or a fire emblem four DLC pack.
@Logantxk Exactly! Where my Seth At Ninty?
Looking forward to this game! Not long now!
I am really happy they are showing some love to some older Fire Emblem characters. Mystery of the Emblem is my fave game in the series!
I like it, and I'm sure I will play it, but...
Is it me or, while the voice actors are the same, Frederick and Tharja sound a lot different than they did in Awakening?
Hopefully they will keep updating the game with more characters beyond the initial roster (you know, like every other freemium mobile game, to keep you attached to it), because I'm really missing Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn characters (the same goes for FE Warriors). At least we can see Ike on the main art.
watches just to hear Stephy's voice, lol
My birthday gift. I wonder if can get it for free...
I think Erika and Elphraim were shown in the first trailer a week ago
Those titles are the real deal though. Nothing beats being a "Polite Knight" xD
OMG! did Nino just die in the trailer? (O.O )
I am going to be playing this the day it comes out! I always need a new Fire Emblem game! Helps that it doesn't look half bad either.
Where is my Eirika?! >:C
@rjejr Yeah, I thought the same thing. I don't need to see trailers for this game because I'll just download it and find out if I like it after. The other game I want to see... but I was thinking, "Why wouldn't they have shown a longer trailer during the event if they were this close?" Then... oh that FE.
@aaronsullivan Thank you Mr. Sullivan, appreciate the comment.
I'm trying really hard to think of something funny to write b/c that sounds nothing like me, but it is me, I'm just fried.
Lol everyone showed their skills in the trialer except for Nino, who just died.
Jeorge's design looked stellar. I'm looking forward to this.
@Bobb I did indeed notice Frederick sounded different, and imo, not as good. Tharja seems pretty close to me though.
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